Summer 2012 Fitness Fashion!
Summer 2012 Fitness Fashion!
It’s getting hot where you are right!? I hope so. You better go soak in every bit of this amazingness. I always get so happy and excited for warm weather nowadays. I think living in Boston for about 2 years really made me appreciate “nice days” a lot more. Before, I took the constant 70/80 degree temps for granted. Now when it’s nice, I tell all my students to go outside.
Anyway, just wanted to share with you another vid I did with Livestrongwoman on summer fashion tips! It’s all about BRIGHT colors this season and lotsa lotsa lotsa booty shorts and candy colored sports bras. Recycled fashion is IN – so make sure you make that easy and fun DIY workout top I talk about in the video! I see that a lot of you guys have been doing it, so it makes me so happy that you’ve been utilizing your old shirts! Feels good!!!
And thank you so much for posting your pictures on facebook for me to see, and for tweeting me! It makes me smile every time 🙂
The little POP Pilates Princesses are always the cutest!!!!
Click on the picture to see the video tutorial and the get the full size printable DIY workout shirt follow-along instructions.
Great art project to do this weekend!
See you soon guys! Thanks for stopping by!
<3 Cassey
10 thoughts on “Summer 2012 Fitness Fashion!”
There are 10 comments posted by our users.
Ok then…I live in Malmö so I have the same weather as you! 😀 I heard from my family up north that it´s better up there… Since we´re all so near: let´s have a Blogilatesmeeting! 😀
Hi Cassey,
I love your clothing and always want to purchase a shirt like the “Train insane or remain the same.” I also love the making your own shirt idea.
However, I have really bad scars on my back/shoulders due to an accident so I have to workout in short sleeves. I know that you have long sleeve shirts available but it would be cool if you have a basic tee or something! Just a suggestion
Love your workouts/clothing! 🙂 Thank you!
I still have some blogilates shirts left but tees with train insane is a great idea!!
Wish we had nice weather in my country 🙁 Right now the temperature is constantly around 50/60 degrees and it rains all the time.. I don’t think it’s getting better for the summer.. Like the racerback design though 😀
Living up north? ;
Ha ha, I feel the same way. I live in Denmark, and I really hope the weather will be better soon. I am totally gone transform my T-shirts with this amazing trick. 😀
Yep, Denmark it is.. Hate the weather here xD
I live farther north than you, great weather in Sweden so far.. 😀
Yep, the weather sucks in Denmark at the moment! Can’t believe it is actually June and I am wearing a jacket and sending my daugther to nursery in wellies and full waterproofs… blah!
Gah! I wrote my reply as a new comment…It´s supposed to be here:
Ok then…I live in Malmö so I have the same weather as you! 😀 I heard from my family up north that it´s better up there… Since we´re all so near: let´s have a Blogilatesmeeting! 😀