May 2015 Workout Calendar! Get the pw by signing up for the newsletter!

EDIT: I have a new and updated app! The one in this post is outdated. Click HERE to access Body by Blogilates!

Hey guys!

I am currently in New York City – wow the weather is incredible! All the tulips are blooming and I am no longer cold. I already ran into some of you already which was awesome 🙂 If you’ve been following my Snapchat, you saw that I was hanging with 100 of my fellow YouTubers here in the city for the first ever YouTube Creator Summit! It was so nice to see some of my old friends which I haven’t seen since I was in London for the Olympics in 2012 with Youtube. Everyone’s still super nice but also way more successful. I am SO PROUD of everyone in the YouTube community for pursuing their dreams and just KILLING it. It’s always the best when you can be genuinely happy for your friends – there’s no room for jealousy. Just support.

Also…wanted to let you know that the Detox Timer Bottles are back! They ran out so fast last time! I had a chance to redesign the new look and if you look closely below, you can see that the timer goes all the way to 7pm now! (It was 6pm before.)

detox timer bottle


How tasty does that mango look!? I want it so bad…


detox bottle


One of my favorite sayings is “Choose to be happy.” It really is true that happiness is a choice. You can look at yourself like a victim and wallow in your sadness, or you can take a breath, move forward, and use what you learned as a lesson. Smile when you can guys, it’s really liberating.

Now…guess what?


Hahahaha. I coudn’t resist. Ok my peeps who were a part of the boy band craze in the 2000’s, were you a BSB fan or an N*SYNC fan?

Alrighty, here’s your May Blogilates Workout Calendar!


May 2015 300ppi smaller


Click to download and save

YOU’VE GOT THIS! I believe that you will be able to start off strong and more importantly…end strong too. If you feel like you’re lacking motivation or a reason to work out and live a healthy life…then think about how badly you want this. How badly do you want to achieve your best body? How badly do you want to find balance and master that headstand? How badly do you want to find the joy in cooking and share it with your family?

If you want it bad, you will figure out how to make it happen. And remember, I am here with you and FOR YOU!

Also, please go download the Blogilates App! That’s where all the super awesome POPster action is happening! Amazing transformations…incredible support…and all the videos are there! You will find this month’s exclusive “5 Min Slim Thighs” in the calendar subscription. I know you will love 🙂

Also guys, I wanted to get your opinion. Do you like the calendar portrait style like this or landscape? Please let me know ok?


276 thoughts on “May 2015 Workout Calendar! Get the pw by signing up for the newsletter!”

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  1. Kim says:

    I got the password but still doesn’t work

  2. the password is getbendy but i still can’t get to the calendar! I click on the June calendar icon but it takes me to the May calendar! Help?!

  3. Mariana says:

    Hi!!! I love all of your exercises, i have the ball… How can i exercise with it?

  4. erin cornell says:

    Hi there, I can’t get into the June calendar I have signed up to your newsletters but haven’t received a email with code or calender?

    1. Cristina Perez says:

      I’m having the same problem!

  5. christine says:

    Im so sad i cant get the june calender 🙁

    1. ann says:

      me too:(

  6. Yolanda says:

    I didn’t receive the password either. 🙁

    1. Young says:

      Same here 🙁

  7. Melba says:


    I have the blogilates app and it’s not showing any of the workout for the month of June? HELP!! I eve deleted and re-downloaded the app, which means I had to double pay…….

  8. Milady Sanchezz says:

    Im so sad i cant get the june calender please help it asks me for a pasword but i dont know it !!! i tried one in the comments but didnt work !!

  9. Hello! I am so sad. I think I accidentally deleted the June calendar in a mass delete of my email inbox this AM. I have the stretch challenge newsletter, but I don’t have the June newsletter. How can I go about getting it re-sent to me? Any tips??

  10. Sam says:

    Love these workouts! Literally telling everybody I know to start doing them! So I was just wondering why my back is killing me when I do the criss-crosses. I started blogilates back in January so it’s kinda weird that it’s just starting to hurt me now, but does anybody else have this issue or have any advice? Thanks so much and good luck guys!! <3

  11. Briana says:

    Does anybody know her other website for blogilates?

  12. Joyce says:

    It’s my first time I will do a calendar this month. I’m super excited. And I also will join the stretch challenge. I will be very dedicated because next week we will have some good weather here in Belgium and I want to wear a dress. Thanks Cassey to make this possible for me.
    Instagram: @toys.of.joyce

  13. Sofia says:

    I guess it will be posted june 1st? 🙂 I btw can’t wait to see the calendars!! *-*

  14. Pilates.lover23 says:

    Hi Cassey! I love youuu soooo soo much!! It can`t describe how much I love your positivite aura and how you motivate us sooooooo much! I am glad that I found your channel 🙂 My transformation is great and i am still working. Your videos are awesome!! Keep going 🙂 LOVE YOU CASSEY and wish you a magical and wonderful day <3

  15. Thunderlane Blaze says:

    Thanks so much! I just started playing your workouts recently and though I have not been losing any weight yet, my fat has started to tone down. There are times when I am stressed and I just want to quit, but you have motivated me to keep going on with this. I hope to someday look in the mirror and not see that chunk of flab and thanks to you I will hopefully achieve that.

  16. Ess says:

    Hi guys, I have been signed up for newsletters but never got the password for June. Am I too early or is it something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

    1. Ashleigh says:

      June password is “getbendy”! Good luck!

  17. Dorothy says:

    Hi Cassey! Ever since doing the monthly workouts, I have been a lot stronger! School is almost out, so I will have more time for focusing on becoming stronger and healthier. When are you going to publish the June calendar? I’m super excited for it!

    1. Stella says:

      Do anybody have the June calender password? Because I did not get a password per E-Mail.

      1. Ashleigh says:

        password is “getbendy!” 🙂

  18. Johanna says:

    I am so thankful for you Cassey I love the motivation and everything you and your workouts are doing for me. I’m eating right now and I never had a sugar crash and I feel so energized. keep up that happy personality and stay awesome!!!

  19. Sarah says:

    Hi Cassey,

    I am new to POP Pilates, and so far I am loving it!!! I have been trying to be more fit over the last year or so, but I have been on again, off again with it. For me the Calendars are a blessing. Its all laid out for me, and it hasn’t been too much, my life can get busy so I do what I can and I am proud of all my little accomplishments. I am looking forward to all of the challenges you give us ‘Popsters’, thanks Caseey. Oh, and can anyone tell me when we can expect the June calendar?

  20. Monica says:

    Does anyone know how to unsubscribe from .99 cent/month calenders? I’ll be traveling internationally for awhile and will not be using my smart phone! 🙂

    1. Adriana Moniz says:

      if you turn of your pay pal account it will “unsubscribe”.
      That’s what i do.

