Week 6 Weigh-In | 44 of 90

Oh man! I can’t believe we are at the week 6 weigh-in. WHAT!!??? I am officially half way through the 90 day journey! This is going so much faster than I thought. I feel like I am gonna miss it!

Let’s begin this post with my week 6 recap in the Fit Journal:

My BIGGEST accomplishment not only for this week but for the entire journey has been me suddenly picking up dance classes! OMG, I cannot tell you how much joy it has brought into my life. I will continue to do this…way beyond the 90 days for sure.

Friends have been texting and DMing me and asking if they could come and I be like YASSSS COME!!!!! So last night my friends Natalie and Michelle came to a beginner/intermediate heels class and OMG it was sass attack x3.

Here’s a lil video of the routine we learned. It was so hard, but so rewarding once I got the moves. This is only my 2nd class but I feel like I’m moving my body with more ease! So proud of myself 🙂


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It’s Day 2 of Phase 2 of my 90 Day Journey and one of my vows is to dance more! Why? Honestly it’s not even about the calorie burn. Dance bathes me in happy feelings. 😊 I feel soooooo incredibly giddy afterwards!!! 👠 Today’s heels routine was def harder than yesterday’s. The choreo featured slow, sensual moves broken up by hard hits! Oh boy was it challenging. (I was struggling a lot of the time!) But it was a good struggle because when I finally kinda sorta got it, the feeling was pure REWARD and SATISFACTION! My friends @nataliesoutlet and @michellekhare joined me today and we’re gonna try to make it a weekly thing! 👯‍♀️ I love how supportive these classes are. All the women are so nice and encouraging! Thanks @sassyress for the cool routine. Can’t wait to learn the rest! Read more about my phase 2 vows on blogilates.com (bio link) #blogilates

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Here is what my Fit Journal Game Plan looked like this week! A combo of running, weight lifting, circuit training and dance! Oh man. Can’t wait to see this whole thing filled out.


Last Sunday, I had creeped back up to 129.8 lbs and the start of this whole week was me battling the bloat. I had to do a lot of probiotics and I stopped with the processed meat, like bacon and it helped a little. But, since implementing the food tracking just yesterday, my body has already started responding again! It feels nice to know that my new method is working.

So, today’s weigh in has me at a -0.4 lb change over the week and a -7.2 lb change since August 12th, which was my very very first weigh in. I decided to add that number in to the chart because it shows me how far I’ve truly come.

It’s only been a couple days of food tracking in MyFitnessPal – but already I am understanding why this works. Of course, tracking your food keeps you hyper aware of how many calories you’re putting in your body so you don’t overeat. That’s obvious. But for me, the tracking makes me feel fuller after my meals. Let me explain.

Growing up, my family didn’t live a life of abundance. When it came to food, I always felt like I needed to eat the fastest and hoard the most food on my plate, so that I wouldn’t be left hungry later if food ran out. So how does that affect me as an adult? Well, now I eat til I’m overstuffed because it makes me feel safe and protected. That’s why I have such an emotional relationship with food. Food doesn’t just make me full. It makes me FULfilled.

So, when I started tracking my calories a couple days ago and seeing how much food I was actually eating, it eased my mind. Seeing how much fat, protein, and carbs I was getting in one meal made me feel like I didn’t have to eat more because I was already eating enough. It shattered that “hurry eat more or else you’ll be hungry later” mentality and instead gave me calm and peace!

Guys, this is the weirdest epiphany I have ever had about why I overeat!!! Oh my goodness. This is why I love blogging. It’s so therapeutic, and it helps me work out my problems!! I never thought I’d say that I like calorie counting, but since it sparked a pretty deep revelation about my childhood – I can’t say I hate it!

Yesterday’s Recap:

Fit journal entry. I am happy to be filling out that happy face again. During my 2 weeks of bloat, that meh face was winning. Man, your gut really has so much control over your emotions!


18% carbs, 63% fat, 19% protein

613 calories

For brunch, in addition to my mixture of MCT Oil and BHB’s in my water, I made myself a plate of eggs mixed with ghee, chanterelle mushrooms (my fave mushrooms of all time!!!!), half an avo, and ground turkey with sriracha and coconut aminos for flavor. ABSOLUTE YUMMMMMM.


