#FABruary Workout Calendar! Get the password when you sign up for my newsletter.

feb 2015 540kb

 Click to print your #FABruary Workout Calendar

Hey guys!!

HAPPY #FABRUARY!! I really love this month’s calendar name. Thanks to everyone who helped me pick it!

Ok so you know the drill:

1. Click the calendar to print!

2. Take a selfie with it and #FABruary on Instagram and Twitter so I know you have it in your hands!

3. Download the Blogilates App (free) for inspiration and to meet other POPsters in the community! This is also where you will find this month’s exclusive workout, “All About That Butt.”

4. Follow the calendar exactly. Each workout video will be done once. Check them off as you go. You can do them throughout the day or in one session. Doesn’t matter. Just do it.

5. You will also add on the moves from the #30daybuttlift Challenge. These are easy, super effective glute toning moves that will give nice shape to your booty in a month. Follow it. Share it with your friends, family, and co-workers. I want to make getting active as fun and easy as possible!

30 day butt challenge 72ppi

Click to print your 30 Day Butt Lift Challenge

6. Finally if you want some EXTRA motivation, join the Hot Body Challenge Dietbet here! I am also giving away 5 pairs of Nike Free runs at the start of the game on Feb 2!

nike free run heart

Andddddddd just in case you haven’t hear yet! My first book, Hot Body Year Round just launched for pre-order!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

HotBodyYearRound cover small

It’s been 2 years in the making and I cannot believe this is actually happening. Thank YOU for being a part of this magical community and for working out with me every day. It would mean the world to me if you got a copy for yourself and even for a friend! I took all your suggestions and comments from over the years (since Blogilates started) to help formulate the ULTIMATE exercise and nutrition guide for you. It is basically the Blogilates Bible 😀

Please get it before April 6! Because if you do, you will be the first to receive it! And also, as a thank you I will send you an exclusive tote bag that I designed just for my Blogilates Bookworms!

Click here to get Hot Body Year Round!

K that is all for now guys! Let’s make #FABruary the best month ever! It’s the month of looooooveee!! And if you didn’t know already, I LOVE YOU.


PS: Pretty kissy lips on the calendar by Talula Christian.

223 thoughts on “#FABruary Workout Calendar! Get the password when you sign up for my newsletter.”

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  1. kinjal says:

    Hi cassey m confused with d calendar on day 1 it says 5 squats so do we hv to do it for 5 mins

  2. Madam Zam says:

    Yesterday I started a 30 days Ebs challenge I hope I will
    The good result, I can’t wait


  3. Lulu says:

    Just finished the #Fabruary calendar and i am so proud of myself because this is the longest i have ever worken out for. I thank you Cassey for your amazing videos, encouraging words, motivation, and for just being the great hero you are! Can’t wait for the March calendar!#bringiton!:)

  4. Kay Alexander says:

    Hi! I absolutely love your videos. Problem has been my neck is killing me. I don’t mean I’m pulling on my neck. But just from sitting up in the position to do ab work. I know you said on your videos people complain cuz they are looking the wrong way or straining. I’m not. I follow what you say to do. It actually feels like my cervical neck bone is out of place and a huge weight pressing my head forward, just as I’m going about everyday life. I push through anyway cuz I love the exercises and they totally have been reshaping my stomach. Just wondering if anyone else has these problems. what to do about it? Been to chiropractor and doctor. Not much they did but give pain pills that don’t cure the problem.
    Also as I’m In say a hundred position with my head up and looking forward feels like my spine is pushing towards itself at the cervical spine. (The ball) I’ve dine these for a year with no problem but the past few months it’s hurting and won’t go away.

  5. Jane says:

    HI Cassey, Thank you so much for providing such good workout training and everything.
    I cant wait for the new workout plans. IS our March calender ready?

    Love Jane

  6. Kim says:

    Hi Casey!

    I LOVED the Kickboxing video you and your sister did together! Kickboxing is such a fun way to do cardio (and get some aggression out)! It’s also a nice break from burpees and mountain climbers. Can you do another one, please!! 🙂


  7. Wendy says:

    Dear Cassey
    I realy enjoy your workouts.Especially the Calender.You don’t have to think about what you want to do.
    Just follow it.I am 42 and a mother of 3 .I was worried if I Could hold through.But I can although sometimes its hard.

    Love you

  8. Annie says:

    Hey Cassey,
    love the FABRUARY Calender but I am also very exited and curious about March.
    I was just wondering if you could make another Fat burning ladder Workout PLEASE, I just enjoy Cardio and HIIT a lot! 😉


  9. TigerBunny says:

    Hey Cassey,

    Do you think you could please make an Intermediate 30-day Calendar? I really likes the beginners one but the jump from that to these monthly ones is too much for me and I end up feeling really dejected about it!

    Really hope you can do it!

    1. orz says:

      OMG me too!! But here’s what I do
      After completing the Beginner’s Calendar just do any blogilates videos, starting at 3 to 4 videos a day. This is what I do so I get used to doing more workouts and when you feel you’re comfortable enough finally do the monthly workouts! Anyway if you can’t finish it all in one day, move it to the rest day or something – it’s OK to cross it out and not do it if you really can’t. listen to your body, don’t force it and pace yourself. even if you only do 2 workouts it’s really fine! everything you do is progress and will make you stronger. hope it helps xx

  10. Jem says:

    Hi Cassey

    Thank you for being such an inspiration. I’m ready to start! This is Day 1 for me, but is it okay for me to start on 25th? Rather than from the start of the calender or wait for March calender?


  11. Kelly says:

    I want to lose weight and I have about 3 months especially for the summer and I was wondering if I follow each day for the monthly calenders, will I be able to slim down? I’m 13, 4′ 11” and 99 lbs btw

    1. Reagan says:

      You are really tall, and really skinny! 99 lbs is actually seriously underweight for a person who is 5’11”, so you might want to be careful with what you do! Instead of slimming down, get toned! Getting toned will help you gain muscle weight and burn fat, so you won’t ever lose weight, but instead just look slimmer! A balanced diet is nice, but make sure you’re being careful with what you eat and still getting enough of the nutrients your body needs!

      -Reagan, 14, 5’5″, 123lbs

  12. Ria says:

    Hello! 🙂
    I’m new and very happy to be here! 😀

    I have a question to ask though! I have already finished the Beginners’ 2.0 program but I’ve recently started a job so my time is now more limited.
    Is it okay (or, “does it have the same result”) if I split the videos and do half of them in the morning and the other half at evening?

    1. Kelly says:

      yeah! that’s perfectly fine says you are still getting the same amount

  13. loli says:

    Hey cassey 🙂
    When are you going to reveal the (March) calendar?

  14. Amy says:

    Does anyone know if you can enlarge the size of the calendar for when we print it?

  15. Jess says:

    hey guys!! I just started this month and followed the workout plan exactly. But my muscles feel so sore 🙁 I know it’s simply because I’m not used to exercising that much… I feel really good being this active but it just sucks when my muscles hurt all the time and I barely have any strength left for the rest of the day..

    How did u guys start or do you have any tips for beginners?

