What’s More Important – Nice Face or Hot Body?

What’s More Important – Nice Face or Hot Body?

Sweat Time:

Equipment Needed:

Workout Type:

Body Focus:



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face vs body


I was at the gym today (uhh do I even need to say that) and was having a pretty interesting convo with some coworkers regarding faces versus bodies. It was us 2 girls and a guy. We asked the guy, what’s more important a face or body and without thinking he said “body”.

Because the answer kind of shocked me I went onto facebook and asked you guys what you thought was more important. You said face, eyes, and smile. Hm, that’s what I thought!

But I later confirmed this body answer with a few other guys. It wasn’t just him. Apparently a hot body with an okay face is “more points” than a nice face with an okay body. Hmm…but why??

I went on to do my workout as I kept thinking and thinking about what he said. Could it really be true that attractiveness can be earned? Prettiness can be created and controlled?

The answer…YES. At least in the eyes of the onlooker. Not all of us are born models. But luckily, we can control the way we look. Of course I don’t advocate unnatural methods of enhancement, but through working out and building more muscle/burning fat, you can increase and earn your attractiveness.

OK so maybe that’s obvious…the more toned and healthy you look, the hotter you are! Yes yes…big duh, but what I am trying to say is that your potential mate gives bonus points to those of us that take care of our bodies. Now I don’t know why a hot bod with an okay face is “worth more” than a pretty face with an okay bod, but it gives the greater population of us a chance to play in the same league as people who are born beautiful.

I guess it’s sort of like being born into a rich family versus being a hard working entrepreneur. In the end you can make the same money, but you got there for different reasons.

BIG SIDE NOTE: Of course other things to keep in mind that play into the whole attractiveness factor – poise, confidence, smarts, a nice smile, inviting personality, and all that jazz that you can play up to make ourselves sexier.

Yup, so I thought about all that as I was running. Here was my workout yesterday! It was a good, simple one. I suggest you try!!


Cardio: 30 min on treadmill at 9MPH, 1 min on, 1 min off


10 bicep curls with 30 lb barbell

15 overhead shoulder presses with 30 lb barbell

15 upward rows with 30 lbs barbell

Set 2, repeat 3x: ON BENCH

15 chest flyes with 15 lb dumbbells

15 chest presses with 15 lb dumbbells

15 rear deltoid flyes with 5 lb dumbbells

Set 3, repeat 3x: CABLE MACHINE

12 tricep cable pushdowns at 25 lbs

12 overhead cable tricep extensions at 25 lbs

15 lat pulldowns at 55 lbs

Set 4: ABS ABS ABS!!!

Pick 2 songs, grab a fitness ball and do crunches until you finish all 2 songs. If you get bored, do pulses or reach to opposite side.

It was a super awesome, simple, effective workout! I suggest you give it a shot!

Now tell me…what would you rather have? A hot bod or a pretty face? How about when you’re checking someone out?

53 thoughts on “What’s More Important – Nice Face or Hot Body?”

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  1. anonymous101 says:

    As much as I hate to admit it, this post did make me feel a bit better knowing I can be more in control of my attractiveness. For some reason I’m really insecure about my face even though family, friends, and people online have told me that I’m pretty. I can see it too when I look in the mirror sometimes, but usually I get insecure about it when I use my phone camera. Also I don’t get asked out anywhere or stares in public, yet again I’m oblivious. However, when it comes to my body I’m actually not insecure it at all and people have straight up told me I have a really nice body. Once some guys actually came up to me at school and told me “our friend thinks you have a nice body.” It may be because I’m only 18, I wear glasses, have braces, don’t wear makeup, and wear big jackets half of the time that I don’t really stand out in public. I don’t even want to have to pull the race card but hey, it could even be because I’m black! Truthfully I don’t think people should be mad at the idea of taking care of our bodies or working out to alter them when hardly anyone complains about the makeup and how it alters the way we view our natural face. I don’t have anything against people who wear makeup but it doesn’t seem right for society to praise makeup so heavily to cover your face while working out or getting plastic surgery is discouraged because “you should love the natural body you were born in.” But not your natural face…?

