Butt Builder Stairmaster Workout
Butt Builder Stairmaster Workout
Here is your stairmaster routine! Yes a day late, but ahh alas it is here! Give it a try. It is hard. It will trick you and torture you. It will KICK. YOUR. BUTT. (But you will love it!)
Kay, so I am changing up the #POPsterPresents Calendar to accomodate for my absence this past week. If you commented on the last post I did because you weren’t sure what to do for the Jan 11th entry (since I didn’t blog that day), that counts still but I will also let you comment on this post (which was supposed to go up that day) and make it count as an extra entry. Confused? What I am trying to say is…
Comment on this blog post and you will automatically be entered to win a bow necklace!
It’s been a hectic week and I had a crazy breakdown from that feeling of “never catching up”. With the move, meetings, getting to know new people, a switched up training schedule, being invited to this and that – I found myself scrambling for time for myself and my work. Never have I wanted to just be alone so BAD!!! You know what I mean?
Not that I am an introverted person that likes to just hangout with myself, but like, sometimes it is just TOO MUCH.
Your time is valuable and you must choose to allocate it accordingly. I am learning this now. You cannot say yes to everything. Really evaluate what you want to spend your time doing and see if it makes you happy or makes you a better person. If not, skip it. Too many times I get myself into situations where I find that I become involved in something out of obligation or because I “feel bad”.
If you ever feel like this, snap SNAP out of it!!! If you don’t wanna be there, chances are you’re probably not too fun to be around anyway, so skip it and do yourself and everyone else a favor.
Whoa that just sounded really pessimistic! Oopsies. Basically, choose what you want to do with your time wisely and you will be happier.
I realized this week that the 2 things that truly calm me down when all else is haywire are:
1. Cooking
2. Working out
I feel like these are the only 2 times I feel like I can just zone out and be truly, passionately encompassed by the activity in front of me. So yesterday I completely KILLED it at the gym!!! It was fabulous. This is a pic of me after I did pushups til failure…post failure. It’s my hate face.
Bout to go hurt someone.
I’ve also been meal prepping which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a loooooong time! This really helps me stay on track, eat clean, and saves me time. That is the most important reason why I meal prep – because I have food handy that’s healthy, it’s too convenient to pass up when hungry! I mean seriously…how many times have you had a fridge full of clean ingredients but you end up just snacking on junk in your kitchen counter or cupboard because it’s easy and quick? Yeah. No excuses when it’s just as easy to reach for veggies and lean protein as it is to reach for a bag of chips. Plus you shouldn’t have bad foods lying around the house anyway! Why make life harder for yourself!? Remove temptations. It is unnecessary energy wasted on fighting something that you wouldn’t have to fight if it wasn’t there.
The second HIITilates video is being uploaded to YouTube right now, so hang tight! I know you will love/hate this one even more than the first!
Remember to like and comment on the new vid for a chance to win the POP Pilates DVD.
I will announce winners from Jan 8-12 in one of the coming posts!
<3 Cassey
359 thoughts on “Butt Builder Stairmaster Workout”
There are 359 comments posted by our users.
If you don’t have a stair master machine at the gym what else can you use?
OMG!!! im soo getting my gym membership back once my check comes! my gyms pals miss me! lols im soo doing this workout as soon as i can… i know the 90 day meal challenge is over but i am trying to start it today….time to buy all my foods and get organized!
THANKS a BUNCHES for getting me motivated again(:
Just imagine me throwing you so much love right now Cassey!
Good luck! I hope everything goes as planned!
Hi Cassey, I just discovered your site and be sure I’ll start working out following your calendar from today! anyways…
I don’t get what do you mean by “level”?? O.o
butt builder workout was KILLER! Drenchedddd in sweat! Loved it! Thanks Cassey!
About halfway through the workout I tripped and fell down the stairs!! It was so painful but I picked myself up and kept going!! I’ve only just started doing these workouts but I enjoy them because I find running quite dull and boring, and the workouts on here are so much more fun because there is such a range in what I can do to exercise each day! Thank you!! 🙂
hi cassey,
im new in fitness world so how does this workout with the schedule work? i dont get it :$
xoxo phili
You can eat more broccoli than that =P
I generally don’t keep anything “ready to eat” if it’s bad for me, like chips or whatever. That way, if I’m really having a craving for something salty, I make popcorn with olive oil and sea salt and it takes a while. Knowing that it will take time to do something kind of demotivates me from snacking. However, home made popcorn is totally cleaner and a whole lot cheaper!
Can’t wait to try out the workout!
I’ve started making my meals ahead of time so i don’t have to worry about what to eat for lunch or dinner, you inspired me!
Hi Cassey. Thank you so much for the stairmaster routine! I can’t wait to try it.
I love the idea of prepping a week’s worth of meals! Or even a half week, I find it helps me keep on track and keep my eating clean, it also takes out all of the frustration that might go with last minute planning. Thanks for sharing!
Cassey, thank you so much for all your hard work! It motivates me so much 🙂 I’m hoping that soon enough I will radiate as much confidence as you do ♥
Thanks so much for the stairmaster routine, I was getting bored with doing the usual. My pop pilates DVD has arrived today and even though I have already worked out this morning I can’t resist it so will do this as soon as the kids are off their wii 🙂 . I love your post because I realised that you can’t please everyone and so you must please yourself! Only do the things you want to do and stuff the rest as I was saying yes to everything and even then it wasn’t good enough for some people. So I put myself and family first!
I love this community! I love your blogs! I love everything you do for us!!!! Anywho, I food prep too and the time I save is totes ah–mazing!!!
I can’t wait to try out this routine!
I love you Cassey! You changed my live ♥
Dude, your awesome, seriously. I could never imagine having that hectic of a life, I hope you feel better! Your videos have helped me lose a couple of pounds so far, and your meal plans are amazing! Thanks!
Cassey,thank you for blogging. your food recipes are amazing 🙂
I totally agree about going to the gym to clear your mind!! I find that even when I’m super stressed and busy if I make the time to workout I always feel so much better!! It is worth the sacrifice in time, and I always get my other work done!
Thank you for the blogpost! I was wondering where you had disappered in the last few days, but I know everyone – I mean EVERYONE needs a break and some time off. Last week was hectic for me too, and by the end of the week I got sick. I still am, but at least now I have some time to think and do some soul searching and set my priorities. Can’t wait to do blogiates again though – I had a great workout last week, so I’m looking forward to do it again. But on the other hand, I also learned that I must listen to my body – as a beginner maybe I just did too much. I hope you are back on track now and really – I absolutely adore your commitment to do the workouts and motivate people to train, but if you feel it’s too much, step back for a second. We don’t mind, we’re still here, and we still love you! 🙂
Seriously… pre-planned and packed meals run my life! My life can be very busy and all over the place but knowing that my yummy and healthy food is easily accessible makes it all worth it.
Thank you for writing posts that I can relate to.
Hey there, thank you for the calendar. I’m happy to report I have lost a couple pounds in 2 weeks. Love the videos and how challenging they are. Thanks again.
I have been trying like crazy to at least complete one whole day of workout and I am not able to. I get to like 4 workouts and loose all my energy..! Help..! Lol. But, I will keep on trying and one day you will be so proud..! 😀 thanks 🙂
Making food myself for school is something i really want to work on. Hopefully i can stay as motivated as you!
I started making my dinner ahead of time last week so that I can just come home and eat right away. Already it is making such a HUGE difference in my eating habits! It’s so easy to reach for something easy but not nutritious after coming home from a long day of school and work, but if something healthy is already in my crock pot or fridge I’m not even tempted! Thanks so much for everything you do, you’re site is awesome!! And please take care of yourself girl, you are such an amazing person!
Love those necklaces! I agree that working out really does calm you down. It’s a definite stress reliever!
Hi Cassey,
I live in Australia and JUST got out of surgery. Despite getting a “not so great” diagnosis (ulcerative colitis), I was so excited to see you finally posted a HIIT video! I have only told one person my New Years Resolution and now I am telling you – it was to stick to the January work out calendar and eat clean from start to finish. Not a huge goal, but it was a baby step for me 🙂 I’ve been sticking to it and truly loving it (and was sooo annoyed when I had to stop in preparation for surgery). Your posts, videos, enthusiasm and work outs are something that really keep me going. I don’t care if I win the necklace – i just want to say A HUGE THANK YOU for the positive inspiration you’ve had on my life 🙂
I really need to do more meal prepping. It would make coking easier.
Can’t wait to do this workout tomorrow….hmm… never thought I would say that hahah Aw the necklaces are super adorable! I am obsessed with them! Bows before bros 😉
Have you ever thought about charging for your calendar? It’s an awful lot of work to do for free. I know some people would be upset but really, you don’t owe anyone anything – especially not that much of your time and hard work! I’m sure even charging $1 for it, or do a special of 12 months for $10 or something like that (although you could totally charge more!) might help to motivate you/make it worth your time!
If you ever feel like this, snap SNAP out of it!!! If you don’t wanna be there, chances are you’re probably not too fun to be around anyway, so skip it and do yourself and everyone else a favor.
This is not pessimistic at all, there are some people (like me!!!) who really need to hear that. I’ve always been a huge keener and involved in everything. At 27… it’s time to step back a little. But sometimes I need to hear that it’s okay from other people to do so. I’m going to finish my commitments this year and then in 2014 I’m going to take it a little bit easier! Honestly hearing it from you that you shouldn’t do things to be nice (my biggest downfall.. and it’s not always appreciated or even needed) or because I feel like I can’t say know helps me to assess the situation and start to be able to say no!
You are amazing. Thanks so much for all you do. <3
the calendar is more work than one could imagine but i suppose it is because i make it so artfully like it takes 8x longer than it would if i just did it in like microsoft word. thank u for the tip!
