Ever Wondered What A Registered Dietitian Eats In A Day?
Hey guys!
This is actually NOT Cassey! This is Breanna (or Bre, since we’re friends now) – the registered dietitian at Blogilates! Cassey and I have worked on a few really fun projects together, like the 90 Day Journey Meal Plan.
Maybe you met me on my live Q&A with Cassey on IG earlier this year!
Exciting news!! Starting with this post, I’ll be here on the blog answering your biggest questions about nutrition and talking about my favorite thing – food!
And on that note…
I’m going to do something I said I would never do…
A “what I eat in a day” post.
I’m not a fan of these in pretty much any other circumstance because well, what’s the point? We’re not the same, right?!
Your needs and your life aren’t the same as mine. So is it really helpful for me to encourage you to eat the same way as me, or for you to just copy what I do because of my credentials? No, not really.
I decided to make this post NOT because I want you to copy what I do. I’m doing this because it feels like the best way to show you my real life nutrition philosophy. What I find most important about food, and how there is no “perfect” diet.
Things to know before I flood your screen with very *not* professional food pics:
1. I love nutrition because I love food. All food (wellll except cilantro 😉)
2. I’m a mom of two young boys, and a husky (yes, dogs count as children too). I work from home, usually while also doing my mom thing. Some days I have the energy and motivation to meal prep, chop all the veggies, and drink tons of water.
Other days, I quickly throw together a pb&j for lunch and literally leave myself reminders to drink water because otherwise, I’ll realize at 5pm that I haven’t seen my water bottle in hours. I have cravings and I love pizza. If you invite me to a pitch-in, I’m probably bringing cookies.
3. I don’t currently have specific training goals. I’m focused on balance and eating intuitively to maintain where I’m at.
4. I strongly believe in the power of nutrition, but I also believe that all foods fit.
So now that you know the basics about me, here’s a typical day of what this RD eats in a day.

First, coffee.
Mornings are sacred to me. Every day, I set an alarm to be up at least an hour before I expect my kids to wake up (lol at me trying to predict this). I do this for two reasons:
- To get some work done
This is also when I drink coffee, because I refuse to believe moms need to settle for cold coffee unless it’s iced on purpose. This helps me ease into the day while doing something productive.

Breakfast: Protein Waffles + Banana
I go through phases with breakfast. Right now, I’m loving Kodiak waffles. My fave waffle/pancake toppings:
- Hemp seeds – For a little boost of protein, healthy fats, and fiber.
- Blueberry “syrup” – I take a handful of blueberries (usually frozen) and microwave them until they get a little jammy. I’d say 20 seconds for fresh bluebs and about a minute for frozen. Then I mash them all up with a fork and pour over my waffles. This is one thing from this post you SHOULD copy. It’s so good.
- Maple syrup – If I don’t have blueberries or I’m just not feeling it that day, I go for regular pure maple syrup. Yes, the kind with actual sugar.
I also eat half of a banana not because it’s ever wrong to eat the entire banana. I eat half because I share with my one year-old and I know he won’t finish an entire banana.
Mom life.

Snack: Chocolate Chip Energy Bites
This is usually my pre-workout snack. If you’re thinking that mid-morning is a weird time to workout, I agree! I prefer to work out bright and early, and eventually I’ll get back to that. But first I need to work on getting to bed earlier.

Lunch: Big Salad With Chicken
If I’m eating a salad as an entree, it has to be good and filling. When I make my own at home, I pile on as much as possible. I mean, this is a MEAL, right?! I usually include:
- Greens – Romaine is my favorite. Sometimes I mix in spinach
- Veggies – Whatever I have on hand and/or needs used
- Protein – Today I used chicken but I also like chickpeas, boiled egg, or beans
- Crunch – A must. I loooove using Parmesan crisps, but I also throw in some hemp seeds (these things also add protein!)
- Dressing – My fave is a simple mix of olive oil, vinegar, stone ground mustard, garlic, and some herbs. But sometimes I go for classic ranch.

Afternoon Snack: Orange + Cheese
This is my “nap time” snack (ahem, the one I get to eat uninterrupted, with no one stealing bites).