    1. anonymous101 says:

      working out for the purpose of changing your body is discouraged, not working out in general*

  2. Stefy says:

    I have a good face but i feel insecure about my body, im a shorty and my body is like a cilinder when i look at the mirror i hate the way my body looks, the clothes i wanna use doesnt look good on my so all i can use is a large hoddie, pants or dresses. I HATE IT

  3. jen says:

    What happens when you age, have children, or get sick? Do you get kicked to the curb? I’m past all that (60 yo), but I always had a pear shape and hated it. I walked 8 miles a day and no matter how small I was, I had wide hips and a tiny waist (at that time it wasn’t cool). My husband always threatened he’d leave if I gained weight, but then he did! So, short term, the body is important. But if you marry someone with that mindset, it’s very short term.

  4. Bill Smith says:

    I also prefer a hot body over a pretty face alone. It’s more of the overall package.

  5. Jean Baptiste says:

    It depends who am I for you?
    Why our society focusing on beauty instead of putting the hard work on discovering new science and evolving our thinking. What about helping homeless people?

  6. KEVIN D HAMPSON says:

    I have a symmetrical face, nice eyes, and a nice smile and I get noticed by women pretty much every time I’m in public. It’s true, a woman’s body is a bigger attractiveness factor for me than her face. Tbh, the ass is the most important thing by far. If I see a pretty girl, I’m like “Nice face. What does her ass look like?” Given the choice, I would absolutely go for an average-looking or even slightly ugly girl with a really nice ass and legs over a pretty girl with no ass. My friends and I used to have a saying: “Did she have a head?” meaning a girl’s body was so hot you didn’t even notice she had a head. And no, this doesn’t just apply to hook-ups. A girl doesn’t have to have a movie star face for me to fall in love with her (but she does need a nice body, because without that I’m not physically attracted).

    I disagree with one thing in the article, though. A hot body for a girl doesn’t mean toned and ripped. Simply put, hot female body = hour glass shape. As long as your hips are smaller than your waist and your ass is round, guys will be attracted to you, trust me.

    1. Kevin says:

      I meant waist smaller than hips! Lol

  7. Christina says:

    I’m on the end of the spectrum where I am not thin or in shape, but I have a pretty face. Even though I am overweight, I have a nice shape. I’ve got a booty and I’m busty, but I have a slimmer waist in comparison with my curves. And if I was slim, I’d be both pretty, and have a bomb body. So, God made me with extra fluff cause it wouldn’t be fair to the other women that are missing the pretty face, but have the hot body. I’m slowly slimming down. And I get talked to and stared at quite often. I get told I’m beautiful all the time. That I’m doll faced. Even being fat, I am told I am beautiful all the time. And I’ve gotten some of the fittest, finest men to have long term relationships and dates. So, I think it’s the face, along with other factors including personality. And then, body. From my personal experience.

