#giveityourALLGUST Workout Calendar! Get the password by signing up for my free newsletter!
#giveityourALLGUST Workout Calendar! Get the password by signing up for my free newsletter!
Hey guys!
You ready to absolutely KILL August? I know you are! This month is all about pairing your muscle group exercises with some good cardio and HIIT routines for ultimate body sculpting!
Now…I also have something very special for you this month.
I’ve been teasing you for a loooooooong time with passwords that say “BODYPOP”, half hidden pics of activewear, and other random stuff. But it’s time. IT IS TIME for the release of BODYPOP and it is happening this month on August 12th at 12pm PST.
It’s been a life long dream of mine to design clothes and as some of you know, I struggled a lot with my family not wanting me to pursue my dreams. Thanks to you guys, this is finally happening. I mean, I honestly can’t believe it.
Anyway, I’ll tell you more about my story and how I climbed out of a very deep hole on August 5th. That day I will release a vlog on my YouTube channel explaining to you everything…and then I will also give you a glimpse of the many facets of BODYPOP. Because…it’s not just a line. It also happens to be a song I co-wrote and a music video I produced.
What? I know. I didn’t expect this either.
I ended up working with some amazing women like Lauren Froderman who won So You Think You Can Dance to showcase what it means to be strong and unstoppable! I want you guys to feel BODYPOP. Understand BODYPOP. Know that it’s more than just clothes. It’s clothes made for people who work their butts off to achieve their dreams no matter what obstacles lie in their way.
And you know what? I won’t leave you there…we’re having a very exciting launch WEEK!
So on August 7th (my sister’s bday!) I’m sharing my Top 10 Secrets to Achieving Your Dreams and your Dream Body. But I’m only sending this video to those of you who want to hear what I have to say. I’m not putting it publicly on YouTube because I think it takes a certain amount dedication to appreciate the information I will be sharing. So if you want to see the video, just sign up for my BODYPOP newsletter here and I will send the video directly to your email on August 7th.
Then on August 10th, I’m releasing a super sneak peek at some of my fave designs from the collection for you to see. But again, this video is private and will only be sent to those who have signed up for the BODYPOP newsletter. It’s important that you watch this video because once bodypopactive.com goes live on August 12th at 12pm PST, you need to go grab your fave pieces before it’s sold out! I didn’t make a lot of units because obviously, we’re a small company and I wasn’t sure how well (or not well) this collection would do.
Okay then on the big kahuna comes on August 12th.
Exactly at 12pm PST I will release the official BODYPOP music video on YouTube.com/Blogilates and you will legit DIE over how amazing the girls are that you’ll see featured, the heart, the talent, and the song! OMG, if we can get the song into like the Top 50, top 10 most downloaded of the day I will explode. And then maybe I’ll do some crazy ridic giveaway!!
After that, head over to bodypopactive.com and see ALL the styles I personally hand sketched, fit-tested on my own body, and made just for you.
Okay, I know there’s a lot! If you can’t remember all that just sign up for the BODYPOP newsletter and I’ll just email you on the days I told you above! Also, if you sign up now, I will send you a limited edition BODYPOP clutch with your order! Click here to get the code.
Anyway!! Thank you so much for being amazing…for doing POP Pilates and Blogilates with me. I am the luckiest group fitness instructor ever to have you as students. Let’s start this August off with a HUGE HUGE bang!
Much love and see you soon 😀
<3 Cassey
PS – if you want more BTS, follow @bodypopactive on instagram and twitter. It’s gonna be pretty exciting!!
139 thoughts on “#giveityourALLGUST Workout Calendar! Get the password by signing up for my free newsletter!”
There are 139 comments posted by our users.
Hey guys!
Does any of you has parents or one parent that really makes you frustrated sometimes?
I had such a wonderful weekend with my bf last week and I came back on Monday, completly relaxed and ready to start writing my thesis for university and workout. Somehow these feelings won’t come back even when I remember and look at the photos I took.
