Low Carb, Low Cal Peanut Miso Kelp Noodles!


kelp noodles

Hey POPsters!!!

Today is the day I show you how to make my most FAVORITE dish when I go out to eat. And FYI when I go out, I love eating vegan – I just do. It is so creative, flavorful, and perfect. One of the loveliest places to meet a friend for lunch or dinner is Cafe Gratitude. There’s one on Larchmont and one in Venice – please go if you are ever in the LA area!

Above is a photo of my version of the “I am Terrific” kelp noodles at Cafe Gratitude. This plate is $13 there. I’m gonna show you how to make a serving for under $3! Watch my new episode of Cheap Clean Eats now!

If you’ve never had kelp noodles, you MUST try them. They are only 6 cals a serving with zero net carbs (1g carb of which 1g is actually fiber.) They are also a highly nutrient dense food. The kelp plant has over 70 minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, and more than 21 amino acids! Kelp is the main food for many sea creatures. Though some people market kelp noodles as raw, I am unsure if is actually is since it does have to be processed to look like a noodle. Anyway, still a great food if that is not a problem for you.

INGREDIENTS (4 servings):

1 Package Kelp Noodles (got these from Vitacost.com, couldn’t find in my local store. They also ship internationally!)

1 Tbsp Miso Paste

3 Tbsp Peanut Butter

1 Tbsp Sesame Oil

1/2 Cup Water

1 Avocado

4 Stems Kale

Handful Sunflower Sprouts

Dash of White Pepper

Dash of Salt 

Dash of Sesame Seeds


1. Drain the kelp noodles and rinse in a bowl of water. Cut with scissors so that they start to fall apart. This also makes it easier to eat.

2. To make the sauce, mix the miso paste, peanut butter, sesame oil, and water in a blender.

3. Cut avocado into small chunks.

4. De-stem the kale then slice it thinly. Add to noodles.

5. Mix the sauce in with the noodles and kelp. Add the salt and pepper to taste. Then carefully add in the avocado chunks.

6. Make sure all is covered in the thick, creamy sauce, then serve on a plate and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.

kelp noodles


OMG seriously one of the most delicious things I have ever made. Creamy, crunchy, fresh, and BURSTING with flavor. This one is a WINNER. If Cheap Clean Eats could give out an award for Best Main Dish of the Season, it’d be this one. It tastes like restaurant quality food and can be made in under 20 min!

Please hashtag #cheapcleaneats when you make this so I can see how yours turns out. Let me know how you LOVE this dish. And also, what should I make next?

Thanks so much and have a FABULOUS start to your weekend!

<3 Cassey

34 thoughts on “Low Carb, Low Cal Peanut Miso Kelp Noodles!”

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  1. Malena says:

    I really want to make this today butI was wondering if I could do it with rice noodles? they are the closest thing I have to kelp ones (and yes I know, more carbs) but sometimes you gotta work with what you got, right? Oh and also, how much grams or ounces is in that packet? I will just eyeballl how much if I dont get an answer by the end of the day.

    1. randine says:

      I use spinach noodles instead because I cannot find kelp noodles… they are basically veggie infused rice noodles and they taste great!

  2. Eline says:

    What can I substitute the kale for? It’s summer and they are nowhere to find..

    Thank you! -xxx-

    1. Stephanie says:

      Spinach maybe..

    2. Erin says:

      Believe it or not, brussel sprouts make an awesome kale alternative. Just pull apart the leaves and/or thinly slice some of them up! 🙂

  3. Meg says:

    hey cassey!!
    I know of a really healthy version of spaghetti. Its called Spaghetti squash.
    Look for it at your local grocery store (we get it at wholefoods)
    basically you just bake the squash and then it comes out in strings like spaghetti. Then you just add tomato sauce.
    It seriously is so delicious I prefer it over real spaghetti!!

  4. Tahlia says:

    Made it. It was good. The second time I made it I added cilantro and lime juice and it was awesome!

  5. kacy says:

    This is a great salad but I want a little more flavor so I’ll look for a stronger flavored Miso. Also, I found the noodles at http://www.netrition.com for only $3.09 and I did not have to purchase 3 pks like Vitacost
    As far as the flavor of these noodles, they had no taste, they just pick up the other flavors but they are VERY crunchy which I was not expecting. They are GOOD.

    1. Malena says:

      Hey, just wondering, how many ouneces in each packet? About 12 oz?

  6. kacy says:

    The recipe calls for Sunflower “Sprouts” but then they are never mentioned again. In fact, you don’t mention them in the video either??? What are they or was that a typo and it was suppose to say sunflower seeds??, which I think would be yummy:)

  7. Made it and loved it so much that I put it on my blog with a shout out to Blogilates (http://www.brooklynsalt.com/2013/12/peanut-miso-kale-and-kelp-noodles.html#more)!
    Plus, I’m using the extra ingredients to make a kale and kelp miso soup since it’s pretty cold and wet here in Brooklyn.

