#NovemBURN Calendar!! Get your password in the newsletter!
#NovemBURN Calendar!! Get your password in the newsletter!
Hey POPsters!!
HAPPY #NOVEMBURN! Are you ready to get serious with your goals this month? Are you ready to commit to working out daily while eating clean? Good. Because I’m here with you and I will be training extra hard too. And since it’s gonna get tough emotionally this month (I know the holidays are coming up and that means food food food!) I’m super excited to let you know that the meal plan I’ve been teasing you with is nearly ready to be shared! I’ve been working with WeightTraining.com and their team of trusted nutritionists to bring you a well-rounded 3-phase Blogilates meal plan that will lean you out and clean up your diet for good. Don’t worry vegans, I got you covered too 🙂
Oh and since we’re talking about surprises and you guys already got into this password protected post, I wanted to tell you first before anyone else. You know that Blogilates community I was talking about? Yeah. That one. It’s nearly done!!!! I CANNOTTTT WAIT for you to join and meet all your POPster friends from all around the world. So many cool features. REALLY. I’m putting the finishing touches on it now. Yay yay yay!!!!
OKAY. Now let’s talk about your #NOVEMBURN workouts!!! We’re back to Sunday Relax Days but now you’ve got something new on Fridays and Saturdays. Friday is “100 Day” and Saturday is “Dance Days.” I think the latter is pretty self explanatory. But 100 days? There’s no video for this one…it is a challenge for you to complete and COMPETE! I want you to time yourself doing the whole routine each week and see if you can get faster and faster.
Your moves are:
1. 100 jumping jacks
2. 100 sit ups (NOT CRUNCHES)
3. 100 squats (go all the way down and all the way up…these are NOT pulses)
4. 100 criss crosses (make sure to pronate your opposite shoulder to opposite knee)
5. 100 bridge pulses (to make it harder, add a barbell, books, or weights on your pelvic area. Cushion with towels and hold with your hands)
6. 100 chest press pulses (keep those elbows together and make sure you’re going from shoulder height to nose height will pulsing)
I am asking you to go FASTER each week. But that does not mean you can halfway do the moves. No. You must complete them with full intensity. But you must try to move it move it. Got it? Good 🙂
Also, The Total Body Toner is your exclusive video of the month! This one is about 15 min long and will target every single muscle in your body. It’s so good. I designed some new moves for you and I know you’re going to love it. If you have the Blogilates app on iPhone or Android, the video comes free with a 99c subscription to the calendar. (The app is free to download btw and comes with updated recipes, the POPstergram forum, all of my videos, etc.) Or you can also download to own Total Body Toner on shopblogilates.com. It’s not there yet but will be soon!
Alrighty guys, here are the playlists for every day in November. Save this page so you can come back to the daily workouts all month without searching!!
November 1
November 2
November 3
November 4
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 8
November 9
November 10
November 11
November 12
November 13
November 14
November 15
November 16
November 17
November 18
November 19
November 20
November 21
November 22
November 23
November 24
November 25
November 26
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30
GOOD LUCK! I love you and please check in with me DAILY on Twitter @Blogilates. I wanna hear how you are doing! I am your trainer and I need to know your progress in order for me to help you.
Have fun and SWEAT HAPPY!!!
<3 Cassey
251 thoughts on “#NovemBURN Calendar!! Get your password in the newsletter!”
There are 251 comments posted by our users.
Hey guys! Do you think there will be a november 2K14 workout calendar this year? or should i do this one! xxxxxxx love u cass!
Hey Cassey! I just had a quick question for you, are you ever sore??? I work out 6-7 days a week, usually one of those days is an “active” recovery day, with hill walking on the treadmill and stretching but I did the Booty Burner workout the other day and my hamstrings were so sore for like two days! Just in general are you able to work out every day without being so sore you can hardly walk? I am curious as to what your best tips are on to reduce soreness, and just overall feel healthy enough to do all these intense workouts every day!
Thank you!
Hi, I’m new to blogilates and I was wondering if you are supposed to do cardio while doing the monthly calendar workouts?
Sorry I didn’t realize my previous post worked!
You don’t have to, but if you want to lean out faster it’s good. Plus you can never go wrong with some heart-pounding cardio 🙂
November is ending yet i didn’t really see any progress, i am so discouraged guys, can someone please tell me what’s wrong with me? 🙁
nothing is wrong with you 🙂 Don’t expect to see such quick results, it’ll only bring you down. The fact that you’re trying is something you should be proud of. And don’t be discouraged!! All of us popsters are here to cheer you up when you need it 🙂 🙂 just keep doing what you’re doing, if you can do better then go for it. Watch and see, results will come and you’ll be amazed. Good luck and hope this helped 🙂
I am new to this I am just starting today and I was wondering if anyone could explain to me some of the exercises for 100 day, they are all pretty self explanatory but I’m not sure what the “criss crosses”, “chest press pulses”, and “bridge pulses” are. Can someone explain how to do these??
criss crosses: lay on your back with your hands on the nape of your neck, with your elbows out. lift your legs into “table top” position, and alternatively bring one elbow to the opposite knee (bringing the leg in, and the opposing knee out – eg. right elbow to left leg, and right leg extends out.) and vice versa. it’s kind of like riding on a bike in a way, but the aim is to bring you shoulder “to” the knee.
chest press pulses: put your palms together, like praying, but also bring the elbows together too – so your palms all the way to your elbows are vertically pressed together. start from with your elbows about shoulder height and ‘pulse’ them to about nose height, keeping the forearms pressed together.
bridge pulses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKH_fUmTfm0
Guys I didn’t get the email about the meal plan, please tell me what the password is 🙁
If you’re subscribe Go on YouTube.com/blogilates she post it now you will see the video
should I be doing the workouts consecutively or spacing them out throughout the day? Is either ok?
