Do you have a hip dip?
Hip dips… another thing for us to hate about our bodies?
Soooo…let’s talk about Hip Dips
AKA Violin 🎻 Hips. To be 100% honest, the only hip dip I’ve previously been familiar with is the workout one where you’re in a side plank dipping your hip down to work your obliques. 🤔 But I suppose there’s a new hip dip in town that describes the indent that occurs after your hip and before your thigh begins.
And apparently, hip dips are bad?
For anyone asking “How do I fill in my hips?”, let me tell you that this was never a “problem” until people started making it a problem. A simple search on Pinterest gave me NUMEROUS results.
An anatomy lesson
You see, the weird thing about hip dips, unlike “bat wings”, “thunder thighs”, “muffin tops” and “saddlebags” is that having hip dips doesn’t have anything to do with having excessive fat in that area.
In fact, it’s kind of the opposite. Women who have hourglass figures sans the hip dip, usually have a HIGHER fat deposit in that concave area, helping to fill it out. So, this isn’t even a weight loss thing. It’s a very strange nit-picky thing that has everything to do with your NATURAL ANATOMY!
Social media loves diet culture
With pics of models on IG in string bikinis and body con dresses showing off their tiny waists and wide hips, and getting tons of likes, you start thinking that that’s the body you need to have in order to be desirable! It makes you start to believe that THAT is THE BEST body type, the MOST IDEAL body type, the body type that MEN like. And you start to tell yourself that if you don’t look like that, you’re not good enough.
I mean, move over magazine covers…Instagram pics are the new beauty standard. 🙄
Real talk
Listen up. Hip dips are NORMAL! If your hip bone sits a tad higher than your femur, fat and muscle in that area are likely to cave inward. Literally THAT IS ALL.
So if you want to spend all day and night fighting the natural anatomy of your body trying to “fill in” your hips, let me tell you right now that you are better off spending your energy elsewhere. Yes, there are exercises that can help you work the muscles in the hip dip area (gluteus minimus and gluteus medius) but if your only goal is aesthetics, I urge you to find another reason to exercise. Your overall results with your entire body’s strength, mood, and energy are so much more meaningful.
Hip dips do not make you a good person, a bad person, a skinny person, or a fat person. Please remember that they just ARE.
Now…onwards to more important things in life!!!
138 thoughts on “Do you have a hip dip?”
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Thank you,
Looked on the internet with my 12 year old daughter who was picking away at her beautiful little figure because she was hip dips. Cannot say how grateful I am to have found your words.
Love this take and positivity!
Back in the 80s, we work so hard to have hip dips!!!
Thank you 🥰 I shall embrace my hip dips now xx
i have hip dips and i honestly have always hated them and i really do wish that they would just go away because i feel so insecure when wearing swimsuits or leggings and sometimes even jeans and it does get really frustrating
When I wear leggings I feel so bad and I always have to worry about it and cover it😭
I relate to you so much about thisss
You are 100% right. I’m not one of those bigger is better gals for my butt area lol. Love my hip dips!!!!!
I couldn’t care less about how my dips look, but they really make it a struggle to find pants that fit and stay up! My pants always sag and I’m always adjusting them! 🙁
I have hip dips and I’ve kind of hated them my whole life but as I get older it matters less and less! Some people love, desire or even fetishize hip dips — my ex for one, loved them LOL…but none of that matters anyway babes — so validated to see this article!! It’s just anatomy and theres nothing wrong with your body hip dips or not. For the record my dips faded a lot with my first pregnancy though all our bodies are different. Grateful to blogilates for always calling out BS fitness/fashion trends, thank you for what you do Cassy!!!!
Thanks for writing so nicely about this❤
I hate my hip dips. I know there is nothing to do. But I sill hating them lol. It’s not about how guys look at me, it’s about how I look at myself.
