Meeting Jillian! And a note about Dad :)
Meeting Jillian! And a note about Dad 🙂
Hey POPsters!
Hope you’re all having a fantastic weekend. I loved seeing all of your Cheap Clean Crepes! It’s so cool to put up a vid and see your variations of the recipe! Look, here’s one from POPster @allaboutami who did peanut butter and banana!
And here’s another from POPster @peanutbutterdancer – look at the professionalism! Nom nom nom!!
If you wanna see your food featured, just use the hashtag #cheapcleaneats and #blogilates and I will find you! Next week, we are making some savory items. I posted this on Instagram last week as I was experimenting and looks like y’all really wanna know how I made a healthy quesadilla dontcha?
It’s flourless and nope, there are no bananas and oats in this one. Guess you’ll just have to wait til Thursday to find out!
NOWWWWWWW. Listen up. Look at this pic. LOOK AT THIS PIC!
It’s Jillian Michaels! OMG. This happened. This just happened. I was at a SHAPE Magazine event that I bought tix to a while back. It was only $5 to take Jillian’s class live, so clearly I gobbled that up! It was located at Hermosa Beach and the weather was perfect!
She commanded us through her Hard Body workout and I liked it very much. It was a HIIT routine much like my POP HIITs. We did burpees, elbow pushups, knee crazies, and all sorts of side planks. It was kinda hard to see with everyone in front of me – but that didn’t matter! I obviously worked out hard and had a lot of fun. I actually met some POPsters at the event which made the whole experience even sweeter. At the end, I was fortunate enough to meet Jillian for a brief moment. She’s very nice and I really liked her energy. Though small in stature, she has big influence. I first learned of Jillian when I was in college. She was on Biggest Loser being all crazy – yelling at contestants – but what she brought to the fitness industry was some new flavor. She caught people’s attention, she scared them, and they listened. Though my style and hers are completely different (I talk about my nails and what I ate for breakfast while I kill you), we both know what it takes to make you work and to take control of your own life. So happy to have met her…I hope to see Jillian again!
Finally, for all the Daddios out there….
Here’s a silly pic me and the parentals took after the UCLA meet up a few months ago! I just wanted to say this about my dad. We went through some hard times and had major disagreements about my career path and my passions. His wishes and mine were completely different and as a 20 year old, it was really hard to deal with. I cried a lot in college (LIKE A LOT) not knowing how to please my heart and my parents’. Though I studied Biology and respected the subject, it was not in my blood to become a medical doctor. Some of you may be thinking, big deal just follow your heart! But in the stereotypical Asian culture, “if you’re not a doctor or a lawyer, then it doesn’t matter.” So after college, I moved far far away to the East Coast to leave things behind and let my more creative side flourish. Lots happened out there in Boston…my first job was def not my dream job, in fact I got the worst review of my life from my boss! It was humiliating…but life is so funny…because at the same time, one of my oGorgeous yoga bags (I started a yoga bag company in college when I started teaching) somehow creeped it’s way into SHAPE Magazine and I was like WHAT. I remember crying on the floor of TARGET when I opened the magazine and saw my bag. This was my sign. My sign to get out. Follow my heart.
I dedicated the next several unemployed months (my parents didn’t even know) to designing and development. Meanwhile to entertain myself (had so much more free time), I started blogging and YouTubing more. And to pay rent, I started teaching Pilates up to 12 times a week. It was really exhausting. But I also credit this time period to making me a better instructor.
Meanwhile…my parents tried to get me to go to grad school or get some job in the medical field! My dad was like any type of doctor please? Optometrist, Pharmacist, or Naturopath!? I didn’t like taking calls from my dad because it always made me sad that he didn’t believe in me. So we didn’t talk that much.
It was a time period of open-mindedness on both sides that helped us regain our relationship again. I never wanted to disappoint my parents. I always wanted to make them proud. So when I couldn’t fulfill their wishes when I was in college, I had no choice but to believe in myself and just go. I’m happy to say that today…Blogilates has brought us together again. Today both my mom and dad are big supporters of Blogilates and they love you guys. They read all of your comments and they call me daily to tell me about new ideas they have for y’all 🙂
So today, I wanna give a shout out to my dad for his open-mindedness and his unconditional love for me and our family. We’ve been through rough times but all that matters is that today we are happy. Thank you for being a cool dad and wearing a neon green headband 😉
Happy Father’s Day!
