Natasha’s Fight for Fit | Transformation Tuesday
Natasha’s Fight for Fit | Transformation Tuesday
Hey POPsters!
It’s Transformation Tuesday! Today I want to introduce to a very special young woman by the name of Natasha. We all know that the journey of fitness, health, and weight loss is not easy. So many emotional struggles…so many mental battles. But appreciate the health that you have, because if motivation is what’s got you stuck, be aware that there are other people with real medical conditions that make it extremely difficult for them to exercise. If you want something bad enough, I promise you can make it happen no matter how many obstacles are in your way. This is what Natasha did. Please read her story.
Hi! I’m a 20 year old Environmental Science graduate in the process of applying for my masters degree in sustainable aviation. I live in the North West of England with my parents and very grumpy cat. I spend my days working out, seeing my boyfriend, going for walks and helping my mum around the house or with the shopping as I wait to find out if I got into my course. I don’t really have many hobbies other than my tumblr and watching far too many movies.
I have a heart condition (long qt) and I’m fitted with something similar to a pacemaker. I found out I had my condition when I was 17 and convinced myself I couldn’t workout. I was always in denial about my size and made myself think that my heart medication was solely to blame for my weight gain when actually I was just really lazy and ate too much junk. I had gone to my doctor and she made me stand on the scales. It came up with 106.5kg/235lbs and she said I was obese. Nobody had ever said that word to me before. I knew I was big but I never realized I was obese. I cried all the way home and decided I would change that day. That was January 5th, 2012.
The first step of my journey was to make a tumblr to track my progress and seek motivation from other healthy people in the “fitblr” community. I started off knowing nothing bout net calories, BMR or that you needed to do strength AND cardio. It was really hard knowing what to do and I had to educate myself and learn from my mistakes. A few months of trial and error and I had lost 20lbs. Then by chance I found Jillian Michaels 30 day shred mentioned on a tumblr post. That was my first ever REAL workout. It became so satisfying to go to bed at night knowing that I had been kind to my body by nourishing it properly and also putting it through workouts I never could have dreamt of completing. I have done the shred many times through before I did the Ripped in 30 video 2/3 times all the way through. Then I got stuck not really knowing what to do next. Then I found Blogilates!!!
I found Blogilates on tumblr like everything else I have learnt. I kept seeing these really cute shirts with slogans on them and the Blogilates logo. A few more posts later and I found the videos. I had always thought Pilates would be of no real use to me and I didn’t recognise it as a good workout because I assumed it was very very similar to yoga. I wondered how holding a pose could do any kind of good for my body. I decided to give it a shot because I had nothing to lose and it looked really fun once I had viewed some of the videos and saw my mistake! Cassey motivates me because she is always so happy and bubbly. I’ll be in the middle of a tough ab move and her lovely voice will say “what colour are your nails today? I did mine this colour because they match my pants” and she always smiles. It makes me try to smile which I can only do for about 5 seconds before I look like I want to rip someone’s head off but it really works and gives me a push. Everything is so clearly shown and explained to me that it would be very difficult to get confused.
I now do Blogilates for 30-60 minutes 2-3 times a week combined with jogging/power walking 7km 3 times a week. After only a month of my new regime I have lost 2″ above each knee, 1″ off each thigh and 1.5″ off each calf.
– Breakfast: Quaker Oats sweet cinnamon porridge with semi-skimmed milk and a tablespoon of Whole Earth dark chocolate spread mixed in. If not, two pieces of wholemeal toast, a sliced banana and the dark chocolate spread. I still love chocolate!
– Lunch: usually a ham sandwich with chunky Branston pickle on wholemeal bread with some popcorn or wholemeal crisps. Other times I have salads with roasted vegetables, quinoa, feta cheese, balsamic dressing or pasta.
– Dinner: I vary my dinner but my favourite would have to be roasted chicken with a spice mix on it, sweetcorn, peas, sweet potato and asparagus. I also love fish cakes, fish fillets, chicken kebabs and fajitas.
– Snacks: fruit (pomegranate, apples, bananas, cherries, oranges and nectarines), rice cakes (mainly Snack a Jacks), popcorn (sweet and salted) and recently I’ve started to have mooli bites 🙂
It’s only really in the last few months that I’ve started to really love my body and my health. My boyfriend said he can see in my eyes that I’ve got my sparkle back. I walk with my head held high, I run up stairs, I wear short shorts and I’m not as shy anymore. I don’t feel like people are looking at me and thinking I’m fat. 18 months down the line and I’ve gone from 235lbs to 155.8lbs. I’m smaller than i was when I was 16 and a hell of a lot more confident.