It’s that way because of what society has made it to be .. you and your hip dips are beautiful
I honestly don’t like the way I look when I’m wearing tights, I just end up wearing oversized tshirts to cover it all up. But thanks for sharing mamas
I am 12 years reading this and it made me smile because i was very insecure about my body and appearance,now i am not so insecure and love myself more than ever💫🫶
My biggest problem is finding pants that stay up. Because we are opposite of our glass there is this dip where nothing fills in. I do have love handles so it even emphasizes it all. Pants that fit my hips will not even be close to being able button them. Or leggings once they roll down and hit my hip dips they just keep falling because they are to big for my hips but being a inverted triangle it’s impossible to keep a rubber band from just rolling down an inverted triangle. If it’s the right way up that rubber band would stay put because it has a wider bottoms that will prevent that issue. I’m 166 and I’m 5’3”. I’m not big but I’m not small either
Love this article so much. Thank you for taking one for the team and reminding us not to obsess over dumb things
Nice post though, it was quite funny BTW.
How was it funny? What body type are you? I am a small female that works out and I have a size 0 hip (because of the dip ) a size 2 for the actual waistline and a size 4 in thighs. I am a small person and physically fit so how is this a funny post geared towards people like me?
You’re reading too much into it. They just thought that it was funny the way the author expressed their frustration of people thinking that hip dips were a problem even though it is natural
Yes, Hips and dips are big issue. But its controllable, btw Thanks for sharing.
I have hip dips and my hips nor my dips are controllable. I have small hips but I workout so I have good thighs so my dips are large. I am also considered a small person of average (bmi) weight. So no they are not controllable. It is a big issue when my waistline is a size 2 and my hips are 0 and thighs are 4
i kinda think you’re showing off, now, leigh.
it is not an issue,all bodies are lovely
By reading this fabulous article, I came through the idea of hip dips. A few years ago, women felt uncomfortable with this problem. But now it has become a trend to have a hip dip. How far we know? Is hip dip attractive? Know from my blog. Click to the link.
How do I fill them tho…
I read this and fill a little better, I planned on having surgery to remove the fat above to have a better dimension of my behind, I don’t like how I look in strait dresses. A BBL would do better. I’m nervous about that.
Thank u for this i was beginning to think i was abnormal!
You are normal we are built this way
Thank you so much for writing this Cassey, having hip dips has been and still is my biggest insecurity, everytime I look in the mirror I see them and I hate it, I hate what I see and I’ve been trying to do everything to get rid of them because thought I thought i had too much fat there but now I do know that it is just my bone structure, it doesn’t make me hate them less tho but I will start to accept them knowing that it doesn’t mean I’m fat. Just like you said, I look at every other model who doesn’t have them and that’s how I started to hate my legs so much. I hope I will learn to accept them but thank you for writing this article about it Xxx
the funny and ironic thing is that no one in instagram or anywhere looks that good as they show off, this is why social media sucks and why i quit it (youtube is an exception), look up “instagram vs reality” and take kvito or demi rose or kim K for example | no one looks that good irl yet alone all the time or naturally, i dont get why people fake their bodies and lives on the internet and create fake persona thats very bad to other people’s and their own mental health | it’s almost always photoshop, perfect angles, lighting and more or even surgery. and when you take into account that the images arent taken in one shot and it takes 100 then youll know what i mean. heck, the celebrities are most likely insecure themselves. and then filter the naturally occurring normal things like celluite then youll be relieved, so comparing yourself to these fake models is pointless
it`s very interesting. thanks for writ it..awesome
Nowadays it has become a fashion trend. Many of celebrities have this. BTW thanks for sharing. A lot to learn from here. You can visit my site for something more on hip dips.
This was amazing. I’m so glad you being a fitness youtuber are making a point to share not just work outs but also body positivity.
Nice post though, it was quite funny BTW.
I’m 46, just read an ad on FB and saw “hip dips” repeated over and over and over… hadn’t a clue what on earth they were.
Hit good old google and this was the first thing that popped up. Blows my mind how worried people get about how they look for every. damn. thing.
LOVE that this article was not remotely what I was expecting to read. Well done you.