    1. Hope says:

      Do you stretch some before and after you workout. Also if muscles hurt really bad you can take a cold shower to “release” them or help them from sore.

    2. Sarah says:

      If you are a beginner, she also has a beginner calendar. That may be a good start.

    3. Marissa Merlos says:

      Hi Jess I just got the “FABruary” calendar and you said you are following the workouts daily. And I was just wondering how do you do that? Like how can I find the videos to these title of workouts that are on the calendar?:)

    4. Kev says:

      Make sure you’re drinking enough water! 🙂 It’ll help out with the soreness

  16. Alexandra says:

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone wants to be my “partner” with blogilates challenge. We can motivate each other. 🙂 So if anyone is interested you can send me message on my email alexandrasandrajrzn@gmail.com.

    1. Denise says:

      I would love that! I find that I am less likely to give up if I am being accountableto someone else.


  17. julia says:

    i really want to lose weight ( thights and stomach)but after a week i lose my motivation and i dont know if i should start with the beginner calendar or with the monthly workout calendar. Its not the first time i exercise with Blogilates. I dont know what to do!!
    Could please someone help me??

    1. desi says:

      If it’s not the first time i would start with the monthly workout calendar and maybe you can find a partner to motivate eachother ! we can swap emails ? xx

    2. Amy says:

      If you’re finding yourself losing motivation then I say stick to the Beginners workout calendar. Just go through the whole beginners month! After you’re done if you still feel like ur not ready then repeat it again, but this time don’t start on the first week, start on the 2nd week this time! You just need to build up your endurance, it takes more time for some but we all start somewhere! I kept sticking to the beginners calendar till I felt strong enough to move on(:

  18. Nikk says:

    Im new to this and i have a question, iv been followin the calendar for 2 weeks now but is this enough to loose some weight aswell? I dont wan to loose too much just a touch and im eating clean should i be doing cardio aswell or are thw daily videos wnough? Pleasee hekp

  19. Astoldbyrach_ says:

    hi guys, i’m a little confused with the Fabruary workout calender, what is the “New video” for example on the second day?

    1. lizzie says:

      She posts new workouts on that day so you watch the video she just posted that day!

    2. Cathy says:

      It means that Cassey will post a new video to this blog and to youtube every Monday. So, in addition the the other videos listed for that day, you also have to do the new one 🙂

  20. Brittany says:

    Hello everyone,

    Has anyone been having success with the Buttlift Calendar? I’m alittle confused. Im starting it today, and it says 5 Squats 5 Butt Lifts 5 Fire Hydrants – but at the top says do that many reps. Does that mean 5 reps of 5 squats? That would make sense but some of the calendar says 14 Reps – does that mean 14 reps of 14 squats? It seems alittle excessive lol I guess I’m not getting the gist. Any help is appreciated.

    1. Hannah says:

      I think you’re getting confused with reps and sets. If It says two sets of 5 squats, you are doing 10 squats. If it says do 5 reps of squats, you are doing 5 squats.

  21. Sidney fred says:

    Hi my name is sidney and im 15 years old
    Im little bit late but i wAnt to start this program but i need help
    I want some one to start with me this program because i live with my grandpa and i dont have friend to workout or eat with so i need help pleas anyone contact with me on this email
    To motivate our selfs and don’t cheat thanks
    And my weight is 64 kg im 169 cm.

    1. Alexandra says:

      Heyy! My name is Alexandra!I was just looking for someone to start program with.It would be fun to motivate each other. Send me email at any time my email is alexandrasandrajrzn@gmail.com . 🙂

      1. Shahad says:

        hey may name is Shahad!! I am also looking for someone to start the program with, I am 15 too and I would love to have some one do the program with me. Feel free to contact me on sohar9921@gmail.com

      2. menka says:

        Hey I am game, I was not that regular with this one was travelling a lot.

        But getting back in action from today.

        my email is menkalekhwani@gmail.com Will send you a test email.

  22. rachel says:

    hey guys,
    I know it’s a little late but I want to start this calendar
    I was just wondering, do i still need to do cardio?
    Like go out for a run once a week
    Or is there cardio incorporated in the calendar?
    please reply!

    1. Monica says:

      Hey Rachel, the calendar is filled with cardio so you don’t have to run but you can if you want to, like I am doing the calendar, the butt challenge, and I go to the gym on fridays. So you can do the calendar and run if you want, but the running is not mandated. I hope i helped!

  23. Jasmin says:

    Hey, I’m new here 🙂 Sorry, but I have an embarassing question …
    How does this calendar work for each month? How do you know the exercises for each day?
    I really haven’t an idea and my English is bad, sorry hahaha

    1. Melissa says:

      Hi Jasmin,

      Print the calendar. Every day are listed some videos, so you just search them on youtube and do them.

    2. tendel says:

      every month , the calendar has a specific workout for that specific day . To open the calendar , you have to be a part of the newsletter by subscribing and they email you the secrets password for every month .
      Once you have the calendar , do the given workout for the given day , thats all!

    3. Kiki says:

      You don’t follow this calendar for each month, you actually get a new one every month with different exercises 🙂 and the exercises for each day are written on the calendar… so you just need to find those workouts on Youtube 🙂
      for example: tomorrow, on 14th February you have a workout “4 min to a hot body” 🙂 type that on Youtube, watch the exercises and do them( this is the hardest part xD)
      Btw, where are you from? 🙂 English is not my native language either 😀

    4. Mary says:

      Each phrase like “fat burning dance” or “5 min fat burner” are the names of the workout videos you should do each day that are on the blogilates site. You can type them into the search bar on the blogilates website and do them one at a time.

      On the butt challenge calendar each phrase is the name of one of the exercises pictured at the top of that calendar. The number beside each name is how many times you need to repeat each exercise.

  24. Ruth says:

    Hello Popsters and Cassey!!
    I have a question. I have been following the Blogilates Calendars and
    recently, my right hip flexor hurt to the point of not being able to do leg circles without a sharp, sore pain.
    Also, my left hip flexor makes a clicking noise too.
    I have tried putting KT tape and stretching but it still hasn’t gone away. 🙁
    Does this mean that I need to go see a physical therapist to get it checked up?
    Any advice or tips? Please let me know!!

    1. Katie Frawley says:

      Yes, definitely go get it checked out. You should not have pain while working put. It usually means there is something else wrong. It sounds like you may have sprained or torn the muscle.

    2. Catherine says:

      I had this same exact problem. If it’s similar to mine it’s most likely a torn labrum. You most definitely should get that checked out, the sooner you can catch it the better. I was a competitive rower before this pain started and now it is even hard to keep up with Cassey’s workouts. My doctor said that there is only a 5-10 percent chance this will heal on it’s own, regardless of ice,heat, or a cortisone shot.

  25. Cait says:

    Is anyone else having bruising on the palms/heels of their hands on the currEnt February calendar? had experienced soreness before but this time it is actual purple blue bruising. I don’t like the feeling of doing planks on fists.. Maybe I will just have to anyway. I just wondered if it was just me.

    1. Monica says:

      Yeah my joints aren’t the strongest either, so i usually roll up the mat quite a bit so i have more cushion. The pain doesn’t disappear but it’s not as bad I hope I helped!