Oh my God Cassey! I just finished the Butt Builder Stairmaster Routine, and I can barely stand up! I keep telling myself its all for the best though. Thank you so much Cassey for all that you do! Just make sure you make some time for yourself. (:
The food in this post looks amazing. I bet it taste just as amazing too. Pictures like that makes me want to eat a lot healthier. If it looks that good, it is going to taste good, and be good for me! If only I wasn’t so picky with broccoli. I like it tender all the way through, and no one ever gets it done all the way. 🙁
Fingers crossed on the cute little bow necklace! I love bows! 😀
Sometimes I try using the Stairmaster because I hear it burns TONs of calories, but I never go past 10 minutes. This workout will definitely motivate to train hard even longer! Thanks, Cassey!
P.S. I’m prepping my meals this week too! I ended up making the veggie omelets in the muffin tins for the week. Can’t wait to try them!
Your killin it girl! Keep on keeping it on!
This looks amazing! I wish we had a stairmaster at my little apartment complex’s gym – I’m getting back on the horse tomorrow – I was down the past few days, thanks to a butt-kicking sinus/respiratory infection, but I’m determined to get moving again tomorrow morning, bright and early!
<3 you, Cassey!!!
Your workout calender is simply amazing! I love how I stick to it! Keep up the good work Cassey 🙂
Your blogs alvvays seem to hit home for me. I vvas just feeling kind of guilty becauseIi have a fridge full of veggies but definatly just popped some pizza rolls in the microvvave :/ food prepping has been on my to do list for a vvhil, but vvhen you do it all day at vvork coming home and doing it kinda sucks lol but no more excuses! this post just confirms that. Thanks for being so real about things in your blog posts.
I love your routine workouts! They give me a goal to work to 🙂
Ooooh this looooks ahhhmazing!!! Love your workouts Cassey and CAN NOT wait to do this one! Bring on the killer booty!!!!
I love Bligilates!!!! 🙂
Love blogilates!!
Cassey!!! I really hope that you make YOU time b/c I wondered how you do it: all your Blogilates social networks on top of Livestrong Woman & now Weighttraining.com + your move down to So-Cal. You take care of us, but please keep doing YOU too 😉 Thanks for the *NEW* HIITilates vid, your meal prep suggestions, & your “hate face” pic to motivate it ~ classic <3 #POPsterPresents
Cassey, you are truly an inspiration! I just tried on a pair of jeans that haven’t fit me in months and now they are a perfect fit! Your JaNEWary calendar is whipping me into shape, thank you for everything you do for us!! We all love you so much because you’ve truly changed our lives and become one of our best friends! I love you so much!
The butt builder workout looks so intense and I can’t wait to try it! Cassey you are an inspiration to me and everyone who follows you! we all have a common goal and just want to feel great in our own skin everyday! You help me accomplish this goal daily! Please don’t ever stop blogging and creating calendars! I would be lost without you! I can so totally relate to your blog today as you speak about your world-wind of a week. Keep giving back and we will be there to support you to when you need us! Thanks Cassey for being my Motivator!!!
Hi Cassey! I absolutely love Blogilates and all of your POP Pilates videos!! You’re helping me get my body ready for a Spring Break cruise, while also having fun! 🙂 Those necklaces are super adorbs! And I am obsessed with meal prepping, it saves so much time AND calories! Thanks so much for your daily inspiration and motivation to live a healthier lifestyle- it gives me so much hope! Love you! <3 #POPsterPresents
Thanks so much for your calander! It’s kicking my butt! You do such a wonderful job at helping people stay healthy, and I’m super excited for the new video!!
HI! The butt builder workout looks awesome! I love the routines on the treadmills and ellipticals and stuff because I never know how long I should use them and on what level I should use. I used to just do ten minutes on the treadmill and call it good. I have been in a serious workout slump lately and have been feeling overwhelmed with everything I have to do so I totally understand! Thanks for being so amazing, your posts always brighten my day!
The meal prep idea is such a good one! Whenever I’m hungry I always just go for what’s convenient and if I make clean meals and keep them in the fridge I’m sure I’ll eat even healthier. I just started eating cleaner for the past week and a bit and I’m already starting to realize how much better I feel when I eat clean compared to when I eat junk!
I have been fighting the flu for the past 4 days. I watch your videos constantly to help me get pumped for when I do get better, I can “HIIT it hard” (like what I did there? lol *lame*). I am usually one of those types that doesn’t get sick often, but when I do, BOW!! I get hit hard! I would love the bow tie neckless or any blogilates garb. I got for Christmas your Train Insane hoodie and knit head band… and btw, LOVE ‘EM! Love and peace!
I needed this post! Life gets so hectic and it’s a nice reminder to focus on what makes you happy/sane/calm, thanks!!
so glad to hear you didn’t fall off the face of the internet 😛
i’m so glad that you too realize that sometimes you just have to drop everything and do what makes you find your center ! : ) it’s time best spent. . .
and know that we all thank you for your time spent HERE and on youtube being our own personal cheerleader in all aspects of life, teaching us to not just kill it in pilates but “kill it” in life… 😛 hehe
so scared of the stairmaster but i’ll try it just cause you said to!!! thanks for these awesome treadmill/workout printables, no idea what i’d do without them! they always keep things interesting just when i’m about to get bored and quit.
Love, love, love your videos! Glad you are getting back on track and thanks for sharing your struggles. It helps the rest of us feel normal!!
I can’t wait to try this and kick my butt in the best possible way! I still did a stairmaster workout on Saturday despite this being up late. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for your elliptical workout!
I am so glad that my friend introduced me to your videos!! I can’t thank her or you enough!! Doing your videos motivates me and pushes me to extreme limits I didn’t think I could ever achieve!! You are a true inspiration and have definitely helped me challenge myself and set new goals all the time, I’m sure everyone can agree when I say how much satisfaction we get when we get through your videos!! Thanks SO much!!
Hey Cassey! I have prepared something very deep and meaningful that I think you will appreciate.
I call it “Ode to Cassey” *ahem*
Cassey makes workout videos and calls them POP Pilates.
She puts them on YouTube so us POPsters can look like hotties.
She loves booty shorts and tank tops…
and in everything she wears, her muscle definition really pops.
I hope one day to be so lean,
But to be like Cassey, I know I must train MEAN!!!
Thank you, thank you…And good job on realizing you also need time to yourself!!
<3 Brittany
aww that is so adorbs!!
Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule for us! I love that you are passionate enough about your work to let it ground you, even when things get crazy. Putting yourself first can be tough but I think that if you put yourself on the back burner you won’t have enough energy for everything else for very long. I’ve actually never used a stair master because my gym doesn’t have one but I know that the gym on my campus has one so I may just (ok, I will) try this work out! Have a great day Cassey!
Hey Cassey! Wow, did you design those necklaces yourself? They are so FABBBBBBUULOUS. I wannt oneee :D. Do you create these work outs on your own? cauuse they are really good…. GETTING READY FOR MY GRANDE BUNS TO BURNNNNN. YEAHHH! and i HAVE to LOOVE IT! haha. that picture of you, oh pleaaase you look soooo goood just working out. When it’s me i’ll have some COWW EXPRESSION.
I just found this website and I am so excited!
I love your workouts! You are my inspiration! (or fitspiration!) Can’t wait to try this workout!
Hi Cassey!
I love your videos so much- one of my new year’s COMMITMENTS is doing at least one video a day. Thank you so much for making them and this amazing website and everything!! Doing your videos is like doing a workout with an extremely chatty workout buddy, so keep them coming!! Thanks so much 🙂
p.s I made banana pancakes for my family- they LOVED them! My brother now asks me to make them for him all the time :))
I love stairmaster interval routines!!! They are my go-to type of cardio next to running, and it gives the lower body a much needed boost. And I hope your transition starts to ease up! That’s one thing I’ve been learning a looooot for the last 2 years. Saying ‘no’ is not a bad thing and it can even inspire someone else to be less of a people pleaser. I think I’m naturally more geared to be that way, so even though saying ‘yes’ is easier for me, I’ve gotten better at taking care of myself AND OTHERS just because I’m able to set boundaries. Boundaries are so so so important! 🙂 You can do this Cassey!
Welcome back! I love your videos they really keep me focused and going. I will admit, I have slipped up the past two days with my diet because I have been busy painting my house so after all that work I just want to grab something quick.. Should of thought ahead and premade the meals like these…
Thanks for Everything!
I am so excited to try this out at the gym today! I’m probably going to die at 5 minutes! :/ Super excited! 😀
I completely agree with you about wisely allocating your time. I’m on a break from school now so I’ve been dedicating hours to getting your workouts done and working on a healthier me! Dancing is what calms me down when school gets hectic. It’s great having something that gives me a break from hustle and bustle. I love how encouraging you are and your workout calendar is super convenient. Your tweets also gives me an extra boost during the days! Thanks 🙂
Dear Cassey,
Over the past few months, you have greatly improved my life. You taught me how to love myself again and to always listen to my body and to be more positive! I am so grateful or your help and it’s great to know that you are so human! ha ha. Any other trainer or fitness famous guru try to trick us into thinking that they are perfect in fitness, in life, in everything. That’s not the case, sometimes we all need the reminder to just take a step back and evaluate what WE need and not everyone else. So, I know that we can all be demanding and want new things to challenge ourselves to but don’t be afraid to say that you need a few days off to just relax and be by yourself. WE WONT HATE YOU.
I know that we can all relate to this post, especially those who are just as busy as you. So, thank you for not just being our friend and mentor but for being HONEST.
Everyone needs some time just for themselves every now and then. I know that am one of those people where I need some me time or I will get grumpy and lash out if I don’t. Congrats on your new apartment and you should do a new video of it.
Oh gossh, the stairmaster routine makes my butt want to cry alreaddyy. And the boww necklacess are superr cute!