Because when my mum came home from work on Monday she told me I look fat and that butt is too big. I know I’m not fat. In fact I’m of average seize with 122lb. But hearing my mother saying this it… it hurt so much. I opened up on the weekend and maybe that’s why it hit me like a rock.
I tried to forget, to say “okay. that’s her opinion, but what counts is that I’m comfortable”. But it continued… I bought a new dress that fits really well and I showed her. She took on look and said “It’s too thight in the back. you look awful. A seize bigger wouldn’t hurt but, okay, you bought it. so you better make sure you don’t gain more weight than you already did.” I am so frustrated now. I nearly burst into tears. I swallowed it and sat down in my room.
Thanks to this the week felt so hard to concentrate on workout. Instead I had the urge to eat fast food, chocolate, chips,… I didn’t really do that because we don’t have it at home luckily.
I tried to convince myself to workout and getting cheered up by Cassey, but I often stopped and lay there, listening, but only focusing the roof and my mind was empty and my heart aches.
I have no idea what to do to get out of this dark hole and back into life.
My mum isn’t a person i can talk to when it comes to stuff like that and my dad already discussed it with her. But for him all is said and done so I can’t talk to him either.
Has anyone of you experienced such a thing? Or something similar? maybe a situation that you don’t want to leave your bed anymore and are scared to leave room because you might possibly be running into the person that hurt you and fear she/he would do it again?
Please leave a comment/advice/your story, I beg you, I really do.
Hey Kathy
First, I’m really sorry for my English, but it’s not my mother language. I read your comment and had to reply you even though I didn’t have a similar story. To be honest it’s always myself who destroys myself with mean comments about my look, about my body, about my nose ect ect. What I want to say with that: I know how it hurts you inside, I know the situation when you refuse to leave the bed and everything is … you know … everything is really really bad and you’re angry with yourself ect. It’s not a good situation to be in it. But then I say to myself: “When I’m angry at myself or sad it doesn’t moves me forward. Be your selfmotivator” Sometimes it’s harder sometimes it’s easier for me … but hey. It works 🙂
I was so angry at your mom when I read your comment, it brought tears to my eyes. This was so mean! Don’t listen to her, okay? Even though it could be possible that you maybe gained some weight … so what? You had a wonderful weekend with your bf so what does the mean comment of your mother cares you? _Nothing_. I don’t know you, I don’t know how you look, but I can say you in all honesty that you’re a beautiful person. Inside and outside! Learn to love yourself and if something don’t work or you eat some junkfood or you didn’t work out. So what? Next day, next chance 🙂 Don’t be so mean to yourself, Honey. Really.
best regards
Hi Kathy!
Firstly, it is completely unjustifiable, wrong, and unacceptable for your mother or anybody to make such direct and nasty comments about your own body, when you clearly have a good handle on your health and did not ask for her input.
Secondly, it is interesting that you mentioned how happy and relaxed you had been before this happened – people who make insulting comments like this with the intention to offend or hurt others often do this to try and hide their own insecurities or boost their own confidence. It sounds very possible that your mother sees your youthful energy, health, looks and self-ease and feels envious in some way. This might have driven her to cut into you and hurt that confidence in order to feel better about herself.
Like Cassey has said before, you can’t always control outside influences but you can remove yourself from bad situations, so my advice would be: to spend more time with people who treat you well rather than those who don’t; continue taking pride in looking after your health and mental well-being; lead by example and show your mum how to be a brilliant, confident and kind woman, because it sounds like she can learn a few things from you!
Wear that dress and show her how great you feel in it!
Eva <3
Just know we’re all out here rooting for you to go on. You aren’t alone in this. Growing up, it was never my mama that gave me problems, but many of my friends parents. Especially as a child, hearing things like “you’re fat” can really do some damage. I was hurt for a long time. And it continued as other parents started adding salt to my wounds. But remember, you’re in control of what can hurt you. My own best friends mama says I need to lose weight all the time and even asked if my breasts were fake. It hurts for a moment, but I’ll decide for myself when I’m ready to lose weight. Don’t let anyone bring you down when we’re all here trying to cheer you up. You’re strong enough to speak up about what hurts you so I know you’re strong enough to get past this. <3 All you need to do is remind yourself, "I'm beautiful, if not to my mother then in my own ways." Your mama says how your butts too big, but I would love to naturally be given a big butt! Seriously. What you have is what other girls work out for.