It was really hard at some points and I did want to give up but I was so bored of starting over or “starting monday”. I knew I had to keep going. If I had kept going all the others times I’d given up then I would be well past my goal by now.
I’ve gone from a US 16/UK 20 to a US 4-10/UK 8-14. I smile a lot more and I’m excited to see what potential my body has now I want to build some more muscle. I just feel better and that’s the simplest way of putting it. I’m a much better version of me that won’t hide from a camera.
Thank you Natasha!! If you’d like to connect with this amazing POPster please check out her social media channels below:
Instagram: nkgage
Natasha, I am so proud of you for taking a negative experience and turning all that confusing energy into a new way of life, a new love for yourself, and of course, a brand new, beautiful body. You deserve everything you have today and I am sure that the sparkle that you boyfriend sees in your eyes will also help a lot of other POPsters all around the world today find a light within themselves to keep fighting.
Everybody, stay strong and KEEP GOING. You’ve got this.
If you’d like to submit a story to inspire, please email me at with photos and your journey.
<3 Cassey
123 thoughts on “Natasha’s Fight for Fit | Transformation Tuesday”
There are 123 comments posted by our users.
I would like to point out that this woman is studying one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard of – sustainable aviation. There’s even more to us women than the nice bodies and the strength we achieve by working out – not to say mental strength isn’t important, just to point out that we can achieve so much more and we should stress out how important our role in society is, and show how capable we are of contributing in the best possible way to this world!
This is veeeery inspirational for me! I work long hours and I started gaining weight. I used to eat junk food and I didn’t work out at all. I’ve decided to change my life style and started eating healthier food and following the Blogilates monthly calendar. I think it’s really great and motivating because Cassey has a very pleasant and fun personality. So the work out isn’t boring at all. I’ve been working out for two weeks now and I’m wondering is it enough
just to follow the calendar or I should do any additional exercises? I see that Natasha combines it with other types of exercise. I
want to lose around 4-5 kg and to tone my whole body. 😀 How long will it take to achieve that? Suggestions anybody? Tnx in advance.
What an incredible transformation. It truly shows all of your hard work and dedication. I hope you continue to pursue what you want out of life. It is not easy to do what you have done. Congrats to you!
Thank you for your story it is really inspirational for me. I am trying to have a better lifestyle and better health so I can feel more confident. It is great to read these messages for when I am discouraged during my weight loss journey.
I’m so excited browsing through all of these transformations. You really see results. I’m so thankful to have found blogilates. I’m so excited to get into shape and tone my body. I need to go take a before picture so I can see my progress! I’m only on week two and I feel better already. Everything is slightly tighter. I’m excited to blast through May and see and feel a big difference.
That was truly inspirational. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Wow, you look absolutely fantastic! You are a wonderful inspiration to us all, well done!
Wow! Such inspiration! I hope to be like you too! (:
I’m so proud of you! You looked beautiful both then and now. Keep up the good work!
I know it’s a little late, but you look amazing! Very inspiring!!
I follow the monthly calenders and i’m really seeing progress but it is so slow, purely because my parents force me to eat junk food. I don’t know how to tell them that i don’t want it, because they then shout at me thinking i’m dieting 🙁
Hi Olvia! I know what you mean, I hate the term ‘dieting’… You could tell your parents that you just don’t want that kind of stuff in your body, and that you’re not dieting, but just trying to eat better. If they still don’t understand, then who cares? They can’t MAKE you eat that food. Just go to the grocery store and pick out a few healthy things, or choose the healthier things at restaurants, and dont listen to them… This is YOUR decision. Dont let your parents pressure you into eating unhealthy food, when YOU know why it’s bad for you and YOU know how it affects you, and they don’t.
Good luck (:
Hi, you are right, but sometimes you can´t go to the grocery store, because of money… Parents buy food… I would love to try some Casey´s recipes, but my parents don´t let me cook alone for myself… We don´t eat any junk food much. But still, i would rather eat at my own… Not possible now
I know exactly how you feel.. I have the same problem. Lately I’ve had a lot of arguments with them about exercising and eating healthy.. I’m not obese or anything like that. My BMI is about 20.2 so according to that I am ‘perfect’. I just want to feel like I’m not giving my body pure toxic every second of the day, but they do not understand that!
you look so amazing and gorgeous, well done, you are really inspiring
Natasha you look AMAZING, you have inspired me. I am starting the new year with a plan and you have made me even more convinced to work hard at it. Well done!!