Go tell your dad you love him!
<3 Cassey
54 thoughts on “Meeting Jillian! And a note about Dad :)”
There are 54 comments posted by our users.
I’m crying as I read about your story, I hope I get to make it that right someday. I had some disagreements with my parents when trying to decide what I would do for a living, I’m such an artistic person, I thought about designing, languages, art, music, modeling but my parents just told me that wouldn’t pay my bills or get me a house. I started a career as an Engineer just to annoy them but it came to be they loved the idea! I went on and on, I first hated it and the teachers and classmates just made me feel ok with it, maybe even feel like I was loving it, I got my degree and then again my parents pressed on me to go for a master. We moved to another town and I started the master, but I don’t feel it is my passion, I do because I’m afraid to fail, because of all the time I’ve invested into it, ’cause I’m afraid I might disappoint my parents… But I’m not loving it at all, and my “boss” and the teachers make it much harder, few months ago I got married and I’m really glad because of that but it’s a pain to wake up everymorning and not feeling that you just don’t know what to do with your life or that you made a mistake… I wish I had had the strenght to stay up and say, that’s not what I want for my life… It’s really inspiring to read you and work out with you, it gives me the strenght inside and outside to keep going. Thank you so much!
Jillian Michaels is so lucky that she got to meet you.
I’m so surprised! I alwayyyys thought Jillian was super tall–I guess she’s one of those people who look bigger than they really are, haha. And it’s inspiring to know that you do what you love and have so many rooting for ya.
Can I make the crepe with almond flour? I don’t have coconut and can’t seem to find it anywhere…
Hey Cassey 🙂 The post about your dad and how you started out brought a tear to my eye! Like, honestly. I’ve been unemployed for a few months now because we’re moving interstate, and now I feel inspired to make better use of my time & do something towards my career while I’m in limbo! I’d love to be a fitness instructor and you’re actually my celebrity and inspiration. Your workouts keep me sane, and help me to remember my passion when sometimes I forget, especially when people might not believe it to be the best career move. Pleeeeeeease never stop!
xxxo Faith
Aww!!! You’ll find your passion and your way 🙂
OMIGOD i am so jealous that you met JILLIAN MICHAELS because she is honestly my inspiration and my hero!!! I love her aggresiveness and her attitude !! I am beyond… JEALOUS!!!! You are so lucky . I hope you really enjoyed meeting her because I Would have died lol (:
I think it is so awesome that you followed your dream and became successful at what you love to do. That right there is the true American dream. I know a lot of different cultures feel that it is important to become a doctor or a lawyer because that is the only way to be successful and have the American dream. Good for you for proving to yourself, your parents, and everyone that if you are doing what you are passionate about and putting a lot of hard work into it that is how to gain success. You are a role model to all so keep it up. I have been having fun following along in the beginner Blogilates calendar this month so maybe in July I can do the July “big girl” calendar. 🙂
I’m glad to hear about your renewed relationship with your parents. The “doctor/lawyer” mentality used to make me seriously angry until I heard an interview recently with Derek Sivers on the Foolish Adventure podcast. He tried to explain his experiences with this mentality through the eyes of a roommate from Singapore, so now at least I see both sides of the coin. Sort of 🙂
I’m loving your recipes, I love your workouts, love reading your blogs..I love you! LOL That’s so super cool you got to meet J.M!
I don’t think it’s just asians being pressured in to the medical industry. I’m hispanic and I live in South Texas and right here mostly everyone goes in to the medical field because that’s whats expected and needed here . Being hispanic ALL of my family is always together so everyone expects me to go in to medical and I tell them that’s not what I want to do and when I tell them my major they start asking why am I even doing that, it’s not going to take me anywhere, etc. Sometimes I do lie and tell them something they want to hear but I mean if I were to do what I wanted to do of course I would move out. But right now I just really want to go to college somewhere else because I’m not being able to believe in myself while everyone is just trying to constantly bring me down. Even when I tell my “friends” I get the same reaction.
