Ashamed of Gaining Weight
Ashamed of Gaining Weight
Hey POPsters,
Have you ever been in a situation where you walk into a family party and a female relative walks up to you and says, “Oh you look fat!” or “Looks like you gained some weight!” (If you are from an Asian family, I know you know what I mean.)
Like, what are you supposed to say? Is that a question you’re supposed to actually answer?
“Yeah, I did”?? And then uncomfortably mumble something to move the conversation past your physical appearance?
There’s 2 problems here.
1. To say that to someone, especially a girl, it’s hurtful and damaging to her self-esteem.
2. You shouldn’t have to feel ashamed for gaining weight. But we all do.
The reason why I bring this up is because after this past ABC ABS video, I started getting some comments asking the same very thing my Asian Auntie would say:
“Your legs look bigger. Did you gain weight?”
“Not to be mean but did you have too many YOLO Meals?”
“What happened to your inner thigh gap?”
“How could you let this happen?”
Does gaining weight discredit me as a fitness instructor? Am I a failure? Am I lazy? Do I have no self control? Does that change who I am? Why does it matter? Why all the labels?
To answer the elephant in the room and for everyone who wanted to hear me confirm it, yes guys, I did gain weight.
I’m not mad at the people who asked this question because hey, if you wanna know you wanna know. But who I am upset at is myself…not for gaining weight, but for feeling ASHAMED for gaining weight.
As you know, the past few months I did the big move from SF to LA, adjusted to my new place, traveled a ton, and started focusing on new projects, making it hard to stick to a set diet and workout schedule. In fact, I had to delay my bikini competition because of it all. You know, it will be 1 year since my first bikini competition on May 5th. I remember those 10 weeks of hard training and dieting. I remember the discipline and mental focus it took to workout for soooo many hours a day. To eat just chicken breast, broccoli, and egg whites every day. To be so exhausted that it was hard to even think straight. But I also remember stepping on stage in my cheetah bikini with those high heels and strutting my new, super tanned body, showing off the most defined muscles I ever had. It was exhilarating and not gonna lie, I love those pictures. I had never seen my body like that before. Dieting down and losing weight…it was hard. Really, really hard. But at the end, it was extremely satisfying to reach a place I didn’t think was possible.
If you read my blog last year, there was a post after the competition where I wrote about being scared of gaining the weight back. I knew it wasn’t really possible to hold my body fat percentage down so low all year. It was inevitable. I didn’t know how I would deal with it. I didn’t want it to happen.
Each week, I started to nourish my body with the goods it had wanted for so long. I no longer had to be on a calorie deficit. So I ate. And it was soulfully satisfying. My mouth savored every bite of food bursting with FLAVOR! I of course noticed a difference in the tightness of my body but made a conscious decision to not be obsessed about calories. It took a while for me to break out of the “bikini model” mentality. To tell you the truth, after the competition, I was scared of fruit. Yeah, how crazy is that? I looked at an apple and worried what it would do to me.
For those of you who are shaking your heads now…yeah…it was a slight form of body image issues and eating issues. It took some time and talking to fellow fitness friends before I could eat normally and not feel guilty about it.
Looking back now, the way I was coached to lean down for my first bikini competition may not have been the best way. It was very extreme. I did not take crazy fat burning pills or anything – I never would – but I was deprived. I felt like the diet left me so lost and dry. I felt like I needed coaching to help me “get back to normal” safely. But I didn’t have that. Because shortly after the competition, I left my trainer.
The after effects of deprivation? Eating, eating, eating. And more eating. Feeling like you’re out of diet jail. Feeling like you better take in as much food as possible before it’s taken away from you again.
You know, being a fitness instructor – your body is a source of inspiration for others. It supposed to be chiseled. Hard. Toned and tight. And when it starts becoming the backwards of a before and after picture, you start feeling like your career and your credibility are on the line.
So I feared. I feared the weight gain. I feared the scale. I feared the day one of you would say I looked fat.
And well, I guess after the ABC ABS video, it finally happened. I knew it was coming though. Yes, I did gain weight because I’m a human being. I’m a girl whose life is a little more than just gym time and meal preps! I too, just like you, eat when I am stressed. I too, just like you, can’t find time to workout when my workload becomes overwhelming. I’m not perfect! But then again…who said maintaining a low body fat percentage made you perfect!? Weight fluctuates! THIS IS LIFE.
Part of me feels relieved that someone said it. But part of me feels upset. In all honesty guys (and you know that with my blog, I speak the truth and don’t hide behind some perfect fitness instructor curtains only revealing what I want you to see) I’m gonna be real and say I’m a little disappointed in myself for “letting go.” But at the same time, I don’t really regret the food I ate and the rest I took that got me to where I am today.
You know why? Because I listened to my body. It needed it. It needed to recover. It needed something it was missing and I let it have it. What’s important is making that mind-body connection and feeding not just your body but your soul too.
And you know what else? I can still lift heavy. In fact, heavier. I can still run far and long. In fact, faster. I can still do my videos and teach my classes while carrying on a conversation. Just because I gained weight, it didn’t mean I lost all my hard work. I’m still fit and healthy and progressing everyday. Isn’t that the ultimate goal?
So yeah, I have a thicker layer of fat on top of my abs. Cool. I’ll start eating super duper clean on a consistent basis and train harder for some weeks, and I will have my bikini body back. Seriously guys, it’s not a big deal! It’s all about resilience. If you feel like you’ve fallen off track, just get up. Just get up and start over NOW.
All I ask of you is that you not judge someone for their looks. I know, sounds so motherly of me to have to say that right? But seriously. What matters is how someone treats you, how they make you feel, and their honest and genuine intent.
I hope this post resonated with some of you. Don’t feel bad if your pants are tight again. Remember, it doesn’t change who you are. Just power on and embrace the ups and downs of life. It just makes the triumphs that much sweeter.
Take care guys and let me know in the comments if you’ve ever dealt with someone calling you fat.
<3 Cassey
1,423 thoughts on “Ashamed of Gaining Weight”
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I’m thoroughly impressed, Cassey!
Terrific post, thanks for sharing 🙂
Given that you have struggled so much with your own body image Cassey, I just don’t understand why you recommend ways that people can ‘successfully lose weight’ and ‘really change their bodies’ with the 28 day reset for example. You are absolutely right that we have no right to comment on others’ health but equally these lovely posts on embracing our bodies as they are, make no sense when they are posted alongside way to lose weight and change your body. You cannot guarantee that any of these programs will do this for an individual. We are not doctors, not are we registered nutritionists or dieticians and even then, weight loss or body change could not be guaranteed. Although you are an amazing fitness presenter and a fantastic teacher,I struggle with the ‘image’ side of your brand. Not ‘YOUR’ image because as you say – that’s not for others to comment on, but the promises you make to others which you simply cannot stand behind or guarantee and which are potentially damaging and triggering to those in recovery from or with disordered eating etc. Thanks so much x
Weight when you are an athlete is such a tricky thing. I teach martial arts and compete, and I get comments on my body a lot too. People feel more willing to comment when your career is related to looking and performing a certain way. Hopefully as a trainer you can help people to understand that health has a lot of facets and weight is just one of them.
All my life I’ve been under my healthy weight, I think it is a metabolism thing, I watched photos of my mom and dad at my age, and they were so thin. Even when I went to the doctor and they said “you are too thin”, I couldn’t do anything, I was already eating normal, maybe more than normal.
On those times (10 years ago) I had a friend with eating issues… someday I heard that she was talking about me behind my back and she named me as “the fat chick”. I was so upset, I mean, I was thin and still was “the fat chick”.
Last year my thyroid started to malfunction. I began with some medication, but it was the worst idea ever, I gained 10 kgs. (I think is like 20 pounds?). I am starting to exercise to feel better about myself, to be healthier, and of course, to loose some weight. But I am so ashamed of myself, I can’t believe I let my body to gained so much weight.
I am “the fat chick” now. Somedays I’m happy, because I now have boobs and booty, but then I remember what my friend said and think: What is she thinking now about me?
This issues are so hard to resolve…
random question where is the picture taken. It looks like my campus lol
I don’t know if you’ll actually get to read this because I know you have a lot of followers, but this post hit me hard. My entire life I’ve been skinny. Like, SKINNY. Because I was malnutritioned due to the diet my mother had me and my siblings on. We were so skinny, people would shout things at us like, “eat a burger!” or, “put some meat on them bones!” Those things don’t sound like insults, been when you’re only eating what’s provided for you and doing what you were taught, it’s like a kick to the gut. I did eat cheeseburgers, I tried to gain weight.
Finally I moved out of my mothers house after I graduated and turned 18, and within the first year of me moving out, I finally started to gain some weight. It was hardly noticeable, even to me at the time, but it was there. Now, I’m 26, and I’ve done a lot of healthy things that have actually made me gain weight (like quit smoking, a bad habit I picked up from having an entire family and every one of my friends smoke). However, now, I’m 30 pounds heavier than I was three years ago and I feel fat. I’m 5’4″, 142 pounds, and I feel so fat. Everyone I talk to says I look healthy, but when I struggle to get into clothes that once fit me, I can’t help but cry. Especially when I used to be the skinny girl.
This had been a terrible experience for me because I’m not fit or healthy and I think that’s why I feel bad about my body. What’s here is just added fat. Not muscle like I wish it were.
Every time I’ve tried to start working out in the past few years, I’ve felt it’s so unattainable and that the trainers were living unattainable lives. I thought, “well of course they’re fit and healthy, they work out for a living. That’s their job. If my job was working out, I’d be fit too.”
While that may be partially true, my true struggle is fear that I can’t hack it. I’m terrified I’ll fail and I don’t know where to start. I’m tired and have a headache every day after work. I never feel like I can do anything to change my situation.
Anyway, to know that someone as fit and amazingly positive and inspirational as you can feel ashamed of her body on occasion, I can’t help but think, I must just be human.
I still am not sure where to start, but at least now I know I can.
Sorry for the novel, but even more, thanks for sharing Cassey!
I lost 20/25kg when I first entered university…now ive gained back everything and it kills me evey sibgle day. I feel like a let down and a failiure . But like what u said we are all humans too and sometimes things happen. I guess we just got to pick ourselves up again like what u said.
How convenient is this post?
My dad keeps bothering me about my weight, ever since middle school. He’ll say “Oh, you’re getting big” and when I was in high school he told me “You need to lose weight here, here, here, and here.” As you can imagine, being in high school I had very low self-esteem and that made me insanely self-conscious and unhappy with my body. He would take me shopping and then tell me “No, you’re too big for that and etc…”. I was actually the normal size and weight for my height/age. I look back at pictures at myself and I see healthy. It made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. As an adult, I just see it as a sickness to constantly criticize someone’s weight/shape/form. Now I see him criticize my 12-year old brother and 8-year old sister telling them they need to lose weight, their getting fat, and etc… It’s disgusting and sick. Even if you try to tell them that they’re fine as they are or tell him that they’re beautiful how they are… no one listens. It’s ashame. When I have kids I will NEVER make them the ones feel insecure, there’s enough cruel people in the world already. I want my children to be happy in their own skin and just know how to live a healthy lifestyle (even if it means not looking like society’s idea of “perfect” or “ideal”.)
Crazy! Cassey, you are SO beautiful, your body is healthy and in shape, and your personality and smile shine brighter then anything! 🙂 I am 5’1″ and weigh in between 112-120 lbs depending on what level of stress, anxiety, exercise, eating patterns, etc I’m dealing with! The thing is, NO ONE is perfect, and the other thing is, weight fluctuates frequently. I go through times in life where it’s easy to exercise 5 times a week and eat as well as I can, and I look and feel great, then there are times when exercising is the last thing I want to do and that doughnut looks oh so good! Everybody has these times and feels these ways; if you deny that, you’re simply not human! There are certainly people who live very strict, disciplined lives and really don’t fall of track, ever, but that is a whole other conversation. No matter how many people try to encourage to be comfortable in your own skin and be healthy at your own level and pace, the world throws at you that you need to be vegan and 5’8″/100 lb…that is so unhealthy and absolutely ridiculous! EVERY person is different, our bodies are all different and need different things! I have 6 sisters and every single one of us is different. I’m small while another sister is tall or a little larger, and my oldest sister is smaller then us all! So, poo on the people who shame anyone, especially you because you have dedicated your life and worked so hard to be healthy and to inspire and help other to be happy and healthy with who they are. It’s not all about our physical appearances, but that’s what everyone will look it; what you can see. But guess what? There are often amazing people inside the not-so-perfect bodies, and those who are “perfect” (whatever that means to you) often are so self-centered, shallow, and can only compare and judge others to make themselves feel better.
Thank you for promoting HEALTH, Cassey. Love and happiness and health at your own pace, wherever you are in life. I was a dancer (tap, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, modern) for 5+ years, fit as could be, but I hurt myself and had to stop and was mentally paralyzed at the thought of exercising any other way then dance! I actually ended getting sick with something that shot my endurance and stamina down to 0, and am JUST getting back to where I can easy walk and do a Blogilates cardio video without being completely winded! During dance I took pilates at a local studio and still do to this day and I love it! When I’m feeling discouraged or am not able to make an actual class, I’ve been doing YOUR videos because I love them and you are a joy to learn from, even if it’s through a computer screen! Okay, now I’m rambling…anyway, I just hope you don’t feel discouraged anymore. One last thing. There’s a quote that goes “Do not judge. You don’t know what storm I’ve asked her to walk through.–God” It’s SO true! We don’t need to judge, though we will (because we’re human), because we don’t know what anyone has been through, is going through, or will go through! Not our place to be judging jerks! Especially on someone’s appearance. It’s so easy to be completely discouraged, embarrassed, self-conscious, and afraid of being yourself; comfortable no matter what you look like, and I am so sick of people taking out their issues on other people to make themselves feel better!
OKAY! That’s all!! When I start writing it’s hard to stop! lol! 🙂 Blessings, much love, and to all who may come across this comment, you are AWESOME, your journey is special and set apart from everyone elses; don’t be afraid of people or what they have to say. If it’s negative and crappy, forget them and remember who you are inside and out. No matter what your outer shell looks like, your character, heart, and soul are so much more important. Nurture those things with loving people, positive environment, encouragement and self love. I’m done now…blessings and have a beautiful day!
Jennifer B.~
P.S. Sorry for the LONG comment!!! 🙂
I totally know how you feel. A couple years ago, my grandpa asked the dreaded “did you gain weight?” question. He asked me in front of a bunch of family members, and a few seconds later, I just happened to break the chair I was sitting on! It was embarrassing and I cried. I was just a few months away from my wedding and I was struggling to fit into my dress. But after a few weeks of a more strict and healthy diet, I lost a few pounds and fit into my dress no problem. Since then I gained all the weight back and probably then some, but at 4’11” and 111 lbs. I’m still small. Reading your post made me feel better about no longer being the skinny rail I was in college. I’m still embarrassed that I’m not 90 lbs. or whatever, but I’m learning that filling out is a part of getting older, and I’m realizing that looking like a model just isn’t important to me. Thank you for posting this Cassey. 🙂 I’ve been following you since 2012, your stuff is so inspiring!
Oh my gosh I just about almost
cried. I have 7 sisters and being one of the youngest and not wanting to be noticed as a couple of my sisters are gaining weight and needing a trainer. I keep watching your videos and trying so so hard not to be noticed for gaining weight. My sisters are known for being a bit judgmental of each other and I always feel like every week I either have to starve myself or workout to the point of my injured back to break down and not let me even move. I’m always so scared because I have such fit friends that seem like they don’t even have to try to stay in shape meanwhile I have to push myself to the point of tears every time I workout and I only see the smallest of improvement if any. I have so much stress going on with family and friends I always feel terrible with self esteem. What you said really hit me hard and I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much Cassey<3
so you gained some weight so what, you are far from being fat that is for sure and that is all that matters. personally I think you look better now than in that leopard bikini pic. I think your too boney in places. I’m not talking muscles. YOu have those. Just too thin. For me I rather follow someone who is real than one who takes pills to be thin and pretends it’s their exercise program that is doing it for them. Good for you for not being too hard on yourself after all we are all human.
I can’t even begin to tell you that the struggle is real!!! Trust me. You just don’t hear about women being 5’4″ and nearly 150 lbs. but knowing I’m actually healthy! And remarkably strong I might add. But here’s what I cling to….I suffered a massive brain he mirage that should have claimed my life. Should have beyond question ended the life of the child I was carrying at only 9 weeks gestational. And by Gods provision. I walk and talk and dance as often as I can. My second is son is amazing and crazy smart! I don’t want to focus on how I can get skinnier….while I do want jeans to fit amazing….they’re overrated compared to the joy of being here and being a wife and mother. I want to focus on how I can enjoy life MORE! It’s a gift we take for granted every day!
I follow all your videos and Instagram etc. I know you say you’re a little disappointed in yourself for having “let yourself go” but that’s not what I see. I think you look great! I think you look healthy and strong. I love your full round approach to fitness. It’s not just killing yourself at the gym, but thinking of your nutrition and hydration and rest. Listening to your body is so vitally important. I likewise have gained some weight after being the super trained, toned and lean fitness buff. I too felt ashamed at having gained the weight and disappointed wondering if I had “let myself go”. But actually, I feel I’m the healthier version of myself. My previous regime was not maintainable and actually looking back, I feel it wasn’t necessarily the most healthy. I now am, like you, listening to my body and nourishing it the way I aught to and no, I am not any less fit than I was. If anything I’m better just a little bit squidgy on the sides ?
You’re an inspiration.
I think you look amazing right now(I know this is an old post, but…) You currently look healthy and happy and it is more encouraging to see someone of a *normal* size as a trainer than someone super ripped and buff. I see how strong you are and it makes me realize that you are serious about what you do and it’s not a matter if you have 0% body fat or not. Being strong is doing what’s right for your body.
You eat too much fat
I feel you on this. For the last two years of my life, I was THIN. 5’4′ and a 100 pounds! Great,righg?! No, because I was sick. I have Crohns Disease. My body was killing itself. And I nearly died, at my lowest I was 80 pounds. But God granted a miracle, I got better, and my disease is in remission. But I gained so much weight, like a lot. I am after a 8 months, about 180 pounds. But I can run, I can work, by everything that is good, I can LIVE. But what do I get? Fat-shaming. “You’ve have just gotten so fat!” But you know something? It is coming from people who are FAT THEMSELVES. It just sickens me. We have beautiful bodies, and by golly I can eat, and work, and play, and LIVE. But our society, my family would prefer thinness at the line of death, instead of life with some extra weight. So, your beautiful, and healthy, and screw the gap thigh. What are we, poultry? I like your program because your a shot of sunshine, and positivity. Its ok to no be perfect, and I love it. So keep shining, having fun, and leading us along. Your perfect. And so am I.
Today i went to say hi to my relatives and i went out walking with my cousins and lets just say they have a perfect body. all my life i hated saying hi to family you know why? because i know they are always gonna judge you whether u lost weight or gained and so today when i walked out one of the tells my mom hey your daughter has gained weight and when she said that i felt like crying because this isnt the first time someone said that and it hurts it really does not tht ive gained weight but the way people think. and it makes me feel guilty like im like that. yes my cousins litteraly have model bodies and yes i dont but i hate when people shove it up my face and compares me to them. i really just want to be happy and not think about these kind of stuiff ive been dealling woth it for the past 3 years and im tired.
I know exactly how you feel. I started working at a fast food place maybe 3 months ago and since I’m there every day fast food is in my reach. I used to be thin… I noticed I picked up a few pounds in my stomach but I didn’t know it was noticeable a until I went to my old job today and my previous manager tells me my face has gotten fatter…. at that second I throw my food away and go home to work out. Through the mall you can see Victoria secret model ads and it just made me feel worse. I do fell worse I’ve only gained 7 pounds but I feel bad for all the food I’m eating….. I feel fat now that someone pointed it out, I asked me friend if I gained weight and he said a little. I feel very disappointed. I’m mad at myself for letting myself get to this point not saying no to the food. Now I have to be serious about my workout and dieting or I’ll gain even more weight…. as I women there are very high standards for perfection men…not so much. I hate that.
Oh I thought it only happens here in my country! Didn’t know it was an Asian thing :D. It’s pretty annoying, and my grandma likes saying it too to friends/relatives that she hasn’t seen for a long time. I wanna say to her, “After all these years of not talking and seeing each other, you only wanna talk about weight?”.
Awesome blog btw Cassey! It’s my 3rd week of doing the Monthly calendar. I’m feeling a lot stronger but I am not losing weight. I think I gained some :(( Dieting is hard for me. I cannot follow the meal plans since the some of the ingredients used are expensive and not available in my country. Any help popsters?
exactly? why is it relatives focus on weight, when there are more important things in life?
I’m from malaysia and the FIRST thing people say to me when they see me usually fluctuate around “WOW You’ve lost some weight!” to ” WOW, How did you get so fat?”
These people connections to me range from close friends and family to people I barely meet in a year. It’s a Malaysian culture that holds “Fat is Bad and Thin is Good” dearly. I’ve seen people around me obsess on the latest diet trend, thinking drinking lemon water and eating an apple each day for 10 days straight is the WAY to be thin. We’re bombarded with weightloss ads and “I heard that if you -do something crazy-, you can lose 10kg in 4 days!” because we like the idea of getting from fat to thin in as little time and effort as possible.
With you, I learnt the truth that nothing come easy. It’s a lifestyle change. And to do that, I need to form good habits (still in progress). I want to thank you for that.
Wow. This was absolutely inspirational, thank you Cassie for sharing your experience. I had felt so alone and terrible after I gained the weight back. But coming from the experience of someone as beautiful and kind-hearted as you, I feel so much more NOT alone. Thank you so so so much, you made my day so much better and I will keep on sticking to my fitness goals!!! Love you so much!
around the year 2011 I was at my fittest – I was thin previously and had started working out, eating more protein, had a very very active lifestyle, was single, etc.
Since then – I am married, and I have noticed in the past 2 years that I have gained weight, which has become noticeable in my face. To be honest it is only about 11 pounds more than I used to be but it made such a difference…the worst is facebook.
Being tagged in new photos and seeing myself in pictures posted years ago. It’s super depressing.
I didn’t see it coming – I would look at myself in the mirror and think something was off – my hair wasn’t styling the way i liked, so i started wearing hats all the time, and then i realized its not my hair, its my face that has become more round – and it does not suit my body or figure.
I have been for the past 3 months trying to get back to how i was with a completely lighter diet, working out almost 7 days a week, and I haven’t seen that much results yet. I also get discouraged seeing people who I know who were heavier and are now extremely fit. They are able to achieve these things within 3 months (i know this when they post their progress on social media)but it seems like its taking forever for me.
I don’t like running into people of the past because I know the first thing they think of is how I look chubbier.
The worst part is when i was fit, people reacted differently, I was complimented more, I felt way more confident, and now I feeel depressed and unattractive.
this is the first time ive ever really said how i feel outloud because I feel embarrassed to talk about these issues to friends and family.
Heres hoping that the next 3 months show physical improvement.
This is an old post, but thank you for sharing it. I just read it today. I feel like I’ve gone off track after thanksgiving, and the holidays are a difficult time to maintain a physique. I was also starting to feel disappointed and ashamed because of all the hard work I put in this year to get my body where I wanted to be, and now I’m starting to regain a little. It’s ok though. I know this is just a bump in the road, and I can get where I once was again. Thank you for sharing your story, you are very inspiring.
Thank you for sharing your post. It was incredibly deep, sincere and a valuable message we can all learn from. Thanks for everything that you do. I’m a big fan of yours. You are so pretty, you’re mind is in the right place, your humble and inspirational. Thanks for everything that you do. You are truly original.
I’m a former competitive gymnast, lifetime dancer, Zumba teacher on the side of my other career job and divorced mother of 3 young children under the age of 10 – I’m 46.
I have injuries from my gymnast days and am finding that I just can’t always rally to do a “hard core” weight workout. Blogilates has been a fantastic source of workouts that are soooooo not easy but possible to do on even my toughest chronic pain days.
Cassie – thank you SO much for sharing the inside out of all you do, feel, experience. This is precisely what makes you so real & easy to follow. You are not perfect, you will make mistakes, you will feel emotions & ponder over them… because you are, like us on the other side of your posts – a human. Keep doing what you do and inspiring us to contemplate what we each do so we can each find our personal best in that moment. I’m fairly certain that I need to bring Blogilates to Northern California and add that certification to the list. I’m sorry folks fire nasty shots at you, ya gotta just know there are wierd folks out there.
Hi Cassey,
This is avery old post but I just wanted to tell that I find it incredibly rude and surprising that someone would criticize you for being too fat! You are far from it and I would like to see the physique of the peope who are saying these things, I’m sure they are far from perfect.
I’m quite new to pilates but I have been following your workout calendars for three months now. I was in a pretty good shape when I started doing these but I have noticed some very pleasant changes in my body. I just wanted to thank you for your hard work and the fact that you provide these workouts for us for free and also to tell you that your are a beautiful person and your positivity is inspiring!
I’m too skinny and I’m currently trying to gain weight. But I know exactly what you mean. People have always told me things like “you should eat more”, “you are going to vanish/disappear”, eventhough I’m perfectly healthy and I eat well. It’s hard 🙁 It makes me loose all my motivation 🙁
Omg I want to cry because I have gained again like 35 pounds and I feel so sad and depressed I know how you feel and people are so mean a friend of mine told me once you should shout your mouth in order to not eat, other looks your legs are like a big part of a building is so sad people said those things and here I am again gaining weight so I have to work harder to shed those and be healthy and happy again is sad for me to see that my jeans doesnt fit me anymore but like you said is not a big deal I have to get up and work again thanks casey love your videos your so pretty and honestly I would love to have that amazing body of yours big hug from GUATEMALA
I come from an Asian family too and sometimes, my relatives would say that they don’t even recognize me because of how fat I’ve become (they exaggerated, seriously :P) and my parents will say that I’m fat, and those scales just scare me the most. I like to think that someone put bricks in my hoodie before I stepped on but in fact, they didn’t. And scales always tell the truth. If anyone tells me that I look fat, I will shove this in their faces and say ‘eat your words’.
Cassey you are such a rolemodel for me. I love your videos even though i can’t finish all of them. And I really have to say those people who made these comments are so superficially. I mean, propably no one does so much work than you. And we are all humans, everybody is the same. Everybody got good days and also bad. So why are we talking about each other in a bad way. We should support everyone.
And I didn’t even see the change in your body.
So girls, please be cofindent. Everybody is beautiful!
You made my day Cassie. Thank you, for everything, really thanks for being awesome.
What a beautiful article. Thank you for this. You know people always have something to say. My family is always commenting about my weight, which is funny because I’m smaller than all of them and I never say anything mean to them aboit their weight. I have gained a lot of weight now though, I went through depression and a lot of dark stuff which caused weight gain. But now that I’m bigger I have the confidence I’ve never had before, ever in my life and that confidence helps me work out and eat healthy. I’m not on a crazy diet, I just eat healthy foods when I’m hungry. You know, people called me fat even when I was at my lowest weight (50kg) and I believed them. Now, I just love myself and do what’s right for my body. Btw, you look great Cassey!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Cassey!!
I’m 25 years old and have been dealing with overweight since puberty. I hated myself from age 10 until I was 24, yes until last year. I was depressed and started using food, alcohol and partying to not feel. Then last year a friend came up to me and while talking about life in general and just being goofy he got me thinking about what I was doing to myself.
The only person that’s gonna make a difference in my life is me, if I wanna be loved I have to love myself first. It took me a long long long time to get it, it was hard, I actually cried for a few days while fighting with myself, that part of me that kept saying “you’re not worth it” “no one is gonna love you” “have you seen yourself?” but I got thru them, eventually.
While I was reading this post I saw myself in all those who asked you if you had gained weight and I loved your response. That has been my response for the past year and it works. So what if I gain weight again? I’ll work harder and I’ll be better. I’m listening to my body and working day by day to get to my goal. 135lb is my goal, 178lb is my current number but I’m working on it.
I love your videos and your spirit, please keep them coming. I’m sure there are more like me that find support and strength in them. I’m a fan from Guatemala so if you’re ever in town, please let me know so I can be your tour guide.
Thank you again,
I don’t have the proper words to describe my gratitude towards you and your honesty. My life has been a little crazy lately and I started your workouts to try and get healthier and have more energy. I have something called polycystic ovarian syndrome (at least thats what we think it is) and it has been such a challenge for me. Im always in constant pain, but I want to live my life! I do the same, when I’m stressed I eat, but you have given me a chance to release all that bottled up emotional pain and exhaustion because I know you’re human and though you don’t know me personally. You understand what your handwork and motivation does for others, I can’t thank you enough for all you do for all of us out here. Don’t let people’s harsh opinions affect who you are. You can’t control what people say, but you do have that right to control how it affects you. That goes to all of us working hard out there! 🙂 Love you Cassy!
I know this is long after the fact, but I had to say something. I absolutely adore this post. I’ve always had a bit of a weight problem (which I’m starting to see was probably triggered by mild depression). Last year I was in a really happy place and began training for a 5k (never ran in one, and I’m as slow as molasses and my husband loves to make fun of how slow I am, but I at least enjoy running now and it makes me feel great about myself that I can run a few miles without stopping) and I started doing blogilates and other workouts. I also wasn’t able to work due to my school schedule so I had a ridiculously tight budget and discovered that a lot of the fast, processed foods I had gotten accustomed to eating in college were completely out of my budget. I ate a LOT of potatoes and discovered a few quick, easy, healthy, and inexpensive recipes (like the two ingredient pancakes I found here) that began to replace the junk I’d been eating before.
Fast forward about 6 months to my wedding. I had unintentionally, but not without work, lost 25 lbs. Every time in my life when I had been on a new diet/exercise routine I’d stress myself out and completely derail. This time I was just focused on getting the nutrients I needed and on being happy. It amazed me how doing just this put me into a healthy BMI for the first time since I was about 16. And I felt great! I was healthier than I’d been in a while.
About a month later we found out we were pregnant. We were so excited, but I was also terrified because I remember my mom getting huge all over during her pregnancies and not being able to lose weight very well after. Well, I got pretty bad morning sickness and lost my job and an additional 12 lbs. This put me weighing less than I did the entire time in high school. I remember being happy that I was at such a low weight, but then freaking out about how I couldn’t keep enough calories down to nourish myself, let alone our baby.
The next little while was very difficult for me. On the one hand I loved the thinner face and arms and legs I had and I wanted to keep it all, and on the other I would look in the mirror and cry about the way I looked and how much I wanted this baby to be healthy. I was so scared to gain an ounce (I know I shouldn’t be, I mean I AM growing a person inside of me after all) and I couldn’t work out because my morning sickness had made me so weak. But with the help of my doctor and my husband I’ve been able to not only get over the morning sickness and part of the fear of gaining the baby weight I need to, but I’ve also started being able to workout again. And today I introduced my husband to blogilates (he’s a cross-country runner but he’s gained about 30lbs in sympathy weight in the 6 months that I’ve been prego) and he loves it!
So, I know this is a long comment, but I just wanted to say thank you. I have never been anywhere near bikini competition shape, nor do I really want to. But working to get your body to feel and work a certain way and then being able to sit back as it healthily changes can be very challenging. You are an inspiration to me that if you are happy and healthy, you’re doing good things. Thank You!
Thanks for posting this, Cassey. Everyone trying to make a huge change in their image goes through this “weight gain guilt.” I know I have more than once. It’s paranoia, really.
I have your back. Thanks for all your help and MOTIVATION.
You are beautiful inside and out 🙂
I constantly get asked if I am pregnant. I worke with a girl who was 6 months pregnant and a lady asked us if we were due around the same time….. talk about self worth going down the drain. The real kicker is that I am only 21 years old!!! The answer is a no!!! I know I am not that big I have a pouch like everyone although mines a bit bigger I still have one. It hurts the mot when my family asks me if I am and demand me to take a pregnancy test to prove I’m not. I have lost 25 pounds since moving and I am still losing the only times I have a problem with gaining weight is when my ovarian cysts burst and I cant workout. I do admit I get into a slump feel terrible about myself so of course I eat more and it makes me feel even worse. In all the insanity it is amazing to have a man who everyday tells me I am beautiful even if I have packed on a couple pounds but it just shows what Cassey has said is true the weight doesn’t determine who you are its definitely all about personality and who you surround yourself with!
Cassey you are so REAL and I am so thankful that fitness instructors like you exist. You are an incredible role model for so many girls and you have brought us all together to embark on a healthier, fitter lifestyle. Your work-out videos got me through some of the most stressful weeks of my degree and now that I am officially post-university and unemployed I am carving out more time to spend with you and your wonderful pilates videos. They make me feel stronger, productive, elegant and powerful. Already I am noticing, not only a difference in my body but also in the way that I view my body. I am less angry with it, more accepting and blogposts like the one you have written here are so refreshing and remind me that the skinny FINAL PICTURE is not the ultimate goal. Thank you so much for all you do. Ellie x
Yep I’m Asian and the relatives always say that. I think you look great, fit and healthy. 🙂
Oh no! How can anyone call you fat? I like you MUCH better with some more weight and brighter skin than on your bikini pictures. You look fab! Still fit, but more like a woman. It’s good, if you sometimes work hard to show off the perfect side of yours, but the rest of the time please also love the wonderful woman-you <3
Thank you Cassey. I think you are great the way you are. 🙂
Send you lots of love 🙂
I can totally relate to this! I have a big family and my relatives come to my house almost every single day! Lately I’ve been getting so many questions from my aunts about my weight and how I look too meaty. I’m a typical Asian girl with petite figure so when I was young my family would say I should eat more in order to grow taller(I remember I tried to put on weight by eating all those junk food just because I couldn’t ride on the roller coaster in a funfair since I didn’t have enough weight,pretty crazy right). So here’s the thing,my family has this concept about being healthy,you should eat MORE to be healthy. So when I was a kid,they would ask me to finish a big bowl of rice and lots of meat and they would feed me supper(such as chinese fried noodles, white bread, instant noodles…etc). I didn’t care much about my food as I thought I was skinny enough and healthy enough so I didn’t need to pay any attention on what I ate. Life became really hectic with exams and all sorts of activities when I first entered high school, and that’s when I noticed the layer of fats accumulated around my waistline(my upper body is skinny but my lower body is super “meaty”). I was pretty upset and I would pinch those muffintops every time I stood in front of a mirror. But still all I did was sitting in front of study table and reading textbooks,I didn’t care to do any sports or work out. Then my aunts started to give comments like “hey you’ve gained some weights, you look good ’cause you’re meaty now”. I started to pay more attention on my diet and food intake,and slowly allowed myself adapt to a more active lifestyle. Then I found out about fitness and I started go gym and trained really hard and eating super clean(my family said I was having eating disorder cause I started to eat brown rice or multigrain instead of white rice). Within few months my body fat was so low that even my period stopped, but all I thought was hey I’m looking good now who cares about period! After 7 months, I started my college life. It was hard for me to adapt to a completely new environment. My parents asked me to go back to the old lifestyle cause i looked like a weirdo with all those “weird” eating habits and being picky, or else I would not be able to mix with other people and making friends. You know, when your dearest family doesn’t support whatever you’re doing to improve yourself,you feel terrible. I had low self esteem because of my parents. After 3 months in college, I finally went loose on my eating clean diet cause I tried to socialise and eat out with friends, and my body reacted so fast that after 2 weeks my period came back. It’s a good thing isn’t it, but then later on my clothes felt tighter,i couldn’t fit in my jeans anymore, and my weights were increasing like crazy. I felt really bad about myself and because of the stress from study as well,I was diagnosed as having depression. Normally people do lose weights when they are sick but I didn’t, instead, I gained lots of weights. Now that I’m fully recovered, I’ve been trying to go back to my healthy lifestyle again but it’s so hard. My aunts keep telling me I look fat and my thighs and butt are so big, I feel hurtful after hearing all these critics. Even if when I’m working out they would tell me how fat I look and it’s so disgusting to workout cause it makes you sweat! How ridiculous is that? Imagine, when you’re enjoying your own food, all of a sudden somebody tells you to stop eating cause you look really fat already,how would you feel?
Honestly, I feel so down. After 3 weeks of hard work, nothing changes, I really feel like giving up 🙁
Don’t give up! My relatives are all saying I am gaining weight and when I work out they as why if I just eat again. They don’t understand that I need to fuel my body after a workout. Your relatives just don’t understand and you shouldn’t let that hinder your progress and return into a healthy lifestyle. They may be making all these comments now but in a few weeks, when all your hardwork visibly pays off, they will understand and at that point, you will have overcome negative comments that almost prevented you from a healthy lifestyle you once enjoyed.
Why in the world would anyone point out your weight gain since the bikini competition when there is a very limited amount of people who have the determination to train for one. All I know is I love fitness and healthy food but I couldn’t be that controlled or strict and I’m sure the majority of those people who commented couldn’t either. While your hard work and dedication was definitely visible and amazing, I actually think you look better now; more realistic and easier to relate to. I now know you have struggles and off days as well and it makes me appreciate you even more! Don’t be ashamed if you’ve gained a bit of weight, because you look fabulous and those rude people probably couldn’t train the way you did even for one day.
I am a mother of three children under the age of four. I have had my ups and downs emotionally about my weight. I try to remind myself that I needed to gain weight to grow my babies. However I gained a significant amount with in three pregnancies and really didn’t give my body a chance to recover in between. My mother tries to tell about new diet pills and so on, she’s really nice about it but somehow that makes it feel worse to me. I hate it when people pity me. I wouldn’t trade any of my kids for the body I had before(even though I very much miss it). My grandmother on the other hand is very rude and mean about it saying” wow Samantha! What happened to you?! You used to be so pretty!” Even people at grocery stores have made comments to me directly about my weight. Although my weight is high and I am “obese” by the standards, I don’t feel that I’m at the point people are making it. I am 27 years old, with three children between 4 yrs old and 4 months old. I’m 5’7″ and 215 lbs. I get treated on a daily basis like i literally weigh a ton. So it took a long time to accept myself. Although I hate to hear that someone else has felt this way, it is comforting to know that I’m not alone in these feels of shame and embarassment. I’m gradually getting back into a more intense exercise regiment and really appreciate all the help Cassey gives!
OMG.I’m Pakistani.Exact same thing with the aunties.Made me laugh
This is exactly what I needed at this exact moment. Funny how what you need tends to show up at the right time.
Thank you.
Hey casse! You posted this way long ago so i dont even know if you’ll se it, but you’re slight weight gain was almost reassuring. Some fittness instrictors are way to skinny/muscular and its very overwhelming! But youre so down to earth, and youre like a real human being about fittness. You recognized that we all fluctuate on our path but as long as we keep striving to be the best we can be, who cares! You are my inspiration who makes fittness FUN and gets me off the couch everyday! Im on week 2 of the beginner caledar and i feel more energized and healthy already!
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, it means so much to alot of people,
-Aria <3
I used to be really really skinny growing up, but when puberty hit I started eating and eating and gaining weight. At first I was glad to see the curves on my body because I grew up to be that tiny skinny girl. My (asian) family even gave me a nickname: skinny girl. And when they started to notice I was looking a bit rounder, they’d compliment me! It kinda made me feel good. So I kept eating. I got to the point that I felt confident in bikini and people telling me I have a great figure. A couple years later my oh so asian mother (and sisters) would tell me I was gaining too much weight. At first I didn’t mind, but now, it has come to the point that I’m fat. Like really fat. I don’t fit in my jeans, I can’t wear tight shirts (or anything else) and I feel so concious about my body. Now it’s been three years since I wore a bikini. And this summer is just around the corner… I really want to enjoy the summer, but I can’t even wear shorts! That’s why I started losing weight, but I’m struggling with the diet part. I just love food too much!
This is why I wanted to start posting pictures and stuff on the blogilates app, but I’m to embarrassed. I keep telling myself I can do this without letting people know and letting them support me. But really, I want completely strangers to support me and follow my fitness journey. Maybe one day…
Wow people are judgmental, when I saw that video I didn’t notice a weight gain I noticed that sneeze at 50seconds in XD lool Casey is the best if if you can’t handle her fabulousness than you are not needed here ! Hmph
Oh Cassey, I’m so glad to read this. I’m really encouraged by your honesty and the reality behind achieving a great looking body. Very little people would share with us their pain and sweat to have a lean and healthy looking body, but you helped me to have a more realistic mindset and realistic expectations of what it takes to change my diet and lifestyle into a healthier one. And yes, I totally agree that it’s not worth depriving ourselves and being too harsh on ourselves when it comes to food. We gotta take control of our diets, not the other way around.
Thank you again Cassey for your constant encouragement and SUper fun personality 🙂
This is amazing. You are amazing. It is so true that you shouldn’t judge someone for how they look like. I just hate the fact that you have to explain your weight gain (how ridiculous is that!?). I know this is a really late response…I feel that you really are amazing. Not alot of people can endure the pain and go through the whole workout. Seriously, people just judge too much. It’s all about appearance in this world. I mean someone who is overweight could be perfectly healthy and happy too! Just cause you have a fit body doesn’t mean you’re ‘healthy’ doesn’t mean you eat well and doesn’t mean you’re happy!
KEEP FIGHTING!! And as for the Asian aunts…they’ll always find something to say!
Nody image is in the brain, not in your body fat.
so i got the thigh gap and the abs and a bmi below 17 – and i still feel ugly.
I’ve felt like this for so long, it was overwhelming! I almost went anorexic because all my friends lost
wieght without trying, and I had to work my butt off to be pretty, in my mind.
You’ve really helped me feel more beautiful than I have in my life, and you are beautiful. Cassie and
all the people reading this comment right now. Don’t let anyone tell you different!
I feel like crying right now after reading your post, Cassey. It’s truly hard to maintain a skinny body while trying to work on my self esteem. I remember working my butt off last summer, trying to be thin while fit as possible. I successfully lost over 15lbs and was at 110. But right now, I am close to 120 lbs because of the muscle gain AND the days I’ve let myself loose. I’m 5″1, and 18 years old, suffering to try to love herself for who she is, despite the weight gain. I keep thinking I have gotten fatter because of the weight gain, even though I have gained new muscles on my butt and thighs. Your post has truly inspired me to get back up and start motivating myself again. Even though I’m asian and can never have those skinny asian body, I know I will look even better with a nice, fit tone body with a booty. Thank you Cassey! You’ve definitely have helped lift my mood and determination once more!
I can relate with this blog post so incredibly much. About 4 years ago I was tiny…probably too small for my height, but I thought I looked phenomenal. I am 5’7 and I was about 115 lbs. I was wearing a size 0 with size 2 often being extremely baggy. I obtained this weight from unhealthy measures. I worked out constantly and was only eating about 1,000 calories a day, sometimes less. I thought that I could maintain this weight forever and be happy. Well, eventually life happened and slowly those size 0 jeans were getting snug. Then the size 2’s followed along and also were getting tight. A significant back injury prevented me from working out, which was just making matters worse in my mind. I could not stop focusing on the gain.
Eventually, people were approaching me and saying straight up “’ve started filling out. I think you look so much better with some meat on you.” Im sure this was intended to be a compliment, but it didn’t feel like one. It caused panic that people were beginning to notice. I also heard comments like “you have yourself a butt finally.” Again, compliment I am sure in their minds, but mind blowing reality in mine.
So, today I am just trying to be healthy. I eat right, I do cardio and blogilates, and I allow myself an indulge here and there. My 5’7 body is up from 115 lbs to 130-133 lbs. I have also had discussions with friends who are obsessed with looking super model skinny, as well as having to cut out one friend who was super competitive with me in the quest to look good. With time I have realized the connection between mind and body and how they completely connect with each other. Replacing some terms for myself like healthy instead of skinny has been beneficial because no longer is the focus on being super skinny, just being the healthiest version of myself.
a perfect post Cassey, a perfect way to answer to people curiosity and in the same time express your opinion on such an important matter like “skinny obsession”
I found your blog a month ago, searching for pilates tutorials on youtube: now I’m finishing the beginners calendar and I’ll continue to follow you.
I want to stay in shape (I’m 40 this year!) but I know I’ll never have again the body I had when I was 20 even if my weight is the same (I’m 174 cm x 60 kg).
Whatever, I feel great!
thank you sooo much
Dear Cassey…
I had the same problem as you…I wanted perfect slim body with no fat.. I ate so little…I had hunger, I went to bed early, so I did not starve because my last food was at four o’clock…I had no energy..
Than I said stop to myself…it wasn’t wasn’t happy.. And I never had the perfect silhouette from my fantasy. Even when my ribs had sticking out I had my big butt (Now I know it’s not to big actually..).
I just stopped with that crazy routine..I stopped care about what everybody think and say about my butt.
I started from the beginning. I decided that I want to be fit and HAPPY!..
But after that diet, when I started to eat weight started to gain..I was so upset. I didn’t want to fall to crazy diets I ate healthy. Now.. two ears after that diet season..I’m actually HAPPY! I have my healthy, fitness body. I’m strong, I’m fast, I’m beautiful! I love my ”large” butt… It’s part of my body..part of the instrument that i need for my sports (I ride a freeride bike).
That’s my story (Sorry for grammatical mistakes..I just learn eng 🙂 )
Love you Cassey, you inspire me every day! Stay strong!
I’m going through a tough time right now- I have been in bikini competition shape and leanness year round for about a year and a half after having anorexia and dropping weight- I gained weight and muscle and got into amazing shape (where I am now) but I am not having my period though every other vital has returned. My estrogen levels are low and so my doctors told me I have to gain weight. Because I had anorexia at 14 and am now 16 I have never been above 106 lbs (5’1) and average 103-105. My doctor wants me at 110 to be able to menstruate. I know I need to think about health first, but I am scared because being so cut has become a huge part of my identity personally and at school. That line “wrongend of a before and after” really resonated with me.. I’m so nervous guys! I want to make sure that I keep my muscle and tone even though I have to gain weight. Tips, advice? Love you guys 🙂
If you start eating gradually healthy food but in a larger quantity and you keep training, that food will help you build up muscles; and those muscles will be the new gained weight, not fat. They weigh more anyway. Enough healthy food and training build muscles. Not enough food intake consumes your muscles and your energy to train. If you’re afraid that if you eat more, it will translate into fat, you could take a test at a gym which tells you your body fat percent. My guess is that you probably need to eat a somewhat larger quantity of food, you lack nutrients.
I noticed how in control you were your movements.
People who regularly compete don’t stay that lean at all times, since it’s not manageable.
Thanks for the beginner’s calendar! I’m falling in love with Blogilates!
You are perfect Cassey! I swear. People should be more concerned on looking fit and healthy instead of looking skinny and depriving themselves of food. I want to have abs but I dont wanna starve myself for it. It all boils down to determination and hard-work 🙂
About a year ago my old/ex best friend looked at me and said “you gained weight” yes i did i was stressed with my boyfriend and had turned to food as comfort. But she was the one that was addicted to mcdonalds or anything she could get her hands on. I felt bad for her to not control her binges and cravings. I was hurt and felt betrayed. ~fast forward til this month~ I decided why not give it another shot at our friendship. We went to the gym together and catch up. Turns out she was jealous, wishing she had what i had and more. And yet she made another remark i cant quite remember but affected me in just the same way. Only because she was trying to put me down about my accomplishments to make her feel better. She went to mcdonalds right after. 🙁
Every time I have a conversation with my grandmother she always finds a way to call me “HEAVY”
1.) I do have a high fat percentage, I also have a lot of muscle mass. She has neither.
2.) I am 5’11”. She is 5’5”.
3.) She has an anorexic mentality. She eats, but not enough. and she doesn’t eat foods crucial to her health. I do eat those foods. Just sometimes I binge. I do want to take off the metaphorical fat suit that is just actual fat. I want her to gain weight and be healthy.
