Getting back on track | 74 of 90
As much fun as the weekend was, it WORE ME OUT! I was so tired that I needed to keep it pretty low key for most of Sunday! I am actually glad it is Monday because now it’s time to get back on track. It’s hard to know exactly what you’re feeding your body at a party, but I did my best to guesstimate while still having fun. My stomach didn’t feel as good after the 3 parties, so I’m happy I’m back to cooking for myself.
Before we get into yesterday’s recap…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LAUREL, our amazing Social Media Manager! She’s the one holding George who apparently is distracted by something a lot more interesting than the selfie screen.
Yesterday’s Recap:
My Fit Journal entry. Tried to get back on track starting Sunday! You know you’ve got solid habits when you WANT to eat clean because it feels good.
Started the day off at a new studio I found on Classpass! It was a HIIT studio. Jackelyn came with me and we both got sweaty, so it was a lovely start to our Sunday morning recovery. Then we went to Trader Joes and went grocery shopping. It was PERFECT.
21% carbs, 36% fat, 43% protein
547 calories
Eggs, beef, cauliflower rice, broccoli, and cucumbers with coconut aminos and sriracha!
Sea bass with cauliflower rice and broc with hot sauce that almost killed me.
26% carbs, 30% fat, 44% protein
494 calories
NuPasta with sriracha tofu, sea bass, and sweet bell peppers. The NuPasta konjac noodles are incredible for how low calorie (only 35 calories a serving) they are. I am using the angel hair one for this dish! I seasoned with Nom Nom Paleo’s magic mushroom powder. YUMMMMM.
52% carbs, 37% fat, 11% protein
228 calories
Raspberries. Currently a very sweet batch from Trader Joes.
Kombucha with George in the background.
Oat milk from Trader Joes. OMG OMG OMG. Everyone needs to run out and get the oat milk from TJ’s RIGHT NOW. It was the creamiest most heavenly thing ever!!!! Better than regular milk!!! Better than almond milk!!! Better than cashew milk!!! Better than macademia nut milk!!! Literally tastes like you’re drinking cream. It is such a treat. OMG. SO GOOD. I AM DEAD.
Barley tea with almond milk. We’re almost out of oat milk. Jackelyn and Sam drank a bunch already. I have to ration it 🙂
Yesterday I came in at 1,300 calories, 98 g carbs (30%), 48g fat (33%), and 122g protein (37%). Yay doing MUCH better in the protein arena!!!
13 thoughts on “Getting back on track | 74 of 90”
There are 13 comments posted by our users.
If you can’t find NuPasta konjac noodles, there are shiritaki noodles at Walmart too! I used to eat them all the time. Also made from the konjac root, same thing as NuPasta pretty much and cheaper!
Ahh I like how you “pick yourself up” and get back on track that quickly. It usually takes me a bit of time to readjust but I guess we’re all different (?)
You are doing great. Glad you are having some down time. Thank you for being positive and encouraging.
I haven’t tried pay milk–how many carbs per serving was it?:)
Cassey, do you batch cook your cauliflower rice? You always have have such good leftovers. I noticed you had salmon and sea bass several times, too. Do you cook it all at once or each time you have a meal? You make it look so good!
My go-to is either oat milk or rice milk!
That’s a really cute photo of you and your sister! Xx
Nice to see you and your sister back along with you!
I love oatmilk! I’ve slowly been getting my friends and coworkers hooked on it.
It’s weird how a fast a shift in your diet can effect you. I don’t eat as clean as you but I noticed I would get sick everytime I traveled and finally realized it was all fast food/eating out that was killing me.
I’ve tried oat milk, but it tasted too sweet for me! It definitely reminded me more of a dessert drink, despite being unsweetened.
I have never tried oat milk but I noticed flax milk and pea milk both tasted sweet to me despite being the unsweetened versions. Weird.
why do i hate oatmilk in my coffee? it always tastes burnt :((( lol
I cannot believe that you ate so much but only got 1300 calories.. I think I need to start your strategy and plan my meals in advance because yours look so healthy&yummy and filling compared to what I ate today…
I am amazed that you have come out of such a busy weekend weighing less than the day before. I always gain a few pounds but drop them fairly quickly once I start cooking for myself again. I just gained 5 lbs from a week long vacation, and happily dropped them all today (6 days later). Now if only I could get my sleep schedule back on track as quickly!!
Everyone keeps raving about oat milk. Sounds like I finally need to give in and try it!