At what age did you move out ? Cause I really want to move out already, I’m just not sure when would be the right time.
I totally understand about the Asian culture! This story is so inspiring.
I love following you and your workouts! I can definitely relate to the last part of this post. My family (mostly my mom) keep telling me to change my major to one that makes more money. They still give me suggestions about what I could major in. But my hearts been set on one thing, and that is to help kids (specifically abused/ suicidal ones) and I chose social work as my major (not a very high paying job). I have learned that I need to do what is right for me and not just what my family wants!
So beatutiful your story. I hope someday my parents will get me too.
I’m from Brazil and I found out about your blog last week. I was so glad that since there I haven’t stopped visiting it.
Sorry about my english, I’m still learning.
Thank you very much for sharing your story about your relationship with your dad. It was a very courageous move for you to pursue your dream – way to go!!! I am so glad that your family is supportive and that your story ends with reconciliation and encouragement. That is a wonderful gift 🙂
The part you wrote about your dad left me with tears in my eyes. It is so sweet how your parents are so supportive now, the loving way you write about them says a lot about how everything changed between your parents and you! And those headbands look great on them ;D
Awesome story about you and your dad! BTW Jillian is my other favorite fitness guru! it’s awesome you got to meet!
Great post Cassey! And that was a lovely comment your dad left 🙂
I remember you talking about the struggles you had with your dad before and how he came around. You something dawned on me. Your dad wasn’t that far off. I mean you are working to get and keep people healthy. It’s just not in the way he thought it would be. I’m sure having studied Biology has made you an even better trainer than you would have been if you hadn’t. This tells me that your dad did see some special quality in you. Maybe he didn’t fully understand how to bring it out in you or where it would take you. Even though you guys have some struggles you ended up where you were suppose to be. Your dad ended up being amazingly supportive.
Thanks for another real getting to know you post.
Melody that’s a great way of keeping it positive! Did not think of that- sometimes good intentions just aren’t articulated or delivered well by parents. So See Cassey dad was on the right track AND you put it all together. Yeah med. field can be SO useful guys. Even if its just to get health /nutrition education. pS looks great in resumes;)
To Cassey and all Popsters around the world,
You are welcome Cassey !
Life is truly a journey for all of us to learn and earn experience in many different ways. Relationships are meant to be selflessly caring with open-minded love. We all go through peaks and troughs to learn and earn. As a parent, a father, and as a human being like anybody else, Dad also learned how to take care of everyone in the family. Earning experience comes from practicing showing care with open-mindedness. The true results and lessons arrive when the dedication of both hearts and minds are mutual. We are is who we are . However, we are not static. With the right open-mindedness, it comes with enlightenment for the new daily growth. Soon, the growth becomes solid thoughts. With solid thoughts and daily practices, the new awakenings naturally arrive.
As a father, I saw lots of potential from Cassey and Jackelyn. Each one has her own uniqueness.
With Cassey’s excellent academic performance in Biology major, I could not help myself by seeing that she would grow into the medical field as a doctor or equivalents. The lesson that I learned was that EQUIVALENTS have an esoteric meaning : passion, dedication, and compassion, The awakening for me came when Cassey proved that with the right ingredients ( passion, dedication, and compassion) you can make all kinds of dishes. In addition, the open-mindedness has always been the key for me to reach another world, Cassey’s world !
It is a new world for Dad with blogging, Facebook, Tumbler, Instagram, YouTube,…….etc. Combining with my other life experiences, Dad also grows and see more. The biggest lesson of all is to really know yourself well through thoughts and actions. The thoughts must be kind and the actions must be selfless. You are right ! sometimes it may take the whole life time or more to practice to see some results. After all, it is about continuous life enlightenment !
Should your parents not see your path, find a way to demonstrate your passion. The disagreement can be humbly solved by being honest and open-minded to all because that is the way the new energy truly comes and soon you will gain confidence and growth.
Moreover, as a Dad, I continue practicing the philosophy of being passion, dedication and compassion to not only the family but to all that I am in touch with.
Indeed, Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there.
Happy Father’s Day Mr.Ho!
Thanks for giving a father’s point of view.
Hi Charlie!
Thanks for the greetings. I guess Cassy picked up her philosophy and ability to inspire from you!