I have accepted that I will never have the body she wants me to have seeing as i really should make sure I don’t go close to 130 becuase i am freakishly tall.
I would also like to point out that in the fifties and lower, a woman was supposed to be freakishly thin and small, and those from that era have that mind frame. So I say…don’t have that mind frame and be who you are supposed to be.
Keep your head up love you cassey! !!!! From Canada
It’s not all about having “THAT body”, anyway, you look better now. I don’t understand how people want other people to starve and not enjoy food. Food is there to enjoy! You can eat clean and it can taste good, but never go onto an extreme like only eating so little your body is starving, you’re feeling weak and tired. That is the opposite of healthy and happy!
I truly appreciate this post! I’m newer to the blogilates scene, and this post just sits with me.
Last summer, I was at my lowest weight(which I realize does not equal healthiest) due to some health issues I’d been struggling with. Of course, everyone had negative comments about how tiny I was, but I was working out, running, lifting weights…and despite being small, I felt strong.
Now, I”m back in nursing school, which = a ton a stress! And I’ve put weight back on. About 20 pounds worth!! I eat clean, the majority of the time, but when night-time boredom and munchies hit, I go haywire. I know I need to get myself back under control, buts its harder than it sounds, isn’t it?! People thankfully haven’t been commenting that I’m fat by any means, but the comments on “oh, you’ve gained weight, looking good” …they don’t FEEL so good either!! Yes, I know I’ve gained weight, and yes I know I needed it..but the spare tire I now have around my middle, I don’t need!
Anyways, this post got off topic, my main point is…that I appreciate your honesty. And I appreciate knowing that all those “super star fitness model experts” out there, have bad days too! Heck, maybe they even have bad months or years!! They’re human too! So often, we’re shown that they never fall off the wagon, when the truth is…if you don’t fall off the wagon, you’re super human or something!!
So thank you for your honesty!!
Wow. I have tears in my eyes reading your post. I guess it’s because you are such an inspiration to me and I love you so much! It may not mean much, but honestly, I read your blog every day and it’s not your “hot bod” or whatever that keep me coming back. It’s your personality. I hated working out until I found your videos. I feel like I’m hanging out with a friend when I watch your videos and then all the sudden, 20 minutes have passed, and I’ve done an amazing workout. I suffered from an eating disorder in high school, and now in college, I have gained some weight and am not accepting very well. The past couple of months have been really hard for me, but I take REFUGE in your videos, support, guidance, and positive spirit. I totally understand where you are coming from and feel for you and wanted to reach out and say that 1) I literally can’t even telly you gained weight you still look AMAZING and have my dream body 2) I consider you to be my teacher, my instructor, my guru… but mainly, MY FRIEND. The support you give, even though we’ve never met, is unreal and you provide us Popsters with so much love. Know it’s a two way street. We’ve got your back and have mad love for ya! Xoxo, Talia
Hi Cassey,
So many people wrote you here and I know my words are just a little drop on the ocean of support and love, but I still want to add it to make this ocean even bigger.
I came to the US 7.5 years ago being 125 lbs 5.6″ girl and having that weight as my normal healthy weight, so I didnt worry. I came to the country of a completely different food quality and I also lived alone for the first time in 21 years and hardly knew how to cook. so not surprisingly in only 6 month I was 25 pounds up. One day I couldnt pull my jeans more than mid-thigh and I thought oh, I think I did gain some weight, so I got a scale and saw 150 lbs. It did bother me, but like a lot of college and working kids, I just didnt really have time to take care of the problem, plus a lot of kids around me were not in their best shape and didnt seem to worry. but in the back of my head I always though how I would lose weight and look like that actress or that singer. And I kept buying clothes that were size smaller for the day when I fit in them, I knew I will.
and only 3 years later, during my graduation semester in college, I just stopped eating more than 1000 calories a day just because I realized I cant eat when Im stressed. I ate only tuna salad sandwiches and hummus. in 6 months I lost those 25 pounds. and thats when my transformation began. I was scared to go back to being bigger, so I tried to watch what I eat, I started weighting myself every day and I would not eat almost anything if I saw I gained a pound. I tried working out but I hated it. I went down to 117 pounds which was my teenage years weight and was so scared to go over 120 as if my entire life depended on it. But I still hated working out, I counted calories like crazy and weighted myself twice a day, freaking out how I would be 3 pounds heavier at night. so I became afraid of food that weights a lot and almost stopped eating fruits. And then restaurant week hit the city and I gained 8 pounds in 6 weeks. it was the biggest freakout, I felt ugly even though I was only 125 lbs. so I juiced and worked out every day for a week and realized that working out is not that bad because my muscles looked toned. so I started working out 2-3 times a week and still watching my calories.
I kept my weigh around 116-119 lbs for year and a half but mostly because I didnt eat much. my wakeup call happened when I went to Europe to visit my family and had no choice but to eat food my grandma cooked for me. I didnt eat a lot, but I knew that I was eating much more calories. and how surprised was I when I came back to the US to… losing 2 pounds! I did not work out for entire 2 weeks, did not move around much and I lost weight! Thats when I realized that its about quality of he food. My grandma used only natural ingredients and made food with love. I thought that if I dont learn what to eat and dont work out, it will be hard for me to ever get in the shape I always wanted to be. So I started working out minimum of 5 times a week, eating more but healthier, learned about nutrition and what my body needs to have energy. I gained 3 pounds in couple weeks knowing its water weight that my muscles need to heal after the workouts plus always having food in my system since I stopped starving myself. I started to see my body change and muscles define. For the last month I worked out every single day because my body is screaming for it and loves it, and I ate huge salads with meat or fish and tons and tons of fruits. I did not lose any weight but I know that Im gaining muscle and my scale cant trick me anymore.
I started doing your videos 2 month ago and I just adore your personality! That video that you mentioned as the one where people pointed out your weight, I was sure it was just your time of the month because seeing how you have no problem working out and talking while Im screaming in pain trying to follow never made me question your amazing fitness level.
And i LOVE your supercharge smoothie, I cant get enough of it! and the first time I made them, my boyfriend ate both his and mine portions of the banana pancakes!
So whoever make comments like that are just unhappy people who need to criticize to make themselves feel better because they just made someone feel bad too. Please dont ever worry about such things. You are already so much ahead of them in fitness and you can only get better and better.
I am sorry I wrote so much but I think I never talked about this to anyone and your post made me feel sad that anyone would even say things like that to you.Thank you for helping me to become a healthier fitter happier me!
i LOVE your honesty- honest over here-
i’m a naturally muscular girl who doesn’t have to work hard for abs, BUT tend to be curvy. at 33, i’ve embraced curvy. fit but curvy, slim but curvy, pregnant but curvy, it’s all good IF you’re doing it w/ love and joy.
i love your enthusiasm and videos and i also loved that when i started doing your videos, there were different Casseys- super slim, thicker, older, younger, i LOVED that you were real and not just trying so hard to be a certain type that you hid the less ‘perfect’ from the world.
as a woman who’s always nursing and/or (often both) pregnant, it’s more about nutrition and real bodily health than an image. it takes a lot of work to do any of those!
i’ll never be as tiny as you- it’s not my goal. and i’m so glad you’re not always crazy bikini body Cassey either. b/c it makes me love that you keep working, keep improving and also sometimes let go a little! hoping that means you’re closer every day to a satisfying, wonderful, and joyful balance for you!
don’t ever listen to those people! I get that a lot too! But i continue telling myself, yeah, I may have let myself go for a short period of time and due to my metabolism, I may have looked like I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time, but seriously, like you said, gaining 1-2 kg doesn’t mean that I am weaker. I can do so much more than many others can. I am strong. Everyone takes their time and has their own plans to reach their goals and nobody should ever have that power to bring you down. Believe in yourself. Cassey, you are forever an inspiration to me, seriously. And being at the receiving end, I am so glad you brought this up to the public and make others realise what are the effects of not filtering what you say. <3
Cassey. you are truly beautiful and you have every right to feel unashamed. Plus, i am pretty sure you probably gained 0.01% of fat. 🙂
Hey Cassey! I stumbled upon your blog very recently.
The fact that you don’t look like a super-skinny top-model makes me want to TRUST you. Makes me believe that you are just a girl like me. Many people are lost in this crazy desire to look unrealistic. What’s most important is how you feel, and I can tell straight away, that you feel amazing in your body, and that is a great inspiration for myself. You’re a beatiful, healthy young girl. HUGS AND KISSES!
I love your comment! so true! I feel exactly the same way.
Cassey is the perfect training instructor for a movement to destruct unrealistic ideal of female beauty which hurts so many of girls and women’s self esteem, but still love your body with her and blogilates. Be healthy, exercise and go harder and stronger!
I love you Cassey
You’re still amazing cassey !
Hi Cassey,
I just wanted to say that the fact you admit to gaining the weight back and that you work so hard to stay thin, you are amazing. I recently moved three hours away from home for college and I work at a fast food restaurant, like most college students. While being at school I had a school lunch lady and a CVS worker askme if I was pregnant, which I am not. I then began looking at my pictures from Summer 2013 and realized I ganined alot of weight since then. This was a small reality check for me and I started making some time for the gym. What really hit me was when I went home for Thanksgiving and the first thing my grandmother told me in 3 months was, wow you gained some weoght. And then, thinking she was whispering she asked my parents if they were sure I wasn’t pregnant. This broke my heart. Even though my boyfriend of a year and a half loves me and doesn’t mind the way I look, I feel uncomfortable in my body. Now I go to the gym 5 days a week, do ypur videos 3 times a week, and I do my Wii Fit everyday. You are my hero and I’m hoping by the time I go home for Easter that I can be at almost average weight instead of being at risk of being over weight. Thank you for all the encouragement and support.
Your reflection is so honest and real that I am feeling even more inspired and u are right life has ups and downs and so does our weight and by no means this is a reflection of what we can accomplish. Is not measure by pounds but by hard work, motivation, dedication and when we fall out of track it only counts much more when we get back to it.
Cassey, you’re the best.
I used to have a crush on this guy (I’m 15, so being self conscious is kind of a normal thing for me), and one day we were hanging out and he made a joke about my thighs being “thunder thighs.” I wasn’t really self conscious until then, I was actually pretty confident, but that joke completely shattered my glass. Now, I’m doing your workouts and a little kickboxing, and I’m doing much better on the self esteem scale 🙂
Cassie 🙂
I know you have so many comments, and God knows if you ever get to read all of these, but I want you to know something. Some of my girlfriends and I have a past of anorexia, and guess what? Doing Pilates with you and listening to you talk about putting GOOD things into your body is one of the things that helped me /overcome/ it. When I was talking to my friend about you, she said that she LOVED that you had a real body. That you had curves, and that you weren’t ashamed of it. I just want you to know that I love seeing that you have a woman’s body, and it makes me feel so pleased to be healthy too. 🙂 My body looks like yours does now, and I’m so happy with it, and happy to feel healthy, especially when I see that someone who I aspire to be like looks just like I do now. God willing, I will get my Pilates Instructing Certification so that I can teach Pilates, because you made me fall in love with the art, joy, and challenge of it. AND, I love that you can still lift and run faster and better than ever, and I love that I can too. 🙂
Cassie, I’m so proud of you and I love you. 🙂 I watch you all the time, and your weight GAIN has been MORE of an inspiration to me than your weight LOSS ever has been, because it means I can nourish my body and listen to it, and stay free from my eating disorder. You’re absolutely beautiful. 🙂
I thank God for you. 🙂 I really do.
Thank you for everything.
Bless you,
Love always,
Julia Grace
Can I just say that I feel the exact same way? I just stumbled on your POP pilates videos recently, and have had the same history as Julia Grace, but also had knee problems that led to me not being able to work out, spiraling the eating problems. This blog has some great videos that I can do and help me feel better too. 🙂 Thanks for being an inspiration!
Hi Cassey,
I’ve read this post before, but it speaks to me more than ever at this time in my life. I have followed you all through University and you taught me basically everything I know about working out, cleaning eating and keeping a positive attitude about mind and body, without a focus on the number on a scale. I kept my weight constant for nearly 3 years, and it is something I will always be proud of.
I’m now finished University and live somewhere completely different. The stress of making new friends, a new job, even new food have led me to completely lose control. However, I try and tell myself everyday that even though my clothes might fit tighter, the way I live now makes me happy.
I might not be able to keep up with the 4x a week of workouts I was capable of in University but I still try and do a handful of your videos every week. Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration, accessible at all hours, from all corners of the world. I think nearly all women struggle with feeling proud of their bodies all the time, but you certainly make it easier.
Thank you
– a dedicated popster.
Yes thank you soooo much!!! I have now learned that the scale does not matter so much only the person inside! Thanks for giving this to us for free other wise I would still be the same as I was at the beginning of this month!! I am not sure how much I have lost because the scale says 10+ more then I did before but that’s just muscle weight and I can tell because I can literally see a difference in my body!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you for writing this. I want to share My 3 “funny” stories of growing up female.
1. When I was in my earliest 20’s, my soon to be auntie in law said to me, during a party at the dinner table, ” wow, kathi you are really flat chested, you have no boobs!”
2. Visiting family in Hong Kong, my aunt said to my sister, wow you got fat, than she turned to me and said, you got fat more.
3. When taking care of my mom in the hospital, after her heart surgery, twice she asked me, why I got fat?
So , yes, I love your constant encouragements. I am over 50 now, and try to love the way my body looks, no matter what. God made us just the way we are, and to Him, we are all beautiful! Thank you for your blog, I am loving getting in shape with you in the comfort of my family room!
Thanks, Cassie, I really needed to read that just now. You were a great inspiration to me today :).
FYI, you look great no matter what 🙂
Thank you for writing about this issue. I really appreciate your realistic view on being healthy. As someone who compares themselves everyday to pictures of women in fitness magazines, movies, and every other social media out there, it is very encouraging to read such a realistic view on fitness. I know that I generally live a healthy lifestyle, but I struggle so much when I only get to work out twice in a week or I come home so stressed from work that I do not have the brainpower to workout. I feel SO guilty, and I blame myself for not having a better looking body. I have a wonderful husband who tells me I’m beautiful everyday, yet I tear myself down anyway and still struggle with being confident in my body.
I have been working hard over the past couple years to really stop feeling the guilt and be realistic about my body. I remember being in a place where I was so concerned about weight, that I did not really eat. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, “I’m starting to look better”. But my body felt terrible. I now know that I look better when I eat healthy and workout, I also FEEL better. I do not own a scale now, due to the fact that I have been known to become a slave to it. I used to freak out if the scale went up by an ounce. Now, I notice if my pants feel tighter or if I have fat in places I did not used to. So, instead of freaking out, I try and motivate myself to be healthier.
Your blog and fitness videos have helped me in my journey. Thank you so much for your positive and realistic support for real beauty. You’re so motivating, and it really makes a difference to follow someone in a fitness journey who understands that being healthy is the most important aspect of your body. I am encouraged every time I read your blog to continue staying healthy and to not feel guilty about not being perfect. Thank you so much! You’re awesome!
Hi Cassey, you have motivated me so much over the past few months and your workouts have really made me feel so much better about my health and my choices, and this article further motivates me.
I’ve gained a lot of weight over the past couple of years, and my parents as well as some of my friends have openly called me ‘fat’. I know I don’t eat the healthiest (I eat chocolate or other sweet things at least once a day) and I’m not the most active person, but I’ve played competitive sport continuously for over four years, as well as doing your workouts since late 2013. I’m trying. But I just can’t seem to break through the barrier.
However, I’m starting the 90 day New Body Makeover Challenge today, combined with the December calendar, and this article is letting me know that I can do it- My trying will not be in vain, and although I may never look like a supermodel, I can at least be proud of the way I look and make the switch to a healthier lifestyle.
So, from me, and from many other people, thank you. It was so brave of you to confront these personal, demeaning issues and comments, and I hope that in spite of them you’ll still be around to inspire (and kill us) as you usually do for a long time coming.
you totally are gorgeous healthy and not fat! society totally screws up the definition of a great body.. something that took me a while to learn is that you will never look healthy on the outside if you do not feel healthy on the inside, and whats the point of being thin if you can’t enjoy it anyway! 🙂 I love that you are totally relatable and encouraging. but you are also gorgeous inside and out don’t let nobody tell you otherwise! ♥
Hey Cassey, your words really motivated me this time. Thank you so much. You’ll remain an inspiration to me, no matter how old or young you are. I’m 13 this year and I really want to slim down the area on my thighs. (I was born with fat thighs). Since I’ve been doing your thigh slimming workouts, I feel better than on normal days when I won’t workout. So I decided to do your Beach Series Buttlift workout every single day. It was fun. And yeah, I’m Asian and I gained weight too. But I’ll never give up. Thanks to your motivation, Cassey.
OMG Cassey, you have put into words what I have felt for a very long time. I don’t mean to get heavy on you but I was raped in 2011, since then I gained 50lbs very quickly. I focused completely on healing my mind and my soul while surviving college, that I lost focus on exercise and found tiny joys in my sad days with each meal. I am proud to say that I am much more spiritually strong than I was 2 years ago, even 6 months ago, but now I am also 6 dress sizes larger.
I tried not to put myself down for gaining weight because I knew I had an extreme circumstance, but as the stretch marks rippled across my thighs like Lichtenburg figures, my family was the first to put me down. They of course to this day don’t know that I was raped, and I don’t mind their ignorance, I prefer it. They are just surprised that someone who had always maintained a size 0-4 could grow to a 10-12 so fast before their eyes, and its really concern. And it really hurts. So, thank you for putting this into words because I felt alone in my personal struggle. You gave me what I needed today: support, inspiration, and esteem.
OMG Cassey, you look gorgeous. In fact, I think you look much better than when you were preparing for Bikini Competition. Yes, you did gain weight but you are still perfect 🙂
Cassey omg I’ve worked out to that video many times before and I have never realized that you looked any bigger or smaller in it! You are a great person, inside and out!!
Dear Cassey! I watch you videos it is great source of inspiration for me as I try to go back on track after having my precious baby. I appreciate your hard work because you all doing it for free. I would like to say you do not look fat at all just completely normal and beautiful. This is our culture that suggest an abnormal body image and leaving millions confused and feeling guilty. What counts is being healthy and feeling good we shouldn’T try to imitate models and people on tv. We are all mada unique and one of a kind and God loves you Cassey no matter what you or other’S think of you He still loves you.
To be honest I noticed you gained weight,but I did not judge you for it, I actually though more of you! You looked gorgeous for the bikini competition but how realistic is it to maintain you body and keep it in that shape, not very. I think you’re gorgeous and you look HEALTHY, not fat. It’s more of an inspiration and more motivating to get fitness tips from someone that isn’t stick thin. You’re still gorgeous <3
Cassey!you are my inspiration! I didn’t even notice you gained any weight and I love the ABC workout, you are fabulous, you have belped so many of us find more confidence and happiness with ourselves
don’t let anyone get you down 🙂
Wow. This post really spoke to me. This summer I trained extremely hard with a group of women for a fitness challenge. I worked out five days a week, did pushups, ran two miles everyday,crunches, weight lifting, and on top of that a grueling hour and a half of intense Latin/ west African based cardio. It was extremely hard, but I saw my body change in ways that I didn’t think we’re possible! And I was extremely happy with the results. However, as the summer came to an end, and the cold weather drove me indoors,, and the holidays beckoned for me to indulge in delicious food that was absolutely off limits during my training…I began to notice that the weight began to return! Even now, I’m ten pounds heavier than I was over the summer, my pants don’t fit like they used to, and I was feeling very ashamed and embarrassed for letting myself regain some of the pounds that I worked so hard to get rid of…that is .until reading this post! I feel empowered and motivated to get up and start over now! As you so simply put it weight fluctuates! It’s life! I was literally hiding in my coat so no one would notice my weight gain, sad but true. But I don’t have to be ashamed! Thank you so much for being real Cassey! You’re awesome!
In this past week, I’ve had two people ask if I was pregnant on the same day. It was kinda sad but I knew it was coming, so oh well. It was frustrating enough for my weight not to budge for three years even after working out and watching my diet; and then when I gave up, I gained 10 lbs. What is a woman to do when they’ve kinda lost hope?
Anyhow, you look amazing!
Cassey, thank you SO much for this post! Although I know you wrote this a while back, I’m new to this POPster community so this is my first time reading it… You are such an inspiration to me! I can completely relate to this… My Grandma has had a very negative affect on me with her rude and degrading comments about my weight gain. Hurtful comments about weight gain do affect us as women, and it’s so good to know we are not alone in feeling ashamed about it. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your transparency and honesty with us! I love you and your hilarious, upbeat work out videos 🙂 You have motivated me to train like a beast and look like a beauty! You are so beautiful and inspiring and you are changing the lives of countless women around the world for the better 🙂 Keep up the amazing work!
This upsets me that somebody would ever call you fat 🙁 you have the perfect body!
thank you for this (and everything else). you will never know how much you mean to me (and i dont even personally know you)but just wanted to let you know that your videos help me sooo much and i always end up smiling during thwm.
Hi Cassey,
thank you for speaking about this. I had a similar experience. I was very thin, very underweight with very little body fat. It was so hard to maintain and i was scared of gaining weight. When i started to I felt so ugly and ashamed of myself for letting myself go. People at work mentioned how i gained so much weight. (and now i am a normal weight, not underweight anymore) but all the questions and comments about my weight really hurt. I felt so bad and would punish myself by eating less and less then my body couldn’t take it anymore so i would binge. It was a psychological and physical battle i would have with myself everyday. Now i am trying to focus on being happy. focusing on being the best person I can be and treating myself how i treat others, with kindness and caring. Not beating myself up and hating my body. I would never say to a friend what i say to myself. this year i am going to try harder to be kinder to myself. thank you so much for sharing this personal story.
Mary Anne
wow, cassie i really admire your honesty! truthfully, i think you always look great because youre always so happy and your wonderful personality always shines through on videos. although it sounds soooo corny, your state of mind and confidence is what makes really makes you beautiful! i really think you need to do a video on body image and body confidence because the media really distorts our perception of beauty, in particular teenage girls like myself. just yesterday i was having lunch with my family and my 8 year old cousin refused to eat bread because she thought she was fat! i was in complete shock, not only because shes so young but because she told me that she wanted to be a model when she grew up, and ‘models dont eat carbs’. when i got back home i actually cried, is this how negatively we perceive ourselves nowadays? i hope you see this comment and consider doing a video, i think it would benefit so many people:)
this is my first time reading this specific blog post. I want you to know that I don’t follow you for the way your body looks. Sure it looks awesome and what I’d love to look like but I follow you because you encourage others with positivity and because you seem to strive for health. Appearance is important but health, that’s where it’s at. And if you can get a nice appearance as you reach for health, then great but it’s not what is important, to me at least. I don’t consider what you did “letting go.” The bikini competition was a temporary time set aside to achieve a certain appearance. It doesn’t sound like maintaining that level of diet and exercise would have been healthy for you and I think that is an important nugget of knowledge.
For me, after I had my baby, and I wasn’t able to lose my baby weight as I thought I would. I realized how much I tied my appearance and weight to my self worth and value and how poorly I thought of myself now that I was slightly heavier. I think it was a really important realization for me. I had to learn to disconnect the two – self worth doesn’t come from my appearance nor weight. I had to re-evaluate and keep reminding myself: I value health, therefore I should strive for health, not appearance. And i shouldn’t fool myself into saying I value health but secretly strive only for the nice appearance.
I’m proud of you for sharing
We’re all learning about ourselves as we go, learning about our lives, about what works for us, about others. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
^ I agree!! 🙂
Thanks, i completely agree with you. People always believe that feeling good about themselves is dependent upon how much they strive to get “ON TRACK”… i hate that word. I see so many commercials about “feeling” and “looking” your best by eating “clean” and following a structured exercise plan. Its not really promoting a true self image is it? If there is always talk about staying on a specific schedule. I have suffered from an eating disorder (Anorexia) for about four years now, and from that experience i have learned that reaching a certain body shape and weight can only last so long, our bodies are not meant to be depreived of so many things. I try really hard to run my life by “Normal eating” eating from ALL FOUR FOOD GROUPS!!! none of the “oh this food group is cut out b/c of the sugar, or cutting carbs b/c it can turn into fat.” LIke….what the hec!!! This involves way too much emotional time and energy. I make sure i eat wholesome foods that make my body feel good. And yes, I especially on weekends do not think about how my food fits into my weekly schedule. I eat what i want…20/80 rule. It is just so frustrating to hear so many people try and motivate others to stay on track, when ultimately our bodies just need to be given what it craves…or else you will feel unhappy because you will have the worst feeling..”deprivation” So I agree with the fact that gaining weight should not be something to stress about…it will fluctuate back to its normal feel. Media, and society has made us feel like this…and it’s wrong! We are all beautiful, EVEN if we fall of our “TRACK”
Cassey, you’re such an inspiration to me. Each and every time i read one of your blogs, i feel such warmth and honesty afterwards. I’ve been called fat all my life by my very superficial mother and have only recently made the decision to start losing weight. I lost about 20lbs when I was unemployed but once I started my job, it became harder and harder to go out and exercise and eat the right things. I fell off the wagon quite a bit which made me feel ashamed of myself but after reading this post, I know the only thing I should be feeling is determination to get back on a clean diet and a regular work out schedule. Thank you for always being there to help me remember that failure only happens if you get knocked down, and stay down. Best of luck to you and your goals as well!
love always,
Hey, there Cassey!
I was very disappointed to know that people watch your video and judge the way you look. You are incredible hot and perfect, and such a inspiration to all of us!!! Kind regards from Brazil xxx
fat on abc abs heck noooooo
you look awesome plus u can do this workout …bet the people calling you fat can’t
This post almost made me cry-and it was empowering at the same time.
I had gotten into sick shape right before the holidays. Lowest fat % of my life and my clothes were getting too big for me. I was getting a lot of comments on my weight loss and was feeling great about it…then of course Thanksgiving…Christmas…and soon the New Year. The holidays are always rough with sticking to a healthy diet-with all the parties and such. Alcohol, sweets, etc. I know I’m not in great shape-I’ve almost worked my way back up to running 7 miles without stopping, but it’s the GUILT that gets me.
I count calories and it’s been such a negative in my life. When I focus so much on that number, I think less about quality and quantity of what I eat and more about how many calories I have left. It’s hard to think of a time when I could sit down to a meal and just think “that looks delicious and healthy” instead of “how many calories are in that?”
A very enlightening post. Thank you, Cassey.
Coming back from college, one of the first things my mother noticed was my weight gain.
She slowly brought it up through conversation, but I wasn’t offended (at first) … I knew…
Eventually it hit me, and size 5-7 didn’t fit when we went out to the mall….
I used to be overweight, and I had worked so hard to get the body I wanted in high school. Now, it felt like I truly had failed myself……
I’ve finally had time to start working out again and while my body was giving up the first couple of days, it finally got strong enough to the point I could start doing my Insanity workouts without apologizing to myself for having to stop halfway. I know I’m strong, I know I could have a great body if college consisted of 14-16 hours of workouts, but going to a rigorous college and trying to balance -homework assignments, healthy meals, a fair social life, 7-8 hours of sleep, and bathing time is NOT easy at all 🙁
Cassey thank you for being such a lovely human who isn’t ashamed to admit her flaws….
Although I sometimes replace some of the workout on the calendar with insanity or p90x (sowry….<3), you are still my ultimate source of inspiration for staying motivated and healthy. You stress the importance of food and the importance of being happy and for the past couple of years, you have been the reason I don't hate on my body as much as I used to.
Thank-you always!
Hey Cassey ! I really loved your text. I completly agree with you ! And I understand what you mean … (I’m not an Asian girl, but anyway, I know that 😉 ) Don’t worry about what people say ! You stay, for all Popsters the most inspirating people for us !!! <3 We love you so much, and don't make a scene ! Honestly, you still beautiful and you still have a perfect body <3 You're just amazing and awesome, A few pounds more, it makes us more sweety 😛
Cassey <3 XOXO from France !
Yeah, you are absolute right! 🙂
love you Cassey, greetings from Germany! ♥
I feel ever word you wrote. I live in Nicaragua and the culture is obsessed with commenting on physical appearance. I love my life here and I love the people even more. I am not going to lie though, being told on a daily basis that I look ¨too fat, too thin, sickly, tired…¨ really started to take a toll on my self esteem. I had come to Nicaragua after battling bulimia for years and was proud of the advances I had made in stabilizing my thoughts and achieving a healthy weight. However, all the progress I had made was stopped dead in its tracks after just a few months of this daily critique. Three years later, very little has changed. I am still in Nicaragua, I still love my life here, and people still find it their right to comment on my weight. I cannot change the way other people act, no one can. However, through hard work I finally grasped that I can change how I react to others. Instead of beating myself up for that extra papaya smoothie I had yesterday or for missing a work out when someone comments negatively about my weight, I use the comment as motivation to get back on track with working hard and eating clean. Cassie, I have followed you for a long time and I constantly see you as one of the few positive female role models in the world. A former trainer once looked at me and said ¨you have extra fat on your belly this week, what did you do!?¨ I was crushed. I abandoned the gym and fell deep into personal berating. Thanks to you I found courage to look at myself in the mirror and say that I am beautiful. To know that if today was a rough work out, tomorrow´s will be better as my flexibility and strength grow. I hope you keep being strong and proud of yourself. I was disgusted when I read the negative posts about the inner thigh gap and your nominal weight gain after the bikini competition. You are a regular girl and that is what makes you and your message about training like a beast and eating clean so powerful.
Keep posting and being a role model for the whole popsters community!
It still blows my mind how people can be so quick to point out others’ “faults” when they have their own as well. A bikini competition is rough on the body; our bodies aren’t meant to endure that 24/7 365 days a year. It’s short term, it’s hard work, and weight gain after is perfectly normal, any competitor has their competition weight and normal weight. There’s no shame in it, especially since you’re still staying fit, healthy, and eating clean (just not competition clean!). People who toss insults like that should feel shame. That’s unhealthy criticism, not meant to encourage. This whole community is about encouragement, it’s what you’ve built, what we’ve all built. You encourage all of us!
People don’t realize that bikini and fitness models, bodybuilders, etc don’t stay in that shape year round. It would be a miserable existence! You NEVER looked chubby but I suppose that when you reach max leanness, there’s nowhere to go but down and any weight gain is going to be commented on. I’m glad you posted this and got real.
You always respond so gracefully to the rude and tactless people on the internet. I really appreciate that you took the time to answer the questions that were coming at you, and how you shaped your answer in a way that inspires others. I have been gaining weight recently and my pants have started to get tighter. I am a grad student and had absolutely no time or motivation to workout last semester and I want to start getting back on track this semester to start gaining muscle again. It can be really frustrating to see your weight fluctuate, and coming from someone with body and eating issues, it is very hard to hear someone call you out on it. My family thinks I need to GAIN weight, even though I am a healthy weight for my height, so they try to make me eat more and eat unhealthily which is really frustrating because it’s like I’m always disappointing them. Sigh. We all have our own problems on this topic, and that is why I am so glad you started the discussion; We are all in this together.
Wow! You are the most inspiring and honest fitness trainers out there!! Love you! <3
Girl you are beautiful inside and out. I’m so happy you can have such a good outlook on your life and your body because you deserve to feel awesome all the time 🙂
This wrealy helped me.The article wrealy showed that your a human being and you are not perfect. I Think that´s what i love the most about you. You are so real,honest and nice.Thanx<3 xoxo Sophie
I swear, the normal greeting from Asian family members has been and probably always will be about my weight. Either if I gained weight or lost weight but in my mind, that’s always the main thing they comment on when they see me. I learned to get over it because in an odd way, it means they care. Also, I stopped caring what other people say about my weight. What really matters is to be healthy so that I can enjoy life but that also means eating amazing food and not deprive myself of happiness. Life is about balance.
With that said, I’ve been going to the gym at least 3 times a week and dancing at least 2 times a week. I love feeling fit, having more energy, and still enjoying food. I’m not aiming to lose a lot of weight because of my body type it’s not possible to be super thin. Instead, my goal is to become a stronger dancer and a stronger person. Thanks Cassey for staying true to who you are, you are inspirational <3
This is one of the best articles I have ever read! I have struggled with eating disorders and counting calories to the extreme and you nailed this exactly. Thank you so much for the encouraging read. I hope you never get discouraged or ashamed of your body because you are such a beautiful inspiration to so many people.
Thank you!
I know what you mean! I don’t know if it’s just my family and relatives, but they’re super judgemental. I’m really short and I look kinda fat easily, mostly in my thighs, and I LOVED wearing shorts all the time (since I love in a tropical country). But in the past year, I’ve been told by my family that I’ve gained weight. Okay, I’ll admit, I did get a teensy bit crazy on my food, but surely I didn’t gain THAT much weight to be told that I’m fat over and over again! At that point I was completely crushed and didn’t dare to wear shorts anymore, always wearing knee length pants. And to be honest, I still don’t wear shorts when I go out, even though I’m starting to get toned.
I just want to say, please don’t judge others. Even if they say that they don’t mind about it, I, from personal experience, can tell you that it more or less DOES affect a person.
you know what? .. when someone told me i’m getting back my fat , it something helpfull for me , because that makes me realise that i need to train harder or eat healthier and maybe i’m doing something wrong with my diet… so i makes some changes in my diet and trainig calendar and work harder.. cause our mirror let us look what we wanna look , and maybe you arent the fit as you want it to be , but that stupid mirror said a lie .. so if someone tell me if i’m fat , is so much helpfull for me… and remind having a diet or working out is not a sad job .. is being happy with ur new life style and being happy with yourself ……. ( it’s just my point of view) … anyway i’m agree with you in some parts , and if you feel great how you are riht now, who cares what people thing! 🙂
Hey Cassey, I just wanted to say, I am only 13 years old! I started my sixth grade year at about 120 pounds of almost purely fat. I found a video on youtube called Blogilates and I did your calendar for about 3 months. I lost 5 or 6 pounds in the process. I admit I was kind of disappointed that after all that I wasn’t like the people on tv who said “I did this diet plan and lost 40 pounds in twelve weeks!” But then I compared myself to a picture of my beggining of the year picture. I looked ten hundred times better! Everything was more toned and I went down 3 jean sizes and 2 shirt sizes. Even my face was far less round! I started running and got very good at it I took up cross country and trained so hard for it I lost another 5 pounds. I feel way better physically and emotionally I am way more confident. My cross country season really took off too but I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you!
You know what Cassey? This entire article just made my day. I mean it has completely lifted my spirits. Even after eating clean, and still working out all through the Christmas holidays, I noticed some weight gain too. My abs became less defined. I was so frustrated, and I felt like I was failing. I tried working out harder, but there was still a layer of fat over what was once my toned abs. I know it’s because, despite my best efforts to eat clean, I still had to go to three different family holiday dinners. I still was given an obscene amount of chocolate and desserts that I haven’t eaten in a very long time since starting my fitness journey. I indugled a bit. It felt REALLY good. But I also felt guilty, and ashamed for doing so.
So DON’T feel ashamed Cassey for gaining a bit of weight! We are ALL human, and it’s hard to be ‘perfect’, (impossible actually). I eat when I’m stressed too. But I also know the new year is a clean start, and thank God there won’t be any more holiday dinners! I can get back to eating healthy!
Any other POPsters who feel this way after the holidays- don’t!! It’s a new beginning with the new year and we can all get back on track! No one feel lost or ashamed!!
Hi Cassey, nice article I think I could really relate to this one, because I noticed that I gained some wait! This makes me feel awful. You know, working so hard to beat those extra weight and then starting to gain them back again. But hey, its the holiday season, with lots of parties and food. I just cant help it.
I guess whats important is that we know what foods to avoid and to eat in moderation. It is really impossible not to sway from our strict diet plan and exercise from time to time, whats best is how we get back on track. It is such a comfort knowing that a very good fitness instructor like you Cassey is also experiencing these things. It makes me feel that ill be okay. That i am not losing. You always inspire us Cassey. You are the best because you are so transparent about how you feel.
Gudluck. Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for sharing. I makes me feel better to know someone I look up to has the same thoughts as me. I have been struggling because I lost 30+lbs and now I have gained it back due to a stressful year at college. I am upset I gained the weight back and I try to remind myself that if I lost the weight once I CAN do it again. My goal this year is to work on my confidence and treat myself with the respect that I deserve!
This is just happening to me as of now… Chirstmas weight packed on and I started to feel really bad about myself. Thanks for being so honest and open, this really helped me see a different light on weight gaining after you lost a tone. 🙂
Goodness knows, you aren’t fat. I think that you gaining some weight IS inspirational and I’m glad you spoke out about it. I would feel like some abnormal being if I didn’t see my favorite fitness gurus go up and down. The point is, you are still in shape. The point is, you can still lose it – IF you wanted to. The point is, you’re beautiful. Everyday I get up and I give it a shot, I don’t give up, because of people like you. Everyday, especially when I’ve had a bad binge or bad.. month.. I don’t give up because I know I can try again and you’ll show me the way. I honestly love you. You are real, just like the rest of us. To me, that makes you more valuable.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Thank you.
I have completely lost my fitness regime this year, with working, doing course work and studying for exams there was no room for fitness, everything else left me exhausted. After my course finishedI started doing working out here and there but just couldn’t find my flow again, motivation was gone and then from September onwards my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome kicked in and with working extra hours at work during November and December and house hunting I was Stressed andd exhausted again. I haven’t gained very much wait maybe a a pound all my cloths still fit fine but I have lost slot of body done especially on my tummy which I have felt horrendously guilty about but recently I have felt a little better. I have allowed my self to rest and I feel a lot better at the moment so I say screw it start again in the new year, step by step and then pick up the pace when I can. Our bodies usually react like it does for some reason or another!
And BAM! …EXACTLY why I love you Cassie!!! xx
And BAM! EXACTLY why I love you Cassie! xx
Hi Cassey thank you for sharing this 🙂 you are such an awesome and amazing role model for us all 3 thank you for that case!
Thank you so much for this!
Dearest Cassey,
Thank u so much for posting this blog up. It speaks up my mind too! Nobody is picture perfect and we live only once. So why the struggle, the fear, the CONSTANT anxiety?! Besides, I have to agree that a bit of weight gain does make us stronger. I, myself, experienced that. As long as we listen to our body’s needs, I think it’ll take care of it’s own. And who knows what we may end up 40-50 years down the road? What’s next? Ashamed of people (or kids) commenting about your wrinkles, saggy boobs and gray hair? C’mon, ppl, give yourselves a break! Have a break, have a KitKat 😀
Hey Cassey! Loved the article! And it came at a great time too.
For the most part, I’m fairly petite. My friends like to joke that I have the “Asian gene” – you have a rather petite figure and look younger than you actually are. Haha! (I’m half-Filipino, by the way.)
Very true for relatives to openly ask if you’ve gained weight. My mom is usually the first to pick up on whether I’ve gained or lost weight. She always tries to make sure my sisters and I are eating properly and if we’re not, she’s not shy about telling us if we’re looking a little big around the middle. She would never say it in front of company, though. She wouldn’t dare try to embarrass us like that.
On the other hand, I’m pretty sure my boyfriend’s mom goes out of her way to put her son down in front of people. The other day when I was at my boyfriend’s, she called him “Fatty” in front of me as he was leaving the room (he was sick of listening to her insults). I admit and he admits that he is clinically overweight but knowing that he’s been working his butt off for almost a year to lose that extra weight and then hear his own mother call him fat, I was livid with her.
If looks could kill, she’d probably be dead right now. I told her that I couldn’t believe she said to her son and despite her saying she was joking – accompanied by a very fake laugh – I told her it wasn’t very good joke and left to go find my boyfriend.
It truly saddens me how insensitive people can be when talking about someone else’s weight.
Thank you so much for this. I’m glad I’m not alone. I’ve always had trouble with my own fluctuating weight. The past few years I’ve dropped and gained weight because of my inability to balance school, work, exercise, and diet. During Winter and Summer break, I’ll be fine with exercise and diet, but when school comes along it’s like everything falls apart. This gives me major body image and self-esteem issues. I
Hopefully now with the New Body Makeover meal plan, I’ll be able to get things back on track and be able feel better about my body.
i love the way you look cassey and you know why? because you are fit!! with more or less meat on your bones you always look fit. all the things you said are true. we are human beings and our weight will always fluctuate. i suffered from anorexia and bulimia and your blog and workout calendar helped me a lot in my recovery and it still does help me. my ideea of perfection was a skinny girl with thigh gap and all the bones showing off. now i want to become just like you :strong and i want to see and feel my muscles thru my skin. i love you and all your work and i want you to know that i admire you a lot for you are a happy and a good person because you help so many of us and you enjoy your life. keep up the good work!!
I think it’s so sad that trolls thought it was ok to shame your body. I really don’t understand why so many people fetishise being really thin. I think you look great now you look feminine and strong and super fit. Love your videos you’re a hard worker who’s devoted to her job which is inspirational I don’t watch your videos to see how big your thigh gap is I watch them to improve my fitness. Keep up the good work. X
I wanna thank you for posting this. Reading your blog and doing your workouts has helped me a lot over the past year or so. I found your blog a couple months after my great grandmother’s 90th birthday. A couple of my aunts and I planned it. It was a huge party that took a lot of work for everyone invovled in the planning. Anyway I went over to her to say hi and happy birthday. She looks at me and says you need to start working out, you are starting to look unnatural. It blew my mind how she could just come at so bluntly and say something so harsh. I spent the rest of the party avoiding her and when putting her presents in her car to go home she sends my grandma to ask if I was mad at her.
My grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary was this past year also and my aunt and I were planning a party for them. My great grandma pulled me aside just before we had them cut the cakes and told me I didn’t need to eat any cake.
I sort of fell into my old high school habits of not eating, which does not work when taking College Anatomy and Physiology and having to on almost a daily basis go into a Cadvar Lab. My friend Patricia actually caught on to my not eating on a daily basis and confronted me about it.. She introduced me to your blog.
I now eat for the most part at least twice a day. I am still working on getting an excercise routine in place.
Thank you,
This post came at the perfect time in this 12 week body makeover challenge. You always look healthy and are a huge inspiration. Life happens and its nice to know that no one is perfect. During the christmas week I fell off the new body makeover challenge wagon big time and to boot I caught a cold and continued to eat and snack. I’ve been beating myself up about it but reading your post has really helped. I will just get right back up and keep trying. thanks cassey
Wow, I’m a little newer to the Blogilates community so this is my first time reading this blog.
You know, as long as you are in good health and always growing as a professional, I could care less if you gain some/ lose some! Honestly, that natural weight fluctuation only makes me trust you more; you’re a real person and not just a face and a brand.
Keep it going and stay healthy; mind body and soul!!!
I am crying right now…This is literally the exact moment I needed to read this. I was just talking with a friend about some cracks my mom has made over winter break about weight, eating, and “laziness”. I had a very rough semester of pulling my GPA up and near the end of the semester I got really into Blogilates. I lost 20lbs so far and I was feeling great about it but when winter break came I cut down my work out schedule to just cardio to allow myself some much needed rest from how I’d abused myself with work and lack of sleep over the semester. My mom immediately started making remarks about how I was lazy for not wanting to get out and do much over break and started saying I should work out and such because I was gaining back the weight I had lost (which is not true. I gained back maybe 3lbs of the 20lbs so freaking what? That’s perfectly normal when in transition). After a while the comments really started to get to me and I started to have the dreaded funhouse mirror effect where for some reason I saw myself as a ton heavier than I really was. This article is such a much-needed reminder not to listen to such talk. I am feeling a little bit better about myself now. Weight loss is a process, health is a lifestyle, and as hard as the weight is to lose, nobody should ever live in such terror over the thought of simply gaining a pound or two back when you go through something different. I’m choosing to let my body rest rather than continue to overwork it and make it unhealthy in a different way than it was when I was heavier…Get over it haters.
Hi Cassey, thank you for this post. I have been really afraid I would gain back the weight I lost and it’s making me very sad. I feel so encouraged after reading this entry. Thank you!
Hey Cassy,
After Reading this I have some things to say.
First of YOU LOOK WONDERFUL the way you look now – you dont HAVE to lose fat again, you really dont (unless yiu want to ofc) im just saying it should not be because you feel like you HAVE to.
Plus, to have some extra fat – is good – why? Well if you get sick your body Will need some fat for energy – which is why havinga very low fat % May look good, but is not very good.
I have no idea what your Weight or fat % is, but it is just a thing to remember.
You look great, and is a great inspiration for me – who myself is dealing with the same thoughts as you.
Much love Isabell x
After YEARS of not believing this and feeling ashamed of my body I am finally getting a grasp on this and it feels great. I hope your post inspires and is a wake up call to many who read it. <3
Thank you so much for this cassey. I felt like this needed to be said, no one is perfect 24/7 but the point is, when life gets you down you gotta get back up and thats okay.
My really skinny sister called me fat. It got my head messed up. So I tried looking for workouts videos. I found Blogilates. Honestly, at the start, all I was thinking about was losing that thigh fat, getting skinnier. But you, Cassey, have made me realise I don’t need that. You made me feel good while doing your workouts. I’m going strong on the new body makeover calendar and I’m already feeling great.
Thanks Cassey.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on tv streaming live.
Cassey I think you looked great in your ABC Abs video, you always look great to me, but I completely understand where you are coming from… even if they mean well it always hurts when someone points out the elephant in the room – gained weight >.<. You are right about one thing though, no one can be perfect 24/7 and it is important to be able to say …yea so I put on a few pounds, but you know what I' M GOING BEAST MODE TO BURN 'EM OFF, and I WILL BE BETTER THAN I EVER WAS. You just have to keep moving forward, I have a personal mantra for myself when I feel down:
The beauty is the struggle.
Life would not be amazing, complex, or exhilarating without both the ups and downs. It is that vibrant take charge ferocity that makes every minute count, and the resiliency to stand up to the challenge that makes us strong and beautiful. I don't think you gained weight I think you gained character and perspective to push harder and go farther … tell those haters to back off, you don't need their negativity. ♥♥♥
This is so relieving and inspiring. You have no idea how often we, or at least I, look at a fitness professional and think, “They must be so disciplined all the time, 24/7.” I wouldn’t consider myself fat, but I too have gained the weight back from one year ago. I trained for a bikini competition, was in the gym everyday, ate only what I was “supposed to” when I was “supposed to.” And yes, I looked incredible, like I had never seen my body look ever before. It was an amazing feeling. But then life happened, and I didn’t have as much time to prepare meals and hit the gym twice a day, or sometimes even once. Do I feel guilty? Of course. Do I wish I had my disciplined body back? Of course. But like Cassey said, it’s life. It happens! If we all stick together and help each other work through the hard parts, we can achieve our goals together!
Thank you so much Cassey; you are incredible.
Hi cassey,
Oh So much relieves to hear that somebody like you say this kind of thing. Working as auditor making me an uber busy carrer girl , sometimes we don’t even have time to sleep, especially on those deadline, with no sufficient sleep time and ate whatever we have (mostly junk foods and chinese foods).
And then back home or when attending some family gathering, my mom, aunts, sisters will ask me. ” seriously, you’r getting that fat! How could it be?!” hearing this makes me wanna cry, could they imagine how much time i spent at work, with no time to sleep and eat properly, how hard to find a little time to do exercise, not to mention hormones and every stress a work.
Reading your post make me realize, it’s not about how people think about us, they could think whatever they want, and still we’r the one who know what going on in our life, its up and down. I’m not too fat actually, i’m kinda normal girl with normal weight, i’m still on my size 10. So just because I”m not as skinny as other girls, doesn’t meant that i’m fat or bad.
Thanks Cassey, I Love your blog, I’m exercising everyday with your videos!
