Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big

Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big


Hi guys!

Today I want to talk to you about a quote that means a lot to me. When you read the title of this post, did it strike you?

“Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.”

People can tell you whatever they want, but the truth is, the one person, and the only person in charge of determining your destiny…is YOU. No seriously. What someone else says to you does not matter. If there are negative people in your life, leave them behind because they serve no purpose in contributing to your happiness and your dreams. I’ve found this to be so helpful in my own life. If I don’t like the way someone is treating me, I immediately take myself out of the situation. I honestly think that in this world, we all need to treat one another with kindness and respect because at the end of the day you’ve got to remember that we’re not just “doing” business to get things done…we’re working with other human beings as a team to create amazing things. Surround yourself with people that inspire you to be a better you. Rid your life of jealousy and replace it with an open mind ready to learn.

As for making your own dreams comes true…why is it that so many times we feel sad, wallowing in our hopelessness, waiting for the next big thing to happen?

A lot of people want to achieve their dreams and be “successful”. But you know what separates a successful individual from the everyday person? It’s saying you want to do something…and actually DOING IT. Sure it may be scary, but if you believe in yourself, there is actually very little risk. Why? Because your self-belief is your best asset. And if you’re not gonna believe in yourself, who will!!?? If you fail, you learn. Learn to do it right the next time. When you succeed, no one is going to pin you down for how many times you fell down getting there. The only thing that matters is that you got there. And you know what!? Even if it takes a while with trial and error, you’ll know the road so well that you can help mentor anyone else from making the same mistakes you did. Every part of your journey counts.

In just a few weeks, I will be back in Boston where my life really took some crazy turns. Started at my first corporate job out of college and thought I had really made it. A couple months in, I was feeling like I didn’t belong…like I wasn’t made for this…like everyone hated me. My boss and assistant boss (is that what you call it?) even made fun of my YouTube channel. They said, “Oh isn’t that cute? She has fans.” Oy. But I didn’t let it break me down. This is how I applied the above rules to carve out my own destiny.

RULE #1: Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.

RULE #2: Delete negative people out of your life so that you can grow stronger and happier.

RULE #3: Believe in yourself to the max. Know that everything will work out.

RULE #4: Don’t wait. Just do. Work hard. Be grateful.

RULE #5: Let it happen.

how to be successful

Don’t wait. Don’t expect. Just live your best every single day.

And that, POPsters, is how you make your dreams come true. You are a talented, strong, and beautiful person. Give yourself the chance to succeed and when opportunity comes knockin’, well, OPEN THE DOOR!!

I hope this post inspires you in a multitude of ways to live to your fullest.  Whether it is to lose weight, pursue a dream career, or leave an unhappy relationship…believe that everything will be just fine 🙂

Love you! Happy October! Here’s to a new month to achieve new goals! Here is your workout of the day for Thursday!

<3 Cassey

78 thoughts on “Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big”

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  1. Dk hamuza says:

    Wonderful… Some learning has taken place in minds after reading these inspiration words. Thanks

  2. Eric odeny onyango says:

    Good advice

  3. y3shuA imMANu3l says:

    Judges 13:18 ?[13×2]•26 ?
    And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is beyond your comprehension?

  4. Anouk says:

    Sometimes I let what others say get to me more then it really should, especially my mum. I know that she means well but sometimes she doesnt know how much her opinion means to me and overruling she can be, she is a very dominent person and there is nothing wrong with that but since I have a strong will myself and not yet as strong as I preffer it to be I sometimes let what she says to me get to my head. However, lately she started to learn to trust my choices more and she even allowed me to have a dog. A dog of her choice but its still a dog and I am happy with it because I can choose the dog myself and give it a name and take care of it. But even though I am very excited about this I am still a little scared because she often shares all her doubts with me and I find them quite negative, its tough to change my way of thinking but convincing her to become more positive is close to mission impossible! Close, but not so close that I wont be able to do that. Anyhow, to end this message before it gets to long for anyone to read, the reason why I wanted a dog is because they are men’s best friend and I need a companion, animals have always inspired and loved me more that humans has ever shown me. And I am glad that I am able to share my love with such a wonderful soul and give him all my friendship. (This may sound creepy but all the animal lovers out there know what I am talking about)