Today I had an orange and Babybell cheese. Sometimes I go for veggies and hummus, peanut butter-filled pretzels or a cookie I baked the night before. I almost always have another cup of coffee. I try to go half-caff unless it’s been ✨a day✨

Dinner: Honey Mustard Chicken + Coconut Rice + Green Beans
I could eat this meal every single day.
By the time we make it to dinner, I’m pretty fried. I have to be really careful not to plan meals that take a lot of effort or time to cook, no matter how ambitious I’m feeling when I make our weekly grocery list.
I love this meal because everyone in my family enjoys it and it requires very little effort. That’s how a meal becomes a staple for me. The coconut rice basically makes itself in my Instant Pot. For green beans, I always sauteé with lots of garlic.
Fun fact: this is one of the few veggies my husband will actually eat (he has really broadened his horizons though, so if you’re picky, keep trying foods in different ways!).

Dessert: Chocolate
Nice and simple. Sometimes, my husband and I have a bowl of ice cream after the kids go to bed and it feels like a mini vacay.
That’s what I ate today! Tasty, right?! What surprised you? What can you take away from this?!
I could write forever about everything I want you to take away from this post, but we’ll save some insight for future posts! For now, here are the key things I wanted to shine through:
– I will never demonize carbs
– There is no textbook “perfect” way of eating
– I prefer to focus on ways to ADD nutrition. Not restrict (with the exception of allergies, sensitivities, etc.)
What should we talk about next?!
The weekly posts I’m working on will dive further into some of the key points above, but I really want to know what YOU would like to learn about.
So, how can I help?! What questions do you have about healthy eating? What do you struggle with?
Tell me in the comments!!!

55 thoughts on “Ever Wondered What A Registered Dietitian Eats In A Day?”
There are 55 comments posted by our users.
I really enjoyed this post. It was pleasant to read and I just felt that healthy eating can be mixed in with a life that had children. I don’t have any human kids of my own, but I have two fur-babies (an Australian Shepherd and a Husky/German Shepherd mix) and they 100% count. I have one BIG question and you may question my sanity after this but…. what are good banana substitutes??? I’ve tried bananas periodically throughout my life because I know taste buds changed over time, but I just can do it. I’m okay with dried banana chips, but thats about it. A lot of the recipes I’ve seen on this blog over the years (been a fan since ’09) use bananas somehow. Know anything that I could use to replace it? Like in smoothies and the two-ingredient Mango Ice Cream? (not looking for a flavor substitute so much as a substance sub)
Such a great read!
Love this article, thank you for sharing!
I would really appreciate an article on how to make healthy choices when it comes to eating out or going on vacation. I’m really great at sticking to a plan during the week when I’m at home and cooking for myself. However, I struggle with making choices consistent with my goals (be it selecting more nutritious foods or just the portion sizes) when eating out.
I feel the best when I can combine a “YOLO” food with something nutritious (i.e. eating a salad before having some pizza), but even this can be hard to stick to when outside of my normal environment. I would love to hear your thoughts and strategies if you have any!
Great to meet you Bre. I’m really struggling with macros. I’m 50, weigh 154 pounds, and want to lose weight and build muscle (I’m doing 3 strength training days and 2 cardio). I’m having trouble calculating what my daily macros should be….any suggestions?
LOVE the idea of smashed blueberries for your syrup, I will add fruit to my pancakes but never thought to make a quick jam! I always thought smothering my pancakes in syrup was too sweet, I mean pancake batter can be pretty sweet as it is.
I always see these what I eat in a day but I never see anyone with a glass of wine incorporated?!! I love my wine and wondering how to infuse this with a healthy lifestyle .. any thoughts!? Thanks !
Totally support having a glass of wine! Like with anything else, it’s all about moderation and being mindful about what “a glass” is. If you tend to pour heavy, you might actually be drinking 2+ “glasses” without realizing 😉
id love to know how much you change your meals throughout the week. i struggle a bit with constipation so it’s not good to keep eating the same things all the time, but it’s also difficult to come up and actually make so many different meals.
It’s a tough balance sometimes! I would say repeat entrees as much as you need for convenience and focus on variety with sides and snacks during the day.