This was soo inspiring! Im 13, (14 in 2 months) and weigh 113lbs + 5’2. I feel soo damn fat and cannot seem to lose the weight! Ppl have always told me im ‘skinny’, but I feel my opinion is the most important. Any tips on losing weight for july -im trying to lose 10lbs? My biggest struggle is I keep eating junk food and I cant stop! lol plz help! thx xo
Hey Dominica, I’m 14, 5’6 and 130 lbs. I totally know what you’re talking about! You’re BMI is in the healthy range (at the lower end, closer to skinny rather than overweight,) as is mine, but I still want to loose the few extra lbs. My recommendation would be to just eat health and exercise; DON”T stop eating, just eat healthy, you’ll feel and look great! BTW, don’t judge completely from what the scale says, you can be totally skinny but have a lot of muscle, which weighs a lot. I go by how I look in the mirror, not the scale! Good luck 🙂
Hi girls!
I’m 16, and my BMI is 20.2.. I got to say though, I’m quite shocked that you actually think that you’re fat!! I’m not saying that you’re superskinny and should not loose weight and that you should stop exercising at all, but I do want to remind you that your body, and so is mine, is still developing.
Before you start to diet, just try to eat healthy (like Eva said) but don’t feel too obligated. You have to realize that the fat that you see right now is probably there because you still have to grow a lot of ‘womenly shapes’ (that’s how my mom calls it at least..).
My point is: do not think that you’re fat while you’re not. It won’t help whatsoever. You should realize that just losing weight is not gonna make you feel good about yourself like some magic spell.. I think that you should exercise and eat healthy if you feel like that is the one thing you really need to do but you have to realize that in order to be happy you have to accept yourself.. It’s not as if you’re obese Dominica so I am sure that you can be happy with the way you look..
Exercise, eat healthy.. but most importantly: do not judge yourself!
Good luck lovely.
As the other two said, your BMI is completely healthy. So throw weight out of your mind. You don’t want to lose is not weight, but body fat. Completely different. Currently I’m 5’4 and 124lbs. Just a few months ago I was around 115-117lbs. So I’ve actually gained weight while I was losing body fat. That’s because I’ve toned up and gained muscle mass; which is heavier than fat [which I believe Eva also said]. So don’t concentrate too much on your weight. It can play tricks on you.
Eva and Anne gave good advice.
Good luck. ^^
Uhg…I hate when you can’t edit or at LEAST delete your comments. >_<
Third sentence correction;
**"WHAT you want to lose is not weight, yadda yadda"**
Fabulous story!! You’re an inspiration. <3
This success story is amazing:):) You’ve actually encouraged me so much to stay strong and stick to my diet and exercising(blogilates ftw:p) ….I’m on day 2 of exercising and eating correctly and this has just given me that extra oomph to do it! if you can do it, then I can do it!! ..I’ve tried so many diets in the past and have given up after a week or even a few days..and yet when I go to clubs or on holiday or visit family, I feel bad about what my body looks like. I haven’t worn a pair of short or even a mini skirt in maybe 10 years(O.o) …and Im 23 gosh. this is the time when I should be living to the fullest, and yet I let my body hold me back…. well not anymore!! I dont care how long it will take me but I will lose this weight…. Im 1.7m tall and weighing at 94.0kg at the moment… my goal is to weight 65kg. So to anyone reading this, I will definitely post a success story when Ive achieved that goal. I just know I have it in me… Good Luck to anyone who is in the same boat as me:) add me on myfitnesspal ‘SweetSABean’..i promise I’ll accept:):) let the journey commence xx
Wow! You are so beautiful! Such an inspiration
wow!wow!wow! you are so ……….sexy… you are so inspiring
Hi guys, my names jordyn. I’m 13 years old and I weight 185.5 pounds. I have a lot of self esteem issues and I get bullied a lot for it. My weight changes drastically everyday sometimes I lose up to 8 pounds a day, but I would gain 13 pounds back. I don’t know what else to do. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Hi Jordyn,
I know that it is hard, especially with absolutely everything everywhere portraying the skinny body as the best. But you have to forget about all that and realize that you are doing this for yourself and to be healthy and not for anyone else.
The best way to lost weight is to change your lifestyle. Its not just about exercising more, or eating less. Its about exercising right and eating right. If you want to make yourself healthier, you want to have the right foods in your body (and this website has a lot of great tips for that). Also, the most effective way to lost weight is to do a combination of cardio and weight training (Lots of great videos here too). Everything you need is at your fingertips if you just put in the time and effort. And who said it doesn’t have to be fun. Make it as fun as possible for yourself so you look forward to it.