    1. For me the face is slightly .ore important, because I’ve heard guys who have met girls with great bodies but had ugly stretch marks and ugly face and both was a turn off for them, there are a few idiots out there though that would think a body is better, to be honest, no body likes ugliness, someone can eat healthy and take proper care of themselves and look attractive all over, while on the other hand you can’t just simply change your facial features by doing ordinary squats ect, and despite some guys prefer a great body most of them won’t even date a woman who’s very ugly and in great shape, just as one replier said, “he’ll go for the attractive body even if the person is a slightly ugly” but I highly doubt as muchas he likes big asses so much even he would choose a woman with great shape and have a face similar to a monkey over a very pretty girl who isn’t really in good shape or let’s say average shape, and even if the ugly one can wear tons of expeno makeup that probably cost a fortune sometimes still looking ugly depending on how ugly the person are, so yes, some guys do prefer shape, but most will prefer face, because there’s a study that ugly face are more turning off than a unattractive body for most men, and those of you who would still prefer prefer the monkey face with great body I gotta say y’all really got butts, as much as guys say they don’t like ugly bodies noone likes gorilla faces either, and some guys tend to be unable to even have erection in the bedroom if she’s not wearing makeup, oh and not to mention the fact that some of them would still prefer the attractive body simply just because they can sex from behind, I mean what if she wants to turn around and try different poses…what will you then do? Cover her face with a frickin pillow? Some men probably do that and probably still have problems with erection, I don’t have a great body at all, I’m apple shaped with small but cheeks butt cheeks and a good looking face and I have no issues with guys in there, but I highly doubt guys would be able to even face me if my face looked like a monkey even if my body looked very good, weather it were so-called hour glass or bottom heavy with is also very attractive in my opinion and many others opinions too, I know I talk too much, but let’s cut to the chase, nobody likes ugliness, wether it be face or body,and even those who claim to prefer body would still want the girl to be either slightly average looking but not too ugly either, and some wouldn’t mind simply because they can buy makeup with just a temporary thing, you will obviously see her ugly face when she’s not wearing makeup, but always keep healthy and be in good shape and make it almost permanent, but you can’t do that with your face unless you plastic surgery which will usually end up giving bad side effects later on… Damn it! I talk too much! Sigh!

    2. Joseph Williams says:

      Iloveasianguys it seems like you are mad because you dont have a nice body stop hating on beautiful bodies face has nothin over a nice body. A face can do a little which a body is whats sexier. Nobody wants to be in bed with a fat slob what can the face do lol stop hating iloveasianguys

  8. Mike Beecher says:

    I’m a guy and definitely BODY. However, I am acutely aware that I have over 100,000 years of genetic engineering bearing down on me. As a human male, I am very specifically designed to subconsciously select for mating. A good body is going to signal to me (subconsciously and not) that this woman is capable of bearing and carrying children for me. The face does not. From the women’s perspective, I would say that women are more attracted to mens faces than bodies. Again, this has to do with the fact that women are (consciously and subconsciously) looking for good mates. They can best determine this with the symmetry of the face along with other key facial features. That’s why men make love to a hot body and women make love to a guy with a handsome face. Obviously, other factors like health, wealth, age, race, whether your’e nice and funny, etc. will also play significant roles in both finding a mate and creating a successful relationship.
    On a side note, I think this is why women spend so much time fixating on their faces (makeup, cleaning, cosmetic surgery, etc…). Their own attraction to mens facial characteristics are then re-portrayed in themselves, even though it is significantly less important to men.
    Lighten up ladies. Your face is prettier than you think, keep yourself in decent shape, but most importantly be a decent person. Guys want a “pretty enough” girl who is fun, drama-free, and confident.