I, myself, do either. it’s better to space them out if you can, in my opinion. That way, you don’t tax your muscles too much and have enough energy to attack each one as it comes. Also, it’s a great way to take a break from whatever you’re doing at hand. I’m not always good at squeezing mine in certain times of the day, so sometimes I put them off until too late and have to do them all at once. It’s harder, to me, but possible. The only one I don’t suggest spacing out is 100 Fridays. You’re supposed to do them as fast as possible, back to back, and time yourself.
What do I do on mondays? Like the new workout vid. Do I just pick it out randomly?
She usually uploads a new workout vid every monday. She schedules for us to do them monday and thursday of each week, but sometimes she doesn’t upload a new video on time. If this happens, just do last week’s new video, and maybe she’ll have it up by thursday. If not, do last week’s again, or maybe an equivalent of your choice 🙂 hope this helped.
Hi, I’m new to blogilates and I was wondering if you’re supposed to do cardio on top of the workout calendar?
No just follow the calendar you can always add more workouts if you want
You can, if you want to boost the rate you’re losing weight. It really helped me along with an appropriate amount of food. (That’s the key, is if you’re eating enough to accommodate the extra calories you’re burning). IF and only IF weight loss is your goal. though. I wouldn’t do anything too long or harsh if you’re thinking of something daily. Don’t worry about it if you have a busy schedule, though, or weight loss isn’t what you’re trying for.
Hi, I’m new to the blogilates calendars and workouts and I was wondering if you are supposed to do cardio on top of the workout calendar?
Hi Cassey just wanted to say I love how Friday’s and Saturday’s workouts are. On Friday, I would just want to get home from school and relax right away. With the 100 day, it doesn’t take up much time. The Saturday’s workouts don’t take much time either, plus it’s fun. Perfect for a Saturday (: Hopefully there’ll be more calendars like this one in the future.
For some reason I can’t see the videos, only the votes. Oh, this blows
Same here. 🙁
I guess she hasn’t posted the workout yet for November 20th! Sadface
Is anyone else finding the workouts this month suuuuuuuuper long??? This week they’ve all been over an hour!!
Yes! but it feels so gooood! <3
I cant see the workout for today (the 20th of Nov)… help! :S
I can’t either, I guess she didn’t make the playlist yet..search for the videos on youtube 🙂
Hi Cassey I love your workout but may I suggest to include how long would it take to finish the workout of the day so i/we would know what time to start. That is all. I love you Cassey! 🙂
Yeah it would be great!! <3
Although, it’s not so hard to click on the day of the workouts and see how long the videos are and calculate the how long they all will take together. And usually it’s about an hour anyway 🙂
I started today and although everything is pretty well explained, I still came up with a question. When following the calendar we have to do all the videos recommended for one day?? I did 3 today, all of them related with my abs and I already feel exhausted…
Thanks for your help!!
Hi Carmen
Re to your question, yes, we are supposed to do all the workouts, e.g on 18/11 there were 6 workouts, we are supposed to do all of them. However if you are feeling exhausted try to do half (like you did) but try your best to do all the workouts/maximum.
If you find them too difficult, you can swap to the beginner’s calendar as well – there are around 3 – 4 workouts per day. It has specially been design for those who just join Cassey’s workout. The link is here: https://www.blogilates.com/calendar/beginners-calendar-for-popsters-just-starting-out
Hope this will help!!! Wish you great sweating and muscles!!;)
Enjoy your healthy lifestyle.
20nov-30nov. Need to be linked soon >_<"
You can find the 20th of November’s workout here https://www.blogilates.com/november-20-2013. For other dates, you can try to replace 20 to 21, 22 etc on the link above.
That was so helpful. Thanks a lot.
Hi Cassey,
I have a request for December’s calendar. Could you do a cardio focused month?– Kind of like what you did with Abtoberfest, but with two days of solid cardio? I think it would go super well with your 12-week diet plan too!
Yes, that will be great, I’ll really enjoy it, please
yes! that would be an awesome idea!! 😀 its spr great!
i stopped following the calendars last month because i didn’t have time to do all of the workouts and i definitely wasn’t getting enough cardio with trying to do only one or two of the workouts each day. but i REALLY missed your videos…so i’ve decided to start doing one workout from each day of #novemBURN in addition to the short DVD/podcast workouts i used to do daily before discovering Blogilates. 🙂
Hi, I’m new and how to you print the calender? Do I click something? Please help me. Please and thank you.
Hi Mai,
you have to sign up to the newsletter entering your email, then you should get
an email sending the monthly password. Then go back to the site of where the calendar is and there
should be a space where you enter the password then you can click on it and print it.
Hope it made sense 🙂
For the 100 days I just do the 1,000 workout! More workouts so it makes me feel like its a complete workout! Plus I have Cassey talking me through it! 😀
Yeah, after the 1000 workout, the 100 days just seem so short! (almost said easy, but they are still challenging.. just short) so I’ve been combining friday and saturday workouts, the dance videos usually only take about 30ish minutes, so combined with the 100 days it’s perfect (oh, and i add in 100 lunges as well, I dont know what it is, but nothing gets my butt sore the next day like lunges!)
Hi Girls!
Which difference between roll ups and sit ups? Just that legs are straight for roll up? Thanks !
Hi Cassey!
I was thinking of going vegan and I was wondering if it would help me lose weight because I know everybodys body is different and so far everything else hasn’t really helped. I eat clean like the majority of the time and excersise 5-6 times a week. I’ve heard stories of people gaining weight being vegan as they eat pasta,bread etc. I have only being eating fish or chicken 1-2 times a week and ive noticed ive become a lot hungrier and have been eating more, I try not to snack on fruit or too much nuts in the afternoon but a carrot or vegetables and I feel as if ive gained weight. Im 17 years 🙂 xx
You could go to a doctor and check your blood and stuff, maybe you’re no losing weight for some other reason
Hi Marika, sorry I’m not Cassey to reply your thought lol But I’m a vegan and I don’t eat chicken or fish or any meat at all. But I do have 2 meals containing eggs or cottage cheese per week. I don’t think going vegan can help you lose weight. Actually I go vegan a long time ago because I think eating meat is so disgusting and when I smell meat I wanna vomit. But after going vegan, I spend a lot of time finding food that can replace the nutrition I couldn’t obtain from other sources instead of meat, protein or iron… If you feel hungrier you probably take not enough protein, as protein can give you a fuller feeling in the stomach. I think you should eat more protein from tofu, tempeh ,TVP or even you have to mix some raw rice protein powder in you diet. They will make you feel fuller instead of simple carbohydrate:) Hope this can help you a little bit.