I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed. These last few days I was so focused on other things I wasn’t eating very well or exercising much. Instead of feeling bad about it I moved on and worked to prevent it from happening again. This morning I made healthy frozen pizzas, so that when a pizza craving hits, I can heat up something super yummy in a few minutes. Whole grain pizza crust, home made sauce, and a ton of vegetables!
Cassey, you should never feel bad about taking a few days off or being a bit behind! You work incredibly hard for your followers and we love you for it, but you are still human and deserve a break every now and then! We understand! 🙂
I love the meal prepping idea. One of my unofficial goals for this year is to get better at meal planning and prepping. I’ve discovered mornings are the best for working out yet I usually have to leave quite early for uni and work during the term, so I want to try cooking larger batches of healthy cookies and banana pancakes in advance. Then I can still fit in my workout in the morning and just grab a ready-made breakfast on the way out the door! I also would like to try it for dinners, snacks etc but one step at a time 😉
Thanks for everything you do, Cassey – the videos, the calendar, the recipes, the giveaways – you’re amazing! Xo
My boyfriend used to laugh at me when I would do blogilates videos- he believes that weightlifting is all you need. I’d been asking him for months to do one video with me just to prove to him that you kick butts into shape. FINALLY, after seeing your new video, he agreed to workout with me. One move in, he looks at me, says “screw that” and walks away. So, thank you, Casey, for making me tougher than my boyfriend! And also, for helping to make me (and hundreds of other people) strong and confident. You are a gem!
Can’t wait to try this out and see the new video. you are such an inspiration to me and i love your enthusiasm in your videos. it doesn’t matter that you got off calendar. 🙂
Don’t feel bad! We’re not going anywhere. And it’s not like you don’t have 20 other videos/printables to tide us over till your new vid/printable is ready.
Don’t worry Cassey!! You are are very intelligent individual and we love you and support you! It’s hard to learn when to say no and take some “you” time. Whenever you can’t deal, we’ll workout and cook with you!! I realize I just sounded very sentimental, but whatevs…. Have a great week! Mwah!<3
I’ve never tried the stair master. Just might have to now! 🙂
Those are the cutest necklaces I have ever seen!!! I would absolutely love one. By the way, I’ve just been saying ‘Train the same or remain the same’ as I go in the gym that I go to. It’s so inspiring!!
making time for you is the most important thing, because you are the most important person in your life! everything else comes after that 🙂 and everyone learns this lesson (or i hope they do!) eventually. <3
Thanks so much for the Stairmaster workout! I can’t wait to try this out tomorrow at the gym. I think I’ll show my mom who loves to run this one too. Your treadmill workouts KILL ME but I love them so much. Thanks for the workouts Cassey, sorry to hear that you’ve been overwhelmed and I hope it all turns out fine soon. Love you!
I totally agree with food prepping! I do it so much at university to save money 🙂 thank you so much for all your motivation. Don’t know how I would cope without it!
Getting ready to start working out with a buddy! We’re going to get together and do your videos! So excited!
Good for you for learning a valuable lesson! Saying no can be tough. You do so much for others & have such a giving heart. Can’t forget to take care of yourself, too! Thanks for all your hard work 🙂
So excited to do the Butt Builder routine but i’m kind of confused about the styles? How do you do the styles? LOL
Thank you! 🙂
Can’t WAIT to kill myself with the stair master work out!!! I am SO addicted to the BURN! Thanks Cassey!
hey cassey! i think you’re doing a great job!
thank you 🙂
i love the necklaces!
kisses from spain!
OMG I’m super excited for the second HIITilates video. The first totally killed me!! Thank you so much for all your amazing videos and support! Us POPsters love them and YOU! <3
Thanks so much for dedicating your time to us every day and helping us to be fitter and stronger people. We don’t expect you to be superhuman so no apology is necessary. Good luck catching up and allocating your time. YOU CAN DO IT 🙂
Cassey this comment is coming a few days late but I just read about the weight training app and downloaded it!! I just finished my first day of it and I have to say this is the most incredible workout app and plan I’ve ever seen!! I am so thankful that its free because its worth a million bucks!! Thanks so much I can’t wait to continue this journey!!
I completely agree with meal prepping! It really does make everything SO much easier, and thank you for all the amazing vids (as always). I find that combining the gym plus your workouts is setting me up to reach my goal in half the time. Thanks, Cassey!! <3
Love the “hate face”… every time I am working out at the gym and someone walks in and I glance up, I realize I am probably giving them a look like this. It’s only because I’m working hard and hurting! 🙂
Meal prepping sounds like a great idea! It will definitely help me eat healthier at the office. No more hoping on the take-out bandwagon for me. Now I just have to go buy myself some new food containers…
I’d love to have a necklace. 🙂 It’s cute.
Hope you feel better soon. I can’t imagine how many pushups it took to wear your arms out!
Those necklaces are so cute!!! I am a college student and classes start back up next week, so I am looking forward to doing meal prep for the week on sundays. it’s a ritual I’ve missed!
i love the meal prep idea. i think it would help me alotttt. my vice is snacking on bad food because its convenient. baaaaad!
Freshman year in college, I remember telling my aunt that I was hanging out with a guy that I didn’t particularly like, and she said “I would hate to see such an intelligent girl like you waste your time on somebody just because you felt bad for them.” That pretty much changed my life, and I couldn’t be happier with the decisions I made to spend with myself or to meet different people who actually appreciated my company.
OHHHHHH my god! I just died! I’m dying in my room and for real I’VE BECOME THE SATIRMASTER’S MOTHER
Thank you for your great workouts! Give yourself a break, though, you’re still only human 🙂
Those bow necklaces are just too gorgeous. I woud love one!
I’m seriously looking forward to the butt builder stair master routine! I’ve been killing it with the HIITilates one! I’m actually getting ready to push the couch out of the way and give it another go 🙂 And woo! at a second chance to enter for the necklace. I kinda let the day slip past me, oops!
Your meal prep looks so good!
I love the meal prep idea! I do that regularly just because I’m too busy to cook every night. BTW I have definitely made the EXACT same meal of chicken, broccoli, and sweet potatoes! SO tasty!
I’m so happy that I found your site and youtube channel! You motivate me so much to lose the extra pounds and eating more fresh and clean food. Cassey, you are my role model, thank you! <3 And the necklace looks so adorable. 😀 Thank you so much, again. <3
wow, that stairmaster workout looks soooo tiring…i’ll definitely give it a try though! Thank you so much for all the time you put into helping everyone out, we all really appreciate it 🙂 x
Thanks for all the giveaways, Cassey! These necklaces are soooo cute! Try to take it easy and I hope you’re enjoying your new place :))
Hi cassey, i just did the first Video yesterday and can’t wait to try this one! I’m so thankful that you’re Not only sharing the good stuff thats happening in your life with all of your fans but also talk about the Hard/Rough/stressful times. You have such an amazing and inspiring personality, i really hope to meet you one Day! Lots of Love from Germany <3
Cassey I absolutely love your workouts, I can’t even begin to describe how much progress I am making with your workouts, not only is my body improving, but I have more energy, a higher self esteem and generally am feeling so positive about life!! Thank you so much, I never thought eating clean and working out could do so much for me. Much Love xo
Hey Cassey, welcome back. 🙂 I figure you might have gotten overwhelmed….moving in itself is enough to overwhelm you without other obligations in addition! I hope you’re feeling better now. Learning to say NO is a very important lesson in life, else you start spreading yourself too thin like you know now. Well I’m happy you’re back! Never do that again, we were worried! 🙂
So I really want to win this necklace because it is really cute! LOL. I also don’t ever win anything! I hope you are enjoying Southern California as much as I do and can’t wait to do the next hiitilates video this week!
Awe, I am sorry to hear about the week! I hope it gets better! If it makes you feel any better, I have exams next week- two if them being advanced placement classes (Biology and Calculus). Talk about days of nonstop studying and just plain eew! 🙂 Super excited for the next hiitlaties video, though!!
I don’t know about you, but I am BEYOND tired of AP Calculus. I just want it to be over!! I love AP Bio though 🙂
I LOVE the black and gold studded bow necklace. I have headband just like it … Anyways, girl you are an inspiration! How lucky are you to make what you do a career. Loves.
Ever since I found your page, I been trying to eat clean and buy more healthy snacks/fruit to snack on! Also, thanks to your basic grocery list, I always try to reference back to it. Just wanted to say Thanks <3
The part about having clean food in the fridge but reaching for the junk food is SO me. When I’ve been too busy at work to eat a big enough meal, I get home and I’m just so hungry and tired that I end up eating whatever is quickest (usually my hubbie’s stash of junk food). I’ve got to start doing that meal prepping myself. Thanks for the great idea!
I’m sorry you were having such a hectic week! I’m in college and I definitely know how that feels. But, all of us POPsters are here to love and support you!! Maybe this week will be calmer and better for you. 🙂 Thanks for all the hard work you do for us! *hugs*
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN JANUARY TOO!!! Anyways can’t wait to do the second hiitilates super excited!!!
Totally gonna send you a birthday card:) I got weights and a yoga mat for Christmas so I can workout even better !!!!!
Love ya Cassey
#1 popster celeste
I totally know what you mean about being super-busy Cassey! Hang in there! Praying for you (: Thanks so much for giving it your all in your videos and constantly encouraging us to make healthy choices!
It sounds maybe strange but I´m kind of happy or relieved to hear that even somebody as amazing and inspirational as you Cassey can have “bad” and stressful days.
I feel like that almost the whole wintertime, because it´s really not my season and only your posts give me the energy to push even harder in each workout.