Keep that good job!
thank you and God bless you Cassey for n ot being perfect. a true role model is a person who has and shares the same temptations and problems as the rest of us. the fact that you gain weight, struggle with constantly eating healthy, all while being in the public eye is truly inspirational. personally, it is very discouraging for me to follow anyone who is too perfect. I feel like I can never be good enough or match my instructor or role model. any flaws but you have, including gaining weight, just serves to prove that you are just like us and we are all in the same battle together. so thank you so much again for addressing this and for reminding us that you are not perfect. it brings all of us even closer together! by the way I am Korean so I know what the fat comments are all about hahaha 🙂
Thank you so much Cassey 🙂 xx
I wanted to comment on this because it really struck home for me. I am struggling with this horrible guilt of gaining weight and it really made me feel better to realize that I am not in the minority here 🙂
When I was doing my undergrad I lost 70 lbs and got down to 155 lbs. I felt awesome and really proud of myself. I was walking to school everyday (an hour in total) and eating a lot healthier away from my mom’s cooking haha. When I started my masters I moved back home and it went downhill. I was driving all the time and I knew that I was not controlling how much I ate. It was so easy to fall back into old habits. Next thing I knew I was back up 40 lbs (I should also say that I went through a rough time after graduating that really did not help the situation).
I have been feeling horrible about it and instead of doing something, I just kept being down on myself. I recently moved out of my parents’ home to go back to school and realized that I need to take hold of my life and make myself feel better because no one else was going to do it for me. It just happened that I found these videos on youtube and they have put me back on the path to feeling good again.
This is something that I will struggle with forever but I realized that every time I start to look in the mirror and be negative I just stop myself and look for the positives. It sounds cheesy but it works 🙂
I should say, in that photo, you look fantastic. Which thing was more important? food or exercises?
I once lost 35 pounds in a year through restricting, and was borderline underweight. I was told I looked great, and though I felt not-so-great, I loved my body. But then I decided to lose 10 more pounds, and I think that was the breaking point for my body and I couldn’t stop binge eating. It has been over a year now and my eating has slowly been regulating. Needless to say, I have a little over 20 pounds back, and am determined to get back on track.
PS. I know exactly what you mean by Asian relatives commenting about your weight, as I come from an Asian family myself. My weight is a topic that is bound to be brought up during a conversation and the frustration of having my weight problems made into jokes around the dinner table drives me over the edge.
Thank you so much for posting this because it is truly a sense of relief to know that I am not the only one going through this.
Happy to know that I am not the only one afraid of an apple. I really needed to hear this, thanks. Back on track and already feeling better after a week.
last spring, i felt incredibly ashamed of my body, so i ate very little and exercised a ton to get the dream bikini body I wanted. i got to a body i loved, but then summer started, and there was an excess of sugary and junk foods, which i allowed myself to eat using the excuse that it was summer and one meal wouldn’t kill me. as a result, i gained 10 lbs. im finding it very hard to get my old body back, no matter how healthy i eat or how much i exercise. my self esteem is in the pits, leaving me to not enjoy myself as much as i used to. ive started eating less and less because i just want to be confident again. pretty much weight gain sucks and im not really coping too well.
I had worked really hard to eat clean for a couple weeks and I broke it and started eating ALL the time and I ate all the food that was bad for me because I had restricted myself from eating it for so long. I get how you feel! This gives me motivation to try again. Thank you so much Cassey, you’re an inspiration!
Yeah well, weight gain or not, I still can’t talk during your videos and you can….
So I guess you’re still pretty much in shape, don’t listen to haters girl, you look fabulous either way (altough this one is probably more healthy…)
we are POPsters and we love you!
Dear Cassey,
This post made me feel such relief. I had recently lost about 50lbs, and was so very happy I finally did. It was before my wedding, and it sure made me feel better about my body.
Fast forward about 3 months to today. I have gained back 10lbs. My pants are not fitting, again. I am feeling disgusted with my lack of self control and laziness.
Reading this made me realize it’s time to stop being so damn hard on myself. It’s time to get back on track, but not so much that I’m sitting beside the fridge crying because I’m afraid of eating the “wrong” foods.
I am so grateful that someone who people like me look up to, is not afraid of gaining a little bit of weight. And you’re telling us! It’s a miracle to hear that someone with what many of us feel is a “perfect” body, can admit when they’re not on track. I know you’ll get your bikini bod again, not like you don’t have one now anyways (you know what I mean right?).
I still would like to lose roughly 30-35lbs. I will, WILL do this. I will do your videos. I will stay active and try harder to get off the couch after a long day and go to the gym. I will stop buying food that I have no control with (chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, I’m talking about you). I will also stop hating myself so much, because that’s my #1 problem. I can lose the weight. I did it before, and I will do it again.
Thank you so much for reminding us that progress is a sliding scale, and s few set back are not the end of the world, and it doesn’t make us a crappy person.
You are so helpful Cassey! Thanks again.
Hey Cassie!!!
love your videos!!! I’ve been in almost the exact same situation with my weight! I’m actually studying to be a nutritionist (: but, anyway I’m a ballet dancer and am really hard on my body. My weight has done the same thing as yours and my mom won’t let me forget it. She lets me know I’m chubby/chunky/not lean anymore. It really really hurts because I’m already super hard on myself. I know how you feel!
Hi cassey , i think your amazing. I also have a family who remimds me of my weight when i see them but i do the most damage to myself mentally. Thank you for your words because they ment a lot to me today 🙂
Also, I thinks fat should be destigmatized. There is nothing wrong with fat. I like the fat I have on my stomach. It makes me soft and I like that about myself. I’d also appreciate my stomach if it had rock hard abs. Whatever we are, we should love. I think it’s inappropriate of your family to comment on your body when you gain weight. It’s not our duty to pass judgement on the bodies of others. You can tell a friend that they look great without relating it to weight, you can just say you look happy and good, and your friend will be aas pleased as punch to hear that compliment 🙂
I think it’s important to remember that a huge priority for all of us should be happiness. We each find happiness and healthiness in different ways. For some, being healthy means exercising once a week and eating a balanced diet but also allowing for treats. For other it means not exercising at all and eating whatever they want. And for some it means sticking to a strict meal plan and exercising daily. As long as we remember not to judge people based on their appearance but by how happy they are. For example, I am not on the exercise train at all right now. I recognize that exercise makes me happy and makes my brain release endorphins. And being physically fit (reasonably so) is somewhat important to me. But right now, I just don’t have the time. Yes, there’s a lot going on in my life; I’m a student. I’m incredibly active when it comes to academics and my social life. These things both make me so happy. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m not the thinnest nor am I the heaviest. I’m not too out of control with my eating habits. My sexual partners and friends find me sexy and attractive, and I do too. I would like to establish a regular exercise routine, not with the goal to change my body, but to make my brain feel happy and nice and physically tired. But it’s not necessary for me to do that to feel healthy. We all have different priorities and goals and ideals for ourselves. What I just shared are mine.
Ps. All bodies are bikini bodies! Do you ever go to the beach and judge people for being on the chunkier side and wearing a bikini? I don’t. Power to them for not being ashamed of their body, and for loving it enough to show it off to the public.
When I was younger, puberty hadn’t been so kind to me. All I wanted to do was laze around and eat whatever my hands could grab. Of course, this led to a lot of weight gain and I was wearing size twelve jeans when I was only in middle school.
Before middle school, and during, my dad always liked to make snide comments about my portion sizes at dinner and that I should at least leave some food for everyone else (although there was plenty left). I suffered dramatically and his comments would always make me eat more.
Over time, I’ve learned to watch what I eat and control my weight. I’m starting to learn how to feel beautiful and comfortable in my own skin.
I think the world should respect women for who we are and not our sizes. We are beautiful because we are strong and confident inside and out.
When I started Blogilates, I was amazed by how peppy you were and how you always stressed about inner beauty and confidence and strength. I admired that greatly. I have been going through a personal struggle in my life and, honestly, Cassey, you have helped me through it so far.
Thank you. Thank you so much. And I’m sorry that that happened to you. I, personally, think you are an inspiration and a very wonderful person. You’re doing an amazing job! 🙂
Honestly, I think you look more womanly, sexy, and healthy when you’re not as thin as a stick. And I am sure many people agree with me. You don’t need to eat clean all the time. My great-grandma survived two world wars in Germany and lived to be 98 years old. She went to a beautiful cafe every afternoon and had at least one big piece of cake. Probably two. She was never skinny, but she was beautiful, and she didn’t stress. Don’t deprive yourself of everything, it’s not healthy either. You know that yourself, as long as your food is not full of artificial ingredients ice cream and cake are fine too. It’s all about balance. I decided to something sweet every day. As an athlete you burn most of it off anyway, and you keep a little for hard times 😉
i’m 14 and i’m from an Asian family(Vietnam) so i really understand what ur talking about. it’s really embarrassing when everyone in my house just comes right up to me and say ‘u look FAT, ur legs r huge u need to lose some weight’ blah blah blah so i get really depressed and i try to hide whenever they start judging me. i’ve tried ur workouts and i’ve also tried cycling but i don’t really see much changes can u tell me plz how long will it take me to get my body in shape if i workout 30 mins everyday?
Hi Phuong Linh!
I’m really sorry, that must be mentally hurting you so much. Big hugs for you! It all depends on what you eat in comparison to what exercise you do. For example, to lose 12 pounds I ate 1500 calories a day of healthy food and worked out for 30 minutes a day. It took me about a month to lose the weight, but it didn’t make me ill or take a huge toll on my energy levels. Make sure you eat clean and don’t rush it, or you will make yourself very ill. Remember to set yourself goals and not let others set them for you – when you are comfortable, stop. It’s not other peoples’ place to tell you when you’re “too fat” when you feel fine within themselves.
All the best of luck!
first of all,happy new year (if you are following western christian calendar) and all the best for you. now, you are 14. It s not advisable to go for a diet.But you can start eating more veggies n fruits, for snack instead of something else. Exercising is the best way. You may not see big change but it will pay off ater. I know it may seems nonsense what I’m saying now .You want results and you want it now, I understand. But I encourage to put yourself first, your health first., not your looks and never how others see you. If your parents or relaties make any comment about your weight, just tell them, do you love me for myself or for my weight? tell them that family has to be a loving place, with supportive people n if you want to hear people to put you down, you ll just have to look at music video or magazine. I mean, let them know what how they make you fell by their comments. Wish you the best
I have to say that this is me now. I have always been the thin one in my family, but a year ago I moved to a new city for school and I gained weight. A lot of weight. Looking at myself in pictures now makes me feel horrible. I have stopped going out so I don’t have any chance of a picture being taken. Last time I went home all I heard from my family was how I look bigger and that maybe I should make more time to exercise. I know they don’t mean to be mean, but it still hurts. I’m not looking forward to thanksgiving. I’m sorry for what you went through, but I’m so grateful that you shared it with us. You are a great inspiration and beautiful at any size.
Thank you cassey! It is such an encouragement to know that you, as a fitness instructor, go through the same diet and weight problems that the rest of us do! thank you for being honest and expressing your feelings. You are truly an inspiration!
fantastic put up, very informative. I’m wondering why the other experts of this sector don’t
realize this. You must proceed your writing.
I’m sure, you’ve a huge readers’ base already!
I want to say that I admire you, and you are an
incredibly strong woman!You are an inspiration to
so many people. You should be very proud of
yourself. I know it’s easier said than done with the
way some people in the world think, and act. We
are judged mainly by our looks. You have done an
amazing job of motivating, and inspiring us
POPsters. Let us return the favor to you Cassey.
You are amazing at any size. Our goal is to be
healthy. You inspire me with your workout videos. I
have been struggling with my weight my whole life.
I was 197 pounds at 5’10. That was great for me.I
was very healthy. I am a dancer, I ran, I walked,etc…
Unfortunately,I still developed a seizure
disorder.This was 4 years ago. My health continues
to decline, and I am told that I must lose weight. My
B.M.I. was calculated to be 170-180 pounds as my
healthy weight! I have never been that small. I was
very discouraged. I decided two weeks ago that I
am going to Train Insane this Decemberwomen do the
12 week make-over with my fellow POPsters. I am
doing my own fight back plan. I have lost six
pounds in two weeks by doing cardio,eating clean,
and strength training. Can’t wait for December.
I had to re-program how I think about exercising. I
had to remember why I am exercising. I know now
that I exercise to be strong, and live longer.
People have been told what size is considered
acceptable. Magazines are filled with women who
are super thin. My daughter who is 15 has even told me
she wants to be “skinny”.I told her it’s not about
size. She said,”Mom you want to be skinny don’t
you?”I said,”No, I exercise to live. I make want to be
healthy”.I explained to my daughter that eating
clean, and exercising will make her strong!!
Gaining weight has been hard to accept for me as
well. I get laughs when I go to the buffet, people
laugh at me when I go to try on clothes, I have been
put down about my weight when I say that I am
certified to teach fitness ( I totally understand what
you went though) people think I am obssessed with
eating, etc… It goes on and on.
I want to say I am so sorry for what you went
through with your weight gain. Thank you sharing
your story with us. I too have had people ask me
that question,”did you gain ?”That by the way is not
cool. How can you ask someone that?
Unfortunately,most of those questions / remarks
are from people I know.
Stay encouraged! Keep doing what you do! We all
love you!
By the way, I have my before picture ready!
So many typos! I am so embarrased. They need to make spell ckeck for cell phones. Well anyway, you guys understand what I am sayin’.
Take care,Kohl
I want to say that I admire you, and you are an incredibly strong woman!You are an inspiration to so many people. You should be very proud of yourself. I know it’s easier said than done with the way some people in the world think, and act. We are judged mainly by our looks. You have done an amazing job of motivating, and inspiring us POPsters. Let us return the favor to you Cassey.
You are amazing at any size. Our goal is to be healthy. You inspire me with your workout videos. I have been struggling with my weight my whole life. I was 197 pounds at 5’10. That was great for me.I was very healthy. I am a dancer, I ran, I walked,etc…Unfortunately,I still developed a seizure disorder.This was 4 years ago. My health continues to decline, and I am told that I must lose weight. My B.M.I. was calculated to be 170-180 pounds as my healthy weight! I have never been that small. I was very discouraged. I decided two weeks ago that I am going to Train Insane this December, and do the 12 week make-over with my fellow POPsters. I am doing my own fight back plan. I have lost six pounds in two weeks by doing cardio,eating clean, and strength training. Can’t wait for December.
I had to re-program how I think about exercising. I had to remember why I am exercising. I know now that I exercise to be strong, and live longer.
People have been told what size is considered acceptable. Magazines are filled with women who super thin. My daughter who is 15 has even told me she wants to be “skinny”.I told her it’s not about size. She said,”Mom you want to be skinny don’t you?”I said,”No, I exercise to live. I make want to be healthy”.I explained to my daughter that eating clean, and exercising will make her strong!!
Gaining weight has been hard to accept for me as well. I get laughs when I go to the buffet, people laugh at me when I go to try on clothes, I have been put down about my weight when I say that I am certified to teach fitness ( I totally understand what you went though) people think I am obssessed with eating, etc… It goes on and on.
I want to say I am so sorry for what you went through with your weight gain. Thank you sharing your storywith us. I too have had people ask me that question,”did you gain ?”That by the way is not cool. How can you ask someone that? Unfortunately,most of those questions / remarks are from people I know.
Stay encouraged! Keep doing what you do! We all love you!
I cried a little.
I can’t believe people would ever think that! I think the bikini comp body is unreal. You look more human when you have some fat covering your muscles, and that doesn’t make you fat. It makes you relatable, lovable, and TRUE. And people need to remember that Cassey is not only a fitness instructor, but she is a Popster just like us. She’s a human with cravings, and her own metabolism to deal with JUST LIKE US.
Loooooove you Cassey. You can do anything you set your mind to!
This is such an amazing and powerful post!! I’ve dealt with those kinds of comments before, and from personal experience, I can say they really hurt. A year ago I was 90 pounds, happy, toned, and skinny! I loved it when people commented on how thin I looked! Now, I’ve gained 10 pounds, I feel heavy and fat, even though 100 pounds is still small. I developed an eating disorder where I would hardly eat, and if I did eat, I’d make myself throw it up! I developed it after I got a few comments about looking like I have gained weight. My mom mentioned it, even a friend’s mom who I hardly saw said “I can tell you’ve gained weight!” It made me feel horrible and disgusting, like I wasn’t a good human being because I gained weight! Now I am trying to be healthier again, trying to eat well and exercise like I used to. I still want with all my heart to be super skinny like I was before, even though I know I was too thin. I miss looking in the mirror and seeing bones everywhere, even though I still do see most! I miss the confidence I had, not being as self conscious about my body! This article really has hit home and I just wanted to thank you for taking your time to help people struggling with body image like this.
If it helps, I never really look at your body when I’m doing your videos – I’m too busy going at it and listening to you encourage me 🙂 I never noticed anything and I’ve done ABC abs a few times, and I just went back and looked and you still look gorge – and how does anyone notice a thigh gap when your legs are together and rockin’ those lower abs anyway?
Thank you for posting this. I can’t put into words how close to home this hits with me. I never comment but I had say thank you. You are beautiful. Your videos have helped me get to a better place in my life and leave regret, anxiety, and disordered eating behind me. You are a true inspiration, not because your skinny and fit, but because you’re REAL.
I feel bad for anyone who left rude comments. They’re most likely in a terrible place in their lives. We learn as we grow.
See you for my morning workout! 🙂
Oh Thank you Cassey!! I know this comment is way late to when this was actually posted this. But thank you for this post, it made me feel so much better. Recently I traveled back home to my parents – I’m in college and studying in another country away from home – when I came back I crashed. From homesickeness, missing my family like crazy and catching up on school work. It’s been a tough couple of weeks and I find myself succumbing to emotional eating and therefore I gained quite a bit of weight. I’m a very active person who has been proud of being fit and eating healthily. But ever since this I’ve felt like a huge failure and I’ve feel I’ve let myself down somehow. To try and lose the weight I gained, I’ve done everything from half starving myself to eating light, but I realize that’s not healthy. I’ve also tried to do double workouts like crazy and when I’m eating right I still feel so so guilty about what I’m eating. Yes, just like you I fear what an apple would do to me. However, I realize right now that life is to short to constantly worry about the number on the scale. And I’ve decided to listen and work with my body to get back where I need to be. But nothing drastic. Thanks again for this post – it really spoke to me!
I happened to come across this after doing my ab workout for today… I know exactly how you feel..I think all types of Asian aunties are the it south or north Asian pfsh!
I just want to say i LOVE you and your personality and your beautiful body just the way it is…its gorgeous 🙂
Keep smiling
Your fan <3
Hi Cassey!
I have never posted anything back before, but thank you for posting this. This article really spoke to me.
I have always been super strict to my body ever since I remember and recently got a knee injury and cant work out as much because everything I do hurts. I am 24 and have been in a sport and eating healthy since I was a baby. I am super self conscious about the weight I gained, and fear that people will judge me, even though I am still healthy. Its nice to hear someone as inspiring as you to tell us that it is ok and normal to gain sometimes and with a hard work we can get back to our original bodies. It is the worst feeling to see and feel my body reversing and it being painful to try and fix it. I have modified some of your workouts, but its still not enough to keep my body the way I expect it to be.
Basically, thank you for reminding me that a little weight gain is not the end of the world.
Omg. I can’t imagine having all eyes on me all the time for having the “perfect body”. That kind of pressure would crush me. But seriously you are totally beautiful and no amount of weight gain will change that. Also i’d like to point out that IT IS OKAY TO NOT LOOK LIKE A BIKINI MODEL EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE OR EVEN EVER. You’re still in great shape. The amount of weight you have gained was like…super insignificant. You’re still lean and toned. You can let yourself live and eat. We are all humans who love things that taste good and self control is hard for everyone. You’re an inspiration to so many woman and I appreciate your vulnerability with all of us. Keep being real. You rock sister.
Thanks for this! Needed it today
I know how you feel. My weight’s been fluctuating quite a bit from stress, but bodies are bodies and sometimes they add on fat, particularly in the colder months, to give you some insulation so you don’t freeze in the winter. Anyway, I didn’t notice, and think you look amazing and am an inspiration for the healthy, muscular body that I’m working to get.
cool post Cassey! I never notice anything like this! you’re always you in your videos, personality definitely takes over 🙂
Dear dear Cassey, I loved reading this! Ive just started your videos and they are so creative so thanks for that 😀 I have been dieting healthily by myself for months before I started your Beginners workout. After the first week I managed to screw up my diet something baaaad during the weekend. I guess my body wasnt use to making muscle lol. I felt so awful. It took some humility to admit that I had totally screwed up my progress and I really had to pick myself up and be positive and start again! I was terrified of failure and now that I have failed on this journey I now know that it is OK. Failure once doesnt define you!! I picked myself up the next Monday and the damage was not that bad as I thought 😀 It may seem like a small thing but it taught me failures are inevitable. How you handle failure can teach you some really great lessons if you can have a positive attitude. And I love your positive attitude! Keep going!
As someone who recently gained 10 pounds in 1 month from feeling deprived, I can totally relate. However, I find it MUCH more inspirational to see an average, healthy, toned body to aspire to than a thigh gap, super skinny body that I know I will never have because I was born with a Puerto Rican booty and thighs. I don’t have to constantly remind myself that legs that thin are not typical because the evidence is right in front of me and is attainable through a similar diet and exercise routine. You don’t have to have stick thin legs to have SUPER SEXY legs & buns! For me, this is much more realistic. It’s nice to be reminded that we are not alone in this struggle. Being proud of your body is an inspiration to the rest of us who also become ashamed! THANK YOU!
Look, does it really matter? does your shape makes you a better person? whats wrong about just being yourself, why do we seek for approval?… Cassey I’ve been suffer bullying since I was 8 years old, I had anorexy because I cared too much about what people think, when I finally started to eat again I started to over trainning, then, when I was almost killing myself to be “accepted” I started thinking… Does it really matter? Being accept by those who treat me as if I were nothing just because I am a little different… Why should I care about them? When I am surround by people who loves me because of me my real me my inner beeeeeeing…What I mean is the only one opinion you should take is your heart’s and no one else, maybe until those we love most are wrong, because they can not see inside us… YOLO GIRL MAKE IT WORThwhile huuuuuuuuuuuuummmpf
Hi Cassey!
I am an 18 year old girl and I am quite new to blogilates. I found what you wrote truly inspirational and I am planning to start visiting this site quite often. I was wondering though why did you have to eat only chicken breast, broccoli and egg whites everyday during the bikini competition? Would you recommend that for since I have been trying to lose weight for years but always failed?
Thank you for your help Cassey!
Hey Cassey,
I just came across this post of yours, have read through all the comments and I feel a need to leave one of my own. I’m 25 years old, 5’3”, weigh 65.9kg /145lbs and I can’t even remember what it feels like to not be self conscious about my body.
As soon as I hit puberty by the age of 10 I started gaining weight and was never truly able to control it. I was never uncomfortable in my own skin until age 12, when a boy I really liked publicly insulted me because of my weight and a group of girls I thought I was friends with traumatized me and publicly humiliated me for a year for the same reason. From that age to this very period of my life, I have never been proud of my body and have never truly liked myself. Because of attitudes of people like the ones who were so disrespectful to you I learnt to hate/ be ashamed of myself and because of them, it’s all I’ve ever known.
Several years ago I was diagnosed with depression, started getting help and from then on I turned a new leaf. I realized how bad I let it get and decided that I didn’t want my life to be like this. It has been an incredibly hard struggle, but I started slowly changing my bad habits and attitudes, and every day I work hard on being a better me. I went from weighing 83kg/180lbs and someone who couldn’t run for even 5 mins to the my weight now and an active lifestyle. I run, swim, bike, hike and do yoga and I feel happy and proud of myself for these changes I’ve made to my life. However, I’ve been stuck in a rut for 2 years unable to drop my weight under 140lbs. I get very sad at times and feel that I will never be able to reach my goal. This is because I’ve never truly had the will to control my eating habits. Food has been like an emotional drug for me my whole life and when I need a fix I’ve never had the mental strength to say no!
When I came across your blog last week for the first time however, YOU completely inspired me! You made me realize that if I want to make my goals a reality I need to eat clean AND traing hard! And so, I evaluated what I really want for myself, made myself a mantra and I stick to the thought of that and this blogging network you have created to inspire me to control mind!
You are the dream of what most women aspire to, you are positive and beautiful and successful. I just hope that the positive, supportive words coming from all of us fans can help you to remember that you have no reason to be ashamed, and that these people’s words are meaningless and misplaced. You are absolutely beautiful exactly as you are 🙂 I wish many thanks to you and to all the POPsters for being my inspiration and support as I get through my tough times trying to finally conquer my mind and reach my goal of being proud of myself and my body!
this is just beautiful. I’m crying when I read it. I come from an Asian family and I’ve been told that I gain weight so many times. My sister did the starvation thing and she lost so much weight but she looked scary for me. that’s why I decided to take the healthy way to lose some weight. and Cassey you inspire me. This post mean so much to me. Thank you, you’re wonderful <3
I’m so sorry 🙁 I did wonder! But thank you so much for this post. I come from an Asian family and when I was 20kg heavier people came up to me asking “wow you gained so much weight”. When I joined a gym there was even an aunt who told me it was “useless” and that I had to go everyday. I did. And I lost a bunch of weight. Now I go to family gatherings with my head held high but I ignore the ones who doubted me and just accept the compliments with a pinch of salt.
I also hope that you get by all these posts that what you went through is totally normal.
I also would like to thank you for providing a service to all of us that is for the most part, totally free. you rule, and you are a hero to so many people who read your blog
that’s really shallow of someone to say. and maybe its just a culture difference for me. but you don’t look fat in that video. you have never, in any of the videos i’ve seen of you, been anything close to fat. and you can do things that hurt for a really long time while talking.
haters gonna hate
I dont think the weight you gained made you look fat, instead I think it made you look healthy. Women are designed to have a little bit of fat on themt and it does fluctuate. I think its horrible how people have to point it out though, you yourself know when you have gained a little extra you dont need someone stating it and making you feel worse
This made me almost cry. Yes i also wondered i you gained weight but your post really made me think about why we focus so much on weight, and yes also body fat. i dont want to be scared of scales anymore and judging anyone including myself by their size is just…its not ok. everyone deserves to feel good about their body and to eat when the body needs it.
when i recovered from anorexia of course i mostly gained fat weight, not much muscle, which was necessary to get my period back and let my body heal itself. so now iwant to get fit and also lower my body fat.
but maybe we would all be happier if we´d focus on different changes like eating noutricious food BUT with a healthy mindset and without deprivation or obsessing about numbers. or drinking enough water to keep ones body working correctly. or quitting unhealthy habits, mentally and physically. Laughing more and getting a good feeling out of every physical challenge.
improving endurance, flexibility. Those should be goals to visualize not mainly the body fat percentage, the numbers.
as you said you were deprived. and now you might are a lot healthier and this should be the goal. beeing mentally and physically healthy. of course physical change is a nice thing but if its the only goal we have, we start leaving out other aspects of a fulfilling and happy life.
sorry for the essay i hope you are doing ok and that we all will be able to focus on health more than appereance and numbers.
Idk if you’ll reply to this, but reading this made me cry…in a good way! And I am not even sensitive or hormonal right now! I was 117 for years…naturally from just working out and such and also I used to be naturally thin. I gained 20 pounds and was okay for a while but started to become so insecure, even if my bf liked it. I have been trying to lose weight for a little over a month now, sweatember + part of this month…and as we all know life can get in the way but none the less I have only lost 4 pounds and I’ve been challenging myself everyday and eating great but it’s very frustrating when you’re used to losing weight quickly. When you, Cassey, gain/gained weight I was actually happy because it showed me, “Hey Cassey is human too, plus I like her curves!” and it made me even more motivated….plus considering you were still as strong as an ox while I was whimpering and dying during those videos showed me that weight doesn’t matter as much as strength does! Although it does suck to have your jeans not fit (cough, cough I’m guilty 5xs over lol). But Hey! That’s what they make jeggings for! Thank god for stretchy pants! Thank you so much for posting this Cassey :,)
Cassey, I can’t believe someone would ever call you fat. You are gorgeous and so inspirational. Your mentality is what is healthy and should be respected. Congratulations on being so successful and motivational doing something you love. Keep going! xoxo
I just finished an oriental diet. Well “finished”; I’m done with the actual diet part, but now I’m onto a “Yo-Yo” program that is designed to help ease me back into eating normally. I’m at the thinnest I’ve been since high school, and yet I am still not at where I want to be; I’ve got pudge, a lot of it, that needs to go. Now I’m terrified of gaining back some of the weight I’ve lost, especially since I’m not at my goal. It’s this mentality, that even though I gain I can always lose again, that I need to keep in mind. Thanks for the reminder! I needed it!
I am so glad that you wrote this blog. I have struggled with my weight for years being too thin to having gained a lot of weight. Women have to deal with a lot of backlash for the way we look. Knowing that there are women like you out there that stand up and say, “so what?” is so refreshing! You are so beautiful and inspirational and it is wonderful to hear you are so strong! I will definitely continue to follow you! Stay strong and keep moving forward 🙂
Honestly I noticed you had gained weight and I thought you looked better now than before! You aren’t chubby by any means, you look stronger and more healthy now than ever! Be you and find balance and be happy 🙂 you’re my role model more now than ever
Dear Cassey,
Thank you for posting this blog. It makes me feel okay to have the feelings I do regarding my own weight.
I’m about 5’4”. At my smallest I weighed 110 pounds. At this weight, I was told that I could be an actress or a model. Now that I’m not longer at that weight (about 140 pounds), I’m not told any of this (besides my boyfriend). It really hits me hard how being unhealthily thin (as was the case for me) is prized over being healthy and fit.
Now, I’m trying to take the steps to still shed a few pounds, but do it better. I want to learn how to eat right again. I want to learn how to work with my body during fitness routines so I can be comfortable in my own skin.
I don’t know what it’s like to be comfortable in my own skin. I would love to know what that is like. So, that’s my goal. Be comfortable in my own skin. My boyfriend (God bless him) thinks I’m the most gorgeous thing in the universe. I want to be able to see myself as he sees me. Beautiful.
Thanks, Cassey. 🙂
Cassey, I’m 5’4 and at my smallest, I weighed in at about 120-125. I now weigh about 150, and people tell me all the time that I’m still not small enough! This is relevant because about a year ago I weighed in at a whopping 260!
At this point, I don’t feel like I need to lose weight as long as I’m healthy and in the shape I want to be in. Your videos inspire me, not to lose weight, but to be healthy and make healthy choices. You could be chubby like me and your inspirational motivation and optimism would still mean the same and your sparkling personality shine through! You keep on going, Cassey. There are people(like myself) who are inspired by you to work out, even if it’s hard sometimes. And isn’t that what really counts?
And for that, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love you Cassey!
Thanks Cassey for this post(and everything else) it’s ballsy .Like you are.
And to be honest ,even though there’s no need because it really doesn’t matter, I very much prefer your body now than during your competition’s diet.It’s very cute and balanced and always toned ,I think that people sometimes should just shut up!
(if it’s tl;dr, here’s the summary: You are my hero! You help and inspire millions around the world. Thank you so much!!)
At my thinnest, I was 135/140 my freshman year of high school. During my junior year , I enrolled in an extremely intensive academic program that I could not handle. Throughout the year I was eating to deal with my stress and shirking off my workouts to make room for homework. At the end of the year my academics were the worst it has ever been, I was anxious, depressed, and somewhere around 200 lbs. Physically, mentally, and emotionally devastated, all of my hard work trying to stay healthy was gone. It’s been a little over a year and although I got back to exercising regularly and lost a little weight, I still couldn’t retrain myself the healthy habits I once had.
I memorized every tip and trick for dieting and eating healthy, but that still didn’t help me. No matter how painful it was to look in my closet every day and not be able to wear my “skinny” cute clothes, nothing seemed to change me. It was horrible. Until I remembered this blog.
I looked on your site and quickly printed out the 90-day plan and the Beginner’s work out. I’m not only committed, but happy that I am changing because you gave me this direction. It’s already day 3 and I’ve lost some weight! I love all your videos, how you put so much effort into planning and making everything happen. As an 18 year old poor, busy college student who lives in a small apartment on the 2nd floor, this is absolutely perfect for me. I love being trained by you(r videos) because you’re always so happy and motivating! Why people pay attention to your thigh gap I do not know. They’re too busy scrutinizing flaws in someone else than bettering themselves. It’s hard being in the public eye, but you are a beautiful and strong woman. Keep up the wonderful work and I look forward to seeing more of your vids! Thank you!! ^_^ <3
I think you look better with a little more weight. You’re already slim in the ABS Abs video, but with softer, rounded edges that are very girly and nice ^=^ Personally, I don’t think you need such a strict diet at all! People who think you look fat in that video are psychotic! We’re *GIRLS* and we *should* be soft and filled out, not chiseled and hard! Heee ^=^
You addressed this topic with class. Thank you! There is this notion that all fat is bad, but in reality, especially for women, a certain amount of fat is necessary to live a happy and healthy life on a regular basis. If we focus on being as healthy as we can be instead of being all muscle or stick skinny, our bodies will feel great and the happier we will be. Some people are naturally that way, but that just goes to show that our genetics will determine how much fat is healthy for us or not. It is all about being balanced:-)It must be especially difficult when your body is on display as part of your career, but it seems you have the positive mentality for it!
You’re such a beautiful person. F*** those “langues de putes”, as we say in French. 😉
Thanks for making these workouts so much fun.
Hey Cassey!
Yes, I’m from a asian family! Borned and grew up in Sweden and understand exactly what you mean! But that just made me angry. I don’t think I ever found some good answer, but in my mind i was always thinking ” Oh, yeah, i could get fatter if I want. Why do u care about my wieght when I didn’t” And yeah I was and still am kind of rebellious. I could also hear my parents and other realtives watching Miss Hongkong and calling some of the competers fat! I mean, seriously?
Girls are more judged from how they are looking (Yeah, more than guys), and thats is so wrong! Why wouldn’t people ask u how u feel instead or if u have become stronger or feeling more alive or fresh? Yeah i’m kind a upset, i’m thinking on all those girls that blame themselfs for being lazy or being a failure.
And yeah, I’m sounding like I never blame myself and only on others. But thats not true. I’ve been feeling very bad about how i look, my weight for not being “perfect”. But now i finally know that it’s always up to me to decide what to do with MY body. It’s my body and noone else.
This definitely makes you more real compared to certain fitness blogs, you understand our struggles with this ‘perfectly clean’ lifestyle. That makes you more admirable and ultimately I think will make you as a business succeed further than others who project a perfectly fit lifestyle and persona.
For that I am a fan aswell as an admirer.
Thank you, thank you. I have gained about 5 pounds over the last few months from stress. Like you, I also was in the middle of a move. I am planning a wedding. I am a mom of two young boys and I am doing the very best I can….. yet, I have been shaming myself and thinking this would lead me back to a lower weight. Your blog helped me so much. I am so glad you are human like me and you are gorgeous. Thank you for this. What a gift.
Amen Cassey! I love you stick thin and just the way you are now! You are my motivation! The best part is you are REAL!!!! PLUS, you love food like me :))))
I just discovered you about four days ago. I happen to be going through the App Store and found your Blogilates app. So I read all the reviews for your app and downloaded it because of all your wonderful supporters and when I opened it up ( the app) I automatically subscribed to the calendar not even knowing what I was going to be doing. But this is my fourth day I love the calender and let me tell you I am sore but I love it at the same time. I am 30 years old have tried every workout and diet possible known to man and was tired of all the fads tell you the truth. I gained 25 pounds about two years ago do to depression and have been deciding to get back on track for the past month but nothing happened couldn’t find the motivation than all of a sudden I found you and am so happy because someone how you make me feel like your friend instead of someone who wants to shove fitness down your throat. But anyways you are like my best friend watching my back and making it fun at the same time and my three kids love your music workout challenges. I just want to say I am so grateful and excited that I found you and look forward to doing this for a very long time. Don’t stop helping people because I think you was made for this. Thank you so much inspiration again.
I think i had my revelation right here. I’m going through this, just the same, i feel fatter, i don’t like myself the way i liked my image before.
The thing is that i wasn’t that body perfect you where, i was more like an anorexic girl, very inmature and with a lot of insecure aspects. When i was a child, i was fat, fatter than the rest but part is because of my bone structure i’m robust. Not super robust, but well i used to saw al the girls prettier, healthier, really amazing and all that, but they were bad people, they used to laugh about the way i looked, or the thing i couldn’t do.
So by the age of 17 i decided to become a better version of me, i reached the point that i was so obsessed that i was afraid of fruit too. I was afraid even of the water. I was in a really bad time.
But the way i looked in the mirror was perfect for me, flat abs, cool delicate arms. Thigh butt. I was sick, and my body cracked, a year ago, i left the Gym, i’m about to coming back, but i became anemic. I wasn’t able to do the best, like i was used to do the exercises. I was feeling really bad.
I discovered your videos before i left the gym, i couldn’t catch up the day, i was that bad that i couldn’t breath.
Sometimes i want to cry because, i’m not that skinny, i feel like i broke a promise with myself. But other times i really enjoy every meal, every piece of food. I enjoy everything, i’m vegetarian and i’m trying to do it right, it’s hard, i’m mexican and ITS REALLY HARD TO BE FIT IN THIS COUNTRY.
You inspire me, you make me smile when i’m doing your vids. Today is my birthday and i’m really sorry because i couldnt do my routine on beginners calendar. Thank you for being honest, for being so respectful to all of us, for being so cared.
Thank you for Blogilates, you showed the people how amazing is exercise. I love when it sore, i love your hard intensity work outs.
Please, keep up with that spirit that makes us really powerful, wish me luck cassey, i’m coming back to the healthy way of life.
i absolutely know how you feel my girl. I was born and raised and live in an african country called Botswana. What what! There’s no place like Africa lemme tell ya but the ladies here can be very insensitive without realising. My nickname as child, right up until just recently was “mma mokima” as a nickname. In my language (setswana) directly translated means Mrs Fat. And i have a thin and beautiful twin sister. I Know just my luck right
When i started my weightloss journey no one believed in me and it was hard. Very hard.
Its the worst feeling when i go visit family and they still call me fat. I always end up in the bathroom crying by myself telling people I have a “stomach bug” LIES!!! I still have huge self esteem issues and it seems as though the closer i get to my goals the more people are telling me to stop and then next person is telling me im huge….
take a breath though, I’ve decided that it doesnt matter anymore what they think. I started this journey at first to impress a boy and now its for me. Now HE know what he missed out on but now I know what I had missed out on. Health and fitness has changed my life in so many and I LOVE IT
i love you Cassey and I love what you represent
P.S African ladies are not the skinniest of people, especially the older ones (no disrespet or anything, i love them) but coome onnn right? Don’ take it to heart
Lorato ( my name’s direct translation actually means love) <3 Xx
youre seriously awesome! 🙂
hey im just a trainer from argentina and this is so inspiring for me, im just exactly at this point… i just gained some weight on the last weeks, and it feels really bad, but i’ll try my best to start again “weight fluctuates, this is life” 🙂 i think i cant say it better than you did thanks a lot for the inspiration 😀
Thanks. I really needed this.
You’re beautiful. Most of all, you have a beautiful heart. You are such an inspiration! Thank You for all your hard work and kindness. <3
Cassey!!! I LOVE You!!!!! In all honesty, I don’t think it really matters if you’re skinny or fat, just healthy (physically, mentally, & spiritually) 🙂 Afterall, there’ll be a day where we will all leave this world, each of us with our own time & date. For me the main goal is to live a life that makes God smile & go to Heaven after I do God’s will. I don’t know who would dare to call you fat. I mean in a fitness show-down you would definitely win, hands down. You’re AWESOME, no doubt. Don’t let people’s words put you down, some people just don’t know how to speak. And the thing about the Asian family, yep I have my Asian family as well, but I couldn’t care less about they’re blunt questions. I’m sure they don’t mean it the way we think they mean it. All that really matters is what God has to say to us. Cassey I hope you feel happy 🙂 You’re my fitness role model, I look up to you.
~ You’re fan & student 🙂
Awww Cassey,
I had tears in my eyes! Sounds somehow stupid but I could really feel your emotions trough what you wrote! I actually didn’t see that you’ve gained weight. You look still AMAZING! I really love you and I support you 🙂
thank you for everything! I feel like you are my friend haha 😀
Hey Cassey,
I know this is a super old post but I just wanted to say that it really resonates with me. I developed a bit of an eating disorder when my ex boyfriend told me I was chubby and I suffered with it for a couple of years, even after we broke up. Luckily, I’m on the road to recovery now and am eating normally but have had some friends comment that I’ve gained weight again, which makes me feel awful. I totally agree that people shouldn’t judge you on your looks, especially when they have no clue what you’re dealing with emotionally. There are times when I’m uncomfortable with my weight, but I feel so much better mentally, so I guess that’s the most important.
Anyway, I know this is a really old post and you’ve lost a lot of weight since then with the Junebet and all. I hope you feel better emotionally and physically now 🙂
Wow Cassey <3 really this is probably one of the most important and meaningful thing that i have come across in my fitness journey. Really truly all I can say is thank you, this means so much <3 you are so wonderful!
You look HEALTHIER now… in my opinion, I think your body image now sets a better example for those who are trying to look/be healthy. Beauty isn’t about weight or body size; it’s unfortunate what media has done to us as a society…
I have had anorexia for about 5 months but I gave it up for my health but I feared gaining it back. I had been 5’8″ and 125, but after anorexia I was 114 lbs. I liked being thin. eventually I gained it back. now I am trying to lose inches instead of pounds.
i learnt that weight and size is not the way to judge whether i am “pretty enough”.
as long as i keep fit and eat right, *not on a strict clean diet but balanced enough*,
i am pretty happy with the way i am now. 🙂 am able to eat without guilt and just embrace how i look.
was 55kg and dropped to 47kg. i’m 164cm tall so.. that was super skinny considering the muscle weight. now i’m up to 51kg and not getting any lighter. but im proud of it. 🙂 i feel more womanly than before because now i have curves. 😉 we only have 1 life to live. when we grow old, chocolate cake can’t be in our diet anymore. 😉 SO EMBRACE yourself. enjoy life.
thank you for sharing your story Cassey. i really appreciate it. makes me feel that i’m not the only one that’s going through this. xoxo. loves!!
To me you look way more beautiful and real in the ABC ABS video than in this picture. And this is related to what I think you taught me with your experience. What matters is the body-mind balance, listening to your body an be healthy. And with more gentle curves you represent a model I’d be truly willing to follow. I do not want to be skinny, I want to be strong and healthy and learn when to indulge and when to train hard. I’ll trust you and your expertise even more thanks to this!
I loved reading this post! I’ve been there too. I was always an athletic tomboy growing up, playing sports with my older brothers and their friends, but then adult life set in and I was not able to be as athletic and sporty as I once was. Running around campuses all day and studying (I’ve been in school for 7 out the past 10 years) have really taken a toll. I’m not unhealthy by any means, but I’m also not nearly close to being as fit as I once was. People have noticed and made comments – about how my pants seem too tight or my butt looks bigger. I usually just ignore them. I know myself and I know that like Cassey mentioned, gaining some weight doesn’t change who you are. I enjoy life, and if I want to have two pieces of chocolate instead of one, I will (and then buy bigger pants). 🙂
Cassey this post is briLLIANT I am so glad I dug through the best of’s to find this because it has really opened my eyes. For so long I’ve been ashamed of the weight I gained in the past school year and I felt like I had spiraled so much that I couldn’t even get it under control if I tried. I felt like if I started working out regularly then my mom would look at me like ‘Oh so nooow she’s trying, you’re gonna have to do more than that muahaha’ like SERIOUS EVIL 🙁 So beginning I felt like I had to hide it, only working out when she wasn’t home or at a friend’s and I don’t know how to approach her about this because I feel she’ll just call me sensitive. But like, she’s my mom and I have to live with her, so I can’t really get away from it. ANYWAY back to the point, I relate to this post so whole heartedly it is insane I feel like for a moment we were the same person. MAGIC. I’ve had many many negative comments about how I ‘let myself go’ and it is SO discouraging but everyday when I fire up the ol laptop (i don’t know why i’m talking like this…) and see your bubbly cheery face, I know that there’s always hope and I am the only one that gets to decide whether I’m comfortable in my body or not and if i’m not then i CAN change! I love you so much and I can never thank you enough for everything you do and for always keeping me motivated. ✿
Cassey, this is exactly why I love your blog, your work outs, and you! I love that you don’t hide the fact that you are a human being, and have your own trials and moments of self doubt, but you don’t let it hold you back. It’s inspiring and is exactly why I visit this website daily. You don’t make me feel like I’m not good enough or strong enough to be on here. I say this because, based on my own experiences, a lot of fitness types treat it like it’s some kind of exclusive club, and if you don’t have rippling muscles or are a beginner, you’re basically not welcome. I love and appreciate the positive message you send out – you keep the human aspect intact; It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being healthy, and listening to your own body. People are drawn to your honesty and realistic views and are inspired to conquer their own fitness goals. That makes you more of a leader in the fitness world than any farcical image of perfection ever could.
My dear Cassey,
thank you for keeping this blog “alive”and by “alive”I mean made by living – human beings with their weaknesses and strengths, bad feelings and hype moments.
The real shame is that u felt like justifying -somehow- for your “assumed”weight gained..I am Italian, this means that I am strong, tone like a stone and a little curvy – and I like it. And guys like it ;). It took time to get to acceptance. For enjoying our lovely delicious food (and the British one, as I live in the UK now – motherland of the best junk food you can hope to find when u feel down) – and do my best on training the following day not to “compensate” any guilt, but because I love feeling my arms burning!!!And I started following you for your contagious energy and because you didn’t look like those barbie doll fitness trainers who populate the net and make my hips feel like ham. It’s so great to see that we share some goals but we still stay human!the only parameter is how comfortably we feel in our skins, and in some periods I felt more comfy eating more chocolate rather than showing my flat abs.In some others, it’s not an effort to eat clean, because everything is ruled by the will of feeling good…no matter how many lbs this means. Hugs hugs!
this was the perfect post to read right now for multiple reasons! thank you cassey!! I adore you.
People said you gained weight in that video? Yet here i am thinking you still had a smoking bod lol!
Why visitors still make use of to read news papers when
in this technological globe all is available on net?
Cassey, I just want to say I’m so happy I have found you. You have no idea how inspiring you are to me. You are so optimistic about everything and it truly rubs off on me. You are really helping me come over my insecurities all though I haven’t showed much improvement ( even my sister says she sees a difference in my appearance) I use to stay up all night feeling ashamed and embarrassed of the fact that I am over weight. In fact I still stay up all night, but I must admit that after doing your work outs I do feel some what accomplished. You truly give me something to work for and look forward to. Thank you so much Cassey, you have been a huge impact in my life at this moment.
Thank you so much for posting this, you have inspired me to keep going and reminds me that there are good days and bad days. In 2009 I went from 150lbs to 118 lbs doing low carb diet. I managed to keep the weight off for a year but work stressed me out so much that I started eating and eating and gained the weight back. I feel so bad when people say “You look fat”. A relative even asked me if i’m taking vitamins, I asked why, and he said “Because you are so big”. I wanted to lash out at them and say mean things but I just bit my tongue.
I stumbled into one of your videos and your positive attitude has kept me going. I have started the Beginner’s calendar and finished Day 6…. and I never noticed that you got bigger in ABC ABS, because to me you are fit and healthy and i think that’s what really matters. I wish you all the best and thank you once more for all your vids and recipes.