Hi Jessica,
Thankyou for your response! My mm went on this meditation camp and all they had was vegan food and she said it was great and she was detoxing and she looked like she lost weight, so I thought maybe it would work for me, making me feel better inside and energetic. But isn’t having too much Tofu no good? Well I think I will think a little bit more because I thought maybe going vegan will help me lose weight as im not really someone who has a set meal with a certain portion otherwise I feel like eating more and I figured going vegan you actually have to eat more because you lack protein and iron (of course not just eating a lot of carbohydrates but more like stocking up on vegetables) But I don’t know I if I go they right way around being vegan I could lose weight.
Hi… Im still new in here >.< …. I just discovered this amazing community 5 days ago and started the calendar three days ago…. and I downloaded the app today…. I payed for the app to get the secret video.. and I got a msg on my phone that they took the money but I am not able to see the video still… should I wait 24hrs till I be able to download it… or am I suppose to get it immediately after the payment? Help please 🙁 🙁 :(. Or what should I do.
New to this so I’m not sure exactly what a criss cross is? Like a sit up, but crossing shoulder to oposite knee? I’ll just do that for today…
Yes, that’s exactly what it is 🙂 a crunch, and you bring your shoulder to the opposite knee while the other leg is straight!
Finished today in 15.29, definitely an improvement from last friday but I still have a long way to go! I can’t wait until next week so i can shave some more minutes off! Thanks Cassey(: !!!!
The 100’s routine took me right around 40 minutes….I changed up the squats to do 25 reg then 25 plié, repeat….it helped me keep going and feel like I was challenging more of my leg muscles. Great workout!
You should do a video the any of the songs off M.I.A.’s new album Matangi!! YALA is so fun.
Did it in 19:08! But I have a question for Cassie! Immediately after I finished, I got super dizzy. I had to stay on the floor for 5-10 minutes before I was able to get back up again. Is this normal?
are you drinking enough water? or maybe eating a bite of some carbs an hour or two before may help you feel better. last night i drank some fruit juice before my workout because i hadn’t gotten to eat in several hours and it kept me going.
Maybe check your breathing? When I first started, I was breathing like I did when I was on the swim team and I got suuuuper dizzy. Switching to the Pilates style breathing helped a lot!
Hi cassey, on the calendar should I be doing every workout in each box? Thanks x
Yes, you do each workout in the box at least once.
Hi! Cassey
I really wanna share my favorite workout song to you, and hoping that you could do a POP HIIT with the song!!(which I hope is leg and thigh exercise)
The song is Flo Rida –LOW
I’m sure you will fall in love with this song, as it motivates me so much!!Especially when i am doing squats!!
Love you!!!
I second that motion!!! When I actually get to go out out (like hardly ever nowadays) I can really feel it in my thighs and bum the next day cos we get really low on the dance floor, especially to ‘Low’!
Hey guys! so question, what/where is the new workout video, or do we just do a different one? I’m super confused
CASSEY, I’m gonna say this every single day until you notice it! Please please please please please do a workout to Haven’t Had Enough, Desperate Measures or Stutter by Marianas Trench pleeeeaaaassssseeeee!!!!! Or anything by them at all, Good to You is a really good song too, I just want a Marianas Trench song ridiculously badly they’re my all time favourite band ever it would mean so much to me! Any other trenchers here agree cmon! :DD x3
For some reason I never feel abs while doing these videos.
I feel them during different videos of Cassie but here it just doesn’t do anything for me, so does anyone have advice?
Hi, I really want to trim my love handles and flatten my abs I do boozing twice a week running for 40 minutes 3 times a week and pop pilates at least 4 times a week, I eat clean but I eat a lot maybe cause im a teen? Can anybody give me some tips?
Hi guys, first i did fitness 3-4 times a week, and i’m stil doing school. i’m already thin looking but i realy want to be a little bit slimmer and show those abs! But i’m afrad this exersises you have to do a day are a littlebit long it’s almost 45 minutes a day and i dance and do horse riding to and i need to finisch my homework every day waht should i do? Please answer. X Marleen.
Try just doing half of the daily videos. It’ll still be a good workout.
So sad,,i cannot do sit up! My back keep hurting and i cannot lift my body! 🙁 is there any move that can replace sit ups? Please some help :'(
same my back hurts so muuuch so do CRUNCHES even if cassey said they werent crunches
You could probably do roll ups. I wouldn’t do 100 roll ups though.
For the criss-crosses, does it count as one to to bring on knee to the shoulder or is it the sequence of both knees to each shoulder?
The 100’s took me 16:38. Whew I hated those bridge pulses! I had NO IDEA I could do that many… especially in a row!
Finished the Friday 100s in 22:35. The sit ups kick my booty!!! They take me the longest.
Just made 100 roll ups instead of the 100 sit up :S that is why it was so hard… I guess!! Cassey, Thanks for all your vídeos and good vibration, that always makes me smile, even in a though time I am living in my country. Big kiss from Portugal.
Hey Cassey!
You had Sweatember, Abtober, Novemburn now for autumn and winter. I wonder will you do a Legzember too? 😀
Would be great!
I do cardio like running 3times a week and boxing twoce a week, so does that mean I will have to do both my normal workout and the November calaender workout cause I don’t have that much time!