Thank you Cassey <3
I was getting worried wondering where you’ve been!!!!! But I’m glad you’re back, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed sometimes, we all need a little breather every once in awhile!!! I’ve been hitting it hard and doing your videos, (HIITlates and the Victoria’s Secret have been the fave lately) killer!!!!! Just have been working crazy hard! Glad you’re back at it, keep calm and just workout and cook amazing clean foods like crazy 🙂 <3 Thanks for all that you do 🙂
Did the stair master today and W0W!!!!! It hurt!
Cassey thank you for always being there to push me on when i am starting to wonder if i can achieve something! xx
Amen! I have also found that I work a lot better doing things I enjoy instead of overwhelming myself to please others and then doing a bad job and nobody’s happy in the end. Can’t wait to try the Butt Builder routine tonight when I go to the gym! Sounds like a challenge but you’ve taught me to love challenging myself! Thank you so much for all your time and dedication! And despite being so busy to still update us with workouts. You’re amazing.
I just love your advice!! I always feel like it is speaking directly to my life. =) Thank you so much for everything!! Love you!
You are such an inspiration to me, Cassey!! I have never been motivated enough to really make a life improvement until I saw your amazing and inspiring vids! From couch potato to enthusiastic active woman–you and your upbeat attitude keep me trying to achieve a better quality of life for myself!
Thank you so much for all your help! This is why your program works. You give us the workouts but you also give us support with how to live a healthy life. Thank you!!!
I love your videos! They make me feel so confident in my own skin, and you make the videos so fun!
Thanks Cassey!
Missed you when you were gone Cassey, I hope you’re liking your new place so far! That’s a really smart idea to organize your meals like that, I’ll have to give it a go!!! Thanks Cassey! 🙂
AWESOME. #POPster presents #jaNEWary
Dang, we missed you Cassey! It’s been 5 days, how could you put us through it, having no you! D=
Joking aside, you really must rest a bit, dear Cassey. If anyone deserves some time off, it’s you so don’t overwork yourself. Us POPsters want to have you around for quite a long time and you need rest to keep it up! I think it’s safe to say I speak on behalf of all of us; your energy and motivation is immense and it’s really contagious! You have no clue just how much you contribute to each and every one of us, in both mental and physical health and happiness! Keep on rockin’, hon.
I just want to thank you for the great reminder about meal prepping! You are absolutely right when you say that it is way too easy to get off track when you’re hungry but don’t want to wait to cook something. I believe your quote about abs being made in the gym but shown in the kitchen is what has really been sticking with me since I first heard it. Thank you for ALL you do! Please make sure to take care of YOURSELF first, Cassey. You are super important to all of us POPsters! <3
Cassey, I think I’m going to start doing meal prepping like what you’re doing. It’s such a great idea because I’m always hungry and I always grab on something that’s already made or easy to reach (chips or chocolates):) which is soo bad if I want a toned tummy and legs!lol
I have been loving the JanNEWary calendar! I am feeling so much more toned! Thank you so much Casey!
I totally agree that time is valuable and we need to allocate it better. That’s why yesterday, I did cardio crazy AND went on a hike with my fiance! And then I slept like a baby last night!
Ahhh was just on the stairmill today thinking “man I wish I had a routine to follow”. Thanks so much for this printable. Can’t wait to try it next week !!!
Hey Cassey! You’re the best!
I too don’t have access to a stairmaster 🙁 I’m going to try to alter this and do this in the stairwell in my complex. I GOTTA BUILD MY BUUUUTTTT!!! yesss!!! 🙂 Thanks Cassey!!
I’m so bummed my gym doesn’t have a stairmaster!! But that means I’ll do the Sweat Sexy Treadmill today! & I LOVE that one! It’s killer! I will definitely be sweating (minus the sexy part! lol) on the treadmill today!
I’m not supposed to do stairs because of some health issues but I would like to try something similar.
I loved the pics of your pre-prepared food! This is honestly the hardest thing about clean eating for me, since I always think I need to eat cleaner and eat more veggies, but I always end up waiting till I get too hungry and then I go for the easiest thing… It’s still a work in progress 🙁 Thanks for the video upload!!!!!
Hey Cassey! Love your workouts 🙂 Can’t wait to try the butt builder stairmaster workout!!
Take Care! <3
I have a treadmill and an Elliptical…. I wish I had a stairmaster! I might just have to go with my boy to the gym to use his… 😉 So can’t wait until the elliptical workout! Thank you so much Cassey for all you do, I hope you understand how many lives you changed 🙂
Not sure if my first comment made it, so trying again! I’ve been obsessively stalking your FB/blog/Twitter to see what you’ve been up to, and so excited for today’s workout because I’m trying the new HIITilates vid and OMG I’m so scared my body will hurt but it’ll be worth it 🙂 I hope you’re settling into your new apartment without too much stress!!
Yeh you got me quite confused. But it’s ok. I hereby like to enter for that adorable bow necklace! Now I’m just sad, because there is no stairmaster at my gym! Now I think of it, I’ve never been to a gym with a stairmaster, maybe it’s not so popular over here… Too bad because I would love to try to build my butt!!
Congrats on your new move (your apartment has that perfect nook for Pilates!).
The new HIITilates vid is intense, but that’s good right?! Burn baby burn!
I am trying really hard to eat clean; with Christmas just passed, we still have lots of sweets around!
Ah, gotta train insane!!
I second the motion for an elliptical workout!!! 30 minutes or 45 minutes would be great!!! Does anyone else agree?
I love this workout. It seriously kicked my butt! I hope I will be able to play on volleyball match tomorrow even my butt 😀
Moving can really be overwhelming! Make sure you take some time to yourself and get plenty of rest! We don’t want you getting sick. In the future do you have any plans of teaching classes in the LA area?
I cant wait to try this stair video and the new hiitlaties workout!!!!!!!!!!!
you should do more treadmill workout cassey !!! 🙂
Please do an elliptical version! I have been dying for a Blogilates elliptical workout!!
omg!! i need this!!!
Can’t wait to try the new stair. vid! 🙂 I love that your videos often meld cardio with pilates, killing two birds with one stone! I’ve had a hectic week as well—wasn’t able to work out the past two days—but I’m going to go all out today!
–P.S. I seriously love the necklace 😛
Hi Cassey,
In the new vid, is it your new appartment in LA ?
<3 your workouts, your vids, and so much more !!!!
Thank you Cassey !
Thanks for the workout; can’t wait to try it! And please do take care of yourself. Especially with your birthday just around the corner. 😀
It is a really good idea to take time for yourself. You’re super busy, too, so you definitely deserved it! I hope I have time today to make it to the gym to try this workout! And that no one is on the stair master. I killed it yesterday with interval running on the treadmill. Blah! Felt so good!
Hey Cassey, I understand you have a crazy schedule but thank you for having the time to also upload videos and tips and all of that.The new workout looks awesome, i need to buy one of those stairmaster but for now i’ll stick to my elliptical which has given me a little but lift.
One of the reasons I love to workout with you and check your blog is because you’re not one of those people who is perfect in every way, you have a lot of hard times and that makes you seem so normal and relatable! This is why I love you Cassey! I hope I win because I need that DVD! #POPsterpresents
Hey Cassey!!
I’m glad that you finally got to take some time for yourself. I know what you mean >.< Things get crazy, and then comes a breakdown. I'm only 16 and I've still had WAY too many from family drama and school overworking me. But then I get to come home, go running, and do a few of your awesome workouts!(: You really help me a lot. Seriously. Just since starting your workouts, I've gone from a stressed suicidal freak to someone that is actually starting to feel good about herself. And I thank you for that. I appreciate you more than you could ever imagine.
Thank you, Cassey.<3
Wow! I really wish I had access to a stair master!! Oh well. I’ll just kill it with some jogging (that’s what I did this morning) and blogilates vids. I hope you love your new place and are getting settled in really well! Stay positive, Cassey! We all love you.
I clean horse stalls to calm down XD I guess the smell of horses, the hard work, and the time alone to think are what helps me.
Can’t wait to see the new video!
cassey i cooked with miracle noodles for the first time last night and loved them!! also just finished your hiit bikini blast 1 and it left me so sweaty but feeling great! such a wonderful way to start my day <3
Cant wait to try both exercises. This will be perfect for switching up my routine
Oh my gosh I’m so excited to do this!! I’ve never done the stair master but im excited to try!!!
Thank you for making a stair master routine – it’s my cardio of choice! I can’t wait to try it out tomorrow at the gym! Remember to be kind to yourself while you are going through so many personal changes. Good for you for taking your stress out at the gym and in the kitchen.
So excited for the new workout!!! Also love the bow necklaces!
I wish I had stairmaster access, but i don’t. I loved the treadmill one! Thanks for all you post. You are so motivating.
Hey Cassey, I am so happy you wrote today, I tought I had problem with my internet and I couldn’t see your new post! Lol I can’t wait to try the butt builder stairmaster! I’m still on your sexy treadmill workout! It’s so hard but I feel it in my legs and my butt so much!!! It’s amazing! You are amazing Cassey! #popsterpresents
I’ve been having a crazy breakdown of my own this past week. I always feel sooooo much better after a good workout though, so you helped me get through my craziness. Thank you so much for that. You really do mean so much to us POPsters.
As a side note, I ordered the Call Me Lady Wallet from oGorgeous, and I am SO FREAKING EXCITED for it to come in! I also get a yoga mat keychain for my sweet momma for her birthday next week. I can’t wait to give it to her!
You have a lot going on now. It’s nice to take some time out for yourself.
I just started trying out your workouts for a week now. I love your workouts and your personality!
I love your workouts and blog! You’re such a great inspiration and you make working out fun! The necklaces look really cute 🙂
Sorry you had a tough week! Hope it gets a lot better for you. I am super excited to try this new workout out. I finally did the one from last week yesterday. OMG! It was killer!
Girl you need an assistant. You do enough work for 4 or 5 people. Seriously, you’re an inspiration.