  5. MiinaMarie says:

    oh cassie 🙂
    what are your thoughts on ‘taking steps, doing it now…” all that stuff, but trying to prep for them first. (Like work, save up, try to make contacts to move to a nw location, etc )
    I know it’s a smart idea if it’s all part of the plan, but I have been pretty much doing that for a year(ish) now and though I still plan to go through with it, I think I’m going to give myself a cut off time, because there’s only so much planning you can do when you don’t really know what’s going to happen…all you can do is be as prepared as you can be and stay open to new ideas. I feel mostly prepared, but it’s the tangible stuff that holds me back…I guess I kind of answered my own question…I already knew the answer going into this and I’d assume you’d say something similar…(you can only prep so much – go for it!)
    Now I guess it’s trying to feel happy everyday going a job i hate (knowing that I plan to leave at the end of the year) but still having to go, and trudge and be tired and still unsure of everything…it’s really tiring and disheartening you know…even when I should be excited about what good things could happen when I take my leap of faith, you know….anyway…I’m rambling now – I guess I just wish I could figure it all out.
    Thanks for always being super awesome cassie. and you too fellow popsters 🙂

  6. Abi says:

    What if someone, like your dad, tells you that your dreams are wrong? What about when they tell you that you’re being obsessive for trying to organize the overwhelming into little, manageable peices? What about those times you’re afraid he’s right, and you end up with no motivation to do something that is maybe, possibly, probably wrong? What are you supposed to do when you’ve been silent about it for months?

    1. MiinaMarie says:

      then you say Dad, this is my life. You may have helped conceive me, but now I’m here and I’m another human being on this planet – whether or not we’re related. You’re parents likely didn’t make every choice for you in your life (and if they did, I feel bad for what you’ve missed out on) I bet they wanted you to be happy and be the best you that you could be! You don’t have to like what I’m doing, but know that it’s what I want and I’m willing to work hard for it and it will make me happy, and that counts.
      ** this is a good point especially if your/whomever’s parents aren’t from north america. There’s a lot more opportunity or ideas being spread and options all that – here, that some parents/grand parents from other parts of the world may find a little unsettling or untraditional. Some families embrace it because “why else would you move to a place like this, if you wanted/expected it to be like it was at home?”
      The only other advice I can give is, and this is likely not the case I think on these boards, but because I don’t know – possibly consider your Dad’s view from his view. Why he’s saying what he’s saying. In that, if your goal is to be 70 pounds soaking wet, or build your own space craft and take off from your backyard (although…) …he may not be crazy after all…but if it’s about following your dreams or achieving what you want that may not seem attainable or even a good idea to others, than he’s just another obstacle to overcome on YOUR journey, hopefully without much heartache.
      Good luck 🙂

  7. Shaun says:

    It is funny how you are thinking about things, then they just come into your life. Right now I am writing a series on my blog about Goals, and I just got done with a post about dreaming big…the topic is fresh on my mind. I am passionate about what you said. You are your own greatest asset. What others say really does not matter. You have to believe yourself, and you will be great.
    Thanks for the post!

  8. Lisa says:

    I love this! I’ve posted this to our facebook page ( I think I’ll make this my daily mantra!

    Most of us never reach for our dreams because of fear of what others may think. And sometimes people disappoint you when you share them. The laughing isn’t the worst sometimes, it’s the speed round of condescending questions that I hate. Your post reminds me to keep pushing!

    Oh and gratitude (#4). I’m grateful for being unique, conquering my fears and going for it!

  9. Chloe says:

    Thanks Cassey!!! You gave me the motivation to keep pushing for my goals and now I believe that everything will work out in the end. I am not just going to “try” and succeed; I am going to make it happen. There have been too many times I brought myself down and drowned in misery, when I could have gotten up and told myself that to work harder and do my best before giving up. Now I know that I cannot give up so easily! Thank you so much for your positive words!!!