Bullying happens everywhere. Whether you are skinny or fat; bullies will be bullies. But you do not have to be a victim. Stay above the bullying and keep a positive attitude. Pay them no mind. Find a friend that will support you and love you for who you are (this can be anyone. My sister is my bestest friend). I know its hard, but if you let the bullying get to you, then their goal has been reached. Do not let them reach that goal. By bringing you down, they are not rising. But if you don’t let them bring you down, you can watch as you rise above them and there is no better feeling.
If you really want to change and help yourself, tell yourself that you want it and go for it. Losing weight and becoming healthier is about doing and keeping a positive attitude
Good luck and I know you can do it!
You are so inspirational! i hope i turn out looking like you!
Hey my name is Rose and am turning 14 in 5 months! I live in Australia and i weigh 167 pounds or 76kg. I have self esteem issues and don’t like to go out like ever because i don’t wasn’t people to look at me because i think i am disgusting and i don’t want people looking at me 🙁 If i ever do go out i have to have makeup on and people make fun of me because i wear makeup when they don’t ,anyway i am trying to lose 10 kgs or 22 pounds. I have found blogilates by my sister and i have been doing the January 2014 calendar! i am also eating reasonably well and am trying not to be a couch potato! lol! can anyone please give some tips to get to my goal by February?! thank-you xx
it’s so unbelievable 😀 i adore u so much, guy :xoxo i’ll try like u 😀 thank u for sharing this post
Natasha, you are an inspiration. thank you for your story. You look gorgeous and your confidence shines through even in the picture when your in the white dress.
I love reading these before and afters so many great stories and motivational. I am 5’3 and 200 pounds I have lost 15 pounds in 3 months by watching what I eat. The problem is I just lack the motivation to work out. I need that extra push to do it. I am a mom to a 4 yr old and have a 8 yr old step daughter who is a bit bigger and I want to be an inspiration to her. So if anyone wants to be my ” Blogilates buddy” and we can motivate each other contact me.
Im Chloe and I’m 13 and looking at these are so inspiring. Im 5’5 and weigh 168lb so pretty fat. I’m strong and muscular so it probably adds a little weight. I love the cardios because they are fun to do :). My mum is 420lb and I really don’t want to end up like that but I just can’t seems to loose any weight. The more cardio I do the heavier I get. Loving Cassey though xx
Hey! When I was 13 (16 now) I was 5’1 (still am, lol) and 155 pounds. I felt pretty bad, so I went vegetarian for a healthier lifestyle, and lost 15 lbs! But one things I hit often was eating too little (I mean less than about 1100 calories). If you eat too little, then you can actually gain weight. It has something to do with the brain’s survival instinct. If your body thinks you’re eating too little, then instead of converting your food to energy, it will all be stored as fat. I’m not saying to just start eating more, but try counting your calories (if you don’t already). If you’re eating under 1100 then you’re eating too little. Hope this helps you 😀
Hey! Have you tried lifting weights? I know it sounds scary but trust me on this one. I’ve been there, believe me. Women can’t “bulk up”. Cardio is good but it you mix it with weights then you will have an awesome workout. Good luck sweetie 😉
I want to lose wight I’m 150lb and I’m 5’2 but I don’t have a friend I can talk to :/. Is there anyone who wants to do this together?
Hey Ana 🙂
my email address is
Im keen been looking for “gym” partner for a while 🙂
Hey I know you already had a reply from Carlz but I saw your comment and we’re actually about the same height and weight. I’ve been looking for a fitness buddy too if you want. My email is
Hope to hear from you 🙂
You look great! Kepp on the good work girl!
I’m 15 from Manchester and I’ve been feeling really down lately because of the size of my thighs. I was wondering if there was anyone who could recommend any specific thigh workouts to make them smaller and how many times a week I should do them. These stories are really amazing!!!!!! All of these body transformations are awesome!!!! I
Sometimes your thighs are just muscular but… if it’s because of fat try doing “inner thigh insanity” and lots of cardio videos beacause that really melts of fat and you can’t really target one place on your body to lose fat, you will lose it all over. As for how many times a week i would say as much as you like because the more you do the faster the results will come but it also is important to let your body rest so 1 rest day is a good idea.
Good Job!
Hello my name is Cailyn and I am 12. I have struggled with my emotions and body image for a long time but after doing Cassey’s workouts I have lost 5 pounds and I love doing her workouts! Thank-you Cassey!