Just do what you can 🙂 But I think you should use the boxing days as a replacement for whatever day on NovemBURN it is on, and if you’re not too weared-out from your normal workout, do a couple of vids each day (:
ok so for example on days I don’t do boxing but jogging id do 40 minutes jogging plus 3 pop pilates toning workouts? Also when I do pop pilates I usually do 10-12 mins abs, love handle and butt and thighs workout but would I get better results if I worked on a specific area each day for example Monday 30-40 min abs tues 30-40 mins lovehandle and repeat the cycle?
Finished the 100 day in 22:30! Sit-ups are the most difficult for me! I should focus on core workouts more often
CASSEY, I’m gonna say this every single day until you notice it! Please please please please please do a workout to Haven’t Had Enough, Desperate Measures or Stutter by Marianas Trench pleeeeaaaassssseeeee!!!!! Or anything by them at all, Good to You is a really good song too, I just want a Marianas Trench song ridiculously badly they’re my all time favourite band ever it would mean so much to me! Any other trenchers here agree cmon! :DD x2
i kinda miss the 5 days on and 1 day off and the built in cardio a few days each week. i do like having rest days on sunday rather than friday anyway. as always, thanks cassey for doing all this for free. you have no reason to do this, but you do it anyway and i know me and the blogilates community are always grateful!
CASSEY, I’m gonna say this every single day until you notice it! Please please please please please do a workout to Haven’t Had Enough, Desperate Measures or Stutter by Marianas Trench pleeeeaaaassssseeeee!!!!! Or anything by them at all, Good to You is a really good song too, I just want a Marianas Trench song ridiculously badly they’re my all time favourite band ever it would mean so much to me! Any other trenchers here agree cmon! :DD
I agree! I’m kinda surprised Cassey hasn’t done a workout to Marianas trench yet. I think haven’t had enough would be an awesome song to workout to 🙂
Fully agreed, and I just noticed we have the same name, ha. 🙂
Hi everyone! Does anyone else have issues with viewing the exclusive (or any) videos on their iPhone 4? Everything works great until I press play and then the sound doesn’t work! Can I sync it to my computer and view it there? Thanks!
It works fine on my iphone 4. :/
Did you make sure that the side switch on your phone isn’t on silent?? I noticed that the sound only works if I have my ringer on!
What does the Show Schedule mean at the top of the calendar?
When Cassey will be releasing new videos basically
I need help and i dont know what i did wrong. Since school started, i only get to workout like 3x a week. I also dance as well but i gained my original weight back. I am 16, 5’2 and i currently weigh around 134-136lbs. But during the summer since i had more free time, i lost 4-6lbs, lost inches off my waist, got toned, and felt better than ever. I was so happy and i followed Cassey’s calendar workouts. But I dont know what happened and i hate the fact that all the hard work and time i spent to loose weight was wasted since i gained everything back from a couple of months. I try to eat healthy but its impossible to avoid eating sweet food, daily Chinese dinner from my mom, and eating fast food with the fam. I felt depressed because i didnt have any motivation and i couldnt stay dedicated. I know people at my school that were overweight and weighted more than me. But as time passed, i noticed how healthy and skinnier they looked. They looked better than ever and i am so happy yet jealous of them. I workout and i mostly eat clean, but up until now since september, i haven’t lost weight but gained more instead. I dont know what i’m doing wrong:o
dear tiffany! first of all: stop comparing yourself with the others!
It can happen..to gain weight back and feel a crap just because you think you are like before. As you wrote, you know what’s your problem: food! I understand you very well. I m an italian girl, so guess??? nonna’s lasagne, pasta every meal, homemade cakes every week…. it’s freaking terrible to say NO to all this good stuff! Try to avoid fat food and eat more veggies and fruit.. but also continue your workout maybe not only 3x week, but 5! im in the same situation as you.. so keep strong and workout!!!!
I also think that it is better to make a serious discussion with your family and close friends, letting them know that your concern and your determination to lose weight, so that they can support you. I am a food lover and love baking/cooking so much that I have to control my food indulgence 🙂 I let my boyfriend know that I want to eat healthy so I cook separate dishes for my boyfriend and myself. However, once or twice a week, I eat similar dishes like he does and indulge in “normal” treats. Sometimes he wishes that I would eat certain things that I avoid, but overall he is very supportive. That’s why, I think it is important to ask your family and close friends’ approval and support. Convince them to understand your wish and ask them for help to realise it as well. For example, cook the dishes by yourself or together and in batches so you can reheat it if you are busy, choose your ingredients wisely, stock up healthy snacks and fruits if you know that you will be hungry in between lunch and dinner, etc. Today, I plan to cook mushroom bolognaise as requested by my boyfriend. He will have spaghetti while I will use zucchini ribbons for mine. Sorry for long post, but please don’t be discouraged, Tiffany. As Cassey said, this is life. It will not always be perfect every time. Gaining and losing weights are not temporary, but a long term process. Food and weights are two things that we deal in life because we are alive 🙂 Be positive and try to take it slowly, rather than hastily. Focus on eating healthier
For the 100 days, what exactly are the criss-crosses and the bridge pulses?
the bridge pulses are the ones in the “what makes you bootyful” video 🙂
and the criss crosses are like crunches, but you have to touch your knee with your elbow 🙂
with the opossite side (touch right knee with left elbow)
hope that helps 🙂
Cassie, for God’s sake can you make exercises which don’t need so much space in apartment? I can’t do your videos because all my rooms are too small for these exercises…
Hi Neshi, I work out in a teeny weeny space so I modify the exercises to suit, eg doing some cardio moves on the spot or doing the moves diagonally. For more or less everything, if you’ve got floor space to lay down you can do them.
Same, I’ve got 4 and half feet by 9 feet in my room to do these workouts and sometimes you’ve just gotta turn your body the right way and you’re good to go 🙂
you have made working out so much fun for me
How come I can’t see the calendar on the app without paying to see it ? What do you have to do to see the calendar ? Someone please help me ?
You have to pay to view and use the calendar and to get the exclusive video for each month.