Working out is definitely a great way for me to de-stress. I know if I don’t workout I feel terrible and I get cranky and stressed out.
You make life absolutely amazing for me. Before I found you in October, my life was an absolute disaster! I rarely worked out, only did things that didn’t challenge me when I did work out, and I let stress get to me horribly. When I found you, everything changed. My attitude has done a complete 180, and I LOVE working out, even if I’m at the gym and have no access to your videos. Anytime I get to something that I don’t want to do (like overhead presses or even my last half mile on the treadmill) I just think, “Cassey would want me to do this!” I guess it places a lot of pressure on you when so many people look up to you the way I do, and I’m sorry about that. What I’m trying to say is: You make a difference in so many lives. What you’re doing isn’t pointless. You truly are amazing, and you’re beautiful both inside and out. You’ve helped me get to the point that I’m comfortable with my body, I like eating clean, I love working out, and you’ve even helped me to realize what I want to do with the rest of my life. I want to become certified to teach Pilates, and I’m going to go to school so that I can be a personal trainer and, later, a physical therapist. For the first time in my life, I turn to working out when I’m stressed instead of to a big tub of ice cream, and that truly IS awesome. I couldn’t have gotten there without you. Your advice is always great and so very helpful. I thank you so, so very much for everything you do for us POPsters!!! We love you, Cassey!
Lots of love and good energy vibes headed your way,
Yay, finally there is your blog post. I was missing you! haha, really I missed reading about fitness, healthy food and staying on track. I love you blog, your messages, and of course your workouts. My fitness level increased so much because I’m doing your workouts everyday and eat cleaner because of your advise. Thank you so much!
I will do the Hiitaltes 2 tonight: together with my boyfriend! it’s his first time doing one of your videos. I can’t wait to see how he does, haha 🙂
Good on you for taking some time for yourself! You deserve it! #popsterspresents
Awesome! Thanks Cassey! I can’t wait to give it a go!
And thank you for helping me get in shape, I’ve never enjoyed working out as much as I enjoy a blogilates style butt kicking. = D
Hey Cassey,
Thanks for this post – I definitely feel this way sometimes and I always need a little “me” time each day. As a medical student, it’s sometimes hard to fit in workouts everyday, although I’m really trying to be committed do better! And your workouts are so fun and upbeat that you keep me motivated to exercise when I get home at the end of a long day!! Thank you so much for that! 🙂
jaNEWary calender is seriously KILLAAHHHH!! Especially those cardio days… Cassey you’ve really outdone yourself this time with finding ways to kill us! But I love it cause I know I’m totally killing my workout! And im so super excited to try the new HIITilates video! The first one was AMAZING! <3
I am so excited to do this workout but also partially scared. I can usually only go on the stair master for about 20 minutes without dying but I am so ready to try this. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Thanks so much for posting that tip/advice on time, Cassey. I often commit myself to stuff because I feel bad or pressured, and I end up having fun in the end, but I dread it before. When I say no, I always feel bad, but it is MY happiness that matters, and sometimes I just want “me” time! (I have “me” time a lot, actually lol) Hang in there, girl. You are such an inspiration and a blessing to all of us, and we are all so very thankful to have you as an instructor, mentor, and friend! Blessings.
Im obsessed with butt workouts lately so I cant wait to try this. Thanks for everything that you do Cassey!! You may feel overworked, but at least you always have so many people supporting you and appreciating everything you do for your fans!
Hey Cassey!!! You are truly amazing for all that you do for us posters but lookout for you too. I know you want to please everyone and make this a special month for everyone but don’t worry so much about us. You just got knocked out of your normal routine with the moving, unpacking, having an new environment, etc. We completely understand the toll it must be taking. So, just breathe, and settle in. Your numerous following will still be here lol. I know I will 🙂 Take care and be blessed.
OMGGGG. I can’t wait to do this. Can’t wait to get my booty kicked!!
Thanks Cassey!
Just finished an amazing workout beautiful burn and I felt every minute.. I am back and getting myself into a pre baby shape. I have toning to do. I love following your videos it’s motivation.
I would love to see some “recipe” tips and the idea of pre prepped meals are great. I just wanted to ask
do you eat that same meal for lunch and dinner that day how to do daily eat your pre meals?
Any advice.
I have always had fitness in my life, after two kids it has slowed down but I am always active. With the holidays passed it’s a lot easier not to be tempted to shovel bad food down ….
So any other advice would be great!!!
Wish I could go this workout, but I don’t have stairmaster. Took my day off yesterday and then working out today. Thanks so much Cassey!
Cassey this is one of the many reasons we, POPsters love you so much! You have so much on your plate, like 10 different social networks to update and you still make time for your personal life. Cassey you truly are a great person and you have a great heart. You help so many people get their life back on track as a fitness instructor-but more importantly a friend. You support us when we feel like we’re about to DIE from a hard workout and I think that’s why we love it when you tell us about what’s on your plate-because then we feel like we can help YOU and repay what can never really be repaid. Cassey, you have been the ultimate friend to thousands of people. “Thank You” doesn’t seem like a big enough thanks for everything you’ve done for us. You are such an inspiration for all of us and thank you for not giving on this community and for not giving up on us.
Cassey, from the bottom of all of the POPsters’ hearts-Thank You, WE LOVE YOU!<3
Cassey I’ve missed youu! I always wanted to learn how to eat clean but I don’t know how… where do you get you r food from?
I understand that all too well. It took me a number of years to learn to say no to people if I didn’t want to do something. I know now that reading, sewing/quilting, knitting and walking my dog calms me down and helps me refocus on what’s important. Good luck! Sounds like you have a lot going on but I’m sure you can deal with it!
Thanks for clearing everything up regarding the calendar! Also saw the new Hiitilates up on YouTube; gotta give it a whirl!
OMGGG IM SOOOO TIRED, SINCE IT WAS A REST DAY I TOOK THURSDAYS WORKOUT FROM LAST WEEK AND PUT IT IN FOR TODAY…..if i want to look like a beauty than i have to train like a beast right 😉 ~commenting for the necklaceee, soooo adorable!!!,
Oh my god this is great, a new butt workout <3 I'd have to say your butt and an workouts are definitely my favorites, I'm always so pumped to do them! And you know high school, people are always checking out your booty. So I try to keep it in tip top shape 😉
I wish I could pre make meals! I always do that for lunches and sometimes snacks but my family kinda prevent me from doing so for dinners.it’s okay though! I love cooking anyway.
Cassey, I totally feel for you with the burn out! It happens to me almost every time I have a big move. . .so happy you were able to SNAP out of it 🙂 Feels amazing to get back on track, doesn’t it?
Thanks for all that you do for us popsters! That workout looks great! Don’t forget to take some “me” time.
My body is ready for the new workout!
Take time for yourself. You serve an important role in the health world and have helped so many people. Have you thought about delegating some ot the work?
We missed you Cassey! Glad to see the new workout up 🙂
Hey Cassey! You just had a big move and everyone wants to see you because youre so amazing!!
I hope your upcoming week is easier! And way less stressful!
I cant wait to try the new videoo!! Im only a couple weeks in to your workout and i already see changes! When i dont feel like working out i go to your blog and read your posts which pumps me up. Thanks for your inspiration Cassey!
We all Love you and appreciate the hard work you put in for us!
I can’t wait to start this new workout to get my but my but in shape!
You Wanda kick my butt? Kick it then! I’m so ready!
Everyone gets stressed out and are busy busy! You justhave to take your time and you’ll get through it. Seasons change and everything will calm down. 🙂 On another note, this month is the first month since high school that I have been sticking to a workout plan. Your calendar is totally kicking my butt and I am loving it!!! :))
My gym just got a stairmaster… and I am so excited!! Will definitely be doing this workout next week 🙂
I’ve been looking for a killer stairmaster workout, so I can’t wait to try this one! Working out and cooking are also my ways of staying sane when life is crazy…and sleep. Even when other things in my usual routine have to be sacrificed, I can’t sacrifice my workouts or sleep or else I will go insane. Congrats on your move, and I can’t wait to see more of your apartment!
Yeah!!! Let”s build some buttys
Hey Cassey 😀
Keep fighting even if its too much, just know there will be something bright at the end of each road. I am glad that working out and cooking makes you feel better. I know for sure that working out relief my stress
Hey Cassey!
I know that feeling so well! Saying yes to everything and everyone because it’s just being NICE! I don’t want to make the other person feel like they can’t trust in me. It took me years to learn how to say no! I also found an easier way to say no! For example if someone asks you to go to this party, you can say, “Thank you for thinking of me, let me check my schedule and get back to you.” It’s totally perfect! I wish I knew of that years ago! On another note, can’t wait to try the printable! My bootay is readdy!!
I love you Cassie! Missed your posts
You’re such an amazing person, Cassey! You take care of so many POPsters around the world – 82.407 people like you on Facebook. And you are keeping in touch with them about 24 h a day, 7 days a week. And you have real-life friends, who want your attention as well. And you just moved to a new home and and and and….. It’s no wonder you need some time just for yourself! 😉
I think everbody understands that you have reasons, if you are not able to post something on time. The only one you are accountable to is the person in die mirror! 🙂 Please enjoy the upcoming week, especially because it’s your birthday week!!!!! =)
So excited for the new workout to go up! I loved the last one! 😀
Hey, I haven’t tried none of the Hiitilates…but hopefully, tonight I am doing both 😀
Hey cassey 🙂 hope you have a great birthday, make sure to look after yourself and relax this week since it’s a special one xx
Cassey, you are so amazing! You’re the only person that can workout so hard yet still look so cute! I love your workouts and cannot wait to try the stair master one- it looks totes amaze :)! Thank you soo much for devoting your time to other people and their goals in fitness, nothing is as hard if you have someone to do it with! So thank youu and happy early birthday!!!!!