What videos were you doing to lose 5 pounds?:) And how tall are you and how much you weight?:)
Well, I am trying to do about 30 minutes of pop pilates a day (Butt, arm & back, abbs) and I run about 3-5 miles a week. One of my fave videos in inner thigh insanity because… it’s insane!
I am 5” 2′ and I weigh 100. you might think i’m a little heavy but my legs are very muscular so that adds weight.
A 100 pounds? God now I feel obese, I’m 5’1” and weight 137…
Don’t worry, you’re not that heavy! Being in a good shape and healthy is important though so keep going and love yourself 😉
That’s not heavy at all, dear! That’s a wonderful weight to be at, if not a little low. (:
Cailyn!!! When I was your age 12-14 (I am 19 now) I felt super self conscious about my body and I picked up running. Keep eating clean and good foods and remember to love yourself! 🙂 Good luck, I totally can relate to you. xoxo
OMG! I cant believe it! Such an amazing before and after… Best of luck natasha! AMAZING
I’ve been wanting to loose weight for such a long time but have had NO motivation. But seeing this really does inspire me! I’m 15, and weigh about 180 lbs, and 5’7. I feel like a huge *thing*. I hate it! The worst is my thighs and bottom… So for the past month I’ve been following blogitlates tips and stuff and exercising in the gym (the YMCA) twice a week, swimming twice a week, and ice skating once a week! So hopefully with in a few months I can loose a significant amount of weight; as long as I diet? And tips/ideas ? I’d love to hear from all of you! Thanks!
I have a tip for you: If you don’t lose weight quickly, don’t give up. I found Blogilates a year ago (Oct. 2012 was when I did my first blogilates calendar), and I followed the calendar perfectly for a month. But at the end of the month, I weighed myself and had actually gained a pound, although I felt more toned and was definitely stronger. I was pretty bummed about that, but still followed 2 weeks of the next calendar, and then quit (I was away from home for 2 days, so I couldn’t workout, and when I got home I didn’t start working out again because it apparently ‘wasn’t working’). I regret quitting so much! If I hadn’t quit, I’m sure I’d be toned and thin by now, but instead I’ve lost all the strength I had gained, and I gained a lot of weight (about 15 pounds).
What you can learn from my lesson is: Even if you may not be seeing the results you want, you should keep up with working out and eating clean, because if you don’t you’ll regret it (and you’ll look back on the last month/6 months/year and think: Where would I be right now if I just kept up with exercising and eating healthy?).
Thank you for your advice! My motivation levels have been really down because I’ve been doing these videos for almost 3 months going on to 4 and I have not seen a big change in myself. Same as your situation from before I gained a pound when i first started too! Sometimes I feel like I’m doing all this for nothing or that I’m doing something wrong. However, you’re right because if I keep going maybe something will change and I wont regret anything.
She looks amazing! Where do people find the motivation?? I wish I could do that! I’m currently 140 lbs and I want to be 120 by june for a special ceremony at my school where everyone dresses up and looks pretty, and so far I’ve lost like 30 lbs but I cant seem to lose the last twenty no matter what. I eat healthy, I exercise enough, does anyone know what’s wrong with me?? I track everything I eat so I know it’s not that, but it seems like if I manage to drop a pound, I gain it back by the end of the week!
The same thing happened to me. I dropped the first 20 lbs by eating healthy foods and working out. After I’d dropped 20 lbs I couldn’t drop another pound and I still needed another 20 lbs. I was only half way there. I learned that my body had become used to my new healthy eating habits and exercise. I changed what I was doing and that really helped. I use to mostly run and do lots of cardio. Now I’m focusing on cardio and toning combined! These videos have helped me so much! I was 160 when I started doing my own thing. I got to 140 and got stuck. Now I’m about 135 and I feel great! I’ve never stopped eating healthy foods. It became my new way of life along with exercising. My advice is to switch up your exercising and keep the healthy eating up. Congrats on your work so far! You’ll get over this weird stage soon!
Thanks so much! I never even considered that and this whole time I was thinkig something was wrong with me, but now Im getting on it right away, thank you! 🙂
I have long qt syndrome also. I found this story so inspiring because I know exactly how hard it can be motivating yourself to work out with a heart condition. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring me to take control and not let my condition weigh me down!
wow, your beautiful your transformation inspiring
I am so inspired by her. Its interesting to me though how different and beautiful every girls body is. I weigh 195lbs but my stomach appears much larger than natashas. My dream weight would be 155 and someday I will get there.