I completely know exactly how you feel, my mom for the longest time would pick on my sister and me about our weight and it was hard to deal with. There were times during school when I would look around and compare myself to others, thinking that being skinny would some how make me happier and that traveled with me all the way through high school, but finally after getting out of high school I was able to evaluate myself and really look at my body. For the first time in my life I was able to accept myself and be happy with how I look and now the reason why I want to eat and exercise is just to live a healthy life style. And also maybe get rid of my inner thighs so I can finally wear shorts without them riding up! 😀
So I guess my advice is to just stop listening to what others say because the word fat doesn’t describe you. You are not one word. Every person around the planet is made up of millions and trillions of words and that ugly word doesn’t describe you. You will never be just one word. So lift your head up and just as these lovely people who commented before me said you can stop what hurts you so be confident in yourself because you are beautiful just the way you are~ 🙂
Thank you, Cassey, for your encouraging words for August :)!! You cheered me up in your e-mail for August about ‘dreams come true.’ I’m going through a tough time. I will continue to work hard to achieve my dreams!! Thanks again for the encouragement :)!!
Hey Cassie,
I have a really lame printer and ink is really expensive where I live, do you think you could make text only versions of your workout calendars (i mean, versions that would use less ink)? That would be soooo cool! 😀
And congratulations on your success! I’m so happy for you
Cassey could you please start making playlists on youtube again? For some reason I’ve never been able to log into my.blogilates and that means that right now I’m stranded without playlists which is really killing my motivation 🙁
Hi Cassey Im just wondering why you dont post the links to the workouts on here anymore? I found it much easier and more convient when they were x
Can enyone please answer me some questions? 🙂 I’ve been wandering, if you don’t eat 100% clean will you be able to see some results? I can’t do strict dieting (long story) and I don’t want to loose pounds…just to tighten up a bit. Advice?:)
If you don’t want to lose weight and just tighten up then working out should be enough to see results.
Thank you! This really encouraged me 🙂
This is like the only place I know that people understand each other during their weight loss jouney.
Where do i input the password? SooooOooo lost.
I am so excited, I have lost 1inch off my waist and 2inches off my hips since starting the Aug challenge! I have gained incredible strength so far and I have ab muscles forming!! I’m so happy…I usually just run but was getting bored and the transformations I see in my body getting stronger and more toned are awesome!
Does Cassie not put the workouts on here anymore?
She’s posting it on YouTube, check her Playlist.
Not on here. They are on my.blogilates.com. You just sign up for a free account and they are on the calender.
I love the calendars, Cassey! Is there any way you could post a more printer friendly version (like a version without the background graphics) in addition to the nice colorful ones? I want to print them out so I can check off my workouts, but it uses a lot of ink! Thanks for considering my suggestion.
I am almost half way through the beginners calendar and I am really enjoying the variety. When I progress to the monthly calendar is there a way to get it like this with the links for each day below? It is so easy to use
She posts them on my.blogilates.com. The account is free and the workouts are linked on the calender.
Hello, everyone! I am trying to find a video “Perky Butt N Lean Legs” from August 11, but can’t! Can somebody please give me a link? Thank you!
Hi! It’s on her other channel (blogilatesTV):
Hi Cassey!
You are amazing! Even my parents got inspired and motivated! Thank you for everything.
Hi Casey! Love your calendar! It is really exhausting to add cardio in a few days as well as the calendar. Is that necessary to burn fat and lose inches or is the calendar enough?
i am new to the website. i have my password for this months calender…. except i can’t see the video links. can anyone tell me where to go???
thank you thank you thank you ahead of time.
i really wonder too. someone pls tell us.
