Legs on Fire + 1st Nike Winner!
Legs on Fire + 1st Nike Winner!
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
This is your “new video” for Monday’s #thisisMYJULY calendar and also the last workout in the On Fire series…Legs!!! There are a lot of new moves in this one so I encourage you to click play and preview the workout, then try it! It’s fun and challenging! This routine will really sculpt your inner thighs, outer thighs, quads, calves, and glutes! Oh boy. It’s a toughie but a goodie!
And now…it is time to announce our first Nike Shoe winner! Thank you for following the instructions on the calendar and sharing the POP HIIT printables on facebook! Below the picture of the shoes you will find our first winner. If you don’t get it this week, you have 4 more chances to score! Next week is all about sharing the THAT POWER POP HIIT 3 and the BLURRED LINES POP HIIT 4 on Pinterest as your entries. This is where you’ll want to go to see the printable you’ll need to repin on Tuesday and Thursday: http://pinterest.com/blogilates/blogilates-printables/
And without further adieu…the winner of her very own pair of brand new Nikes is…
Candace Maish!!!
Congrats Candace…thanks for being a loyal follower of Blogilates and for sharing my workouts with your friends! I will be emailing you with details and asking for size, color, addy etc. Once again, big huge thanks to WeightTraining.com for prettifying my POPster’s feet with my fave neon trainers! Ok guys, have a great start to your week! Train hard and eat well!
Ohhhhh…speaking of eating….
I YOLO’d this weekend and I YOLO’d HARD.
This is the Traditional 14″ Chicago Deep Dish Pizza at Masa in Echo Park topped with ridiculous amounts of cheese, sausage, and mushroom. These pics do not do it justice. I swear it was larger than life. When the pizza came out I screamed and said, “OH MY GAWD!!!!! INSTAGRAM!!! HOLD ON!!!!” I like showing you guys these pics because I want you to know that it’s ok to eat indulgent food once in a while! I go hard once a week…and this is what it looks like What’s your ultimate YOLO meal?
<3 Cassey
36 thoughts on “Legs on Fire + 1st Nike Winner!”
There are 36 comments posted by our users.
LOVE LOVE LOVE MY LEGS NOW!!!! Nice and tight hamstrings. Thank u CASSEY!!!!!!
I had so much fun with this workout! Thanks Cassey!
Hey Casey!
It was amazing, obviously!
The saddlebag shaver is an AMAZING MOVE! Thank you for it!
And today was my YOLO meal because my family went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory!! (Can you say yummy???)
Hi Cassie ! I’ve been watching your video’s for months now, and i think that i am finally going to commit to a healthy lifestyle. I tried your legs on fire, and i have been doing your Popilates for a week. They really help with my body and with the fat im trying to burn. So i’d just like to thank you for being so inspirational because you changed my life :’ ) .
I really liked the last move in the video.
that pizza is outrageous! almost as outrageous as the leg workout…feel the burn!
Hey! Loved this workout! I also love your mat. Is it available for purchase? I didn’t see it in your store. I don’t have a mat and wondered if it would help me when I do my workouts. Thanks!
it will be avail soon!
Hey Cassie!!
Firstly thanks a lot for all the work that you do. <3 I started watching your videos last month cuz they were shared on fb sometimes so I decided to look you up and started using your workout calender!
The thing is though I'm running East Asian time… and I usually do my exercises in the morning
So I was wondering if it's possible for you to upload your vid/printables a day earlier! For example "That power pop hiit" for july 9th isn't up yet.. I've been using your other workout videos instead whenever this happened, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Thanks a lot Cassie!! x
Enjoyed the workout today! Tough Love Handles is always a challenge! Like legs on fire too esp the squat roll-up thing- I kept falling over lol
Working hard! thanks for the great work outs!
and btw i freakin love that pizza at MASA next time yolo meal at pizza bouna in echo park
please will you make a stretching video for the box/middle splits?xxxx
Congrats Candace! My fav move from the Legs on Fire was def the Saddlebag Shaver. I could feel all the muscles in my leg, my obliques, and pretty much every arm muscle! I love a triple play workout =)
Congrats Candace! That pizza looks lush. Can’t wait to complete todays workouts, I’ve been preoccupied with exams and studying lately so I haven’t had the chance to really workout in ages, but I’m back to working out daily and the July calendar is helping a lot. Thanks Cassey, I don’t know what I’d do without these videos they really are great!
Congratulations Candace!
Congratz!!! And I just got distracted by that beautiful monster of a pizza! My goal is to eat that one day.
OMG! I had a thin crust mushroom pizza from Dominos and thought yolo. You went YOLO!!
Good for you!
CONGRATS CANDACE!! Enjoy those Nikes!
Favorite move from Legs On Fire: the saddlebag shaver ,of course! I love the not-so-typical moves, I always feel those the most! <3
Pizza is definitely Cheat Day worthy as well as Lasagna and good old Ben & Jerrys!
YAY congrats to the lucky winner!!
Congrats Candace!
Congratulations! omg that pizza *-*
Can’t wait to workout today ^^
Oh well, stil have 4 chances..
I really wanted to win…:(
But congrats Candance!
congrats dear!!
That pizza looks INSANE! Definitely YOLO:)
And congrats to the winner!
Bummer, nobody wants those shoes more than meee;(
But congrats to the winner!
Darn it! But Congrats Candace!
, Oh my lana…that is a killer pizza… : O
Sad but at least we got some more chances
Thanks so much for the new WO! Oh, and thank you SO MUCH for sharing that amazing pizza pic! Definitely makes me feel better about YOLOing yesterday, knowing that my fitness instructor does it too and LOVES making herself feel good with not-so-fit food. Our bodies do need that thrill, I think, and what with my recent super-commit to getting fit, I think I may have been a little too hard on myself concerning my YOLO meal. Thanks for having such a great view on ALL kinds of yumminess, and not just on the clean eating side! So encouraging to “know” someone who views food as something to delight in, not just as food or as an enemy. Love ya, girl!
My fave YOLO food is anything with cheese! gotta try making that 88 mac’n’cheese – it would make my life a lot easier!
I love the saddlebag shaver, I am a beginner quite chunky and trying to lose weight and this move really made me feel on track and like I could do it. I found the other moves really difficult and although I tried, because I couldn’t do them properly I didn’t put my full effort into them. I could feel the saddlebag shaver really working and I feel really good now, thank you so much Cassey! Going back for another vid

but congratulations Candace Maich!
Darn… its not me =(…. Congrats Candace ! Enjoy the new shoes !!
Congrats! and OMG THAT PIZZA I WANT >.>
legs on fire was amazing also