This story is extremely inspiring! I can’t wait to start eating healthy! =D Thank you Cassie and thank you everyone who comes to this sight! I’m excited to be working beside all you to make our lives better! <3
WOW. What an inspiration. I just found the Blogilates app today and the first thing I thought was “Oh it’s just another fad exercise app.” But then I checked out the website and the videos, and printed the Beginners Calendar and I am just having so much fun already. I’m only 14 but I really need to get active. My parents are always bugging me to get off my butt and get outside and sometimes it really puts me down. So I’m so so so happy I discovered Blogilates! I’m gunna keep this up for good 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration xxxxx
Hey Delaney!
I’m 14 too. My parents are always saying “You have to get active, stop laying down all the time!” because when I’m off from school I’m usually up in my room on my tablet. That is how I spent my summer 😀 We should update each other because I am going to start the Beginner’s calendar tomorrow.
im vivi i wanna try too XD plus i promised my viewers on my blog that i’d lose weight and help them out too 😛 im 13 but i’ve hit 159 pounds im technically on the road to obesity :/ i just found out about blogilates and started today and already love it hopefully i’ll stick to it
A number on the scale doesn’t define you 🙂 the numbers may indicate you’re obese, but that doesn’t take in account your body composition (muscle weighs more than fat) but if you feel good about yourself and you are healthy a number doesn’t matter 🙂 i started working out when I was 12 and now I’m 15, and my weight didn’t dramatically change till this year. I looked trimmer and healthier the whole time I was working out, but there wasn’t a large numerical change. I’m just looking out for you , and hoping you don’t get discouraged if you don’t lose weight on the scale… But I’m sure you’ll stick to it and end up happy and healthy!
Ohh my gosh, such an inspiration <333 Thanks for posting this, you've motivated me even more to be more fit and healthy. I hope to be like you one day.. Btw you are suuuuper hot, girl! x ;*
Wow! I just found her youtube channel today and decided to just go and check out everything else and all I have to say is awesome! I haven’t started anything yet but I will be starting next week.
I’m 20 and about 165 pounds and honestly I’m disgusted by it. I have been working out but then I got sick and then I like quit and I regret that now. So now that I have found this channel I am going to be doing it, your story just inspired me!
I’ve just recently reached a good place in my mental health, I’m so much more happier and honestly overall just positive. So now that I am at that place I feel like I can totally follow all these videos and etc.
If you can do it I know I can too! If there is any way of being able to talk to everyone for free, could someone let me know?! Thank you so much!
hey girl hey!
i know exactly how you feel im going through those same feelings, i was never really fit but i suddenly became addicted to working out in the middle of college …i started going to the gym and did 15 min cardio and every week i Uped it by 5 min or harder resistance…i was at home and found cassey…this is back years ago lol when she first started posting videos i happened to find her all before these amazing plans …. i became addicted i went to the gym and it felt good and i did a video right before bed and i was in the best shape of my lifee…..idk what happened i was going thru stressful times and because of moving lost my gym and never tried to go back …so fast foward to now im the worst ive ever been and i came crawling back to cassey…this time she has so many videos to help target areas and plans to help keep u structured …stick with her she will take u to where u want to be
ive realized when u say i need to lose weight u run to a fast solution and then run away….when ur motivated to change you let the days and weeks go by because ur working for that bigger picture good luck to u!
I feel the same way as you! I’m 235 lbs as well. I’d been told when I was around 10 when I was gaining some weight that I had exercised-induced asthma. And, well, with a family on a budget fast food was the best option. Now I had a reason not to exercise and burn all of that fat off. Seeing that you could make that change really inspires me to keep up what I’m doing with the blogilates videos. c:
For the past couple of weeks or so I have been doing a really bad job of sticking to my work out schedule and healthy eating. And I really thought all my hard work before was for nothing. But reading this really helped me to realize that I can still get back on the right track and live healthy. Your story truly inspired me, thank you!!!! 😀
Just want to say I am so so so proud of you! You’re so inspiring and you’ve done amazingly! Keep going xx
Natasha you look so great! I showed this transformation story with my mom because i want her to work out. She was all like ” I am her size too” with this curious expression. She promised she’ll work out after she sorts some things at work. Guys she comes home at 7:00pm and is absolutely tired and exhausted. I don’t even feel like asking her to work out with me. Any ideas to motivate her? her stamina wouldn’t increase unless she works out right?
Congratulations on the healthier you! You look amazing!!!
I just love reading stories like this. When ever I feel unmotivated and down for something stupid the excuses for not working out or not eating properly are so easy to find. Then stories like this pop up in my mind and I realize that I should not complain.
Thanks for sharing!
Good job Natasha! Congrats! You look great!