17% carbs, 55% fat, 28% protein

663 calories

I actually ended up having 6 of those taco things! Each taco was made up of a cauliflower egg thin and was filled with ground turkey, chanterelle mushrooms, and topped with guac. I had a side of eggs with ghee, topped with pico de gallo salsa. Again, ABSOLUTE DELISHHHHHHH.


44% carbs, 53% fat, 3% protein

100 calories

For a late dinner snack (ok I know I’m not supposed to snack but I had “leftover” calories that MyFitnessPal said I needed to use up), so I used it on the pumpkin pie hummus! SO GOOD. I also had my probiotic.

Overall I ate 1,376 calories yesterday and oddly felt super full. Maybe I didn’t calculate correctly?? Anyway, came in at 20% carbs, 58% fat, and 22% protein. I still had room to eat more according to MyFitnessPal but I wasn’t hungry, so I decided to simply acknowledge the deficit and instead give priority to listening to my body. Energy levels are up and I’m not feeling tired at all, so maybe my happy place is around this macronutrient breakdown. I’ll keep it this way until I notice something that needs to be changed.

Well there you go guys! Hope you’re having a great weekend!

32 thoughts on “Week 6 Weigh-In | 44 of 90”

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  1. Christina Davis says:

    Love reading your updates and hearing you be so open about your goals and struggles. It’s kinda awesome to read that even workout queens like yourself have to fight! And wow the dance class looks incredible— I’m possibly the worlds worst dancer because I can never remember the moves but geez your little clips make me wanna try! Love ya cassey, we appreciate you!!!

  2. florynatah says:

    Hello Cassey,
    I also check up my macros on MyFitnessPal, and I’m supposed to reach 50% carbs, 20% protein, and 30% fat. I did so a few years ago, after I put up a lot of weight, and it gave me perfect results (along with your calendars, thank you!). I’m starting to track again to lose a couple kilos and find more balance. Anyway, I know the fat you eat is good fat, I do too, but I honestly those levels are too high. I’d suggest you find more balance in your macros, increasing the carbs and reducing the fat. I keep following your journey and wishing you the best 🙂

    1. blogilates says:

      I upped my carbs and lowered my fat already, so feeling better!

  3. Ivy says:

    You are so inspiring. Simply the fact that you can stick to all of this! I always end up not sticking to stuff whatever it is. 🙁 I think you are doing a great job. <3

  4. Kathryn Bueno says:

    Wow! A lot of good insight.

  5. Nana says:

    I love u … Keep going u are so inspiring!
    seeing your progress and your positivism I feel so much confident with myself
    thank you so much for being so real!!

  6. Shannon Wong says:

    holy cow! we’re like at the exact same point in terms of weight and measurements. Crazy!! You’re so inspiring and I love you being so honest and vulnerable throughout this journey cause it’s been so nice to have some real perspective

    1. blogilates says:

      I am glad you are enjoying that!

  7. Eggs and ghee are a hard combo to beat! I love your meals.

  8. someone says:

    u are gorgeous and so happy dancing
    feeling so happy for u
    never stop dancing

  9. Saraahx says:

    I’m really glad you finally discovered the real reason why you were overeating. Now, you can be at peace with yourself but also with your tracking 🙂

  10. Angie says:

    I need to get a container of that hummus. Pumpkin is life.

  11. Marcella Nichols Eastin says:

    Love the pumpkin pie hummus! Thanks for sharing it!!!

  12. Diana says:

    It’s good that you are self-aware. We should all reflect on how our childhood traumas could affect how we operate as adults. I still have work to do as far as breaking down everything from my past and why I do the things I currently do. Watching your dancing videos is inspiring me to take a dance class. I used to go to Ballet Barre and I want to get back into yoga, but I definitely want to do dance too. I am about to start my own 30 day journey of no sugar and mainly natural foods. I am going to try to avoid white rice and gluten as much as possible and see what effect it has on how I feel. I want to start tracking things as well.