  10. Bell says:

    Thank you so, so so much for this post. The timing couldn’t have been better for me. I’m writing the LSAT on Saturday morning and I’ve been freaking out about my chances of getting into the school that I want for the last few days. Thank you for helping me realize that I have worked hard, and it will work out, and I just need to tell that tiny panicked voice in my head to shut up because I’VE GOT THIS.

    On a related note, can’t wait for Sunday when I can finally start Abtober – studying has kinda gotten in the way. But it will be worth it. Thanks Cassey!

  11. Kathleen says:

    You are amazing. That is all!

  12. Joy says:

    Thanks Cassey for this very inspiring post 🙂

  13. Eva says:

    Wow, wow, wow, Cassey……. This was SO on point today you cannot even imagine. Today, I came to the realization of what actually is MY dream career, and it seems such a big dream and so far away but I believe I can do it. This was the cherry on top. Thank you, you continue to be an inspiration 🙂

  14. Blessing says:

    thank you Cassey for posting that!! i have been lagging behind and procrastinating waiting for something to happen but now i’m hyped i ‘m ready to do this Cassey! and I hope all of you popsters are too! KEEP GOING POPSTERS DON’T GIVE UP! WE BELIEVE IN YOU!

  15. Rachel says:

    Love it Cassey. Thank you for helping me to follow my dreams. BTW Oct. 25-31 is national vegan week!

  16. s6milerun says:

    Cassey! You’re so great! I’m an older woman, but I know that there are so many naysayers out there who are filled with hate and jealousy eager to bring down other people with them. It’s messages like yours that help younger women remember to act on a healthy lifestyle so that they may thrive.

  17. Adi says:

    I forget this. Thank you for reminding me, Cassey!

  18. Rebecca says:


    Thank you so much for being such a beautiful, positive inspiration for young women! I know that I always stop by your site when I need a boost, and I’m sure I’m not the only one! Living your dreams can be scary, but I think we’d all be better off if we just did “it”. Whatever “it” is. I think that if you’re measuring success by how many people you push, you can add me to that list!

    Thanks for everything!

  19. Michelle says:

    Cassey you really are amazing! More people need to think the way you do. No one has the right to put other people down! and no one should be afraid to aim big like you said. I myself have always been a high achiever but definately could improve further! If you simplify your thoughts things don’t seem like such a big deal. Whilst studying at University an assignment was to teach the class something for 40 minutes, this HORRIFIED me! I was super stressed about it, until a girl in my class goes ‘ohhh just do it already, whats the big deal?!’ and for some reason this relaxed me even though it was relatively harsh. From then I always think of that moment when i’m panicked about something – what is the big deal!. My point is I agree with you Cassey if you just stop and believe in yourself for even just a minute you can progress forward and accomplish so much even if it’s a step at a time. Thankyou for everything, you definately inspire me big! x

  20. Yasmin says:

    Thank you CASSEY! Thank you for always giving out positive vibes. You are like the sunshine!

  21. Melanie says:

    I really needed to read something like this. Thank you for being so inspiring and motivating!

  22. raych says:


    I just wanted to say that everything that Cassey talks about in this post is so so true. I graduated Uni and got straight into a job just to pay the bills. Two years later I found that the ‘temporary job I had jumped into until the right thing came along, had turned into a career. I hated my job, I’d moved to a new city for my boyfriend’s job, I missed my friends and family and my boyfriend just didn’t understand why I was unhappy and why I wanted more. He made me feel bad about myself and constantly put me down. I had to make that huge decision to leave. It was scary as hell. I left him, my job, the city, everything and took my box of stuff and arrived on my parents doorstep in tears. It was the hardest thing i’ve ever done and it took me a few months to get back on my feet. But a year later I have just finished my masters degree, got myself a gorgeous flat in the city I love, have amazing friends, a great boyfriend who supports everything I do… and i just landed my dream job! It honestly can happen! You just have to be positive, make the change! Just jump! Know that it will be hard but that the payoff is better than you can imagine! Thank you Cassey! x