    1. “your pretty than you think”? Bullshit, haven’t you ever seen a very ugly woman before, most the prefer a woman who’s naturally pretty and who doesn’t need makeup, a woman could always decide to eat healthy and keep healthy but she can’t just decide to change her face by doing ordinary squats ect up-praising the face but advising the body isn’t gonna get you nowhere, most of you guys on the internet sound as if you’d only love a woman just because of mere shape, and in case you didn’t know, face is very important just as much as body do for some guys and some guys prefer face and some guys, well, they just don’t care, because unlike some men, they don’t force themselves to be unattracted to bodies that some men claim to be unattracted to and they don’t force themselves to not have an erection in the bedroom, any healthy guy can be able to have an erection for almost any type of girl as long as she’s not obnormal, unless the guy has some dysfunctional hormone and would usually have issues with any type of woman, wether she’s beautiful and attractive or average ect, oh and this building that curvier women with big ass n tits giving birth to healthier babies is just a dumb myth created by scociety just to suit their dumb way of thinking, because many women with the so-called perfect hour glass figure weather it be slim overweight have problems conceiving of even giving birth to healthy babies for that matter, while many unattractive women out there who gave birth to very healthy babies, so just like some guys will say large boobs isn’t necessary then exaggerated fat in the lower body shouldn’t be necessary either, and those of you who thinks it’s necessary for a woman to be in great shape for you to enjoy sex then you have sexual issues, and your sexually unsecured, no normal healthy guy would have a problem with having sex with a woman with an unattractive body would think exaggerated fat is necessary unless your saying any type of curvy is good for you, but size shouldn’t really matter as long as the women isn’t to skinny or too fat… besides, women with broad hips are said to give wider vaginas, and wider vaginas go ware-out after having a child, especially after giving birth, and I keep hearing guys preferring the hourglass figure yet many of them don’t even consider marrying a woman with that shape of still end up cheating after having children with them, some of them claim that they want big healthy babies which a baby doesn’t even have to be big to healthy ect and then Champlain about the feeling of sex, although some of them might not admit but I’m sure many of you do even if it’s just to yourselves and then secretly fantasize about other women, so if that’s the case with some guys then who the hell would want give birth to a huge baby having their vaginas already wrecked by childbirth? And bigger babies cause more damage in case you didn’t know, and not just to one area of the female body…so yeah, there are very attractive woman out there who have very unhealthy babies or simply can’t give birth while many unattractive ones have very healthy babies, so this science shit that keeps going around the internet in circles by some of you female-body-shaming fools need to reconsider the words you put out for others to hear, not to mention the fact that some foreigners are now beginning to fall for dumb western stereotypes and bashing their women making them feel hurt and then westerners would then defend themselves by acting as if their ways of thinking is necessary, highly doubt it’s even biological, some Asian guys are even beginning to get defensive if you tell them to learn to appreciate their women, very stupid…it also hurts me to see guys lusting over the so-called hourglass shape because it’s as though we’re only being appreciated because we look good and might be hated if we lost that attractiveness one day… you guys are giving women too much attention no wonder why many of them view some of y’all as attention seeking and tend to stay single…

  9. Catalina says:

    Face for sure! Here is why:

    Someone who is overweight, obese even, can lose the weight and tone up. With a pretty face, one can see the possibilities, should they be overweight. Once skimmed down, the face becomes the predominant factor and what you immediately notice about a person. So, if you are blessed with a pretty face, congrats! I do agree that there are so many more qualities that make up a “beautiful” person, such as class, personality, style, cultured, compassionate, etc….

  10. Ashley says:

    Based on my experience, the face is more important. I’m like you and work out a lot. However, as nice as my body is, I have a very ugly face. I’ve never been in a relationship and guys always say I’m too ugly to date and they’d hate to wake up to such an ugly face everyday. I usually ask why I get rejected and they’re always honest. Maybe I’m just extremely hideously ugly. If you’re average its fine but being a hideously ugly person, you can exercise and get a nice body but no man will ever like you unfortunately.

    1. Rylee says:

      I’d like to see a picture .

    2. Chloe says:

      I have the EXACT same problem.
      The men who were “interested” wanted to grab my breasts or hips before even giving me a hug or kiss.
      Thank God I prevented them from touching me, but it was very hurtful just thinking about how they would never want to get close to my face, not even look at it.
      Some guys used to say I have a very “unkissable” face. A depressive reality.

      I myself would not want to marry a person I find really ugly in the face although I’m strictly sapiosexual, but I have my self-respect and understand that same goes for men and how they see me, so I cannot force anyone to be with me. If I hide my face or wear a face mask, I can seem perfect, until I take the mask off. It’s like my face vs body are from two different people, and not belonging to the same person at all.
      Face is really important, because it’s the one we look at when we communicate and want to smile and feel happy whenever we look at it. But reality hurts.