  21. Nikita says:

    Hey, new here! Just finished the Beginner’s v2.0 and looking at the monthly calendars; they look super intense. Do I just tackle them and do as much as I can everyday or do you guys think I should do the Beginner’s workout again? Honestly I would like to try at the monthly calendars. Looking forward to your input. Thanks in advance. 😀

    1. Anna says:

      Hey, if you´d like to try the calendar, just do it! If you think that it is too hard, you can still go back to the beginner´s workouts. That´s what I do, too 😀

  22. Connie Zhang says:

    Hey guys! I just started Blogilates. I just want to know does is effective?!? How long can we actually see the changes on our bodies?!?

    1. Sarah says:

      Hi Connie,
      I have nearly completed my first month of the Blogilates Beginners V2.0, and I can tell you that I see and feel results. The only other activity I get in a day is 1, maybe 2 half hour walks, and looking after my 2 little ones. I am a busy mom so somedays I am not able to complete all of the recommended videos, but I try my best to complete the day. So far I love it, and love that I’m seeing results!!

  23. Tricia says:

    Hello everybody!! I ve found Cassey’s videos on youtube and since then I cant let her go!!!
    I love her way of motivating us! She is amazing!!
    Ive been working out with her for a month. I feel great and so does my booty!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you all the best Cassey.. hope ur bunisses keep on growing just like our muscles!! take care

  24. Sarah says:

    I love the new bottles 🙂 I like the choose to be happy one, but I wish it was the same dark pink as the Achieve bottle, it shows better. Can’t wait though!

  25. Maya says:

    Hey guys. I’m new here. Looking forward to these workouts and exercises. I’m just wondering if we are supposed to do one workout after another or can we do them at different time like half of it in the morning and half of it in the afternoon ?

    1. Sabrina says:

      Personally I space them out over the day. There is no way I could do them all it a row. There maybe a few benefits for doing them all in a row but I think for a beginner or even someone who is on an intermediate level its easier to space them. You don’t want to hurt yourself and I don’t think it matters as long as your putting in an effort to do them all.

  26. Kirsten says:

    I’m not quite ready for the proper calendars yet. I’m considering starting next month’s on the 1st though, because missing weeks from the Beginner’s 2.0 is depressing and I need to be more disciplined. Is that going to be overkill? I’m not very fit but I’m really tired of missing days, it only makes me feel worse – I feel like if I start again but with the new calendar it’ll be a clean slate. I’m sorry, but I’m really embarrassed because I got so excited to start and was boasting to all of my friends, only to mess up.

    Also, could you please use the landscape style? I print these out for my filofax and it works better that way, at least for me.

  27. Zoe says:

    Hi guys I’m going to start the thigh slimming challenge today, im wondering has anyone lost any weight from this challenge over the 30 days? If so, how much can you lose doing this?

    1. Andrea says:

      Hi Zoe! Good for you for starting a challenge!! 🙂 i haven’t tried any since i am new here. Exciting!! May i suggest something though? Forget the numbers on the scale! They do not reflect your progress. its possible that you’ll weigh more at the end of the challenge, yet look leaner when you started -due to muscle gain. Take pictures maybe instead? Or count BMI?
      Have fun with your challenge 🙂

    2. julia says:

      Hi zoe, this challenge isnt to lose weight. It is to form your thighs, so they look slim, but if you want to lose weight you have to do cardio workouts

    3. Anna says:

      Hey! I followed through the 30 day inner thigh challenge and I thought maybe it would form it just a little, but my friends and family have noticed that my thighs looked more sculpted and leaner. I also measured my thighs before to see if there would be a difference and I lost 2 inches off of my thighs. Definitely give it a shot!

  28. serena says:

    hi i love the portrait style!! pls dont change to landscape 🙂 thank you for your workouts !!!! i love you cassey 🙂

  29. Bre says:

    I have a window phone..when will there be a windows app? Are all the calendars workout on the you tube channel??

    1. Annika says:

      yes, all the videos are on youtube. I’ve found a few aren’t on the blogilates channel but on other channels she did videos for.

  30. Lakin says:

    So I’m a newbie and just got my password for the calendar today. I’m hoping someone can answer this for me….I’m very happy with my weight but looking to get stronger and more toned. Will this workout plan do that for me?! What are your thoughts??

    1. Andreanne says:

      Yes. Pilates is really good for toning your body without putting on tons of muscles.

      It will help you define your muscles more than develop them.
      Also Cassey is insanely motivating so it helps 😉

      Hope you like it!

  31. Rebecca says:

    Just started with blogilates. I’m looking at the May calendar…do you suggest completing one exercise after the other or to take breaks in between. I happen to have a lot of flexibility in my day, so I would like to get the best benefits I can.

    Thanks so much!

    1. Rebecca says:

      I would do anything that works best for your schedule, this way you will be more likely to stick to it. Personally, I have found that doing all the workouts in one sitting (~1 hour) is the most beneficial- it keeps your heart rate up and your muscles warm throughout. These exercises can be pretty intense, so doing them without warm muscles (which would be the case if you spread them out during your day) may make you more susceptible to injury. Have fun!

  32. Kristie says:

    You are super super motivating to me like no one else! I think it´s the fact that you make us work and smile equally as hard. You´re not afraid to shine and stand out, and you eminate confidence into others. The workouts are amazing. I live overseas and have to move somewhat frequently, and can see these videos as a mainstay in my routing and life … hearts!

    1. Kristie says:


  33. nicole says:

    am i just too dumb to use the app for the calandar? download it on my tablet and cant find any section or something for the calendar :/

    1. kaitlyn says:

      You’re not dumb.
      When you open the app, in order to get the list of workouts for that day, you have to pay small price. I think it’s 99cents a month, but I’m not sure. The workouts won’t appear on the calendar though unless you pay the subscription

  34. Potato Bear says:

    For the next 30 day challenge could we do a love handles challenge? That would be FABULOUS

    1. Linda M. says:

      Seriously, I need that in my life! I have actually just been adding on a 5 min. muffintop/obliques video from youtube to the mix everyday. With her vidoes, you can make your own challenge! 😛

  35. Tania says:

    Hello guys,
    I download the calendar, and have the app.
    I didn’t find the specific exercises that say in the calendar, (I don’t find it in the app)

    Hope anybody can help me 🙂

    Good vibes to all!

    1. Shay says:

      To find the exercises you can just search the titles of the videos on youtube and they should come right up! 🙂

  36. Stephanie says:


  37. Maria Nicole says:

    Hi, school is fast approaching here in my country. Could you please do some workouts that won’t consume too much time because I have to wake up so early just to prepare for school. I hope you would read this and would do workouts for us students. Thank you!

    1. Annika says:

      there are 3-5 minute ones that she’s done but I agree that it would be better if she did more short workouts.

