I used to sell cookies for a living #tbt
I used to sell cookies for a living #tbt
Hey guys!
So today is Throwback Thursday so I wanted to throw it waaaayyyy back to when I was 12. Look at Fetus Cassey!
#tbt to when I hand baked and sold cookies & candy for a living. No, for real…true story.
When I was in middle school and high school I used to make chocolate lollipops and addictive buttercream cookie sandwiches that sold like wildfire across campus. It started with me melting down my own Halloween candy and turning them into little balls. As many of you know…I can’t eat chocolate (I’m a super taster so that means things like chocolate, coffee, and arugula are super bitter to me) so I didn’t know what to do with my candy inventory except for create something new and try to give it to my friends! They ended up really liking it, so I did what any business-minded kid would do. I started charging them for it 🙂
Me with super bleached hair. I carried that bag with me to school every single day!
I ended up having 5 student “employees” who sold with me throughout high school as COOPLEX expanded. Things got so busy that my amazing mommy had to step in and help me bake batches and batches of cookies every night to have enough goods for the next day distribution! Haha, oh man.
Things were not always awesome though. I remember someone robbed me once when I was changing in the locker room before tennis practice. Then another time, this girl who was selling for me ended up stealing all the money she made and never paid me for the cookies I gave her to sell. It didn’t happen often, but it happened,. Tough times as a teen! In the end, it taught me how to be a better businesswoman. 🙂
OMG look at that computer! SOOO OLD SCHOOL!
You want to trust everyone you meet, but the truth is, you can’t. So when you do find your tribe of friends who will have your back no matter what, do WHATEVER you can to keep them close to you. In your lifetime, what you will remember most are the experiences you have with other people. So keep those experiences positive and those people positive as well. Just recently after posting about Hot Body Year Round on my personal Facebook, some of my high school friends were like “Cassey! So you knew what you were doing all along didn’t you!? Fatten us up, then sell us a fitness program!? Evil.”
LOL!! I guess I’m brilliant aren’t I!?
You know, I’ve always loved creating and sharing. Whether it’s in the form of sugar or in workouts, I try to spread happiness as best as I can. It’s just really ironic how my business has evolved. People used to say I was going to be the next Mrs. Fields! I actually did an interview with Tom Bilyeu, President of Quest Nutrition talking all about my business insights – sharing quirky stories like these! If you want to see what “Business Cassey” is like, then check this out:

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30 thoughts on “I used to sell cookies for a living #tbt”
There are 30 comments posted by our users.
Cool story!
I agree Claudia. You are looking so younger. For more details please visit our website @ http://bptpprincesspark.co.in/
Hi Cassey!
I ordered the book early so I can get the tote and I didn’t receive one. I read the comments here and I understand that I have to go to this link http://www.hotbodybook.com and fill out a form but I couldn’t find one. Could you please be more specific? Thank you!!!
P.S. I really want the tote! 🙂
Hi everyone, I already received my book today but I haven’t gotten the tote bag yet. Anyone know when we would be receiving it?
So, looked for the form on hotbodybook.com. Not seeing it. I know it’s just a tote bag but I really wanted it. I ordered my book in Feb & got it. I’m super excited about. Please help!
Your cookie/candy idea sounds cool even though it was against the rules.
Love this! I’ve started my own travel blog, and although it’s different than selling cookies, I understand he struggle to better your personal business and get yourself out there. Thanks for sharing Cassey!
-Claire, tallgirlbigworld.com
How cute! I used to sell pet rocks and drawings! 😀
Hey Cassey… You’re looking so so so cute as 12 yr old Cassey. Love you a lot. Working out w/ you is really FUN. You know when I do pilates w/ blogilates, I don’t feel tired, though as a beginner I have to pause & resume in some moves. You’re our teacher, trainer, instructor but most importantly our friend. One more thing I wanna add here, don’t get me wrong, but during some of the moves I make some really weird noises, a bit loud, that even I myself think “Oh man, its like I’m having an intense orgasm.” And then I laugh over that stupid, funny, yet weird thought. Hahaa… Love you a lot, take care. God bless you! <3
OMG that second picture looks like it was recently taken! you haven’t aged at all, you still look like your younger self :O
Aaaah, wow, that is so cute Cassey! Haha! So your succes started waaay back!
OMG Cassey!
I went to Logan and i think I’m 2 years younger than you or something (’07). I’ve had those amazing cookies and I never thought to ask where they came from. I just bought it off my friend. This is just amazing how it linked back to you. I mean I knew you were from Logan and we might’ve seen each other through passing but we never met. This is just so cool, just had to leave a comment.
Cassey i love your personal stories they make everything seem possible!!!!! You have inspired me to do bigger things in life and to not only do things to help myself but to help others!!<3 🙂
Should we have to fill the format in http://www.hotbodybook.com after ordering it on http://www.amazon.com to
receive the tote bag???????please can someone reply me….PLEASE?ilysm….cassey:):):):)
You have to fill out the form at http://www.hotbodybook.com/ to get the gift.
I received an email today that the form should be filled by today, but when I tried going on the website it said the app was unavailable? Hope you guys had better luck!
Hey Cassey, thanks for sharing that amazing story! The interview was great, it was really interesting to discover “business Cassey”, I would love to hear more about her in the future. I don’t consider myself a “born entrepreneur” and I find it really hard to get out there and do that “marketing work”. I’m trying to make a living out of my writing and the hardest part for me is definitely the marketing/selling one. I’m so embarrassed when it comes to advertising my work, I can’t even talk about it on Facebook because I’m scared to annoy people…. I know, it’s crazy. You seem so confident, maybe that your next certification should be a business one 😉 Anyway, thank you again for all your hard work and for bringing us so much positivity!
This is really cool! Thanks for sharing your story, it’s really inspiring how you started doing business and how hardworking you have been.. And now you’re really successful, you deserve it!! And congratulation on your book, it’s really true that 2015 is your year. 🙂
Cassey I wanted to just say i love you and that your videos are so unique in comparison to some other fitness instructors. You are so fun, and beautiful and I think you really make fitness an exciting thing in many peoples lives! Me and my mum love your videos! Thank you so much for existing!! kisses and hugs ! -Sasha xoxo
Cassey! I love you! you are so inspiring and everything about you is fascinating. I love your smile 🙂
What do we need to take to our class in Dallas? Other than my self and water? I’m excited, thanks for coming
Cassey! I just picked up my book today at indigo but it didn’t have the tote bag attached! I asked the store clerk about it and she said it may have been shipped separately. Is this possible? How do I know if something hasn’t gone wrong and it was never shipped?
you need to fill out the form on http://www.hotbodybook.com!
Thanks Cassey! I needed that for April. You are an inspiration and one of the most driven people I know in the fitness world. All the best.
I loved this story, will you share more of these stories On your blog?
Hope you comin for a world tour zoon
Admirable! This is really inspiring for a young economist student like me.
I mean, do what you love and do it with passion and you can really make it anywhere, right?
Just not being to set on a goal and keeping the eyes open on what else there is seems to be the key ever so often.. 🙂
Lily (Recipes and Random)
Wow! Cassey! Imcredible! Whaaat! I cant believe it! you used to sell unhealthy stoff! isnt it weird to think about that you used to do that and now you doing the oposite! Its a funny truth your friend mentioned!
Wow… it seems you were a candy-selling pro 😮 Look at that T-shirt and bag!!! Super cool 🙂