Cassey you are an incredibly beautiful person and a huge inspiration to me. While I was married my husband was super critical of my weight and I was constantly depriving myself to stay skinny enough for him. Every time I gained a few pounds he would pinch my belly/thighs and tell me I was getting chubby, and I would restrict my diet even more to lose the weight. After I left him I finally was able to eat all of the foods I had been depriving myself of before, and boy did I take advantage of it. I gained ten pounds in a month, bringing my weight up to 115 (I’m 5’4″). Even though I wasn’t by any means fat, I started panicking, convinced that I had become grotesquely overweight. I started doing your workouts to lose weight, but kept at it because of your positive attitude. Since then I’ve stopped focusing on losing weight and am instead trying to be healthy. I’m still 115 pounds, but more toned and I love how I look now. Thank you for doing what you do, you’ve had an enormously positive impact on my life! 🙂
I’ve been called fat ever since I entered grade 7. It’s been since them that I’ve been struggling with losing weight. I always give up because I think I can’t do it, and always have to start up again. I know I’m not overweight, but I can lose the extra fat and go back to a size 0…I just need the motivation and determination I once had 🙂
Cassey! You are beautiful, strong & loving. I love how you paint a complete picture of health! I never followed any instructors online until I connected with your bubbly, work hard, have fun attitude. Thanks for keeping us “popsters” goin 🙂
With Gratitude,
You are truly a beautiful woman inside and out. I admire you not just because of your fitness, but your consistent energy, passion, and inspiration! Thanks for reminding us that it’s okay to slip up because we are human and it is normal <3
I think what makes you more inspiring than many other instructors (at least for me) is because you DON’T pretend to be the “perfect”. You are very relatable and inspirational. Thank you for this post!
Wow! That’s truly inspiring! I’m 5′ 5″ and I fluctuate anywhere from 123-127! I know that doesn’t seem like too much, but I was NEVER that much! Ever! Until today. I feel like I’m getting fat! My mom isn’t letting me swim competitively, so that’s why I’ve been weighing so much! It’s really disappointing. My mom says its not fat, but it is.
A friend of mine recommended your site. Like many, I too have been faced with the challenge of maintaining/losing weight. Society has created an image of a ”perfect” body in our minds, & we need to stray from that. We are all unique & are definitely not built the same. I’m currently training for my state pageant, and I’m putting so much pressure on myself to eat super clean and train dirty. My pageant sister who recommended your site recently competed in Miss USA, & your site along with a few others really prepared her for Miss USA. Your site is aiding me in my fitness quest, & I want to thank you for your positive & inspirational posts. Thank you for reminding me that it’s OK to be human lol, because for a minute, I lost sight of what’s most important in life, & that’s LIVING. Take care & keep up the great work.
Your sister in Christ,
My mom called me fat.. I am 5’5 and 121-124 pounds depending on the day or how much chocolate I ate the day before. But seriously. when you judge someone, all you’re doing is defining who you are. Love you Cassey never change!
Cassey, this heartfelt post just makes you all the more accessible and inspirational. I have been called fat, by family and strangers alike, and it really hurts, particularly when you’re working your butt off to try and change your perception of yourself, let alone the perceptions of others. Over time, I started to deflect any compliments that came my way and chose to cling to and analyse the insults instead. My boxing workouts, which I used to enjoy, had now become a desperate battle against my mentally exaggerated waistline. Inevitably, I broke down from the pointless stress and low self-confidence. But I’m beginning to realise that I don’t need to apologise for my body – it’s the most valuable tool/weapon/treasure I possess, and while I welcome all appraisals and compliments, no one has the right to judge me based upon my body, what it looks like and how I use it, just as I endeavour not to judge anyone else.
I’ve just started your Beginner’s Workout Calendar and I LOVE it – doing the ABC Abs video yesterday I saw a vibrant, enthuasiastic and motivational trainer who came across as a bubbly friend rather than a coach – those calling you fat need their eyes checked. You are beautiful, an inspiration to all women, and more so now for your honesty and humility. I can’t wait to work my way to the end of the calendar so I can return to school and stun some of my insulters and critics; and I know I can do it with you at every step! 😀 xx
Your no competition body is as close to perfection as I have ever seen (I went to your FB page).
Next time someone mentions that you have gained weight, just reply,”and I see you have gotten a bit uglier”.
Cassey, I’ve read this post at least a few times already.
I’ve been trying to lose weight, trying to lose the excess fat and go for the “bikini body” look.
Did my first Dietbet with all the POPsters, and accomplished my weight goal. Lost 15 pounds in total within the end of May – June. Unfortunately during that time, I was not eating nutritious enough and strictly forbid myself to eat any meat, sugar, and rarely ate any fats. All I really ate was mostly veggies and fruits. What happened afterwards was that after my weigh in was verified, I ate like there was no tomorrow… and felt just like you said… I felt that I was released from ajail… Within 2 weeks since the DietBet, I gained 10 pounds back…. I felt so ashamed of myself, but I knew that it was coming. Small terrible eating habits started creeping onto me… wanting me to eat more and more….
Eventually I realized, that I no longer prioritized my health and my body. eating right, exercising, and losing weight doesn’t exist inside my mind as a priority anymore. When I realized that, I knew that I had to stand back up and change step by step.
I’ve been recovering my body, and it’s been getting better. Thank you so much. Re-reading this post at this moment is very encouraging. I know that you and your videos did help encourage me to exercise and the strength to not give up. 🙂
Angela, I’ve gone through the same thing! I get on these crazy diets and lose a lot of weight, but then the craving start back and I yo-yo my weight right back up. I have been following Cassey’s advice about never going below 1200 calories, and I stopped cutting out food groups. I have found this is easier to maintain, and I’m losing weight without the side-effects of fatigue and dizziness. Always put being healthy and happy before the number on the scale. Good luck!
First thing I want to say is: Word. You really know how to reach out to all of us regarding this question. But honestly, I had to check which YEAR you posted this, ´cause I had a hard time imagine you even thinner than you are now. And for all you guys out there – Being thin and being healthy is not the same thing, remember that.
Cassey! I’m glad you can be so positive at every moment in your life. I was actually really shocked when I read this blog that any of us Popsters could say that to you! I admire your hard work and determination to get Bikini Competition fit, but as some of the comments have mentioned you were so skinny! I think you look much healthier and happier in ABC abs/your current videos. I think it’s important that we strive to be healthy rather than a number on a scale that’s probably to low to begin with. <3
thank you so much for this <3
Cassey, I know exactly what you mean! I come from an Asian family too. I used to be really chubby, fat even. And one day, when I was back home, my aunt told me that my butt looked big. I took it as an insult because I was not fit at all back then. It made me feel awful about myself for a while. Then when I came back here, it hit me one day. I needed to start working out. I needed to start being more active so that I couldn’t be judged about my weight anymore. It was really tough trying to get fit. So I thought I should start off easy. I joined an intramural soccer team. I felt awesome working out and practicing with my team. I was very sore afterwards but felt awesome inside and out. But when I started working out, my family started to tease me about working out like it shouldn’t be something I should be doing. I started working out everyday and suddenly all the teasing were just things that motivated me even more! When I came back home again, I was so fit that my family kept complimenting me on how great my legs looked! I felt much more better about myself. Their mean comments about my old weight is old news! Now I can definitely say that I’m happy about my weight. Most of my weight is muscle and water though. Working out has changed my life forever. And so have you. I thank you for that. I do your workouts everyday along with jogging first thing in the morning, and let me tell you that I have never felt happier about myself! 🙂
I love this post,it made me feel really good! I love your blog,posts, and personality! You have made me so inspired!!and you look amazing 🙂
Ps. Yes I have, and I told her its called being curvy 🙂
I LOVE this post!!! Helps me more than you know!!! Thanks! 🙂
considering this entry was written several months ago, I do not believe this response will ever reach you, but I felt a comment was necessary. I look back at that photo of you in the bikini and think your body looked amazing, but in a way it was too skinny. Your body is absolutely flawless now. You speak out to so many girls (including me) all over the world, and you have and will continue to influence people with your story. Not only your perseverance and strive to be the best, but your incredible personality is what makes you such a likable human being and keeps people coming back for more. I cannot stress the insecurities I have felt in my life (many of which I can relate to yours as you have explained them in this post), but you have given me hope. I can only imagine the influence you have had on others… actually I can’t because you seem to work magic when it comes to making girls and women feel confident. Thank you, Cassey, for EVERYTHING you do. You will forever and always remain one of the most inspiring people in my life.
Thank you Lyla 🙂
So I was wanting to do pilates and found your blog yesterday as a matter of fact and I’ve already started your beginner calendar! But I just wanted to say that I love this post. It’s so good to hear that we all go through it. I know that I am right now. But I’m positive your calendars and pilates will help!!!!
Hi Cassey,
I know that this post has over a thousand comments and that you posted it a couple of months ago, but I read it recently and really wanted to respond.
Weight is something I’ve struggled with my whole life. I think this is true for almost every girl in Western culture which is why your entry struck such a chord. Growing up, I had the Asian baby fat until late junior high. Since then, I was diagnosed with a hypothyroid condition which adds an extra challenge to keeping my body fit and healthy.
For years and years, I thought that the tall, blond, skinny-legged, big-boobed model was the archetype for perfection. Since I wasn’t that, and would never be that, I sub-consciously thought that I was doomed to being ugly for the rest of my life. I felt awful and had horrible self-esteem.
I’m almost 24-years-old now and it’s taken me THIS long to come to a point where I’m beginning to accept my body for the best it can be. I’m so proud of you for writing this post, because it really shows a level of maturity to stand up for what you believe is physically beautiful in this culture. And that’s what it is, Cassey- it’s maturity. You are a role model to tens of thousands of young girls across America. To send them this message is the most powerful and beautiful thing you could have done.
You are so strong, so fit, and so influential. If your body isn’t a size double zero when you’re exercising like you do, that obviously means that you’re not meant to look like a stick bug. You look so hot! Just because you’re not steroid-ripped doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful. That thinking is so warped!
Thank you for being an inspiration to me and an entire culture of women who follow you. By continuing to promote beautiful, healthy bodies of all shapes and sizes, you are both improving the confidences of women all around the world AND helping out society to change the impossible standard of beauty. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep at it, girl.
This is amazing! Good for you for not feeling guilty. I lost over 60 pounds last year but go discouraged and burned out and gained 30 of it back. I needed to go to the chiropractor so badly when I started working out again but I KNEW he would comment on my weight loss so I waited until I had started losing again. When I finally did go sure enough he commented and asked me how much I had lost. Thanks to weights and toning I looked smaller than I did but weighed a little more. Thankfully now I am back to almost that 60 pound mark and still trucking along to get into a healthy weight range for my height.
I have started your beginner Blogilates program. I can’t wait to see how it transforms my body!
Wow Cassey!
You are so brave and inspirational. If I had put something out into the world and had people call me names I would be really upset and down for a while because I really take things to the heart but you are so great at brushing it off and focusing on the things that matter. In my eyes you will always have a bikini body even if you gain 200 pounds or more. You are beautiful inside and out and I hope you never forget that. 😀 <3
Hey Cassey! I used to get bogged down by this bad – I was a top athlete at my school and never had a belly just because I had to train for my sport! But once I went to college and stopped my sport I gained a lotta weight, especially in sophomore year when I started drinking a lot. When I went back to Taiwan, EVERYONE was commenting on not only my weight but my skin as well. It wasn’t just relatives/Asian aunties, it was my neighbors, coworkers at the bar, the breakfast shop lady, and even my dentist. I probably gained something like 7kg but I was no where “fat,” even in Asian standards (plus most people making the comments were “fatter” than me anyways), just a lot more than I used to be. The thing is it’s a part of their culture to make “friendly personal comments.” They are trying to be empathetic, and I know it doesn’t make sense to people who grew up in the states where you can’t say things like that. None of my Taiwanese friends thought it was weird that people made those comments to me, they would say, “but Catt, you DID get fat, what’s wrong with pointing that out?” It’s almost like mentioning that you have different hair. Since I rock it in the middle of these two cultures (and now a third, in Italy!), I see now that it’s a few things. First of all, it’s just a comment, and it’s nothing like what people in the US think it is (it really is just like “oh you got some new highlights!”). Second of all, in the the US, people make up a bunch of rules about what it is okay to say and what it isn’t okay to say, what’s right and wrong, and you gotta respect individuality etc…they’re actually very arbitrary rules that constantly change. It is just that in this era, we have issues with fitness (eg, we sit at the office until we work ourselves dead and have no energy when we come home and continue the same the next day, and we have MickeyD) so it’s become a super-sensitive issue. But really, when it comes to this, YOU make up the rules. YOU decide what is right and wrong, and there are no absolutes. It may seem contrary to appearances because EVERYONE is doing the same thing around you, but trust me coming from so many different cultures, the rules are absolutely made up, and you get what you go around thinking (I know you know this one Cassey!). In other words, these words aren’t damaging to one’s self esteem unless you say they are. Being ashamed of gaining weight isn’t because it’s ashaming to gain weight, it’s because you say it is.
To say “don’t let this bother you” would be a cliche and just hiding up/denialing ashamed emotions. What I would say is, ask yourself who you really are in relation to what is going on? What is real and what isn’t? Don’t fight the emotions if you feel ashamed and embarrassed, sit with them and ask them why you feel this way without judging yourself for judging yourself. You will find, with keen awareness and only observation (no judgment), that you only bought into these things because you were taught it and you took it as word. But you already knew this Cassey – change the inside so that you can change the outside; this is inner change, not what you wrote about (which is just another viewpoint instead of no viewpoint at all).
By the way I loved your ABC abs!
I’m right there with you babe. I just completed my fourth bikini competition in a year and decided that my body needs a little break from the dieting. Not to mention my metabolism is probably shot. Ive begun to incorporate foods that I wasnt allowed back into my diet, yes even fruit! I even let myself enjoy food at family gatherings and celebrations. Crazy right? No, I don’t still look like what I did when I stepped on stage at 118 pounds (i’m 5’6″) and it’s hard as heck to come to terms with that. I’m even embarassed to go to the gym. Thanks for the post it’ll help me get through this knowing that I’m not alone.
I have a Surinamese mom, and I grew up with that culture. Surinamese people do the exact same thing! They only focus on if you gain weight. I had a aunt who actually pinched me in my belly and said that I gained weight. That’s humiliating and I felt so bad. Even when I think about it again. Why don’t people focus on the good things?
Oh and Cassey, to me, you looked stunning in your video! You didn’t looked fat or anything! The only thing I saw, were curves. That’s feminine and most people, women and men, love that! At least I do! 🙂
Lots of love from me!
thanks for posting this, cassey! i too am asian and i recently competed in my first figure contest last weekend and have put on 15 lbs since. i was aware of the rebound and thought i was prepared for it, but it wasn’t until it really happened within just a couple days that it smacked me in the face! but after 20 weeks of prepping i know i deserve to enjoy myself a little. it def is hard and unrealistic to try to stay lean year-round. all i can do now is hop back on a training program and focus on making some gains until my next show :).
ALL THE TIME!! It’s either my dad (japanese) or my brother…at least once per day they make a sarcastic remark regarding my weight…I usually laugh it off (but inside…I’m hurt). Although I know it’s a joke, I’m still human and I still have feelings. It really does hurt when someone calls you fat and ugly. My brother is skinny as a twig. People compare me and him a lot…like “whoa, how come you’re brother’s so skinny and you’re so…um curvy?” I find it so annoying when people do that! Just the other day, I found out that my doctor is going to monitor me for diabetes for a year (since it runs in the family)…I told my family (thinking that they’ll encourage me)..and my dad said, “HA! so you’re finally gonna workout?? Well ..lets see how long this lasts…” That’s when I found myself on youtube and stumbled upon Cassey. I’m going to try the beginners workout. I just really hope that I don’t get discouraged by family in the process… :/
I hardly ever fully read long blog posts, but honestly, Cassey, this one was just so real, I read it in its entirety. You’re definitely right: If you’re healthy and fit and feeling great, why does it matter if you’ve gained some weight? You’re still as awesome as ever, and thanks for sharing this. It is truly inspiring 🙂
Omg!!reading dis made me feel so gud!!u inspire me on all levels cassey!!i knw hw upsetting dis is!!i ws alwayz on the chubby side while growing up!nd den 1 day out of the blue i decided to lose weight and succeeded in doing so too!but my approach was wrong and i ended up gaining some of it back!!and now i feel so embarrased facing ppl!!bcz nw anyone who sees me after a long time never forgets to point out that i am fat again!!bt i m not letting myself get dejected!! i get off my butt everyday and sweat it out hard!!thnx 4 everything cassey!! i think u luk gr8 even wen u r skinny and wen u r nt-so-skinny!!lots of luv <3
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this site is actually wonderful.
There’s nothing wrong with gaining weight. Honestly, I think you look so great right now! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You look healthy and you look like a trainer. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this new you. I hope you love it too because you look freaking great 🙂
I used to weigh 182llbs with the help of your video’s (and careful eating) I am 122 llbs and proud. Thanks for being a great inspiration! You look great and hopefully you feel great! Because in the end, that’s all that matters.
Haters gonna hate, just be you 🙂
Great post Cassey! It’s great to know that you struggle with this too, very relate-able! I guess my Greek family is similar as well… One year at Easter I had bought one of those Maxi dresses, I was feeling good, ready for some lamb aaaand then an aunt of mine asked if I was pregnant, aaand another pointed out that I had put on weight. It almost made me start dieting right then and there and skip the lamb, but instead I went right for the feta cheese to drown my sorrows. I have never met my goal weight, I just bounce up and down, and it’s exhausting mentally. But each day I start fresh, making it better than the last. You look amazing and are such an inspiration. Thanks for keeping it real 🙂
I found about you this past week and I am currently on day 3 of your beginner’s calendar.
Why am I saying this? Because since February I have been working out like crazy, doing various types of exercise, and while I feel great and have dropped 20 pounds, I wasn’t happy with what I was doing. I am 5’5 and was 178(21yrs), I never had, and hopefully never will, issues with my body. I am a chubby girl and I love it, I could stay like this my whole life and be happy. I decided to work out when I started feeling fatigue from doing nothing, and I decided to lose weight a month after working out when my sister said to me “don’t you wonder what you would look like if you dropped some weight?”. To most it might seem like a silly reason, but that is why I am doing it. I eat healthy enough, so food wasn’t/isn’t a problem. The only thing I had to cut out was ice cream.
I decided to start doing your videos because of the way you looked when I found your tumblr, skinny, but with a nice curvy body. This is what I was aiming for. I wasn’t happy with the workout videos I was doing, they repeated constantly “if you want to look like this you have to work out like that”. I don’t want to look extremely skinny, I want to look like a woman. This is the whole reason I dropped every other video just to do yours, because you to me have the shape and body type of my representation of what a woman should look like.
Good luck in the future, and don’t let people get you down.
To be honest I don’t think you’re fat at all, and it’s kinda crazy that you think you or anyone else does. I see how you look in your recent videos and you still look in shape and healthy.
Dear, you might find the forums helpful.
Everyone has different tastes and a different “ideal” body. Your current feminine form is what inspires me. Either way, you look great. Besides, you’re the most popular fitness instructor on youtube. You’re gonna run into people with body dysmorphia who thinks 100lbs is too fat commenting on your weight. No one can be perfectly beautiful in the eyes of EVERY SINGLE human on Earth. I think finding that happy balance for you is the most “perfect” you can get. It’s totally silly to have one exact body shape to be attracted to anyway. We’re built to like a variety of things. People like a variety of music, a variety of foods, etc. Why can’t we appreciate different body types the same way?
you’re so right Cassey! Why do we all feel so guilty about gaining 2kg?!
you’re incredibly slender, tone, fit, and beautiful! thank you for speaking your mind!
This is so inspiring! I was about 100 pounds a year and a half ago, but was very thin naturally. I am 5’5 and gained around 20 pounds since just cuz I moved to a new state. My entire routine changed and I was eating more often. It happens, but now I am more determined than ever to not just lose weight, but gain muscle and be stronger physically. You’ve helped me a lot. I feel stronger and I have become more motivated to workout!!! You’re still beautiful inside and out!!! Thank you:D GOD BLESS!!!
Beautiful post! It’s interesting to hear your perspective as a fitness instructor. You have double the pressure. Thank you for what you do though. You’re so lovely and funny and provide such encouragement. Thank you for sticking with it under all of the pressure. We love you whether you’re up or down. 🙂 – Beth from Boston
After reading this post I’ve realized that I am ashamed of gainiing weight too, I dont want the others to notice but you gave me the hope and the motivation to go on and dont hear to what others think of me, Thanks for that!
Love your blog ♥
Greeting from Cologne (Germany)
ilove you so much, PLEASE dont crazy on diets or “im so fat” kind of shits,im scared you could develope an eating disorder just for some stupid comments. You ARE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING , and i love you even more for that, i feel you are just like us and not some anorexic “healthy” trainer, or a barbie doll, you are just like us!, im studying so hard amd super stressed and im gainin weight too! and you know what? i cant still do your videos, and i love running. whatever, please dont ever change and dont feel bad about your self. you are THE GREATNESS. ♥♥♥♥♥
Cassey, my friend and I are so inspired by you! We always watch what we eat because of YOU. Your videos are the only videos that I do to build muscles and I love it! There are times when I hate you because you make us hold that difficult position LOL but then at the same time, I tell myself that you just want to help us get that dream body! And you have helped me! No one has ever called me fat, but someone has called me ugly. To be honest, I’m still haunted by that. The truth hurts I guess, but in this case, it’s the opinion hurts haha. But ever since I was called that, I specifically told myself, “If I can’t have a pretty face then I can certainly have a pretty body.” So thanks a lot Cassey! You’re my inspiration for exercising!
This post was exactly what I needed to hear! I’m on a weight loss journey myself since having three kids really transformed my body. So far, I’ve lost 45.5 lbs! It’s been a long road with plenty of pit stops along the way but like you said, just start over again, NOW! In the past, I would have carb binged my way back up and last night was one of my harder nights, but I’m here now and I feel mentally and physically strong to overcome it! Every day’s a new start and everyone’s story is different. No one is perfect and expecting perfection will ultimately lead to failure. We each have our own unique ideal weight and once we embrace that, things surrounding us will fall into place! Much love to you and your transparency! Keep on rockin, girl! <3
you’re still chubz tho xo
Wow! You must be quite skinny yourself! Cassey was so real with us and you still try to bring her down. It’s not funny. No “xo”
After reading this I realise I get this all the time.
People tell me (and by people I mean family) they constantly ask me if Ive gained weight, making many references to the fact that I’d be so much prettier if I was skinnier and then compare me and my younger (thinner) sister. It really is a buzz kill, an emotional killer and it made me want to hide away from the world and hate my family. Your post has made me feel much better about myself, that I shouldnt be ashamed of what weight I am. But what I will do is make myself feel better, and I will lose the weight. Be realistically healthier – because i suck at being healthy. i thank you for the tips and food information. I plan to cut the fat and eat healthy. I want to be a person that I can be proud of and gain back the confidence that has been ripped from me.
Anyway you look good no matter what people say. 🙂
Thank you for putting things into perspective.
Thank you so much for sharing. Your very inspiring and I think a lot of people have that problem…I’m really glad that you are brave enough to write about it! Keep it up. Your blog is so positive, inspirig and really motivating for me!
Cassey, you are such an inspiration. This post was exactly what I needed to hear, and it in fact made me tear a bit. At 19 years old I’ve suffered from so many body issue, I was an obese child that turned into an anorexic teenager, and since recovery I gained weight, a ton of it. I used to feel so ashamed, and then I found your videos. I’m doing June On Fire and eating the cleanest I ever have in my life. I still eat bad a lot more than I should, but I’m making progress and it’s all thanks to you. I’ve never felt so good my entire life and I just want to thank you.
I’m so glad you decided to write this blog, and shed some light on this topic. I too coming from a Cuban family, have walked into a family gathering and the first thing said to me has been “Have you gained weight?” … So RUDE! I’ve always danced and been relatively thin so after my first baby, when I gained over 60 lbs. most people were pretty shocked including myself. I was able to lose all the weight just in time for my wedding, I was so proud of myself. I then had a second baby gained about 40 lbs. and this time the baby weight was a bit more stubborn. I gave it my all and lost a substancial amount of weight, wherein I was happy with how I looked. I became a certified group fitnes and Zumba instructor, and due to a very hectic schedule; with time started to gain some weight (AGAIN). So you can see how your blog totally resonated with me, it hit home! I too felt discredited as an instructor. I’ve been able to get back on track and staring to lose that weight again, and now thanks to you I don’t feel so bad. Thank you!
Just began following you on YT, instagram and here on your blog today. When my friend introduced me to your channel I immediately liked how positive and inspiring, fun and upbeat you were. And I wanted to become a popster!! But after reading this I feel like I know you a lil bit more personally and you’re truly an inspiration. I have gained a lil weight and I have some family members giving me their input right now it makes me feel awful, but Im on track to be a healthier me! For me, not for anyone else. Thank you for the help from your videos and you blogs. mwah 🙂
Dear Cassey,
You don’t even know how much I look up to you. It’s like I really know you and you live in Cali while I’m in the MIA.. Crazy!!
Anyways, I’m a 17 year old girl and I’m 5’0″ (yes I’m tiny); and until I found blogilates I had the lowest self-image. By the fifth grade I weighed 135lbs, and now I weigh 114 lbs. My freshman year I decided that I had to drop my weight. I’ve been working out and eating healthy ever since. Still, I have issues with my self-image because I can’t see myself as skinny enough or beautiful enough because of my weight in my past.
Because of you Cassey I finally feel better about myself. It’s easier for me to eat healthy and inspire others to do so as well. You inspire me to look into the mirror every morning and tell myself that I am more than I perceive myself to be. I can do and achieve whatever I put my mind to. I am beautiful no matter what anyone else says or feels.
If you can make myself believe that, then you can too. It’s ok to cheat. Honestly, it makes me feel even closer to you. It’s comforting to know that my trainer is HUMAN and has her own kryptonite. I love love love you Cassey! You’re beautiful and perfect!!
Dear Cassie, first of all i hadnt even noticed that u gained weight,at least not enough for anyone to even care about?!! In fact, i find that its ANNOYING when a girl always and always stays at the same amount of slim BECAUSE its shows youre too uptight and frankly its boring too, its like never changing up your outfit. \Like, gain 10 pounds and lose 10 pounds every few months,live a little! that way you will always feel fresh and not stale…and then you will get hit on by that many more guys – and i have a feeling that thousands and thousands of girls secretly feel the same way,like that theres zero wrong with gaining a few lbs now and then.
But seriously Cassie, im glad that u gained some weight because it makes me feel a lot better. Not to sound maliscious! its just comforting to know you fitness instructers are not superhuman…and thanx for sharing cus yes i do resonate with what youre telling us…and please,above all, dont feel bad or ashamed about any of itYou deserved to properly nourish your body again and God knows its not us girls’ fault that our mind plays tricks on us so that were scared our food will literally run away from under our noses.! anyway i hope this helps:)
p.s I totally feel ashamed right this second for scarfing down icecream earliar:/ugh
hey cassey!
i follow your youtube, but rarely keep in track with anything and only occasionally do your videos. in all honesty, ive been so afraid to do exercise or eat healthy; because i feel like i can’t. i feel like everyone else can, and i cant.
i hopped on the scaled today and i have gained 7 kg and 11% body fat since march. so i have literally let myself go. i used to be really fit last year, eating really well last year. and something in me just snapped. i wasn’t able to be so strict. and since then, ive been on yo yo ing, feeling guilty about eating and everything. i keep looking for things to fix my mentality etc.
and reading this makes me feel a little better, to know ur going through it too. im only hoping that i dont change my mind about starting over today. because i always seem to fall back and fail.
actually that was pretty negative. im going to try and change that too. and become better again. =]
I think you’re one of the most inspirational people ever! It was because of you I started taking working out seriously. I was inspired to have fitness goals and inspired to be more conscious of my health. I definitely learned to appreciate the “burn” and was able to push myself mentally and physically and it was all thanks to you! I wish I could thank you in person! I love your personality and to me, I don’t think gaining weight makes you lose any credibility. Instead it makes me look up to you more because you’re showing how gaining weight does not make you lose confidence and how gaining weight is not bad. Since I’ve started watching you on YouTube, my eating habits are better and I workout more because you make it fun! You’re amazing and inspiring! Never forget that!
Thanks Cassie,
You are amazing and you should never forget that! You probably knew that already, but seriously, your words do so much to me and you are totally right. When I gain weight, I feel like I’m another person, the failure part of me, or something.. It’s really weird but it’s true. I feel like I’m not myself, I feel ugly and fat and disgusting. Even when my friends say that they don’t notice it when I gain weight, I still feel like I’m not myself and that’s when I feel more stressed and start eating more and more… It’s a negative circle.
But sometimes, life happens, so this will happen too. But you are right, you should just get back on track and don’t forget that you still are you. And.. I don’t know. I just think you are amazing and thank you so much for being you. You’re super awesome and bubbly so all your videos always make me happy!
Thank you so much Cassey. I recently am recovering from depression. I used to be really skinny last summer. Then I noticed some girls becoming competitive with me & trying to do better than me. It was crazy, I couldn’t accept the fact of someone trying to be better than me. I did’t feel good about myself anymore, I felt my life as a competition, & i wasn’t comfortble with myself anymore. I felt like I was a loser & I already lost. & That was it, I couldn’t handle the feeling of being threatened. So I gained all of my weight back. I at least gained 15lbs over the past 8 months, it was all because I didn’t think I was worthy of anything or anyone. I cant tell you how ashamed i was of myself I stopped hanging out with all my family & friends & never left the house. I couldn’t deal with all of the mean comments & people judging me, I cut myself too just to escape from all of the pain. I wished I was never born.
I was in depression for about 8 months, & even though I was dying inside & so hurt, I noticed everyone being nice to me, & not juding me. I mean what could they be jealous of me now? nothing! people only hate on me when I’m doing something with my life. So basically I have to be doing absolutly NOTHING for people to be nice to me.
Then I was at the point where I couldn’t take it anymore, I then cried and prayed to god to please help me, to give me joy in my life, to guide me through life. I asked god to pick me up, & give me strength, & to get me out of this misery. It wasn’t that long after that I felt better about myself, & worthy, & i found hope. & I felt myself doing more, I started going out side of the house again, even though It was really rough at first, but I still did it! I’m just now starting to workout again, & even sometimes I still make mistakes! But this whole life journey was not all about losing weight, It was about making me a better person, & know that happiness is the most important thing overall. Yes, I still care about my body image & still, want to be fit, toned , and healthy. I’ll just be a whole lot happier doing it this time, enjoying my life, & accepting my mistakes & learning from my mistakes, and facing my problems.
and now that I’m starting to get my life together, I notice once again people trying to pull me down, do better than me, & criticize me again. Even though it hurts still, & does effect my self esteem, I won’t give up this time, I’ll always be the best me I can be. I won’t let anyone break me this time. I’m the only one who can judge me! I just worry about myself now, & worry about my own problems, & all I want to do now is succeed in life & be happy. as long I’m happy with myself, that’s all that matters. I’ve also learned to let go of a lot of jealousy… but that’s all, I’m not perfect.
Woow.. it’s like, I could’ve write this. This seriously happened to me too and.. I exactly, EXACTLY, know how you felt and feel. I’m here with you girl! Stay happy and stay focused on your happiness and you. (:
You should be proud. Not for anything having to do with weight loss or weight gain, but because of how you handle yourself and your blog. I will tell you why you are a fitness leader and role model- because you invite us into the human side of you. If you hid behind the curtain like most fitness industry instructors/leaders you would be exposing us to all the garbage that brought us to have the unhealthy self image problems in the first place. Only seeing the successes and the lean, tight, toned muscle makes women think “what is wrong with me? why can’t I do this? why don’t I look like that and stay like that all the time?” We are held to a near impossible standard because the curtain closes when anything isn’t perfect. We need to see the other side too so we know to love ourselves no matter what and to get back on the horse when things go off track for a bit.
So thank you for being a true leader- one who is honest and does not reveal only one side. By doing this, you are braver and more heroic than the rest. This is what our society needs right now to eliminate self loathing and promote self love.
Sincerely someone who has been there too,
Oh my!! Let’s be honest guys!!! EVERYONE GAINS WEIGHT at one point in their lives… seriously, you could be a “VS model” but as soon as your done, you’re going to gain weight… specially woman.
Stress, pregnancy, anxiety, or just because you were hungry as a horse! and you know what? there is absolutely nothing wrong with it… we all are humans who lose and gain weight frequently, its LIFE… but this society make’s us feel ashamed of gaining weight! (specially woman) and honestly its kind of funny, cause if you think in how many people in this world suffer from hunger and malnutrition, we should be thankful for that “extra fat” in our bodies. So seriously let’s be THANKFUL for that “extra fat” ’cause it may save our lives someday… And you know what? Its healthy and human!!! and also fun, cause once you realize you gain it, you want to lose it and you work hard for it!
So Cassey i completely understand you and i think the majority of girls do too. Don’t be ashamed, be proud and thankful, because now, you and all of us have some killer exercises to do 🙂 Fun, isn’t it? 🙂
This is a surprise…I mean, I´ve been following you for the paste 3 months but started really working on that calendar last week. Last week I found a video you made like 2 years ago and after that I saw the last video you did and was shocked to see how much your body changed, how good you looked and it made me feel good about starting this journey. Everyday I tell myself I´m the only one who can actually change what I don´t like about myself but I´m only human and it´s going to take work and dedication and discipline…so, whatever! let them say whatever, being here following you and don´t be aware af how your weight doesn´t define the person you are is not being here at all. I have started to understand that even getting on the floor, doing crazy thing with my legs and abs and etc, makes me feel different and beautiful…Thanks for that!
Hi Cassey!
I lost thirty five pounds and felt and looked great. When I gained ten pounds back ( oh my gosh soooo much… Not!) I felt like I failed, like everyone was judging me. But you know what, the only one judging me was ME! My friends didn’t even care and I think anyone who does care isn’t a friend and doesn’t know YOU. So telling me through you, it’s ok 🙂 your amazingly fit and happy and have great company. That’s all that matters. Once I excepted my new weight, thanks to my wonderful boyfriend, I actually started to lose weight again. You are beautiful Cassey, a wonderful inspiration that inspires ME everyday. THANK YOU. You go girl!!! Whoooo!!
I’m not one to comment on blogs but this post really caught my attention. I can completely relate because I gained my freshman 15 like every other college student, and got comments from my Grandma when I went back home. It was disappointing, and so I knew I had to make a change. The thing is Cassey, you have inspired me to change my lifestyle, and it isn’t because I aspire to have your thigh gap, because I don’t think that should be a goal. The reason you inspire me is because you encourage me to be the best me. That doesn’t necessarily mean being at a certain weight, but rather, focusing on your health. The fact that you go as hard as you do, while still carrying a conversation (!!!!!), is incredible! You have said in numerous videos not to focus on your weight because it fluctuates, that’s life, and that is totally fine! I think as long as you are mindful of your lifestyle and feel healthy and happy, nothing else should matter.
I’m really disappointed in the people who criticized you for gaining weight, because everyone does! I can’t believe people are so insensitive as to comment on a few extra pounds when it is so commonplace for it to happen. Anyway, keep doing what you do because you are an inspiration to so many girls! You have a beautiful mind, body, and soul!
I have been called fat all through my early childhood until i was 12 when i changed my life style, i only ate clean and started exercising, i lost 3 stone and managed my weight until i was 15, then my boyfriend split up with me and my grandpa died in the same week and i started to think it was because of my looks, so i stopped eating and lost 2.5 stone and was anorexic. That was a HUGE mental battle, bigger than people think, you dont understand until you go through it, i know i never did before. I’m back at a healthy weight and healthy eating and exercising again now, however, to put on the weight after anorexia i had to eat TONS of chocolate, chips, biscuits etc as nothing else would put the weight on, i kept on losing even when i wasn’t trying. It has left me with a layer of fat over my abs that i am working on, but im not ashamed as i know what strength that shows on me.
Thank you so much for this! You are such an inspiration. I discovered your blog/vlogs a few weeks ago and you are really helping me find a work out routine in life that I can keep up. You are changing my life style and I love it!
I’ve never been a ‘big’ girl but I have been gaining weight gradually throughout the years. Especially in my first year of college and I’ve been going up and down ever since. At my 21st birthday (in my first year of college) my dad actually hugged me in front of my family and announced to everyone I was getting fat.. I was mortified! He’s a sweetheart but yes, saying this to a girl really hurts! He doesn’t get that though. Also the looks I got at school from other girls at the end of the year, was not a nice feeling..
About two months ago I really made a concious decision to change the way I eat and live. I am eating healther , I’m watching my portion sizes and I found you on YouTube. You make me really happy. It’s like I have a personal trainer now!
I just want to say that I love you. I love what you do for people all over the world. I love how you do this so selflessly. You are beautiful in every way. NEVER let anybody make you feel otherwise.
Much love <3 Marina from The Netherlands xxx
Hey Cassey,
You mentioned near the end you are a little disappointed that you let yourself go? I’m extremely disappointed in the popster community for not being as supportive to you as you are to us. I hope it wasn’t true popsters criticising you for this sake.
“So I have an extra layer of fat overmy abs” – please don’t think that. I get it that when you gain weight it is more noticeable to yourself that things may be a bit different than they were. But if you don’t want your popsters to be obsessed with ridding their bodies of every ounce of fat, then you shouldn’t be either. Fat is an essential nutrient and we do need some. You always look incredible, Cassey and much, MUCH, more importantly, you are healthy on the inside!!
I actually hope you don’t do a second bikini contest, I’m sorry to say 🙁 is there another way you can more healthily challenge yourself? What about another half marathon?!
I’m sorry people said those things to you. I’m sure they were projecting their own self criticism on to you, but you shouldn’t have to take that. You are so brave to put yourself up here each week and using your body as your work is not easy. (sorry that sounds kinda bad :P) But you do it and you rock it! Each and every time!!
For the record, you could be a big person and I would still follow you because it’s your energy and drive that I love…not your inner thigh gaps, abs, or any other physical part. Lots of love Cassey.
DITTO, DITTO, DITTO! I agree with you, Micki, 100%!
Just because you gain a few pounds doesn’t mean you aren’t STILL an awesome fitness instructor and role model. I don’t think you have to go back to “eating super duper clean” unless it’s what you really want. What about moderation? What about just plain clean eating? I think it’s amazing how dedicated you are, but part of why I follow you is that I thought you were trying to teach folks to have fun while getting fit and healthy. What you’re talking about “super duper clean” eating doesn’t sound like fun – it sounds like you’re punishing yourself for gaining a few pounds. Maybe I’m wrong.
Anyway, I’m still a big fan! I would love it if you could do more beginner workouts. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and a broken disc in my back, so my body just isn’t able to do many of your workouts. If you can’t (or don’t want to) do more beginner workouts, maybe you could offer some ways to modify some of the workouts.
Thanks, Cassey!
Awwww, you are so sweet! I don’t usually read entire articles but I am SO glad I did (: You have an awesome character, and I don’t disagree with a single word you said.
You are the driving force that makes me motivated (not to be skinny) but HEALTHY. I’ve decided that it doesn’t matter what my body fat is. If I’m healthy, that’s all that matters. Keep on being awesome, I support you! <333
Thank you so much for this post 🙂
I appreciate this post. I too have been in this situation and it’s so hurtful. This post is inspiring, however. You’re right, it’s not that big of a deal. When you’re pants get tight, it just means it’s just time to step it up a little. Doesn’t change who you are.
I am not normally one to write comments on anything for any real reason but this post almost made me cry. My senior year of high school I had a very serious eating disorder. I would eat super strict all day long and after dinner I would purge and if I ate ANYTHING even a little unhealthy I would purge and feel so guilty about it and wonder if it would show on my body so I would go on the elliptical for 2 hours. I think it’s hard for people to understand that when you go from a place like that to try to be normal again, it doesn’t just happen. The first time I ate pasta and didn’t purge was the most uncomfortable and disgusting feeling I had ever felt. It’s been almost 2 years since I have been able to talk about my eating disorder and I still am trying to have a better relationship with food. But posts like this and advice from other fitness people help a little bit more every day and I just want you to know (if you read this) how much good you’re actually doing and how many girls you are probably helping.
Can’t thank you enough.
Word to this. I never comment on blogs but I REALLY appreciate this post (I’ve had it bookmarked for two weeks not knowing how I could demonstrate my appreciation) – for fitness instructors and other health/nutrition authorities, it’s all the more crucial to set a good example for followers not to spiral down into self-hatred and this is a great post for that.
Thank you so much!
Don’t worry Cassey, I’m a swimmer that practices in the water and out for dry land practices for about four hours a day Monday through Friday and two more hours on Saturdays. I eat clean, I do your workouts and you still have a nicer body than me(:
Also, When I was probably at my thinnest since I was 13, I was asked if I had put on weight in front of my friends and boyfriend and I knew I was still at my thinnest, but you know, I was still embarrased and ashamed even though I didn’t. I went from 115 to 106 when she asked!!! So don’t worry, People tent to try and look deeply in to people who tend to look really fit with their physique, looking for changes, either because their jealous, or they admire that much.
I am very grateful that you wrote this article. This in its self was very inspiring. I did feel ashamed to, this helps me see past that point and better confidence then what I felt before. I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! <3
You are not even the slightest bit fat! I WISH I had the body you have right now! I will never understand why people feel the need to bring others down, but in all honesty, they totally missed the mark on this one because you still look AMAZING.
Shantha <3
Hey Cassey!I know exactly what you mean about weight gain comments.I remember a few years ago,my grandmother told me I could use to lose a few pounds.No doubt,I sometimes heard joking comments from family by the amount of food I ate calling me the food vacuum or even once a little blimp which hurt my feelings.Some years later I was working out 3 hours or more and restricting to 500 calories a day.I weighed less than my little brother.I would even stay up extra late to shed off those last few pounds.My body was dying and I had no muscle left.Now I’m at a healthy weight,building muscle and getting fit 🙂 Instead of worrying about losing,I just want to be happy.You have really helped me along the way,Cassey.I look up to you.You are beautiful,radiant,healthy,and inspirational.I think that was insensitive and rude of your aunt to say that.Words hurt.We all feel ashamed of weight gain,but it’s normal.We all love you Cassey!You look amazing and even better now!!!
When i found your website i was glad to see that you’re not just like another skinny instructor. I feel fat and bad looking at skinny people. And when i recommend you to others, i always say “and she looks like an woman too”.
Love from The Netherlands
The silly thing is YOU NEVER LOOKED, OR WERE actually fat. Having meat on your bones doesn’t make you fat…in fact being too skinny and underweight is just as unhealthy as an obese/overweight person. You look healthy and always have, the number on the scale doesn’t define you. And nothing but skin and bones is NOT healthy. We all need fat, who wants to be only skin and bones? Honestly, too large of a gap in-between thighs doesn’t sound or look very healthy at all. Most people’s thighs at least touch or meet in the middle, that’s no indicator of being fat…you are a beautiful and wonderful person who inspires so many people from all over the world. Please don’t let rude and inconsiderate people validate who you are and what you know about yourself. Who are they to flap their mouths open and make such ignorant comments? Keep up your awesome work CASSEYS.
Wow ! As if this article was meant soulfully for me !
So I too am a fitness Instructor 🙂 I use some of your moves in my classes I admire you !
Anyhow , as I’ve became more & more into teaching more classes ive seen. My weight slowly creeping up . So here I am 16 lbs later & I found myself this past Friday balling my eyes out crying because I had a damn muffin top in my size 7 shorts that fit me so well last year if not kinda loose !!!!! I called my husnpband in tears & thought this isn’t fair I work so hard I teach all these classes I calorie restrict & I keep gaining ??? While that’s just my issue I’m restricting too many calories & now I’ve reacked havoc on my metabolism . My biggest fear is that my members at the gym will judge me saying oh why r gaining wait ? I feel so much pressure to be the example but holy crap IM HUMAN JUST LIKE U Stated 🙂
I’m no longer ashamed ! I have so much energy & endurance it’s RIDICULOUS ! I get compliments all the time @ how awesome I am at Instructing & I look so good ! & they love my body ! Well if they love my body why shouldn’t I ? Because of the image I’m trying to keep ? Well I’m done sabotaging my efforts in progress ! I got a trainer ……yes I did ! I will be taring an extra 3 days a week on top of 8 classs I teach . It’s totally cool I’m a BEAST IN THE GYM & a BEAUTY IN THE STREETS ! & at the end of the day I’m proud of how far i’ve come & I will some day COMPETE IN MY FIRST BIKINI COMPETITION ! This is my dream goal & I dream & conquer ! So be proud of all your accomplishments you inspire SO SO MANY PEOPLE !
This is a wonderful post. You are an inspiration to many women out there, including myself. Women should not be afraid from gaining a little weight. Stress is a huge factor when it comes to weight and we should not be ashamed of it. What is important is to be healthy for yourself, not for others. We are our harshest critics so when someone else makes a negative comment the self-criticism multiples ten-fold. I am so glad that you are a positive influence and try not to let others bring you down. Thank you for that!
Sigh. Thank you for posting this, Cassey. I feel irritated and am ashamed for the people who are fat shaming you. It shouldn’t matter if you gained weight. Yes, you’re a fitness instructor and should practice what you preach, but not having a “thigh gap”? That’s ridiculous. Even with the weight gain, you probably still look better than the rest of us. It’s like the same thing that happened to Britney Spears and a few other celebs after they had BABIES. Or even if they just gained weight. Even though they looked better than most of the general population, people railed on them because they weren’t stick thin anymore. I think this culture’s obsession with being thin is sick.
Personally, I like women with a little bit of fat on them. That’s what we’re made for because fat helps babies. And even if we never plan on having babies, it’s just part of our natural state of being. I am not advocating unhealthiness or weight gain, but not having a thigh gap is just an unrealistic expectation in my book.
This is why I soooo much adore you Cassey! Thank you for your honesty and I think everyone can relate to a situation like this. My puberty didn’t came until I was 17 (hormone issues) and I gained a lot of weight, wich I would have got in a couple of years, I did in a half year. People were calling me fat behind my back or just saying it right to my face. I was still in the range of normal weight, but that’s when I got issues with my weight. I started eating less and was hungry all the time, but hey I lost a couple of pounds.
But when I lost those pounds, nobody was saying: “Hey, you lost weight” or something positive about it. People actually didn’t care, people love to give negative comments or think about someone in a negative way in the hope of feeling better themselves.
Since a year I have been going to the gym and start eating healthy. Step by step and I really love the journey. I have never felt so energized, I’m feeling strong, happy and I may not be the thinnest person, but I really don’t want to be a thin girl. I don’t compare myself anymore to anyone else, I’m just trying the best I can to get the best out of me. I have never felt this confident in my life.
Beauty is a inside thing that will shine through the skin.
You’re a role model Cassey, people who give you nasty comments may be thinner, but I don’t think they are healthier than you!