Hey Cassey! I’m so sorry to hear about your breakdown. But it’s good that you found time to relax a bit. I hope that was enough time for you to find inner peace 😉 And seriously, don’t worry about being late, you’ve been doing such a huge effort for us! And we appreciate you for that!!! <3
You are so amazing Cassey! This workout is going to be great! 🙂
I can’t wait until your next post! I love reading your blog posts! 😀
I really love all of your training printable! I am defiantly going to try this one next time i go to the gym 🙂
i think it’s really hard to make up your own routine, so it’s nice that you will post stuff like this.
I am soo happy I heard about this website!
Yes, ive been waiting for this stairmaster workout. 😀
Hy Cassey! This workout looks really really hard so I’m going to try it tomorrow, cause today I’m doing your HIITilates workout, 30 min cycling ( I have a stationary bike in my room) and “Inner thighs insanity” (yes, I’m still doing your old workouts because I love them!!!). Thank you for being my inspiration and my role model!
P.S.: I’m following your advice and I’m giving away all the chocolate left from Christmas.
Hey Cassey!! Sounds like things are crazy right now!! Sorry to hear that. I was actually getting worried about you because it seemed unlike you to be so behind! But now I see you just had so much going on!!
Will probably end up doing this tomorrow. I did the treadmill one again yesterday! Also, I sent you a picture on FB of me after the gym. Will that count for the Saturday contest? Thanks!
The bow necklaces are too cute! I really love your site I’m trying to get into shape and it’s really motivating me! Thanks for everything 🙂
#popsterpresents Im so excited to try this workout 🙂 it looks awesome hard but i know it will be fun 🙂 thanks Cassey, lov u 🙂
I need to try out meal prepping next semester! Thanks for the tips 🙂
The bow necklaces are adorable! I’m looking forward to doing this stair master workout (and hopefully the full thing) plus, whenever I’m craving something sweet but don’t want any junk food i just eat some boiled purple yams, their great cause you don’t have to add anything to them 🙂
CAN. NOT. WAIT. TO. TRY. THIS. But quick question, how do you do sideways L and R ?!
Thanks for kicking my butt every week. I’m sure this will be no different! OH! Finally made the banana pancakes.. AMAZING! You rock!
Ive never used a stair master before but I think I should look into it!
You have a serious hate face! It’s okay- most people do after push ups 🙂
I know EXACTLY what you mean about working out and grocery shopping. Last semester I was working, doing and internship, classes and homework and when I was swamped and freaking out I still took an hour every day to workout. My boyfriend would always ask why I spent that hour working out when I had so much homework, but I just told him I would go even crazier if I didn’t! And it’s nice to know someone else loves grocery shopping as much as I do! My boyfriend think it’s so weird that I like it so much, but it really is relaxing!
And I LOVE those tiny little bows (Carly Rae Jepsen anyone?!). Especially the gold ones and the black one!
I’ve been meaning to do meal prepping. It would be so much better for me. More often than not I find myself just going for convenience, and I don’t eat very healthy at all. I’m trying to work on it.
I totally understand about having to take some time for yourself. I was the same way. I would take on so much and be completely stressed and worn out. Sometime you need that alone time to recuperate and reprioritize your time. Glad you were able to get some time. I can’t wait to try out this workout. I know it’s going to have me dying.
Don’t worry, Cassey, we aren’t mad at you for not posting. We want you to be happy and healthy just like you want us to be 🙂 POPster power!!
This workout looks amazing! Thanks so much Cassey! Make sure to take extra time for yourself this week because after all it is your bday!
I’m so excited to kick my butt in this new workout!!
YAY 🙂 finaly here but i’m doing it next sat 🙂 love you
Firstly, the necklaces are really, really pretty. Especially the gold one. Secondly, I understand where you are coming from on time management. Luckily, I am pretty good at it but, in high school, my friends who do not manage their time very well are having a very difficult time with the eight courses we have as well as their own personal lives. I wish you good luck and hope you begin to relaxing soon!
I know exactly what you are talking about! Sometimes I get myself involved in many different things which usually ends up in being totally stressed out. I actually kinda like it (I can’t explain why) but too much is too much. That’s why I’m so glad I found you and your website. If I need a quick workout I just have to go on Youtube and BAM – there you are! That makes working out so much easier! I can’t even express how much I appreciate what you do for us!
I understand…working out is my alone time too! Cute necklace and can’t wait to try the Stairmaster workout!
Love you cassey!
Hey Cassey! Can’t wait to try this new workout. & I know how you feel. Splitting up time for others and yourself is so hard! Try not to drive yourself crazy. Thank you for all of your constant inspiration. I’ve never wanted to work so hard at eating clean & exercising until i found Blogilates! 🙂 <3
I love the necklaces! The gold one is super cute. I always take alone time to my advantage. Either working out, baking, painting nails, or watching a movie; I feel like I need that. I will be planning my meals for the week, so time to go grocery shopping! I literally, have almost nothing in my fridge right now. Thanks for the motivation, Cassey! <3
Cassey, I really LOVE doing blogilates but I’m on a spots ban right now ): But I can’t wait until I can start doing blogilates again! And those bow necklaces are supersupersupercute 🙂
You are so right about doing just what you truly want! I love working out with you, and that’s what I’m about to do the next hour. Thank you so much for your videos! Youtube is so great: it enables things we couldn’t dream of some years ago. Just imagine, I’m in northern Finland doing my workout with Cassey Ho from USA! 🙂 You gotta love it!
PS. Love your designings aswell!
I totally understand how you feel. And it is really bad. Sometimes you are just like “hey, I have some spare time there and there and there and if I changed my schedule a little bit, I could do another thing then” and you agree to doing something you do not like because you are just not brave enough to say No, I cannot do that because I don’t have time”. And then you end up at the edge of a breakdown. I really have been there and it ended in some kind of depressive thing for me, where I would not go out except for school, I would not do any sports and I would not even hang out with friends. I would just sit at home and cry about my myself.
But YOU have helped me (and a lot of other POPsters, I am sure) out of that, so you have every reason and right to tell us when you cannot do something in time, because everyone will understand and support you if you have too much on your plate. Because we own it to YOU that we are alright, so you never have to feel like you are letting US down, because you are the reason we (or I) am feeling good in the first place!
Take your time to watch over yourself and take care of your mind and body and we will support you! I promise!
P.s.: How can you go sideways on the stairmaster?
wow everything is great. necklace is cute, food looks delicious, and that workout Gna kick butt! thx! and ur advice was perfect timing. needed to hear it!
My school finally has a fitness center with a stair master! So I cannot wait to go back and try!
Balancing life is hard – especially when you are doing a lot. Keep it up! I love taking a break with one of your workouts, and I love that feeling afterwards when I can feel proud of myself for pushing myself.
Sorry you were feeling overwhelmed this week, Cassey 🙁
I like your idea of preparing meals in advance. I kind of have been doing that with breakfast. I’ve been in a smoothie kick. So, I’ve been buying fruit on Sunday and chopping them up in advance. Then I can just throw them in a blender the night before or day of and take my breakfast to go while I drive to work. Much more convenient than prepping every day and easy for me to start my day off clean. I’m sipping on a pineapple/apple/banana smoothie as I write this post now ^_^
Hey cassey! Ya i agree with u! U def gotta have some “me time” or ur not gunna preform to ur best potential! N not just in ur case as a fitness instructor but for EVERYONE! I also think tht if ur always on the go n doing things ur gunna get annoyed or mad at things u normally wouldnt ya kno? I think u well diserve a spa day cassey! 🙂 just sit back relax n get pampered!
Hey Cassey! I totally agree with everything in this post! I was just telling a friend the other day that I am stingy with my time! My husband works offshore and is gone for weeks at a time & it’s just me and my daughter! My zone out activities are yoga/Pilates at my gym 5 days per week & MY DAUGHTER TAGS ALONG UNLESS I HAVE A SITTER! And I walk one day while she is at dance class! I work full time as well, so a lot of the time I like being a “hermit” as some of my friends say :). I too enjoy cooking & working out because they both make me happy!!!!! Thanks!!!!
Thanks for the new HIITilates! Can’t wait to try it.
I’ve been sick for a few days and I have to wait until my body has fully recovered… But I miss your workouts so much! You really got me addicted to working out!
Can’t wait for your DVD to arrive too! Thanks for everything.
I need to look into meal prepping. There are so many time I’ll have a break between classes and want to eat something, but get drive thru instead.
It’s okay about the video, there are times when you go haywire you just can’t get the things you want done. I know the feeling since I had it yesterday. I hope you get your life in better control and keep doing the things you love to do! Which, hopefully also includes workout out with us all the time! 😀
Cassey, I love all your workouts. I started waking up at 5 am to squeeze these into my busy schedule, full time mom, student, and teacher.
Meal planning and prepared meals is something I do in my house as well to help get dinner going faster and to provide healthier options for my to go lunches.
Thank you for your encouragement and inspiration.
P.S. Those necklaces are adorable 😉
Thank you for your posts and videos! They help me so much to relieve myself from stress and you make fitness so fun! Love you Cassey and keep up all the great work! <3
Cassey, I hope you take the time to relax and think about yourself, the rest can wait. Because nothing is more important than you! We all love you and you are such a big inspiration. Take care Cassey!
I just saw the new HIITilates video and it looks intense, but that is how I just like it!
And the bow necklaces looks adorable! <3
Those necklaces are so cute!
Cassey, thank you for this post, I really needed it today! I always waste my time doing things that get me in a bad mood, things that I have to do, and this was somehow so helpful. Thank you, you made my day so much better! 🙂
Love those necklaces! and that workout seems killer!