Great post Dad!
We appreciate the wisdom and reminder that we never stop growing! Thanks for the tough girl you helped create;0)
Hey cassey, I’m from Germany and started to train with your videos about 1 year ago.
When I was 15, I decided to live healthier and to lose weight ,because I was very thick.
I weighed 105 kg. I started to exercise and to eat healthy.
Now I weigh 60 kg and I feel better than in the past.
I had a very hard time in school, because children can be very cruel when someone else is different and does not fit into the usual image.
I love your videos and you are inspiring me a lot to get up and continue living healthy and reaching for my goals.
I wanted to say thank you for this.
Maybe you can help me, because I’ve got some problems lately.
For several days, I have no strength and power to go through your workouts.
I don’t know what it could be or why .
I’m jogging 40 minutes every day and i do 2 hours of your pilates videos .
Do you think I’m doing too much?
Thank you so much cassey for beeing who you are.
I love your workouts and i love blogilates and i can’t wait to see your new workouts and cheap clean eats videos 🙂
Many greetings from germany
Hi Cassey! That class was probably a blast! So lucky to meet Jillian – my two favorite trainers! I must try the crepes soon too! And your family is very beautiful Cassey :3 Happy fathers day to your dad!
Great post! It’s fun to get to “know you” and hear about your life. Thanks again for all that you do for us!!
I love your story! That you defeat all difficulties and create your own life! My story is little different – my grandparents always wanted me to stay in Poland and be a doctor or lawyer. That also choose high school for me! Horrible! So i went to the worst school in my city to show them, that our successs depends only on us, our hard work and motivation – I end up that school with one of the best grades and results in my town. And here I wanted to say, that my dad is my biggest motivation. He never role me that I HAVE to do something. I just had to study and leave my country as soon as possible. I decided to study zoology, because that’s in my heart, but where’s no such studies in Poland, so I have to leave anyway;) I really love him and I want to help him, but now I have to reach my own goals, including changing my body with your videos, Cassey:) I’ve never had any overweight, but I’m sooooo small (only 1,60 m), so I have to be toned. No one believes in me, but I made it! Thanks to you, Cassey, I’m so happy like I never was!! Never have up, all of you!
Sorry, if I made any mistake:(
Hey Cassey! Reading your blog posts made me realise how much in common all we Asians are .My dreams were always to be a performing artists and to learn more on the artistic stuff but my parents have always never agreed with this. In Malaysia, at the age of 15, we have to be prepared by this year for next year, to pick which path we want go to in the future and which for me it’s always been arts stream.At first I thought my mum will be proud of me and will give me all her support as she too had the same dream as me but there was this one day where I read her message by accident which she sent to my aunt in the overseas saying that my dream won’t last and I will eventually I’ll change my mine and that she too shared the same dream as me when she was young but she ended up in a shitty company in the end anyways. And to be honest I am not those strong people to just brush it off, instead I cried that very night because I felt hurt not only because that she said those word but they way she said them like was like she never believed in me or my dreams, like I am still a child who is never gonna reach the top. I am so sick of our Asian society always pushing us down whether is our dream or our image it is OUR right not theirs to judge us or push us down. But reading you post made my heart warm knowing that I can achieve anything no matter how much everyone disagrees with it .I just need to believe in myself like I always do. Thanks, Cassey! <3 ya .keep going further I will always be your supporter 🙂
Haha… Cassey… My parents also designed my family’s career path! XD whether we liked it or not…. LOL… Otherwise I wouldn’t be in law school now, since they gave me a lot of indicators i.e. a lot – including my chinese name, my birth date and time numbers, my own personality as well as highlighting my own personal interest as to what justice is. XD . That being said, I know their best effort to do so is probably because they have my best interests at heart and they know better… well at least, most of the time! Haha… I hope you had a blast celebrating Father’s day! Best regards and Pop on! *BTW – Cool green headband.
LOL!!!! Everything about me was very calculated too…like when I should be born, my chinese name etc.