  38. Shauna says:

    I’ve been working out with you on YouTube on and off for 2 years now I’m recently trying to get back into the swing of things after just giving birth toy third child a girl. I was wondering rather or not to start out with the beginners calendar or pick up where I left off before is gotten pregnant? Also I can’t diet while breastfeeding so what do you suggest I do for healthy safe eating? I have to eat 500 extra calories to replace what I’m loosing while nursing. I hope you can shed some light on this for me. Oh and I absolutely love working out with you, you make working out so much fun thanks

  39. Zoya says:

    Hey casey! I think yu should do competitions in where people can win the bottles and stuff as that will motivate them to do more, I mean like yu set out a challenge and the one yu think deserves the most wins. It’ll keep everyone motivated and it would be awesomealso I’m from near London I can’t wait to run into yu, hopefully

  40. Clem says:

    I didn’t comment lately but I’m still here! Those workouts are just magical and so effective! I’m starting to meet my abs!!! I can’t wait to be back home (after being so long away) in a month, where I will have more space to workout, I’ll ride my bike and I will eat even more healthy! Can’t wait

  41. savannah says:

    You are the best Cassey keep the good work. If I don’t yoga mat

  42. jennifer says:

    Can you just do the introduction videos over and over and get the same results cause i cant print or save my calander, and this is something i want to continue doing.. someone please help.

  43. Rachael says:

    For day four I did three of the workouts and then felt really tired. I don’t want to be a quiter but on the other hand I don’t want to push myself too hard. Anyone feel the same way or have suggestions?

    1. jennifer says:

      I just keep telling myself just one or two more and continue doing that or think the more it hurts the more its working, that really helps me. But everyone is different it wont hurt to try though. Sorry i couldn’t be more of a help.If you can say at the end of everyday “I done my best” then your doing great.

    2. kaelyn says:

      If you think you’re pushing yourself too hard, then don’t do it! But try to go as far as you can. When I was just getting back into it, I would just do 3/4 videos for the first week or so c:

  44. Molly says:

    So excited for the June calendar! You are amazing Cassey! I hope you can keep making more butt and thigh workouts!

  45. Jessie R. says:

    Cassey, you are an awesome instructor and I am glad that you have brought pilates to my life! Thanks so much!

  46. Potato Bear says:

    Hey, I just wanted to ask if I could lose any weight without a diet, because I’m 14 and my parents won’t let me diet, even though I’m overweight. I’ve been doing your workouts for a month and a half now, and I just wanted to know when I would lose some weight, if at all. My goal is to get to 55 kgs. BTW, I’m 5 ft. 4 inches.

    1. Rachael says:

      I dont know id they consider this a diet but don’t try and limit yourself instead try to eat healthier: more salads, quinoa, fruit, brown rice etc.. I hope this helps.

      1. Potato Bear says:

        I do eat healthy, usually brown or red rice, Indian food isn’t really bad for health, after all… The problem is that they make me eat A LOT and they don’t listen to me if I tell them I’m not hungry 🙁

  47. jackie says:

    Cassey, I’ve been doing pilates routinely for about four years now and belly dance for just under three. I need much more difficult ab routines. Even your extreme abs is getting easy. Now, your arm work outs kill me…but can you make some advanced ab routines for people like myself? Thanks girl 🙂

  48. Agnes Líf says:

    So exited for june’s calendar currently doing the beginners calendar and then going to do the june’s calendar 😀 So exited 😉
    Sorry if the spelling is wrong i am from Iceland :/ HaHa ;D

  49. Agnes Líf says:

    Love these calendars<3

  50. Kiko Laureano says:

    Hi Cassey!!
    I love these calendars!! If you decide to keep doing those 30 day challenges, I for sure suggest a love handles challenge! Or even a single exercise like pushups or planking?
    Love you!

    1. Tiffany says:

      Love handles yesss

  51. Marwa says:

    Hello 🙂 I want to tell you that I adore your energy and workouts but I want to know if there is any specific workout to lose the fat around the knees ?
    Thanks kisses

    1. Miranda says:

      I would really like to know this as well. I cannot figure out how to lose the fat bulge around them and any exercise to help would be amazing!! 😀

  52. Camrynn says:

    Could you do a 30 day love handles challenge????? I love your workout calendars and you!!

    1. Cait says:

      I agree!! I would LOVE that!

  53. Chenoa says:

    Could you do a 30 Day Love Handles Challenge for us?

  54. annabel says:

    i like landscape but more importantly i LOVE you!!

  55. Rosie says:

    Thanks for keeping me motivated! Love ya!

  56. jennifer says:

    My thinghs are one of my many favorits to do with you and the butt of course, i love you cassey..

  57. noorul ain says:

    Can we have the option of choosing from landscape and potrait? because some prefer landscape and others might prefer potrait. Personally i prefer lanscape!! <3

  58. Lauren says:

    I like landscape better so I can set it as my desktop background

  59. Katy says:

    THANKS Cassey! I love the workouts and the calendar because they are so motivating! I started working out everyday with pop pilates around Christmas and I’ve gotten so strong!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Pop Pilates and Cassey!

  60. Zoe Suen says:

    OMG Cassey love the May calendar! <3
    Absolutely love how we are focusing on one area each day in a week. love you xx
    (haha next video idea: Absolutely Abs!!)

  61. Jessica says:


    I was wondering how you get to the new videos on the calendar? Once Ive downloaded it, I cant click on it, and I cant on the website either. How do I find the new video for Mondays?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Ps Live in Sweden and have been following you for three years (event got my mom into it 😉 )

    1. Rachael says:

      I went to the blogilates youtube and then looked for the video that was posted on that day or close to it. I hope that helps or makes sense.

  62. Candice Smith says:

    Hello Cassy, I really love your workout calendar. Really works. I had fun doing the workouts.
    I just trying to get more toner in my body. Really hard workouts. But i got though it. starting back on the calendar to tomorrow.

  63. miu says:

    do you have to do cardio separately to lose weight?
    or does this calendar solve everything?

    1. Claudia says:

      It includes everything!

  64. miu says:

    do you have to do cardio separately in order to lose weight?
    or does this calendar solve everything?

  65. othilie says:

    This calender is uber awesome. Thank you Cassey <3

  66. Eve says:

    I prefer this vertical style of calendar, it’s a lot easier to fit to an A4 page when you’re printing it, and I always struggle with the landscape format, as it never fits perfectly! 🙂 So keep this one up!

  67. Tara Slater says:

    Haha I don’t think it matters if the calendars are portrait or landscape, as long as they have the workouts on them. I appreciate all the effort Cassey puts into them 🙂

  68. Dayane says:

    I love all of these workouts

  69. Samaneh says:

    is all of the video in this program in you tube? I have to just search there s name in you tube?
    thanks alot

    1. Eve says:

      Yes, just type the title of the workout into YouTube and you will find it!