  11. Jill says:

    Actually no..
    They have done scientific studies and what they have found is everyone, women and men, prefer the face when looking for long term relationships. The only situation men prefer body is in short term relationships. Aka when they are looking to just have sex. Sorry lol

  12. Lynn says:

    I think face is more important because your face tells you more about who you are. Yes of course having a lean and toned body will tell people that you work out and thus that you are probably strong and that you have some stamina, but a face will tell you what kind of person you’re talking to. And I don’t even think having a perfect, symmetrical complection with nicely balanced out features are as important as we make them it out to be. It’s the way you look out of eyes, the way you smile and if you have intelligent eyes. It’s all about expressions. Everyone can be beautiful and what one person finds a nice body might not be what the other person likes. Also, I have seen so many ‘plus size’ models that are absolutely stunning!!

    1. Dale Jeking says:

      Bullshit haha that’s what the meh looking people would say aha

  13. Emily says:

    OMG thank you this article made me feel so much better I can’t even tell you. I’ve lost a lot of confidence because I had adult acne and there are scars under my chin and nothing I do will get rid of them. I should probably get my chin done too but l don’t have the money right now. BTW I feel so pathetic for even admitting to this because I am a feminist and what I am saying goes against everything I’m supposed to believe–but it’s true in today’s society….women are valued for their appearance than men are. It’s incredibly fucked up but I digress. I have a seriously sick body. I am incredibly blessed and I’m not trying to brag. Amazing legs run in my family I keep my body in awesome shape and I have large breasts. Thank you for this boost in confidence and keep this discussion between us, k?

    1. Mabs K says:

      I have to admit as a guy i prefer body over face. I actually couldnt care too much about the face. This is actually quite popular nowadays and some men wont admit to this as they feel some guilt. i think its also a fetish thing too but yes iam someone who really doesnt care too much about face as long as the body is sexy

      1. Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean that you have to fall In the same category…but wait, I dispite you claim to prefer shape I highly doubt you prefer to date a monkey faced-good shaped body over a average or unattractive body with a very beautiful face, there’s also a study that people tend to say more about something based on experience, so if you were to be given the chance to make a choice I doubt you’d choose a monkey face and trust me, they do exist,or unless your just looking for a sex partner for short term, that being said, some guys can’t even have erection for them even if her body looks good, some people claim that there’s not mut big a difference between very ugly or very beautiful but I can assure you it does have a huge difference, nobody wants to wake up and seeing a gorilla laying next to them not to mention the fact when she wants to face you when having sex, ugh! It does exist, believe me or not, so in other words, most people claim to like this and that but sometimes have a very different tune to sing after an , experience, and not to mention the fact some of them who claim to prefer this or that would only want to spend one time only with that experience and probably never even go back even if you are called to come back, and if so, it’s usually just to hang out for a short term relationship which at the end of the day will suck for me, if you claim to prefer shape then being in a long term relationship with a woman with a great shape and a hideous looking face shouldn’t matter…period!

  14. Melissa says:

    I bust my ass in the gym since 2008 and I have a pretty hot body. My muscles are toned, my butt is tight and the way my body is attracts a lot of guys, I can tell.

    Only one downside:
    I have a butterface.

    Yes, it is true. I have a large nose with a straight dorsum and a bulbous nasal tip which pretty much does not fit my slim & long face. Last year I went to a plastic surgeon and asked for his honest opinion what in fact makes my face look ugly. He said that my nose would rather fit to a male’s face than mine. In school other bullied me because of my big nose, too. Believe me or not but my large nose makes my face ugly.

    I think with nose reduction surgery I could be very beautiful in terms of my body AND facial aesthetics. I want to get this done. I want to be sexy to men because of my body AND my face.

    I think face is very important. You can have a great body but not everyone will find you attractive if your face sucks. In a perfect society like nowadays everything needs to look good.