Ladies, just be who you are and to hell with the ones who judge <3
I just looked up “doesn’t everyone have hip dips?” Because I was amazed by this beauty standard I am seeing on Instagram. There is a space between the end of the waist and your hips, that’s anatomy. I’m low body fat and an active teen, there is a space in my hips. Seems so wrong to knit pick something that is perfectly healthy! Especially since I only workout for health.
i have same issue
you can try agian
oh well i guess i just got another insecurity lmao
Thanks for writing this piece. You really hit the nail on the head. It’s just another thing that people are truly picky about.
Okay so I’m trying to figure out if I have hip dips or a muffin top any ideas
Thank you!! ♥️
Useless article
You are useless
Thank you! I found this article while I was searching articles on how to fix hip dips (which I have) but this is actually amazing and very inspiring!
I’ve been running competitively for almost 6 years. I’ve experienced injury which has put me on the sideline a few times, but for almost 6 years I’ve been running consistently. I had never really cared how my legs looked until I saw “reduce hip dips” on Pinterest and Instagram. At that point I wondered what I was doing wrong and immediately “how I needed to fix it.” Thank you so so so much for sharing this information and for highlighting that no one needs to correct every “flaw” because they are natural.
I have hip dips when I was 15 years old. I am totally shy when I noticed it i the mirror. So i decided to search those things on how to fix this but when I saw this inspirable message, I feel much confident . Thanks
I can’t believe it took me this long to actually search for the reason why or what this structure is actually called. I just thought I was disfigured because I didn’t know anyone that had the same issue. But because of this shaped bone, I do have a hard time finding the right type of bend when I’m doing yoga. I seem to end up hurting my lower back trying to emulate a normal person doing downward dog or other yoga stance with straight legs. My body can’t spill over the legs without curving up my lower back…any suggestions?
I cannot tell if I have hip dips or love handles. They look like hip dips, but i can pull the little bit of fat on my hips back to where they don’t even look like hip dips anymore. (Idk if that made sense). But i’m honestly confused, and can’t tell if its something I can get rid of or I’m stuck with it.
Was not feeling good about myself and “bumped” to this small article !
Thank you!
in my opinion, there is no wrong doing being done if someone wants to gain something they think is desirable. it’s OK to want to improve how you look. it’s why makeup exists. and if you say makeup is bad, too. then i won’t even bother with making this comment. you are too scared of change. no one was going to die trying to fill in hip dips. neither cry. it really is no big deal
As always, you’ve got the kind of positive thoughts I needed to hear. Thank you so much!
Thanke you, really really thanke younfornthis amazing explenation. You just help me with my feelings
People always say i keep getting fat even its just my hip dips and literally don’t even know what to say back ….
I always thought I was just freakishly skinny. I am fairly thin and I receive many comments about how unattractive I am because I don’t have much fat where fat should apparently be but this helps me out a lot by making me realize it’s normal. Thx a million!
I always thought I looked sexier with hip dips. Shes right about it not being a fat “problem” I only get hip dips when I really workout my whole body. Its sexy!
I have a hip dip and I literally just found out hip dips were a thing and that people were trying to get rid of them, I am glad your blog is the first one I came across! “Onwards to more important things in life!” Indeed! ❤️
i have hip dips and im only 12 years old and they have made me insecure about myself when its normal
My mother always said it was because I wore low rise jeans.
I have hip dips, and I’m wondering if this gives any kind of limit or effects my movement or flexibility. But all I see is the aesthetic side of things.
No, it doesn’t have any effect on flexibility. I have “hip dips” and can do over splits and back bends etc.
