2 days left. | 88 of 90

2 days left. This coming Wednesday will be my 90th day on this journey. I can’t believe this chapter of my life is coming to a close. It’s a weird feeling of being proud and sad at the same time…

My 90 day journey has been a metamorphosis. I use this word specifically because of the shedding that‘s been happening. I’m not talking about weight or fat. I’m talking about the shedding of the way I used to feel chained to being someone I wasn’t. I’m talking about the shedding of the way I used to let other people control my narrative. I’m talking about the shedding of the way I used make excuses for my stagnation. I’m talking about the shedding of old “followers” who didn’t believe in my metamorphosis.

As Wednesday approaches, and as I prepare to come out of this 90 day cocoon, I’m excited and terrified all at the same time. How will I use my new wings? How will it feel to leave behind the structure of this 90 day journey and head into my next stage of life?

More to chat about when I post my FINALE before and after later this week. What would you like to see? Photos? Measurements? Weight? Body fat? Muscle mass? Comment below.

Also, I know it’s been months since I have released a new workout video, and many of you have expressed how much you missed them, soooooo….

ENJOY! I love this one. It is so fluid, graceful, and elegant.

Yesterday’s Recap:


29% carbs, 51% fat, 20% protein

469 calories

2 eggs (1 is not pictured), kale with lemon juice, kobucha squash, jicama, sweet potato, bacon, sunflower seed sauce, and pesto. This was our final meal at the Powergirls Retreat!


31% carbs, 36% fat, 33% protein

554 calories

Eggs, turkey meatballs, broccoli, cauli rice, and mushrooms with LOTS of sriracha.

Cauli rice, broc, and a chicken skewer.


61% carbs, 37% fat, 2% protein

554 calories

Oatly ice cream wit blueberries.

A dried mango!


Yesterday I came in at 1,342 calories and 127g carbs (37%), 62g fat (41%), and 73g protein (21%). Wow, I can’t believe I won’t be logging my food like this after Wednesday! It’s gonna feel weird!!!

25 thoughts on “2 days left. | 88 of 90”

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  1. Saraahx says:

    I’m glad that journey made a good (great!) impact/metamorphosis on you!!!

  2. lizzygc says:

    Will you still blog after the 90 days?? I know it won’t be every day but still! I love reading your posts!

    You should be so proud! Metamorphosis is really the perfect word

  3. PopStar123 says:

    Cassie you look so buff in your new vid. Too swole too control!!!! 😀 MAKE THE LAST 2 DAYS EPIC!

  4. McKenzie says:

    I will miss the daily updates, I love reading your posts every evening! Can’t wait to see how much muscle you gained and more importantly how you feel! It’s crazy how “controversial” your PERSONAL journey became but I know you came out of all this way stronger and with a way more solid base of dedicated popsters:) you’re the best!

  5. Maddie says:

    So excited for you!!! You look absolutely beautiful and radiant here! Love everything you stand for and all that you inspire!

  6. Laura says:

    Please don’t stop blogging! It’s been so interesting to see a day in your life. You kept it real! Also, you don’t have to stop logging your food – maybe just simplify and use your journal vs MFP. You have spent all of this time changing your lifestyle, and it’s a good habit to keep. If you notice your weight sliding again, you can look and see what the culprit may be. I find that if I log things before I actually eat, I will stick to it better – especially helpful for snacks!

    Regardless, thanks for sharing this part of you. I look forward to seeing whatever you want to share. Also, consider blogging about maintaining your weight loss. It’s something a lot of struggle with afterwards since you can add in calories, slowly add carbs back in (for those that were dieting vs lifestyle changing), etc. Looking forward to seeing the culmination of your hard work! Take care!

  7. Ellie says:

    I would like to see before and after photos and weight, body fat, and muscle. Also, please keep blogging frequently! I love reading your posts each day. It really helps motivate me to be healthier and has been something to look forward to each day. Thanks for sharing your journey!

  8. Julie says:

    90 days goes by very quickly! I admit I will miss the daily updates… they were a little piece of most of my mornings.
    While I wouldn’t personally set goals like yours or spend the time/energy/money that you did (nothing wrong with it, I just don’t have it, LOL), I have been on a “journey” of my own since early July, but I did kick it up a little after you started yours.