I love what you said about not being able to say yes to everything; so true! Thank you for all the inspiration and thought that you share with us Cassey! 🙂
There’s nothing bad about hanging out with yourself every once in a while. You should try it sometime 😉
A friend turned me onto your site and I must say that I am now thoroughly addicted. Already shaved almost 2 inches off my hips and core/stomach in a week. My mind and body thank you Cassey!!! Plus I’ve been cruising through your recipes and can’t wait to try the easy breakfasts and treats.
Would LOVE to win the necklace! Also, I pre-ordered the DVD and had it shipped to thailand… it hasn’t arrived yet. Has anyone else overseas received theirs yet?
Can’t wait to try the new workout! Please take time for yourself Cassey, you’re a human not a machine. It’s ok to take a break every now and then. No one will hate you for it or be disappointed, and if they do are they worth being in your life? Mental health is just as important as working out and eating right. Chin up love, we all still love you <3
I’ve been wanting to meal prep for the longest time, but I have no idea what to put in them! Might attempt it this upcoming semester though!
Thank you for the new printable! I will be taking this with me on the next trip to the gym! Can’t wait to experience the torture. I think I can speak for the popsters when I say we appreciate EVERY single thing you do. You deserve the time just for yourself when things become overwhelming. We totes understand!! Love You Cassie!!
You make me want to buy my own stairmaster. So sad, my gym doesn’t even have one. Maybe time to try out a new gym? LOL HOW ELSE WILL I GET A BUBBLE BUTT LIKE YOURS?!
i love you so much cassey<3! this new stairclimer workout it the bomb.com haha:)
I am so excited to see you back and in control. I know how hard it is to let life start spiraling so quickly. So many things to do and people to meet. I think more than YOU keeping US on track its that WE all work together to keep EACH OTHER on track. I can see how excited you always seem to be to be reconnecting with us Popsters and we all appreciate all the little tidbits of knowledge you provide. And I bet that us being so excited for you and all your endeavors makes you happy to be doing what you are doing. You do have a purpose Cassey and you are fulfilling your dreams every day.
I can totally relate! Read this book, it’s full of great reminders! The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin <3
It is so important to take time for yourself, it’s fun to be out there and on the go, but sometimes you need to just do you. I am glad that you are getting settled! Moving can be a huge stress, even if the move is good and it’s good stress it still gets to your brain.
This is actually a Life Lesson that most extremely busy, or busy people, never figure out…until they have a complete and utter breakdown at an event or party.
No one should oblige themselves to someone else, because they do not want to hurt that person’s feelings; if we only have one Life to live ;o) there may not be cake in the next one.
If only the gyms in Japan weren’t so expensive…I would then have access to a stair master, elliptical, treadmill…poo..oh well.
I myself have a hard time saying “no” to people when they offer me something or even ask me to attend something…So I get it.
I can only imagine how busy you must be, so I hope you are getting some sleep? I know how you mention getting sleep is always hard for you.
xoxo Hope you had a wonderful day xoxo
Super sweet necklace!
HIITilates 2 came out, so it’s not a rest day today 😉
I don’t love that you’re having these feelings of being spread too thin , but i love that you meet it head on and deal with it in the best way you know how. It’s difficult to be pulled a million ways from Sunday, but having focus helps. Pop pilates is my anchor when things get a bit insane, i put a video on and my boy knows it’s time for mom to relax for a few 😉
Totally going to try the new stairmaster workout without a stair master… going to do the best i can with just my stairs, we’ll see how that goes, lol
Perfect timing! On my way driving to the gym, I was wondering what work out I will do and I will DEFINITELY try this one! Thanks, gorgeous!
i dont have a stairmaster but i might just hit my friend’s house to use theirs just for you cassey (:
Love the necklaces! And all the best of luck at finding some down time in your busy schedule to collect your thoughts and get everything in order that you’re working so hard at for all of us POPsters!
Those bow tie necklaces are soooooo cute!!!!!!! I know exactly what you mean about doing too many things and not saying no, I do it all the time. It is actually part of my New Years resolution to say no more.
I’m having winter exams at the university, and have to prepare for some disciplines that I hate, hate, hate. 🙁 It is, like you said, too much for me because I can hardly force myself to study things that don’t make me happy or are useful for me. And, once again like you mentioned, I am longing for time for myself right now.
Workouts are my virtue. :)) I killed it with cardio and abs yesterday. Felt so sore in the morning, so I did total body stretch and it feels great now! :))
Thank you, Cassey, for your great posts, sayings and other great stuff. I’m going to cook your banana pancakes for breakfast tomorrow to boost my mood. 😀
Wonderful blog and interesting routine you posted. You’re extremely creative in the way put these together!
Hello Cassey!
I wanna thank you for making me lose my weight, because without you I would still be on those crazy diets while being hungry like crazy all the time without any results. I’ve always wanted to lose my weight. I was starving, but it was pointless. One day, about a month and half ago, I searched for “pilates” on youtube and I found your “POP Pilates For Begginers” video. I tried it and it was so good, so I subscribed to your youtube channel. I’ve always been very lazy, but your videos are fun. The first day I was doing your workouts I was working out for like 2 hours and the next day I couldn’t get up from my bed, but I kept working out. And I downloaded your workout calender too. The first two weeks I didn’t lose any weight, but then I started getting slimmer. A month and half ago my weight was 67 kg and now my weight is 62 kg (my height is about 174 cm). I want to lose even more weight and I wanna be slim like you are untill my 16th birthday, which is 20th July. I never thought working out would be so great untill I found you. You’re so nice, you make working out so fun and you inspire me to never stop. “Your mind is stronger than your muscles, you can tell yourself that you can do this.” “Don’t give up for me now, don’t give up for yourself.” “Do you want nice abs? You’re gonna work it.” Even when I fall down, you make me get up again and keep going. Before I started working out with you, I couldn’t even do a push up. I always fell down when I tried to do a side plank. I was dying while doing lunge jumps. And a lot of others. Now I can do it all. I work out like crazy. I eat clean too, but it’s not that easy for me. I eat healthy food, but I’ve always been eating a lot cuz I’m always hungry. But I try to eat less. Your diet plans are great, but you can’t buy many things you use there in my country, so I try to make my own diet plans. I love working out, I love healthy food, I feel fit and more confident. I just feel much better. When I have my dream body, I’ll send you a photo so you can see what you made me archieve. I hope you’ll see it. Your Kateřina <3 🙂
Hey cassy love your workout cant wait to do thursdays workout
I have no access to a stairmaster except in my school gym so i guess im gonna embarrass myself drowning in sweat but it’ll be worth it when i come storming in in prom all thanks to you. haha Love you Cassey
I do need to find a gym nearby!
Exercise and cooking also help me relax, let go of pressure, and just be in the moment. Hope you have a less hectic week this week!
My goodness. I’m new to your blog! Love it!!
I have never tried it backwards. Looking forward to this one, hehe 😀
Cassey, It’s so nice that you connect to us popsters not only on the level as a trainer but also as just a regular person with regular problems. When I read this blog, I was thinking “Oh man! That’s the same way I’ve been feeling here lately.” I get so caught up in trying to “get caught up” that I often lose myself in the process. That’s when I realize I just need to take a step back to slow things down and enjoy every second of life instead of rushing through it. Also, just wanted to share with you that 2 weeks back I bought the book by Tosca Reno, read it from front to back, and have been eating clean ever since. I’ve never felt so refreshed! Btw, just weighed myself this morning and in 2 weeks I have lost 5lbs! YAY! I can hardly contain myself, I’m so excited! So thank you for all your hard work and dedication. You are truely an inspiration to us all not only to train insane or remain the same, but to have a positive outlook on life even when the going gets tough (:
My goodness. I’m going to need a second job!! I love all your products!!
Oh Thank you for this routine:)) I will do it today for sure. I was wondering which cardio to do today and here it is – brand new cardio:)) And yeah, I always prep my meals when I am not at home. I hate carying so many things but still…I save money and I eat clean that way:)
I would love to win. I lost my job last week, and this would really cheer me up! Have a good day!
Ahhhh yay i cannot wait to try this stairmaster routine!! 🙂 I’ve been hoping you would make one for awhile now, and I was so happy when I saw that one was coming on the calendar! You truly inspire me every day to push myself a little bit farther than I normally would, and I love that! Love you Cassey!!! 🙂
It’s so awesome that when life gets tough you turn to health outlets. That is so inspirational to me (an emotional eater), showing me it can be done! Thanx for everything & please take some time out to rest!
I love cooking too. It has been the hardest thing for me to control and modify. I have almost zero clean recipes. Thank God for the good clean recipes on pinterest!
Hi Cassey! (:
I caaant wait for the new workout and i am soo ready to kick my butt!! <3
You were missed during your absense, but it sounds like you’ve had a lot on your plate! Everyone needs a break sometime:) P.S. I’m inspired by your meal prepping! I might have to try that!
You inspire me so much! Another awesome blog post 🙂 <3 keep it up
Hi Cassey! I recently found your blog and I have to say that you are such an inspiration 🙂 This is the year that I get fit and fabulous and your workouts will help me get there! Thank you 🙂
I love love love all the workouts you put together! I also am so thankful for all the giveaways this month! It’s fun to try to win things! These necklaces remind me of hello kitty and love it!!! I am also asking for a couple of your motivational tank tops for my birthday! They are so cute!
what a cute bow necklace<3
Love your workouts
Hang in there with the busyness, Cassey!! You work so hard and deserve time to rest and relax. I appreciate all you do!
#1: I don’t know how I would survive without your blog and pilates videos.
#2: Your new workouts are kicking my butt, and I LOVE IT.
#3: Cutest necklace ever!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
As we talk about having good food handy and quick, I would like to ask if you have some recipes on, almost like bars or bread, but with lots of vegetables and something protein rich too, like a small meal or snack to have with you to school or work then you don’t have time picking up forks and knives to eat as long as you like to?