  70. Michaela says:

    Loving this month’s workouts!! Thanks so much Cassey!! <33

  71. Clem says:

    Day 5 done! My legs and butt are hurting but that’s a good pain ;). It was less though than yesterday, but I still have that moment between the 3rd and 4th video when I’m just done and tired…

  72. Aung says:

    Thanks for the password. I just got it today and I start right now.:)

  73. Renata says:

    It BURNS! Glob, it’s so frustrating! But I’ll get through and do a whole workout without wanting to quit. Or wanting, but without doing so.

  74. Nancy says:

    I vote landscape! I like to set it as my desktop background. And somehow it just seems less daunting more horizontally oriented. At least to me.

    Also, *NSYNC all the way. My equally obsessed friend and I would bake cakes on Justin and JC’s birthdays. Because we were (are) awesome.

  75. Danni says:

    May the fourth be with you as you finish today’s workout.

  76. Lauren says:

    Love your workouts so much. I prefer the calendar landscape because I set it as my desktop background so I don’t forget about my workouts 🙂 I’d suggest making both portrait and landscape versions every month because landscape is more computer friendly, but the portrait is probably more mobile friendly.

    1. Michelle says:

      I absolutely agree with you, I set it as my desktop background as well an it’s easier to read in the landscape format 🙂 Doing both formats is amazing idea 🙂

  77. Clem says:

    First day in a monthly calendar! I finished the beginners calendar Saturday, so today noMAYbes. I’m not gonna lie, it was freaking hard. I had to take a lot of breaks for the last two videos. For standing because my balance is terrible and the last one because I couldn’t even move my legs!!! But I’m gonna get stronger and I’m sure tomorrow will be better. And do you guys do it like, every videos in a row or do you do like 2 in the morning and the 3 other in the afternoon? Because I do it all in a row and that’s painful. So if you could answer it would be great !

    1. Marina says:

      I do it all in a row, too. God, that’s hard! But I suppose that is more effective, ’cause first videos are a bit like warm-up and it’s better to do hardest parts right after them.

    2. Jenn says:

      I’ve done it both ways! It usually just depends on if I have time for all the videos at once or have time for half now and half later. But you’re right, it’s pretty tough!

  78. Iina says:

    Hi, Could you tell me at what time you release your new videos on Mondays? (And which is your time zone?) I couldn’t find the new video for today but I guess you haven’t released it yet? It’s 10pm here already so I’ll have to do it tomorrow then. Thanks! 🙂

    1. Sushi says:

      I usually do the previous day’s workouts because I live in New Zealand and we’re pretty much a day ahead of the states but it helps. Or maybe you could try substituting a video from the following day and swapping them around if the new monday one isn’t up yet?
      Hope that helps

  79. sheli says:

    i love it like this

  80. Karine says:

    Today, I went shopping for summer clothes. You know, shorts, cute dresses…

    I got out with tears in my eyes. The first and only dressing room I got into had really strong bright lights. I could see every little part of fat of my body in the mirror. My skin is really pale, so it seems to amplify the problem.

    I am not THAT fat (138 lbs, 5 foot 3), but I am pear shaped. So my butt and my legs are the biggest part. And what part is mostly shown in summer?

    I decided to give this calendar a try today. I expect no miracle… but I don’t wanna feel like I felt an hour ago. I don’t hate myself, but it was a slap in the face to see myself like that.

    1. Renata says:

      Girl, me too. The whole pale and wide hip-leg shabang. I’m though with going shopping and feeling sad. Let’s work those legs out and have them looking smoking ’cause toned thighs are an actual thing.

    2. Melanie says:

      The easiest way to lose weight is if you already love yourself and your body right where you are now. If you love yourself now, you’ll want to make healthy choices to treat your body with respect. It won’t be a chore. A simple way to do this is to change your thinking! Whenever a negative thought pops in your head push it out and replace it with something positive. Imagine if someone said the negative thing to your best friend, you’d want to defend them! Why can’t it be the same with yourself? It’ll be hard somedays, and some days you won’t believe the positive but one day you’ll wake up and realize that you are worthy of love from yourself and your size has nothing to do with it.

    3. Bahar says:

      You’ll get stronger, confident and happier because now girl you are doing something JUST for yourself, not for the other people’s opinion. You dont have to be beautiful to anyone, you only need to be beauful to yourself.

    4. Ariana says:

      Girls try this, after one month you’ll se the difference

  81. This calendar looks great! It makes me want to go swimming! And workout so I can look good doing it! haha

  82. Sandy says:

    Because of you Cassey I started with Pilates! I was so happy to find your channel on youtube at a point where I was losing motivation to workout ! You’re such an inspiration to me ! Your positive attitude pushes me to work harder !
    Would you consider coming to Europe?
    Greetings from Belgium 🙂

  83. Alessandra says:

    Is there a 30 day challenge to do this month?

  84. mounia says:

    thank you for the calendar ,you are the best cassey

  85. Silvia says:

    Is there a specific 30 day challenge this month?

  86. em says:

    im only on my third video in and its BURNS

  87. Candice says:

    Hey Cassey

    My name is Candice and I’m from South Africa. I love doing your workouts and making your delicious recipes. You such an inspiration in my life. When are you coming to South Africa 🙂 Would love to meet you. I can’t wait to get started on May’s workout 🙂

    Lots of love

  88. Sunshine says:

    I discovered Blogilates by accident but I’m glad I did. I have not started the calendars yet but I do at least one of your videos daily. And my baby boy loves you! He’s my motivation to get and stay in shape and he gets excited when I turn on your videos. Thank you for doing this!

  89. Brenda Reyes says:

    I love this calendar! It’s so pretty. Thank you Cassey for all your positive energy and because you always push me to be better and try harder.
    Saludos desde Mexico.

  90. Makaila says:

    I love the workout layout and am excited for a new month and improved body/life! Will you be continuing your cooking posts? I am moving to a new city– on my own for the first time– and FINALLY get my own kitchen. I am SUPER excited to start cooking on my own and I want to get in a healthy cooking routine. Let me know! Thank you for all your hard work for us 🙂

  91. debbie says:

    Hello there! I just recently finished the beginner calendar and I’ve decided to give the monthly calendar a try (and omg they’re so brutal. I’m so sore from yesterday). But one thing I did notice is that the monthly calendars seem to have much more videos in a day. What would you recommend doing if I can’t finish all the workouts in the calendar for the day? Do you just move onto the next day? Or pick it up where you left off the next day?

    1. Elora says:

      Try spreading out the videos throughout the day. For example, do half in the morning and the rest sometime in the afternoon. Or you could take small breaks between videos so you don’t get too tired and can do all the moves properly.

    2. Emily says:

      Debbie, if I can’t finish them at one time, I try to do more later. I make it a goal to complete all videos in one day. If I’m not able to or I run out of time, I’ll just start the next day like normal. Even if I skip a day I go ahead to the next day.