    Like your journey, my approach to things evolved over time, though I didn’t really have a specific weight loss goal or end date. I just really wanted to re-evaluate my habits and minimize my dependency on constant eating because I have so many other responsibilities and hated spending so much of my time being “hangry.” At this point, I think the changes that I’ve made have become part of my lifestyle. As an added perk, I just found out this past weekend that I lost all the baby weight from two kids, which I didn’t expect and didn’t realize because I didn’t weigh in very often. But the control I’ve gained has been, by far, my biggest take-away. Now, I no longer feel like I can’t function when I’m trying to take care of my children’s needs before mine. And I’m eating much healthier, don’t feel deprived, and am making less impacts to my blood sugar, which is great because I had gestational diabetes and need to watch myself for life. All this without logging my food for a single day.

  9. Anniebelle says:

    Def, some before after pics, and how you are feeling, and please continue to blog. I have been reading as a visitor and now am registered and would totally miss your posts

  10. Diana says:

    I would like to see before and after pictures. I am also curious to see how you feel both physically and mentally. Do you feel healthier, fitter, and better than you’ve ever felt? What are your next steps and what are you looking to do?

  11. Dayna says:

    I loved reading about your journey. Its so refreshing to see someone talk about their health and wanting to improve without adopting unhealthy/ unsustainable habits. Yes, you counted calories, body fat, and weight differences, but it didn’t consume you, you didn’t put yourself down if you didn’t reach a goal. You have come so far and improved so much, I see a confidence and excitement in you that I have not seen in a while. I honestly feel bad for the people that think you are a sell out and going back to disordered eating. its sad that you lost followers / friends because of this, but its okay to grow apart. I look forward to being with you and supporting you in this next chapter of your life.

  12. Arabelle says:

    Why stop at 90 days? I really hope you don’t stop blogging, I’ve really enjoyed seeing the “real” you. Plus, your food looks really delish, and I’ve loved to see what you do for workouts!

  13. ANAM says:

    Thank you so much for posting another great video! I can’t wait for your reflection blog for when it is over, and I’m so proud that you were able to “shed” all that negativity in this journey. You are an inspiration to me, and I think you are too kind, too amazing, too… good for anyone to chain you down with their unreasonable comments. What would you say is the hardest part of the journey for you, and what was the easiest? Keep rocking this world Cassie!

  14. I’m going to miss your daily blog post recaps! How often will you blog?

  15. RL says:

    Hi Cassey — reading the comments on these posts is frustrating for me, too. Why can’t people understand that it’s OK to love yourself the way you are today, and still want to keep growing and pushing our limits for tomorrow?

    I love the fact that you had numerical goals. Having numerical goals shows that you are a professional, and you’re able to use data as a source of evidence & information to help you assess your health and fitness! The only problem with data is when we get emotionally attached to it, or if we put too much value on it (and not enough value on how we feel).

    Keep it going, Cassey!! You are an influence-ER, not an influenc-EE! Don’t let yourself be influenced by the random commenters on the internet :). Chances are, you are eons ahead of us in terms of your health, both mind & body.

  16. Amber says:

    I’m so sad to see this journey end!! I’ve looked forward to each blog post and it’s truly motivated me! I’m in the same category as you, not overweight but wanting to feel my best by treating my body with respect and loving myself enough to eat foods that make me feel good and moving my body! I’ve stumbled along the way and seeing you be so open about your struggles has motivated me to get back up and to keep going. I’ve loved seeing you reach your goals by finding exercise that you love and nourishing your body with foods that fuel you. In a space such as this, you’ll always receive criticism, you won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but you sure are mine! I’d love to see before and afters especially! Not because I think weight loss and looking “better” should be someone’s only motivation but rather that treating your body nice and listening to what makes you feel good with the goal of body re-composition coupled in is relative to mine and so many other women’s journeys. To me, weight matters less than photos and the way I feel. I tend to build muscle quickly and therefore the numbers on the scale don’t drop as much. I don’t think it’s fair for people to psychoanalyze you even if you share pieces of your life and your journey. Keep surrounding yourself with positive vibes and radiating realness! It truly makes a world of difference for some of us.

