Spring Fling 1: Toning Workout

Spring Fling 1: Toning Workout

Sweat Time: 16 mins

Equipment Needed: Yoga Mat

Workout Type: POP Pilates

Body Focus: Total Body


21 thoughts on “Spring Fling 1: Toning Workout”

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  1. PopsterAsh85 says:

    So when I first started Blogilates three years ago, I remember this video. I cried the first time I tried to do it. I was in a totally different mind set and felt like a failure because I couldn’t make it through ANY of the moves without rest. I took a break from blogilates for a year and came back. This time, I was laughing at myself when I needed to take a break because holy moly. My mindset is so different after learning from Cassie all this time. And that last move, I had to take a break but jumped in so fast. It was actually FUN!!! Now, I love the challenge, I don’t let it make me feel bad. I am proud of myself for what I can do, and what I continue to work towards. So thank you, Cassey, because you taught me that.

  2. JadeSalony says:

    OMG these older workouts are the hardest. I had to rest in the middle of each exercise!

  3. techiegirl says:

    This is not friendly on the knees at all.

  4. kbiaggi says:

    Love it! More intense than I expected, especially with the eagle wings one for the back…and the bridges…and the abs…oh, everything was intense lol.

  5. Rachel D says:

    I tried somehow.

  6. livvaneman says:

    That´s a nice outfit, and the video was tough

  7. danidaversa says:

    You are so amazing thanks for keeping me motivated !!!

  8. klstorck20 says:

    Yikes! That was a tough one!

  9. nadiah salju says:

    omg i love your new version site. however can i know how much calorie burns in every single video that you made. love you caseyy

    1. magenmh922 says:

      Ooo yes i second this!

    2. cupidelf18 says:


  10. RedVelvetKate says:

    I’m seriously loving this new and improved version of her site and how she did her workout calendar!!! All her videos are here, I love that I can check off each one like this on my profile and that you can rate each workout! MUCH LOVE CASSEY!!! 😀

  11. Kylie says:

    This workout is tough, but its one of my favorites!

  12. Popster_Rea says:

    LOL I cuss too! It just feels great and horrible all at the same time. I’ve been doing her calendars for a year now 🙂

  13. Campa says:

    Confession… I kinda yell at Cassey sometimes, and I may eventually cuss…. I’ve been doing her calendars for years and love her, which makes that very weird. So glad I do these at home… I am sure it wouldn’t be pleasant to watch me working out and yelling at her

  14. Rachel817 says:

    I am not sure the Beginner’s Calendar adequately prepared me for the monthly calendar… But I did my best!

  15. backovska says:

    Amazing! Saving so much time on not searching for workouts in YouTube! Thank you Casey!!!!!

  16. BooLuvsu says:

    i cried a little with the abs but i got through it it was a great workout!

  17. SoumyaSayujya says:

    Where can I download Workout calendar of February?

  18. dweaa913 says:

    I love this workout! The part that really killed me was the abs, but that’s just because my abs are weak. Overall, really fun and effective!

  19. Pilatesloverinparadise says:

    Did anyone ever find you a good swimsuit? I don’t remember if it was this video I saw that was about a good spring break bikini or not…. BUTTTT!!!! I always get the best bikinis from foreveryoungswimwear.com! SO cheap and affordable and they are amazing quality!!!

    This is the chevron print that you mention with teal and coral! LOL! I hope you read this and remember the post I am thinking of!! xoxo pilates lover in paradise