  23. Marcy says:

    Thank you so much Cassey… this post really reminded my of positive attitude that I lost and I really want it back. I just started college but I already feel like I’m making a mistake. Almost everyone is telling me to give it a try, but I don’t really want to? I’m pretty sure that the course I picked is not for me, it sounded like a good idea (because I didn’t have any other) but I can’t see myself getting motivated enough to get through this, this is not what I want. I’m seriously considering taking a gap year, maybe to work a little but mostly to find myself again. I’ve been dealing with some serious issues for a past few months. So I want to take care of myself now, learn to love myself again, improve my health, give myself longer vacation and study things that I’ve been interested in but didn’t have time. Of course I’m afraid, this is a huge decision to drop out of college for now (oh I didn’t pay for it, in my country in public universities you can get one course for free and it’s not too late for me to give it up) and some people are worried about me, that I’m just panicking and will do something stupid, but I really just want to save my life! I think I know what I want and I’m ready to try to achieve that goal, but I need some time to explore. I’m sick of wondering which decision would the most profitable for me in the context of society and what other people would think, I want something that would help my soul grow. I think I’m ready to believe in myself again.

    And thank you for your positive energy, it’s a huge help ♥

  24. Nata says:

    Hi Cassey!
    Just wanted to say that you are very inspiring and have motivated me a lot with your powerful and positive energy!
    Youre videos made me feel & look so good!
    you rock!
    million of kisses from Chile!

  25. Ra Im says:

    Thanks for this. I just finished writing in my blog about the depressing treatment I’ve gotten from my colleagues because I workout and have a goal I want to reach. I also got negative marks on a forum I use because of one fitness inspirational picture that I thought funny (but guess they didn’t). I’ve just felt so alone in this. No encouragement, no support. Just me patting my butt a couple of times while working out when you’ve so instructed on the video 😀 So really, thanks. Thanks for being you and thanks for this post.

  26. irene says:

    Hey cassey,

    I just wanted to say like most people here…THANK YOU!

    I’ve just graduated and now working. After 6 months I’ve realized that this career/job was not for me…… So I’ve decided to do something different (although feeling lost as what I’m actually suppose to do/careers/path in life) and having been applying for tons of jobs and the only reply I got is “we regret to inform you bla bla bla”. People tell me “o don’t worry you are smart you will find a the right path,job” which helps me to keep trying but after so many rejections it made me really depressed and also on the verge or giving up as I feel that there is so much pressure from peers, family and friends. After reading your post it gave me some boost to continue looking and fighting!!!

    Lots of love !!!!!

  27. Darcy says:

    This is SUCH a great post and applies to so many areas! Not ony fitness but career goals and personal goals. i want to have a successful blog whether none of my friends understand why or not! I want to go London regardless of the fact tat it is expensive. I WILL accomplish my goals. Thanks Cassey!

  28. Jenniee says:

    Wow Cassey, I don’t know if it is perfect timing or what but I just received an offer from uni saying I have secured a spot BUT now I have to get an atar pretty high to get it (it’s this rank to get us into university here in Australia). Long story short, I opened the email this morning (2ish am) and was so ecstatic over it till it hit me again how high it is… was doubting a bit there. haha. Decided to go on facebook and saw your post, clicked on it, and what I just read a few minutes ago and it lifted up my spirit again. You have probably heard this countless of times but you’re an awesome motivator! God made me see your post!
    God bless you Cassey!
    And… I haven’t been working out lately, cramming like no tomorrow but I will definitely after HSC exams 🙂 hahahaha.