I just read in the comments to go to –> my.blogilates.com >>>
Hi everyone, does someone have the same problem? After almost every lower belly workout my lower back hurts so much! I know it´s because I dont´t push my lower back into the mat enough but my back is so weak that after 3 videos I´m not able to push it enough. What should I do? Maybe it just take some time to get my back stronger…I don´t know
I feel you there. Happens I have a hollow-back. That means I can’t press my back into the floor no matter how hard I try.
I always (!) need to place my hands under my tailbone when I do lower back workouts. That really helps me. However things like crunches and double-leg-lift in one move can’t be done. I know it’s sad to not be able to do some moves because of health issues, but it’s best to care for health before getting every move perfectly. Remember also Cassey is on a high level with her pilates moves.
Try stabilize with your hands in a triangle and work on your back a bit more. Especially lower back and do back stretches. Try her videos like “back attack” for example.
I hope you do fine and back isn’t hurting right now.
I found putting a small pillow under my tailbone really helps.
Hi Casey,
I am finally challenging myself to do the whole month calendar workout NO EXCUSES and boy oh boy is my body getting a kick in the butt. I love it though! Thanks so much for being so YOU and REAL!! You keep me motivated!!!
Love ya!
I was just wondering if kickboxing would melt off fat since I am trying to build muscles AND lose the fat in a fun and interesting new way. Since you already give me fun ways to build muscles I was wondering if kickboxing would burn the fat for the other 50% of my workout. THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 😀
This Calendar is hard but i know that i can do it, thank you Cassey <3
I’m super happy for you and very excited! 😀 Thank you so much for everything you do. You continue to inspire me and motivate me to be the best me.
Cassey, is it enough to follow just the calendar ? Or should I do some cardio everyday too ?
Hey, I have a question about the AllGust calendar… What workout video are you suppose to do for the new video ? Can it be any video? Also do you have to do the Lean Body Scult Video??
She posts a new video on that day just wait until it’s there , and for the lean body sculpt one I just pick a different one that is as long as that one hope that helps you
Please do not put a dance video on the calendar. I did NOT like that one bit. I felt like I just wasted time because I couldn’t get the moves so I ended up being frustrated and marching. I could have taken a short walk and been a lot less frustrated.
i think she mixes it all up so everyone gets a bit of what they like, i personally love the dance videos and wish she would put more!
Just try to have fun with it. Not everything has to be so serious.
Then don’t do it! Others have fun dancing even they don’t get the moves right. Just let it flow and go with the music. I don’t get any move and I look like a stiff broom but I have fun just being by myself, locked into a room, with loud music, moving and hopping a round till I’m sweaty. If you don’t like something, then change it with something else. Next time you see a dance video, go for a run or a walk. I for example don’t like the HIIT workouts or things like fat loss cardio or heart on fire. So for these days I look for something else to do. Some extra stretching, some more ab or leg workouts…
I love her dance videos they are tons of fun. if you cant do it choose a different video that will benefit you. she has them on youtube listed in categories.
Hey Cassey,
I would absolutely LOVE it if you could put back the links to each video. You have so many videos that when I type in the title it says on the calendar, it doesn’t always match to one video in particular. Even so, love all your videos and appreciate all your hard work!
Thank you!!
Hi Krystal!
Cassey puts up playlists for each day on her YouTube Channel.
Try this way.
good luck
Hey 🙂 You find a playlist for each day on her youtube channel. Hope it helps.
Have a nice day ^^
Is there a break in the workout playlists from August 12-16 or have I just not found them?
Cass PLEASE post the links to all the videos. i found it very easy like that. thank you so much.
Hi Cassey,
I was wondering about the calendar, do we have to do all of the videos which are written everyday ?