Hey Cassey! talking about your total body toner video on the app, these past two months I’ve been having issues being able to download it. It just gives me a box saying to hold on while it’s downloading, yet it never downloads! ahh! I’m not sure if Im the only one here but Ive tried everything :/
I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!! Thank you, God! Lol this has been driving me nuts. I’ve tried just about everything and still have the same problem. I didn’t even get to do the October video. Cassey, what’s going on?!
Trying something new to get ready for christmas.
On day out of two I do the blogilates workouts and the other day I’m doing one Insanity DVD.
I’m gonna get ripped people!
I’m working through the NovemBURN calendar but, I too, have also decided to do an Insanity routine at least once each week to get that cardio.
Hope it goes well for you! 🙂
What is the new video for today? Does anyone know? I can’t find anything about it
Do we just do the workouts on the calendar or should we like do cardio and other stuff in addition?
Best of luck with your goals and challenges! I did NaNoWriMo two years in a row, and it was a blast. 🙂 Happy writing!
I have just one question –
I go to the gym every morning and do cardio for an hour (I really like cardio D:)
So obviously I won’t do the cardio on the calendar, but I used to go do weights at the gym but my legs are pretty muscle-y and I don’t want them to get any bigger and in fact I want to slim them down, so does anyone know if these work outs will help slim me down?
Hi Emilia!
The thing is that with more weights, bigger muscles and with less weights but more repetition comes more definition. So if you’re still doing weights at the gym try doing the same thing but with smaller weights and more times, worked for me! This is why i love blogilates so much, its more about definition and toning instead of creating a giant man muscle.
I have two questions, please someone answer 😀
1) Am I the only one that can’t do the bridge for the flexibility stretches? I find this weird because I know I’m very flexible and I don’t have a problem with any stretches ever except the bridge. I think it’s somethig to do with my hands because I can’t lift myself up at all! I can bend my back that way, it’s just getting up there that’s difficult!
2) A lot of people talk about YOLO days and this might be a dumb question but does that mean you get one cheat meal or one DAY of cheat meals? Because I think I might’ve taken abuse to YOLO day lol. What can I say, I went trick or treating with my friends 🙂
I can’t do the bridge either and I’m also flexible. I don’t have the strength in my arms to push myself up but, I’m working on it. Hopefully, I will be able to do it once my arms are a bit stronger.
I tend to just have one cheat meal on a Saturday (like a pizza for dinner or something) and I will have some sweets (not loads, just something to keep me going so I don’t eat them during the rest of the week). I don’t think it would matter too much if it was a YOLO day or just one meal. Just make sure that if you see it as a YOLO day you don’t just go and eat everything and anything! I know it can be very tempting! 🙂
It’s so hard not to make excuses oh my god. I’m definitely going to keep this in mind though, thank you! 🙂
Im going to do this instead of the total body toner… (I don´t have a credit card) just wanted to share 🙂
I can only see the videos from days 1 to 3 :/
I m loving this calendar anyways… I guess I´ll just look for the videos in youtube 🙂
Is it okay to do the moves for 100 days separately. For example instead of doing 100 jumping jacks, then 100 sit ups etc to do 50 jumping jacks, 50 sit ups, 50 squats etc but do it twice instead?
I did this the other day but did 20 instead but lost count! If I stick to 50 I’ll be fine though x
Since there are 6 moves, I paired up the moves and alternated reps of 25. Next week I think I will do reps of 50 and move up to 100. It only took 3 Katy Perry songs and was super fun!
Hey when are the videos for November 4th through the rest of the month going to be available? There is no link to the videos on the website
argghh!! Been a long time (2-3months) since I did your workout cassey. School work and clubs left me with no energy, but when i do have time, I do them. Dd the 100s today! wooh! Got 22:03. I’m sweating like heck but I feel gooooood!!
I can’t open any videos :(((
I love that the novemburn days are a little bit shorter! I’ve always skipped one or two videos every day but now, NO EXCUSES! Poor me…
Hey, I wanted to ask you about the calender because I haven’t trained with your calender before. For example tomorrow November 4, I have to do the 6 videos you have uploaded for the date, right?
Yes, but for whatever reason that you can’t do all of them, just do as much as you can (:
My abs and legs are really sore after the 100 day. Do you guys still work out when every move hurts?
yes 🙂 makes me stronger
I am burnt! thank goodness Sunday is rest day – stretching videos were great
If we can’t pay for the body workout video, could we do e.g. the 1st spring fling video or the ‘The way we tone’ video instead? They are about the same length and are also total body videos. I can’t buy the video because I disabled my credit card info on my apple account because someone was trying to hack my apple account.
It is fine, Erin. You can alternate it with other videos or your favourite ones 🙂 What matters is you work out 😀
Omg I can already sense the burn coming. Thanks Cassey!
What’s the criss cross move? Is it standing up or lying down?
Hope that blogilates mealplan will be finishefd this month 🙂 can’t wait!
So, everybody here made them in less than 15 minutes. Is there something wrong with me? 🙂 I made them in like 25-30 minutes. The sit-ups especially took me 10 minutes, slow, feeling every muscle and every vertebra going down. This in not the right way? Are we on the clock? Thanks!
It took me 10 minutes to do the sit-ups, too! Don’t worry about how long it took you compared to everyone else. Just work on beating your time next week. 🙂
Sit-ups took me a long time too! I was done with 20 minutes, 27 with some stretching.
I can’t find the playlist for each day. I clicked the link, but there wasn’t a playlist?
thank you for this calendar. I didn’t go to sleep yesterday until I completed the workout. Im glad I started with no excuses for the fist day of the month !
I created a shortcut on my desktop of this page, so I can access the calendar with the videos quickly !
omg just made her TIU pancakes for the first time and they are to DIE for haha
I haven’t had true exercise since june and have been promising myself that I would start working out again since september but never did… Just did 100 day in 16:43, it had me tired and sweaty awfully quickly but I’m excited to get back into shape 🙂
Hi! So when do I do the body toner workout? They days that don’t invoulve the video?