    1. RL says:

      Agree with this, Amber!!

    2. Diana says:

      I don’t care so much about numbers either. I would much rather see pictures and to know how she feels. We put so much emphasis on numbers as a society but as we’ve seen with Cassey’s video numbers can be deceptive and not show the whole picture.

  17. Hanna says:

    Dear Cassey,

    I’m happy for you that you don’t feel like you have to be a certain way or talk about certain things that “isn’t you”. But honestly Cassey, do you want to be a person who can’t take criticism? Do you want to lose followers until there is only people who agree with you in everything left?

    I don’t agree with a lot of things you’ve done and said, but I’m still here. When I criticise you I do it because I care, not because I want to make you feel bad. You say that the negative comments affects you, but you never actually listen. You just try to defend yourself, but fails to see the big picture.

    I would like you to address a few things. I want to here your side and I want you to really reflect about the questions I have for you. I feel that if you can’t talk about the criticism in a non-defensive way I don’t want to be here anymore.

    How do you explain and what are your thoughts about your video “I will never diet again” related to your 90 day journey?

    How do you explain and what are your thoughts about people being confused when you set these weight and body fat goals to get healthier and at the same time posts a video about how weight doesn’t say that much about a persons weight?

    What are your thoughts about your earlier diets and efforts to lose weight and get healthier? They have clearly not been sustainable. How is this journey different? Why do you think that it will last this time?

    What are you thoughts when I say that when reading your old blog posts from when you had an ED I see a lot of similarities in how you defend yourself against the criticism?

    Do you not think that talking about wanting to lose weight when you’re not on an unhealthy weight, talking about numbers and measurements and doing this journey public is feeding to the factors that make young girls insecure about their bodies? Do you not think that it can influence them in a negative way? Do you have an actual good reason for not keeping the numbers and the weight talk private? And I mean s not selfish one. I want to know if you think that it can actually help the young girls following you.

    I want to hear your side because I can’t judge you before you address these questions. Maybe you have good answers. Maybe you can change my mind. Maybe I can change yours. Or maybe we will have to agree to disagree.

    1. Silvia says:

      Hi Heather. Thank you so much for writing out what I’ve been feeling throughout the the 90 days. I truly admire Cassey and have been doing her workouts for over five years. I I also have have a lot of the same concerns but haven’t written anything because of how defensive and minimizing Cassey’s replies have been. I can’t imagine what it’s like to put yourself out there the way she does. But f you’re going to do it, I think it’s the responsible thing to truly listen and respond to everyone not just the people that see it the way you do.

  18. Christy says:

    I want to see all the stats but only if you are comfortable sharing – share what feels right to you! You are amazing!

  19. Heather says:

    Definitely don’t stop logging your food. It’s such a terrific way to keep track of how your body feels. Maybe stop counting macros if you want, but keep keeping track. Especially with the digestive issues you mentioned; having a log will really help you to see what foods make you feel your best and brightest.
    I’d love to hear your feelings on all the backlash you’ve received from your “body positive” videos and things like that during your journey. I’ve been following you (and your followers) very closely, and the general consensus seems to be that you like being fit and thin and you don’t really care for people that are heavy. I’ve also noticed how it seems like your entire life is dedicated to looking good. How do you feel about people saying those things? Also, why do you delete so many negative comments? Why don’t you respond to people who express concern or ask you deep questions?

  20. LisaZ19 says:

    I want to see everything, pictures, weight, body fat, muscel mass, etc.

  21. Cecile says:

    I’ve been so impressed with your perseverance so far! However, I think it’s a good idea to keep tracking food (without blogging) for 2-3 weeks after finishing the caloric deficit part of your journey. I personally find maintenance trickier to balance than losing – losing you just get under your daily expenditure, and you lose weight slowly or quickly. Maintenance – eating just the right amount – is harder for me to determine how much food that is.

  22. Laura says:

    I would like to see whatever you wanna share. 🤗♥️ I’m so happy for you!