  92. Courtney Garner says:

    Do i have to start with the beginners calendar, or can I just start doing the normal calenders?

    1. Annika says:

      It depends on your existing muscular strength and fitness. I was able to go straight into the monthly calendars but I’d been doing ballet for a while beforehand so I was used to doing pilates.

  93. Sabine says:

    Hi Cassey!
    I kind of lost my motivation the last two weeks of the beginner’s calendar but I’m super excited to restart this month and really become committed! Thank you for all the amazing videos that you post! Also, I think I prefer the landscape calendars, but I think this particular design looks best portrait style! So I think the design should determine the style =)

  94. Guenna says:

    I’m excited for the new calendar. You should host another dietbet. I know you have been busy with the book and things but those were a lot of fun and gave you a little extra motivation.

  95. Teja Brown says:

    Because of you Cassey I’ll be able to fit into a bikini next summer! I was starting to lose focus but every time I see a video or picture of you I know the reason I started! You’re such a big inspiration to me each and every day! Thank you!

  96. Michelle says:

    Where’s the 30 day challenge????????? or do we have 1 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    1. blogilates says:

      no 30 day challenge this month!

      1. Sandra says:

        When we have a 30 day challenge can you please add it to the app calendar? With a short video move intro or even just a shot of the challenge for the day. It would be a great reminder for us app users to have everything we need on the app calendar.

        Love your videos!

  97. Naomi says:

    I love your positive energy so much Cassey! xoxo

  98. Ania says:

    Hey Cassey! Thank you for another amazing workout calendar! I can’t wait every new day of workouts!!! I’d love to downlowad your App, but I don’t have oportunity to download it, I don’t have smartphone ore iPhone. Is there any other posibility to get this slimming thigh video? Thank you again and everything best in NYC 😀 As always, greetings from Poland! 😉

  99. Liv says:

    Hey! Popster from Norway here =) I really miss a short video (5 minute or a song challenge) for working out my back. Love your workouts!

  100. vilmabrownie says:

    Hey! So excited to start the calendar! Looks so good and the colors make me so happy. ♥ Don’t please change the calendar look because I think that design is absolutely beautiful. Simple, pretty and the colors are just the crown on the top!

  101. Emma says:

    Hey there! I am not sure if I am using the calendar right, but there are some videos that I am searching for, but can’t find on your site. I looked up the 5-min fat attack, but nothing video wise, just articles that I can see. Is there a better way to link directly to the videos that are featured in your calendar? Thank you much!

    1. Ayah says:

      If you look at her playlists, she usually has the days workouts ready for you. 🙂

      1. Amanda says:

        I’m new to the calendar and blogilates- I downloaded the May calendar, but where would I find the playlists? Are those on the You Tube Channel? Thanks!

    2. Porsha says:

      Sometimes she makes the playlist for you (she did for today May 2nd). Just go to her channel and click on playlists. I always check there first. I’ve noticed a few times some videos are on another channel called blogilatestv.

  102. Isabelle says:

    Man I wish I had color ink for my printer, this calendar is so pretty <3 *cries*

  103. Jordan says:

    HI CASSEY!!! This is actually my first time EVER on blogilates!! I just subscribed to your YouTube channel yesterday because your “I Really Like You” squat challenge video popped up on my FB! I’m hoping to dive right into everything you have in store, and I’ve already purchased the (somewhat old) hot body challenge journal 🙂 any support or encouragement you have for me to catch up with everyone would be great! Looking forward to this amazing journey with you and all your followers!
    P.S. I like the portrait format 🙂

    1. Sanah says:

      Hopefully you like the blogalaties workouts! welcome to the POPsters family, and I recommend you do the beginers calender first because it will take some time to work up to the normal calenders!

  104. Stephanie says:

    Thank you Cassey! I love your work out!:) Godbless

  105. sophie says:

    Cassey you r the best. Because of you i made a big change in my life. I know a lot of people think your diet is wrong but i don’t agree with them. Anyways….will definitely try the may workout calender.

  106. Milly says:

    Hey guys, my last day of the beginners calendar will be Monday and then I will be going into the normal calendar. I was wondering if you guys recommend I start this months calendar at the beginning or just start it on the Tuesday.

    Greetings from South Africa:)

  107. carol says:


  108. Tina says:

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    this calendar looks amazing
    i hope that i will do it XD

    sending greetings from Slovenia 😀

  109. Khaya says:

    I am lucky to have found this site. I have always wanted to learn pilates but never had time to go to the gym or join any other class after work because i always work late (workerholic tendencies). Cassey what you do is amazing and i hope you will continue doing more of what you do, inspiring girls out there and making us work hard for those hott bods. Watching your videos makes me want to get to your level so much and i know i will, watch this space. Love instructor in the making

  110. Bahar says:

    Last summer i finished begginers workout and i really loved it. At school time i live in a dormitory and it gets hard to keep on working out, so i gave up. Nowadays i am trying to keep up with monthly calendar but it’s really hard for me. I dont want to go back to begginers calendar again 🙁 Somedays i can do 4 videos from monthly calendar but sometimes -jjust like today-i cant even do 1 of them! This makes me sad so much. I am losing my motivation

    1. Joy says:

      I feel the same – I did the beginner’s calendar, but due to time and, to be absolutely honest, laziness on some days, only got it done by 3/4. The regular calendars are still hard for me, and I’m happy as long as I manage one video a day, haha. I’ve thought of going back to the beginner’s calendar, but I’ve decided that I want to pull through. We can pause the videos as often as we want, and it doesn’t matter if we only manage one – we did move that day and we got ourselves sweating and that is what counts!
      So soldier on, you did move, and you got yourself to train, that’s worth 90% of it!

      1. Bahar says:

        Thank you so much!!! I am feeling so much better right now 🙂 We will get stronger and better if we try to do our bests everyday. You’re working hard, i’m working hard, all the popsters around the world are working hard in different levels so this must be mean something! If i am trying to express myself with my horrible English it shows that i care and this is the important part. Stay motivated and strong :))

        1. norvillerogers says:

          I did the beginners calendar 2.0 in april and was really confident, that I would be prepared for the monthly ones. But day 2 and 3 both had moves that I just could not do for the life of me. 🙁 reverse crunches… No way!!! It is hard not to feel bad but if we keep going we will get better! All we have to do is give it time and not give up 🙂

  111. Marie says:

    Heey, I’m just finishing the beginner’s workout 2.0 and I’m so excited to start this month’s calendar! So this month I’m gonna do the may calendar and thigh slimming challenge, they look awesome. I feel stronger and more flexible after doing the beginner’s calendar + dance classes. You’re awesome, Cassey, thanks for all of this.