Thank you so much for this post. I’m currently trying to navigate my new food intolerance, which has me restricted a lot, so I enjoy discovering new ideas. I think it’s time to find out if I can tolerate blueberries! 😀
Loved seeing ideas for what to eat. I get in a rut and eat the same things so it’s so nice to see other ideas of things to make that are quick, easy, and healthy! Would love to see more ideas in the future! Thanks!
Thank you so much for this post. Something I struggle with is properly fueling my body when I workout regularly. I had a morning work out routine going several months ago, but I gave it up because my energy would tank around noon and I couldn’t seem to get it back during the day. Could you provide some eating tips or recipes that could help me maintain my energy levels throughout the day? For instance, is a post work out snack required and how soon after working out should I ear? It’s also difficult because I don’t like eating a lot of meat a and dairy…any advice would be appreciated! 🙂
Thanks for the blogpost Bre, it is reassuring to know that your meals are pretty varied. If you need ideas for future posts, it would be great if you could share about how to calculate macros, especially if we dine out or sometimes the food just doesn’t come with any macros (some of the other Asian countries I regularly travel to have zero nutritional info on their packaging).
Also, what are your thoughts on intermittent fasting?
I am also wanting to know about macros. I feel that as a mostly vegetarian , but eat all foods minus shellfish, how can I get so much protein?!! I started eating more chicken, more brown rice, quinoa, protein balls, extra shakes, Greek yogurt, cheese nuts, eggs etc. I seem to BARELY reach 90g a day and even that is A LOT OF WORK. I don’t like food to feel like work! I love food, love cooking, love sharing it and love sharing recipes with people. However, while I am happy to eat around 90grams a day, it seems that my average goal in a couple different calculators is coming in around 130-150 and of course that depends on how many calories I burn in a day. Any help would be appreciated! Read a lot, trying a lot, but thought I’d ask! Thanks!!!!! I am 5”3 and 123/125 pounds. Wanting to loose fat and gain muscle. 8 had knee surgeries a couple years ago and my lower body is still being built up! Thanks!!
Just from the info provided 130-150 sounds high and I think getting as close to 90 as possible is great if you’re actively trying to gain muscle. I’ll be writing a lot about protein in the near future!
This is a great idea! As for intermittent fasting, I think it works for some people but it’s not sustainable for most! Cassey actually wrote a really good post about it here:
I would love some healthy vegetarian meals! I definitely need to add more protein into my diet, and not just with shakes!
I’d love to learn more about calculating macros and healthy options for maintaining my daily percentages. Healthy snack options are also something I’m looking for – including pre-packaged snack options!
What refreshing posts about food. I like your food philosophy. Making healthier food choices instead of restricting and labelling foods as bad is a way healthier mindset in my opinion. Food is a major part of our lives and should be enjoyed. My main issue is deciding what to eat and finding quick and easy recipes. Great post. I look forward to more.
Thank you! More tips to come 🙂
The recipe for the chicken and rice!!!
Ooh I wish I could take credit for this! The chicken is a recipe by Budget Bytes. I’ll link it! For the rice, I put 2 cups of jasmine rice, 1 can of coconut milk (full fat), ~1.5 cups water, and some salt in my Instant Pot and cook on high pressure for 3 minutes, and then let it naturally release.
I have Crohn’s disease and really struggle with getting fruits, vegetables, and complex carbs into my diet since I can’t have seeds, nuts, peels, pulp, or skins! Any tips or meal suggestions? Thank you!
Some people with Crohn’s tolerate cooked fruits and veggies a little better, but I would highly recommend working directly with an RD who specializes in Crohn’s and gut health!
I love this!! It’s actually very reassuring as it’s fairly similar to how I strive to eat (when I’m not overdoing it on snacks!). This is pretty random, but I do see some “convenience” (packaged) foods mixed in there. I feel like it’s been drilled into my head to avoid anything packaged so I always feel some guilt around it if I grab a bag of chicken tenders or something to toss into salads. What are your thoughts around incorporating these easier options into your regular rotation? Thanks!!