Yes, she spoke about it in one of her fres video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj1x2y0P99Q I made a vlog on youtube of me doing the give it your allgust calendar day 4 if anyone wants to watch=] its my first video
True today workout and omg half an hour I already feel like dying.:( make me feel so weak:(
You will get stronger! You got this! A for effort! I believe in you 😀
Can anybody link the lean body sculpt video? I can’t find it
I can’t find it too
me neither…glad i`m not the only one
I can’t find it too, and “bodypop – the sotry” either… 🙁
thank you for help 🙂
Me neiter.. :c
Somebody could help us? Where it is?
I can’t find it either it must be something to do with the fact it’s highlighted
but i don’t get it. can someone explain?
Every month there is a special workout video that you can only get in the blogilates app. Hope this helps! 🙂
Ah I see, thankyou!! 🙂
omg im so excited im gunna explode 😀
I am so excited for this!! I may finally find a sports bra that works for me!!
Where are the links to each workout?
Thank you soo much Cassey!! Just printed the calendar for #giveityourallgust and i am starting today. I have been following you for a long time and you are very encouraging to me to keep doing my best to be fit and be happy. I have had a hard time getting back on the wagon of healthy eating and regular exercise but your videos are always so fun and so easily accessible that even when i work late, I know i will have a fun and awesome workout buddy when i get home.
Where is the links to each workout. Thank you
Please do not stop the WORKOUT PLAYLISTS followed by each month’s calendar..
Hi Cassey!
I am a French fan and will be in L.A. at the end of August, how can I sign up for one of your classes?
Cassey, I know you probably won’t see this but I tried signing up for the bodypop party and it says it’s full. I would love to go and even willing to pay the $30. How is it possible for me to get a ticket?? I live in Anaheim and have been requesting for you to come here! And now that you have, I’ve lost the one opportunity to go. Please help!!
She puts the playlist of videos for each day on the Blogilates YouTube channel. Just look at the playlist page!
Yay! A new calendar to get me back into working out! I had a sports injury for awhile so I couldn’t do much in the way of exercise, but now it’s healed and I’m ready to go!
SO EXCITED for you to be making your dreams come true!!! 🙂
Has anyone else noticed that the link to the Blogilates social network is gone? Where did it go?
So How do I get to see the videos for this month?
I saw something about downloading an app… but I don’t have a smart phone.
can’t wait to get started. I have a question though. Do the recommended videos need to be done one after the other or is it okay to do one in the morning, one during the day and one towards the afternoon?
so where are the workouts for August???
Cassey thank you sooo much for all that you are doing for us! <3
i realize you're very busy atm, but just for an idea in the future, could you make the Blogilates app availabile for Windows phones as well? (:
pls help!! I can’t find where I can click the workout for today, Idk how to use it.. I already signed up the newsletter and already got the password but how can I use this ?? how to start the video??
I’ve tried so many different workouts ad blogilates is the only one that really does work for me and so I’m so excited that i have now signed up and I can’t wait to workout ith you! Thank you so much Cassey I love you and your channel – AMAZING 🙂
First time starting a calendar and so excited! just completed day two, the 100 burpee burnout killed me! but im so happy i made it through the whole video and looking forward to changing my body, thankyou so much Cassey all your videos have helped me so much you have no idea! Also super excited for BODYPOP, already subscribed! x
This calendar looks brilliant! But where are the links to the videos? Can’t wait to get started!!
Videos are on youtube, have fun 🙂
anyone how to get this august video? please share with me.. thanks
Super excited for August because I am moving out of my parents’ house and it’s my senior year of undergrad. I’m also doing independent research and planning on giving my first oral presentation at a symposium. I finally feel like an adult with all of these huge life events happening this month! I definitely need to give it my all this month to succeed and push closer to achieving these life goals. I’m using blogilates as a de-stresser to keep me focused and positive!
I haven’t been here in a while, but I’m back now! Quick question though, there used to be links to the playlists underneath the calendars. Do you not do that anymore, Cassey?
Nope, she stopped doing that back in April. BUT NOW she has her own website (another one I guess)!! It’s my.blogilates.com, she has the calendar there and you can join groups, add people, motivate, talk in forums, etc!!! My username is piria (Ashley M) if u wanna add me!!