The days when it says total body toner at the top of the box. This is the first and third Tuesday.
Oops! I missed that! Thank you!
I ALWAYS feel those bridge pulses in my core and not my butt. Been doing blogilates for almost 2 years now, what am I doing wrong? What are your thoughts popsters?
Squeeze your cheeks together like your holding a penny! 🙂 It took me a while to get the hang of it, but once you get it you can definitely feel the difference 🙂 Hope that helps?
Wow! Just finished the 100 in 13 min! I am actually so proud of myself, i was sure it would take me longer than that! Squats took their sweet time with me!
Good luck to all the people doing it outthere!
Finished today’s workout! Very refreshing! So excited for this month! 😀
This was my first time in quite a while working out. The 100’s was tough. I didn’t get quite all of the sit ups or the criss crosses. I am going to keep at it. I must make a change.
13:33 ! situps take a long time, also im not strong enough to do them without weights on feet yet. also, wasnt 100% sure what the chest press pulses are can someone explain?
Nice work!
For a chest press pulse, you put your forearms together, palms together, elbows at a 90 degree angle, so your shoulders and elbows are about level and your wrists are in front of your face, then you press your elbow up to about chin level, and then release back down to shoulder level, keeping your farearms vertical. Does that make sense?
I’m pretty sure she does them in the Arms on Fire video! (Actually she definitely does! I just looked it up and she does them around 7:55 in the Arms on Fire vid!!)
Hi Cassey! Been doing blogilates workouts since June and I’m hooked, so last month I finally subscribed to the workout calendar on the app. There seems to be a glitch in the novemburn calendar.. The 3rd showed up twice so it throws off all the days of the week and dates! Was wondering if it’s just mine or if this is something that can be fixed? Thanks so much! Never stop blogilates! XO
My calendar is doing the same thing.
Finished the 100 workout! 18:40, can’t wait to see this time get whittled down (hopefully!). The sit ups took me the longest by far, 6:42. Quite enjoyed just doing the workout to my favourite songs, but I love having Cassey there working out with me 🙂 x
Decided it’s time I get my life in order. Too long have I looked in the mirror and hated what I see and always feeling down because of my body. I use to dance back in high school so of course once I retired and was in college I got the freshman 20. Not fun! I want to be healthy and fit, BRING ON THE CHALLENGE!
Soooooo happy rest days are on Sunday!!! Thank you Cassey!!!!!
Also, glad to be doing a lot of sit ups, haven’t done them in a while, good for the obliques!! =)
Someone who has an silent alternative for the jumping jacks? My downstairs neighbours are going to hate me if I do 100 of those in the evening…
I’m currently in physical therapy right now for a knee injury. I’ve been told to not to anything like squats/lunges, etc. For the 100 days is there anything I can do in place of the squats?
how about leg lifts? they dont require bending the knee so i think this could work!
I didn’t think of that and I definitely plan on doing those leg lifts! Thank you:]
ERRR MAAAH GERRRRHHD cassey i love you. so very much. when i started following you (after being prego &fat) i couldnt even jump anymore! ive lost 20lbs over the last 6 months! im so proud right now. just did 100day in 12:44! i feel so much better about myself, thanks to you cassey!
This is awesome!! I’m at my boyfriend’s apartment and can’t do a lot of jumping (second floor) so today’s workout is exactly what I need. I’ll throw in there probably the 100 workout, and just to get to 1000 — this is all your fault, Cassey!! — I’ll probably do 100 leg lifts to hit the thighs on each side, and then finish with 100 tricep dips. Can’t wait for Dance Saturday! 😀
Cassey, there is a problem with the November calendar in the app. November 3rd is repeated twice and from then on, the days are off for the rest of the month and there are no videos listed for November 30th. Can you fix this for is this for us please?
Guys, just a question about the android app, some videos just don’t play on my phone including the exclusive video of the month which has sound but no view. Anyone with the same problem? I don’t know if it has to do with my country (Greece) but I hope it’s something that can be fixed because this app is super motivating!! Also, can we join the forum only by twitter or fb account? No other way?
It took me about thirty minutes. I haven’t been able to work out in a couple weeks, so it was pretty hard jumping right back in, but it felt great! Also, I did 50 crunches, 50 squats, did the 100s for everything else, then came back to finish the other 50 crunches and 50 squats. Annnnd I paused to dance to one of my favorite songs, haha.
Can someone explain to me what the criss-crosses are? Thanks!
This was a lot harder than I thought it would be 🙁
It took me 21 minutes 🙁 Hopefully i’ll get faster by next week.
The bridge pulses and chest press pulse were the easiest I think.
I’m new, like today new! haha The items on the calendar….are those videos that are on youtube or are there printables? Please help. I’m confused, and I want to start today! Thanks!
Hey, all of her video’s can be found on youtube; just type in the name of the workout and you should find her video. You can also find the videos on this website. Click on Workout Calendar found at the top of the web page, click beginners workout calendar, scroll down and you should see the the days. Click on the corresponding day to watch the video’s she expects you to do. Hope this helps!
Just wanted to say that I LOOOOVE YOU and I fully respect you and appreciate the fact that you put so much effort to make all this workout for us! So grateful ! Happy new month everyone we will hit it hard 😀
Wow! Just completed the 100, 16:36! Can’t wait to feel myself getting faster and stronger! All love and thanks to Cassey and the beautiful blogilates community, couldn’t have gotten here without you all! <3
I was wondering: If we have to do 100 criss-crosses, does that mean we have to do 100 on each side (so right elbow to left knee + left elbow to right knee counts as 1 criss-cross) of are we supposed to ‘criss-cross’ 100 times (right elbow to left knee counts as 1)?
I was wondering that too. Also with the bridge pulse.
Nevermind on the bridge pulses. I had confused myself! :-))
19:30! Sit-ups were the hardest…
It’s easier for me to do my workout with Cassey, without Cassey (like she has planned on Fridays) I don’t think i’d go very well and i wouldn’t be getting much out of it. I’ve edited my calendar on paint replacing them days with the October ‘total body days’.