  29. aislynn says:

    Honestly, just reading that, I thought “As if there could be anybody hating you!”
    I guess some people get crazy from you always being happy (jealousy I say 😉 )
    but thank you so much for your post! I just started recently like two weeks ago with you videos, and I’m not ready to do all of your videos or your beginner videos, but I select what I can do and what helps me getting healthier, getting away from all that overweight I’m currently in. And I guess I already had a highlight, since my weighed has risen, but I can feel mybody feeling better than before. my doctor said that mucles are heavier than fat, so I think I should ditch the digits I see when standing on scale and just keep it up, until I’m seeing and feeling better. I just got the flu which made it unable for me to work out, because I can#t breath and normally I would have just given up, would have said “you’re never gonna make it”
    but you’re always so cheeful, like you can see behind the video camera and you can the pain a lot of us go through and that help, really help, taht you keep encouraging, and I just wanted to say thank you for this blog and this post, because it just rescued me from giving up and helped me to overcome the flur so I can start workout again – even if it’s from the beginning!
    thank cassey, for being an fitness instructor, for being healthy and alive and thank you so much for being such an inspiration to a thousand people, maybe without even knowing it.
    and I can answer your question “If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will?” GOD will. and he’s doing that through you, because he blessed you with this amazing talent! thank you for everything!
    thank you so much, for literally rescuing my life.
    be blessed


  30. Rosa says:

    Thank you Cassey for helping us follow our heart to achieve our dreams!

  31. Jeslyn says:

    Thanks so much for this post Cassey! This really serves as the occasional reminder when we start to lose sight of what we are doing in life and feeling lost. Love the line ‘Let It Happen’ alot as I sometimes find myself NOT letting things happen and trying to stop them because of fears that I may have! Thank you for this lovely life journey reminder! 🙂

  32. Iulia G. says:

    You know what Cassey? Never change. This is my first post. Ever. And it might be my last one. But I felt the need to let you know what an amazing person you are Up until now, I was afraid; afraid to speak out loud, afraid of being judged due to my physical appearance, afraid of running after my dreams due to the possibility of failure. I lacked self-confidence and I would let everyone mock me just because I thought I’m simply not good enough for anyone. Words can’t describe what you did for me; I don’t know if you can imagine the magnitude of your work . I was on the verge of giving up any hope, when I just came across your blog. Since then, my life got better and better. Today’s post was the cherry on top for me; I’m still a long way of achieving what I want, but thanks to you, now I can actually picture myself doing it. From the deepest part of my heart, thank you for existing.

    1. blogilates says:

      lulia! don’t let this post be ur last! thank u for writing. stay strong and beautiful. <3

  33. Lisa says:

    Thank you! This was so inspiring, great words to live by. I’m totally going to write them on post it notes to put around my apartment! What a great way to start my day. 🙂

    The Skinny on Health

  34. Love, love, love this post! It was much needed for sure. I’m working on becoming a yoga instructor and I have a lot of people telling me I’m crazy but I know it’s the right path for me. I’m constantly thinking of Kevin G from Mean Girls when he says, “don’t the haters stop you from doing your thang.”

    Thank you for giving wonderful advice– you’re a great inspiration!

  35. Mickis says:

    Any tips or advice on how to cut out negative people from your life? I mean, if you’ve been friends for awhile (and the other person might enjoy your company even though you don’t enjoy theirs) how do you deal with that? Or if it’s someone you kinda have to be around, like in school or work?

    1. Juli says:

      Mickis, I had to cut out a very negative person from my life, who just made me feel horrible about myself all the time, and the worst was that this person is actually someone from my family. At work, I also have to deal with a few very negative people. I think the first step to cut these people out of your life is definitely to understand that you deserve to be happy and that you have to look after yourself first. Whatever people say about you or to you has NOTHING to do with YOU, but with their perception and view of the world. People who are happy with themselves would never be a negative influence. They would make you feel good , and you would enjoy their company.
      Just try to avoid them in a polite way and they will leave you be. Try to not talk to them about your personal life (if it’s somebody from school or work) and look for people who make you feel better. If you love yourself and are a happy person, you will attract the right people into you life. Just trust life! 🙂

      1. Mickis says:

        Thanks for that advice and for sharing your own experience 🙂
        People always tell me I’m too nice for my own good, so I guess this is something I have to practice, like with everything else here in life

  36. Alejandra Carrillo says:

    This really touched me in so many ways. <3 thank you Cassey for those motivating words.