  112. Aia Czarina says:

    Thank you for the motivation Cassey! Love your monthly calendar workouts. More power to you! x

  113. Anne says:

    I just became a POPster and I am loving it!! Never been happier with my body image! Love you Cassey!! 🙂 :*

  114. Paula says:

    I hope Cassey would also make desktop background version of the Workout Calendar.. 🙂

  115. Jamie says:

    I prefer the landscape style because it is easier for me to fit as my background picture on my laptop– which is my way of quickly accessing the workout list for the day when it isn’t available as a playlist on youtube.

  116. Erika says:

    Love portrait style!

  117. fadoua says:

    Thanks for doing what you do i really enjoy your workouts love youuuuuu

  118. Cassey,

    I LOVE the new calendar because it is easier to read and print out!. As always, thanks for your amazing workouts. The only drawback is that I used to make the workout calendar my desktop background on my laptop for motivation, but I need to find some way to still incorporate it. LOVE YOU CASS!

    <3 Melisa

  119. Boma says:

    I have my password but really can not see where to submit it roto unlock the calendar. Sorry really new to this programme.

    B xx

  120. Leah says:

    Please put up a 30 day challenge!! I love those!!

  121. Leah says:

    I like how you have the paper the tall way. I think it is a lot better!

  122. Elise says:

    I like both layouts, they look perfect to me <3
    Can't wait to kill it this month!!!!

  123. Madi says:

    Did you just change the app so you can go back and do previous day’s workouts in case you missed? I just noticed it, but I LOVE it! I missed a couple of days this week so I didn’t want to make today my rest day, and then I realized I could go back and do yesterday’s instead! Made me happy. Anyway. Love you Cassey <3

  124. bonne says:

    Can you do more resistance band workouts? I can only find 2 of them from you on youtube and i really enjoy them. They give me a little extra oomph to my workout.

    1. vivian says:

      You can always just use resistance bands in her other workouts. Plus most people dont even have em

  125. Christine says:

    I like portrait better — it’s easier to look at it on my phone and tablet 🙂

  126. Kienyn says:

    Are you still doing 30 day challenges? Like the calendar for last month that was the arms challenge! I love those! I’m actually able to do those every single day with how crazy busy my schedule is 🙂 hoping there’s another coming for May! 🙂

  127. Michelle says:

    Please do another 30 day challenge maybe for obliques or something? I love the 30 day challenges and once I finish I continue to do 22 reps of everything everyday!

  128. Tonya says:

    Whether you made the calendar portrait or landscape, I think it would look great either way! Love this months calendar color scheme! Blue is my favorite 🙂 Nice work and keep it up!

    I only got somewhere around 19 days in on the Aprilates calendar, I was hoping to get all of them but I had a vacation in the middle. It was still better than I did in February! This month my goal is the same, to hit every workout day! 🙂

  129. Amanda says:

    Much prefer the Portrait style!! I agree with someone else that having a PDF version would be fantastic!

    I loved BSB!! In fact I’m still guilty of listening to some of their songs haha! I guess some habits never die 😛

    Have a great May!!!

  130. MSM says:

    More 30 day Challenges PLEASE!!!!!!! Cardio, obliques, back, calves!!!!!!

  131. Kris says:

    BSB all the way! but I was a closet NSync fan lol. ha ha ha.

    “One of my favorite sayings is “Choose to be happy.” It really is true that happiness is a choice. You can look at yourself like a victim and wallow in your sadness, or you can take a breath, move forward, and use what you learned as a lesson. Smile when you can guys, it’s really liberating.”

    I had a really bad night and was very glad to hear that. Normally that kind of crap would make me mad but it’s very true and useful today. Thank you 🙂

  132. Denniel Bradd says:

    I love the portrait format much much more new style / format for this year. Also would love it if you could design a Blogilates yoga onesie it would look so cute! xx

  133. nicki says:

    I like the portrait format best. I was also wondering if it would be possible for you to have it available as a PDF instead of an image? I always have problems with it using a ton of ink when printed as an image. No biggie if you can’t as i subscribe on the app anyway, but i do like to print the calendar out too as it looks so nice on my wall! Thanks, Cassey, looking forward to May:-)

    1. Kris says:

      I actually love the image. If she does that, please make it available as a pdf and an image for those that like the images better. (I use TIU as well and prefer images to pdf calendars)

    2. Amanda says:

      you can save it as a PDF yourself. Once you download it from this website, open it and then click ‘file’ then ‘export.’ then you should have a drop down menu that lets you change it to PDF, JPG, or anything you want. Hope this helps 🙂

  134. Angie says:

    It was getting super difficult to keep up the last couple of weeks in April. School’s getting to me because every week gets tougher and there’s more work and I’m with friends if I’m not doing HW. Tough… Need sleep. lol
    I really hope I can keep up every day (or at least 6 out of 7) this month! My 21st birthday is getting closer by the day and I need to work!
    Thank you Cassey for these awesome calendars! <3

  135. Ashley W says:

    I was a diehard BSB fangirl. They hit the scene first and I was hooked ever since.

  136. Terri says:

    I like the portrait version better! Can’t wait to start this today!

  137. Heather says:

    I think the landscape format looks better and more like a traditional calendar, but the portrait looks more functional, it seems like you can fit more words onto it each day. I might be wrong, I’m not the one editing it every day, but either one works for me, you always make them look great.

    1. Ashley W says:

      Same here 🙂

  138. Tracie says:

    ??… Why can’t I view the workout calendar on my app w/o paying the .99? I can view it online through my browser but not in the app . I’m new so… Still trying to navigate it all

    1. Alexandra says:

      it have a cost on the app because it comes with exclusive videos (:

  139. kim says:

    Cassey! Please do a slim waist 30 day challenge!!!:D <3

  140. Paola says:

    Good luck to everyone who is starting blogilates, this is my seventh month (so excited)
    Do it people, you won’t regret it!

  141. Lauren says:

    Oops! i commented that I like the landscape format matter, but I don’t! LOL I like the portrait style WAY better.

  142. Brienne says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the monthly calendars and this one looks great! Thanks so much Cassey!

  143. Kati says:

    I really like it when the calendar is this way. <3 There aro no problems with printing it in comparison to the landscape format!! and I really appreciate the work you put in every calendar. Thank you very much!!

  144. Heather says:

    I’m new to this blog, and the workout calendar. Do I just search the site for the workout videos?
    Thanks 🙂

    1. Romana says:

      Yeah love. Thats all you have to do. If this is new to you, you could try and use the beginners calendar 🙂

    2. LisaD says:

      Find the blogilates YouTube channel. It has ally he videos

    3. rukmani says:

      welcome to the blogilates family : )

    4. Lauren says:

      Yeah,start with the beginner’s calendar. On THIS website, go to the tab that’s labeled “Workout Calendar” and hit the “Beginner’s Calendar” that pops down from the tab, and then you can print it. To get to the videos that are labeled on the calendar, go to That should get you to Cassey’s channel. If you want a quicker way to get to the videos, just type in the video name in the search bar on youtube and click the video that blogilates has made. There you go! Hope this helped! You’re going to LOVE Cassey, welcome to the POPster family! 🙂

      1. Heather says:

        Thanks ladies! So excited!!