Even if you gain a fews pounds your still gorgeous !
this is why i LOVE you! you are so honest and say the things that we each (well, me at least) think to ourselves! i’m half filipino and can totally attest to the RUDE family members that comment on weight gain, let alone absolute strangers or friends. it is hurtful and i can honestly admit that as motivating as it should be to push yourself after people say mean things, that wasn’t the case for me. i was so disappointed and lacked confidence in myself that i just gained MORE weight. i was the ultimate athlete, playing basketball, tennis and running track – i was working out twice a day and didn’t let stress or anything stop that. i was so happy with my body before, i could wear anything, i LOVED bikini shopping and i had so much confidence because i was fit! somewhere along the way life took over and my workouts weren’t as intense and then they became nonexistent.. i gained 20 pounds but on my small frame it looked like 50. i have had the hardest time getting that weight off and it totally sucks. i tried several diets and nothing truly worked for me, until i decided that there is no time like the present to truly work hard for your body. i started eating clean and healthy, watching my portions, and cutting out a lot of unnecessary carbs! i finally realized that for me, my goal wasn’t to be super skinny and it wasn’t about the amount of pounds i lost or how much i weighed – it was about being FIT and strong. it was about being HEALTHY. i discovered your youtube channel a month ago and have been following the workouts – i’m not perfect, some days i just have to press pause and catch my breath or i can’t do as many reps as you, but i’m trying. i am already noticing differences in my muscle mass and it has made me so happy. you’re positive attitude is infectious and i am glad to be a loyal subscriber! i guess what i’m trying to say is, THANK YOU for helping me achieve my goals and as mean as people can be, it’s good to see you shaking it off and teaching other girls out there to be healthy. keep up the awesome work! 🙂
Thanks Cassie! I dealt with an eating disorder all through out middle school, and nothing has been harder than gaining weight in recovery. I was down to about 92 lbs and i was 5’5. I am now about 115 and am 5’5. I have had so many comments like the ones you had, from family, friends, etc. You look beautiful and are a huge inspiration thanks! <3
I HATE it when women do this kind of ‘fatty–shamming’ comments, do you think we can’t see ourselves in a mirror? Seriously? We KNOW when we’ve gained some wait. My sister died a month ago, and during the wake a lot of my female relatives felt the need to comment on the fact that I am still unmarried (and just broke up with my boyfriend of four years, so I probably won’t e getting married any time soon) AND that I’ve gained some weight (after losing about 20Kgs last year). Talk about having no common sense or consideration for my feelings! I’ve felt so depressed ever since but you just made me realise it’s time to shake it off and move on. Keep working towards the lifestyle and body shape I’ve always wanted to have. I’ll start by going shopping for healthy food tonight after Uni and going for a late run. I need to weight myself to assess the damage, printing this month’s calendar and see if I can lose what I’ve gained by the 20th coz it’s my birthday and I want to look fabulous. THANKS A LOT FOR POSTING THIS!
P.S. I think you look beautiful anyway 🙂
*weight anger/spell checker turned on me haha
THANK YOU CASSY for posting this! The past few months, my diet has become very selective and I’ve verged on having an eating disorder. I knew what I was doing was unhealthy and I needed to stop, but I was afraid of loosing all the hard work I had put into my body- I lost nearly 10 pounds! Even though I’m doing better now and know it’s perfectly normal and healthy to gain a little wieght as I start being more loose about what I eat, it still scares me a little to see I’m gaining a little wieght. But your post reminded that what you look like shouldn’t take over your life, and that even people with rockin bodies like you gain weight every now and then- and still look just as fab as before!
I think it’s really important and special that you shared this w all of us. Struggling w your weight makes you an American. Struggling w anything makes you human. I think it’s important that I, and everyone else who follows your lead, see’s that you’re human and share the same struggles that we do. We all look up to you, but i feel like there’s a greater connection between all of us now that we can relate more to each other. I don’t say this in a “we’re glad to see you fall” kind of way, I hope you understand how I mean this. You shouldn’t be embarrassed, you shouldn’t feel like you failed anyone, or yourself. Does it discredit you as a fitness instructor or nutrition advice giver? Not one bit. The best people who play a part in those fields are those who can fully understand what the others go through. If anything, I really feel like this makes you a better person and better at what you do. Don’t let it get you down, please! You should enjoy every minute of every day, especially when you’re doing the thing you love most. You shouldn’t have to worry about any popster who is going to criticize you from a video you did on how you look. That’s completely ridiculous!
I just wanted to say a few things, I hope you understand and I really hope you find the time to read this. You look amazing, still.
Thank you, Cassey!
Exactly what I needed now. After breaking up with my boyfriend two years ago I lost weight (5 kg) and two sizes, which is a lot at my height. I was working out every day, working like crazy (and barely eating) in order to get my mind off things. I loved my figure back then. In the pst two years my life has slowed down a bit (with a new boyfriend) and 3 of my kg are back on. I have a hard time to get them off, especially because I hate diets (I do eat healthy, but with sweets), the easiest way for me was always to work out, but time has become more of an issue. I have started to hate myself for not being able to put up with work and workouts (often staying on the first) and thus not getting back my best form. It’s true that sometimes the best form might not be the best lifestyle, and that thinking about what works (and feels good) is also important. (And it’s kind of silly to hate yourself for something others might not mind or even like the changes.)
Thank you so much.
I think you look great either way. 🙂
Cassey, I just wanted to let you know that YOU ARE AMAZING.
Honestly. I am a broke college student with a lot of health problems.
I can watch your YouTube videos and do my workouts and so far I have lost 10lbs with your help.
You are an inspiration!! I know what you mean by Asian family members, I just saw my Grandma for the first time in about three years and she told me “Ju Ju you look fat now, and touched my stomach” That REALLY upset me… People don’t realize that the things that they say really hurt, I know she didn’t mean to be hateful, it’s just in our culture.
I started gaining weight from the medicines that keep me alive, really. I’ve been extremely depressed and trying to do crazy diets and what not and nothing was working…
Because of you I am now motivated, but not just motivated… I am also happy! AND I’m seeing (and feeling) the results!
Thank you so much, you are wonderful!
I don’t feel you had to explain yourself for gaining weight. Like someone else said, I also thought that your goals just changed or more like you moved on from one phase in your life to the next. I thought the bikini-competition thing was over and done with and now you are going back to your “normal” fitness-body (as you are still in awesome shape!). I also feel like a body isn’t supposed to be in bikini-competition mode all the time, I can’t see how that is healthy.
You are very inspiring, Cassie. And the reason I watch your videos is not only because of how inspiring your body is but mainly because of how positive you are and how great your attitude is!
Just: thank you. You’re a true inspiration. Bsc you’re not ashamed of being real. Big props to you (as always). LOVE!
PS The new Daft Punk track is out. I remeber some of your early videos – intense abs all with Daft Punk – pleaaaaaase do a Daft Punk workout again! I know that I may be in minority here (I’m 27, I’m not into Justin, 1D, Taylor) but let the minority rule for a while 😉 Love you!
I did notice your weight gain but I thought it was because your goals had changed, from leaning out to strength and muscle building, and I really admired that. You demonstrated that the body is constantly changing in response to your diet and exercise, and that you’re not just about looking super lean all the time, that curves and muscles are to be worked for and embraced too. Although weight gain is automatically associated with backtracking on progress, you’ve disproven that by accomplishing many other fitness goals, such as being able to do more pull-ups and being able to do standing splits. These things really inspire and motivate me to continuously set new and more challenging fitness goals for myself. Thank you for being such an awesome fitness instructor and role model. 🙂
Hey Cassey,
Thanks for sharing that post!
I really feel like I can relate to your experience because I have also been struggling with it. I used to be obsessed and so meticulous about what I ate on my diet during my high school years and my freshman year of college, to the point where I would consider avoid eating and meeting with friends because I was afraid of gaining weight. I wasn’t anorexic or anything but I had always been so conscious about what I ate. My mind had always been influenced to think that beautiful=thin. Funny to think this, but I had always thought that no one would like or accept me if I gained weight or was “chubby” in others’ eyes. But this year, without my awareness, I slowly “let myself go” and I learned to be happy with who I am even though I gained 15-20 pounds since the last year. I never thought I would ever let myself get to this point just because of what I valued to be important to me but now I learned to value something greater, which was myself. My friends would agree with me that I “fell hard” but you know, even from gaining all this weight, I learned to be happy and content with myself for who I am. I learned that life isn’t about your weight or how you look but its about surrounding yourself with friends or a support system, who loves and accept you for you. Even though I am slowly starting to shed some weight, I don’t ever regret gaining this weight because I learned so much through it!
Thanks Cassey for being so motivational, and also for being so optimistic and inspiring in all your videos!
Hey Cassey !!! 🙂 .. im from Africa, Namibia and just love everything the workouts and fotos… Recently joined the team with the workouts, and if anything you’re such an inspiration,
i know beyond any doubt you inspire so many ladies out there . I too always face this problem, i once managed to starve myself from a size 14 to a 10 (75kg’s to 60) and then i was just 16yrs so it was quite a big difference. but like any quick fix, i gained it all back and the endless comments came with it and its hard, but its people like you that give us the strength to not forget our goals, even when peoples comments have us all emotional and we want to drown our hurt in carbs and candy. And really people can be soo judgmental, i think there’s more to this than just having a bikini body, being healthy physically and
mentally, have the right self image.. your post really picked me up and i feel i can move past the guilt cause you did.
Hi Cassey!!
I was so surprised upon reading this post that people said those things to you…but even more so, that they even noticed! I find that so strange. You were doing a fun workout video, talking, smiling and laughing through the entire thing when I felt like my abs were going to rip apart. You were just the same Cassey, my workout bff and motivator! I did not notice any change in the way you looked. More importantly, I didn’t notice any change in what you were doing! Your happiness is contagious. I love you!!
Reading all these comments is making me cry, tears of happiness!! I have been suffering from anorexia for three years, I’m am beating it now but for a long time I was in the dark about my body (I won’t go into details). For the first time in ages I am happy and I’m happy with my body, I too have gained a lot of weight, so far about 25lbs and still have about 5lbs to go, but you know what?….. I’m exited!!!! I can’t wait to be ‘healthy’, and doing your videos Cassey has pushed me through, I feel strong and so full of life, ready to take on the world! I know what you felt like to be scared, but I think there is truth in saying if you are strong, fit and most of all, happy then it doesn’t matter what size you are. Life is about the moments which you cherish, the mistakes you learn from and the people that matter to you. If you feel the road getting a little bumpy, there are always routes to take to make it more smooth.. Or you can ride through it and come out the other side so much stronger.
One things for sure, judging by all the messages you had so far, you are far from alone!! We all stand by you and you inspire us!
I think you ARE beautiful Cassey, to me, you glow!
xxx 🙂
Oh my goodness, Cassey, I’ve been stumbling in and out of your website as I undergo my Pilates instructor training, and it was already obvious that your genuine nature shines through your articles. However, this post really takes it to a whole new level. Thank you so much for your candor in talking about weight gain as a fitness instructor. I decided to actually pursue Pilates instructor training because it helped me lose a lot of weight, but I still have a long way to go. Like you said, the “shame of being ashamed” is a regular, but not constant, battle. The important thing is to focus on being healthy, not numbers and definitely not what other people think. You go, girl. Keep it up.
Hey Cassey,
I am a dance teacher and I am not really slim. I have that “bat wing” and many other fat-flaws,
but what the world doesn’t know is I HAVE LOST 20 KG . I was obese, but I can’t help my love for dance. I dance, I teach THEM WHO TRUST ME. And believe me, I know how you feel.
I respect you so much, your videos.. I do them. I don’t care if you gain weight! You help people, like I help my students. Love!
Hi Cassey,
I found you through the “Gangnam Style Cardio” and you got me hooked by writing articles that fitness is not about getting thinner and thinner but about being healthy and strong. It was nice to see that there is a community of people who are trying to be fit and healthy and don’t just focuss on the weight. Since then I’m a regular and happy reader of your blog and a huge fan.
Your blog and your videos changed my life. Sometimes I still hear this little voice in my head telling me “well, SHE can afford thinking like that, YOU better loose some fat!”, but now it is much easier to shut her up. I have much more self confidence and I adapted a healthier lifestyle (not as good as yours, but still an improvement 🙂 ).
I have done the ABC ABS workout yesterday for the first time as I haven’t had access to the internet for a while. I noticed that you looked slightly different and actually I was very impressed by that! This obsession about weight is so ridiculous, and I am proud that you withstand it! In my opinion, it only adds credibility to you and your message.
Thank you for all this, you are such an inspiration an motivation.
Hugs from Germany,
I actually lose weight very fast and I don’t like that. If anything, I would like to gain weight and it’s veryy frustrating how on the internet, on youtube and all other social media people constantly talk about losing weight. I would like to know more about gaining weight.
Cassey! Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you for this post! Last summer I lost the most weight I ever had, I was so skinny, and had the body I always wanted, but I was the most unhappy I have ever been in my life. I felt so deprived and down. I felt I couldn’t enjoy myself and I would often skip out on fun events with friends so I didn’t have to eat and drink with them because I knew it would be bad for my diet. I was in my own “little diet world” and nothing else mattered. A whole year later, I gained back most of the weight I lost- but I’ve never been happier. I am not 100% satisfied with my physical appearance, but I’m 150% satisfied with my life. I am much happier now- both my friends, family, and boyfriend commented that I’m much more pleasurable now than I was when I was skinny. So although I’m not my dream size, I am happy. I am able to go out with friends, enjoy yolo foods every now and than and my world doesn’t revolve around my weight and diet- and that is SUCH a GOOD feeling! Thank you for reminding us that our weight does fluctuate and that we are women, it is normal, but at the end of the day what matters is your happiness!
Thank you for your inspiration!
Hey Cassey,
i have just started up with u n it honestly feels great to pain my lazy flabby body.but there is one thing that i am truly sad about…can a proper exercise and skipping your dinner not work out for your body??/is dieting really essential??you know i stay in hostel..and i guess dieting for me is seriously a bad news…
I’m sorry people say hurtful things to you. It happened to me, and actually it was my motivation. I can’t afford NOT to feel ashamed.. It’s a slippery slope for me….but that’s just me. Negative things motivate me.
Anyway, don’t let it get to you. You know what you’re capable of. And when the time is right, you can get back there. And if you don’t feel it’s necessary to do so…then more power to ya! That is YOUR choice, not your aunts. <3
that was amazing. And you know what? It’s because you’re human that I fell in love with your workout videos to begin with. When I was pregnant I preferred the videos where you looked less toned because I felt like I was working out with someone real, someone who I could look at and have fun working out with without freaking out about my changing body. And after my pregnancy I looked to your more toned videos for inspiration to tone back up and work hard. But your ups and downs is part of what makes you so relatable and wonderful to workout with and I for one and glad to be working out with such an inspiring, real person.
Thanks for being such an inspiration! Its so crazy but I was having MAJOR issues with this topic today and some magical force led me to this post! It is so crazy that you always find what you need when you need it. Needless to say I’m ending the day in a way better perspective than when I started. Keep being you! :):)
Cassey you are beautiful inside and out! You motivate me to work out each day with a smile on my face (never before has that happened) I loooove your videos and don’t listen to others about being “Fat” I wish I had your body! Your awesome! 😀
“Feeling like you’re out of diet jail. Feeling like you better take in as much food as possible before it’s taken away from you again.” – OMG Cassey, you said what I´ve been trying to express past 6 months! I gained over 10 lbs since my “ideal weight” like this and I felt horrible, but you made me feel way better now.
Don´t be ashamed. You are still amazing!
Keep your chin up! You are healthy! No one can be expected to keep a competion body fat %.
honestly, I did not even notice a tiny change in your beautiful body. all those people picking on your weight changing is trying to make themselves feel better, trying to help themselves feel better for not working as hard as you do. I know I am no where close to what you have but I am working my butt off maybe not to my fullest yet, but it’s something I have to work on. you are GORGEOUS. your body is banging you are the reason I try to eat clean and work out only to your awesome videos. I look up to you. I love your high energy it makes me want to push harder, ! so what if you gained a few pounds, you still look absolutely amazing and you are still kicking ass. so thank you for pushing me. without you I’d be on the couch eating chips. hehe.
xoxo Rikkileigh.
Hey Cassey, just wanted to say: fitness instructors have the right to gain weight too! Everyone needs a break sometimes and if gaining weight is a result, so be it, that’s only natural. No one can sustain a strict diet/exercise regime without periodical rests/breaks
hey Cassey !!! It’s the first time I drop a comment on your mail box. The reading of your post was very moving and I complety identified with you, though I never had the bikini body (yet 😉 ) I totally get the feeling of being afraid of food and you expressed it perfectly. What I would like to say is that you inspire me even more because we can see that you are human and it feels so good not to look at the fitness instructor like some kind of alien creature who has achieved what I will always fail to do !! And by the way, in my opinion yo still have a bikini body !!! <3 Don't change a thing, those would should be ashamed are the ones dropping such lame comments on you weight. Lots of love from France 😀 gros bisous xxxx Jennifer
Cassey, I found your post very touching, but from the other side. Annoying people should just keep their thoughts for themselves and you shouldn’t give them the opportunity to define who you are!
My “Problem” is the opposite – I’m 22years, 167cm/47kg. I eat what I want, I don’t starve myself and I think I am beautiful! I have nice ass, pretty big boobs for my body and some abs! And now I’m finally getting some muscles on my legs and arms, so I think I could be pretty good VS Angel 😀
I know what you’re all thinking: “Life’s easy being skinny…You don’t have our problems, why are you complaining, blah blah blah” .. Well, let me tell you, being skinny isn’t all pros. Skinny girls are judged too. I was bulled at school about it. Yes, just like you were about being fat. And being made fun of for being skinny hurts just as much as being made fun of for being big.
Yes, I do yoga and sports. I love your Pop Pilates and i do it everyday! But do you know what i hear about it? That I’m doing it to get skinnier or lose weight, like I’m anorexic or something (OMG really? I mean how can you even think this bullshit??) How should I explain them that I want to be FIT. Because I love my body, I feel good in it and I want to keep it that way – thin and healthy!
Back then, in school, I just wanted to scream in my bullies faces: – “Why are you allowed to love your “curves” but it’s wrong for me to love my “bones”? (By the way don’t you hate how society is changing the definitions of skinny and curvy. Curvy means you have curves, like big hips, large breasts, and a big butt. This does not mean you are overweight though. You can have all of those features, but still be skinny. Skinny does not mean you are a pile of bones, it simply means that you have low body fat!) Why is it okay for you to call me anorexic, but horrible for me to call somebody fat? If you can tell me to gain weight, why can’t I tell you to lose weight? If you can feel beautiful for being big, I can feel beautiful for being small? It’s called DNA you jealous bitches, GET OVER IT!! ”
But now I know it’s not the way, cause they will never ever get it! So.. That’s just the way I am, that’s the way I’m always going to be. I’ve learned to love my body and I am not sorry for that. I’ve discovered that people are always going to be rude, and they’re probably always going to comment on the things they know least about.
And Cassey, we all have problems with others bitching.. But remember, you are brave, you are amazing instructor, you are inspiring so many of us all around the world, and most of all – you are human with life, problems and etc.!! You should be proud of who you are and how you look!
HI Cassey! I have been meaning to comment on this article since when I saw it, but I have been so busy. Anyways, here I go. I was so upset someone had the nerve to tell you that. I actually felt upset for you, if that makes sense! I applaud your honesty on such a touchy subject. Your openness has made me life you even more because you do not have that ‘plastic’ feel some other fitness instructors have. You are real. Your videos and the information you provide towards living a healthy lifestyle have motivated and inspired me sooo much. You have helped me move away from having a slightly pear shape/roundish figure to a progressively toner and healthier looking body. Also, through your positive comments (“the determination you put into these workouts can be applied to other areas of your life”) have helped me on my journey to overcome depression and other issues in my life. I thank-you for that. Keep on doing what you have always been doing! Peace and love!
I know you’ve probably received hundreds of comments like this, but I’d just like for you to know.
I love you. I don’t mean to sound like a creepy stalker lesbian but I do. You make me want to work out, you motivate me like no other trainer has before.
In fact just the other day I was feeling really depressed about my weight. I have hyperthyroidism and have had difficulty losing weight. I walked into my little gym in my basement, booted up my laptop and then cried. But the moment I started your “fat blasting cardio workout” your energy, your smile, your music and your little comments had me smiling through my tears and 60 minutes later I was laughing and feeling good.
Cassey you do more than inspire me. I’m also asian and understand what it feels like to be put down about your weight by family members. My mum and grandmothers are worst for that. I love working out to your videos, because every day I can feel myself getting stronger. You make me feel good about myself. You’re one of the only people in my life who doesn’t care about my weight (even though you have no idea who I am or what I look like)
I just wanted you to know that you”re a beautiful person. I truly believe that if you’re beautiful on the inside, it’ll shine through for everyone to see and you’re a wonderful example of that. Don’t let bitchy, insecure people put you down.
I know you’ll stay strong for us popsters 🙂
ps I honestly never noticed you gained weight
I know you’ve probably received hundreds of comments like this, but I’d just like for you to know.
I love you. I don’t mean to sound like a creepy stalker lesbian but I do. You make me want to work out, you motivate me like no other trainer has before.
In fact just the other day I was feeling really depressed about my weight. I have hyperthyroidism and have had difficulty losing weight. I walked into my little gym in my basement, booted up my laptop and then cried. But the moment I started your “fat blasting cardio workout” your energy, your smile, your music and your little comments had me smiling through my tears and 60 minutes later I was laughing and feeling good.
Cassey you do more than inspire me. I’m also asian and understand what it feels like to be put down about your weight by family members. My mum and grandmothers are worst for that. I love working out to your videos, because every day I can feel myself getting stronger. You make me feel good about myself. You’re one of the only people in my life who doesn’t care about my weight (even though you have no idea who I am or what I look like)
I just wanted you to know that you”re a beautiful person. I truly believe that if you’re beautiful on the inside, it’ll shine through for everyone to see and you’re a wonderful example of that. Don’t let bitchy, insecure people put you down.
I know you’ll stay strong for us popsters 🙂
ps it’d be awesome if you came to Vancouver BC for an outdoor pilates class!
Cassie, the whole time I was doing the ABC abs video I was honestly just thinking about how perfect your body was and how I wish I could be as fit as you. Ignore all the haters, I’m sure they don’t look even half as good as you!
Hi Cassey! Your post is truly inspiring! 🙂
I’ve always have a body image issue with myself, and still am. Even though I’m 160cm and weighing 40kg, I’ve never seen myself as skinny. Constantly exercising and restricting… Through your post, I do hope to be able to love my body and not be obsessed with my weight.
Thanks! Hope you’ll some up with more articles related to body issues!
I am Caucasian, my husband is Japanese. His father ALWAYS comments on weight. Same questions. “Are you getting fat?” “Are you having another baby?” “Oh, looks like you lost weight.” When my sister was skinny from being a drug addict, he commented relentlessly about how great she looked.
My husband reassures me and says it’s just cultural, but if he says ANYTHING to my daughter, this mama bear’s claws are coming out! It may be cultural, but in this culture, there is enough pressure without family members commenting on weight. I NEVER comment on anyone’s size, even if they lost weight.
Cassey! If anything this gives you MORE credibility as a fitness instructor because of your honesty and being so easy to relate to!
Hey Cassie, I think you were incredibly brave to put this out in the open and even though I’m not a fitness instructor or anything i had the same feeling! I think its the thing about being a woman. But it really doesn’t take away any of the great inspiration you are to me and to so many other girls and women. I am so happy that you posted this, because im not sure if you realize, but I think that with this you send out the greatest message. To be brave, to never give up, to forgive yourself, to get back on track and countless other things. And you help others realize that its ok to fluctuate with your motivation, because its so natural. I just want to thank you for your inspiration as a fitness instructor and as a person. <3, hugs and kisses
Hey Cassey….
I really don’t think you should let people get to you like that. I mean I understand you were offended, I would be too, but I feel like in this post you sounded defeated and bitter more than anything over one person’s silly comment that didn’t even intend to hurt your feelings — it was just communicated wrongly. 🙁 I’m really sorry that you took it to heart, but remember the same things you tell all popsters. I think a lesson that rarely gets highlighted in your blog is that healthy is beautiful….I really feel that this post defeated that purpose and am a little disappointed….:/ … I hope that you’re going to “start eating super duper clean on a consistent basis and train harder for some weeks, and I will have [your] bikini body back.” for yourself and because it was in your plans…not just cause some girl came across the wrong way in your blog. One of the reasons that I love your blog is your confidence…I didn’t see it shine through in this post at all, it sounded like you you accepted whatever this other person said, and were trying to argue with her as to why it’s okay instead of letting it roll off your shoulder, smile and say “No worries, I’m still healthy, I’m still beautiful, and if I gained a centimeter of fat 1- it doesn’t matter, and 2 – I’m fit enough to get back on track in no time!”
Considering how many young girls follow your blog I feel like those are value that should be highlighted instead of “Don’t judge me for gaining weight cause I know it looks bad and I’m so disappointed in me and I’m gonna lose it so I look pretty again!” …. I don’t think that’s a good example for the amount of 12 -15yr olds that already have confidence issues….
This. This comment. Cassey, please read this.
Hey Cassey, I wanted to let you know that your recent post really struck me. I’m a junior in high school and it’s been my most stressful year yet. I’m loaded on difficult classes in a highly competitive school and it has not been easy to stay fit. Last year, in the spring, I joined the school track team. After that, I worked out consistently all summer. By the time school started, I was definitely at my ideal body type. But then, I let myself go once the stress piled up and fitness fell by the wayside. I wasn’t happy with my grades, with my body, or my own mindset. Then, after midterms, I found your channel and I gave your videos a shot. You made me feel the liveliness I felt last summer when I exercised regularly. Those endorphin rushes that I missed came back. Although I dealt with really sore muscles for a while, I knew that if I kept watching your videos, I could become stronger. So I did. I can’t say that my lifestyle is as healthy as last summer’s, when I was stress-free. I still can’t work out as much as I would like to, but I’m feeling a lot better about my body. I didn’t lose weight though. In fact I gained in muscle (and probably lost some fat). I actually look better in this and I’m loving the progress that I’m making. More importantly, I’ve stopped worrying about numbers. I stopped weighing myself and worrying about my caloric intake. I just did what made me feel good and I haven’t had any body image troubles. I also try to help my friends with their body image issues too and hopefully it’s working. =)
The only issue is my mother. She’s noticed my weight gain and she keeps bugging me about it. I am Asian, so I understand what you mean–the constant commentary on your body. She thinks I’m heavy, when I’m in the 10-20th percentile for weight. And she keeps warning me that my muscle gain will deteriorate into fat if I don’t watch myself. I’ve gotten so frustrated to the point where I just block out everything she says about it. One day we fought because I refused to weigh myself, and she said I wasn’t respecting reality, that I was blind to it. My reason was not that I was scared of the number. I just don’t think it matters if I personally feel good about myself. What’s worse is when she starts criticizing my sister’s body. She’s only 12 years old and is really fit and thin. Recently, she had some menstrual issues and was anemic. Because of that, she hasn’t been able to be as physically active as she used to. Plus, she’s a growing kid so she likes to eat a lot. But she still looks beautiful! And she’s only 12! I told my mom that I didn’t care if she criticized me, ’cause I have thick skin and I can take it, but she could NOT tell my sister to lose weight too.
A few days ago I had a checkup with the doctor. Indeed, I did gain weight. But my doctor commented on how fit and toned I looked. He reassured my mother that I was absolutely fine and that she shouldn’t be so fixated on my weight when eating disorders are a major problem amongst teenage girls. I think after that, she finally listened and she hasn’t been commenting on my weight.
For now, my top priority is finishing the school year with high grades while maintaining my fitness. So far, I think I’m doing that nicely. Thank you Cassey, for being such an amazing, honest inspiration. Thank you for reminding why I love to exercise and eat well! And thank you for helping me regain my total confidence. =)
Hi Laurel,
When people comments on others, that is the self-reflection of their own weakness. On the other hand, we all have to learn how to defensively stop them from making comments by pointing out their own weakness and also bringing them to this blog to educate them about the reality – gaining or losing weight is part of the journey of life experience to find our own physical and mental balance. Nature has taught us all about harmony. Feeling is a feedback of your own mental and physical progress. When we are managing our daily life, there are thing that we have to juggle. Sometimes, things go smoothly, some other times they do not fit well. Looking at life in a big picture, it is not really a big deal when your are off your target sometime, especially when you are content and happy. Life is a trade off. That is why, when you accomplish something, you treat yourself by sharing with others, having a party, buying yourself gift………etc.
To stop people who either put pressure or make comments to others, we need to make them taste their own medicine by courteously asking them questions such as ” when was the last time that other people make comments on your weight and figures ? Are you truly happy with those comments ? If you constantly make comments on other people weight, then you may want to make comments to your own body first.. Is that how you feel about your own body ?………”
Keep in mind there is no difference between a pingpong ball, a basket ball, and a baseball, …..or any type of ball, The only matter is if the ball is well rounded.
you look great the way you are. your “bikini competition” body wasn’t healthy, because you weren’t eating a balanced diet, if you were only eating broccoli, chicken breasts and egg whites. shame on you for promoting a diet that’s not healthy, just to get to a certain body shape! as a fitness instructor, you should be ashamed of yourself!
Hey Amanda! Cassey definitely acknowledged the fact that the diet was just for the competition, and was extremely unrealistic and unsafe for long periods of time. She’s got nothing to be ashamed of.
Hi Cassey! Instead of saying that I can relate to this post of yours, I would say this issue is the main reason that I am following your workout. But I am glad, that I found you. Not only because of your awesome workout, but also to have someone who is like a sister, telling me its ok to do this.
I am a 45kg, 148cm, yeah I know I am pretty short for a 21 years old. I used to be slimmer, where my weight are around 40kg. Well personally I wouldnt call myself fat, but who would, until one day a girl came up to me and ask me if I gain weight. I really wouldnt mind if she is a close friend of mine, but she is not. So that actually hurts a lot hearing that from her. Even before hearing this from her, I already have someone who keeps on telling me that I am fat. That person is my boyfriend and yes, he did used the word fat. For anyone who had seen me in real life, wouldnt exactly label me as fat, they would just say that I put on some weight. Hearing people telling me fat, is something really hurtful and it makes me guilty.
I dont have the perfect body. I have some slight double chin, a flabby tummy and a not so toned arms. Before becoming a popster, I am not exactly the athletic kind of girl, I just hate exercising. That was until I found you, Cassey. You are truly my inspiration.
From you, I have not only learnt how to make myself fitter, healthier, and stronger, but also to become brighter and I am fill with more positive thoughts. After reading this post, I know that I am not alone and I totally understand how you feel. Thank you for telling me to love myself more, and that makes me love you more.
Cassey, I feel you. It’s funny because I started following you last year around your bikini competition, so I saw how skinny and toned you got, and always hated the extra layer of fat. So the weight came off like crazy and I was so proud of myself! Then after a bad breakup, it started coming back. I know you felt like you gained weight too, so don’t feel it’s just you. And don’t feel it’s perminant. According to my friend who’s an astrologist, this is the year of the immune system, so if you’re gaining weight, feeling lacklustre and getting sick more often, it might explain something’s.
Otherwise, just remember that maybe girls like us are shaped that way for a reason. Not that either of us are big or even chubby! We just have that extra little layer! Keep working on it to make you happy, not to impress your followers! We can do it 🙂
I mean the extra layer f fat on me!!! Sorry!
Thank you so much for your honesty and transparency! It’s so important for women to know that they are not alone when it comes to body image and weight issues. I know there are tons of bloggers that hide behind the curtain and only show what they want us to see, but your transparency is why you have so many loyal followers! It takes so much courage to talk about weight and eating issues, and I have to commend you for being so strong. You are helping so many girls by sharing your struggles that so many of us go through! I’ve been there with the disordered eating (anorexia and bulimia) and never feeling good or small enough. It’s easy to get consumed and obsessed with calories (I was afraid of fruit too) and being “perfect,” but I’m so proud of you for realizing that your diet at that time was too strict. I love your optimism in this post that everything will be ok, and that it’s ok to have setbacks! You are truly empowering Cassey!
xo Catherine
Hey Cassey, i cant believe people are saying such rude things to you but please dont take those comments to heart because to me you have an amazing body! The people saying those things are jus insecure about themselves and jus need to take it out on someone else. You have been such an insperation to me i have been doing your pilates vids for about 2 months and i do them everyday! I came across your “Miley Cyrus abs” video first and thought” wow that girl has a great body i wanna look like that” and ive been doing them ever since. You motivated me and sooo many others to get into shape and jus be happy with ourselves and no matter what size you are you are so beautiful inside and out! You have an awesome personality which is why i have fun working out with your vids! Keep your head up girl and dont listen to the haters cuz there are so many fans who love you for you!!
<3 Tia!!
Cassey!!! You poor thing!!! I’m so angry at how cruel people can be! I thought you looked fantastic in the abc abs video! Don’t let commenters get you down girlfriend! There’s no accountability for people’s actions online which causes people to feel free to take their own problems out on strangers. You help so many people including me with feeling healthy and keeping a positive attitude! It’s so brave of you to put yourself out there for the world to see and scrutinize. This post has made me love you so much more than I already do! Negative body image is such a huge problem and to hear someone so beautiful like you admit that you have the same feelings of insecurity makes people like me feel ok with ourselves and to love ourselves no matter what! You are the best don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Thank you for putting yourself out there for the benefit of people like me! Keep on keepin on! Love you!!!
Cassey, I definitely feel where you’re coming from. While pregnant with my son I gained 30lbs. During and after my pregnancy, I thought I looked pretty good and felt awesome. A few months after my son was born my mom passed away. So between grieving and raising a newborn baby (his dad was working 24/7), I tried any and everything to feel better. I had no car so I was resigned to becoming a hermit and my son wasn’t the easiest baby to take care of. My best fix for how I was feeling was eating. Now three years later, I’ve put on a bit more weight (more than I’d like to share..) and it’s totally dragged me down, not to mention my son’s dad (we’re separated..) makes a comment about it every chance he gets. So I get to a mirror and tell myself that no matter what I look like, I’m still the same girl I’ve always been, I’m still a great mom, sister, & daughter even though things have changed. No matter what you look like, you’re still the same girl everyone loves to read/talk/workout with!
A once-good friend of mine once exclaimed, in front of my whole class, “Wow, Michelle’s butt is HUGE!” Naturally everyone looked at me and gazed at my butt. I felt uncomfortable and ashamed, and I cried about it for probably 2 days. The truth is, I do have a little booty, and I do have hips, and I’m proud of them. I’ve been doing POP Pilates along with other workouts and they have changed my life and my perspective, I don’t think anyone in the room at the time could’ve said the same. It’s terrible that people can berate you for YOUR own body when yes, it is in fact YOUR body. It doesn’t make sense, and we should persevere past their negativity! Just like the cruel comments in the challenging ABC Abs video, people can be so cruel when it’s completely unneeded and heartless. Cassey your body is fit, healthy and beautiful!! Don’t let them bring you down, they don’t deserve the satisfaction. They’re probably just jealous of the wonderfully inspiring internet sensation and community you’ve developed through your love of clean eating and fitness.
The moral of this is to never let people change your perspective of yourself and your body, it’s fruitless to do so. 🙂 I hope you continue to help us POPsters and yourself through your fitness and health journeys, because you keep us going and motivated and HAPPY.
We are here for you. <3
I completely relate to this. I’m in grad school, and in the last month of the semester I NEVER have time to work out and I find myself needing more food for energy. I’m still writing final papers right now, still not doing any workouts and I totally bought some candy to help me through. I’m letting myself do what I need to and I’ll hop back on the wagon when all my work is turned in.
I used to be upset that I couldn’t maintain my best weight once I’d achieved it for the first time, but life happens. It’s no big deal. I think you still look amazing and if anything the fact that you know what it is to struggle makes you more appealing as a teacher!
I was wondering if you might think about doing a post some time about tips for staying healthy/healthier when you’re really busy? I’ve made sure to keep drinking lots of water and tea, I made a couple of meals in advance, and I’m having green monster smoothies every couple of days to make sure I’m still getting some veggies. I haven’t had time/energy to work out but I have done some walking when possible. I haven’t found an answer to not consuming way too much sugar though!
I think you amazing and you have nothing to be ashamed about!
You continue to wow me every time I read your blogs. You are such a great role model and you are my inspiration. I feel like I’m coming from a similar place as you, except to a greater degree. I was at my goal weight and felt so proud of myself. But then I sustained a knee injury that lasted 6 months and began a new lifestyle at boarding school. I was a mess without being able to run for 6 months and having to eat cafeteria food because I didn’t have a kitchen of my own. I gained 20 pounds. When I realized just how much my new eating mindset (can always burn it off tomorrow) was affecting my health I felt like it was too late. After recovering from the injury, I lost a few of those 20 pounds but my mindset hasn’t shifted. I’m still overeating and not thinking I’m “good” enough to wear my cute clothes that no longer fit me. The only thing that fits me is my sweatpants, and people have started to make comments to me, “Hallie did you just come from a run or something?” “Sweats again?” “I think it’s time to go get you a better wardrobe.” But I don’t want a new wardrobe, not until I feel comfortable with my body. I keep throwing myself pity parties because I think I’m worthless. And those cry fests only lead to binges. Cassey you give me hope that its not just me. That even fitness instructors have up and down periods. That I’m not alone. I wanna give you a computer hug and tell you to keep on preaching it. Sure your up over your normal body weight, but there is no “perfect” human being, your just a real one. A real one who is making a real difference in this girls life, along with many others. Thank you Cassey. Infinite x’s and o’s -Hallie
Hi Cassey! I know what you feel. I’m a dietitian, everybody expects you to be skinny and to eat right, you must imagine the pressure around my dietitian colleagues… We have to think that we are professionals and we know what we know very well, and trust our knowledge. We have a family and other non related to our profession business, we are human too 🙂 Kisses from portugal
Dear Cassey,
Gotta say – while your physique is certainly an inspiration to all of your fitness clients & followers, it is your attitude that keeps us coming back for more. Your enthusiasm for life is what truly inspires me to take better care of myself. When you are 100 years old with a walker, I will still be taking your fitness/life advice. I hope that you can truly know that it is your character and your integrity that make you the most beautiful and inspiring instructor (and person!).
Thanks for changing my life (not because you have an inner thigh gap!).
xoxo Kat
I love this comment!
I cannot believe that anyone would ever comment on your weight. You look absolutely amazing and I am so inspired by the fact that your are both fit and healthy. You offer realistic, great advice that has truly changed my life. There are so many times when I feel like I don’t want to workout, but I know I will enjoy it because your videos are fun and they work! I am always telling people what an awesome instructor you are and letting them know about all of your great videos. I never thought I could do 100 burpees, but I did, thanks to you, and it really made me feel empowered. Thank you for being so relatable (and a little silly : ) )!! I hope I get to go to one of your meet-ups soon!
Your fan!
Thank you so much for writing this. I think this stuff every day and I know how hard it is. I just started a new job and was then told I have a longer commute than I expected. I totally understand being so busy and barely having time to sit down, let alone work out. Though I haven’t worked out as frequently as I’d like, your words are always in the back of my head…something is better than nothing. Even if I do 3 or 4 of your videos, that’s something and it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t still eat that extra granola bar on the way home because it’s extra calories.
You are so inspiring. Your positive attitude and approach to fitness is what keeps me going–not how you look or how much you weigh.
Thanks for being your awesome self!! <3 Michelle
Just what i needed to read.. I’ve been feeling the same as you feel Cassey!. I’ve been in the best shape of my life as i was doing Pilates. I devoted myself doing your exercise everyday and learned to eat veggies which I hated since I was young, before i went vacation 4 months ago. And I was thinner and felt so much in shame. But after i had my vacation and went back to work I started to loosen up & wasn’t strict with eating healthy foods even started to become laxed with my exercise regimen. Because of that i gained weight and felt so horrible every time other people would say “oh your fat again” but after reading your post today, it made me feel that I’m not alone with this struggle. Thank you Cas for inspiring me again. You really made my day. God bless you and may continue to inspire people. Your really such an amazing person. Your really an inspiration to us.. God bless!
The body cannot deal with such a strict diet and I think its really important not to push your body too far. if you gain a bit of weight so what I think you look great the way you are, thanks for this honest post
I love you so much for writing this. When I made the decision to get in shape, it was so hard to remind myself that being healthy and being thin are completely different things. Sometimes after a tough workout I would eat a huge portion of brown rice and then feel so horrible about it about that because I felt like I had just gained all the calories back. These days I’m a lot thinner than I used to be because some part of me keeps starving myself off carbs and fats. The worst part is that I’m afraid of gaining the weight back now that I’ve lost it. I’ve been trying hard to find my way back to YOLO foods and stress-free meals and I admire you so much for getting there. You’re strong, Cassey.
love this post.. You’re so wonderful! Owh you look GREAT, and this makes you real! Just keep on being that lovely crazy cassey <3!
Love you Cassey, you’re so right! Have you heard of Sophie Guidolin? She’s a fitness model from Australia who’s so lean she wins comps without doing much or any prep training! Her recipes are really good (as are yours) but just to recommend some more super clean food ideas to keep it interesting!
Thank You Cassey.
You honestly have no idea how important you are to me and my family.
You saved me, I was really struggling when I went into recovery from anorexia.
But somehow watching your videos, and reading your blog helped me start noticing the good things about my body. sure, i still notice the bad things, but the good have slowly started to outweigh them.
I live in New Zealand and I just got back from LA, travelling has wrecked havoc on my eating patterns and I don’t feel as confident with myself now that ive put on a bit of weight and my body has changed.Im having a difficult time accepting this.
The fact that you noticed you gained a bit of weight and you were able to see the positive side of things is really helping me to see that my life shouldn’t revolve around what number is on that scale.
You are my motivation, thank you for showing me someone who’s confident and happy with their body and life, and for also showing me someone who’s human and feels the guilt that comes with gaining weight.
I don’t feel so alone anymore.
You look amazing and I only wish i could gain weight and still look as wonderful as you do.
You really are a beautiful person, inside and out.
Thank you for being who you are.
Cassey, you are amazing. Able to keep your body such in shape despite the diet in America. Its not easy, especially for women’s bodies that store fat. I know how you feel, I have Asian relatives too. The thing I hate the most is that women are the one that comment on you if you are gaining weight or look fat. Really?! Women hate their bodies so much and try so hard to look good, yet women are the one that come up to you and tell you you look fat. Its ridiculous! Women need to learn to stop this cycle, its unhealthy. I’ll be honest, I don’t like the bikini competition, I mean don’t get me wrong. I think its amazing that you were able to do it and that is awesome. Yet for me, its like accepting the media’s mentality about how women should look like. Anyways, I shouldn’t lecture. Just ignore those stupid comments about your weight. Don’t fall into the false mentality about women and their body image. Its not healthy. You are a fitness instructor, there is no way that you will get too “fat.” You are smart and know what is needed for your body. So what if you gain weight, you know how to get rid of it. There is no woman around you know the things you do to keep your body fit. Its not easy, so those critics don’t know anything. Your body image is not anyone’s concern but yours. If you are happy with it, then that is all that matters. Thank you for your knowledge, you are helping so many people who struggle with weight. Thank you Cassey, you are beautiful.
you know what, cassey?
You never fail to inspire people
Even when you think that you ‘failed’ because you gained weight, you still managed to inspire.
Especially me.
I even stopped working out because i felt like it was useless.
Because I gained weight, i feel the worse, i felt horrendous. Today, it was my grandma’s birthday. But i didnt go because i’m scared that people would say i gained weight. I don’t want to hear anything about it.
But you changed my perspective and lifted all the burden i felt.
You remind me that I am just human and I shouldn’t stress myself about it. 🙁
This is just mind opening.
I love you, okay? We’ll support you all the way.
Omg Cassey!! I
‘m so glad you wrote this because, I felt the same way! I had to travel, so I started to take a break from a strict diet and exercise. Now, I felt like I’m a total failure after gaining a bit of weight.. And it made me want to break away completely from eating healthy and sparing time to exercise..
And, I have an asian family too.. Before, they say i’m too skinny and giving me looks when I don’t eat their unhealthy cookings (y know..dim sum, pad see ew, wonton noodles and all those goodies! Oh so good!~ ><) but now, they say my thighs are thick and it looked like a 'soccer player thigh'
But y know what.. After reading this post, I felt better and I'm inspired to start eating clean! Y kno wht, it's okay to gain weight! All I have to worry now is my future and how I'm going to be healthier 🙂
Cassey – You are beautiful inside and out! I hate that you are even made to feel slightly bad about your body because you are STILL skinny, strong and healthy! There are tons and tons of Popsters who wish they could look like you right now – I just hope people who are actually seriously struggling with their weight don’t feel like they have to be in bikini competition shape to be “perfect” because it just is not realistic or even attainable for most! ! I’m just glad you have the sense to know that there are ebbs and flows in life and working out 24/7 is just not possible…eating super clean 24/7 is not realistic (or very fun!) and that we have to embrace ourselves in every stage of our lives. But the point is — you look great and I hope you can move past any negative comments and continue to focus on being happy and balanced in all facets of your life. 🙂
Cassey, I have been so concerned lately about how I look. I use to be a swimmer and I was so super lean then. But I wasn’t able to swim anymore because of a shoulder injury and I gained weight quickly. It’s not that I’m fat but I am not as lean as I wish I was. I HATE myself in a bathing suit and I’ve been working so hard to like what I see in the mirror. I’m doing really well but now I am going to have to take 6 weeks off working out because I am having surgery and I am so terrified I am gonna gain weight from it. But, what I am gonna do is this: I am going to watch what I eat and stay positive so that when I am able to start working out again, I will be ready and healthy. You are the reason I am working so hard at being the healthiest and best me I can be. Thank you so much for everything you do and inspiring all these people to better their health.
Two years ago, I was at my going-away lunch at my old job, with all my colleagues. They gave me a nice gift, told me how they appreciated me and that they were going to miss me. All of a sudden, a new employee in the group, a weird woman, angry with life and always moody, said to me in front of everyone “You’ve gained weight, right?” I was so angry, I told her straight to her face that yes, I had gained weight but that her remark was inappropriate and that’s not something you say, especially not at someone’s party. People are mean sometimes. I think you look great and healthy. You let your body recover, you enjoyed good food, and you’re still fitter and slimer than most of us, your readers. Don’t be hard on yourself and please don’t do anything drastic.
Hi Cassey.
I admire this post so much. I have been struggling with anorexia for the past couple of years, and reading this was truly inspiring. I struggle with these same thoughts every day, and it’s great that people are talking more about this issue. Thank you for being so inspiring and positive.
I think you are more beautiful now than on the picture, you look more healthy! Thank you fore changing my life and giving me the courage to start training! You are beautiful !!!!!
Most people say I’m lean, but I see someone squishy in the mirror and I feel someone squishy whenever I put on my favorite “clear soup” jeans or when a favorite pair of jeans turns into a pair of “clear soup” jeans. I remember once someone jokingly called me a fatass when I was out running, but It was still hard to not get offended by it and I thought of the perfect comeback AFTER I got home. (always how it works). Contrary to how most people think, with me eating gluten free, refined sugar, (mostly) dairy free, and eating weird foods like liver, kidneys, heart, spleen, kombucha, unsweetened chocolate, chia seeds, goat yogurt, and sheep yogurt, I still love my YOLO foods and thensome. I have a problem with willpower with YOLO foods. I can’t have “just a taste.” I have to have the whole container, even if I know it will make me sick. I think the balance is finding an eating regime (I dont’ say diet because that implies something temporary) that both tastes good, doesn’t deprive you, leaves your body at a healthy weight/body fat percentage, and leaves you feeling energized. I once tried the bikini competition meal plan because I was desperate to lean out, but after a week I felt like a zombie, and yeilded, so I knew it was not for me. In fact, I was researching, and though i think doing the bikini competition was admirable, doing a diet that is both low carb and low fat is actually quite detrimental to the body, since you need ether carbs or fat as your “efficient:” energy source, and protein is not an easily used, efficient energy source. You need either carbs in your bloodstream to be efficiently burned, or you need fat to make ketones, so by just eating protein (fiber is not absorbed and provides no calories nor energy) you’re not fueling the body properly. I’ve been eating paleo/primal lately, and I’ve found I like it very much, and that I do well on a high fat/moderate protein/low carb macronutrient distribution ratio, and paleo/primal is the kind of dietary regime where you can lean out without feeling deprived.
(whoa that ended up being long)
I found this website looking for workouts, and boy am I glad!