    1. val says:

      I know a lot of woman who don’t have a nice body, they don’t have any curves or they have a little more fat, and they THINK that they have a nice face because their body is so obviously not good. Maybe your face is pretty but guys care more about your booty….. 😉 in addition you cannot earn a nice body if you don’t have a feminine shape with large boobs, small waisy, nice ass and nice legs. You are born with those exept if you decide to become a kardashian….. in addition you cannot have a toned body if you don’t have the genes and you have naturally fat in your stomach….. and you cannot have a nice face of you are full of pimples. I’m just saying thatvso many people who don’t have a nice body and have an avarage or cute face or even ugly…. think they are pretty because man are not attracted to their body.

      1. Kate says:

        That is the silliest comment I’ve ever heard, women can’t have nice bodies unless they have a ‘barbie’ like figure? You seem to criticise a lot of other girls, just because a girl has a little more fat or less curves does not mean that her body isn’t nice. Maybe you shouldn’t have such extreme standards and accept that girls can be pretty/beautiful/hot no matter what body shape or ‘genes’ they were born with.

      2. Emily says:

        i feel your pain girl….i mean i’m okay in the face but by FAR my body is my strongest asset. This guy told me once I was a 6 with my clothes on and a 10 with them off….ouch.

    2. Sean says:

      Melissa, I totally understand how you feel. I have a good to great body for a guy but an average to ugly face. I’ve done up best with haircuts, losing weight, etc. to make my face more attractive but women have little to no interest in me. I’ve been single most of my life unfortunately. I feel like giving up because no matter how hard I try nothing seems to help.

  15. lili says:

    Cassey you have a hot bod and an unfortunate face…

    1. Tanya says:

      You should leave..

    2. Juhet says:

      Can we please keep our comments constructive and maintain a positive environment here?

  16. Jake says:

    Don’t believe what guys say to your face in these matters, they may try to pose off as man-whores (which is sexy for women) to turn you on. I think the correct answer is what you got on facebook. I myself would answer ‘body’ if asked personally with a devilish grin on my face just to turn on the girl and would answer ‘face’ on the net which is the honest answer.

  17. Renee says:

    I think the most important would be a nice personality because no matter how hot someone’s body is or how beautiful they are.. if they have an ugly personality, they will be ugly!

  18. Lisa Karst says:

    whaaat?? all my male friends say face over body!!
    I mean.. yes a hot body is a whole lot of work but at least you can change it without a doc
    and I dont know.. your bod can be the hottest in the world but I think an ‘ugly’ face would kinda ruin the whole picture

  19. Shannon says:

    I think this is an interesting post but I feel a little discouraged after reading it. Not necessarily everyone who exercises and eats right will end up with a “hot body” that was pictured in this post. For example, I work out and mostly eat clean, and I have a strong, athletic build. However, since I’m only 5’3”, I’ll never have that long+lean look that our society deems as “hot”. I was feeling pretty good about myself because I take care of myself and I’m healthy, but posts like this (and others in the media lately) have been bringing me down. I completely agree that you have a lot of control over what your body looks like, but it is just physically impossible for some girls to attain a “hot” body (long and lean) through healthy and safe means just because of genetics. And even though I believe I have a very pretty face, I feel like my self-esteem has been knocked down a peg because although I don’t have a perfect body (few of us do by society’s standards), I always thought that my pretty face would be enough to compensate for the in the eyes of guys. Apparently not. And I’ve always sort of known that in the back of my mind, but it just really hurts to see it actually written out by someone that I look up to.

    And it makes me sad to see people commenting they want to “fix” their bodies and faces. You don’t have to “fix” your body and face because you’re not broken. Do you have two arms and two legs? Are you lucky enough to have all 10 fingers and 10 toes? And what about your face? Do you have two eyes that can see, two ears that can hear, a mouth that can smile, and a nose that can smell? There’s nothing wrong with who you are, and we’re all beautiful in our own way. Don’t try to “fix” you face to look like all of the other girls who wear too much make up because we’re all different and unique, and that’s something we should embrace. If you believe your face is beautiful, other people will believe that too.