  8. Bonnie says:

    I couldn’t find kelp noodles but I was dying to try this so I got rice noodles (which are MUCH higher calorie!). Also couldn’t find miso paste so I got a packet of soup mix and used that instead. All in all it was REALLY tasty. I will try ordering some kelp noodles and miso paste (I live in a small town and it’s hard to find weird ingredients) but this one’s a keeper if it tastes any where near as good as the way I made it!

    1. Malena says:

      Yeah me tooo! And how much grams/oz of rice noodles did you use?

  9. Stephanie says:

    Hi Cassey! I found kelp noodles at Whole Foods, and am (at this VERY moment, eeeek!) making a version of your peanut miso kelp noodles 😀 So excited! I don’t have kale or sunflower seeds, though, so I’m substituting broccoli and red & yellow peppers. Thank you for such a great recipe! Keeping up with Blogilates is more of a challenge, but I’m doing my best 🙂 XOXO

  10. Tori says:

    I just made it for dinner and OMG it is amazing!

  11. Cafe Gratitude is one of my favorite restaurants! I like usually get their mexican bowl or veggie burger but this looks amazing!! And I would much rather make it at home for $2.50 than pay $14!

    Have you tried their desserts? I had their key lime pie the last time I was there and it was insanely awesome. It’s made with avocado and coconut I believe. You should try to make that next!

    1. A3 says:

      She made key lime pie for an episode of cheap clean eats already, but i gotta say avocado and coconut sounds pretty delicious too

  12. Natalie says:

    Well I know what I’m having for dinner tomorrow!


  13. Sophie says:

    This recipe looks great! I absolutely LOVE kale. Vegan Day is coming up and I’ll be writing healthy recipes on my blog. In the meantime, check out my new fitness tips here: sophs-choices.blogspot.co.uk

  14. Andreanne says:

    I can’t seem to find Kelp noodles anywhere… Does anyone live in the Quebec area and knows where to find some?


  15. My go to “low carb” noodles – Spaghetti Squash hands down. I have had a few bad experiences with Kelp Noodles… Maybe because they are very fiber-rich and I ate too much? lol! I think I got a little too excited when I first discovered them. Spaghetti Squash seems to sit far better with me 🙂

    I need to be on the look out for sunflower sprouts though. Those sound interesting.

  16. Cassey this looks amazing! I may have to make this in the very near future! I love taking inspiration from restaurants and remaking it. Not only is it waay cheaper but normally better for you because your controlling the sugar,fat and salt content. Great recipe remake:) Check out my “Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie” recipe video on my YouTube Channel: http://youtu.be/vA_G_T7-U-w

  17. Alexandra says:

    This looks so amazing! I love that you incorporated kale and avocados in it to give it more flavor! Also, anything with peanut butter is a simple win in my book ;D


  18. Cara says:

    Hi Cassey! I wanted to put in a request for a beginner’s meal plan! The same way it’s hard to get into exercising it’s definitely hard to go from regular eating habits to clean ones. I love that the workout calendars have one thing week or so to make (though the ingredients can be hard to find sometimes!) but I would love it if you could make a meal plan for people just beginning to eat clean. The ones you have now are great but hard to START a diet change with because they are so strict. I’m finally at a place where I love to work out and make time for it no matter what (thanks to you! 🙂 ) but I’m still really struggling to shift my eating, beyond one or two substitutions a week and I feel that the same way your calendars got me committed, so would a beginner’s meal plan. Thanks for everything you do! 🙂

  19. Lam Lam says:

    I love these kelp noodles! I have just been adding them to soups, but now I just found my favorite way to eat these! More Cheap Clean Eats please <3


  20. Betty Taylor says:

    I had made up my mind that I didn’t like this dish until I got to the end and you were raving about it. Now I’m wondering if I am missing out on something really great. I guess that means I am going to have to give it a try. I have never eaten kelp noodles. I don’t even know where to buy them but I think I need to figure it all out. Thanks for sharing your recipe and your opinion.

  21. Rachel says:

    how many calories did u say?

  22. Marit says:

    Looks deliscious!

  23. Taylor says:

    This sounds so amazing! I cannot wait to make this! I need to get my hands on some kelp noodles 🙂

  24. kemi says:

    There’s a Cafe Gratitude in Berkeley, CA too! My friend invited me there once, it was really yummy!

  25. Cassy says:

    I’m super interested in trying but can anyone tell me what the kelp noodles actually taste like? What’s the texture and flavour?
    I’m all for mixing things up (LOVE spaghetti squash), but I couldn’t down the shiritaki noodles from earlier, just too rubbery and slimy tasting for my liking.

    1. kacy says:

      These noodles really don’t have a taste, just tons of crunch!!