I have been unable to work out for the last long while because I have been fixing compensation patterns from old sports injuries. Of course through the duration of re establishing muscle relationships and memory my new ‘workouts’ were a big huge tease to what I was normally used to. However, today, I did a circuit workout of my own design based on moves I have found from various mags (I had to make them more isometric/stabilizing) and was able to actually break a sweat without having any discomfort in my joints or muscles. This is the first time in over a year!
I am so happy to have found this resource because I am gonna kill these workouts(slowly but surely…lol) Not to mention I am gonna feel so stinking good and strong!
I will say that it was absolutely enraging to not be able to workout when I had the desire to. Not to mention that I am used to the body benefits (like firm skin) and I watched myself slowly …degrade…. (in my case it was literal because I had to intentionally become weaker so I could essentially re engineer my muscle patterns) and just sit their and feel horrible because I just couldn’t do anything more about it at that time.
Such a strange feeling, looking at your body and wanting it to be one thing while it’s another….while also trying to convince yourself to accept yourself… It is so hard for me to not compare my self to all of the big boobed girls(no put down intended) with nice toned firm butts and legs and a six pack….to what I see in the mirror which is a barely their A cup with dimply thighs and booty and a bit of muffin top. How do you accept what you see in the mirror when you know you are capable of being what your comparing your self to? I can’t say I have developed acceptance towards my body the way it is. I want to change my body from it’s natural form….. Is that bad…? I asked my self that a lot…. I decided that I don’t think so. I like to like what I see in the mirror. I don’t think it’s bad that I don’t choose to accept one form of myself. Everyone chooses to downplay the faults they are most ashamed of.
Well, it’s finals week and I’m going to spend the rest of the weekend doing some more PT of my own design and studying and on Monday its on like donkey kong. Cheers to my recovery!!
One time, like, 5 years ago in fourth grade summer rec, we were rehersing a play and I was waiting for my entrance, when this 1st grade girl taps on my chubby shoulder and says that this other little boy has something to say to me. Then, he says, “Well YOU said it first!” and then I asked what they said and he goes, “She called you cow! hahahaha” and then, they get into a big fight about who called me a cow first… honestly, I hadn’t even really known that I was fat before that day… even though i was a good 50 pounds overweight. What a wakeup call :/. but thats the past! You’ve helped me come SO far from that Cassey!!! Also, I don’t think you look fat! Not at all! Honestly, you look really good! my goal is to be as in shape as you are now!:)
Oh, and I forgot to add that the people who are commenting on your ‘weight gain’ are sick. they must be the kind of people who judge every little thing and try to put down people who seem too happy just so they can lift themselves up. Sure, you may not be AS thin as you were back then, but that was impossible to keep up with. And it’s not like you’re FAT now! you’re beautiful!
Hey Cassey,
Just don’t let all these mean people take down your self-confidence! I can understand that we all have times when we are a little bit insecure about our looks… If you should feel that way, you should just know: Your POPsters will always love and support you even if you should gain 20 or 50 pounds!:-P
Hello Cassey, I just wanted to say that I have noticed that maybe you look a little “bigger” than your bikini pictures, but I NEVER thought that it was because you suddenly began to overeat and were slacking on your workouts. You post new videos all the time and we all know that you teach a lot of classes. Teaching FITNESS, not THINNESS, is your job. I have enjoyed learning about Pilates and clean eating from your videos, and I can honestly say that you have changed my life. Before I found you, I was working out sufficiently, but eating “diet” food that I would find in boxes on the grocery store shelf. After I learned about clean eating through your videos, I started to eat raw fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, and shed off a lot of weight. Now, the muscles that I had always worked for are showing through, and it makes me happy to see my hard work pay off. When I read this post, at first I thought that it was good for you to defend your own body image to the people that made negative comments (by the way I’m pretty sure those are like 16 year old girls that have followed your advice, seen good results, and now think that THEY are the experts). When I kept reading, however, It seemed that you were being a little hard on yourself for “letting yourself go.” YOU LOOK AMAZING, because you WORK HARD everyday for your body. Although you looked great in your bikini pictures, I always thought that the competition was a personal challenge for you to see how far you could push yourself to meet your goal. Having an extreme diet and training regimen like that is not something that we all can do throughout our lives. It isn’t realistic. That is only something to challenge yourself to do for a relatively brief period of your life to meet a short-term goal, not how you should live everyday. The fact that you seem to think that you aren’t your best right now because you don’t have the extreme bikini body concerns me. I just want you to know that your real fans support you and don’t expect you to live up to an unrealistic image of “fitness.” We can all see that you’re rock hard and have an amazing work ethic. Thank you for all that you do.
Now go kick some ass….that is all.
You still look gorgeous, Cassey! I can’t believe people actually pointed that out but don’t feel ashamed or bad about it! We still love you just the same. You just need to start over, no big deal. 🙂 I really feel I can trust you to tell us how it is, and with this post, you really have done it again. You’re so brave and I admire you so much for it.
This reminds us that you’re human just like us. And that no one is perfect. We couldn’t ask for a better instructor than one who has been through EVERYTHING <3
I cannot believe How rude some people can be. It seems some people want to hurt others. Bring other people down because they are not Happy with themselves. We are only human and No one is perfect. Case stay as special as you are. Our self worth does not come from a number on the scale!
My names Lydia I am 17 years old and have dealt with a horrendous amount of criticism for my weight for the past couple of years. I am 5 ft and weigh 8 lb, I would not say im really really overweight but the pressure to be stick thing is so great it takes over everything. It is so hard waking up everyday knowing that I should be thinking about what I wear in order to hide my curves, its sad to know i am nowhere near happy with myself or my appearance. I think the saddest part is the shame I put myself through after i have indulged in something. I always try and maintain the motivation to get fit and change my lifestyle simply for myself, and I always find myself battling over whether I can ever be happy knowing my weight. I hold enough prejudice being very short for my age and criticisms keep an addition. Thank you for this post Cassey, I think knowing even you could possibly get comments on your weight simply shows people always find a way to comment and that it isn’t a personal flaw of mine, I should be doing it for myself.xxxx
First of all I hope my english isn´t too bad.
I love you for train us all for FREE!
You put so many time and love in your work to make us fit and stay healthy!
And for me it is a great motivation to see that you are just normal and that you like to eat like me too.
P.S.: I LOVE your banana pancakes thank you for them! 🙂
Stay great! ♥
awwww!! cassie v will always love u for wht ur not how ur body looks!! ur always been inspiration for me and u will always really happy u shared this with us thnku
this is a beautiful post! HEALTH is important. Enjoyment of LIFE is important. And I bet you are healthy as a horse just the way you are now. Looks are secondary. You’re beautiful! Keep doing what you do!!!!
Casseyyyy! I so admire you right now more than ever, your so honest and down to earth and that’s what people need in the world, more people like you! Who cares what people say, you still look great and are a huge motivation to so many people including myself! Your pop pilates videos are the FIRST time i’ve actually enjoyed exercising and stuck to it! Keep up the good work, i’ll be following your training videos for years to come.
YES! Thank you so much for this post, Cassey. I’ve been gaining weight lately and wondering when I would get back on track. Similarly within the course of one year, I have seen myself at my tiniest and my largest. I managed to become the fittest I ever was with your videos and advice last summer. But as the school year rolled in, I got caught up with school, sports and the holiday season (DUN, DUN, DUN) and I put on some weight. It made me panic for a while. I cheerlead and for some reason I thought the extra 10 pounds would demote me from my flyer position. But then I realized that my body still has the strength to do what it needs to do and much more. I am excited for summer to come again to get back onto a great, healthy routine.
Thank you so much Cassey for your honesty. I really did not think you had gained weight. You are so beautiful inside and out! My weight has fluctuated my whole life and so I have dealt with a lot of comments like that time and time again. I look forward to a time when people see that being any certain weight does not mean that you are healthy and/or happy. Keep shining your light! Thank you. 🙂
I always was too skinny, even sometimes extremely skinny. But until I started working out with your videos, I really hated my not toned up body with no relief at all. The same way as some girls with weight problems hate their body, I hated how my body looks without sport. I always was into fitness, but some time ago I had a really big injury (I got in a motorcycle crash) and I had to quit. And only with your help and with your videos I was able to start work out again! You are so inspiring, so motivating! You just best trainer ever-ever-ever! And you looks great! Love you so much Cassey!
I LOVE how honest you are. That is what inspires me the most. Nobody’s perfect and you share that even you struggle at times. That just makes me want to get up after I fall down and try again. Thank you so much for your honesty and everything that you do. Oh, and you’re gorgeous by the way, I dream of having a body like yours 😉
Hey Cassey! First of all, i wanted to tell you that I kind of know that feeling. All my life I’ve been trying to get a bikini body, but I never had it. In fact, when I did get a bit closer, I’d suddenly have chocolate cravings all the time – unfortunetly, I always satisfied them with plenty of it without thinking twice – and I’d feel extremely lazy and ashamed of going out for a run, because I feared I’d look chubby in tight clothes. But it turns out I never tried hard enough. Lately, I realized that all this time I had spent going to psychologists and nutritionists and people who thought my problem was eating too much was useless. Actually, the problem was that my diets had always been too extreme: no carbs, no sweets, no gluten, no soda, etc. And the biggest problem is that I’m traumatized about the whole thing, since I’ve never ever looked into the mirror and genuinely liked what i was seeing. I remember worrying about my looks even when I was 7 years old (I’m 13 now), which was NOT supposed to be a problem for me at the time. So now I’m doing things right. I realized I have to care less about what others think and start doing this not for them, but for myself. And I cant wait until I get the body I’m working so hard on – with your help, of course. Thanks for doing these videos. Seriously, THANK YOU. I don’t know if you’ll even get to read this but I thought I’d give it a try. (: xx
You wrote: “You know, being a fitness instructor – your body is a scource of inspiration for others. It’s supposed to be chiseled. Hard. Toned and tight. And when it starts […] you start feeling like your career and credibiltiy are on the line”
that is my answer (though it’s NOT my OWN):
“I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can’t bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can’t bring me down
So don’t you bring me down today!”
(Christina Aguilera)
Cassy: you always tell us that we work out for ourselves. that, no matter what other think of us, it’s important to stay true to ourselves and to believe and to keep up the work. I am really upset, that you let those comments get close enough to you to make you feel fat.
you are beautiful no matter how “big” your inner thigh gap is!!!
you are a role model (to me) ESPECIALLY BECAUSE you gained some weight and showed me that it’s not a bad thing, as long as you notice and keep working on it!!!!
you DO NOT have to look like a bikini contest-model to be an authentic, great, motivating and inspiring FITNESS INSTRUCTOOR!!!!
You’r awsome and I really hope that you work out a solution to keep a distance to statements like the ones on youtube! For so many people (in the whole wide world, and over here in Germany 🙂 ) your a motivator to get us off the couch and get our mucles killed every single day!
You are great and i love you and your videos!
Cassey i got married in the summer and I was so happy with how I looked, which was thanks to pop pilates! so thank you 🙂 I honestly find you look gorgeous now, you look more ‘natural’ and ‘healthy’. Dont get me wrong every girl wants to see all her muscles toned etc but the way you look now looks really healthy and the way a fitness instructor should look! Its horrible when you feel that way (i currently do now) buuuut like you said..everyone has their ups and down you cant always look amazing (even though i would die to look like you :P)
I want to thank you so much for being who you are. You’re absolutely perfect in every way. I had a really tough fall and winter, gained weight, was extremely depressed and filled with anxiety, was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hypoglycemia among all my other issues…I’ve been on medication, but didn’t feel as happy or energetic as I have been while doing your workout calendars and hearing your inspiration. People are mean, but only because they don’t have the qualities you have. They’re jealous and not comfortable with themselves. Wouldn’t you like to see what they’re like when they step away from the keyboard? It’s safer back there. Thanks for getting me back on track, keeping me on my toes and for showing me true kindness and inspiration.
This made me sad to read! I can’t believe you feel as if you need to lose weight when you look so great, as you say it should be about being healthy and feeling good. You said you were tired and not eating enough before so surely that’s not as healthy as you are now?! I think you look amazing and are a constant inspiration for me so please don’t worry about it Cassey!!xxxxx
Hey 🙂
I just wanted to say that any comment about you gaining weight is completely ridiculous. For me exercise is about feeling good, being fit and being healthy. Being healthy is the most important consideration in my mind, and gaining a little weight in no way makes you unhealthy. Ever since I started pop pilates about a year and a half ago I have seen wonderful results. I am not necessarily losing weight, but that was never my goal. I can see myself toning up and building stamina and endurance, which is what I have wanted from the beginning. Your videos are inspiring, encouraging and mostly importantly FUN!
Please keep doing what you are doing and feeling good about yourself. Your are beautiful inside and out so don’t forget it! Thanks for everything you do!
Cassie, I didn’t notice. I wasn’t paying that much attention. I was focussed on the workout, thought it was very clever how you gave our minds something to do to detract from the muscle burn, though you sounded bright and bubbly as usual, and looked lovely as usual. I too have put on weight right now but have the opposite problem from you: “You’re lovely as you are!”, “You don’t need to lose weight!”, “If you need to lose weight, then what does that mean for the rest of us (laugh)”, “Men like women with a bit of meat on their bones”, “I think you look better”. Well, thanks your opinions but I’d prefer support or at least acceptance.
I love your videos! I started yesterday and I want to do the 90 days challenge! I will put my outcome in my blog 🙂 wish me luck!
You are such an inspiration to me. Your positive attitude and encouragement always make me feel good. I found you by accident on livestrong and was hooked as soon as I started the first video. Even when I really don’t want to workout and think I’ll just see what this video is like before I try it, I ALWAYS end up on the floor saying “wait for me”. It makes me feel good the whole day. There are days I still have negative thoughts about my body, but I hear you in my head saying things from your video like “you are strong” and it helps push out those negative thoughts and make healthy choices throughout the day.
You are my absolute favorite fitness guru. You are beautiful inside and out! Thank you for all you do.
Cassey, if I was inspired by you before I am even more inspire now! I respect you for been so real and thank you so much for all you do for us!!!
We love you, by the way you need to do a meet up in Portland, OR.
<3 <3<3
Girl, I didn’t even notice the difference ’cause in the back of my mind I was sayin’ to myself “DAMN, I gotta keep goin’ harder to look that good!” You’ve still got a body to make girls envious and men swoon! Don’t let those people pointin’ it out let you down, they are just lookin’ for somethin’ to make themselves feel better and shame on them for not bein’ adults about it!
How does anyone have time to notice if you’ve gained weight? Throughout ABC ABS, I was just focused on doing that star move properly and I still can’t do it! You’re a beast Cassey, I can never keep up with you lol.
But I do want to bring up something that this post made me think of… what is our motivation for working out and being healthy? Is it solely to have a nice body, like airbrushed women in magazines? Our motivation should be to live healthier lives! Looking awesome is just an added benefit. I, like most people, work out for ‘vain’ reasons… I want to look hot in a bikini and honestly, I rather look better naked than with clothes on. It would add a lot to my self-esteem. But do I really need to have the most toned, chiseled and defined body to have better self-esteem? Is self-esteem only tied to our perception of our physical bodies?! Obviously not.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is that whether you gain a couple or lose a couple, it’s not important. Having a body that you’re happy with should be only be a by-product of living a more active and healthy life, and not the #1 priority… the fact that people notice your weight gain just proves to me that women keep self-destructive images in their minds. It’s fine to be inspired by other women’s bodies, but we have to also keep in mind that many of those pictures we see have been edited, and we’re not all fitness instructors! If we look ourselves and don’t think we look as good as someone else, we’ll never be happy with our results. It’s great to be fit, but we have to also be realistic! You may never qualify to be a Victoria Secret model, but that’s ok (figurative you). I learnt this lesson because my boyfriend is a circus artist, and trains alongside circus artist women with the mooost perfect bodies. I’d compare myself to them and feel bad about myself and wonder why my boyfriend would want a body like mine, when he could have something like THAT. One day, I told this same thing to one of my friends and she said “They’re circus artists. They train for a living! Their bodies are their careers!” I never looked at it that way before. Working out all day is not the career path that I’ve chosen, nor most people out there, so why would I think I could results like those?
Cassey, you may be a fitness instructor, but you’re so much more than that. With all your projects and commitments, I’m sure you don’t have time to workout all day either. Please don’t ever worry or be ashamed of gaining some weight. As long as you continue to live a healthy exemplary life by eating well and being active, that will always make you credible in my eyes, because that’s hard enough!! I understand where you’re coming from though, thinking it would discredit you. My Zumba instructor isn’t the most toned or even ‘skinny’ really. I would wonder why she doesn’t a super svelte body because she kicks my butt in every class. Turns out she teaches Zumba as a 2nd job, works full-time, and is married with a baby. Lol well then. I felt bad for having those thoughts and I still do. I go to her class regularly because she’s the bomb and what she teaches works for me, and what she DOES inspires me, not just how she looks.
Anyway, that was a super long comment and I went on many tangents, but all of this to say you’re amazing Cassey, with a few extra or not! Sorry for giving you another comment to read!
This comment is perfect! Couldn’t have put it better myself 🙂
You look beautiful, healthy and very fit! It doesn’t matter whether you you weigh 10 pounds more or less. Most girls would kill to have your body – haha 😀
I think depriving yourself by going on such a strict diet is not good at all. I think what happend to you is exactly what happens to most people, after they went on a diet. It’s the yo-yo-effect! Because you werde deprived before, you eat double as much afterwards.
Don’t worry about your weight, Cassey! Your the best fitness-instructor I know – and the only one that gets me up and going and doing things I never thought I could do! I actually have fun doing sports now! I never thought this could happen to me 😀
Just keep on doing your good work, eat clean and healthy (but don’t deprive!) and stay the fabulous person that you are! xo
I’m a day late, but this was brilliant. It’s so true. Whoever said it was possible to be “perfect” all the time?? Life is inconsistent and that’s what makes it beautiful. Change is beautiful. And so many things can be scary! But it’s true, just pick yourself up and start anew.
Great post, Cassey. Really awesome of you to say. Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂
I love this post, i think it’s normal gain weights after a stressuful period!
The important is that you haven’t found excuses and you are ready to re-start!
Honestly i think you have a beautiful and feminine body, for me last year your legs were too thin.. so i think you should gain only muscle in your leg / abs. It will be easy for you, you are an amazing personal trainer!
So don’t worry! ♥
Eat clean and train dirty :’)
Hey Cassey! I just wanna let you know that we are actually on the same boat 🙂 lol. I have been skinny ALL my life and I never had to do anything for it. Now, I’m starting to notice some fat on my waist area. For months now I was deniying it saying to myself that it was just a little flub cuz I ate too much and that it will be gone by tomorrow. What snaped me into reality was at work one day (I work in a photolab) I saw a picture of a woman who was showing her belly. Her shape was excactly like mine and at the bottom of the picture it said ’10 weeks pregnant’. I was like OMG Im FAT like a pregnant girl! I freaked. Now I’m worryed that I’m either pregnant (wich is probably not likely) or gaining weight. Hopefuly just fat lol cuz I know I can get the weight off. I just need to push myself. Just like you can. And Girl, you gaining weight is still skinny to me lol I saw that video and I didn’t even notice lol.
My sister introduced me to you about a year ago-I had twins (and got HUGE.) I love working out, but getting back into the groove with two little ones running around was difficult. I love your workouts, and there are a few reasons why. I love that you struggle through them with us, and you can tell that it’s real! I love that you admit to having flaws, in short I love that you are real.
You are truly an inspiration–I did ABC abs and all I could think was that you looked gorgeous and healthy as always. You will never be discredited as a fitness instructor in my mind and in the mind of popsters everywhere because we know that you know what you are doing!
Stay upbeat, stay positive, and stay you! We’re with you through thick n thin (like what I did there ;))
And to answer your question–Yes, I’ve been asked if I gained weight as well. It never feels good, but sometimes I think they tear you down to try and feel better about themselves (although this inevitably backfires). #MayMuscles <—-kicking my arse! (and loving every second of it)
Love you Cassey! You are such a great inspiration to everyone! I’m struggling with food as you were, I’m afraid of fruit, and actually every food. I finally started gaining weight to win over anorexia and t your last post helped me realize, that I’m not the only one struggling… I lost a lot of weight just because someone told me I am not beautiful, because my bootie is too big. You are great and you look as beautiful as always! Love you 🙂
Thank you for writing this.. you truly are a inspiration. People are always so quick to judge… and the people who probably wrote those things about you are probably not happy with themselves. Who cares if you have a cheat meal ever once in awhile you are probably a lot healthier than most people out there and you should be proud of that.. for that fact alone!
Love your videos!
This post was just what I needed. I was bathing suit shopping, I grabbed all my sizes and was shocked when I put it on. I hated the way i looked. I couldn’t get it off quick enough. I couldn’t even look at myself, or rather, i couln’t stop cuz i couldn’t believe that was me i was seeing. The girl who works out for an hour a day and watches what she eats looked like she has never done pilates a day in her life. I left feeling so discouraged. I’ve never really been self concious about my body. So that intense feeling of wanting to wear a turtle neck and sweats to the beach was so painful. I tried switching workouts meaning I haven’t been up on my pop pilates as much as i usually am. For about 3 months i haven’t done more than one oh her videos (SHAME ON ME) Between a full time job and school part time working out has to be one of the most difficult things for me to squeeze into my crazy busy life. But i try to devote at least 20mins to a good cardio routine. I think the best thing for me right now is to make pilates playlists like i used to. I know for a fact I was in the best shape of my life when I did pop pilates religiously.
We are more than our bodies, Cassey! I love how you can be so honest with us, I really do!
My family tells me every time we see (I live far away from them) that I have gained some weight and while they do it because they might be worried about my eating habits it’s still hard for me to keep hearing that. But guess! After February, March and April calender and all those work outs done with you I came home in May and they said that I got thinner!! Though I am not sure if they are pleased or worried – families are sometimes hard to make happy, right? (And they aren’t even Asian)
I hate when family members (and definitely acquaintances) feel the need to tell me I’ve gained weight, or point out how thin I looked in a photo…my parents growing up were very honest whenever my sisters and I gained weight. It wasn’t in a mean way, my parents are old school and my mom culture (my mom is from El Salvador, my dad is Irish American) people are just more blunt about talking about weight. For a while growing up my family called me “Gordita” which means “little fatty/fat girl.” Although now that my sisters and I are adults, and fortunately never had serious battles with weight gain, my dad still pointed out a couple weeks ago that my “clothes were looking tighter and butt looking bigger.” I responded quickly with, “yeah dad, you don’t think I noticed? I’ve only gained 8 lbs, I’ll lose it in a couple weeks. As for the bigger butt….that I don’t mind.” The last part he wasn’t too keen on 🙂 I love my body, it’s not perfect but it’s mine. And a work in progress lol, I’m trying to get back into running and circuit training to improve my health and avoid buying new clothes for my big butt 😉 Love the post, thanks for sharing!
and just for the record Cassey,whenever you feel down u should show that to us in your ideos! u dont have to pretend you r okay just to get us going! we keep going because we r going hard all together! so we should be here for you too! not only you for us! 😀 <3 love u!
Cassey you will stay my best inspiration! This will only improve to people you are real, every person is going through this and I know you do also!
Lot’s of love,
Hi Cassey.
Thanks for being so honest about your situation. I recently went through some weight issues of my own that I want to share. For the last 3 years, I have been a dedicated gym-goer and popster. My body was at a place I was incredibly proud of, because I knew it was 100% due to my hard work and careful eating. Then, in November of 2012, I was diagnosed with MS. I was in the middle of a symptom flair and had to significantly cut back on my work outs. Needless to say, I gained some weight — about 10 lbs — in just a few months. No one else was commenting on my weight gain, but I was really ragging on myself for getting so far off course. My toned physique was fading fast, and it only added to what was already a very depressing time. I dreaded getting on the scale at the many doctor’s appointments I was going to, and the scale certainly did not lie.
It’s been about six months since my diagnosis, and my MS symptoms are much more in control at present. I’ve finally been able to get back in the gym, and I’ve been doing lots of your workouts to ease myself back into the strenuous workouts I once could do. You are so right to recognize that your body needed time off to rest and recuperate. I’ve come to terms with the fact that my body needed just the same, and I have forgiven myself (and even commended myself) for taking a break from my workouts. Fitness is all about being healthy; size is never a good measure of fitness success. If we are healthy, then we are doing exactly what we need to. I will continue your workouts for as long as my body will allow me to, and I vow to take time off when my body needs it.
This post could not have come at a more perfect time for me. It’s reassuring to hear that even those trained in physical fitness struggle with body image issues. You’ve been a big inspiration and steadying force during my recent tough times, and I could never thank you enough for that. Keep up the good work. The world (and young women in particular) needs more folks like you!
Cassey, you did monumental work to get yourself ready for the bikini competition and probably at the sacrifice of having any life outside of diet and training. Those pictures of ripped, competition ready physiques take a tonne of hard work and focus. Those bodies, though sometimes impressive, sometimes creepy IMO, are quite simply, naturally, unsustainable (and a little body fat looks far more attractive and healthy – are you listening Madonna!?). Basically you should be more proud of the discipline and goals reached than the body it achieved.
You’ve motivated and inspired me back into nurturing my physical body after a bad bout of, well, life. Thanks to your enthusiasm and inspiration I’m creeping my way back down from the nearly 200lbs that I’d ballooned up to. The amount of people you’ve inspired and helped is far more impressive than any fatless thigh. Frankly I’m always impressed at how you can keep talking throughout the workouts!
Keep doing what you do.
Brave post, inspirational words. Never be ashamed of any part of your journey to and from health. it makes us who we are and even stronger in the end. Thank you for being real. That is what people can relate to. They can’t relate to perfection, that’s actually intimidating.
Cassis, thank you so much for posting this!! Honestly I have always thought you look awesome and you’re always so bubbly in your videos, you make it so much fun to workout lol. It sucks that our westernised society places so much value on physical appearance, it shouldn’t be about what we look like, it should be about what our bodies are telling us and whether or not we are getting the right and enough nutrients. For the better part of my adolescence I battled anorexia and it is such an unfun place to be. Even now years later post recovery, I sometimes find myself feeling guilty for eating something that is not as clean as it should be. Recently a friend of mine who is quite small has been comparing herself to me and pointing out how much bigger I am. I am by no means big, but boy does it squash my self esteem. Then I think, I can run a reasonable distance and lift heavy. I am probably now the healthiest I have ever been. Thank you so much for what you do, you’re such an inspiration to so many people. Just think how many lives you have changed!!! Take care xox
Cassey* stupid auto correct lol
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! DONT LET ANYONE SAY THAT YOU ARE NOT!!! I know how u feel Cassey, when I went on holidays last year (back home to Poland) I got a lot (and I really mean a lot) of comments about my looks (Iam 164 cm tall and I had 68 kg on me). Yes a I was a bit bigger then I would like but saying I am fat few times a day for 2 weeks its just cruel. It make me cry a lot. Now Ive lost 10kg and going there in 6weeks and I am scared of any comments. LOVE YOU XXXXXXX
hey u shouldnt! 10 kg is quite the weight! i know that because im 1.68 and when i was 58 kg last summer everyone was like you are so skinny! and i had lost 5 kg…i know im 4 cms taller than you but c mon.u shouldnt let their comments get to you anyway! if you want to lose weight do it for u! not for them! remember they can only hurt you if u let them! 😉 i think you r gorgeous anyway! <3
You are so beautiful and an inspiration. So what if you’ve gained a few pounds, you’re still the best freaking fitness instructor around. I’m not lying. God bless, & keep doing what you do.
Bonjour Cassey,
Just another message among all to thank you for this post!
You’re always lovely and credible because you’re so nice from the inside. You’re are such a good person, who really care about other, and are not afraid at all to share your doubts and thougths, whatever they are. You tell the truth.
I’m French so sorry for my english, but i really wanted to THANK YOU because i’m living excatly the same thing for the moment and your words are so helping me.
I study languages and I went to study in China for a semester. I came back to Italy in January and I gained 8 kilos. My parents kept telling me everyday that I gained weight as if I didn’t know it myself. I felt so bad because I didn’t like the way I look and I felt uncomfortable with the clothes I used to like. I lost 1 kilo the week after I came back because of the change in my food habits again. And I lost other 3 kilos until now. I still have 5more kilos to lose, and then I found you. You are such an inspiration and give me motivation and strenght everyday, even if I don’t have enough time and do 2 or 3 vid a day instead of 5. a week passed since I started and I already see my muscles more defined and feel toned. it’s great. and YOU are helping me. thank you for being who you are.
Anyone who calls you fat seriously needs their eyes tested.
Dear Cassey,
Thanks so much for this post, I’m also asian and I completely get where you’re coming from. This past year, I started lifting weights and yes, gaining weight too due to the added pressure of getting ready for college. A while ago, while I was doing Pilates in a tank top, my aunt and a friend of hers started commenting on how I was still so chubby with all the exercise I was doing. They probably assumed that I couldn’t understand because they were speaking in Taiwanese, but my sister was also nearby so she translated for me. This happened right before supper time, and by the time I took my first bite at dinner, I could feel myself shaking uncontrolably and filled with tears waiting to spill out. There was no way I could stand eating in front of people who thought, and said that I was fat. So I ran into my room and bawled my eyes out, waiting until everyone else was finished to eat. Afterwards I had to lie to my aunt and pretend I was just feeling unwell. Yes, I may not be as skinny like all the other tiny Asian girls, but I’m working on it through exercise and diet. How come all they noticed was my curvy frame instead of the fact that I’ve been gaining definition in my arms and legs. Sorry for the long rant. This post is exactly what I needed.
sorry, wrong website link, it’s actually and I just started blogging because you’ve been such an inspiration to me and I want to follow in your footsteps, group instructor and all. thanks Cassey for being such an inspiration to me and many others.
Hello Cassey,
first of all I want to thank you for sharing with us such personal things and showing who you really are. It makes me really motivated that all this community are just normal people solving normal things going and passing around.
Personally, I think that to say you are getting more weight is just matter of opinion. From my perspective, you look more healvy than every before and also more as real woman and sexy girl 🙂 For one person saying you are getting fat there will be always 100 people thinking, waaaaw, she looks amazing. Because you are!
So finally, it´s just about how you feel, to love yourself. If you feel stronger, faster….soooo what to say? You said listen your body. And your body is saying….come on Cassey! I feel stronger like that, better…so listen. It´s maybe that´s really like that….your body is speaking to you and what to say…i feel really good:)
Don´t let some negative commenting on your body to delete all positive things people are saying to your body.
There will be always somebody who will think you are fat more than you should or thinier more than you should….or more smiling than you should, or other bullshits 🙂
This is all about how our society works….sometimes on judgement and with thinking what is right and what is not. But nobody knows what it is. Just you and your body and how you feel 🙂
I love your job, body, everything you are doing….just add more restiing time, time for yourself and I think it´s perfect!! 🙂
misha :-*
“Personally, I think that to say you are getting more weight is just matter of opinion.”
Well, no. The number on the scale doesn’t lie. If it goes up, then you’ve gained weight. It’s a fact, not opinion.
dear Cassie,
you looked so strong and so happy,that i didnt know you arent ok. and now you are thee ordinary girl,like one of us.and i want to say you thanks you for that. we sometimes need to hear that nobodys perfect.wish you good luck to feel you good again:-*
I am new to this Blogilates community, but I already feel this is the perfect place for people to get fit and gain self confidence. Not only is Cassey amazing and inspiring, but to everyone out there who is also following Cassey, your positive outlook is GREAT. Reading Cassey’s post was amazing because as everyone else has mentioned, we can see that Cassey is a normal person. I’m also in awe of everyone’s positive comments which is why I really love this community. And honestly I think Cassey, that you are more beautiful now than when you were training for your competition. Super skinny is not appealing to an audience of girls who are working hard when it’s apparent that they may not achieve what they are looking at everyday. I think the most important thing is for everyone to love the skin they’re in and from there self confidence will shine through. I could go on and on, but I just want to say I am proud of Cassey and of everyone who is working hard to become healthy, and maintain their strength. Keep it up!!!! Thank you everyone for your inspiration!!!
xxx Audrey
You are beautiful, your body is perfect, you don’t need to explain and, please, do not feel ashamed because of some silly measurements. ♥ We love you. Hugs from México.
Cassey again thanks for speaking your mind out! I definitely understand and know what you’re talking about. I get called fat or I’ve gained weight all the time. At first it was awkward and a bit upsetting.. but soon enough I didn’t really care anymore because I knew it wasn’t going to be any useful if I sulked over it anymore. I just took it on and tried to remind myself all the time that I should have a more balanced diet, etc. And I guess as you’ve always been telling us, it’s the confidence that does shape how others view us too! ^^ Cassey, I just want to let you know how utterly amazing and beautiful you are no matter what size you are! You’re such an inspiration!! you inspire me to always push forward, to stay strong and work for it, so I’ll continue to do just that! Stay strong Cassey! And I really want to say Thank You so much!!! 😀 if it weren’t for you, I would have given up half way through. :p so thank you again!! ^^ we love you just the way you are for who you are!! 😀
Cassey I did not even notice your body in ABC Abs.. I noticed your body in What Makes You Bootyful and other videos where I was worried you may be getting too small and too skinny. You are always beautiful (inside and out) and always a HUGE source of inspiration for each and every POPster. You are the reason I LOVE to work out. You are the reason I am feeling more confident. You are the reason I wear shorts. You are the reason I SMILE when I’m killing myself with 100 burpees. You have been the biggest and most positive change in my body image and now entire positive and healthy outlook (I’m a little health groupie!) Thank you for posting this because it shows we all go through the same thing, but thank you for also recognizing it is not healthy or necessary. I LOVE YOU.
Hey Cassey,
Thanks for keeping real. Weight goes up and down some. That’s normal. You are still a healthy weight and fit. Thanks what’s important. I don’t know what to say about a society that looks at someone who is in good shape and still thinks they are fat. Don’t let it get to you. I like that one of my favorite trainers is a real human with real human issues than someone who pretends to be perfect all the time.
Keep up the good work.
After receiveng your email, I’ve had to watch the video and see what the fuss was all about. Girl, don’t you worry about them cause you’re still looking fine! I’m brazilian and here you would not be called fat and yes something like “she’s thin but with a killer body” or “hot hot hot”. Really! The way you’re now is curvy and that’s beautiful cause in real life no one wants to be like an ironing board or a stick. And men always want something to grab one so that’s a plus! Seriously, don’t worry about what people might say and take account of only the way you’re feeling. If you’re not happy with your body then I support your diet otherwise just don’t let the body lose its tight and be happy. If nothing works out you can always come to Brazil and be consider hot in every corner haha xx
haha 😀 your post made me chuckle! 🙂 you are so right! 🙂
I love you so much for this article. I’m suffering from an eating disorder and you are my hero, just because you are so FIT and healthy. And hearing words like these from you help me – they really really do.
Stay healthy, have fun running and working out and lifting – and have fun eating.
xoxo denocte
You look so much healthier and way more accessable to others now. I believe those overtrained bikinimodels are one reason people get eating problems.. and I love what you say about feeding your soul, that’s what it’s all about!
Hi Cassey,
I just want to say thank you for this blog post. I know that it was hard to describe your feelings, but honestly – I did not recognize any body change in your life, any fat on top abs. You look beautiful all the time, no matter how much you gain the weight. Frankly – it is more inspirational to get on the truck with us, no instructors, just human beings 🙂
Stay positive and take care!
Hey Cassey,
Thanks for sharing that. I feel insecure as well even though I’m fit and can lift compared to others, yet for some reason I feel fat. I’m Asian and Asian families care about how thin we are and I feel compared to my cousins who are naturally skinny, which of course makes me jealous and sad, but from doing your workouts I actually feel strong and I’m starting to feel more confident. I like you like this, you’re fit but your not so super duper extra toned that I feel insecure even around you. My cousin had asked why you were skinny on some vids and I told them about your comp, they were amazed, but they understood why you weren’t as toned. My cousin and sis who now does blogilates with me are shocked by how strong you are, you just keep going. You have no idea what sorts of things they yell at you during our exercises. 🙂 you’re still toned your still fit, weight doesn’t have anything to do with it, I don’t even weigh myself anymore ever. Just stay perky and gaining weight doesn’t discredit you as a fitness instructor because on most of your vids, I can’t even complete them without stopping unlike you. You are amazing and will always be an inspiration for a healthy lifestyle. Love what you do for all of us struggling out here. We appreciate you no matter the size. 🙂 stay strong Cassey!
I think we all have. And it’s hard. Especially being a dancer but at least you’re not overweight. That’s one of the hardest things is being an overweight dancer. Everyone just assumes you can’t dance and that’s not true. I can still do my splits (right and left anyway) I can still do tricks even better than some skinny dancers. Whoaa sorry almost started ranting but. I have finally come to terms with being fat. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying to lose weight because I still have to fit into my costume for a performance in June. But The more I accept it the more others do too. At my performance last weekend I asked if my fat was hanging out of the back of my leotard (knowing that I’ve gained like 10lbs since I last wore it) and my friend was like don’t call yourself fat, you’re not fat. And I don’t know but I feel like that’s the first time, in the dance world anyway, that I’ve heard that.
Weight has nothing to do with credibility. Hard work, dedication, and some talent of course is what creates credibility and Cassey, you have all those things.
Haha this did turn into a bit of a rant but at the same time I just want to say that If it weren’t for you I would still be 183 pounds crying about how my life has been gone down the drain. You didn’t just help me lose weight, you helped me get back on my feet after a rough time in my life. You helped me become a better, stronger and more confident person again.
Thank you for everything Cassey!
ps. it’s 1:30 in the morning so I hope most of that made sense…cause it’s past my bedtime and I have finals in the morning so my brain is a little dead haha
Hi, Cassey. I have to say you inspired me a lot. I’m so thankful!
I’m a body-Nazi , as well as a big food lover .I hate gaining weight so much but sometimes my
eating out of control especially when under the pressure. It also makes me feel like lose
enthusiasm in doing workout. Actually it happened to me just now.
The good news is that after reading this posting,I’m firing again! Thank you so much~~~
Cassey, as always thank you for being honest. Your weight doesn’t dictate your credibility or your ability to inspire us to be better ourselves. <3 love from Dubai.
I don’t care if you gained weight! You’re still beautiful and amazing and I always watch your videos. I noticed you gained weight, but I didn’t care. My weight fluctuates too.
Also, I’ve been asked if I gained weight once. Had I been asked that two years before that time, I would have been devastated and stopped eating but by then, I learned to be comfortable with my body.
& I’ve been going through the same thing when it comes to food. I’ll probably put on some pounds eventually because I’ve been straying away from eating clean and just eating what I want to. However, I plan on getting back on track too. I’ve been working out pretty consistently, but I still want to be eating better. I feel better and happier when I’m eating right. It has nothing to do with my weight.
I personally just want to change my body and become a fitness instructor too one day, and I want to be a good example for my students. You’re an inspiration to me. Whether you’re toned or not. You started me in the right path & I appreciate you for it. I know you probably won’t ever read this but thanks Cassey for being you.
Also, whoooooo caressssss about a thigh gap! I’ve been skinny my whole life and I never had a thigh gap. & I used to be smaller than I am now! Having thighs is nice, thigh gaps aren’t that big of a deal. I never understood why girls obsessed over them so much when I don’t even think guys like thigh gaps. Not that guys are girls’ only reason for wanting to change their bodies. I’m not changing for a guy at all. But I’ll take my thighs.
finally someone who doesnt like thigh gaps.i hate them.its like having two sticks under your waist! i think toned thighs are way more sexier! 😉 and you are so right!
Thanks for a great article. I’m a little older than you and most of your fans. I love your videos and your concepts. As a professional, I understand the stress of needing to “look the part” but as you aptly put it, you are stronger, fitter, faster than you were last year. To me that is success at your job. I have no doubt you can enter another bikini contest, complete a marathon, probably accomplish anything you want because you are so driven and have incredible work ethic. We can always change the way we look, but we can’t change who we are. Be happy with yourself Cassie AND live your life like the rest of us… You are amazing at your job. Keep up the great work.
Cassey you’re such an inspiration!! I have been a faithful follower for over a year now and it’s because of your optimism and zest for life that makes you such a role model for all of us!! I understand how it feels to have someone point out that you have gained weight. I struggled with my weight about 2 years back when I went to college and started to lose quite a bit of weight from the change in diet and environment. People started noticing this change and complimented me on this ‘new’ look. I became obsessed with counting calories and would frantically check the calorie intake of even a cookie before eating it. My parents noticed this change in weight and suspected that I wasn’t eating well. Ever since I started following your videos I’ve gained so much more confidence in myself and it gradually changed my outlook on life. It’s definitely done wonders to my body too <3 I know feel confident enough to strut around in a bikini! How crazy is that??? I'm eating well and have been faithfully following your workouts and even screaming at my laptop when you make us hold a position or worse of all a squat. If you're reading this I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for turning my life around and guiding all of us in this fitness journey. Being fit is not about having toned, defined muscles but about pushing yourself just a little bit further each day.
I’m so sorry Cassie, but I won’t write like everyone here: that’s great etc.
I think you’re ruining your health because this is nothing else than constant yo-yo dieting and it will continue, not because you’re a busy girl, but because you feel the need to take part in those stupid fitness competitions where old men examine your buttocks;/ You will aways rebound after this, it’s not possible to maintain such a low bf without crazy shit you mentioned. You’re honest with us, it’s high time you were honest with yourself: do you really need it?what is more important for you a hot bikini bod for a week or two, then rebounding and each time struggling more and more with weight loss (you know it’s taking toll on your metabolism) or great fit and healthy body all year round?
Cass, you are amazing! Never quit, I love you <3
Hey Cassey!
This post could not have come at a better time.
Just today I was filling out a pre-doctors appointment form with my mom and there was a question asking “have you gained significant weight in the last few months”, and an answer bubble for yes, or no. I think you see where this is going. I said no and expected to just move on the the next question, but my mom said, “I think so.” 1000 emotions came over me, shocked, sad, but mostly angry. I looked up at her and said. “WHAT?!” She then said, “Yeah don’t you think? I mean with all the working out….” I could tell she knew I was upset and she was trying to say it in a way that would not offend me, but there is no way to tell someone they’ve gained weight with out it being offensive. I was just so sad and I don’ t even remember what I said back to her, probably something like, “Put whatever you want.” Then I went to my room, and cried. I know I have gained a little weight, but I didn’t think it was enough to be considered “signifficant”. Its a long story about my weight and I, but in short, I was a chubby kid and I am now a 16 year old athlete who has had several serious injuries hold me back. I recently have really bad shin splints and a TON of homework and studying that has limited my workouts, but I still try my best to eat clean everyday. I was feeling so down until I read this post.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING SO REAL, STRONG AND INSPIRATIONAL! You have made me realize that its ok if I have gained and just to work harder to loose it.
Thank you so much, idk what I would do without you! Love ya girl!
Hey Casey! I know exactly how you feel..
Hearing people say that you have gained weight really is insensitive and hurtful..
I was on a serious diet last year, got the body I want but the diet totally wiped me out. I was moody, lost and it affected me so much that people around me were suffering as well.
Even though I’ve gained weight( still a healthy one) I’ve got a happier life than before, DEFINITELY MORE FULFILLED:)
Close out negative words(:
P.s. I’m an asian too;)
Hi Cassey,
As a quiet but very inspired follower of your videos, I’ve always admired you. Although I did find your ability to do moves that would leave me in awe inspirational, I admired your positivity and outlook the most. There are so many fitness coaches out there, all with low body fat and great abs. But I loved that you were like a best friend, and a great role model. It makes me sad to see that you struggled with your body image after gaining some weight. I think you look beautiful in the pictures of you during your bikini competition, and right now. That’s because your inner beauty outshines absolutely everything else. Your inner beauty is what drew me to doing your workout videos as opposed to someone else’s on youtube. Ideally the world wouldn’t think that anything else than low body fat and chiseled abs isn’t healthy, and ideally people wouldn’t have to judge how good you are at what you do by how you look. And although they are ideals, I don’t think they are too far fetched. I guess it really does come down to how much more you value the satisfaction you get from food and more time to do other things, and the satisfaction you get from achieving the ideal body. But they are paradoxical in some sense until your ideal body can become what you already have.
I really hope you know that most of us know that you are a real person, and that you aren’t perfect. But through your imperfections, you are perfect to all of us, and especially those who truly love you. With increasing body image issues today, and especially with the H&M ad campaign with the “plus size” model, maybe taking a stand against needing to look a certain way would be a refreshing way to tell the world you don’t need to be a certain size or look to be deemed healthy. And you definitely don’t need to look a certain way to be deemed good at your job. I also just want to give you a virtual hug! Please don’t be too harsh on yourself.
Cassey you are truly an inspiration to every single person who knows you. You are basically one of my biggest role models in life. I am 15 and I found your videos last August when I was 14 and I started doing them slowly. I use to have a eating disorder and lost my menstrual cycle which is very unhealthy! Then I started watching your vlogs and food bite videos and your posts and calendars and how you were always so positive. If it weren’t for you I would probably be bullemic. You changed my life because no matter what your always supporting us popsters and you were always smiling. You taught me that I have to enjoy life and not be scared of food. I learnt how to get fit and healthy the healthy way and the fun way because of you so thankyou! I have to embrace the body I am given. Just like you embrace yours!
I love your positive attitude and I love how you wrote this because many of us go through the same thing. I feel as if we know you personally because you share so much with us. I don’t care if you are super lean or if your more curvy than to I were last year, it makes you real. Asking as your happy, fit and healthy then you have nothing to worry about. If you want to lose weight then we will support you. If you don’t want to we still support you. Your beautiful and us popsters will always be here for you! <3
Did you get your menstrual cycle back?
This post really motivated me. I needed a reminder that I can always get back up after I mess up a consistent routine. it’s going to take time and a lot of hard work. I just have to have the patience and endurance for it. you become more inspiring to me every day and I just want to thank you for creating blogilates because it’s what ive been needing for awhile and I finally found it 😀 dont let the haters get to you; they probably have no say whatsoever.. -_- they just wanted to boost their self-esteem.
please continue doing your best like youve always been! <3
I simply love and enjoy you. Keep doing you, girl!
To be honest, I do strive to have your type of body. The reason for that is because thanks to you, I have learned to strive for a realistic goal. You are a real person. Sure, you aren’t the same as your were a year ago. But you are still gorgeous, slim, and incredibly fit. That’s what I want. I don’t want to be a model, I know that isn’t in the cards for me. But what I can be is the best version of myself. Whether that means that I have a YOLO meal every week or I’m super strict about my diet doesn’t matter. Because I’m pushing myself and striving to be heathy every day. You taught me that.
Agree! <3
I didn’t notice a thing until you said something. You know why? Because you’re beautiful. Having a body fat percentage above 11% isn’t ugly. It just means you have a body shape a little different from the bikini competition. If you put on a bikini today, you’d totally rock it. You’re fit, you’re healthy, and there’s a lot going on in your life to make you busy and happy. Gaining weight should be a non-issue.
Judgement time: No one should ask if you gained weight. That’s just rude.
I know you must be feeling quite rubbish after the negative comments and feelings of guilt etc but you should realise after this post you have made a lot of people feel so much better about themselves now! For people to ask about any YOLO meals or where the thigh gap is – seriously just forget about those, they clearly have some underlying self esteem issues themselves that they need to focus on somebody else. It’s just the way society is! My niece is 13! She’s a UK size 6 and has been made to feel she’s GAINED WEIGHT and therefore is feeling ashamed and like she needs to go on a diet – society is like a challenge to see if it can change who we really are and what we feel but you should remember that you’re changing a hell of lot of people for the better – not many people can do that!