This is a great question! I don’t love the “all or nothing” approach to “processed foods.” There are plenty of packaged foods that offer quite a bit of nutrition! I think with plenty of balance and variety, they can be great tools for healthy eating. Also, I LOVE putting chicken tenders on my salad 🙂
This was great, thanks Bre! This may be a bit long, but I struggle with disordered eating and overexercising… I have been working on healing for almost a year now. With this combined with long symptoms from having COVID, my energy levels are often non-existent. I quit my high stress, miserable job last fall and an currently doing things I love (though making far less money now that it’s a struggle). I also have hypothyroid and sensitivities to many foods (gluten, dairy, raw veggies – all of which I love and enjoy eating).
All of this background to say that when I was miserable at my office job of 9 years I was controlling food and exercise, and strong and fit, and at 130 lbs. After COVID and leaving my job, I can’t shake the weight gain nor do I have the energy to do so. I try to get back to a habit of exercising in ways that are enjoyable (I’m a yoga instructor, love yoga, love movement and activity) but I struggle not to fall into the same mental cycles and I run out of energy or my body wears down and I get sick. I feel like some of this is nutrition based but I’m not sure how to balance energy, fitness levels, or food anymore. I don’t know where the disconnect is anymore either… And I truly feel like I’m not meet my nourishment needs daily. I’m generally good at hydration but making meals gets tiring, I get bored of easy foods/meals/leftovers, and my snacks aren’t great. I feel so uncomfortable in my larger body and my clothes barely fit anymore. I miss my activity levels from before and want to feel strong and nourished.
I’d love to hear about easy, high energy snacks and meals that aren’t just raw veggies and dip, avocado toast, etc. I love protein shakes and drink those often but my mouth needs textures and crunch sometimes. Also low energy meals especially for busy days and evenings would be great. What types of quick, on the go snacks or meals do you fall back on for busy days? How do you manage sugar and junk cravings? I am trying to open myself up to allowing rather than restricting, but too much makes me feel physically poor and undernourished.
Thank you!
Loved all of these meals! I have a husky too btw – he’s my baby <3
I struggle with carbs, always have and always will. I eat gluten free but really need to be able to introduce carbs in on a daily basis without gaining weight. I'm working really hard to get to a level where I am toned (I work out 2-4 times a week) and healthy but also not eating separately from my husband every night (he loves his carbs and of course never gains a pound…). I am currently 60+ days into the 90 Day Journey and the recipes are DELISH. I have always struggled with overeating and knowing correct portion sizes so I'd love to know how you came up with the perfect portions sizes/measurements for the recipes.
I work full time and to be honest, I don’t have the time and the willpower to always prepare food in advance. I Hate meal-prep, it never worked for me in the long run (my life is a bit chaotic) and I love bread as breakfast. i dont have time to make waffles in the morning. so what would you recommend for a healthy breakfast for people who work and getting up -> go to work in no time. And bread, really. i love it. and i really need it as a start. without it, i am all cranky. 😀
People either love or hate meal prep so I get it! It’s a lot of work. If you love bread, eat bread! One idea is a little meal prep-ish but you could bake muffins or a breakfast bread (pumpkin, banana, etc.) using protein powder and just grab and go all week. Kodiak makes a mix for this too!
I struggle with overeating / portion size. How do you figure how much is it enough? How do you listen to hunger cues? Also I struggle with guilt around indulging in ‘bad foods’ and breaking food rules that I’ve been trained into following for years.
All of this takes practice and a lot of grace. One tip is to do your best not to eat mindlessly (while on your phone, watching tv, working, etc.). It can be hard to give yourself permission to eat “bad” foods, but once you do you become less likely to overeat when you do indulge!
How do you make your honey mustard chicken? It looks delicious!
It’s so good! I wish I could take credit for the recipe 😂 Here’s the link!
I am looking for start of day guidance. I can feel my body crave nutrition but I’ve never been a fan of regular breakfast foods and rarely have an appetite until about noon. I try to drink a green smoothie and water daily but my body feel like it needs more
Such a common struggle! I think this would be a good topic for a future post but for now I’d experiment with adding things to your smoothie! Nut butters, seeds, avocado, and coconut are some of my favorite “non-traditional” add-ins. It’s also possible that your body feels like something is missing because you’re not physically chewing. So maybe try a smoothie bowl with nuts or granola!
Thanks for this insight into how you eat, it gives ideas without being judgey, shaming or just super unrealistic like many WIEIAD posts! Would love to see more of these 🙂
Thank you!!! Glad you found it helpful.