Wow! That is totally awesome! I’m so inspired to do heavy workouts right now. Natasha is really amazing. 😀
Girl, you’re beautiful! keep on doing what you do – being positive and fighting towards your goals! 🙂
I LOVE transformation stories! They remind me that the only thing standing in my way is me. I can do this!
I’ve been “trying” to lose weight for about a year with almost no results. I’m now finally realizing that I was barely scratching the surface on my abilities and if I want serious results I need to make serious change. I made a blog to keep myself and my best friend motivated. If you need some motivation, come check it out!
Really disappointed as to how other people just make fun of one’s fitness journey/success. Found this –
I believe this won’t get in the way of Natasha’s journey. You are amazing and stories like yours motivates a lot like us to be better. ♥
Good job, Natasha! You are an inspiration to many who struggle to achieve their fitness goals. Keep it up! 😉
Good job, Natasha! Keep it up :^)
I am so inspired by her story. She’s amazing
Wow, thank you so much for sharing Natasha! I know how hard it is to put yourself out there about your transformation story, and it is truly inspirational! Maybe one day I will work up the courage to do the same 🙂
Natasha, great job on your remarkable weight loss journey. Thank you for inspiring us to stay motivated! You seem like a lovely, beautiful person. Congrats on your success and best of luck gaining some sexy muscles! p.s. I love Jillian’s 30 day shred, ripped, and blogilates too! you have great taste 😉
Congratulatons natasha!!ur story is truly inspiring…i was recently adviced by a doctor to get checked for PCOS and that just made me feel dejected and i started to think of it as the reason that i m not losing weight….i stopped working hard believing m nywayz not gona see results!!bt u really inspired me!!i think I m gonna give it my 110% again!!thnk u 🙂
It is sometimes really the mindset that needs a radical change to really achieve your goals, and it’s never too late to take the right turn. Even when someone is past 65 years old, they still should try and change their lifestyles, like for exemple, take a light run outside each and every day. It’s amazing to see some older people (sometimes with heart condiion) having such a determination as to wanting to live a healthy and long life, even when told by doctors that they shouldn’t do any type of exercises.
Natasha you look amazing in your after photos. Keep going all the way! I’ve experienced a big change in myself . I used to sit at the computer a lot and would feel tired out of no reason.
Thanks to our Big Sis Cassey for reminding us how to smile and feel better everyday 🙂
size 16 is obese to people in other countries??? / OMG Im a 12… trying for a 7, which in her country would be considered overweight i guess. anyway, 30 day shred is awesome Chris Powell is better if you need that “hotness” to motivate you.
I am so inspired by Natasha’s confidence to succeed no matter what life throws in her way. This is about allowing our spirits to soar despite the obstacles so that we can live life to the fullest.
Thank you so much for your story Natasha. Your confidence and beauty shine in your pics!
And, Cassey thank you for being such a positive influence!
I always love reading these stories and this one made me tear up, I dont know why! Probably because im so happy for you and because i feel like i can achieve the same things you achieved! I keep making excuses to myself that this is just my body and that i love my big bum and that i only live ones so i can eat whatever i want but as i said, excuses. In fact im just to lazy to work out and to eat healthy because its confusing on what to eat and what to buy from our supermarket. I have no reason to make excuses, i want to be fit and healthy and especially happy. I just came out of a terrible depression and for the first time in 6 years (im having this wish for 6 years) im going to england. And when i get back from that im confident that it gave me such a positive boost that i will start exercising and eating healthy again and hopefully achieve what so many POPsters already did and still do!
you look so amazing! wow thank you, i was feeling so bad and was about to give up after i had cheesecake and too lazy to work out yesterday, because i thought it’s taking too long. But because of you, i really see it is worth it! This is so inspirational <3
You look great!! Glad to see you found what works!
This is one amazing story! You look so well in the pictures and you really sparkle from them! And I love what you’ve said about loving your body. I think this is the bigger transformation, the mental one, to accept your body and love it instead of bickering about it and always be unhappy with how you look, when you actually look good. Keep on going and thank you so much for sharing this story with us! You are a strong and wonderful person! Everyone can reach their goals, they just have to start at some point and they have to do it alone (and for themselves). Nobody can do this for you, only you can change yourself!
I have been reading the Blog and of course doing the workouts for a while now, but this is the first time I’ve commented. This story really touched me, maybe because Natasha is a fellow UK Popster! But I just had to say that you look incredible Natasha, and you’ve given your body such a health boost, particularly in relation to your heart condition. You are an inspiration!
Wow Natasha, you are such an inspiration! Keep going girl.