Everybody gains weight and its absolutely nothing to be ashamed of especially because that is life! My weight goes up and down all the time but no one should ever feel ashamed. And what you do best is encourage people and make people feel good about themselves.. You are ridiculously beautiful and a huge inspiration to everyone, everywhere.
Love C. Xx
Thank you so much for this post! I worked so hard last summer to get rid of all the excess weight I had from pretty much the beginning of highschool but since I moved away from home for college I gained it all back 🙁 and i felt so ashamed cause it was way too easy to gain it all back. Now I’m getting back on track so that this summer I lose it all again and maintain the healthy lifestyle I had last year 🙂 at least I know I did it once before! You’re so cool Casey, keep being real!
Ahh yes…I remember to this day how my Mom told me I was fat and I always make clothes look ugly, how about that burden to live with all of your life. 🙁 Oh and my Aunt told would tell me stop walking like a duck and I need to loose weight. I really don’t undestand how parents can verbally abuse their own kids. People has always told me this famous lie “sticks and” stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt” that’s just a BIG “A” LIE…words do hurt. But whats funny and still hurtful, she has yet to say I’m sorry for saying all of those hurtful things to you. Since last year I’ve lost 37 pds. Everyone else has said you look nice except her. But I’ve moved on and forgiven her after all these years.
Oh Cassey, I really cried when I read this post! I’m so sad that you feel hurt by all those comments. They’re on the Internet– honestly, don’t even listen to them! Anonymity makes people WANT to bash and insult and etc others just because they can, and no one will ever find out. They just want to seek attention, really. So please, don’t feel so down because of it! I’m so inspired by you — taking all those comments but still remaining as that loveable, optimistic Cassey we see every day as we train. i sincerely hope that you will recover from this emotional trauma. I will pray for you. (:
Oh, and one more thing to add! I think that you are great right now Cassey, even with “more fat.” (honestly, I can’t even differentiate) We all know that it’s still you in there. Honestly, your body doesn’t matter. You inspiration and motivation and energy is what makes you, you. Not your body. I really think that you’re still beautiful as is. It hurt me to hear how you were so traumatized by your Bikini meal plan… It seems that you were living such an unhealthy lifestyle (physically healthy yes, but mentally? No) So I think that you should enjoy life — eat good food, exercise, etc etc. Basically… I think you’re perfect right now. Living the good life, eating good food, spreading your amazing energy to inspire us millions of us everyday. Thank you Cassey <3
Thank you so much for this! I just discovered you last month and I am already addicted to your videos and your monthly calendar! I tell all my friends about you 🙂 you are such an inspiration to me!!! I know where you are coming from with when someone calling you fat totally messes with you mentally. My whole life my Mom would always tell me I was overweight. Even when I was a little kid I remember her telling me I was really chubby. I was always so self conscious and never wanted people to look at me. I still hate sitting with a group of people while hanging out at a friends house and having to get up and walk somewhere. I feel like people will be scrutinizing me and thinking how fat I am. The saddest part is that looking back at old pictures even from when I was a kid I wasn’t overweight at all!!! It makes me so frustrated that I let what my Mom say to me really change my view of myself. Now I am 25 and I had a baby girl almost a year ago. I am proud to say I only gained 30lbs my entire pregnancy and I was back to my pre pregnancy weight two weeks after giving birth. My goal a couple months ago was to loose another 30lbs. And now thanks to you and the My Fitness Pal app I have lost 12lbs already in the past month and a half. I have never been this fit in my life and I still have a long way to go but you have really helped me to push myself even harder and to remind myself that I CAN do it!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work and for bring just a genuine, awesome, and positive person and role model!!!
Most of the people around me prefer me being 100 pounds and anorexic than 110 pounds and HEALTHY. And happy. Amd with self respect. But no, they want skinny. You know what? I don’t give a damn what they want. If i be 100 pounds again, it will be for me and me only. I wont starve myself. Ever again. I love you Cassie. Thank you SO MUCH for writing this!
Being extremely honest I didn’t even noticed it! haha
Cassey, you’re a truly inspiration! don’t you dare feeling bad with yourself, never! look all the good you do everyday, you keep hundreds (if not thousands) of girls trying their best to stay healthy and live happier.
Thanks to blogilates and YOU, I feel better with myself EVERYDAY! Im starting to love my body, and its all thanks to you.
You can’t imagine how thankful I am (writing this it’s getting me emotional haha) Ive always been a really insecure girl, ALWAYS! and thanks to you that’s getting way back in the past.
Much love for you! and THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
You’ll never lose credibility for me, and I can assure you, we all popsters love you just the way you are, no one can expect you to be some kind of perfect fitness machine, I mean.. that’s not NORMAL! come on.
Cheer up! Smile like you always do and feel all our love 🙂 you’re an incredible human being!
Mila Jorquera
Cassey, you truely are encouraging. thank you do much for this post ( and for proving your body is a normal human beings! =) ) I am a recovering bulimic, and this was very encouraging. I had slowly progressed to keeping down breakfast and lunch, and now I am eating 4-5 meals a day thanks to your 90 day meal plan that got me used to eating again, and thanks to the grace of God. I didn’t want to throw up anymore, but my stomach just had ( and still sometimes has) a hard time digesting and so I felt like I had no choice. But praise be to God, I am eating. I knew I would gain weight/get bloated, it’s just a normal side effect to recovery, but it still bothered/bothers me. Thanks for being so encouraging, and for helping me to get FIT and HEALTHY! Not starved and killing myself. P.S. even though I do have a higher than normal weight for me, you’ve helped me gain so muscle, which helps with the mental aspect of weight gaining, since I have always wanted to have some muscle. =)
First of all, I want to thank you for writing this wonderful post and I admire your honesty. I know it was hard for you but you just earned yourself a handful of respect (not to say that I don’t already have it for you). I don’t want to say I have trouble losing weight because I never really put in the effort to .. lose weight. I go for a week all motivated to lose weight. I try to eat clean and I exercise. Then the next week I get lazy and I eat way more than I should. And then I forget about wanting to lose weight. I think transitioning from a not so healthy habit to a healthy habit will take me awhile to adjust. And you are right, especially when we live in LA WHERE EVERY KIND OF FOOD IS SO DAMN DELICIOUS (HAHAHA). IT IS SO HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT. 😛
I totally know where you are coming from in terms of the Asian family thing. I had both relatives and parents’ friends asking me if I gained weight AS WELL AS telling me I lost weight even though it was obvious that I GAINED weight, SO much weight (well like 10 lbs). I guess they were trying to be polite but at the same time they wanted to make a comment on it? … It was so embarrassing and just… I just wanted to hide from the world.. but it kind of made me realize that I don’t want to look like this anymore. I want to look better. I want awesome legs so that I can feel confident to wear shorts! I am doing the 30 day squat challenge! It just gets better day after day.
Lastly, Cassey, don’t ever feel ashamed of gaining weight because you saved your body and your health. I sincerely think you look SO good right now, NO JOKE. <3 Keep up with what you're doing because YOU are the one who encouraged and helped so many girls and women (possibly guys) around the world. WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU!
cassey you look amazing! you are healthy and strong, you should never feel ashamed for that. you are also kind, positive, and an awesome trainer! your workouts are my favorite, and have helped me gain so much self confidence!
now for all those nasty negative comments posted about your weight: haters gonna hate.
much love from down in new Orleans.
Cassie look at all these comments that are inspired by this post ! THAT is what makes you an amazing person and a fantastic trainer. It’s not the chiseled abs, or the tight muscles.. it’s being able to motivate and inspire people, and you do the BEST job at that. You say you can lift more and run farther, that is also what trainers are made of, it’s making your body do those kind of things. Who cares if you gained a little? You’re still healthy and inspiring others, that’s what really counts.
Cassey, you are amazing and beautiful, inside and out. It is heartbreaking to me that people feel the need to shame you for not living up to their warped ideal of perfection. You have an absolutely perfect body, your hard work has definitely paid off, and whether you are bikini competition-thin or shapely and firm You. Are. Perfection. Ignore the haters. You look amazing and I aspire to gain a body like yours. Your fans love and adore you and will always believe in you and continue to follow you, no matter how much you weigh. Be yourself, love yourself, and train insane! <3
First, you are human!! Cassy, you are such a inspiration to others you can not even imagine. I know how you feel about others calling you fat, especially a family member who you think would like you for who you are. No matter what, you are a normal person, which is why so many, like myself, love you! It is motivating to see you be a normal person because it shows that anyone can do this, and that being healthy is the goal. So you have gain some weight and many of us have fallen off the horse as well,but what i have learned over the years is to love who you are and be healthy for yourself. I know that you are a fitness instructor, but you are not a robot that can be perfect all the time. Whatever others say i believe in you and you message because it has worked for me and others that i have seen. You being honest and yourself with the blogilates community is what makes you our inspiration because you push us to be the best we can. So no matter what Cassy go loss weight if you want and be “more” fit, but remember being healthy and fit is what matters. Also, do it for yourself not just to please others because fitness is a journey and I, as well as others, are on you side!!
Cassey, this post made me cry. This is just what I needed. I have been feeling so alone in hating myself for eating the way I have been and putting on a few pounds after losing 20 with so much hard work. But you are so right: it doesn’t change our value as human beings. But we can get right back up and work hard and be happy and be healthy. Cassey, you are a beautiful person. Thank you.
ohh Cassey, while people are telling you that your getting bigger, people keep telling me in to skinny to be honest it hurts when it comes from family the most. I’m a 19 year old girl 5’0” and weigh 92 lbs other then that I’m a tiny person, and it sucks to hear comments like “why you working out” your this and that and blahh blaahhh blah! When i love to do it, i grow up knowing that fitness is healthy for you. Like two months ago or tree i used to weigh 88 lbs, i been slowly getting to my ideal weight by gaining fat and muscle. Even thought I’m happy with what I’m doing to become heather, mean comments still get to me, people even have the guts to ask me if I have and eating disorder. When I really don’t. But reading this blog really touch me, as being new subscriber your a big inspiration and i love your videos. Thank your for sharing! You rock and look amazing! <3
It’s funny, because I checked the website tonight just to get the calendar because I’ve been slacking and it was noticed tonight. When I saw this post, it almost made me cry. I have issues with my ankles. They hurt constantly, and nothing that I take can help. The doctor says it’s tendonitis, but nothing that she recommends does anything to help. I’m 5 feet tall, and while I’m by no means fat, I’m not as small as I could be. I’ve gained a little weight recently because I’ve been stress eating (whoops) from my college finals and working full time on top of it. I’ve noticed it, and while no one else has said so, I know they have too. I went to my manager to ask for tylenol because my ankle was bothering me, and when she asked what was wrong, I told her. She looked at me, and went “You’ve just gained too much weight, they can’t take it anymore.” I was shocked, and hurt. She works out, looks good, keeps all of her stuff spotless, and it made me feel inadequate. So coming onto here tonight after that being on my mind all night, really made me feel good. While I’m still going to try to get into shape the way I had originally planned, it won’t be because I’m scared of someone else saying something. It will be because I have the confidence to know I can make it. THANK YOU for being real and not hiding that you’re a normal girl too.
Cassie, I’m soo glad you wrote this post! I have gone through the same thing, and even going through it now. I have relatives who are like that as well… every time I travel to visit my relatives for a vacation, I always feel anxious about what they will say about my weight. I’m average in weight but they’re expectations of what is “ideal” is very different. So about two months before leaving to go to the philippines for my cousin’s wedding, I worked out hard and ate very consciously… truthfully, it was really difficult but I really didn’t want to experience having them say things like, ” You’re legs are so big” or
” Don’t eat so much”. When I arrived, they did notice the difference…but I always find it strange why the topic of weight would always be the first thing that they say. It felt great to receive some compliments but I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep up with this type of diet forever.
When I came back home, I too felt soo deprived of the food that I haven’t eaten for so long…so I ate without feeling so conscious. I was happy because my body didn’t feel so deprived. But a couple months later, I posted a picture with my family of facebook. My relatives back in Asia noticed that I did gain weight. I felt bad, actually even more worse than when they said it before because it’s as if I just let my body become like this.
Presently, I’m getting back to working out regularly and eating right…which wasn’t what I did before. Thanks to your videos, I’m inspired to get fit again…but in a realistic way that will be long lasting. Just want to say that you are such an inspiration Cassie, and I am really happy that you pointed this topic out and was willing to share your feelings. And like you said, just because there is a change in appearance doesn’t mean that there is a change in personality or strength. I really wish people would realize that little negative comments can impact how a person feels. Comments like that stick in the brain for a long time! When I gain weight, I usually know before any one comments…I really don’t need a reminder!
All we can do is get back up and start again …and work hard to attain the best for ourselves, not for anyone else :))
Thanks for being such an inspiration and great role model! LOVE LOVE your videos! 😀
Ah! I know. We don’t need a reminder. And I don’t understand why asian people do this!!
Thank you so being such a good role model
This last year I gained like 10 pounds almost without me realizing it, now I just feel really guilty about the way I look and I feel like I’m not losing weight, because my actual number on the scale hasn’t changes but I feel like my thighs and calves have definitely gotten more toned. I feel it is really hard for me to go to school and workout everyday, but I try to and I think that is what counts.
I think that you are beautiful and confident I totally understand what you are saying about Asians. Just hold your head up and tell them.
I know how it FEEELSSS!!! I am asaian (Filipino).
And my classmates would use to tease me because my size is growing. They always tell me: “oh you look big” and “you badly need a diet”. And I feel so bad.
you know, being Filipino also means being PERFECTIONIST. (Not all, MOST) because here,we want natural beauty..if you have undergone a plastic surgery, people would tease you. Filipinos love skinny body, angelic faces and fair white skin! So that’s probably why when they see something wrong on your physical appearance, they immediately JUDGE you.
I always feel bad and my self-esteem went really low. I use to ride a jeepney (a public transportation here @ Phils) and I would always sit down next to the driver cause I always think that nobody would give my payment to the driver.
I hate being at this size. people always judge me without knowing me.
I cant even have a long-term relationship because they always leave me for being at this size.
There are some times when I just wanted to DIE. I dont wanna get JUDGED anymore.
I want a life. I want to feel as if im normal. I wanna wear the clothes that I like but I could not.
I dont know what to do UNTIL…. I’ve read this.
I’ve read your blogs/posts and I’m really inspired.
Cassey, you must have been sent from heaven to help people like me.
God Bless you Cassey. <3
Trust me, its not just asian families that give you the “did you gain weight?” crap. Polish families do that to each other a LOT. I go to visit my Polish nana at her nursing home almost everyday and every time I do she puts her hand under my chin and presses up on my jawbone (to see if I’m getting fatter) every time my face looks thinner she says ” getting better” but if there’s some squish she’ll say “better be careful” or just full out “you’re looking fat”.
My body (and how I feel about it) are constantly in flux. But I KNOW this. I NEVER want to be skinny, I want to stay “plus sized”. Now, You may be wondering why I’m on pop Pilates or even working out at all; it’s because I like to be in shape. I’m very strong, very healthy, I am very active and I eat well but I don’t punish myself when I indulge. I’m a plus size model trying to go pro and even plus size models have to be a certain shape. Now, Cassey, I realize that what I may look like might be your worst nightmare, and really I get a TON of women saying I’m fat all the time, but I can tell you from honest to goodness experience (since I’ve been every weight you can imagine) that these hurtful comments shouldn’t be what motivates you into dieting or training, because if they are then that means that in a short time it’ll be the ONLY comments you see. When ever I look at comments on my pictures I have a rule for every cruel or mean spirited or ignorant comment, I read I make myself read the positive, flattering or encouraging comments at least twice. Because you are a great trainer and I would hate to see such ignorant, rude, unkind, (and lets face it: BULLYING) people get the better of you.
YES, Cassey. Yes 100%. My therapist once told me that the best part about exercise should be learning to appreciate your body for what it can DO not just for what it looks like. It’s a hard view to take in and swallow sometimes, but I hold onto that piece of advice for dear life sometimes. You are wonderful, and I actually think you look better now than you did during your bikini competition. That’s my honest truth.
Cassey, I’m ashammed bur of the people who can say that you are fat, yes you are not as ripped ad you have been, but come on girl! You have a beautiful body that inspire all of us that cant get our body fat percentaje tu 15 but are still in track to be healthy and fit, its about what your body can do.
You are just a person that does not have to be in your most perfect shape always, when I do your rutines I am like how can she talk so normal while doing this?! And that is amazing, inspire to not be obsessed, inspire to go for your goals withoiut trying to be perfect.
I totally agree!! Firs of all, Cassey, you look super good in this video, toned and lean. Second, I would ask those people who said you’ve gained weight, “Can you do at least 30 minutes of Cassey’s workout videos FULLY (I mean to the fullest extend of every move) without dying and talking through them?” I highly doubt that.
The hardest thing is when everyone thinks you look better after you gained weight but yourself…
Cassie I lovee this post! I love that you can be open and real because that’s what’s really inspirational to me. Personally I’ve gone through some bad weight fluctuations that caused me to be called things from “fat/chubby” to “stick skinny/unhealthy”, and your posts and vids, especially this one, are so relate-able and inspirational to me as someone who strives to be healthy and fit. So thank you!
Cassie I just want to say THANK YOU for this. It’s not easy to something like this. I understand the weight gain and TBH I didn’t see that you had gained weight, I swear.
Awesome article.
What about that post where you showed Honey Boo and made fun of her for being fat and making fun of her poor eating habits and lack of exercise? Just because you don’t do it to the extreme you perceive her as doing doesn’t mean you are exempt from judgment. Especially when you claim to be some sort of fitness icon.
To be honest, I think you look way more healthier now than you did doing the bikini competition.
I think you look fabulous these days! I was just thinking the other day how good your thighs look actually. And then you post that someone said you lost your inner thigh gap….WHAT? LOL.
Thank you for the post! It helped me in my day to day fluctuations. And believe me I fluctuate. Yay, PCOS. 😛
Hey Cassey. Your post made me teared up a bit. I’ve been in the same position (namely family members calling me fat). I lost a bunch of weight a while ago and slowly over the past year, I have gained some of the weight back. My family has always remark about how much bigger I’m getting. A month ago, I discovered blogilates and have committed myself to working out everyday with you.
And honestly, although we’ve never met, I feel like I know you and that we’re friends. You’re so beautiful, encouraging, and motivating. I am healthier and working out more because of you.
You’re amazing and keep your head up.
Cassey, this post was EXACTLY what I needed! This year I lost twenty pounds using your videos and following a clean diet. I was so proud of myself and people were actually seeing a difference in my appearance; the compliments were flowing. But I got off track these past few weeks and gained some back. Yesterday one of my coworkers poked my belly and said “Well that didn’t last long”, referring to my weight loss. I was not only humiliated but completely overrun by guilt. I thought of how hard I had worked, how much I’d given up, what I’d gained from losing the weight. I felt like I threw it all away, I felt undeserving, I felt like giving up. But this post has helped shine a light on how we treat each other and ourselves. Thank you for boosting my confidence and helping me get back on track this week. May will be our month Cassey! Thank you for being the positivity we all need in our lives!!
xoxo Alex
That is so rude!!! I know you must have gotten down on yourself and thought about it for days. It’ tough. But I am glad ur picking yourself back up! You’re beautiful!
When you’re young these are going to be the thoughts that occupy your mind, not just b/c you’re a fitness instructor. But b/c you’re young.
When people get old, some are stricken with disease, tooth rot, poverty, broken limbs, or are about to die. But not before they reminisce of fonder times in their youth or when they were young; when their bodies could work. When their skin had no blemishes.
Cassey, you are obviously going in the right direction. My wish is for you to put the weight issue and all who discuss it with you, back into it’s trivial, ridiculous place. I’m sure that when you were trying to survive some of your toughest college classes that weight-talk held the least amount of attention. When you have burdens involving deeper issues of life and have to deal with the complexities of relationships (as you have revealed to us by way of the best of Taylor Swift), you’ll see that managing weight is your strength – b/c you’re a fitness instructor.
Don’t waste your young life on this nonsense, because you will not be able to rewind to these precious years. They go fast, (like skin elasticity) but you can’t see that now. And, mostly women struggle with weight, esp. in their 30’s and beyond. You will feel more than a simple emotion such as shame, you WILL feel a hormonal roller-coaster that dips your mood into the nether world like never before.
I wish you peace of mind, and the hope that you will continue to realize that you’re a quality person inside and out.
I think you always look hot, Cassey! You inspire me like no other fitness instructor/coach/etc ever has! I LOVE my body because of the hard work I’ve put in doing your videos and I am slowly getting rid of my layer of fat… i am doing 2-a-days now, pilates in the am, cardio at night, and no worries because i know I am strong underneath and its ALL GOOD. eat whatever you want!!!
so what if you aren’t COMPLETELY toned and always bikini ready? i didn’t even notice a thing when i tried ABC Abs for the first time (which in fact killed my abs). Before I was overweight for my age, and I looked even pudgier due to my height. I always put aside exercise and told myself as long as I don’t eat too much it wouldn’t matter, but that didn’t help at all. Then i discovered your workouts (through Bubzbeauty) and this is the best I’ve ever felt in my entire life 🙂 I finally have abs and i’m losing more and more fat each and everyday. I’ve never been able to push myself and really challenge myself before I found Blogilates. Your videos are so inspirational and have given me a new sense of self-confidence that I never had before. I actually go to sleep all jittery waiting to workout the next day. And personally I don’t think you should deprive yourself of what you love just so people won’t judge you. EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN LIKE A BEAST! 🙂
Cassey, first I have to say are wonderfully and beautifully made. I too have struggled with my weight. Ups and downs and up again. God has given you this challenge because He knows you will come out stronger for yourself and others. You are more than qualified as an instructor, your personal experience makes you all the more valuable. Cassey trust me,I have never felt comfortable with my body, but the Lord gave me a passion to teach swim. I just might be the most photographed women in a swimsuit! God is telling me to”get over” myself and help others. Sending you love and blessings.
Casey you are an inspiration Cassey you are a real inspiration! You’re independent, strong beautiful and definitely not fat or unhealthy by any means. You tell it like it is, and I respect you for that. Anyone commenting rude remarks on your videos have their own insecurities and issues that they need to deal with I eat clean 80% of the time and enjoy life. Variety is the spice of life and you must enjoy it while you can. I do the videos everyday! keep doing what you’re doing because you are an amaZing inspiration to many!
hey cassey,
I’ve been battling with anorexia, which has now progressed into bulimia. I’d like to say I’m in recovery, but every day is a challenge and I have inevitably gained weight since being anorexic. Many people are aware of my eating disorder. These people haven’t seen me since I developed bulimia, but many remark on how much weight I have gained since. Comments like “I thought you had an eating disorder” trigger thoughts like “I thought you were supposed to be skinny.” It’s shameful, and I look at my 90 pound frame like that’s where an eating disorder belongs, which in turn triggers a lot of deprivation/binging and then purging.
What I’m trying to say is – it’s so horrible that people can judge someone on their physical appearance. Whenever I’ve struggled through a relapse, I’ve gone to your blog and your videos to get me back on track. All I want to be is healthy and you do so much to infiltrate that. I know people commenting on your weight are just feeling insecure in their own skin. It’s sad, but it’s true. You’re beautiful, and you help more people than you would ever know. I never post on blogs, but after reading this post I couldn’t help but say how helpful you’ve been.
you’re wonderful – inside and out. Never forget it.
Hey Cassey! I don’t think this post could have come at a better time! I’m 16 and you are my role model, you inspire me to be a more bright, happy, outgoing, fit, and healthy person. But with my busy schedule I recently haven’t been able to work out for a whole week! Nobody has said anything about my body but I have sure seen it, and I often tell myself “If Cassey can do it, I can”. I think the fact that you have your ups and downs makes you one of the BEST workout instructors EVER! You’re not afraid to say “Hey, I’m not where I want to be, but I’m not going to worry about it, everything will turn out OK!” You give me so much motivation and strength!
When I was 18, I had a baby. Putting me at twice my size, I developed post-partum depression. For a year and a half now, I have put my education, work, and my daughter above all else, including myself. I lost who I was and felt like I had no where to turn. I came across one of your videos on pinterest, and my life changed forever. It has taken me a year and a half, but I am finally getting on the right path because my BODY has craved it. I have never in my life enjoyed waking up and being so sore I cannot move! I crave it now, and work hard to make sure I can enjoy it. I have also cleaned up my eating routines. I am able to understand my body’s needs much better now, and have been eating clean as well as eating smaller portions. I instantly feel the weight coming off. I’m sure you have heard it time and time again, but you are such an inspiration to the world, Cassey. To hear you say that it is okay to gain weight as long as you are taking care of your body helps me look at myself and not feel like a big blob of miserable. I know now that my body will get where it needs to be as long as I make the lifestyle change that nourishes my body in every way. Thank you, Cassey, for being the light in my darkness. I did not know where to start, and you showed me where. You are not only helping me, but you are helping my daughter because I can get her on the right path while she is young. Again, thank you for everything that you do, Cassey.
You are an inspiration to many women. I love working out to your videos. I swear I didn’t even notice anything different about you. You have a great heart – you are full of life and its not all about a bikini body. Its about feeling good about where you are and where you want to be.
I love your videos. You are awesome. Screw the weight gain or whatever it is you think you gained.
But actually, I couldn’t tell at all! I can’t say I know what anyone is talking about. You look great, just like always! People’s bodies change a little from time to time, and that’s totally normal. What’s important is that pop pilates is the greatest workout ever and the videos are super challenging but, I can squeeze 4-5 videos in a day even during finals week and they’re free and super inspiring, and helped so many people get fitter and start working out, and that’s what’s really important here!
Cassey before I start talking about how beautiful inside and out I want to say that after reading this post I went back to ABC ABS and didn’t notice any weight gain at all and whoever said these things to you is either, A very insecure about there own weight and took it out on you or B is insane. That being said I speak for every Popster by saying that you are wonderful, your smart, funny, beautiful and we love you at any size, in any outfit, even after a really hard workout and my body hurts and I just want lay in a ball on the floor intil it stops. So please don’t even think about changing because some dumbass said so. Your perfect to me and everyone with eyes, love you.
Thanks a lot Cassie for putting this blog up about yourself. I come from an Asian family so I totally know how you feel. I get it all the time from my family actually. A few time out of the month I go and visit some family members and they are always either saying “oh did you gain weight” or “OMG you are loosing too much weight, you need to eat some more…” and honestly I don’t know what to say to them. Whenever they say those stuff I am always thinking to myself, “do I need to put on some weight, but I think I am still fat or do I need to lose weight because I haven’t lose enough?” I am so stressed out about it. I am pretty confidence about the way that I look now because in the past 3 years I have lose 20lbs. Now I am just trying to tone out by working out with YOU 🙂 but my family always seem to out me down about the way I look so it bothers me. I don’t know if I am on the right track or not. But thanks to reading your blog I can put those negative things away. I’ll focus on myself and my goals because I set them and I know what I need to do to reach it. You have made me such a confident person Cassie and I don’t know how to thank you enough. Yes, I think that most of your works outs is CHALLENGING but its also FUN as well as MOTIVATING 😀 I love just love the pain afterwards. LOL. I just want to share this story about me to you and just want to thank you for the hard work that you put into these workout vids. as well as your own personal story. Much Love to you CASSIE
You look great just the way you are! As women we need to encourage more and not discourage other women. You inspire others to get up and work out. The fact that you wrote this post and faced the comments head on shows tremendous courage! You have inspired me to keep moving forward on my weightless journey and for that I thank you!!!
Did you gain weight! I guess I was too busy working out to notice.
The sweetest thing about working out with you Cassey is that you look human. Not sooooooooooo ribbed, that it feels like you just stepped out of my imagination – thats what makes you special.
I want the perfect body, but I still want to look like a lady.
All I can say Cassey is that you are definitely one of the most resilient, dedicated, hardworking, thick skinned, straight thinking people I’ve even known. I have to admit that I’m afraid of gaining weight because I have an iron deficiency and can’t run anymore. I’m used to eating a lot because of my high mileage work, and now that’s gone and it’s really hard for me to curb back. I’m finally starting to feel a little bit better, so I was able to start doing some ab workouts again. I did ABC abs and thought you looked fantastic and healthy! I’m going to try to let go of my body image issues and just work on getting enough iron into me to get healthy again. Thanks for being such an ispiration when it comes to basically everything! You really are so motivating and amazing! Thanks for being you.
it happens to me almost all the time… i am asian too! even if i already shed some pounds, i still get comments like “whoa! you’re getting bigger”, “seems like you’ve been eating too much lately, its visible!” it hurts me, it feels like my effort on doing blogilates & hiit isn’t working… i nearly end up taking nothing but water as food because even if i feel that im losing weight, the thought that another friend or relative will tell me the same thing again… i realized that i dont need to listen to them.. i know my body better than anybody.. atleast i dont have any illnesses that needs daily maintainance pills.. regardless of my curves, i am healthy & you helped me staying healthy & motivated despite of those times i cheated on food & skipping workouts.. i am not perfect but atleast i am healthy. – we love you cassey.. <3
I’m not from an Asian family, but I am from a family with beautiful girl cousins who are extremely athletic who are dancers, cheerleaders, soccer players, and then there is me…the girl in theater and chorus, I don’t get the burn of those intense workouts from sports and they can all eat WHATEVER they want. It’s also very intimidating for me to even be in pictures with them. We’re all going to the beach together this summer and I decided for myself that I needed to be in a healthier lifestyle and YOU have inspired me to start this lifestyle! I am completely thankful for you and respect you as a trainer, plus I think you still look gorgeous and stunning girl! Just don’t beat yourself up too much over those extra pounds. Keep it up and don’t stay discouraged, it’s a horrible place to be!
My parents and relatives definitely ask that (oh, Asians)! Luckily my parents are more supportive of the healthy route rather than just making that comment that I’m fatter. It’s really hard when you hear it all the time and you end up starting to believe it and end up having low self-esteem. But what I’ve learned from you since I’ve started doing your workouts about 2 weeks ago is that who cares what others say? It’s only how you see yourself that matters. You should be working out for you and not to seek the approval of others. Thank you for your workout videos that always make me laugh while in pain : )
Girl!! You look AMAZING!!!! always an inspiration to me, you give me hope that one day I’ll be proud of my body! Life is a journey, and we get to choose whether we want to be happy or not, and I love you for always being so upbeat and positive even after the haters say mean things. Its the world we live in, and there will always be mean unhappy people, I’m sure at the end of the day you can say your happy! Keep moving forward !
Cassey, reading this did so much for me today. I am a 22 year old full time student and weekend gogo dancer. Growing up in dance my whole life has contributed heavily to the negative body image that I harbor and the dreadful fear of gaining weight that you described. When the semester is at it’s most difficult point, a few weeks before finals, I notice every time, my stress weight has returned. Because I take the time to study, often relentlessly, I lack the hours in the day to work out along with the mental strength and determination to eat clean and well. My dance boss is incredibly vocal about her observations and opinions and has often hurt my feeling in her assessment of my body. I try not to take it to heart, as I hear her complaints about some of the most talented dancers, hard workers, and fantastic women that I work with, but at the end of the day it is more than difficult to not let her criticisms resonate. Reading this post today made me a little watery eyed. When I’m on stage and the only thing going through my head is about the few pounds I gained, rather than my love of dance or the cardio I’m getting at that moment, or ANYTHING else is so hard. It keeps me up at night and stresses me out beyond belief. It’s unhealthy, and I truly try to love my body, plus or minus whatever happens around finals. I realize this is lengthy but wanted to express my gratitude for you putting it so well, I am in excellent shape, I am healthy, I can dance longer than many would like to fathom, I may at times be overwhelmed by circumstance but it is not a character defect, it is life. Thank you Cassey, you will remain a motivating inspiration to us all. You rule!
Oh Cassey, the numbers on the scale do not define who we are. What’s important is that you’re an amazing person who inspires and changes others to be better persons. POPsters are here for you Cassey, and you are beautiful, inside and out, no matter what you wear, how you weigh and how you eat!!
I’m asian and I FEEL YOU. although i know they are joking, but it still hurt a little. But Cassey, I’ve seen you lose a tons of weight and built up a lot of muscles! I guess as long as you are happy, others opinion doesn’t matter that much. I have been following you for 3 months. I’d say there are ups and downs during these3 months, but i stand up everytime i fell! I admire you passion and feel thankful for your motivations! I could see my body slimming down and muscles popping up through time. I love how you make calendars and force us to do it. I enjoy every workout and i know it will get better and better. At first, i can’t do a lot of moves. I remember falling off during the first moves of ‘victoria secret abs’ video. and now, i can do it so easily.
I love doing exercise and workouts with you! You are AWESOME and i love this popster community so much. Thanks for your motivation<3
Hello sweety,
Please, don’t you ever doubt about your wonderful self and of your capabilities! You’re amazing and sparkling exactly the way you’re and no one has the right to point a finger on you if you gained weight, it’s no one business and besides none of us is perfect, we can’t judge you! I know not everyone thinks like this and that’s why we need to hear this kind of thing but it’s up to us to let it go, let go the mean comments, let go the bad energy and only absorb the good and the positive things. I know your feedbacks are important for you and for the blog but at the end of the day you’re more than an instructor, you’re human, you’re our lovely Cassey and with a bigger layer of fat or not you’re still inspiring thousand of people, you’re still giving strength to so many people so they can change their lives! So be strong because you’re not alone 🙂
I’m sending you lots of love and all of my support!!! Keep on rocking Cassey 🙂
Xoxo from Brazil!!!
I am Asian an although my family is not skinny and all but my mum would sometimes say “you look bloated, get some exercise”. But Cassey, not matter how you look, you are still beautiful. You constantly help and inspire women all over the world. Stay amazing!
I’ll never forget the day my boyfriend called me fat. Maybe my jeans got a little tighter. He didn’t have to point it out to me. I was so self cautious after that. I never wanted to sit down near him because I was afraid he would make a comment about how much my thighs “spread out.” It didn’t take me long to realize what a jerk he was. Our relationship didn’t last very long.
Nobody should ever call anyone fat. I mean, seriously, what does being skinny accomplish? You can be “skinny” and be just as unhealthy as a “bigger person.” It’s not about how little your waist is. It’s not a competition about who can wear the smallest pants. It’s about how you, personally, can be healthy and fit.
Oh Cassie. You’re so brave to come out here and be upfront about how it makes you feel…
I come from a Filipino family and I KNOW what you’re talking about. People have no idea how hurtful even a side-comment is… how heavy it weighs on ones mind – the thought of “gaining weight”…
I’ve never been stick thin ever in my life… but I’ve yo-yo-ed back and forth over the years… I’m a full time teacher and a part time student, part time everything… I live a stressful life where food is eaten not just for energy but for company… I’ve tried to do all I can to ‘stay fit’ when I can commit… but to be honest, it gets hard at certain parts of the year…
But I remind myself that whenever I workout or when I decide to eat heathily instead of emotionally… its because I love myself… I’m doing this out of love…
I love what you said when you said that you ate because your body wanted it… Last Sunday, I ate an ice-cream all by myself and it was the first time in so long that I indulged in something like that… it felt good. It felt like I was loving myself… just like whenever I do your workouts (when I get to do them).
I figured, its not so much about how you weigh… but how much your heart and life are full of things that you love…
Cassie, you are a gem! Your words are encouragement to so many… and even now, you are an inspiration… thank you!
3 things…..
1…the biggest reason I enjoy you and your workouts is because you look “good”….and by good I mean HEALTHY…and honestly you did look almost under nurished during the competition…
2…You are absolutely beautiful….inside and out…
3…you nailed it in your blog….it’s normal…it’s life….there are much more important things to “worry” about or be “ashamed” about then wheather your wieght goes up or down 10 pounds…
Thank you for always being there for us with your kind and motivating words…your meal plans…your workouts….your heart and soul…so much of your time…but mostly for having the balls to put yourself out there for us….even when some of us have nothing better to do than say something uninportant and unkind…
Love you….you truly are the best!
I will be working out with you as long as you are out there!
PS you’re smokin’ hot….and I actually believe your look a bit better now…!!!
I’m sorry for everyone on this planet Cassie. I never noticed anything and actually thought you looked fantastic and radiant – you always have a wonderful cheery exterior. And that glows and shows more about a person than any pounds gain or lost do.
Don’t let the mean ones bug you – like you said about that awful girl at the competition – the mean posters are probably like that and who cares let them. Because while you’re nourishing yourself and working hard every d**m YOLO meal you have, you’ll be happy healthy, inspiring and admired, and they can have their carrots and water. Pass the salmon avocado roll!!
I still think you look wonderful! And I love the fact that you’re not afraid to remind us that you’re not perfect. I think sometimes it’s hard to really relate to fitness instructors because they seem so different, but I love how you remind us that you’re human too! Don’t worry about what anyone says, you’re beautiful! Enjoy your life and be healthy!
CASSEY! you and you’re videos have been a huge inspiration to me and it pains me to see you hurt in this way. With the help of your videos, I began to overcome my eating issues and work on having a normal life and not fearing food. You helped teach me to nourish my body and i can’t repay you enough. I just wanted to say that you look beautiful regardless of your weight, and you’ve earned your standing as a wonderful fitness instructor and their is no way that a few pounds can change that. When i went to the meet and greet in new york i was in awe of you effervescent attitude, and it never crossed my mind that you might have gained weight. Keep your help high because, if not for anything else, you have thousands of popsters who are on your side.
Thank you so much for this post Cassey! I just got home after my first year of college and it’s been so difficult dealing with the fact that I put on a solid freshman 15. More than anything it’s just hard dealing with the same thing you said about how could I let myself go, but I really love your attitude to get back up and work harder. It’s definitely inspired me to work extra hard this summer <33
I have been asked if I was pregnant when I wasn’t, asked if I wanted to do tae bo when I was pregnant… I’ve been straight up accused of getting fatter, the gamut. I know if I stand still long enough, I will turn to flesh. *sigh.* But, as the daughter of a mother who died too young due to complications of morbid obesity, I can’t let these setbacks slow me down. Obesity will have to catch me first!
You are inspiring, both in the ABC abs video, and the bikini contest. Keep up the good work!
Girl, I know what you mean about Asian families. I met my family in Korea and when I left, they called my mother and told her not to let me get fat. I gained 20 lbs. 2 years ago, but was afraid to go back because of what they said. I lost it, plus another 12, but still – I felt uncomfortable under that type of pressure. My mom, however, has always wanted my sister and I to be healthy above all things, which I’m grateful for. She doesn’t pressure me, thank goodness.
One of my Vietnamese friend’s mother always asks if she’s pregnant and stocks her fridge with Slimfast. She’s even had strangers (she used to work in an Asian grocery store in college) come up to her and ask her if she’s pregnant. I’m so glad that she’s confident and doesn’t let it really get to her though. If I was in the same situation, I don’t know if I could say the same.
And I don’t care what you look like – you will always be my favorite online fitness instructor! 🙂 I don’t think you look fat at all though. Still smaller than the average American. And healthy. I love that you say that you can lift heavier, run faster, etc. I feel like that really is what matters most. One of my favorite group fitness instructors at my gym is actually about a size 10-12, but she’s hardcore and teaches several classes back-to-back and keeps pushing with a smile on her face. I find that she’s more fit than anyone in the classroom, even some of the smallest/toned girls have to take a bunch of breaks. We do planks for a really long time and she keeps motivating us to push. To me, that is truly inspiring.
Although I know this hurt you, I have to say that I am so happy others (especially someone so amazing and world-renowned like you) experience the same thing. I am currently watching some fat build on my body (stomach and arms mainly…wanna do a workout for these?) and I hate it. I was so close to going on unhealthy diets to get this off, but I realize now that it is ok. My weight is going to fluctuate. I am still skinny and healthy, but I am a perfectionist so I always want to be skinnier/more muscular. Thanks Cassey for making the rest of us feel ok. BEST POST YET! Oddly enough, our sorrow brings us confidence…WE LOVE YOU!
First of all I wanna say you look so thin and toned. Ive been watching your videos for years now, and couldnt tell if you had gained weight. I never struggled with weight, but I do struggle with my body image as a woman. I have been eating so clean, and when I have a yolo meal I just feel like I let myself down, and all my hard work is gone. When in reality it is okay. It is okay to be a normal person and let go and have a slice of cake or some french fries. Its not the end of the world. I def understand where you are coming from. It is comforting knowing im not the only one who feels this way.
I want to thank you for posting this! This is a problem that most people will go through throughout life. Weight fluctuates. It’s not fun, but it’s a fact of life! But as you said, being healthy is the most important thing, and we all need to listen to our bodies. You are a strong, beautiful person (inside and out) with a wonderful personality, a true role model! Nothing and no one can take that away from you. You have been such an inspiration to me, and the fact that you can be so “real” with us makes you even more motivational and personable. Please don’t let those people get you down. Just keep on doing what you’re doing, and focus on your own happiness! Love you Cassey!!
Oh yes I am asian too and as a kid I always hated it when my mom would tell me how fat I am and stuff and that I can’t wear pretty clothes anymore because I’m fat that’s why now that I’m a teenager I’m a bit more weight conscious. I’m still fat, but I exercise whenever I can as much as possible
i went through you instagram profile and saw this picture with the link to this post. since i’m still waiting for my driving class instructor to pick me up, i thought i’ll just read this. i cried 😐
I was never that thin girl. I’ve always been in the range of either being normal weight or a lilttle bit overweight. I always get teased by my friends and those who are not even close to me about my weight. I be nice to them and what do they call me? Mok (which is Gemuk,in Malay it means fat)
So on MArch 1st i started working out with your videos and a few jillian michaels here and there. It was nice to see that i dropped 4kg in the course of a month and a half. I still have problems catching my breathe when i try to jog but one thing i noticed is that i could jog longer thatn i could before and when i feel pumped i’ll just run alternately with jogging. That feeling i had was like, i left all my fat behind and fled away into someone else’s body.
About 2 weeks ago, i got sick. Badly sick in fact that i was bed rested the entire time. I tried to eat nutritiousness food just to maintain my weight while i couldn’t work out but it only made me sicker. so i broke my diet and tried to recover. On God’s will, i’m fine now but here comes the heartbreaker; FOR 2 WEEKS AND A DAY NOW, I’VE STOPPED WORKING OUT!
I wake up, i wear my bright pink sports bra and my 3 quarter leggings. I feel pumped to go back to my work out routine but every single time i tell myself, naaahh. let’s just do it in the evening or naah, i’m still sick cause im still on medication. Or naah, i’m happy with my 4kg weight lost. HELL NO I’M NOT HAPPY WITH IT! I MAKE EXCUSES FOR MYSELF TO NOT WORK OUT WHEN THIS LITTLE GIRL INSIDE OF ME IS SHOUTING OUT, TRYING TO MAKE A CHANGE IN THIS FLABBY BODY FULL OF CELLULITE-especially in the butt area, mine is like J LO’s. haha.
I am so thankful to be reading this right now, to be fully honest i still don’t feel that pumped or motivated yet but it helps. It helps me to realize why i wanted to work out in the first place; why i wanted to make a change in my body; why i wanted to go out and buy clothes without trying hard to look for an XL size; to buy clothes online than can fit petite size people and most importantly to be healthy; to live my life to the fullest the healthy way. to me radiant inside out, to be beautiful from the inside out, to make the jaws of those people who called me fat drop, to walk up to them and say LOOK AT ME NOW. to love myself the way i never did; to be proud in my own skin.
So cassey, i thank you for this post. I thank you for opening up about how you feel; for being honest to us cause i gotta say you’re the most genuine work out trainer ever. Most that I’ve met will fully convince me that they never had such problems, that they don’t struggle themselves. Cassey, you’re beautiful, and you make us beautiful by inspiring us. Let them say what they want, people are going to talk and people are going speak out what they see. But what don’t see is how great you feel now and how fab you look now. I honestly think you look better in your ABC video; you’re loving yourself and your body and that is what makes you way more beautiful. Weight is not the scale of one’s fitness. You live your life in a healthy environment and that inspired me, and i’m sure a whole lot more out there. That is something not everyone can do. Keep on inspiring us Cassey HO !!!
Nothing bothered me more when my boyfriend called me fat, Sad thing is, it wasn’t my fault. The reason I looked chunky was because of a medicine my doctor put me on, only because I was underweight!
His comment had made me feel so insecure. I felt frustrated with myself. Every time I would eat, like a cucumber or a red pepper I would feel like a blimp, my height is 5’5 and I weigh 119 lbs, which is healthy, especially for an active, healthy eating woman like me! I am still struggling to have peace with my body. I feel insecure all the time, Thank you Cassey for this post, It made me feel more at ease, like even though I am strong and fit it does not mean I can not look chunkier,
P,S, Of course I dumped him after that nasty comment!
I am now going to turn into the trainer since you have trained me for so long ….please do this 15 min workout … and tell me how you feel after! It’s a good feeling I promise!
I just want to say that you are absolutely stunning- you are an inspiration and are the farthest thing from fat…. you are thin, and beyond healthy. I honestly don’t comprehend this obsession that every girl has to be stick thin and remain that way… its absolutely ridiculous. OMG you eat…. last time I checked that is what we are meant to do as human beings. Most importantly you eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. I would not change a thing about you; you are seriously perfect.
To those who have nothing better to do than insult someone else’s body… get off your asses and worry about your own. We aren’t put on this planet to judge others and compare…. your body is your body, Cassie’s body is Cassie’s body…. keep your absurd comments to yourself. This girl has a beautiful heart and her body, not that it matters, is absolutely perfect.
Cassey, please don’t feel upset at yourself.
A machine like you?! And after all your did for the bikini comp?! Of COURSE something inside you is going to be slightly ashamed of the weight gain. I’m sure you have high standards for yourself as a fitness instructor… and as a person.
If you ask me, I think you look better 😉 society has us think that super-skinny is the standard all women should get to. But you’re still rocking, still breezing through your instructions (which kill your POPsters on a daily basis lol) so be proud! <3 lots of love.
Cassey, I just want to say THANK YOU! I love how you shared your true emotions. Honesty is hard to come by. Sometimes when I do work-out videos I envy the trainers because they look so perfect. But your a normal girl just like the rest of us! Your fabulous, healthy and your still kicking our butts during the workouts! I’ve been overweight my entire life and I’ve been dieting since I was 16. I’ve just gained over 20 pounds and I feel like I’m the worst person ever. As someome who struggles with body image issues I. don’t feel so alone knowing that someone who makes a living as a fitness instructor struggles as well. I haven’t been taking care of myself and I’ve over eaten everyday since last November. But I’ve just made a decision tomorrow morning I’m going to start working out again and get my mind, body and soul in sync. Our girl T.Swift once said what’s past is past and I watched it began again. Everyday before today is long gone and the future is always filled with hope. We all need to have faith even in our darkest hours. Let’s all remember the light and fight like hell to push back the dark.
Cassie you’re beautiful even with a few pounds more ‘…. It tells you a girl fat and slim continuously (you know I live in Italy), and that unfortunately has some problems with the food ’cause I can not eat vegetables …. I do not like … and how well you know your body needs this food …. so I have a relationship with food a bit special … I’m lazy, so it’s hard to have the “perfect” form …. You’re the one that I gave birth to the desire to “move” .. . and so you can imagine how many times I heard her say, “But you put on weight!” or, “you put your belly and hips is …!” … : (… Anyway, you’re in great shape …. Had I your physique …. keep it up ….;) (I will, I continue to follow you through your videos, and especially your calendar: O) …. See you soon …. 🙂
Hi Cassey! I read your whole post. Bikini skinny or not, you are said strong and healthy person!
You’re still my FITspiration! 🙂 You’re videos and website has helped me be fit in a healthy and positive way! Thank you for that. Keep doing what you’re doing!