  26. Cross15 says:

    Heyy i got a question? I just started today. How many times am i supposed to work out a day? I worked out today when i got home from school and then again after dinner is that right? and am i supposed to work out after I eat??

    1. Amalia says:

      hi 😉 I read on another workout blog that exercising before dinner makes you loose weight wayyyy faster…but I’m not sure about AFTER dinner because that could make you sleep in a less relaxed way so make you sleep much less longer

  27. Cross15 says:

    I got a question? I just started today. I worked out when i got home from school and after i ate dinner. Is that right? How many times do i workout a day and am i supposed to workout after I eat???

  28. Mia says:

    My name is Mia and I really want to lose a decent amount of weight around my hips, on my belly and my arms. Preferably by before the beginning of August. Could someone please tell me the best exercises to do this?
    Thank you.

    1. Nnz says:

      You can’t actually spot reduce, you’re going to have to lose fat all over your body, but since you got til he beginning of August, you have some time ^-^ Just eat clean and work out and make sure to target the muscle groups in the area you want to tone up!

    2. Carola says:

      Mia, are you just starting? Then the best thing you can do is follow the beginners calender and if you like a challenge. Last month challenge will be the best then(abs). If you want to slim down, you can follow the meal plans and tips about food. Good luck! And don’t forget to drink lots of water.

  29. Beste says:

    Hi girls i have a question
    My schedule doesn’t allow me to workout everyday. I go to school and also work
    but i wanna get in shape too. I did the beginners calender last month but now school has started i can’t keep up with it. Can i do 2 days of workout on my not so busy days? Does it have any risks?

    1. Cathy says:

      I’m not sure also, but that’s what I’ve been doing. This one day I felt rally bad and feverish and didn’t feel like moving at all, but I did 2 days’ videos the next day. I did feel that the very last videos were really hard, because my body was so tired at the end, but I would suggest trying. If you feel like you can’t handle it or the bad kind of pain, then stop 🙂

      Best of luck 🙂

      1. Beste says:

        Thx Cathy
        I’ll try to do most of i can

  30. Bia says:

    Hi Popsters,

    I wondered if this workouts will help me gain more curves and muscular mass because I’m a naturally fat – thin person and I don’t want to look skinnier but toned instead so…? My prroblem areas are muffintop (too much) and butt (nothing at all).

    thank you girls 🙂

    1. Menka says:

      I think the workouts will help you in toning your over all body, that’s the beauty of pilates!
      There are specific workouts for muffintop maybe you can increase the repetitions of that and switch it with the butt slimming ones. The butt lifting workouts will help you tone the lower body too! 🙂

    2. Rachel says:

      Well it’s hard to tell exactly how your body will react to a workout because everyone is different. But Cassie’s videos are way more about getting toned & strong than thin & skinny. I’ve been on the blogilates app & the girls who really go for it all have strong looking bodies. I’ve also noticed a lot of girls who are recovering from eating disorders use her videos because they get them stronger.

  31. menka says:

    Hey everyone!

    So I lasted till 80 burpees yesterday but I guess that was because I took that up in the last but it was fun!
    Don’t you think it would be great if we can know how many calories we are burning after each workout?
    Also are the work outs enough I mean obviously with that goes the healthy and clean diet! Anybody who has seen great results, suggestions would be appreciated! TIA 🙂

    1. Carola says:

      Menka, i would recommend the app. On the forum you can see a lot of before and after photo’s. You can ask that person questions as well. Like how long they’ve been working out for that result and if they eat by the meal plans etc. It’s motivating and overall a very good app!
      About the calories, that probably depends from one person to another. Don’t think you can tell how many precisely. Enjoy!

      1. Menka says:

        Thanks Carola! 🙂 Will follow the app!

  32. Pamela says:

    Help! This is my first month doing the regular calendar. For the “All about that Butt” section highlighted on the calender, what do you do? I did not see a video. Also, I am having trouble doing all of these videos at once. Is it okay to break it up throughout the day? If I do break up the videos, do I have to do a warm up & stretching after each break? For instance, if I did 2 videos in the morning and 2 at night, should I treat it as two seperate workouts or just continue from where I left off?

    Thanks Popsters!

    1. Cathy says:

      I’m wondering too. Do I just skip it or should I replace it smth?

    2. Gwen says:

      I can’t find that video either!

      And yes you should warm up and strech if you do 2 videos in the morning and 2 at night 🙂 I always listen to a song that I like and I warm up just the time of the song (about 3 minutes).

      Hope it helped!

      ps: sorry my english is not perfect, I’m Belgian 🙂

      1. Emily says:

        The video seems to only be available through the app, but I’ve subscribed through the Itunes store and I still can’t access the video! Help!

      2. Sara says:

        You find it in the blogilates app

      3. Fiona says:

        It’s a video you get if you download the app

      4. Celia Vitale says:

        The All About That Butt video is only in the app- not on Youtube. I would replace it with a short butt video!

  33. Cristina Cabrera says:

    Today I woke up and my body was hurting so much: my back, my legs OH GOSH.. my mother told me to take some pills to relax but I told her that i wanted to feel the pain because thats the prove that Im working hard! With all that pain I went to a family trip to the interior of the country and in the way back we pass to the BEACH! AWESOME! The trip was of 4 hour going and 4 hour back and i was driving it all the way!!! T_T When I got home I didnt have any energy!! But my boyfriend and one of my best friends gave me the courage to do the workout!! i feel like i will sleep veeeery deeply! The good new is that i dont have to work tomorrow wujuu! I wanted to share this because I can give a lot of excuses, my body may hurt me a lot but i need this, if I want to change, I need to do it right now!

    PD. The burpuees, WHY CASEY, WHY??!!

    1. Bia says:

      Hi Cristina,

      I feel the same about the burpees I lasted until 78… but gosh I feel really glad about the pain!! 😀 I know it means I’m doing it right and it’s working I can’t even sit right jaja. 🙂

      ps: sorry for my english I’m ecuadorian hehe

  34. Nataliah says:

    Just finished the 100 Burpee Burnout! It took me 22 minutes, but I feel great now! I’ve actually been lookng forward to giving it a try all week, and now that I’ve done it, I know I am capable of getting though it. Taking a break for a while now, but I plan to finish the calendar later today. Thanks Cassey!

  35. Jenna says:

    Could you also make the app availeble for windows Phone? That would be amazing!

    1. Amy says:

      I have a Windows phone too! That would be amazing! 😀

  36. Kimberley says:

    I am worried that I am too thin, will doing cardio workouts from the calender make me look thinner or help me gain more weight/roundness? I just know fat percentage wise I don’t need to lose anymore. I have very bony shoulders and the more definition I get, I feel like it stands out more. But then at the same time, maybe that’s just me being self conscious.

    Any advice?

    1. Ruadh Kelly-Harrington says:

      If you’re worried about being too thin, don’t do all the cardio! Cardio is for burning fat. Maybe just swap some of the cardio videos for others of similar length? But make sure you don’t exclude cardio altogether, because it’s also good for your heart and your mood and such. Do what you feel is right for your body!