It’s so important to take the time for yourself that you need! I’m looking forward to trying out the stair master workout.
So sad to hear that! Glad you took some YOU time! We all deserve that! I hope you are feeling refreshed. Thank you so much for all you do 🙂
Don’t have one at home but this motivates me to get my ass to the gym and try it! 🙂
I’m loving your workouts but my body is hating me for it right now! Thank you so much! 🙂
Can’t wait to try the workout! I’ve been working my butt off with your workouts. they’ve helped me so much! thanks Cassey!
Wish I had a stairmaster at home. Looks like a great workout! 🙂 Can’t wait for the second HiiTilates!
I don’t really have the chace to use a stairmaster, but sometimes I may will.
Anyway, I’m trying to learn optimism from you Cassey, because this is what I’m quite bad at. I workout with you for half a year now, and I already feel the change not only of my body but of my attitude, too.:) Thanks!
Hi cassey!
Oh my goodness, reading your blog post and when I stumbled upon the paragraph about you being so busy and wanting time ALONE literally got me saying I. My mind, ” ME TOO.”.
It’s okay, you’re not alone and I find that I usually say yes to people especially when friends ask me to hangout because I don’t know how to say no, like you say, you feel bad. But I guess sometimes I just want time alone not that I hate Anyone but more of because time alone by yourself is good.
Thank you for the reminder., that sometimes we should put ourselves first and do what makes us happy. Not just to please others but to make yourself happy. I hope you have a better one structure next week so you can workout and have more YOU time.
Always an inspiration. Lots of love, xoxo
Esther, 🙂
So many typo errors there my apologies.
x sorry!
Hey, that’s nearly the same food I had yesterday 🙂 And now I’m going to do some workout!!
I’ve missed you Cassey! But I’m very excited fot HIITilates 2. I was constantly checking for a new post. But everyone needs a break and it seems like you had a lot on your plate. Glad to hear from you again. 🙂
Cassey, you are such an inspiration to all of us! I love your blog and videos.
You’re right with having to many things on your plate and learning to give yourself a break. Sounds like you might have alot of things in store for us or better yet opportunities coming your way. This move sounds like its been very exciting.
Hi Cassey,
i don’t quite understand how the meal prepping thing works for you. Is it that in the starting of the week you do a whole lot of food and then you eat the same thing every day of that week?
’cause it is hard to get healthy when it is not prepared and i love to have stuff all ready, i’m the kind who freezes everything but i never found a way to prepare all of my weekly meals in one day.
Wow! Love the stairmaster workout! Cant wait to get a nice booty! Thank you for all you do cassey!! 🙂
I cannot wait to try the next HIITilates!! How the heck do you keep coming up with these fabulous workouts? You are one amazing lady xxx
Hi Cassey. I loved your quote: ‘ Really evaluate what you want to spend your time doing and see if it makes you happy or makes you a better person. If not, skip it.’. This is EXACTLY what I try to tell myself every day because I always find myself having too little time for myself too, mainly because of school 🙁 But hey you told us: ‘never take a day off from TRYING HARD’ so that’s what I’ll be doing! I have a Word-document in which I collect all these inspiring quotes so I added these two quotes of yours because you inspire me every single day and I LOVE you for doing this! Stay strong! xoxo
I guess I should purchase an exercise step.
Hi Cassey,
I discovered your youtube channel yesterday and I tried one of your abs-workouts and I love it!
My abs are really hurting right now, so it realy works haha!
Wow! I just saw the post on FB! What a coinky dink! My friend and I are heading to the gym in 10minutes! I guess its a sign, must do stairmaster!
Oh and we are going to do the treamill shreadmill as well.
cute necklace! i def need to prepare food ahead a time. it will stop from a lot of snacking mistakes!
Hey Cassey!!!
I absoloutly love your workouts, I am doing your JaNEWary calendar and look forward each day to working out like a beast then looking like a beauty!! I’m still only young (13) and I’m a runner and from doing your workouts my running has improved SOOO much and im beating everyone who i train with!! :o!! :D:D!! thanks so much, I Love youuu!! X
Food prepping helps me so much to stay on track! You are right, there is no excuse not to choose the healthier option when it it just as easy to grab as an unhealthy snack. Working out is something I use to help calm me down too. Coming from someone with a clinical psychology degree, all I do is preach relaxation techniques and coping skills to my clients so I’ll do it here too. It’s so important for your mental well being to find things that help you relax and cope with the everyday stresses of life!
Dang, we missed you Cassey! It’s been 5 days, how could you put us through it, having no you! D=
Joking aside, you really must rest a bit, dear Cassey. If anyone deserves some time off, it’s you so don’t overwork yourself. Us POPsters want to have you around for quite a long time and you need rest to keep it up! I think it’s safe to say I speak on behalf of all of us; your energy and motivation is immense and it’s really contagious! You have no clue just how much you contribute to each and every one of us, in both mental and physical health and happiness! Keep on rockin’, hon.
Cassey …..you are inspiration to me .Thank you help us to have an active life…
I wanna pre pack my meals too! Any tips for vegetarians? I always end up grazing til I feel full… :/ lol. amazing post!!
Looks yummy
Hi cassey ive been trying really hard to workout and eat healthy this
Month and I’ve been pretty successful but last week I went for an 8k run
/walk was super proud but ive damaged my Achilles Tendon so ive been told to rest it and not do strenuous exercise! What would you recommend I do has regard exercid or videos that don’t require a lot me leg use? Please help 🙂
Hey Cassey, I’m not here to win anything but to THANK YOU for your great videos and tips. I’m a really lazy girl but after i felt myself getting lazier and not willing to do aything thats tiring and wanted to lay down all day or sitting down all day. I started to hate myself for being that useless. Therefore I decided to start working out by looking at youtube weight loss tutorials. I’m so glad I’ve found you. i like you saying that ‘its ok, im burning too’ its like a big hug to me. and I have a question. should I do cardio before workout or after workout? My favourtie video of yours is the bootcamp arm workout and long lean legs workout =)
Sweet potatoes are the best pack up food! xxxx Yummmmmy!xxxx
Definitely guilty of the say-yes-to-everything curse. I appreciate the insight!
cute necklace! can’t wait to try this workout!!!
# Popsterpresents Hey, thanks for the stairmaster routine, I always hated that machine because its so hard but I do want a better butt so I think I will go for it this time and kill myself!
Hopefully you get enough rest Cassey!
I got so much stronger already! And those 2 weeks just flew by!!!!!
Thank you for everything! Had a dancing competition yesterday and I was able to wear my tight red dress without any problems and I felt stunning! And thats a big deal for me!
Omg those broccoli pictures are so tempting!! Ahh!! Anyways can’t wait for hiitalates round 2.0
Cassey, you look quite scary after those push ups 😉 I need to push myself more now!
take care and have a lovely day!~
Hey Cassey. Thank you so much for everything. Your videos have given me such a healthy body, which has only saved my low self-esteem. I used to be a very shy and self-conscious person. I am now such a confident lady and feel awesome in my skin, all because of POP Pilates. You are such a wonderful person and happy bundle of life. I really admire you for your enthusiasm and optimism. LOVE from Ireland! xoxo
Thank you so much for being my inspiration 🙂 i hope you got my letter! Even though im all the way across the country! <3
Cassey, glad you’re back! We missed you and I just can’t wait to try HIITilates nº2! xoxo
cassey~i just met ur youtube channel last year.im glad i did bcoz when i do exercises with ur vid,u just keep talking n motivating and i just keep smiling throughout those workout eventho it hurts ~but it hurts soo good~ luv u!!!^^
You are killing me and motivating me at the same time. Thanks so much for everything, Cassey!
Lots of love, Meimei 🙂
Butt builder, eh? And cooking relaxes me too.
Wow those necklaces are awesome!=D I love you and your workouts! I hope you won’t feel as stressed as much.When I find myself stressed I love to read a book and do your workouts.=) Your workouts I find fun and hard,it makes you sweat,it makes me less stressed and want to do it the next day with excitment.=)
I will have to go to the gym with Lea just to try this routine you made! 🙂 thanks!
Cassie, thankyou so much for everything! You’re workouts and health advice literally saved my life 🙂 xoxo
Hi Cassey,
i started the jaNEWary calender on wednesday and by changed in only a few days :)) I´m so happy to find your Youtube channel. I love your POPpilates vid´s and i not think before that pilates is so hard to do 😀 I can´t wait for the february calender ♥
OMG cassey love you so much <3 last night i introduced one of my besties to your workouts and we did them together over skype – so fun but KILLED us – love you and ur super cute clothing xxx
You’re absolutely right. You can’t do everything and you can’t please everybody all the time!! You have to take care of yourself first. That might sound a little bit selfish, but it’s the way it is. The best you can do, is do what makes you happy and what feels good to you, and then other people will follow :p
I did a cardio crazy yesterday instead of the stairmaster workout, and it felt sooo good. There is nothing better than the feeling I get after finishing a tough workout! It makes me feel beautiful, strong, accomplished and it gets me through bad days 😀 And I owe it all to you, Cassey. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t feel like that without your videos!
I’ve missed you so bad!!!! And… you are like a superhero wih all the things you do… I’m waiting for HIITlates 2, I want it but I’m also scared of it hahaha
So excited about this one! The stair master is a killer, but I’d live to mix up what I normally do!
Cassey, Cassey, Cassey
You always push me to my limits…which i love/hate 🙂 Your blogs are so informative and helpful, (so are your videos) and you do so much to help us all. We all appreciate it lots. Get your sleep and some rest in, we can’t have you dying of exhaustion on us!!! But really thankyou, and you deserve a break once in a while. LUV YOU —xoxo Ellen 😉
Everyone deserves a break and some alone time. It’s what keeps us sane. Even the most beautiful beasts need to rest 🙂