    And please don’t call me out as a hater. I love Cassie and POPpilates. Blogilates is the homepage for my web browser because I think Cassie is very motivational and wants us to succeed in our goals. I just feel like we should be focusing more on staying healthy and loving ourselves despite our flaws instead of trying to change ourselves so some guy will think we’re hot.

    1. blogilates says:

      Hey Shannon,

      Thanks for taking the time to write this. So I think maybe I should have taken more precaution in writing this post. I have received some very concerning comments from fans who said they would no longer read my blog. I guess what I was trying to do was to just comment on the fact that we CAN take control of the way we look. I said above that I was shocked that guys think bods are more important than faces…I should have blatantly told you guys I don’t agree with that. But I wanted to share a statement someone else made. I also didn’t want any girls to think that they need to “fix” themselves for guys. HOT is more than just a guy’s opinion or what the society deems as attractive. HOT is the way you carry yourself, your confidence, your charisma, your intelligence, and all that good stuff rolled into one HOT package. We all have different body types and different personalities and we have the power to really make our assets shine. I guess that was what I was trying to say. Please don’t be discouraged. You are beautiful and you are strong and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to write this comment to me. I also appreciate that you said what you said nicely. Even though I can’t see the faces of the people who comment here, it hurts when someone tells me that I should be “ashamed” of myself for writing this. So thanks for the gentle call out. I really really appreciate that.


      1. Shannon says:

        Thanks, Cassey (and I’m sorry for spelling your name wrong in my previous post…oops!). I am glad that you took time to read my post and respond to it; it shows that you really do care about your readers. I love your blog and I think what you are doing for all of us readers is really amazing. You motivate us, make fun pilates videos for us, give us plenty of tools to eat clean, and most of all, support us! Thank you for everything you do. I’ll always be a follower, no matter what.

    2. Chicken says:

      5′ 3″ is pretty average for a girl, so I wouldn’t consider yourself short. There are plenty of lower 5′ short guys out there getting way more heat from the media and the surroundings. Same with bald guys, Asian guys, guys with baby faces, whatever. It is what it is, move on. I see plenty of short guys on the basketball court trying to improve their game. Girls, in general, need to be stronger and fight against these images your environment is feeding you.

      Just a side note, a healthy body shows that you are not lazy. That is worth a lot more than your face when it comes to finding someone to get married with.

  20. Jazzafire says:

    Don’t think too much about that. If you force guys to choose what they think is “better” – hot body or hot face – of course they will think about it rationally and choose an answer. But keep in mind, that when we meet another person we have absolutely no introspective in what goes on in our heads, when we’re looking at this person and we don’t really know what we find attractive or why we like this person, the things we’re telling afterwards are only guesses about our minds.
    There are studies that f.e. found that if you show people two pairs or socks (okay that’s kind of a weird comparison 😀 hope you’ll get the point) that are exactly the same and you force them to choose one of them and tell you why they’ve picked it, people will tell you the weirdest reasons for it, but in fact no one really knows why they’ve chosen like this, because there’s no introspective in the processes of our brains 🙂

  21. Kim says:

    I see so many before and afters where guys look like creepy pedophiles or rapists in their before photos (gosh I feel so mean saying that. But that was my first though) and after they lost weight and built muscle they were hot!

  22. Ashleigh Gardner says:

    I would say hot face, okay body, because I can always start a workout routine and fix the body. Fixing the face would defiantly take more work.

  23. Shelby says:

    Tough question! I believe no one is perfect. I’ve always been happy with my face, but my body…err..needs some work. Which is what I’m working on right now! Like many have already said, it’s a lot easier to fix your body than your face (although I think every woman has the potential to be beautiful!). I find it sad that guys would choose a nice body over a beautiful face, but I guess it does prove that the woman knows how to take care of herself. I also think confidence is the most attractive asset!