Anyone know where the links for each video of #giveityourALLGUST are? Id love to not have to search for each video! Thank you! (:
I was wondering the same thing 🙁
Links to all the vids of the day are availabile on the Blogilates community. 🙂
Where is the blogilates community??
Its my.blogilates.com
hi guy! im really excited to start this new calendar and I have the blogilates app…. but there is a problem. I cant watch the lean body sculpt video. can anyone help me? or I just have to skip that one?
Hi, I am having trouble finding the sign in page. HELP
I’m so excited for you Cassey, congratulations!! I JUST signed up and I’m looking forward to transforming my body and getting to work out with you. You’re such an inspirational and bubbly person and I wish I could meet you some day! Lots of love!
I’m so excited for this new calender! I did the calender last month up until the 19th when I left for Costa Rica, but now I’m back home and have been feeling like a bum. I love the theme this month and I’m excited to get back into the groove!! 🙂
I can relate to having a hard time on achieving my goals, family members that feel that if you don’t do things a certain way is a waste of time. It can also be friends and society that are constantly telling you that you are wrong and that you are not strong and that what you want is dumb. But we have to keep moving forward and trying and trying until one day just like you Cassey will make our dreams come true. Is not how many times you fall, it’s all about how many more times you get up and keep trying and not giving up and one day reaching that dream and goal. And when that day comes, like in your case, show all those doubters and youcan’tdoers that you did and that anything is possible!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYYAY!!!!!!!!! ONCE AGAIN CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how the rest day is on a Friday!
first of all, I’m so happy for You Cassey, your dreams come true (but yeah, you are working hard for that so you can really be proud of you, I am proud of you). I’m so excited to see your Bodypop active line, to hear your stories, to buy your gear, to see more of your talented work, etc… Excited for everything that’s coming this month! thank you for everything! You are an inspiration for many of us and for me, you have changed my life: I eat healthier, I love working out thanks to you, I’m more positive and happy and maybe I’l have th courage to change my professionnal life! Nearly one year I’m following you now and NO REGRETS! love love love love love you Cassey! KYYYYAAAAAAH excited for Bodypop!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait! You know this is going to sell well, I hope it won’t take long for a re-stock because you know everything is going to sell out 😉
I’m so ready this month it’s my time to get fit.
I just finished the “Beginner Calendar” and I have the password to unlock the August Calendar, but I can’t find where to do that and get each day’s link to the exercise videos?? Can anyone help me? Thx
I have the same problem since July. I dont know how to get to each day link. 🙁 can someone help us please?
I looked this morning and it seems others have the same problem, but I just don’t know who to contact or ask about finding the links to August. Have you had any luck?
I’ve had the same problem, and a links have not appeared I just put the video titles in the youtube search tool, and voilà ! A little bit less practical, but you get to it at least.
I also just finished the beginner’s calendar, and decided to try the monthly calendar, but today’s workout was SO hard (100 burpee etc). I have only been able to do about half of the exercises, and sweating like a crazy pig… I’m not sure how to feel about this… (at the end of the 100 burpees which where more about 60 for me, I was like “what ? another video after that ? WHAT ? THERE ARE MORE BURPEES IN THE OTHER VIDEOOO ?!!!)
Congratulations for you! I’ve been training with you for about month I guess and I just love it! And I love you also because of your lovely smile and so sooooo much positive energy! Please, keep going like that! Greeting from Poland! :))))
Cassey i am really happy that good things are happening to you ,because i think that you really deserve it . I am really excited to see BodyPop.
I have subscribed to the Bodypop newsletter and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us. I am also excited to start planning my wedding and #giveityourALLGUST is part of my plan to get in shape so I can look amazing when I walk down the aisle.
Please please please make the rest day on a sunday next month!!! I’m super excited to see your new fashion line, just wish I could afford to buy something 🙁 Can’t wait to start this new month, glad you added another 1000 squat challenge, still sore from doing it 2 days ago!!
I really can´t figure out how is this calendar working. Can anybody iluminate me, please? Thank You.