    2. Carola says:

      Same thing here. I’m satisfied with my weight, so i don’t wanna lose anymore. I eat more nuts 🙂 They’re good fats and it helps me. You definately get more toned and curvy! That’s why i choose this.

  37. Ruadh Kelly-Harrington says:

    Is the All About That Butt video only available on the app? I’d love to get the app but don’t have an iPhone! 🙁

  38. Kendall says:

    I’ve had Blogilates on my radar for several months, but never really got into it. However, this last month my friends started working out at the gym on campus, but I’ve been to scared to go. I finally jumped on Blogilates a few days ago, and I already feel better! Not just physically, but emotionally as well! I feel more confident because I know my body is changing, and I don’t worry about other people watching me at the gym! The workouts are fun, quick, and challenging! Thank you, Cassey, for sharing this with so many people!

  39. T says:

    I downloaded the app and I wanted to do the february calander (yeahh I know I’m a bit late but just found out about it todat) only it says I have to pay money for it… Am I right or did I do something wrong? :$

    1. Carola says:

      99 cents a month for the calenders. The beginners is for free. It is handy!

  40. Claudia says:

    I just wanna know… if I didn’t start February 1st, may I start later?? Should I wait for the next month? I discover this website though my friend I simply love it!! I cannot wait to start!!!! 😀 😀 😀

  41. Emily says:

    I really need your help. I want to get more in shape. I’ve been subscribed to you for a while now, and I’ve done your workouts, but not consistently. I have enough motivation for about a week, and then I lose it. How do I get more motivation?

    Another thing.. you’ve said that getting in shape is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I try to work out and follow the calendar as best as I physically can. Some days are more hectic than others, and I can’t always complete all the routines.

    What I’m getting at is that I try to do the 20% exercise, but the diet part.. that’s another story. I still live with my mom. I’m not in charge of the groceries. She goes shopping every Sunday to get what we need for the week–on her budget. That’s how it’s always been. We can’t afford the healthier stuff, and that’s what the problem is. I can’t eat healthier if there’s no healthy foods in the house.

    I feel like I’m getting nowhere with getting in shape. I work out, but I can’t eat healthy. I try with what I’ve got, though, which isn’t much. It’s either avoid the junk food and be hungry, or eat the junk food so I don’t starve. I’m stuck, and I don’t know where to go from here.

    I’m determined to be healthier; I just can’t afford it. Can you maybe give me advice/help/something? I really need it, and I’d really appreciate it.

    1. Amy says:

      Hi Emily,
      I totally get where you’re coming from! I would suggest talking to your mom about it (there’s nothing to feel uncomfortable about- just tell her you want to start eating healthier) and maybe look at going to the grocery store with her next time. Also, healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive! It can be overwelming, but to start, try to buy whole grains instead of white (Rice, oats, ww bread are inexpensive), and lots of fruits and vegetables (spinach, apples, carrots, celery…all fairly cheap if you buy them right. buying in-season produce is cheaper, and frozen is good too.) I think sometimes motivation can be hard to find when the task at hand seems to big to approach. Try to break it down into smaller goals, and take baby steps. You’ll be surprised where it will take you!
      Best of luck from a fellow Popster ^_^

    2. Rose Black says:

      I have the same problem! The people in my family have a different idea of healthy to me… But what I try to do is just gradually try to introduce more and more vegetables to the weekly shopping list. Some are quite cheap, if you’re creative. The trick is take it slowly. 🙂

    3. Melissa says:

      Hi Emily,
      If you really want it, you can do it!

      When you lose motivation, just go and look at the before and afters on here. They always help to motivate me, because there are people who WERE worse off than me, and they did it.

      I would suggest that you try Cassey’s 30 day workout calendar for beginners. It starts off quite easy, and seeing results after only a week (especially in strength) really keeps you motivated. And the best part is: You get to relax on sundays 😉 Even if you can’t complete all the videos listed on that day, try to finish at least one, it usually won’t take longer than 6 to 10 minutes.

      For the food part: How about you talk to your mother about the groceries? You could also join her when she goes food shopping. Maybe she would also like to eat healthier and buy healthier stuff. It’s really not that expensive, it doesn’t necessarily has to be the organic stuff (although it’s much better, so you know exactly what you put into your body).
      Look at Cassey’s “Cheap clean eats”, there is some really yummy stuff you can cook on a low budget.
      Also, I think on the long rung it will cost less if you buy healthy stuff like rice, chicken (skinless) and vegtables and cook meals yourself than buying junk food.
      You and your mother could cook the meals on sunday’s for the following week, put them in tupperware and freeze them. It will save you time on weekdays and you know you’ve got something healthy to eat when you come home.

      The number one thing you should do to start: Cut out sodas! Drink a lot of water, it will keep you full and you won’t have as much cravings and you can even make it tastier by putting in some fruits.

      What really helps me, is to journal everything I eat, drink and the exercises I do. Every day.

      If you are as determinde as you say, I believe that you can do it! And you will 🙂 Just do it one step at a time. Stay strong!

      1. Emily says:

        I really appreciate the help. Thank you so much! It makes it much easier when there’s people like you to offer sound advice 🙂

  42. Kellie says:

    I can’t seem to be able to print. When I open the calender & do print preview, it has 1 page but is only like the top corner which includes the first 3 days (kinda like a shot of only that section). How do i get all on one page ( I had this problem way back when i tried to print & just gave up). I’d like to start doing this but need to be able to print. why can’t we save as pdf to print or something? Help… thank you! 🙂 Kellie

    1. Mel says:

      Save it as JPEG Image and insert it into a word document and then print. had the same problem; that’s how I did it 🙂

  43. Brigid says:

    Hey Cassey!
    I’m a runner and I’ve been looking for a new way to workout that can fit into my busy life, and I just love your videos! I’m on day 5 and even though I’m in pretty good shape, I’m unbelievably sore and I’m afraid I won’t do the moves correctly because of it. I don’t want to take a day off so do you have an suggestions to help me power through?

  44. Natalie says:

    For day 4 (today) were we supposed to do that twenty minute video for the last one?

  45. Deyra says:

    HEY Cassie
    So i am a lil bit late with these exercises, tomorrow will be my D-1, but looking forward to it!
    I’ve been reading all the comments and i can see people r very excited with ur vids and i think i am also gonna combined the FLAT ABS CHallenge,,
    i really hope this works out, i am gonna give my best… and keep u noticed about my progress!!!

    1. Deyra says:

      oh i also have a question… do i need to do some cardio exercises before i start any of these videos?

  46. Abigail says:

    Where do I post for my questions to be answered since Cassey is probably to busy to answer in the comments?

  47. Dena says:

    I have a quick question! So It’s pretty hard for me to get anywhere on Saturdays to work out, so I was wondering – do you think its okay to switch Friday and Saturday workouts some times? It just seems like Friday workouts are a lot shorter and don’t need as much room, so I could probably make time/room for them on Saturday, but I don’t want to skip Saturday workouts since they’re cardio!

    1. Amanda says:

      I can’t see that being a problem! As long as you have one day where you focus on relaxing and stretching I’m sure you’ll be fine.