  145. Jamie says:

    Thanks Cassey! Cannot wait to start this but I am with everyone else, can we do more 30 day challenges? 🙂 I think we should do a cardio challenge to shred and burn the fat off. Can’t wait for May!

    1. blogilates says:

      Ok we can do more 30 day challenges!

  146. Daniela says:

    OMG!! When you post a new calendar it´ s the best feeling in the world. I love it! I love the design and everything..thank you Cassey. 🙂 It´s gonna be may!! 😀

  147. Jackie says:


  148. Elly says:

    I like the landscape better! 🙂 Also, I’m super excited to start my first monthly calendar with you. My coworker and I began watching your videos a while back and completed the beginners calendar last month. Thank you for all the resources and motivation. You truly are inspiring!! <3 Elly Cruz

  149. Lola says:

    I’m so ready!!!
    I love every calendar Cassey <3
    Working out with you is so much fun! I also got my sister to do the beginner's calander and I'm challenging her boyfriend and friend for the ab challenge.
    I never thought people would be motivate to work out from seeing me do it. I'm really grateful to you! Your workouts help me to destress and boost my confidence!
    Love you! Keep on being strong and amazing Cassey!!

    Greetz from The Netherlands

  150. Cindy says:

    OMGGGGG I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THESE BOTTLES TO COME BACK SO BADLY!!!! so excited for this month’s calendar too!!

  151. Wallis says:

    It’s so much fun having a calendar each month! Thanks Cassey for all the hard work you’re putting into this! I’ve only been following you for a few month but I’m already an addict to your routines, we don’t have anything like this in France!
    Anyway, is there going to be a 30 days Challenge this month? I was really looking forward to it, hoping for a waist or back one…
    But anyhow, can’t wait to suffer!

  152. Aaisha says:

    I’ve been following blogilates for over 3 years now but never followed a monthly calendar.
    So here it goes…..
    May is the month of change. Summer is around the corner and I generally want to feel and look my best.

    Love from the UK!!

  153. Roxanne says:

    Hi Cassey,

    Thanks so much for this! I didn’t have a solid April as I had holiday, so I’m looking forward to having a pretty intense May! Is there a 30 day challenge? Please say there is!!! I was hoping for muffin top or a cardio challenge… pretty, pretty please?
    The layouts are fine either way for me – doesn’t affect me too much as I don’t print them, but save them to my computer and various devices.
    Also, I started out a BSB fan, but always liked N’Sync, and then became a full fledged N’Sync fan after BSB’s terrible – Millenium era (sorry to any fans, but I didn’t like it). Plus then Justin and Britney were an item, and how could you not love that?
    Thanks for beings so awesome as always Cassey! Still hoping for the 30 day challenge – please?! 🙂

  154. Lisanne says:

    Okay lets do this!
    last couple of.months i am doing the monthly challenges..
    Is there a new one for this month too?
    i like them

    Somewhere last year i did the beginnerscalender so i hope i can do this!
    only problem is that i have to do this in my room, not allot of space and i cant jump or anything because they can hear me down stairs ;p

    1. Lola says:

      I have exactly the same problems.
      If you warn the people below, your family or roommates, they will probably understand.
      My room is also small and I tend to put my chair in another room when I work out to get more space 🙂

  155. Michelle says:

    The blogilates app isn’t available on BlackBerry D: Any way that could change? 🙂

  156. Madelen says:

    Both layouts work fine. It’s always nice with some change now and then ^^

    And I was an N’SYNC fan. Had a wall full of posters and magazine cutouts.. until my little brother (who at that time had realized that it was fun to draw on stuff that was white) came into my room and drew on all the eyes and teeth on every poster :O I still (sadly) know every song from N’SYNC by heart.

    It would be great if you could add the 30 day challenges to the app as well. It would be so much easier to keep track of!

  157. Liucchan says:

    After the begginer’s calendar, this month I am starting with this! Thank you Cassey!!

  158. Josie says:

    Can’t wait to kill it again this month! Devastated that there’s no more 30 day challenges though, was hoping to see a oblique/waist slimming one. Anyway thank you for all that you do for us Cassey, we love you! x

  159. Hannah says:

    CASSEEYYYYYYY!!! I got your book last 2 days!! I really love it!! Thanks for doing what you do without thi king about all the negative people and their comments! Also, could you please make a 30 day challenge calendar for this month too?? It’d be awesome to kill the obliques or the back or even make it crazier, CARDIOOOO!! HAHA 😛 Thank you and Love you ;))

  160. Maria says:

    Landscape, I guess, but just because i got used to that, I guess. I love the title.

  161. Rina says:

    I like the portrait better! Because I print it out, stick it into a page of my diary, then decorate it and tick of each workout as I do them. ^^

  162. Michela says:

    Just printed the calendar and just bought 2 detox water bottles ( one for me and one for my beloved sister in law). Let’s make it!!

  163. Jip says:

    Do you have to pay 1 dollar a month to use the blogilates app?

  164. Kasia says:

    Cassey, I love and adore everything you do- it doesn’t matter if it’s landscape or portrait format 🙂 And this month design is just breathtaking! It is my birthday month, so thank you for making it even more beautiful <3

  165. Megan says:

    I wish I could get the Blogilates App, but unfortunately its not available for Windows Phone.

  166. Qianer says:

    Hi Cassey, I like it a lot, I reckon it’s good to be in potrait. Thanks for all your effort put in this! xxx

  167. Snow says:

    Hey Cass! I was wondering if there is gonna be a 30 day challenge? I hope there is! I really liked those challenge because it made me feel like i’ve complete the whole workout of the day 😀 without it, it’ll be like hanging halfway :/ So pls Cassey! Love ya!

  168. Katie says:

    Heey Cassey!
    I was just curious about the no monthly challenge this month? I was really looking forward to a back challenge

  169. Darrshene says:

    Please keep this format.. I love it as it’s easier to view than landscape.
    With love from Singapore =)

  170. Destiny says:

    Hey Cassey, as always thank you so much for this and all you do for us POPsters!! Absolutely love you and your workouts!! As for the calendar layout, I think portrait is better for printing but landscape is better on my mobile and for using as my desktop background to keep me motivated!! Maybe have an option?


  171. Jordan Richardson says:

    Hi Cassey! This is actually my first time ever on blogilates!! I just subscribed to your YouTube channel yesterday because you squat challenge to “I really like you” popped up on my FB! I’m hoping to dive right into everything you have in store and I’ve already purchased the (somewhat old) hot body challenge journal 🙂 any support or encouragement you have for me to catch up with everyone would be great! Looking forward to this amazing journey with you and all your followers!