Hi Cassey,
I’ve watched your videos for years but never felt inspired to write in before. This post really struck a chord with me. It was so real, so open and so inspirational. I think that a lot of us have felt this pull between what society expects of us and what we dream for ourselves. Thank you for shedding light on your own struggles and giving us the courage to step outside the box and pursue the passion that lies within us. You have definitely inspired me to take a leap of faith, so thanks! I hope to meet you one day in the future, for me it would be like meeting Jillian Michaels was for you 🙂 please keep doing what you’re doing and thanks once again!
yes i hope to meet you one day too!
I definitely am beyond grateful for having my dad. He has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life. I go more into detail about it on my blog if you wanted to read it
Thanks Cassey for sharing your story. I can relate to you and I’m so happy that everything worked out for you! Love your workouts… you’re are such an inspiration to me! I read your older posts and I am going to start a vision/inspiration board to remind me what makes me happy and what is important.
Thanks for sharing your life with us… You’re amazing!!!! I love all your videos!! You changed the way I see myself. Ohh thanks for the recipes too… loving your cooking videos. Hum… draw my life blogilates edition video please = )
I know! Trying to work on draw my life!!!
Hey Casey! Thanks so much for featuring the Instagram photo of my crepes! They were delish 🙂 I think you switched the photos though (I’m @AllAboutAMi)- mine is the second one! Both pics look great though! Thanks for the awesome recipe!
Cassey and Jillian…my two favorite fitness people in one place. I just died. 😀
Hi Cassey!
Thanks for sharing your story. I can totally relate, coming from a really strict family with high career expectations for me. I’m such a big fan of your workouts and recipes and now I am an even bigger fan of you!
I’m sorry to hear that you and your dad had rough spots, but I’m so happy you’ve been able to patch things up. I’m sure you both mean the world to each other! 🙂
yes, you are right!!
Hi Cassey! Thank you for telling the story about your father and dreams!! I’m in a similar situation right now, feeling that what I am supposed to do isn’t what my heart is telling me to do… and having to say that to my mom and that she doesn’t agree… is hard… But I have the determination to follow my heart and I know one day she will understand! Reading your story really gave me more hope and faith in me and the future =) THANK YOU!
I’ve been longing to make this request for you and I just want it more and more every time I read through your lovely blogs. Okay, ahem, so here it comes: “Please make a Draw-my-life-video”!!!
Humbled wishes from Anne in Denmark 😉
yes I am trying to write it up but it’s so jam packed with stories…it’s almost hard! but yes yes i will 😉
Wow i love u soooo much cassey! im going through high school and i dont really trust my parents either. Actually, i think u r my biggest motivator. i wish i could meet u so badly. i play varsity volleyball and i run for track, and every time i feel like giving up i just remind myself of those days when i forced myself to do a heap of your workouts, and i made myself stick with it to the end. ill think of your voice telling us not to give up and that we can achieve if we believe. Stay strong for yourself and the many people who look up to you!
Cassey, this is a great post. Thank you so much for sharing that information about your struggles with your parents, and the stages you went through to follow your dream.
I am in a similar situation myself with an unsupportive parent. I can only hope that my YouTube videos are even an inch as successful as yours and that I too receive a sign that I am following the right path.
Big love <3
Mel xxx
just keep following your heart and doing what feels right!
You’re great. Thanks for being open and sharing your story!
OMG you met Jillian! I love her to death and would have been incredibly starstruck! 😀
thanks for sharing this little background story on how you started blogilates! I’m deeply in awe of anyone who exactly knows their passion and turns it into a career, I don’t feel like I have one and I feel sad and without a real purpose and it makes finding a job right now really hard 🙁 kudos for following your heart and achieving success!
Hey Claudia
Your post struck a chord with me, and I just wanted to say don’t give up hope!! It took me many years to find my calling and only now am I actually pursuing it..and that is all thanks to Cassey and Blogilates. She truly is an inspiration, isn’t she!
Good luck with finding your dream..You never know what is around the corner!
Hugs & positive vibes 🙂
Mel xxx
Thanks Cassey. I too blew off a traditional dream to follow my own of being a writer, and I know what a scary path it can be. Your positivity is a consistent inspiration to me, and your workouts are some of the only ones I have ever connected with and wanted to do. I’m determined to reach my goal, and glad I have blogilates to accompany me to it!
yay!!! go you for pursuing YOUR true dreams 🙂