  37. This is a great post! I have so many big dreams but they seem so unattainable sometimes. I just have to remember to believe in myself and I can achieve them. Thank you for this inspiration.

  38. Sheryl says:

    You are wonderful Cassey! Thank you for being so inspirational to so many people.

  39. Hayley says:

    Amazing! thank you 🙂

  40. Laurence says:

    I appreciate this so much! I love that you take time to write things like that, I really needed it! You’re amazing, thanks Cassey xo

  41. Amanda says:

    Cassey, totally needed this. 🙂 Thank you. I shall print this out and paste it on my door.

  42. Christine says:

    This post really struck me. I’m doing Couch to 5k in addition to pilates videos, and according to the schedule, I’m going to jump from running a couple 8 minute intervals, to 20 minutes straight in a few days. I was really nervous about it until I read this, the last three points stuck out to me especially. Thanks for putting my mind at ease. 🙂 I’m so ready to own those 20 minutes!

    1. Samantha says:

      Hi, I’m doing the same running schedule and just finished the 20 minute run. I was really nervous too but it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I was expecting! It was kind of relaxing almost lol
      Good luck! 🙂

      1. Christine says:

        Thanks so much! 🙂 I hope I have the same experience!

  43. Caterina says:

    Thank you Cassey. You don’t know I much I needed this right now.
    Your words are such an ispiration to me and now I’m determined to go on my own way. I’m working hard for what I want and nobody can take it away from me.

    Love u!

  44. Steffi says:

    Thank you.

  45. Teya says:

    Thank you so much for this post Cassey, but what do you do when the negative people in your life are your parents? I’m living with my parents while studying at uni, and for the past 2yrs (since uni started), all we’ve been doing is arguing, sometimes to the point where I’d have to leave home and sleepover with a friend for weeks. All the blame, criticism and pressure they were throwing my way actually caused me to lose a year at uni, but still they only blame me, saying I’m making excuses and that I’m the only one who can decide whether she will fail or succeed. Although that may be true to an extent, how can I thrive in such a toxic environment, where each and every one of my actions gets criticized?

    I’ve tried convincing them to let me have my own place, or to put me in the dorms, but because I lost a year of uni they don’t trust me anymore and they think I’ll just be wasting their money. I just don’t understand how they keep trying to force us to live in a union when obviously it’s not making anyone happy. What’s so wrong about getting some space from each other? It’s really hard to keep believing in myself when my own family, the people that should always be there for you and support you, are pushing me down and making me feel worthless.

    1. blogilates says:

      why don’t you find a way to support yourself so you don’t have to use their $ to pay for a dorm. i know that if you’re an RA your room and board get paid for, because that’s what i did. i know what u mean – my parents and i had a bit of a falling out too while in school.

      1. Teya says:

        Thanks for your advice, I’ll brainstorm some more and figure out what I can do. Unfortunately, I don’t live in an area where RAs exist, but the dorms seem to be fairly cheap so I’ll try to get a job and go from there 🙂

  46. Marieke says:

    Thank you Cassey! I really needed this! (:

  47. Martha says:

    Thank you Cassey! I really needed this today 😀 You are such an inspiring person! Thank you so much for beeing you 😀

  48. Shelita says:

    This is right on time! Thank you so much 🙂

  49. Amy says:

    You’re so amazing!! So inspirational. If I’m ever lazy and debating whether to hit the gym or not I always look to you for motivation and my decision is already made haha. We love you Cassey!!! 🙂

  50. hind says:

    I have an important appointment in a few hours, and I was completely stressed out not to be able to convince: I’m worth it just let me prove it! I didn’t believe in myself but if don’t, who will? You gave me strength, i cannot abandon my dream after all the work i have done. I gonna give it my all!
    Thank you cassey for bringing the best in me
    Love you so much

  51. Kelly says:

    I couldn’t have said it better myself; its the just making it happen part, thats the most difficult for me. I have many negative contributors in my life, time to rid it all out and become happy. Thank you Cassey!!