I would love to hear about more kudos friendly meals, I struggle to find things my lactose intolerant husband, 3 year old, 1 year old and ican all eat. I don’t want to make 4 meals. My kids are not that picky, both love green smoothies and eat spinach plain, it’s more my picky husband. 🙃
Haha kid-friendly, picky husband-friendly meals are my life! I’ll share more soon 🙂
Aloha! I’m excited for your future blog posts! I always go through phases of eating healthy and working out regularly for a few months and then losing motivation (stop eating healthy and working out a lot less). How can I break this bad habit and stay motivated? What foods are there to satisfy “junk food” cravings? How can I stay on track with healthy eating?
Thanks and can’t wait to read your blog posts alongside Cassey’s!
Thank you so much! These are really good topics that a lot of people struggle with so I’ll do posts on them! For now I’d say remember that fitness ebbs and flows. Think about a small goal or two that you’d like to stick to even when motivation dips! Mine is simply moving every day, even if I’m just stretching.
I really liked this post, it was down to earth, wholesome, and educational!! I want a recipe for that honey mustard chicken! I’m trying to cook chicken more but I’m always scared I haven’t cooked it enough!
I wish I could take credit for the chicken recipe! It’s by Budget Bytes and I’ll link it for you! I was terrified of cooking chicken until I invested in a food thermometer. Highly recommend!
Breanna, thank you so much. Your day’s meals looked quite yummy! I’m glad you mentioned food sensitivities because I’ve heard so much about them. I know it’s kind of a cry-baby thing but I hate the idea of having to permanently eliminate an entire food group. I did Whole 30 once but really had trouble knowing if I was truly “sensitive” to anything I left off, except I know that some forms of dairy make a *noticeable* difference in terms of gas and/or reflux. I have also read that a person can be sensitive to a food but there might not be a noticeable reaction until years later or in the form of inflammation, etc. What are your thoughts and which foods are the mostly likely to cause issues for people besides dairy? (eggs? peanuts? other nuts?) I have tried to change up my non-dairy milks wondering if I developed a “sensitivity” to almonds from years of using almond milk in smoothies. I am in my early 60s and have trouble losing fat. Thank you.
I’ve never been a fan of elimination diets like Whole 30 for a lot of reasons. I’d rather someone see an allergist for legitimate testing and/or work through it with an RD! That being said, it is possible to develop food sensitivities later in life because of changes in the digestive system. Certain types of dairy is a good example! As for the almond milk, I wouldn’t say drinking it over time caused sensitivity. Does the brand you drink have carrageenan in the ingredients? It can cause discomfort for some people!
I really LOVE your honestly and vulnerability in this post! Thank you for sharing 🙂 I definitely agree that dogs are children too (especially puppies).
Would love to hear more about low effort dinners as I’m also usually pretty tired by the end of the day and it can be hard to muster the energy to cook.
I always say our dog was more work as a puppy than our kid as newborns 😂 My husband disagrees. I’ll definitely do something about low effort dinners! They are my lifeline.
I would love the recipe for the energy bites!
I second this! I would also love the recipe for the energy bites. Love the variety and balance in these meals. I am interested in pre-work out fuel and breakfast options
The recipe for these is by Pinch of Yum! I’ve been making them for years and I keep them in my freezer 🙂
This makes me so happy. I’ve been very very slowly getting back into a sort of active routine after one year post-ED recovery. (Or…technically still in recovery, but you know what I mean.) I’m always really scared to check out these kinds of posts, but I had a good feeling about this one, and I’m glad I looked. Thank you for your food philosophy that all foods have a place and carbs, sugars, etc. aren’t the ~*big bad*~, plus everything else you said. This is the kind of stuff that makes me feel good about working out without those stigmas weighing on my brain the whole time. 🙂 Much appreciated – thanks Breanna!!
I’m so happy you found this helpful! Avoiding those stigmas is a hard adjustment but so worth it!
Wow! Thank you for this lovely, positive message! I am soaking in the sunshine outside along with all of the good vibes and humor from this post. Please feed me more lol
Thank you for reading! We had a couple unseasonably warm days here this week and I was soaking it up too!