  13. Thea says:

    Chanterelle is my fave mushroom as well! Here in Norway we can go pick it in the woods now. It’s like a treasure hunt to find edible gold!

  14. Josie says:

    Cassey! You look amazing in that dance video. I want to start dancing more too, but I haven’t been able to as much since I started running more. But you’re really making me want to get back into it. (:

  15. Hannah says:

    Congrats on the deep revelation about your inner psychological workings.

    I wanna share some less deep revelations that might be interesting – recently, I started wearing a Fitbit to track sleep, heart rate, and steps for me. I’m really not interested in tracking anything manually. Wearing a Fitbit led me to realize that my job is SERIOUSLY sedentary – maybe 3,000 steps per day? Additionally, I was only averaging 6 hours of sleep per night!
    Now I have two daily targets – 10,000 steps per days & 8 hours of sleep. Even after 1 week, I feel less anxious, more focused, and like my body hurts less.

    P.S. your videos help me SOOO MUCH when traveling, or when in a depressive funk. At the end of the day, the most important fitness thing is to get your heart rate elevated for a half hour or so, 5 days a week. The blogilates videos tide me over until I can get another hard core lifting session back in. Except, the abs videos are a benchmark – I use them regularly to get my core ready for more intense exercise. 🙂

    Anyway, that’s my ramble for the day. I hope you continue to figure yourself out and enjoy the journey, Cassey.

    1. blogilates says:

      That is incredible! I am glad you’re feeling the diff!

  16. Candace says:

    Hi Cassey. If for some reason you continue to struggle with bloating and weight stall/bloating I wanted share a resource with you that changed my life. For at least 5 years I was struggling with digestive issues and not until 2017 did it get bad enough where I knew something was wrong. Doctors didn’t provide any long term solution and after some research I found the book The Metabolism Plan. I documented part of my journey on IG (https://www.instagram.com/p/BlmNIbBBtb9/?igshid=36slyh6lldbh). It’s not about restriction but finding the foods that cause YOU inflammation and the exercises that your body responds to the best. It seriously gave me the tools to take control of my health and reduce stress and inflammation. Check out the post if you have time and feel free to reach out if u want to learn more. Best wishes on this journey. I love following everything about it.

    1. blogilates says:

      Thanks for the advice!

  17. Hanusia says:

    What an interesting revelation about your childhood evening habits! Thank you for sharing that with us- I imagine it was so satisfying to discover that about yourself. Love seeing your progress through this journey; thank you for keeping it real with us!

    1. blogilates says:

      always keeping it real!

  18. Elena says:


  19. Salmouche says:

    It doesn’t matter how many calories you had to consume a day… If you are not hungry, don’t have it, it’s okay…Also, you are consuming way too much fat compared to HEALTHY carbs. Keto isn’t supposed to last. It is bad for you in the long run.

  20. Cecile says:

    In my opinion snacking isn’t an issue if it fits your calorie budget, some people work better with different meal sizes/frequencies. I prefer to have larger meals and no snacks, but my best friend is a grazer and prefers having more snacky type meals throughout the day. The most important thing is finding a way of eating that feels natural and sustainable for you. A great thing about calorie tracking is that it doesn’t just tell you when to eat less, it reminds you when you should be eating more.

    Fat is also highly satiating. It seems counterintuitive to say “I’m eating more butter for my weight loss diet” but (and protein) calories keep us fuller for longer than carbs.

  21. Tara says:

    Cassey knowing that you have a history with an eating disorder, and having struggled with one myself I really don’t think its a good idea for you to start tracking your calories and macros like this. Despite how far away you may feel from your eating disorder, trust me when I say its very easy for the thoughts to trickle back in. I don’t want to criticise or upset you but the risk of falling back into such a dark hole isn’t worth it. You aren’t defined by your weight or appearance, we love you for your personality and positivity that you bring! You don’t deserve to suffer under such a horrible illness, you are such a light to the world and trust me, millions of people only want to see you happy and healthy! Sending lots of love xx

    1. blogilates says:

      Thank u so much for your concern Tara! So far the tracking has been only helpful and insightful. If I feel like I am getting obsessed, I will stop. But right now, I feel very in tune with myself so don’t you worry!