  48. drashti says:

    Really really really… You are such a great inspiration for me. I seriously left the hope even at such a young age that I can ever lose weight and look as toned and lean and attractive. Thanks to you that The way you inspire and give challenges and keep an eye just as a true well wisher, it impacts a lot on my will power. Thanks a lot sweetie

  49. Myrna says:

    Just pre-ordered my book and wondering where the little spot went to sign up for the Q&A/Free tote bag!

    1. Jillian says:

      I think what you could do is add a cardio video to your every day workout. So do one cardio video before you do your leg day or ab day. 🙂

  50. Kerry P says:

    I can’t find where the link to get the tote bag is? Just bought the book! Please help 🙂

  51. Teresa says:

    Quick question, on the Hiit videos it says we are doing it 4xs, so we do each of the hiit videos listed for today 4xs?!

    1. Veronika says:

      No, she said that we have to do it 4 times just if we are not doing the “month calendar” 🙂 .. I hope you understand, my english is not too good.

  52. sandra says:

    I am new to the monthly challenges, and I was wondering WHERE and WHEN She releases the new videos for each day of February. Any other additional information is welcome!!

    1. Gen says:

      On her YouTube channel! It’s called Blogilates as well, and she creates a new playlist for each day “Feb 3rd”, “Feb 4th” etc. Each playlist will have all the videos you need to do fir that day. 🙂
      You asked this a day ago, so maybe you’ve figured it out by now haha

  53. Dana says:

    hey Cassie and my fellow popsters,

    does the blogilates app also work on blackberry phones? I tried to search it but it comes up with no results. I can’t get to the new video ‘all about that butt’ . Is there any chance you could put it on your website or youtube Cassie!!! Thank you so much!!! I love your videos!!! I’ve just moved from the beginner’s calendar to the FABuary and I can see such a difference, not only in how i feel but also when I look in the mirror 🙂 So thank you!!! xxx

    1. Trinity says:

      You get I’m all about that butt only if your subscribed on the Blogilates app

      1. Dana says:

        Hi Trinity, thanx for the reply but the problem is that I can’t get it / find it my blackberry app world 🙁

  54. Ilona says:

    Is it normal that my spine is painful when I push it lightly after I do excercises that are supossed to be a spinal massage?

  55. Bonnie L says:

    My calendars won’t print at work because the images are restricted (I work for big company)… can someone email me these so maybe I can print them that way? Or in a PDF format? Really want to get these today… thanks!! 🙂 🙂

  56. Ace says:

    Hey Cassey! Looooove your calendars and challenges! Arms next month??? BUT, I need your help.

    Lately my inner-hips (I don’t know if that is a thing), but the joint where my leg meets my pelvis on the inside have been clicking when I have to extend my legs during lying down exercises. Such as the Bicycle twists, and the Cheerleader etc. It was annoying at first, but now it’s starting to get a little painful on the right leg, and so I can’t fully extend it. I have tried warming up, and stretching (especially my adductors and hip flexors) before my workouts, and it’s not working. It’s getting really frustrating because I could do way more reps, and have much better form, if it weren’t for my darn clicking joints there. HALP!

    1. Chiara says:

      OMG, that happens to me too, but only with my left leg!!
      I don’t know what to do either, also I have to stop exercising because it’s quite painful 🙁

      1. Meri says:

        Hi! This could be a mild case of SPD (sympyshis pubic dysfunction). You can read on it on the Internet. Pelvic floor exercises should help strengthen the area, but first take a break from exercising to reduce inflammation. You may also want to consult a physical therapist. That’s what I did. I had a severe case and it took me almost a year to heal.

        1. Amanda says:

          My hips click too! It’s not painful or anything I can just feel the pop. It’s almost like my hip is adjusting. I don’t get it when I’m doing bicyles and stuff like that but for sure when I’m doing double leg drops. I’ll look into that SPD thing though!

  57. Nayab says:

    Hey Cassie,
    I am in love with your videos..ive been doing the body focus exercises only from the past few months and just started the feb calendar..I must say that day 1 almost killed me but here I am looking forward to day 2..what i was wondering is, what about the part where it says new video..how will i know which video is it.? :/
    overall, i am so soo in love.
    thankyou cassey..you’ve made working out so easy and fun.
    love from Dubai

  58. Desi says:

    Hi, Cassey! I wanted to ask you a question and say I love Blogilates! But I was wondering around what time do you post new videos? I ask this because I work out really early Central time zone and this morning I couldn’t see any New-new videos. I’ll just do another Butt and Thigh video like last weeks vid. for now. 🙂

    1. Desi says:

      Or two weeks ago? My days are all mixed up. Lol. Oops.

  59. lea says:

    What video are we supposed to do where it says new video on day 2?x

    1. fatima says:

      She downloads anew video every monday . That is what u supposed to do

    2. Chiara says:

      She will release a new video today 🙂

  60. avigahil says:

    Just wondering where do I find the video or the workout on the calendar? Or can I just type it in you tube and find it there?

  61. Kat says:

    Hey Cassey,

    Just wanted to say that I’m so in love with the look of this months calendar! It’s so gorgeous and fabolous <3 I'm so stoked to get right into #FABruary. Also, huge huge huge congratulations on your first ever book!!

  62. Courtney says:

    What were some of anyone’s results of doing a previous month’s workout challenge? This is my first time trying one!

  63. Leandra says:

    So I did Blogilates for a couple of months last winter, but found it left me feeling “cold” (metaphorically speaking). I wasn’t really enjoying it. It’s now been about 9 months since I last did Blogilates but I decided to get back into it this month for a couple of reasons. 1) I want to get a navel piercing at the end of March, but I need to shrink my belly a bit so that a) I’m less embarrassed at the piercer, and b) so my clothes don’t rub against it and irritate my piercing. while it’s healing. 2) I’m starting medical school in 6 months and I want to get into healthy habits so I can be a good role model for my patients.

    In the past, well, since I stopped doing Blogilates, I’ve figured something out: it’s important to push yourself through the workouts, but don’t do it to the point that you feel sick. In order to be effective in the long run you need to do exercise that makes you feel good – not feel like crap. If you overdo it, it’s counterproductive. And you also have to be ok with not getting the entire thing done – because if you beat yourself up about it, that’s counterproductive too. Long story short, I feel like things are gonna go better this time. Wish me luck!

    1. Leandra says:

      (Oh, and I’m not saying I will ALWAYS have to stop early due to fatigue – I’m saying it’s better to start smaller and work your way up, instead of trying to do everything at once right away and feeling crummy. I actually did do most of it, I just couldn’t get through the last video tonight.)

  64. Natalie says:

    Where can I find the videos for day 1 of the February calendar? I’ve already signed up and got the password and stuff but I dont know where to find the videos? Please help!

    1. Tracie says:

      Find the blogilates YouTube channel and go to playlists…everything is there!

    2. Courtney says:

      except “All about that butt” it’s on the app.

      1. Courtney says:

        type in “blogilates….” and the name of what the calendar says and it will be right there. The first video (:

    3. Maggie says:

      You just search all of them on YouTube.