HI :), all you need to do is search each title of the videos listed for each day of the calendar on youtube and complete each video listed for that day!
omg!! im so excited for this month. its going to be my birthday this month and im a give it my all too.you are a inspiration cassey <3 you encourage me to follow my dreams thank you 🙂
Hi Cassey,
I’m so excited that you are launching this new line!! It’s so amazing to see someone go after and accomplish their dreams. My hopes and prayers is to someday open an orphanage where I can teach children how to take care of themselves mind, body, and soul. I was wondering have you ever thought about “modest” clothing in your line? In my religion we choose to wear skirts to our knees instead of leggings, pants, or shorts. The hardest thing for me and many people I know is finding exercise clothing that is flexible and modest for us. In classes with no men we do wear the regular workout gear, but outside running, biking, or any other activity it is so hard to find a good stylish skirt! If you ever decided to do so I know you will have thousands of women who would be grateful! Just a thought 🙂 Thanks again for all you do.
Bonnie Jean
This month is my mothers birthday and she always loved doing pilates, so im going to do my best this month for my mother, may you rest in peace mom. Im not giving up on my dream body just like sge never did, she had 4 kids and was 31 with an amazing body that looked like she never even had kids. I hope ti make you proud mom because this month is for you <3 ;). I love you cassey and all your workouts I cant wait to do my best this month.
that’s very touching. It’s wonderful you dedicate this month to your mum. I’m sure she was always proud of you 🙂 I wish you the best.
So glad to be starting the calenders again. My weight ballooned up for no reason and I hope this will help!
Is there any way the blogilates app can be changed so that you can sign in without facebook or twitter?
Seeing as I’m like one of the only people on the plant that doesn’t have either lol
Cassey im so proud of you ! Big big THANK YOU, for everything . You are my role model and i am so happy with your success ! Wish you all the best and good luck . <3 Love you <3 (Im just so motivated for this month ! )
Cassy, I’m so glad your dreams come true! You’re my personal trainer and you do great job with my body and I must say thank you and wish you luck! 🙂
Yes! Finally got the calendar password. I’ve signed up for the Bodypop newsletter. That clutch is super cute! Well done Cassey! Can’t wait to see the rest of the collection, the music video, and this months new vids in preparation for the launch! Sounds like you’ve been beyond super busy!!! Thanks for all the hard work you put in. We <3 you!!!
So excited for the new calendar!! Is there an easy way to link to the videos each day? I search for them one by one and it takes a while. Thanks!
I was hoping I could avoid those!
Tough month, but perfect!
lol, me too! I did them on Monday, and was feeling it on Wednesday. I thought, well at least that’s out of the way… guess I have to do them again! Arghhh!
Already subscribed for bodypop ^^ can’t wait to see your creations 🙂 you are amazing Cassey!
My first monthly workout calendar (after the beginners one)! SHALL GET STARTED NOOOOOWWWW 🙂
I’m so happy for you, Cassey! 😀
I already signed up for BODYPOP and I’m super psyched for this month’s calendar!
You’re amazing!!!<3
Yay! I’ve been quite unmotivated lately but I think some new workout gear would put me into the right mindset again 🙂 so excited for your collection
Cassey I am so so excited for all of this! You’ve worked so incredibly hard to get where you are!! And I’m definitely already subscribed to bodypop 😀 xoxoxo so much love!!
I’ve never been able to stick it out through a full months calendar…never made it past the first week. This is my month. I CAN DO THIS!!
I signed up for Bodypop as well. Congrats Cassie, I’m so excited for it. 🙂
yay thank you!
yeyyy!! i subscribed for bodypop…um so excited to see cassey’s new creations..Simply because she makes anything amazing..i love you cassey…xoxo!! :* 🙂 😀
i know you will love it!
ahh~! I am planning on starting this calendar after I finish my beginners calender and it would mean that I would start on the 18th- THE WEEK OF THE 1000 squats!!! ahhh! i am not sure if I will be ready for that but we will see hahaha