Your Blog gave me so much motivation and helped me a lot. A long time I was insecure about my hip dips. Because all my friends don’t have it and I thought a long time that I am fat or something is wrong with me. Then I started to read about the causes of hip dips and searched for woman they also have hip dips. And i accepted myself after a while and feel now confident in my body. And i made a Long Time the mistake to think I can train my hip dip off, but I did the wrong exercises and it lead to making my hip dip more visible, because I trained the muscle above the upper hip dip bone. And Social Media isn’t a help to feel confident in your body. I just wanted to share my experience with these “problem” many girls in my age have today. (I am 15)
Thank you so much Cassie, this means so much to me! I’ve been so insecure about my hip dips my whole life! I thought it was because I wasn’t fit enough. When I complained casually to friends, they would tell me to workout more. And I have tried that! But they’re still there! And I don’t want to focus my workout on just bulking the sides of my butt, I want to focus on fitness and it’s really reaffirming to read all this.
I was wondering what they were too and how I seemed to be the only person with them, but now I realize they are normal and I am definitely not the only girl with hip dips. Not everyone looks like the girls on Instagram or Pinterest etc so we have to love our bodies! <3
I always wondered what they were called! I have them too!
Personally, I have a very small and petite figure and have always wondered why my hips looked so different and this is it! I’ve been looking for a solution to my hips dips but have never really found something that stuck, I’ll definitely be trying new exercises to fix this one and for all! =D
I’ve always been a little overweight, but I was never teased or picked on because of it (luckily), and after years of being insecure – in my senior year of high school – I lost all my baby fat and began hating my body all over again for a different reason.
Right as Kim Kardashian began to blow up and fashion nova babes started springing up with tiny waists and vuluptous curves (not hating just jelly) I discovered that I really really hate my hip dips.
I feel like they make me look unfeminine and it really depresses me sometimes.
Especially when most plus-sized models that are promoted and celebrated are the ones that have body fat in the “right places.”
Unfortunately – my hip dips are really really pronounced and no one else I know, and not many people in the media have them –
So I began googling hip dips and how to fix them, to no avail really, there isn’t much you can do to “correct” them unless you want to go under the knife.
I came across this article recently
Which is kind of a bummer.
(sorry this is so long)
I’m glad I read this though.
I’m still not over it, but at least I know that I can’t control it and there isn’t anything wrong with me! :))
Thank you!
Recently, I’ve been very self conscious about changing in the locker rooms because next to my taller vb friends (I am a vb player too) I thought I was too fat, undertoned, and ugly next to them even though everyone told me I was skinny. Now after reading this, I realize that I AM fit, strong, and beautiful and this is just who I am. I can’t change it, so I kight as well love myself.
I stumbled onto this article after googling “hip dips” because I was concerned that the dips I’ve had my whole life might mean some of my muscles are under developed. Lol.
Somehow I missed this “trend” and thank goodness! It never occurred to me that my hip dips were something I should be ashamed of. I’m so over these fitness “trends” like hip dips and thigh gaps. Let’s just be healthy and love our bodies!
I grew up not understanding why my hips looked “deformed” and I thought losing extra weight would make my hips look bigger in the end. I was wrong! And I’m over it. It’s something I can’t control but I can decide to accept my body and be positive about it ! Thank you for this 🙂
Thank u Cassey. U helped me a lot. When I searched for Hip Dip ´positivity´I only found videos or other results where I can learn to build those muscles and to look the best without Hip Dips. But now after reading your article it´s more for me then only to look good, now I can live with my hips even when they don’t look like those from. an Instagrammodel. Oh, and sry for the bad grammar I’m from Germany and my grammar is not the best but I hope you understand what I want u to tell.
Thank u dear. U made my day! 😃
What a dumb fad! I thought every woman had hip dips (except for overweight ones). I got them, would be devastated to lose my hip dips!
Casey, thanks again for being the voice of sanity. Wake up people, before your life is over and you’ve spent most of your time, money, and energy thinking about your body and trying to look like someone else.