  65. Joanna says:

    Ok I have held back making a comment of my own about the challenges. I have made a couple of replys, but I have to say I have enjoyed working out with cassey. I have folllowed several pilates fitness instructors, but I have gotten my best results with cassey so far. I did the beginners chellenge 3 time. I finally feel brave and strong enough to started the monthly challenge. Today was day one of the february/butt challenge. Tired but enjoyed it. Thank you cassey!

  66. Natalie says:

    The YT playlist for Day 1 only contained 3 videos, so I thought that was it, but the calendar has more! Are thise videos optional then if they are not on the playlist? Should I go back and do them? Btw, thanks so much Cassey for the effort you put into all these plans and calendars! I feel like it’s a very unique program in that its so much fun when you do the workouts with us and that it’s free! Btw, newbie here, and I cannot wait to see some results!

  67. Sarah says:

    Hellp i dont how to find the videos of what to do eachday!!

  68. Lulu says:

    First tim doing a months calender and so tired. Its way harder than the beginners workout video. But loving the sweat and calenderdesign. Thanks Cassey!!! 🙂

  69. Emily says:

    Done, first day! I thought I can’t do it, but I did 🙂

    1. Sarah says:

      Im a bit lost how do i find the videos of what to do for eachday??

  70. zavidar says:

    Why did my original login get deleted/ and why don’t you post the videos that go along with the day anymore?

  71. Raine says:

    I just gave birth to my son a month ago, so I’m excited to get back into fitness. Blogilates is how I got in shape years ago, so this should be fun!

  72. Charly says:

    This will be my second month working out with your calendar, this is so great. I always had so many problems getting motivated after work to workout. Beginning of jan I found your blog cassey and I am lookin forward to working out every day now. Thank you for motivating me!
    I am also taking part in the dietBet. Are you going to support that with a meal plan? Love your easy banana pancakes….delisious!
    Greetings from Germany 🙂

  73. Francesca Serra says:

    I’m getting sick and have a really bad cold (can’t really breathe)… Is it ok for me to do the exercise if I’m sick?

    1. Ronjah says:

      It depends… Sometimes a nice sweaty WO can drive the sickness away. Sometimes it gets worse, and it can also get to your heart.
      If you have a fever – REST!
      Try with a vid or two, but don’t push yourself if your body screams no.

    2. Joanna says:

      Make sure u r drinking lots of liquids too. Stay hydrated, u know viral infections have to work it’scourse.

  74. Amy M. says:

    I am excited to hear about your national tour dates although I’m sure you are just going to major cities like Salt Lake, LA, Boston, etc.

  75. Christina says:

    Did last months challenge, did pretty good for just starting. Tried starting this calendar today and it’s a lot.I’m nervousI’ll get overwhelmed and give up. Plus it’s not as easy looking up the videos where last month they were there and available with the calendar. I even downloaded the app, it looks like I have to pay 99 cents a month to download the calendars there. I guess I’m just frustrated this month, I’ll prob do the butt challenge but will most likely do the beginner calendar again, I still have a lot of learning to do and I think I can stick with it and try do the more advanced moves this time around.

    1. ColdasIce-9 says:

      I usually search and find a playlist someone else created for that day of the calendar. The playlist will have all the videos and play them back to back. After the first couple of days more and more playlists will show up and they will be easier to find. Don’t give up!

  76. Victoria says:

    Just finished Day 1 of FABruary and I feel pretty FAB. I huffed and puffed to keep up so it’s going to be a killer but amazing month. 😀
    Good luck everyone!

  77. Chiara says:

    Day 1 of the February Calendar (almost) finished! I skipped one video because I was dying, but I’m quite satisfied with myself since I just finished the beginner’s Calendar and I thought I couldn’t make it with the regular one, instead I did it!

    Do you think it’s still OK if I continue with the regular calendar even if I skip some parts? I hope to become stronger and stronger and complete it all!

  78. Jenny says:

    Looking forward to this and the butt challenge! Finished the Beginners calendar and abs challenge today and can notice such a difference from a month ago!

    One question though, are there no rest days on the monthly calendar?

    1. Kendra says:

      The rest days are the Flexible Fridays. The videos on Fridays are just stretching videos to help relax you! 🙂

    2. Kim Linh says:

      nope. You’d better get used to the advanced calendar, this ain’t beginners no more 😉 But don’t worry, I’m here with you. I’m already dying from the first day! It’s totally okay to skip one or two videos a day since you’re a beginner, I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m gonna do 😛 just make sure you become stronger every day!

  79. Megan says:

    Do I have to look up the videos myself? Or does she do the playlist thing like the beginner’s calendar?

    1. Amanda says:

      If you go on youtube and check under playlists she puts up each set of videos a day ahead!

      1. Natalie says:

        I tried this and couldn’t find February day one and Im really stressing out cause I couldn’t find any of the videos so I resorted to just finding an ab workout and an arm workout on YouTube that was on the calendar and I really need help

  80. Cova says:

    So I’m pretty sure lots of people tell you how great this blog is. Let me be that +1.
    Cassey, you are the best. I mean I started in the middle of January so I’m not one of the many to notice changes in their body, but this website and everything on it, the challenges, the calendars, de POPilates sessions, the workouts and explanations… I JUST LOVE IT. I’m kind of sad I didn’t discover it earlier but I am super ready to start this month and every single one that comes along. I’m 100% that I’ll get to June with the bikini hot body I want and it will be mostly thanks to you…. So FABruary, BRING IT ON!

  81. Alisson says:

    Hi, I’m very excited for this month. I really hope that I can keep up with all the workouts since I just started a week ago. I was wondering if anyone knows about a website or anything can help me with clean eating? or do they have something like this on this website already? I work out everyday but I never know what to eat exactly because I’m not good with “clean eating

    1. kathryn says:

      If a food comes pre-made in a box, generally it’s not “clean” ….clean eating means all natural foods, nothing processed with ingredients you can’t pronounce, and no junk food. the easiest way to eat clean is to eat lots of fruits and veggies, and cook the majority of your own meals.

  82. Simone says:

    the scond month and al ready my body is changing. I love the workout even when i become tired. I also use flat abs challenge for my belly. Cassey, you are the best.

  83. Jessica says:

    This is my first month with your exercise!!!
    I’m so excited!!
    Kiss from Italy

  84. Jana says:

    This is my first month working out with your calendar. I’m so happy and excited now <3
    Greetings from Germany 🙂

    1. Jule says:

      Hey, wie cool, ich bin auch aus Deutschland & hab letzten Monat angefangen:)) viel Spaß dir !

  85. Alaa' says:

    FABruary calendar looks so great !! Cant wait to start, thank you for all the resources cassey

  86. Nina says:

    Hey guys, it’s my first time doing this (or any) calendar and I was wondering what does it mean when it says ‘new video’. I guess new video will appear on YouTube, but how do I know which one is it?

  87. Kate says:

    Wow! Calendar looks so good but hard! I will be trying to get all of workouts… haha. And I definitely join new butt calendar!! So excited, thank you Cassey!

  88. menka says:

    hey I am really excited to start this, I have been following Cassey and her workouts for over a month on youtube. But this is new and I am all geared up. Have received the calender. Wanted to know how do i access the supporting videos for the workouts mentioned in the calendar?