    P.S. I like the portrait format 🙂

  172. Natalie G says:

    Can i find all the workouts on the youtube page or do I HAVE to pay for the app calendar?

  173. XiuHan says:

    I love this portrait format better. But honestly, it doesn’t matter which format its in as long as its the Blogilates calendar hahaha. ;3 Thanks for doing up this awesome monthly calendar! 😀

  174. Julia says:

    Cassey!! Thanks for doing this every month! But this is so special! It’s my birthday month and you choose my favorite flower, that means so much for me! Thanks again! loves from Brazil!
    PS:, I enjoy more landscape format ’cause I can use as my wallpaper, but this new style is probably better to print 🙂

    1. Roxanne says:

      Happy Birthday Julia! I like the idea of using it as wallpaper! Thanks!!!

  175. Nohelia says:

    Cassey! You should make a calendar with a little pomeranian puppy as background! Would be so adorable…

    Pleaase Cassey, Blogilates app for amazon???

    I’m going back on track, just bought a pretty pink mat and I’m super happy.

  176. Joyce says:

    I was actually a Spice Girls fan back then! Also had the big shoes 😛

  177. Alexa says:

    Omg I cant believe there’s an app !!!!

  178. Sandra says:

    Thank you Cassey because you don’t just teach us these amazing exercises but to be confident and I loved your quote: Choose to be happy. It’s what I needed to hear (or read).

  179. Val says:

    I’m so happy to get this! Can’t wait to try those stretches tomorrow!! AND I’m super glad that you brought those water bottles back! I might have to grab one (or two….or all three) for the summer! I was so bummed when I went to go check it out and they were all GONE! May looks like a freaking fantastic month! Can’t wait to start!

    Definitely an N*Sync girl! But I dig the BSB as well

    Sending you love in a Mayday basket! XD


  180. Charlene says:

    I am new to your calendar routines and I would like to know if I am supposed to do all of the workouts listed for the particular day or pick one? Sorry, it’s probably a stupid question.

  181. Crystal says:

    This is the first time I’m starting her monthly workout. How can I see all the videos in one spot? So I have to pay to watch them on the app??

  182. Jenn says:

    I love portrait bc it works better on my phone!!!

  183. Mindy says:

    I’ve been eyeing those bottles! Glad to see they’re back in. I was an NSYNC girl all the way. I don’t think I’m ever going to stop loving boybands. I just discovered One Direction last winter, and I can’t help myself. 🙁

  184. Silvia says:

    I love it this way! Its easier for me to hang on my normal calendar. However, I wanted to know if there’s a 30 Day _____ Challenge this month?Thanks! Much love from Chicago!

  185. Elizabeth says:

    I like it this way better, and I love the little pictures you add to it. Def an NSYNC fan…Justin over Nick Carter ANY DAY! Also, I was wondering if you would ever consider doing a meetup on Long Island. I live in Suffolk County so getting to the city is not always feasible for me. I would love to be able to come to a class and meet you! You are so inspiring and I look forward to working out now because of you. Thank you so much for giving us this community and for dedicating yourself to us POPsters! We love you Cassey!

  186. Nicole says:

    I prefer it this way, I usually file up these calendars and when its in landscape, there’s a lot of issues for me with the hole punching.

  187. Saskia says:

    Noooo………… that song will be forever stuck in my head…………. loved the gifs on tumblr XD

  188. Christina says:

    I prefer the landscape format. It is easier to view on my laptop. Say “hi” to NYC (my hometown) for me — I miss it so much!!

  189. Amanda says:

    I download the workout calendar into my phone and I zoom in to each day, but I’m very pleased with the portrait format. No complaints here. Can’t wait to get May started! Much love from Houston! 🙂

  190. Maggie says:

    I really like the portrait style! Thanks for all you do, Cassey! I discovered you in October 2013 and have been following your calendars since February 2014. You have helped me to get fit and confident!

  191. Grace says:

    Landscape can see clearly!! XP And the new bottles are super nice!!!

  192. Sarah says:

    portrait style is easier to put in my workout notebook, otherwise, the holes I punch go into the Sundays row. Thanks for asking! I can’t wait to see the 30 day challenge! 🙂 Have fun traveling!

  193. Jade says:

    I prefer the landscape format. Thanks for the May calendar!

  194. Jasmine says:

    I really like it in Landscape, it fits really nice on my bulletin board so that I can read it while I’m working out. Also, are you going to make another 30-Day Challenge too? I love doing those while I do the monthly calendar.

  195. Lauren says:

    I like the landscape format better because then it is in better quality, more HD looking 🙂

  196. Myra says:

    I prefer it in the landscape format, so it can be used as a laptop wallpaper!

  197. Ashley says:

    Honestly it’s hard to decide! As others said it’s easier to see on the computer as landscape but I prefer to print them out so portrait style is best! But you’ll never make EVERY ONE happy, so just do whatever YOU feel like for the month hahah

  198. Siska says:

    very excited for this! can’t wait for before and after pictures!!

  199. Nikki says:

    Definitely love calendar style! Woot ready for May!

  200. Cassie says:

    Both ways are amazing! Landscape’s a bit easier for me to put on my computer, though, I can see it better that way!

  201. Katy says:

    Can’t wait for this month!! Tmrw is the start of no maybes! Thanks Cassey you are the best 🙂

  202. Maria says:

    Hi Cassey,
    I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a beginner. Should I do the Beginner’s 2.0 or could I start right away with the May workouts? Thanks!

  203. Dayana says:

    Lol hahaha i love the taco in cinco de mayo!! And to be honest i prefer the landscape style. xoxo

  204. Arielle says:

    Hey Cassey, I was just wondering if you are going to make a 30- Day Challenge targeting a body part. I really like them! I love them! Thanks, Arielle

    1. Ashley says:

      Yes!! I’m in ❤️❤️ with the 30 day challenges!!!

  205. A.J. says:

    Cassey, I love the potrait format too.
    Are we getting a 30 day challenge for this month?
    And may I suggest lower abs as the part we work on?
    I think it will be really great…well especially for me.
    Please let me know.
    Yaaayyy for NoMayBees

  206. Stacy Polk says:

    my only problem is I don’t know I have these workout are and how to do them

  207. Christina says:

    I like it in this format! Thank you very much for everything Cassey! You’re the best! I really enjoy these workout calendars! 🙂 I was just wondering but could you make the image bigger or with better resolution? This one is smaller compare to those previous ones so its not as clear or maybe its just my computer… Once again, thank you very much! Can’t wait to start off May! :]

  208. Amanda says:

    I love the calendar in the portrait format!

  209. Jennifer says:

    I love it in this format! That way I don’t have to fix it when I go to print it later since portrait is my default layout. Loving the look of the new bottles! Can’t wait to get started with this month’s workouts!