Just thought i’d share that idea if anyone else is like that.
Goodluck with November!! Can’t believe it’s here already, where did the year go?!?!
My Birthday on the 7th! pretty sure i’ll be having that day off… anyone elses Birthday?!
I feel the same way! I replace them with cardio days 🙂
My birthday is on 25th! Yay, I’m excited about NovemBURN!!
My Bday is on the. 14th, hope you have a wonderful Bday!, stay healthy and motivated. It’s worth it!!!
My birthday is Nov 6th I am going to be 37 OMG! I am rockin the arms and back on my day so I won’t feel guilty drinking my rita and having some cake! Happy Birthday to all the Novemburn babies out there! <3
I’m so excited for the dance day 😀
I’m so excited for this month. I am going to mash-up the beginner calendar and Novemburn so it’s really going to be a challenge :))))
Great ! Can’t wait to begin tomorrow ! Wanna be in tip top shape for the Holidays 🙂
I am so excited for Novemburn! I will be working out with my friend tomorrow that I train and I will definitely make her do 100 day. Yay, thanks Cassey!
Love it!!!! It’s so refreshing to have dancing and the 100 day on the weekends. Once you learn the routine, you can just go to it without needing anything but your mat.. Thank you Cassey!!! You work very hard to put this calendar together and have so many benefit from it without having to pay. Love you for that!!!!!very grateful!
Done the1st of Novemburn workout!!! It is not as hard as 1000 workout (of course!~) and it is doable. Don’t be afraid and take your time, girls! =D
100 days… NO BURPEES Cassey?!!? I’m surprised!!!!
I saw that there weren’t any burpees that day and gave a huge sigh of relief!
heh.. you can always add that 100 burpee burnout video you know 😉
If I do the 100 day tomorrow, will I be feeling the burn the same day, or not til the day after? I’m going to a party tomorrow night and don’t want to be sore all over for it.
Also, 100 jumping jacks?? Squats?? SIT UPS??? kill me
I’m very excited to start this calender! I did the Beginner Workout Calender during the summer, along with other workouts of hers, and I stayed at 105 lbs! (I’m a teenager, 5’4 in height). Unfortunately around late summer/the beginning of autumn I slacked off and now I’ve gone back up to 115 lbs :/ Which is one reason why I’m starting her workouts again, I want to drop these 10 lbs! And doing her workouts really make me feel good. I’m terrible with schedules and whenever I try to make one for myself I fail at sticking with it, so sticking with her workout calenders give me a feeling of accomplishment 🙂
Thanks so much Blogilates, I’m so grateful that I came across your videos on Youtube, you succeed in motivating me and your exercises are the only ones so far I’ve been able to stick with. I also like how you put emphasis on healthiness, not just losing weight. That way, when I’m doing your exercises, I’m focused on feeling good and embracing the burn, not obsessing over the number on the scale!
Guys if you don’t know what the moves are (like me!) go onto YouTube and type in the move and generally the first hit that comes up is one of Cassey’s short videos that show you how to do it. *under weight training gym* or something like that 🙂
What about the other days? Are there videos for those too? I’m new. 🙂
I am so excited about the community and the new meal plan! 🙂
Also, thank you for putting the rest day back on Sundays 🙂 I don’t ever work out on Sundays, so it’s a bit confusing trying to switch the workout days around on the calendar to make Sunday a rest day.
i’m a little confused, are we supposed to do -every single exercise- or just pick and choose a few? 100 situps will be the death of me in addition to everything else on the first day :\
Yes. Do all of the 100 rep exercises. Do them all in a row and time yourself. If you have to do it slow, don’t worry about it – you’re only competing against yourself.
Hey Cassie! First of all you’re a total inspiration to me and since August I’ve been trying to follow these calendars, trying to complete one of them! I haven’t got my goal yet ;( I really want to get fit and toned up and I believe you’re the one and only trainer that will help me get there! Thank you so much for this and I will train as hard as I can to make sure I complete NovemBURN! (:
I don’t understand how the 100 days moves are done, is there a video to know exactly how the exercises are to be done? I feel very stupid asking this but I’d rather do it right and ask now. I understand what needs to be done…but what’s a bridge pulse? How do you do it? :$ please help!
Here is a video of Cassey demonstrating the bridge pulse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKH_fUmTfm0
Here are the chest pulses:
Hey there!!!! If you know how to do jumping jacks, do 100, then you can look at the clips below where Cassey demonstrates each of the moves that you’re confused about. Remember the vids are only so that you can see the proper form so you must remember to do 100 of each!! Hope this helps! Have a fun #Novemburn
100 Day
Jumping jacks!
No vid (but I think we know how to)
Sit ups by Cassey Ho
Squats by Cassey Ho
Crisscross by Cassey Ho
Bridge Pulse by Cassey Ho
Chest Press Pulse by Cassey Ho
thank u!
Anythime! You do a lot for us. Thankfully yours!!!
thanks I need that
here’s a video about the jumping jacks:
english isn’t my native language so i didnt understand either… thanks everyone for explaning!
Thanks everyone for being so helpful :)) I m so happy to know you guys are here to help <3 xxx
Hi, Cassey!
First of all, I’ve already loved this calendar and I can’t wait for tomorow to come so that I can begin NovemBURN.
Just one thing, I am actually Brazilian so a lot of times I don’t remember what some exercises are, and maybe I’ll have problems with the 100 days, because some of them I don’t know what I have to do. This has happened before in diferent situations and I saw some people saying here that they don’t know what all the moves are about. Just as a tip: Google images always helped me remember what I’m supposed to do. 🙂
Thanks, Cassey!!!
The crisscrosses… I can’t remember what those are for sure. Same with the bridge and chest pulses… Can you explain please?
Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor.