  89. EJ says:

    Hi guys! When it says “New Video” in the calendar, what does it mean? Does it refer to a new video that Cassey will be posting? 🙂

  90. Carlie says:

    Is anyone else working out ONLY to gain muscle? I am actually underweight, although I finally gained 10 lbs last year. I never know what to do with all this cardio, because I’m trying NOT to burn very much fat. Can anyone else relate, and what do you do?

    1. kathryn says:

      even if you’re not trying to lose weight, cardio is extremely important for heart health!

    2. Samar says:

      You could try only doing the strength training workouts (along with cardio warmups ofcourse) and choosing different sets of videos on cardio days and focusing alternately on abs/butt/arms etc.

    3. Merel says:

      Hi Charlie!
      same problem here. I went to the doctor with this problem and she said that muscles weigh more than fat. So when you burn the fat but gain muscles you will still gain some weight 😉
      I hope this helped you
      XO Merel

    4. Jenna S says:

      Hi Carlie! Cardio helps me build muscle too, regardless you’re still working those muscles! Strength training is good but of course warming up and cooling down is key

  91. Eli says:

    This is my first time doing the month calendar ! I’ve started on january doing the Beginners 2.0 but now I’m not sure I’m strong enough to do thisss ! :S I’m actually kind of nervous about this ! Any advise anyone ?

  92. Juliana Guzmán says:

    I must say that i’m a little bit afraid of everything this month xD (I know i’ll suffer) but also… i’m kind of worried because i just look at my body and all i see is this disgusting fat.

  93. Joy says:

    How do you print it so that it covers the whole paper?

    1. orz says:

      Go to Microsoft Word, set margins to 0 on all sides, when it gives a warning just ignore it.

    2. kate321 says:

      just click on the picture of the calendar and then print

    3. kate321 says:

      sorry i typed that comment before i realize it didn’t take up the whole page. i thought u were trying to print it out from this page. i suggest taking a screenshot of only the calendar after u click the link. that’s what i did and it filled the whole page. hope that made sense….lol

    4. Bernice says:

      Hi dear! Do the whole “Click here to print” under her calendar, which will open to the full sized image. SAVE that image and go to Paint. I printed from the Paint program. Go to file>page setup>orientation>portrait. Printing in portrait will give you the whole calendar which covers the whole paper. Go to file>print preview to make sure it’s going to print correctly. That’s how I did it because printing from my web browser (Chrome) wasn’t giving me the whole paper covered. Hope it helps you as well!

  94. Eli says:

    My second month 🙂 I started blogilates at january 7 🙂 I will for sure keep training

  95. Cindy P says:

    AHHHH!!!!! It’s so exciting to see the new calendar this morning!!! Thank you for this inspiring and beautiful motivation, Cassey 🙂 I finished the JanYOUary and the ABS workout and I do feel the good changes in my body and my sister joined the workout this month. We all can’t wait to see the results at the end of FABruary!!!!!!!!!!! Btw, banana pancakes are awesome and they’re my regular breakfast now.
    Love you <3

  96. Hannah B says:

    Hello, Cassey! I would like to start off by saying that I love your videos! I love how cheerful you are, it makes those tough workouts a lot easier to push through.
    I’m a little concerned, however, about this month’s calendar. I notice that for the butt lift challenge calendar you have not included any rest days. I’m not going to pretend to be certified in anything in the fitness world, but I have been powerlifting for 6 years, and every coach I’ve had has said the same thing: you need rest days. There are also countless articles on the subject by people who are certified and have degrees in related fields. If you’re working your leg muscles, let’s say, you need a day of rest before working those muscles again. That’s how your muscles grow. Your muscles break down when you exercise them, then repair themselves when you rest, that’s how they get stronger. Anyways, my point is that I’m a little discouraged by the fact that you did not include this in your calendar. You have a lot of people new to fitness who follow you and they don’t know things like this. I didn’t before I got into powerlifting. Doing those moves every single day will exhaust and damage your leg muscles. Anyways, please consider this when making your challenge calendars, and help educate those who are new to fitness so they stay safe.
    Thank you.

  97. Liesl says:

    Hi Cassey, thank you for all the resources that you provided!!
    The FABruary calender looks so fantastic!! But I am just wondering, I usually done the workout in the morning, should I eat something before working out or after working out? Thus what should I eat?

    1. Kelley Anne says:

      Eat 20 to 30 min before you workout because if you don’t you can burn the muscle away and not have the energy to do your workouts. Eat something that’s healthy and can give you some energy and after have something else. My typical preworkout food is a scrambled egg with spinach, tomatoes and avocados and I wait for the food to settle then do my workout. After I make and quick salad with spinach and lettuce dry with a sprinkle of chicken slices I grilled and I drink a whole glass of water. I love spinach and veggies so I incorporate all or most into my pre-workout meals and post-workout meals. Think whole, hearty and healthy! Check Cassey’s app for food inspirations and try those! <3

  98. Brittany says:

    Hey everybody! I was just looking at our new calender and I can say for one I am SO excited. But I do have a dilemma and I would appreciate ANY and all input on this please. Okay, so I started the Beginner’s Calender 2.0 January 18th and I have been sticking with it but it’s about to be February and I REALLY want to do this FABuray calender and this Butt Lift Challenge this month but I don’t know if I can since I’m not fully through my Beginner’s calender. Can I .. Well, should I just stop doing the beginner’s and start February’s calender or should I continue it & just not do the February calender? I am so confused on what I should do. Anybody have any suggestions Cassey yours would be appreciated as well 😉 Thank you guys so much for helping me in advance and let’s get this guys! We can do this! POPster’s unite!I love you all! You’re all my motivation and inspiration! We love you Cassey!<3

    1. Lila says:

      Hi Brittany! I did not complete the beginner’s either. I will try February+ butt challenge. If I can’t make it, then I will continue with Beginner’s

      1. Abby says:

        Definitely go for it. I started with the Beginner’s calendar at the beginning of January and started the January calendar after only a few days. I took a ton of breaks during the workouts, but I’ve also seen significant progress. If it’s too much, you can always go back to the Beginner’s calendar. Push yourself to do as much as you can, but don’t hurt yourself.

    2. Olivia says:

      Just do what you feel comfortable with! If you feel like you want to give the February calendar a go then go for it and if its a bit too hard just do what you can and you will get better. Even if you have to take extra breaks and do the modifications that’s okay because everyone starts somewhere 🙂 Good luck!

    3. Carlie says:

      I’ve been doing POP Pilates since September, but I just jumped right in. I wasn’t able to do all the videos everyday right away, but I just did what I could until I was strong enough! I think you’d be fine trying it.

    4. Tuule says:

      I think that you should try 🙂 And if it’s really too hard then you can always go back to the beginner’s calender!