  24. Cassey you have both & more! I believe beauty really shines in personality though. So I guess if you have a determined and gungho attitude about hardcore exercise it will show in your personality and of course body (and you’ll be hot)! I have known pretty people who were not as popular because of their personality. I also met a guy who said, “girls really shine when they are comfortable being themselves.” Of course a little vanity is nice here and there but humility is the most important in my opinion. Beauty really just becomes your own opinion of yourself.

    But anyway, hmmm i would probably choose both if I was given the choice! haha, but yes i love how we can manipulate our muscles to look hotter with more muscle and definition!

    PS… makeup does wonders! haha 😛

  25. Tanya says:

    Hmmm, this one is an easy one. Face! Like several other girls said, you can always work hard to fix your body, but no amount of gym time can fix your face haha. But in the end, I’d rather some one like me for who I am not the assests I happened to be born with. That’s what really counts when you’re older and those looks and body fade away. You can only be young for so long….

  26. Charlie says:

    I’m told I have a nice face, and I know for a fact I have a hideous body (untoned, UK 14 etc) so I guess it is better this way round as I can always work the “ugliness” out of my body and in the meantime be grateful for anyone who thinks that I might look OK anyway.

  27. Maritza says:

    face. I can always change my body, can’t fix my face.

  28. Vera says:

    I would rather have a perfect body because it gives me more confidence and more important is it makes me look healthy!
    Thanks Cassey for writing this post cuz it motivates me to exercise harder!! I’m gonna hit the gym tomorrow and will try your workout! <3

  29. Emily says:

    Id rather have a pretty face, because you can change a body with hard work but nothing can change an ugly face, well nothing I am willing to do anyways. My husband actually has a phrase guys use for a girl with a nice bod but ugly face, these girls are called ‘Butter Face’ meaning, Everything BUT HER FACE is HOTT lol. There isnt one for a girl with a pretty face but ugly body so guess it must be true. Im glad as I think my face is my worst feature and I cant even hide it, at least I can cover up by saggy arms lol.

    I love the idea of that workout, Im going to do it tonight, but maybe a little slower on the tredmill.

    1. Is there a saying like this for guys? like “but his face” HAHA. I guess as a society we place more value on the wallet size of a man? Not my own opinion of course, just what I have heard. Hmm, OOH like i guess “Scrub”- describes a broke guy… anyway i am way off on a tangent!! hahah

  30. Rine says:

    Hot body… or pretty face.. Idk? If you have a hot body, you can probably “fix your face” (I do believe in the natural way, but…) with make up, and if you have a pretty face, but only an okay body, nothing´s stoping you from working out! Maybe I would choose pretty face, and then work out, until my body turned hotter 😀 There are ways in each case.. Everyone is pretty in their own special way <3

  31. Carolyn says:

    I feel a little guilty writing this, because I would actually rather have a hot body than a pretty face. But hear me out! This is not because I care about what guys think–any guy worth my time will love me no matter what–but because having a hot body is proof that I care enough about myself to take extremely good care of my body. This also shows that I can care fully about someone else. It’s cliché, but true: Only when you love and care for yourself can you fully love and care for someone else. It’s hard work to care about yourself. Not only are we bombarded with messages of, “you’re not good enough”, but, sometimes, life gets in the way of having our healthiest bodiest. But once you can overcome these media-fueled messages, thereby overcoming your worst critic–yourself!–and make the time for yourself to become a healthier individual, then you can overcome almost any shallow biases and obstacles, and love with your whole heart.

    1. Faith says:

      I like this answer too 🙂 I think within both genders, we see a nice body (maybe not what is typically a “hot” body, even) as someone who can take care of themselves- someone who cares what goes into their body, and someone who takes the time to focus on themselves and their improvement. In a guy, it turns me off to hear they eat poorly and they don’t exercise, they binge drink and they do drugs. Is this because I’m a health freak? Maybe. But a guy who does the opposite shows me that he cares about looking his best, whether he has a 6-pack or not… he’s trying. You gals are obviously conscious of your health because you’re here, so that in itself is a SUPER attractive quality <3