Place your hands behind your head
Bring your elbow to your opposite knee when you come in for the crunch (it is important to not bend your head toward your chest during the exercise)
Get back slowly to your initial position
Alternate between left and right twists
Bridge pulses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKH_fUmTfm0
Chest pulse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNywcYw-YSM
Criss cross : http://www.whyiexercise.com/images/pilates.sample.exercises.criss.cross.jpg
Bridge: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bG_9DRND6Ig/UHxAKy7rISI/AAAAAAAACbI/PBG0ckRV6G0/s1600/hamstrings-buttocks-bridge.gif
Chest pulses http://s3.amazonaws.com/weighttraining.com/images/2799/youtube.jpg
Criss crosses are like bicycles. You take opposite knee to opposite elbow. Bridge pulses are bridges with pulses that go up, like in ‘What Makes You Bootyful’. Chest press pulses are where you put your forearms (elbow to wrist) together (almost like in a prayer position) and pulse up 🙂 Cassey usually has demonstrations in some videos
Omg so excited, this is my first month of doing a calendar and I want to fill it all in! 😀 Also, if you’re looking for songs to do for workouts you should do Haven’t Had Enough by Marianas Trench or Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance. Both my favourite bands and I don’t think you’ve done anything by them, just a thought, anyway even though this is my first calendar I’ve been following this blog for a while and I think it’s awesome and you’re so inspiring okay thank you for reading this lots of love! 🙂
Omgosh!! OK soo over October i slacked of like a lot because of school work and i know its an excuse but life gets soo busy sometimes but i really want to be faithful to this calendar so fingers crossed and praying i wont give excuses like there is no time… and Cassey stop teasing us with the meal plan its like super hard to know what and how to eat clean especially as a teenager ‘am 17’ (that’s an excuse but yea :P) so my point is pleeease bring it out soon and like not so close to the December hols tihhi cant wait and love ya blogilates community… <3
I am in the same situation but I stretch everyday with the morning stretch routine 🙂 I work two part time jobs for the holidays and working on my masters. Plus I balance a home life with my fiance and friends…always a busy girl.
We can do it!!
OMG! That’s realy cool and i hope it will be right. Now i know, i don’t like wednesday and i love saturday because of dancing! Love this calendar <3
Are the criss crosses standing or lying down? For some reason this does not seem obvious to me!
Thank you cassey but do you think i could loose weight before December ??
If I buy the video through the Android app, will I be able to access it through my computer, too?
This looks AMAZING! Perfect way to bring in the Holiday season! Gotta work hard! I’m going to Costa Rica in February and really want to feel OK in a bathing suit for once in my life! Thanks Cassey!
THANK YOU CASSEY for releasing this a bit early! I’m a bit scared for the 100 days, but I think I can do it!
Im scared too but we are all together in this….its a challenge and we will be proud at the end for sure.
Good luck for all!!
OH MY GOD!!! So I must start with the “100 Day”… I’m already death!!! LOL.
Can’t wait for this! Gonna be so fun!!! See how well this one goes, I KNOW we can do this!
Ahhh! Se cuales son los jumping jacks y los squats, pero los otros??? Video por favor!!! …..Do a video please for us! Anyone can tell me if they are a video where i can see how to do the sit ups, or the criss-crosses….thanks
I am a new popster, I am glad to see all the popsters on here to help me, I am going to need motivation! All in all, I am excited to start Novemburn!!
WELCOME !! I hope you’ll enjoy it !! And don’t worry you’ll achieve your goal, There’s something I like to repeat to myself : You can do anything you put your mind to ! 🙂 <3
OMG dance days! How cool is that?
Only 5 weeks to go until my wedding. I slacked this month…but I’m READY this go ’round. Can’t wait to start!
You can totally do this, you have a great motivation goal…….
Good luck!!! 🙂 🙂
You’re gonna look amazing, and feel amazing! Very best wishes for your wedding 🙂 xxx
Wow exciting you got this! You will glow with confidence and look beautiful on your wedding day! Congrats! <3
I think it’d be beneficial to to have a video of the 100 day just to show the moves to any newcomers! There are people that might not know proper form or maybe even exactly what a move is.
Yeah ! That will be really cool. For those who don’t speak english very well (like me!)
You mentioned there’s no video for 100 days but since I’m still new to the site is there a video showing proper form and instructions for the moves? I mean I know what a jumping jack and a sit up are but I’m not sure about the other ones. Thanks!
The proper form for SQUATS (many different ones, but I think the basic one is first in the video) is shown in Cassie’s Call Me Maybe Squats video 🙂 CRISS CROSSES are the first move in the Roar Challenge for Abs & Inner Thighs. BRIDGE PULSES are shown in this video: /watch?v=gKH_fUmTfm0 . CHEST PRESS PULSES are shown in this one: /watch?v=gNywcYw-YSM . Good luck with this months’s calendar!!!
OMG thankyou so much, I was having trouble with that too xx
Thank you for posting this. I had no idea what a chest press pulse was:)
Remember to type ”youtube.com” in front of the links SB gave you to the videos, so they’ll work 🙂
Oops, yes, I forgot to add that! Thanks Asha 🙂
Im SUPER excited for this month i can not wait!!!!!!
Omg… Friday will kill me hahah xD
<3 thank u Cassey <3
Ahhhhh!! I’m so super excited for this month!! Dance Days and 100 Days is going to be so fun!
We can do this guys 😀 Leggo !!
I want to do this so bad!! Sadly I was in the hospital about a month ago with severe anemia (female problems… Gotta love em..) and I’m still not able to do my usual intense exercise! under oxygenation of the muscles makes it hard to exercise! I took October off as a rest period and now I’m still only allowed to do like 15 minutes of walking a day 🙁 this calendar looks like the best one yet!
Just do anaerobic exercises or yoga/stretching 🙂 just do whatever will not make you breathe heavy and you’ll be fine
Ellie Goulding’s “Burn” is the perfect anthem for this month!!
^^^ hahaha so true!!!!!