  52. Romana says:

    Thank you Cassey! You’re an amazing and inspiring woman!
    I really needed this right know.

    Much love! <3

  53. Paige says:

    I came on here wanting to catch a preview about what tomorrow’s workout is going to be like for me, and was pleasantly surprised to find a new blog post! This post found me RIGHT when I needed it. It’s actually kind of eerie… Cassey, you’re a great light in my life. It feels so strange saying that because we’ve never met, and most likely never will, but I just want you to know that! Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.


  54. Emmy says:

    This was really what I needed! Thank you so much!
    Love ya’ <3

  55. Hadiza says:

    You are a million shades of awesome. You really do know how to pick a girl up. Love you muchos!!!

  56. Joanna says:

    Thank you so much for writing this Cassey! Having been down the long, hard road of pursuing my dream, I really apreciate the encouragement. It is so true what you said about believing in yourself – even if you fail. I am happy to say after three long years I achieved my life long dream of becoming a nurse and now I am pursuing my goal of being healthy, fit, and strong. I hope I am able to use my experiences to encourage others the way you do! Thanks for being such a motivator and inspiration!

  57. Monica says:

    Wow Cassey. I love you, seriously. You are such an inspiration to me! I’m a first time mom and last month, I began my fitness journey. For the past couple weeks, I’ve fallen off track with exercising and sticking with my meal plan. I’m just now getting back into the groove but was just needing a good kick in the pants when suddenly I thought, ‘What would Cassey do?’ I just now read your awesome post and it was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. Thanks for being you Cassey (: I’m a loyal POPster! <3 P.S. Please do a meet up in Jacksonville, FL!!!!

  58. Sara says:

    I love you Cassey! You are seriously such an inspiration to me. Your energy is amazing and you are vibrating on such a high level and totally fulfilling your role in the universe, it’s obvious and so amazing to see! You make me feel like I can do anything. Thank you for being you!

  59. Kelly says:

    Cassey, I am in a not-so-great relationship right now. I appreciate this post. I am generally pretty upbeat but sometimes I need another person to remind me that everything always works out if I decide change is necessary. It’s not scary; it’s progress. Thank you 🙂

  60. Nadia says:

    Thank you Cassie, I have had a LOT of change in the last month for the very reasons you mentioned, it has been gut wrenching but I feel so much better where I am now, you are such an inspiration.
    ps. this would make a beautiful poster or affirmational card ? (and I think many people would love them)

  61. Sarah A says:

    Definitely needed this. I have such a hard time following through with things (partly due to my ADHD) and I’m actually sitting here telling myself over and over I need to get up and do the exercise. I’ve lost weight before and it’s been so hard to do anything to try and lose it again because I can’t stop thinking about the long road ahead of me in this. It’s so overwhelming and I know I need to stop thinking about the big picture and just look at the daily goals. Thanks for this post, I’m now going to go and do day two of the beginner’s pilates workout.

  62. Sarah says:

    Thank you for the post!! I really needed to heard/read this today!! Thank you so much!!

  63. Rochelle says:

    Wow, this post came at the right time. I’ve been feeling so down lately, like I can’t do anything right. I am glad that I stumbled upon this. Thanks so much for this Cassey! You are truly inspiring! ^.^

  64. Amanda says:

    I really needed this right now. You’re amazing. Thank you.

  65. Leanne says:

    You’re like a Pilates instructor counsellor designer spokeswoman fairytale princess. I don’t know how you do it you’re amazing. And you give the best advice!

    1. blogilates says:

      Thank you! I am happy you liked this post 🙂

  66. Tartar says:

    Thank you Cassey. I needed this so much.