I always wondered why this was! I’m training to be a bar method instructor, we do a lot of gluteus medius focused exercises and I was wondering why my “hip dip” (didn’t know it was called that lol) wasn’t filling in more. We typically call it a dancers dent here, and it’s actually something a lot of people really want! Grass is always greener – I’ve always been self conscious of my arms and the girls I know with really thin arms wish they had arm muscles like mine! It’s all about having confidence and loving yourself 🙂
Thank you! I had never actually looked into this but makes total sense!
thanks for this article 🙂 I’m still going to build the muscle on my lower body as I would like to fill out more however but it is nice to know that it is completely normal
This “hip dip” craze is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. You can’t completely change your anatomy like that without major surgery or expensive fillers. It’s kind like a new version of the whole boob job thing. Everyone wants “perfect” boobs and for a lot of people it means surgery. It’s just one more thing for us ladies to obsess and feel super insecure about and for cosmetic surgeons to make gobs of money on us.
I have hip dips, and I also have one leg that is a little bigger than the other. It’s been so frustrating trying to find exercises that will help me “even out” Thank you for this article. <3
Please start a youtube channel!! I’m tired of girls trying to get things they naturally dont have! Thank you for your body positivity!!
Omg thank you!! I always was very insecure about my hip dips, at first I just thought I was the only one and that it was something weird. Now I know that it is very common and they are not from fat. Thank you for making me less insecure about my body❤️
Yes! So glad you are calling out this stupid trend. I want to train in a way that keeps me healthy and mobile well into my 80s or older! And I love that you focus on health and fitness rather than training for sex appeal or instagram likes. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Struggled with hip dips for a while! Mainly cause I have such deep ones. But you are completely right as I only grew self-conscious of them when I saw an image of hip dips vs no hip dips on the internet. And all of a sudden I was aware that all these models didn’t have hip dips and I began associating it with being ugly or something you had to get rid of. I really needed this!
This is a news to me. I had no idea hip dips were normal. My friends were talking about it the other day. I am surely going to share this with my spin mates at
nobody like ugly thing and everyone wants to be attractive but in order not to make life more complicated is accept the fact that noboby is perfect.
nobody loves ugly thing and everyone wants to be attractive but in order not to make life more complicated is accept the fact that noboby is perfect.
i didn’t have them tell istarted workout on my outer thigh+butt …thats why i felt bad like i was trying to fix something but i fucked up something else
Wow thanks so much for this blogpost ! Exactly what i needed! 🙂 lots of love from finland xx
I am 18 years old and I have got hip dips. Until now I thought this isn`t normal. I tried many workouts especially for abs and for the booty (the workouts on your Youtube Cahnnel). Now I am stonger and have for the first time in my life muscles. But nothing helped to lose my hip dips. After reading your arcticle I feel stronger and happier.🙈
I want to thank you Cassey. For many years I felt unhappy about my hips. I tried to hide them with long jackets, sweaters,…but now I accept them. Btw I am doing your Videos daily for an hour and it changed literally my entire life.💖🙈 Now I am strong, more confident about myself and I feel pretty. Thank you!! And I want to congratulate you and your fiance!😍💖😉
Hip dips are a thing I have been more or less insecure about since I was 13. This post opened my eyes. I feel so much better after reading other peoples thoughts. Thank you Cassie! Gonna go and do your arm workout for the day now and NOT care about my hip dips 😉
It is possible to round out that area (to different extents depending on skeletal structure/genetics) by building up your abductors and you can decrease the appearance from behind by growing the glutes in general.
Thank you Cassey!!! So many of these “get wider hips” workout appear on my youtube page and I was like “are you kidding me?”. Beauty standards are getting unreal
I feel like all women are beautiful! Even if you are a little bit more on the heavy side, or if you have a hip dip, it doesn’t even matter!
For the past few days I was trying to NAME this thing. I even stumbled upon amazing BLOGILATES that way, but just now randomly found this. So. “HIP DIPS”. Now I’ve googled it a bit …. and … well … I guess I truly am a weirdo. Can anyone tell me how to GET THEM? INCREASE THEM? For half a year I was doing a job which got me those, they were huge, it was a bit creepy at first, but actually I loved them, because I got fit and it was a good thing. It was a reminder (of me being fit) and also to me it looks cool if you have it, like, better with than without. One month ago I left that job (work) and they are almost gone (but I still “feel”/see where exactly that “dip” is(was), I didn’t exercise much in the meantime. What would be the best exercise to get the “holes”?