    5. Arwa says:

      Brittany, when I first started blogilates I didnt start with the beginners calendar mainly because I didnt know she had one :’) it was hard at first to keep up and I didnt always finish every single video but I tried as hard as I could and its about the journey you cant expect to be able to do everything right off the bat but you do have to start somewhere, I think you should jump right into the fabruary calendar I find it helps when you just do it and not worry yourself with if youre ready or not, ofc you do have to be cautious to not push yourself too hard but you know your limits try it and see how it goes! xoxo

    6. Bernice says:

      Hi! I agree with everyone else, you should just jump right into the FABruary calendar (: I started late as well (Jan 9th) with the beginners calendar but I think after getting a feel for Cassey’s video, you’ll be fine with the new calendar. Of course, as Arwa has said, just know your limits. They will be tough videos but Cassey knows not everyone can do every single move and every single rep in the beginning. Just take it at your own pace. You’ve got this!

  99. Sulli nada says:

    Iam so excited for this new calendar…..manage to acheive all of the workout in it
    But i have a really big problem and i want someone to help me
    From a while like 3 months i start on a diet and i lose alot of weight then my dad get mad and angry on me he didnot want me to lose weight so i just stop then now i start to eat in a healthy way only not diet and waik on my own treadmil every day but my dad shout at me saying that i look awful cause i lost some weight and he didnot want me to waik any more and when i eat in a hralthy eay he see that it same as being in a diet and when he bring pizza or any other bad food i just have to rat it infront of him so that he be happy that iam eating and i will be fat again i did not know what do do as i already need to lose anothet 8 kg and when i stop eating healthy i gain a lot of weight ……. Please help me

    1. Taylor says:

      Hey, I would try to tell your dad that eating decent food and working out is not just about your looks. I would try to stress to him that you are trying to be on a path to getting healthier as a whole and trying to lead a better lifestyle so that later you won’t have health problems and you will be able to do everything you want to do. If he doesn’t get this, don’t listen to him! Don’t let him pressure you into not reaching your goals! It’s your life, it’s your body! You can do this!

      1. Sulli nada says:

        Thanks taylor so much for replying my comment i will try to tell him that but the problem is he never listen to me or try to change his thoughts and ideas about any thing ……..and you also encourage me and make me more stronge yes you are right this is my life and my body and i can do what ever i want to it because just iam know very happy with my body and want to lose more iam crying right now just cause i think about all these times i have to eat bad food just to make him not notice my healthy life
        (Sorry for my bad english ) ……….. I will not make any one control my life any more even my dad

        1. Amanda says:

          Sometimes the anger people feel toward a lifestyle change are because they are scared to do the same or don’t feel like they can do the same. Maybe you can make a yummy, secretly healthy snack or meal for him and show him that tasty food can be good for you too! Skinnytaste has awesome cheesy but healthy recipes.

          I also agree with Taylor. Maybe you can explain that you want your heart/mind to be healthy. It’s not just about your body!

          Hope this helps. Stay strong.

  100. Lidyis says:

    Hi Cassey,

    thanks for posting these calendars. I’m from Czech Republic and I’m half a medicine student, half an English teacher. I was looking for some exercise plans soooo long. I tried 30 days shred by Jillian, but I hated the same workout day by day …… I started your beginners calendar last month and I’m one week to go. But I’m really looking forward to this Fabruary and Butt lift challenge. I feel nearly sorry I couldn’t exercise with the January one 😀 ….. I’m really busy (sometimes I work 12 hours a day), but thanks to you I lost 2kg (around 5 pounds) during the January.

    Sooo. Once more. Thank you for what you are doing.

    Love, Lidka

  101. Silvia says:

    I love the design of the FABruary Calendar and we love you too Cassey.

  102. Laura says:

    Quick question: is there a vegan meal plan in there?? :o)

    1. Kelley Anne says:

      If you’re vegan, just change around the ingredients to Cassey’s already made meals 🙂 substitute meat with tofu (or my favorite, tofurkey) and anything else to make it vegan! <3

  103. Mariam says:

    I just needed to point out how AWESOME this new month’s calander design is <3 So sexy and inspiring at the same time 😉 Cassey is so ridiculously talented <3

  104. Tiffany says:

    Okay, this is my goal : This month, I’M GOIN GTO FINISH THOSE TWO CALENDAR ! No excuses, no more being sick, and even if I get depressed, this is GOOD for my mind, it’ll make me happy, right ? So yeah, I will not skip the two last weeks again, and I’ll try eating healthy ! And… Thank-you so much for those calendar. Really, without them, I would not workout this much, because I don’t like trying to find what videos to do every day. So yeah, thank-you. So happy you’re here. ♥

    1. Amrita says:

      hey need some help in figuring out something. if i now started and i haven’t completed the beginners 2.0 what should i do finish it out and then start the February calender ?

  105. Noami says:

    Whoa I am such a bookworm and having the opportunity to read a fitness/healthy lifestyle book (which I believe will be awesome) is just sooo perfect! My birthday is in April and I will be asking for this one.

  106. BlogilatesLOVER says:

    I have followed you for a while and committed to working out on and off, but have recently felt inspired unlike ever before and I can just feel I’m going to commit this month! Can’t wait to see how I look in the end!! Lots of love and can’t wait to read your book!! <3

  107. SB says:

    So excited to start. I struggled to get going this month, so can’t wait for a new month to start again and get back on it. And CONGRATS Cassie, that book looks amazing 🙂

  108. Natasa says:

    Oh Cassey, so kind to put two cardio days together so I can die two days in a row! 😀

    1. Natasa says:

      I mean today and tomorrow. 😉

  109. serena says:

    YES IM SO EXCITED!! SECOND MONTH DOING THIS CALENDAR!! wow ab day just got a lot of cardio!! gonna die but it’ll be SOOO worth it! 🙂

  110. rachel says:

    I’m so excited! this is my first month doing the monthly calendar as I just finished the beginners 2.0 calendar. how much time a day do you usually spend doing blogilates with these calendars?

    1. serena says:

      wow good for you!! 🙂 for me its around an hour! if you ever need an accountability partner by the way, im here!

      1. Rachel says:

        thanks! it would be great to have someone to keep me accountable! especially now that i’ll have to wake up earlier in the mornings to get the workouts done lol. but i’m really excited! i’ve already started to see changes in my body and i can’t wait to continue making progress to a healthier me 🙂

    2. Alicia says:

      OMG same just finished with the Beginner’s 2.0 Calendar and I’m ready for this yeare and this month my goal and ultimate motivation is to be fit for our schools ski trip. I already pre-order the book can’t wit for it to arrive !!

      1. Rachel says:

        that’s great! i hope you make your goal! i love skiing but i’m not very good lol

    3. Cathy says:

      Me tooo 🙂 I did the last 3 days of January and it killed me, but I’m so excited for february 🙂

      1. Rachel says:

        yeah the last few days of january were intense and i’m guessing every day on the february calendar will be but i’m excited to keep challenging my body to do new things!

  111. Nayda says:

    First! Maybe…. Seriously though, very excited about this. My first month sucked. I started well, but then got sick and everything went to hell. Gonna give it my all this month.

    1. Liucchan says:

      Oh my God, same situation! I started very well and very motivated but I got sick badly and stopped everything. When I re-started I got fever. Soo bad. I will try again this month!

    2. jerina says:

      Me too :O I got sick for about one week and it was so hard to get back on track with working out and eating clean. But somehow I did it. But anyways, I’m so excited for the new month 😀 Gonna start it strong!