And thank you Cassey for this post, I really needed it, it made my day 🙂
it is great to hear from other people with health problems! i have hypothyroidism that makes it impossible to lose weight like a normal person. it’s been a nine year struggle between the other symptoms of my disorder and the desire to be fit. even with medication i have to work hard and stay focused on my body goal, Cassey has really helped with this! Natasha i am so greatful for you sharing this story!
Did the password change? I cant log in to the August calendar. I am trying to workout again with ya’ll. I have been doing insanity, but now I am ready to do both.. please help.
I have this problem too 🙁
No the password didn’t change.Did you made sure that you used a capital “I”?
Amazing! Your gorgeous! I just started my serious continuous weight loss mission in May. I am so happyto see your positive results from hard work! Very encouraging 🙂
“I was always in denial about my size.”
It’s hard to not connect with you. I have always been in denial about my size, thinking, “I know I’m not skinny, but come on, I’m not THAT big.” Mostly it is because I was not always big – it only started senior year of high school and was on and off. Thanks to my motivating friends and the beautiful Cassey Ho I am now trying to get on track to be fit again!
Great job Natasha! xx
WOW! What a truly inspiring story. It definitely hit a nerve with me and made me cry. I, too, live with a heart condition. I struggle with exercise, especially cardio. After reading this, I believe I’m just making excuses. I’m on week 2 of the beginner’s challenge and loving it. But you have just inspired me to really kick it up a notch and go for it. What an amazing transformation! You are beautiful!!!
Thank you for sharing your story, Natasha!!
You are beautiful in both photos! Love the health turnaround!
Way to go Natasha! Your inspiring story is such motivation 🙂
This is truly an inspiring story. Natasha is so sweet and honest, and her transformation is unbelievable. Thank you for sharing this! Her positive attitude is definitely what I needed this week to get me through 🙂
Very very good job! I believe all these moments would somewhat gives you a self-reflecting journey too! I’m still in the middle of it and hope to complete my goal in this year. I’m still learning to cope with the stretch marks around my waist…
So glad to see that her workouts and meal plans look normal and not over-the-top! Real change can happen without slaving away for an hour a day and eating only celery and egg whites.
I agree! I loved her honesty and her attitude about working out/eating healthy.
I agree too! I love the way she writes. Her story is truly inspiring! 🙂
155.8lbs? You look much slimmer! You look great! With that incredible figure and that weight sure you are a tall girl. For me now you look perfect, just keep working to keep your body active and strong, and enjoy doing exercise!
Amazing!! You look great (:
Wow! Congratulations, girl! You look fab!
Good for you girl! In a society where we expect everything now you beat the odds and showed everyone that with patience and determination you can achieve your goals!
Thanks Natasha, this is exactly the inspiration I’ve been needing. No more “I’ll start on Monday” for me either. Congrats on your fabulous accomplishment! XO
AWESOME story. So inspirational!!! God bless you!
Wow! Such an inspirational story! I’m proud for you that you’ve come so far even I don’t know you!
You look amazing ! I hope i’ll also find my sprakle back.
wow thats amazing!! You look great, I cant wait to lose that amount of weight as I am just slightly smaller than you were in the start so now I can start to imagine what it will be like! 🙂
Congrats! This brought tears to my eyes. You are lovely inside and out.
Wow what an inspiring story!!!
You are gorgeous =)) congrats on your victory ;))
Cassey!! I have a question about the Pop Hiit 1 workout. Who many times per week I should do it?
Wow.. I also have long qt.. I found out when i being 17 aswell. I nearly died and i had a seizer in my sleep.I was lucky, i don’t have a pacemaker or a defibulator – they say i was to young ect. My father, also had an episode and he now has a defibulator. It’s also left me with post traumadic stress disorder.. From whats happened to me and my father, plus i was the one that helped bring him back to life after he was turning blue. I’ve always been the bigger girl and when working out i could do it, it was just a struggle if i did it to hard ect. I am now still working out and i’m going fine. If it’s alright, i may contact you sometime.. I mean, you being around my age bracket i’d like to know how you dealt with all this, what you went through.
I congratulate you!! I to wish to accomplish such a task. Thanks for listening.
amazing story and amazing person!!
wow you look amazing! 😀
What a beautiful girl, and WHAT an inspirational story, I teared up a little.
You’re stunning, Natasha, thanks for sharing your story!
Oh my Gosh !I was doing blogilateses videos for 15 days and then quit and cried cause i thought I will never make it, but when I saw this and readed it, I’m going back to the Fit Fight !
Congratulations on your new look !:)