(I got them because of my work – slow cardio(standing/walking 8 hours a day, reaching up (not really on the tiptoes but reaching) about 1 time per minute(on the average)(both legs included). Of course now I would do an alternative exercise, which wouldn’t take me 8 hours (more like 8 minutes but more intense). Is that even possible?
thanks for very detail comments its very helping for us
I’ve had them forever and no matter how much weight I lost they were still there and I feel so much better that they are normal and it’s not just me being fat…. I was always so self conscious about them but now I feel better and won’t worry about my “hip dips” haha. Thanks Cassey!
Everything I’ve read about “hip dips” is bc of the bone structure. But I use to have what had been called a “bubble butt” narrow hips, but bubbled out. I’m 57 years old and in the last year my hips have changed into these dips. Granted my “bubble butt” started flattening over the years. Has anyone else experienced this?? Thank you!
Thank you so much for posting this. I have been SO self conscious about my body becuase I , without knowing, have hip dips. I just thought I had extra fat on my hips or my thighs that caused that. It makes total sense now. I just had a baby a few months ago, so I’m just now able to get back into working out and I’m using your calendar.
Thank you for the motivation and encouragement!
Thank you so much for posting this.. what is wrong with our sad, empty culture that the shape of your natural hip is something to ask women to change? I never hated my legs/butt until posts like those pinterest examples began appearing. Just another way to get women oppressing each other.
I literally had no idea they had a name haha! I just thought I had strange hips because I’m hyper flexible pretty much through my lower body – nice to put a name to it even if people are being crazy about them! 🙂
I honestly just thought everyone had them. Doesn’t seem like a worthy thing to obsess over!
This post made a lot of sense! I am so grateful for people like you in the world. Thank you so much for the motivation.
Thanks for posting this Cassey, I learnt something new because of you and I will, I suppose learn a new thing to friends I’ll share this post with! Thanks to always put your good energy in positivity and reality above aesthetics and fake things!!!! I truly love you, you’re a model to me who learn me how to eat newly and great, and to make me realize I have a great body with imperfections I will change because of you and because of my real dreams!!! Hope you’ll see that comment and light up your day (or night :3) Hey By the way, Does Lindsey Stirling have Violin hip? It would be so funny if the nature did this to my (and maybe yours too) favorite instrumental artist!!
I’ve seen this junk on pintrest too and thought it was CRAZY! It just seems like a totally ludicrous new way to make women feel bad about themselves. Great post!
can you make a video about more topics like this? i love your youtube videos btw
Love, love, love this! Thank you Cassey for this positive awareness! I’m feeling more confident with my hip dips after reading this!
I have an important dip on my left hip and I was worried about… but actually I have a tendonitis problem. Believe me, it sucks!
Thank you for always being body positive!! Also, Selma Hayek has hip dips and she owns them! So nothing to be ashamed of ladies!! 🙂
I never even paid attention to this. I mean, I knew I had it, but I just never cared. It was normal. Why do we insist on fixating on the most trivial stuff and calling it bad?
I have hip dips too. It was interesting to see the science behind it. 🙂 I also want to say thank you for your Upper Body videos that include weights. As a naturally slim teen girl who is trying to gain weight and muscle, those exercises have been very helpful and fun. One of my goals is to be able to push-ups and planks without getting so tired. Do you have any advice?
Thank you for talking about this. I also noticed this new trend in “fitness” and beauty. It kind of makes me sick how hypocritical and obviously superficial society can be. 10 years ago, the trend was to be as skinny as possible. Now we’ve made a turn and decided women need curves in very specific areas. It means nothing. All women have each a unique beauty. These criteria and measures are stupid. Beauty comes from love and hope and kindness. Thanks for reminding us of that. Cassey. Xoxoxo
I still don’t really know what hip dips are.
I have it and thought i was misformed because i sit at a desk all day for work. But my mom has it too. Can’t say I like them and I don t spend my day looking at Instagram models.
I used to hate them with a passion. I’m slowly coming around starting to love them.
I always thought it was because my hips wasn´t too big, then that it was fat … and now I can make peace 100% with my body! I mean, I accept all my body with it´s flaws, but it’s always nice to read that you’re doing FINE, that your body is FINE and that everything is going to be FINE so we can truely stop looking for those unreachable beauty standars! Thanks Cassey!!! Love from Mexico!!!
Another reason I love what you do, Cassey. Thank you for being a positive, no-nonsense voice.
I LOVE that this post is all about embracing your natural body. “Squad goals” “thigh gap” “hip dip” – who can keep up with all that? Healthy body positivity all the way!
I have them, but never thought about it. They’ve just been there. Didn’t know people liked or hated them at all lol
Gemma |
I didn’t know it had a name either. I’ve always hated my “violin” hips and hyper mega protruding hip bone only because you need to wear low waisted jeans/leggings all the time or else it looks like a mess. Not the most versatile body type, specially if you are 🍐 shaped… But oh well, you learn to dress it and besides mom jeans are not my thing lol
I…guess I have hip dips? I dunno…I have so much roley poley fat all over that area that it’s not easy to tell. When I read this I immediately got naked and checked myself out to see if I had them. I think I do. I always assumed the dents were caused by my underwear or clothes or something. I’ve never liked the dents but only because I thought my clothes had caused them and if I wore higher waisted undies or something that they’d smooth out or whatever. Also, I figured my fat had also caused them and I’ve never been keen on how many rolls I have in the hip/lower belly area. I don’t spend my time worrying about them though. I worry about more important things like gaining more muscle and preventing further injuries.
I’ve literally never heard of this. Amazing what people fixate on!
I know. It is so weird.
I’ve honestly never heard of hip dips. It’s crazy how many “bad” things about our bodies we can fuss about. I think it mainly effects us women, because we all want to be desirable. I always love it when you talk about body image Cassey. It’s something I struggle with a lot. Your videos have been helping me, especially the ones where you open up about your eating disorder. I think I’m going through something similar. Thanks Cassey 💜
Thank you for this! This is something that has bothered me for awhile about my hips, but I didn’t even know it was a “thing” or that it has a name. I’ve wondered what causes it and this makes me feel better about it & the work I’m doing to get into better shape 🙂
My hip dips aren’t going anywhere, so I just deal with them.
Welp, guess I have hip dips.
Guess I don’t care either! ;D #selflove
I’ve got hip dips, I hated them until I read this. Thanks for always making me love (and appreciate) my body a little more x
Nothing to hate my love! <3
I actually have violin hips! That means my jeans are always looser around my waist but tighter around my “violin hips”. I’ve always had a hard time accepting them, but as I workout and eat healthy, I’ve just started appreciating my body for functioning as it is. 🙂
Do you have violin hips, Cassey?
Why would hip dips be such a big deal? I don’t think they look unattractive or attractive! Personally, I have a very subtle hip dip around my right leg, but it’s more prominent if I lose weight! Ironic, huh? Either way, all hips are beautiful no matter what build!
hip dips are fucking ugly its true, nobody like having that shit but then when you cant fix it then your other option is to just deal with it no other way lol
I never knew this was a thing…weird.
right? so weird.
Thank you so much for this article!! I’ve been wondering for years what causes this thing and wasn’t able to figure it out.
Lady, I love you.
Simple as.
Keep preaching the right stuff ♥
<3 embrace your figure!
It’s crazy how something so natural can be obsessed over! I never realised that violin hips were a thing, I thought that I just had a muffin top, but here we are learning something new every day! I know for a fact that I’ll look at different exercises to see if I can fill in the dips, but to be honest I’m not too fussed about it!
Maya x |