Thank you soo much for posting this, It really helped me 🙂 p.s. im getting a puppy and naming her after you!
Dear Cassey,
I have been doing your workouts and following your calendars on and off for nearly two months now. This is my first comment, because this post really touched me. The holy grail of losing weight is such a pervasive, dangerous thing in the fitness world; yes, there are those for whom weight loss is a good thing, but it should never be the end, just a means to the end. The end for each and every one of us is to become fitter, healthier and stronger. For some of us, that means losing weight. And for others, that means gaining as our muscles firm up, we lift heavier, we run further. I know so many people who swear by activities like hot yoga because “every session I lose 600 calories”, but I always feel like they’re missing the bigger picture. So what if you lose 600 calories? What about your calorie intake? How does your body feel? Does it feel weaker or stronger? There is so much more to fitness than just weight.
Your positive, can-do attitude is such an inspiration and keeps me going even when I feel like I’m about to pass out and all my muscles are screaming at me. I know your videos work because my pilates teacher in real life has told me that she can see I’m getting stronger. Most of all, I love how real you are. Fitness is a journey for all of us and we’re in it together. Love you Cassey.
Much love to you Cassey! You are such an inspiration!!
Awe, Cassey! Don’t feel bad just because you gained a little bit of weight, its healthy and natural for women to do this, and it is great to listen to your body. I understand how you feel, especially a few months ago when I was first trying to recover from an eating disorder. To tell you the truth, eating a normal sandwich with just two pieces of whole wheat bread and some meat SCARED me! Fat scares me too, but I know that it is neccesary. You are wonderful and beautiful and I would love to meet you one day! Don’t let a little bit of weight get you down!
I don’t know if you’ll ever get to this message with so many comments before it, but I wanted to give you some major encouragement. Even though we’ve never met, I completely feel for you over the way those very rude and off-base comments made you feel. The first thing you need to know is that you are beautiful in every one of your videos I’ve ever watched! And your physique is not the only thing that draws people to you. It is your energy, positive attitude, and consistent smile that make complete strangers want to keep watching your videos and following your blog.
Another thing I want you to know is that I’m inspired by and drawn to your workouts because you are so real and genuine. I admire and respect that you are a real person who changes up her exercise and eating routines in accordance with her life. You are consistently committed to staying healthy, but you also know that we need to have fun and experience different things – including delicious foods now and again! I love that you set a goal for yourself with the bikini contest, but I think it’s awesome that you allowed yourself to go back into a more “sustainable” health/fitness approach after it was over. That is what a real role model is supposed to do – encourage others to be their best at various life stages. And by the way… you still look equally as wonderful as you did during your bikini contest! I think it’s important for all of us to remember that there isn’t one type of beautiful that we need to be. It’s clear that you are still an absolutely fit and gorgeous girl.
Finally, in regard to the people who wrote those insensitive comments, I think it’s an unfortunate reflection of how our society encourages us to idolize and obsess over people so much that we don’t remember their humanity and their feelings. Anyone who works so hard to point out the supposed “flaws” they see in others has their own set of issues and should probably focus more on what they can do to be their best instead of projecting unrealistic expectations onto the people around them.
I really hope you get the chance to read this comment and that it brightens your day. Because your videos consistently brighten my mood. Thank you for what you do! God bless you!
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14
WOW ; there’s nothing like going through all those months of training Cassey, to reach your bikini body competition body, just to read now that you looked worse then, than you do now !
Cassey I adore this post. My favorite thing about you and your videos is that your image is realistic. We get to see your body fluctuate, as all bodies do. You’re amazingly sweet and an inspiration to all women who love fitness. Your physical appearance is not the point, but I’ll say it anyway: you look amazing with or without those extra pounds.
This was a wonderful post! Thank you for posting it! My family is middle eastern and I have delt with being told to “watch my weight” since a young girl. It has been very hard for me my whole life. I was never good enough for my own family so i gave up. Why should i try when even when i looked amazing and was at perfect weight wasn’t even good enough for my own support system? So I ate. Why not? It took me a long time and a lot of growing up to realize what they were doing was very wrong and was a type of harassment and was not fair to me at all. I should’ve felt supported and boosted up and if they were concerned they could have came to me and showed me how eat healthy and become a healthy person so live a longer happier life. Because I know that wasn’t their true intent but they did not know how to approach it. I even felt uncomfortable eating in my own house. So, I kept eating while my sister stopped. She ended up with an ED. A few weeks ago I was telling my dad about the show The Biggest Loser and how losing weight is 95% emotions and figuring out what is wrong inside to fix the outside. He asked what my internal issues were. I felt confident enough to mention what I had felt for years and my sister even piped up and we had a really good honest to goodness talk.
Anyways, we can conquer anything! Just believe in yourself, no matter at what weight.
Cassie, You are a wonderful inspiration and I am sad you moved away from the bay, I really enjoyed your classes.
I just found your videos a few weeks ago and I think you look amazing!!!
There have been many times my family (who are indeed Asian) who put me down or comment about my weight gain, and even my looks. It’s always been damaging, and has always encouraged me to defy their perceptions. But that’s where I made the mistake, I wasn’t doing it for myself, I was trying to exercise and lose weight because it’s what others wanted of me. The last thing I wanted to do was do something for someone else. I wasn’t motivated, I didn’t feel encouraged enough, I didn’t feel good enough. And it wasn’t until I saw one of your videos that I got really inspired and excited to work out! Your pop pilates workouts have made it into my daily routine and I feel better about myself and my self confidence. I really want to thank you for this post, for speaking your mind and sharing that you are indeed a real person like any one of us who gain weight. I absolutely adore you for even sharing this story! I just want to thank you for inspiring me, your blog posts, recipes, and work out videos have been a routine of mine I plan to keep for a while because of your energy and your charisma! <3 xx Alyssa
I can imagine keeping yourself at that weight forever would take a lot of hard work and not be that enjoyable. Part of a healthy life is to enjoy it. You still look great, and we all know you are still incredibly fit. It is totally normal to put on weight, and I think that you look healthier now than in the bikini picture. That experience seemed very extreme to me. I think you look beautiful and strong as you are, and I don’t doubt your credibility one bit—it just shows you are HUMAN like the rest of us. Keep doing what you do best!
I’m so proud of you Cassey! Honestly, I didn’t think anything about that video, but it just proves how ridiculous some people are in scanning every inch of other people’s skin. Don’t care about what they say. They clearly are bored. We all have our ups and downs, and the world would be a better place if we have more grace with ourselves and with each other.
You’re wonderful Cassey! I hope you don’t let those negative thoughts reach you. Take inspiration from the fact that YOU inspire us and that I probably wouldn’t work out at all if it weren’t for your fun posts and even more fun videos. Hugs from Canada
Cassey, I tried to do your abc abs video today for your calendar; key word being tried. In my opinion as long as you’re still fit and healthy and you can do amazing things like write the alphabet with your feet, you’re still a perfect role model for me. One week my jeans will fit the next they won’t but you’re always in booty shorts!
Thank you for everything you do, you have helped me so much and you really are beautiful inside and out x
let me start off by saying thank you for your honesty. I understand how it feels to be called “fat” or how it feels when it is pointed out by a family member that “you’ve gained some weight”. After reading this blog post, I went and watched your ABC video. I did not see a “fat” Cassey, on the contrary, I saw a glowing, beaming strong woman who knows how to train and nourish her body. Don’t feel ashamed for feeling ashamed of your body, we are only human and critical remarks can hurt. Whoever posted that comment was obviously trying to get a rise, and or be rude, even if they stated “not to be mean”. I love you Cassey and everything you stand for. You taught me to love myself and how to invest in my health. Again thanks again for all you do. And truthfully, I like you just the way you are (bikini bod or ABC video bod).
I agree with this so much! I am really happy that you could take control of how you were feeling and learn from it. I used to be about 50lbs heavier in my pre-teen and early teen years. Once I grew up puberty helped me lose about 55lbs in the course of 4 years without trying anything. I became a vegetarian when I was 15 so i’m sure that helped. But after being bigger and growing up being teased, after I dropped the weight, it was extremely hard for anybody to make me feel bad about myself because i have never felt bad like I did when I was at my heaviest weight when I was young. I think its so important for people to understand that looks arent everything and you can be healthy and fit at a variety of weights!! You have inspired me so much over the last 6 months, I am so thankful I found your blog!!!!
I love this post.
I think it’s good that you shed some light on this topic. I myself have been going through a period where I’ve gained some weight back and I always feel like I’m the only one it happens to once you’ve lost it, so I’m glad that someone such as yourself, who is a fitness professional, guru, or whatever you want to label yourself as, goes through the same thing.
For the record, I honestly think you look amazing, you look healthy and as radiant as ever.
You rock girl.
j. <3
pfff very very very many times. Earlier I was a little fat, but real fat. It was not pretty when I was walking in bikini’s. My closets size was to high for my agr amd my BMI wasn’t positive. People called me fat and ugly, I feel so bad. I cried myself a sleep and felt so down.
Without doing anything, just go in to the body grow my body changed. The fat moved to the boobs and I grow taller and look slimmer. But yeah, wothout doing anything it was still not very pretty, and my BMI still wasn’t good. So, I decied to eat healthier. No candy’s after school, less sweets and sugar, more veggies and fruit. My BMI turned in well and I trained with an app on my phone. I looked much and much better, but people still called me fat and ugly. I was losing so many weights, my pants were to big. If I bought a new pair of trousers it was to big one month later, but people still called me fat.
I saw one of your videos and told myself that something had to change. So I printed out your April calender and work as hard as I can, eat as clean and healthy as I can. Also the May calender I am joining :).
My trousers are still growing to big, I still lose weighg every month. But still people call me fat. I don’t know why, but people never are okay. They don’t wnat to see tht your body’s changing. No, they have to pick somone they can bully down, they have got someone who’s crying himself a sleep. And I have to e it for that people, my weight is something I am very unsure about. My body isn’t what I want it is. I am obsessed about losing weight and burn calories. All because I want other people don’t call me fat anymore. I don’t want to cry me a sleep anymore.
And Cassey, you helped me. My BMI is still positive, ai’m no longer over weight. My body looks slimmer, I’m losing weight every month. But you also learned me that it doesn’t care about what other people say. It’s about what you think and how you see yourself. If you don’t love yourself, no one can. You don’t have to workout for others, no, you have to workout for yourself. For that body you deserve, for a healthy life.
Thanks Cassey, I don’t care as much as I did about the people who call me fat. I care about what I see in the mirror and that’s a beautifull girl who’s fighting for what she wants.
Thankyou so much, I won’t give up before I reach my goal.
I’m sorry for the bad English, I’m from Holland.
Remember POPsters, you are all beautifull people and don’t make the mistake I made. If you live for other people you won’t get there. Live for yourself, your own goals.
Big hug to Cassey, and you have to know Casset. Also your ABC ABS body, I’m so jalous on it, and to be honest I did not even noticed that you gain weight. All I see is a beautifull, slimm, strong woman. You have a beautifull body, if you don’t want it (can you email you body to me ? I love to have it (; ) xxxx
you’re a wonderful person, fellow popster! And beautiful too!!!
Thankyou so much !
It gives a wonderfull feeling that you say that to me.
I give you a big hug !
Your also a true POPster, beautifull from the in and outside.
I love you Cassey! You’re so inspirational and so human and understanding.
I was really ashamed of my weight fluctuating and body image in middle school. Looking back, a lot of it was ridiculous because I was just growing and of course my weight was going to fluctuate. I also struggled with eating habits – all lot of the available food was horrible on my body. I tried to diet and exercise extra, but my weight seemed to bounce back up really quickly everytime I fell short. And then there was simply accepting that my DNA wants me to be a curvier girl.
The people who were around me weren’t very encouraging. My friend and her mom often commented on my weight in addition to their own and other womens’; my mom was encouraging me to be “healthy” but also said some things that just tore me to pieces; and the friend that would tell me I looked just fine had a naturally super-skinny body that only made me envious and feel like she didn’t understand. But ultimately, my worst enemy was MYSELF. Once I learned to love myself and embrace my body, instead of bashing it, I ended up so much healthier and happier.
It’s so encouraging to realize one of my fitness idols is human and has had similar struggles even in adulthood! I just want to say THANK YOU for being so open and honest. You’re GORGEOUS with and without a (very) little bit of extra weight! You’ll always be my favorite fitness guru ever.
I’m glad you addressed this. You influence a lot of young women. You’ve made a lot of great points about health, body image, and eating well.
If you can lift more and run faster; I imagine that your weight change is an improvement. Why go back? Fitness and strength is fantastic; but the way the body looks on the outside has not so much to do with health as people realize. One can be very thin and muscular and have severe nutritional deficiencies. One may be a little thick; but have robust health and the ability to out-perform a thin person. Regular exercise is really important. There is a high tendency for people to over-exercise; which does more harm than good. Clean eating is great; but depriving the body of healthy fats can cause all sorts of health issues.
I appreciate a healthy body fat ratio ratio of at least 23% on myself as well as on other women. It is attractive because it is natural and healthy. It also makes a bikini look beautiful as well.
I hope you continue to be a positive influence in the lives of others for many years to come. Thank you.
Whoever said ur fat obviously is anorexic. You have a great body, fit and toned. You needed to gain some weight, u were tiny in your bikini comp. I hope your comfortable with who you are and can ignore these idiots. You are my inspiration and motivation. Keep it coming.
This post made me tear up a bit. With myself having body-image issues. I want to tell you, you look great, sometimes the stick thin bikini bodies actually look unhealthy (your’s doesn’t thoug!). Do not be ashamed though, you still look great (still thinner than me and what I’ll ever be), but do not kill yourself to achieve this look. It is better to look healthy, than to look anorexic. I am trying to learn, that I will never be a 3-5 again, it is not in my genes. The thing is though, gaining weight is not something to be ashamed of, especially just a little weight! You can melt that off in a month or two!
You are awsome, dont let the haters get to you. Look at all of you’re success and you did it all! I’m proud of you and you are an inspiration to me ( a normal girl who likes to eat, workout, and life my life).
Cheers to you honey.
Hallie from Washington State.
Thats “live” LOL.
I was overweight my adolescent life and have given away over 50 lbs. I still have people call me fat when I am the smallest i have ever been (mainly because these people didn’t know the past me but it doesn’t justify their words in anyway). I am now a personal trainer and I previously worked for Weight Watchers and would often talk about the power of words. The dis-empowerment that comes with the word “fat” and how the words “weight loss” can infer that you will find that weight again. Hence why I try and say “i have give away 50 lbs ” or “I have released 50 lbs”.
I saw this video when you first posted and didn’t even notice a thing. Maybe because I know the hurt that comes from the words “gained” or “fat” or because I know how weight gain happens! You are a huge inspiration and a beautiful strong woman. Thank you for making this post because honestly, I dont think many people know the amount of emotion and hurt that is behind bringing up someones weight! I wish that our world was more kind and was less judgmental. Thank you Cassey! Love you girl!
Actually I thought you lost weight and got more muscles 🙂
“So yeah, I have a thicker layer of fat on top of my abs. Cool. I’ll start eating super duper clean on a consistent basis and train harder for some weeks, and I will have my bikini body back. Seriously guys, it’s not a big deal! It’s all about resilience. If you feel like you’ve fallen off track, just get up. Just get up and start over NOW.”
I actually wish you’d said “fuck it, I am healthier now I am eating more and I’m going to stay this way!” Because you are right – your body does need that food and I think that you should stay the way you are now, because you look beautiful instead of putting your body through so much strenuous activity AND a diet that is still restrictive – clean eating may be good for the body but pizza and ice cream are good for the soul, and it sounded like you had a better balance beforehand!
I love your work outs so much, thank you for being so positive!
omg, with over 700 comments I’m sure you’ll never reach mine, but I just wanted you to know that I think you’re amazing. I absolutely did NOT notice you looking “bigger” when I did the ab video this morning. I just notice how your attitude and personality are so motivating and encouraging to me as I work toward a healthier body. Maybe weird to say, but I do feel like I’m working out with a friend and I’ve gotta follow the calendar every day or I’ll be letting you down because you work so hard for all of us.
Thanks again for being you!!
first of all you shouldnt feel guilty as long as you keep working out and all it all be good because you need to be healthy , i also have trouble dieting and also keeping with the workouts i really dont want to be model looking but i just dont want to be over weight yes it sucks i cant fit into clothes i;ll like but one day i’llget there without puttingmy body to so much stress
Yeah I have been called fat before. I’m 20 years old, I’m 5’2″ and I weigh 120 lbs. Honestly, I’m not fat. But I’m not extremely toned either. Last year I was dating a guy that didn’t like my body at all, he tried to make me stop eating regularly, and tried to get me to work out every single day so that I would slim down and be model perfect. It really fucked me up. I’d never really been obsessed with how much I weigh and eat until him. I was depressed for months and unhappy and I deprived myself of the proper nutrients that my body needed.
We broke up about 5 months ago. And I am now dating my best friend who loves my body and me for who I am. Yeah I have fat on my body- but I exercise when I can and I eat a proper amount of food throughout the day. I’ve been gaining my self confidence back and I feel so much better about myself. Don’t let people tell you that you aren’t good enough. Our society is so obsessed with physical appearance. It’s disgusting. As long as you are healthy and take care of yourself whatever you weigh shouldn’t matter. Be yourself and don’t try to appease people like my ex.
OMG Cassy, you would never let us down, this makes me love you even more in fact! your a human being! of course this is going to happen once in a while. ive gone from being the skinny boney girl who just drank water all the time to an average sized healthy girl and i feel much better for it! i have to get back into working out gain but for the moment im just happy with the way i a, and you whould be too<3 ps: i still think your body looks amazing!!!! xxx
I honestly did not notice that you gained weight. I was too busy enjoying your video.
Pah, snot to the lot of ’em Cassey, as long as you are happy, ignore the doom-mongers. What they say to you is just a way to figure out who is worth your time and effort and who isn’t.
I get back-handed compliments from two particular people on a almost daily basis, on the food I eat, the ‘insane’ amount of exercise I do, and how I look/dress. I have no time for imbeciles… they’re slowly learning this.
“ooh celery and pb again for your snack, that smells really good, good for you’
‘that stinks and is super annoyingly noisy, eat something else’
my response:
aaah just one more stick of celery and i’ll eat the last of the pb with a tea spoon for added ‘yuck’. 😉
Just remember, the next imbecilic comment is an opportunity to entertain yourself. I’m clearly not as angelic as Cassey!
hi cassey, yes im gaining weight too. but its all due to exams. yesterday, my mom just asked me why is your body getting bigger, your head looks so small. it kinda hit me hard. but i learnt not to care too much about what other people say and just feel good about myself.
its okay to let yourself go for a little while and get back on track when it feels right. deprivation will just turn around and cause you to do extremes. been there, done that.
dont worry cassey. we popsters are always here rooting for you. thanks for putting yourself out there and being such an inspiration to thousands of people.
with so much love, kara
Cassey… I have struggled with weight all my life. With even the most hard work… I will never be your size and that is okay. The gift that you give all of your fans is priceless. You are fierce, beautiful, smart, resilient, and extremely inspiring. Continue to be the star that you are.
Hi Cassey!
Thank you for sharing this blog. It takes a lot to be honest. You encourage me to also open up on this topic. Since I was 9 years old up until the age that I am now which is almost 24 years old – my entire family have always told me to lose weight. So to have to deal with that on a daily basis was really a blow to my self-esteem. Still I somehow always manage to keep the confidence in myself and always remembered to love me for me and that no matter what people say, even from my love ones – what’s important is what I think and feel. I’ve always struggle with my weight. Always gaining and losing but never going over or under a certain weight.
I remember when I just turned 19 and had to move back home from my first year away at college, I was working a full time job from 3am-3pm everyday and going to college full time from 5pm-9pm every night. I got home after work with enough time to rest a little before school and my parents said it looks like I have been gaining weight and I should really lose weight. They said they almost didn’t recognize me. That was the most hurt I have ever been about my weight from my own parents. It broke my heart and I remember doing the worst thing a child could ever do to their parents. I yelled back at them and argued with them. I didn’t talk to them for days. But when I finally did I explained how I felt. That I hear I have to lose weight or people call me fat from everyone else but to hear it from the people I love most and hold so close to my heart – well the words seem to hurt x(times) a million. They apologized and just said they were only looking out for my best health. I understood. After I tried to exercise more but than got discouraged and stopped.
Now at almost 24 I’ve been pushing myself since I found your youtube videos, calendar and blog. I’m thankful because for the first months of this year: Feb., Mar. and April thanks to you I’ve been more serious about my health. I’m taking a break from blogilates for now and trying the Insanity workout with one of my best friends but it’s nice to know that this is another workout I can do all the time. You make it fun, easy and inspirational. Thank you for doing what you do. You’re truly a wonderful person inside and out.
– JM
Honestly, I didn’t even notice… maybe I just don’t pay close attention–oh wait, maybe I just don’t care that apparently Cassey “gained some pounds!” Like you said, why should that even matter??
Because I trust you Cassey that you know what you’re doing, and like you said, it’s impossible to keep maintaining that “bikini bod” for life. Regardless, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still fit and fabulous.
I don’t get how if one “gains some weight,” they automatically somehow become “unfit” just like that.
It’s not like you just stopped working out altogether.
Anyways, keep your head up high and I hope you will continue to make great workouts for us!!
P.S. I just find it kind of ironic and funny that the people who commented such things are the ones watching the video to most possibly do the workout themselves…
Thank you for being REAL … and the reality is that staying at figure/bikini competition weight is NOT HEALTHY for most people, it’s just unrealistic. God made women with higher body fat for a reason! Being fit and trim is one thing, being so obsessed/worried with it that you can’t eat an apple …. that’s an isseu! LOL
I’m no where near that shape but honestly it’s very discouraging for me when all the “trainers” didn’t have any weight issues (really) to begin with or just wanted to be more toned …. I mean reality is most of us have kids, hubbies, and lives to deal with and trying to stay in that shape all the time is just not realistic.
Love your videos so far!
Hi Cassie,
I only found your blog recently. You are motivating, inspiring and awesome! You should always remember that. I am asian and starting highschool I was 153cm and 45kg, my family called me fat all the time, always asked if I gained weight and picked on my tanned skin. I am now 55kg at 21 years of age, a size 8 AUS, and I really wish I wasn’t because my family always point out that I’m fat. I am starting to eat healthier and exercising more, but it doesn’t seem to be helping me lose weight per se, but helping me define my muscles and make me feel like a better person.
At the end of the day, you should care less about what othe rpeople have to say, because I’m sure your true fan base is much larger than those minority. You look great and you are an excellent teacher! Just keep rmeinding yourself 🙂
Hey Cassey,
I just wanted to thank you for this post. Last summer I started lifting weights and became obsessed with getting the perfect body. I lost 15 lbs and was in the “best shape of my life.” Like you, it came through serious deprivation and exercise.
But you know, I am a real person with a real life. While a lot of my gym buddies are able to lift weights in the morning and then do even more after work, I’m a grad student with a lot of studying and extracurricular activities to balance. I can’t always cook healthy meals for myself every day, or I’d never leave my house. I can’t obsess over calories to the point where I never go out with my friends. It took a lot of time and effort for me to lose 15 lbs, and it wasn’t sustainable. It eventually lead me to a very unhealthy place, eating-wise.
The more I think about me “in the best shape of my life,” the more I start to think that last year wasn’t it. Today, when I lift heavy weights five days a week and run 6 miles without stopping, I am in the best shape of my life. Today, when I can have fun with my friends without panicking over what I will eat and how much of it, I am in the best shape of my life. I weigh ten pounds more than I did last summer, and no one ever tells me how small and skinny I am anymore–but I’m starting to realize that it doesn’t matter. My goal is to love what I’m doing. I will only get one life. Sometimes I will be able to spend it honing my body into a low-fat machine, and sometimes I will use my time tasting delicious junk food while pulling an all-nighter. In the end, my weight might fluctuate a little but I am much more than the number on the scale.
You look phenomenal, and I’m sure you know you aren’t anywhere near overweight. Addressing the changes that we all go through, and the way that no one can be a tiny, skinny version of herself for 365 days, is just an honest assessment of the human body. This post was amazing, and thank you so much for it.
Uuuugh…i hate family parties because of that reason. What should I really say? It sucks because I am trying to lose weight, and I am eating sooo much healthier. But since I’m so short and petite the weight is really hard to lose. The sad thing is, people have different images of what healthy is. I have a very skinny relative who is proud of how she maintains her weight, but girl cant lift 20 lbs!!! No strength at all! And she gets sick so easily and gets tired so fast. For me, ive learned to accept that i will never be as skinny as that girl, but I love the energy I have, my strength, my curves, my ass and boobs! Just need to lose this stubborn belly fat!
Cassey you’re so amazing!!!!! I couldn’t agree more with the comment left by Sue! You’re honesty in this post completely resonated with me! You’re such an inspirational person! Showing you much love ❤❤❤
Cassie, I honestly didn’t even notice a difference in your weight because I know that some days are better than other when it comes to our bodies! It happens to me all the time! I’ve been self conscious about my weight even since I was really little. That’s probably not a good thing, but I’ve learned to love myself over time, and I’m only 17! I’ve got the rest of my life ahead of me and I’d like to spend it loving my body the way that it is because now that I’ve started working out with you, I don’t have to worry so much about being out of shape. We all have our insecurities about our bodies, I believe as girls it’s nearly impossible not to constantly be worrying about our physical flaws, but once you learn to accept them it makes life so much more enjoyable; and as you said, what really matters is what’s on the inside!
You look great and you’ll always be an inspiration to me no matter how much you weigh. Things happen to us in life that make us have to change our schedules around a bit, and i agree with you, it’s no biggie! Even if I had noticed you gain a little weight, I would actually be happy because it reminds me that you’re human! Haha! Thank you so much for being so dedicated to helping us all get healthy 🙂 <3
Its crazy how i never check or go on any of my emails, but today i did and i saw this email. Ive been going through this exact problem right about this time and the thing is i feel like its harder because i have no one to support me. I really wanted to lose weight quickly, but im sort of panicking
Cassey, you’re such an inspiration. It’s important for everyone to know that it’s completely normal to gain weight every once in a while! In fact, it can be healthy (in moderation). People don’t realize how hard your job is, everyday you are honest with us about your own triumphs and downfalls and that’s huge! Because I doubt any one of those people that commented on your video asking if you gained weight would be able to admit if they ever gained weight! It’s a normal part of life! You’re still my biggest inspiration, definitely even more so after this post! You’re beautiful inside and out! Love you Cassey!!
Cassey, i love your videos and you without relising it encorage me to workout and eat. There was a point in my life that i got very skinny very quickly and i became obsessed with eating only certain foods. This then became a problem and i started to not eat for several days. I was mde to eat and ive gain back the weight i lost and i get what you mean. Through following your blog you have made me relise that i can eat and workout and not feel ashamed of how i look. Here i am babbling, my point is that you inspire people to be better and i think you look great. Be happy within yourself and know that no-ones oppinion really matters. Only yours.
Thank you for being an inspiration!
Cassey that is the best post you have ever written I watched that abs video and didn’t even notice any weight gain girl you are so strong and so inspirational don’t let these people get you down! keep doing what your doing and be proud I love bloglaties and couldn’t live without it! love yah cassey <3
PLEASE do not feel ashamed because you’re dissapointed you gained a lil bit of weight, I think that has to do with the pressure from society to look perfect, people who are bored with their lives and only point out other peoples lives. Instead, let’s get ready for summer together! Always keep your head up Cass, you’re an inspiration to all of us, and remember “suck that belly button in!”.
Someone was upset about the space between your thighs?!? I haven’t seen that since like age 11! Yes, your body inspires us, but it is so much more than that. We are all inspired by your attitude and your determination and your encouragement. You are so much more than just a body (and honestly, a damn good looking one at that). We’ve all seen skinny women before, but we come back to you because you have so much more to offer and that’s what really inspires us. I know this post struck a chord with a lot of people–just another example of why we love you so much!
this post made me feel sooo much better! over the summer i was really fit and had a thigh gap and everything! then i gained weight and im no longer fit nor do i have a thigh gap:/ ive been struggling for months now trying to lose the weight and i just cant and its my fault. Cassie you still look amazing! but if YOU feel the need to lose weight, do it for YOU so YOU can be happy! if you do go on a diet, make it big like your 90 day challenge! post meals and videos! love ya Cassie
Cassey! Holy moly! You are a goddess. I believe that enjoyment of life and its pleasures feed our sensuality and radiance. Check out this video that Dove did – it brought tears to my eyes…. and so did your blog. Thanks for your articulate and artistic honesty.
Perfection is death. It allows for no movement or growth. It is stagnancy. Let’s start, with the Blogilates movement community, to love and revere our imperfections as signs that we are growing and evolving as human beings.
“Look at my stretch marks, see where I have grown.” ~ Ani DiFranco
Thank you so much! it’s so smart of you to write about weight, feelings and the importance of self-esteem. I used to torture myself about my weight and the slightest variation of it used to make me feel very bad, now thanks to you I feel empowered! truly!
Thank you so much for your authenticity
This post really resonated with me. I walk into one side of my family and I feel like I am being judged by the way I look and it is hard. To this day it is still hard to be around that side of the family because of the fear that they are talking about me behind my back. Not only does it hurt emotions, it tends to make us look at ourselves in a negative way as well.
Yes, I know I need to lose weight and am having trouble with motivation. Something that hurt was that my doctor recently said in her notes that I was obese appearing, yet did not talk to me about this at all. I think instead of adding fuel to the fire of needing to jump start a workout routine again it actually brought me down.
I just need to jump in and do something, your blog inspires me, I just need to take action on that inspiration.
This article gave me some much needed inspiration. I have been physically fit my entire life. In fact, I have had trouble gaining weight since I was a young girl. Being thin always came naturally to me. Last year I became pregnant and my doctors told me I was under weight. I ended up gaining 80 pounds by the time I gave birth. I have never weighed so much in my entire life and it has definitely effected by confidence. I lost the first 40 pounds thanks to breastfeeding and staying active but the remaining weight still lingers. After reading your article I feel inspired to discipline myself to get back in shape. Thanks so much!
I love you so much cassey! You are such an inspirational person! You’re gorgeous. Don’t let anyone bring you down! Your workouts still kick my ass and I love every second of it. Stay true to yourself girl!! <3
Rude! You’re gorgeous. Know it. Own it.
I find this post interesting because you judged harshly June and Alana, aka Honey Boo Boo. Do you have to experience a cruelty in order to realize that you , yourself were cruel ?
Completely agreed. I like you cassey but you were mean too. You were cruel towards both of them. Remember how you judged Alana’s fat rolls? Though you’d b glax to hear mama jun has lost 100lbs bu thats not the point. You know it hurts being criticized.. so be aware before you slam the likes of mama jume n honey boo boo.. there was nthg wrong in wanting them to clean up their lives but in the manner yoh said it, if made you soubd harsh. . And to thd girls or guys who called cassey fat or pur her down for gaining.. go to hell
The difference between June/Alana and people criticizing Cassey is it’s a matter of HEALTH. NOT appearance. June and Alana are insanely UNHEALTHY. That the path they have taken can more than likely lead to heart problems, high blood presssure, and other horrible illnesses.
Cassey is healthy. Eats healthy. She just isn’t super skinny and total muscle anymore. THATS the difference. People are criticizing her for a small layer of fat.
That’s a totally different case…
That wasn’t a matter of simply “gaining weight,” it’s being morbidly obese, and that’s a serious medical problem. And it’s not like they’re living a “healthy” lifestyle to begin with, and they know exactly what they’re doing to their bodies and aren’t really doing much about it–such as getting serious about, not just losing weight, but changing to a healthier lifestyle.
I don’t know why you even bothered to bring this up in this post (as it is irrelevant), but you’re not going to get the “response” you want.
She was pointing out how unhealthy they are eating all the time and the health problems that come with it. Not judging someone´s look in the first place. Get your facts straight.
No, there is no difference ; judgment is judgement. Period.
Ivori, I agree!!!
And not only this, but I swear I went through every comment and only found ONE girl who mentioned something about her weight. And she didn’t even use the WORD fat.
It’s clear Cassey has some body image issues, I wish her the best in overcoming them. However, she must understand that she has put herself in the position to be judged. You are not just some girl down the street whose weight yo-yos every month. You have marketed yourself as a FITNESS PROFESSIONAL. The same judgment would be expected if you were an athlete who didn’t perform up to their previous standards in a game, an actress who did a poor job in a film, you get the idea….. You have created this empire on how you look, train, eat, and think, so don’t bitch when people call you out on something that is kind of you not doing your job.
If Cassey had healthy eating habits, she would not have gained weight. If Cassey had healthy eating habits, she would have not gone on a crash diet to achieve a body that she could not maintain.
I guess you don’t know that’s what all competitors do when they enter fitness contests/competitions? They don’t and they KNOW they cannot maintain such a body state that they achieve for the contests/competitions…which is why they do not hold it every week… Also, this was A YEAR ago since she did this, so I don’t know where you’ve been. She’s not a robot where she continues to stay in “bikini body mode” 24/7, 365 days.
Also, if it was a crash diet, she probably would’ve not been able to have the body she has even right now. You’re making it sound like she did a crash diet a week ago and gained a huge amount of weight back, which obviously is not the case. In the end, Cassey is a certified fitness instructor and she knows what she’s doing…I’m positive you are not a certified fitness instructor and one who is “living a healthy lifestyle.”
You’re also implying that people who have “healthy eating habits” do NOT gain weight, but that itself is not true.
Anyways, I still don’t know the point of why you’re trying to blow this up? If a close one of yours was eating and living a lifestyle like Honey Boo Boo, you would leave them be and not say a word? Your way of thinking is actually terrible, and to think…do you even look after your own diet and eating habits? Do you use Cassey’s videos to workout? If you do, I just find it really ironic and sorta funny about what you’re doing right now.
I don’t get why you’re acting like you’ve never done anything “bad”, because what you’re doing now is no different from what you’re apparently frowning upon Cassey for.
hey ivori, try travelling around the world for 1 month, also, be sure to spring extra hundreds of dollars for a hotel room with a kitchen so you can cook all your own meals. Oh don’t forget while you’re down there vacationing or teaching or whilst on an agenda to get your own groceries. Also it’s important to note not to enjoy what other places or countries offer for food or beverage, it’s best to stick to your own little world – inside your head. and when you come back, since you look fab already, and you’re goal isn’t to lose weight because your chubby, so that’s obviously no challenge…no, you need a new goal – one that you will have to work hard for, but what can that be since you’re already fit and healthy. ooh maybe a bikini competition, sounds great! you’ll have to work your butt off for your own personal goal that has nothing to do with anyone else – what’s that? you achieved it? – but you don’t physically and mentally feel well, but you look ‘good’? well, it’s probably best for you to peck on pieces of broccoli daily to maintain your rake-like appeal. Nevermind your body craving nutrients. Your hair’s falling out but you look fantastic. good thing you ever INTENDED TO MAINTAIN THIS LIFESTYLE…
I don’t even know where to go with this anymore, bottom line. You’re an idiot. Get off these boards if you have nothing nice to say.
Some advice, pick a goal in your life, a nice challenging one that you really want – then give up on it. Because that’s what you’ve just told her she should have done in the first place.
It’s ironic that you’re now judging someone else for supposedly being judgmental. While I disagree that Cassey was judgmental to begin with, I think you should still consider about how you are indeed casting judgment right now. Just go live your own life.
why do you care if she gained weight? It’s her body not yours.
Whatever Ivori Rose!
We love you Cassey.
she went on a crash diet for a bikini competition and that is not a body ur supposed to maintain anyway. of course once she started eating normally again she’d gain weight! When ur body is deprived it latches onto everything you eat to get back to its old level of “health”. And I say she is perfectly healthy & fit right now! and ur saying she’s judging, but YOU’RE the one judging.
She never “judged” them by the way. She was exclaiming her sadness for them being extremely unhealthy. Don’t you remember how she told us about her own family after that whole ordeal? And Cassey DOES have healthy eating habits and never went on a crash diet. She teaches us to be happy and healthy and is human enough to show us her mistakes. I don’t know why you feel the need to come on here (which is supposed to be a positive zone) and bash people.
To me when a family member tells me that I’m too FAT!!! I just simply use that source of negative energy from them as a fuel to boost me up and work out even harder,so the next time they see me again they will be the ones asking me for advice 😉 I do get mad,sad, and so out of place, but I try not to let them rub salt to my open wounds.
Now to you Cassey. It doesn’t matter what or how you are starting to look like.You have touched so many girls lives out there. You’re an AWESOME instructor (better than my college Pilate instructor lol) everyone gain weights and get side tracked. Eating clean and healthy will be hard at times Maybe that baked zucchini doesnt taste as good as pizza,but keeping that source of positive energy within your beautiful soul you’ll definitely still have that killer body to be proud of!!!
Take care Missy Cassey<3<3<3<3
Wow. This resonates PERFECTLY with me right now. I’ve been feeling bad because my clothes are fitting tighter than before and I’ve definitely gained some poundage. But you know what? I just ran my fourth marathon and achieved my 4-hour-finish goal and my fastest time yet…at my heaviest! I guess I’m just giving my body what it needs. Thanks for this post!
Omg. Please please don’t feel ashamed. You still look amazing. And this is what I LOVE about your blog and work out videos, that you are so real and bright and peppy. I follow your workouts not JUST because of how fit you are, but because you are so motivating, encouraging and I love your outlook on life. It rubs off on me!! And that is simply so valuable. You make me want to be healthy, work out to look and feel good. And even if you aren’t all tan and crazy ripped like in your bikini competition pics, you are still healthy, strong and in great shape. For what it’s worth, I would watch your fitness videos no matter what you looked like. You are a huge source of encouragement and thank you so much for your workout vids!
Hey Cassey!
First of all, i wanna say you that you are really amazing! it is true! don’t be even a little bit upset because of someone said that u gained a weight. this person is so silly! as you already said, you ll just make a little push with workouts and eating clean and you will have a super perfect body as always, but that person will remain a silly one! you are perfect for so many girls all over the world! look at number of your subscribers everywhere! we follow you, we respect you, we trust you, we admire you, we love you! you are so funny and gorgeous and so good person! just don’t ever be upset! you are best of the best for all of us! Always smile as you always do it and, again, don’t be frustrated!
and secondly, yes, i was called fat when i was a little girl. i have never been skinny, you know, i have always had a layer of fat on my belly button. but when i was in my clothes on, it looked fine, i looked like a normal girl without any weight problems, but in the beach or in the swimming pool my fatty was shown. i guess it lasts all my life. of course, now i do like sport and do your video exercises and i eat super clean, and i guess i can see some changes in my body, like a little bit less of fat on my belly button (BUT! i m just in the beggining of my HEALTHY life)! since i remember myself i was a reeeeeeal sweettooth! i couldn’t live without eating sweets, cookies, candies, whatever it is. when i was home alone i could even eat only sweets and nothing more! i was like a drogaddicted. and my mom always tried to control what i eat, not to give me candies and so on, but of course, i found the ways to eat this stuff. you know what frustrated me? that my own parent called “a pregnant cocroach” when i was about 8-11 years old. it was not just someone in the street or in the school….. MY PARENTS called me like this. it was awful. i wanted to cry when i heard this from them. but the told me they do it just to make me understand my problem and do domething, stop eating so much and stop eating sweets…. but it only sounds so easy. i couldn’t quit eating my fave food. it was impossible for me. and by the way, i have never liked sport. i did go to the swimming pool and gymnastic and dances, but i hated it. so, here is my story how words of “you are fat” hurted me.
Now i m better and almost look perfect but still have to decrease my fat layer, because i don’t look like you in my swimsuit =)))))))))
Oh, i almost forgot to tell you that you maid me better. thanks to your recipes of banana-eggs pancakes and oatmeal pancakes. it is hard to imagine how just two recipes can change someone’s life. but yours did this to me. whan i saw these two videos and made this desserts i understood that “OH, MAN, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED TO BE PERFECT”. i understood that i can eat food which tastes sweet, just not to add sugar and replace it for banana, because banana can make everything taste sweet. and now i really eat super clean, i make healthy desserts absolutely without flour and sugar and the most important thing is that thanks to these dishes I DON’T WANNA EAT SWEETS which it is so simply to buy everywhere! I CAN LEAVE WITHOUT THEM! and this is my victory! i believe in myself now only because of you.
I just want to thank you. You are not just an inspiration for girls, the most important thing is that YOU CHANGE OURLIVES TO THE BEST!
Thank you, thank you and thank you so much for everything you do!
P.S. Sorry, i know it is too long, but i didn’t want to miss anything.
Cassey, you’re a beautiful woman and I honestly think we all love you very dearly, even though we don’t know you in person. You don’t hide things from us. You openly tell us about your bad moments as much as you do about the good ones. And I thank you for that.
We sometimes tend to be judgemental, I see that and assume I have done it before. But every day I try to mend that behaviour because I don’t appreciate being judged, so why should I do that to other people? You know, it’s about improving myself as a human being. It’s a part of my personal growth towards becoming the best person I know I can be.
As far as body image and eating/exercising/body issues, I have had my share of them, and still do. Just yesterday my mom told me, in an advising, motherly, loving tone that I should lose weight. I know I must do so, not because she tells me, but because of how I feel about myself. If I’m not happy about the way I look, then I fight for change, because I know I can achieve any goal I set for myself. Most importantly, eating “right”/clean and exercising (with the benefit of losing a few pounds) is about being healthy and feeling, from the inside out, that I am doing something extremely important for myself regarding the present and the future.
So, girl, don’t worry about that littl’ bit of fat you own right now on top of those smokin’ hot abs you’ve got. You’re beautiful, energetic, healthy, inspirational(!!!!) and such a pleasure to get to know!
We love you, no matter what the percentage of fat in your body is.
P.S. About the bikini competition, I think you were insanely brave, because it's such an extreme path to put your body and your mind through. You owned, girl! 🙂
I read the entire post, and this really made me love you even MORE! I couldn’t even tell that you had gained any weight when I saw you again at the Jamba FiTrends Expo–you look healthy, happy, fit and full of life. <3
Just wanna say that I LOVE this post!!!! I think as girls we all struggle with this idea of perfection and feel like massive failures if we fall short. The idea that its okay to be human is not really encouraged anymore, and like you’ve said before having such a low body fat isn’t really attainable long term and those who keep it generally aren’t getting enough nourishment. I think its sad that even in a place focused of fitness people would still encourage and idolize looks that aren’t healthy to maintain long term. This post made me realize just how okay it is to have my body not some dreamt up ideal!!
This post was the truest thing I have ever read on the internet – thank you so much for posting it! As a student living away from home, I’ve definitely found the ‘Fresher Five’ (fiteen) and this post stopped me stressing and getting upset. You’re super and you shouldn’t feel bad for ‘letting go’ – you look amazing!
DON’T YOU DARE LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!!!! They are not people who care about you. You’re probably getting to your ideal weight because you are eating a more varied healthy diet. Your body can still do everything that you could do and now you can do it better from gaining a little. How horrible are people to judge and put people down in this way. Look at your own faults before you judge others.
I am so happy you wrote this post, as well….i guess its time more people start staying this: we shouldn´t be ashamed of gaining weight or weighing more than someone else…. it shouldn´t be the main focus of people. Look at ME, my personality, what I say and what I do…not at the size of my jeans of if I have a belly pooch. That is not the most important thing, it does not define me.
And you look good, no matter what shape. Know why??? Because you take care of your body, you feed him the nutrients he needs and keep him active, because you take care of your soul also and inspire others to be better everyday. And that´s what makes you beautiful, not the thigh gap….one day,when you´ll be old and telling stories to your grankids, you´ll want to tell them something about being happy and living their lives, not about how you had a gorgeous thigh gap and your stomach was flat :)))
And that´s what makes you beautiful, not the thigh gap….one day,when you´ll be old and telling stories to your grankids, you´ll want to tell them something about being happy and living their lives, not about how you had a gorgeous thigh gap and your stomach was flat :)))” omg so TRUE!!! thanks so much for putting things into perspective for me too!
I have close people in my life constantly making remarks about my weight. I try to ignore their opinions and focus on my own. If I feel good about the way I look then that is all that matters. I’m not saying it doesn’t hurt or bother me from time to time, but at the end of the day my opinion is the only opinion that should matter when it comes to my physical appearance. I just want to say thank you for opening up so much of yourself to me and many other fans!! You inspire and motivate so many people including myself! Keep rockin’ out Cassie!! <3
I would like to note there is a drastic difference between fitness and being skinny.
I struggle through every one of your workouts (which is why i love them because they challenge me), but there you are pushing through … not doing the easier version and on top of that encouraging us through each routine. I’m over here just struggling to breathe 😉
All in all I completely understand the internal conflictions and family aspect (hispanic family over here). But at the end of the day you have to do what makes you happy and learn from experiences. I think this is one of those things. Being skinny doesn’t have to determine your level of happiness and other’s opinions of what that should be for you is irrelevant.
You rock, Casey. No one should ever call you fat. You’re gorgeous, fit, strong, and healthy. You are an inspiration to us all. Plus, we are women, and busy women! Life happens. I’m struggling with gaining weight this pregnancy, but I know it is for the best and for the health of my baby. I focus on the strength of my body to create a new life. And you are a strong and inspiring woman. Keep it up and don’t let mean people get you down!
The I was afraid of fruit part made me cringe and tear up. I remember the height of my eatin disorder and how I’m currently going back to those ways. I am so sad to hear that you ever felt that way and it sucks. It really does.
Hey Cassey!
Your text is awesome and comforting.
Thanks you so much, and please remain who you are !
Way to own it. I’ve just started following your blog & doing your awesome videos so whatever you look like now is the Cassey I love and tell all my friends about! Thanks for being there for us and I hope we can be there and support you. Shake it off, sister.
I can honestly say that I feel ashamed for gaining even the smallest amount of weight. I’m Asian and I know how it is for everyone to tell you what you should or shouldn’t look like and I hate it. I got this post in an e-mail that sent to my phone while I was feeling pretty low today about my weight and it spoke volumes. I always thought you were beautiful in every video and every photo and wished I could have your body but that’s why I’m following your videos and reading your blog. Because you are an inspiration to everyone and a few comments here and there shouldn’t mean anything. I just want to thank you for writing this because it not only shows that you’re vulnerable to the same mistakes as your viewers but you’re also honest about it and still encouraging us to stay positive.
I think it was pretty rude of anyone who asked you those things! It’s admirable that you’re willing to say, yes, I did gain weight, because I’m human. And honestly, you are still incredibly fit and healthy with an amazing body (and attitude!), so I’m sure that the people who left those comments were doing so out of jealousy. Like you said, it’s normal for everyone to feel ashamed of gaining weight. But that’s why we have the Blogilates community, so we can all support one another <3
Fantastic post Cassey.
This community has amazing potential to be a super positive force – if we focus on loving our bodies rather than being ashamed of them.
Obviously with any health and fitness forum there will be people whose ultimate goal is weightloss. I think we’ve become very confused at equating health and fitness to thinness, and this post addresses that. I too have been thinner before than I am now, but I was way less healthy. My mother would love me to be angular rather than womanly but it has nothing to do with my health. When I was getting all my calories from bourbon I was super slim. I don’t recommend it.
If people are looking at your videos and instead of thinking “Cassey’s so amazing!” they’re thinking “oooo, Cassey’s thickening up a bit, maybe I should tell her because obviously she hasn’t noticed herself and it’s totally my business” then that speaks more about their own weight obsession than it does anything else.
This is a great blog for the Health at Any Size movement: You can read her hatemail for a taste of how crazy and evil internet peeps can be.
The things that I’ve always admired most about you are your attitude, your smile, and how you can chatter away while doing reps while I can barely breathe. Nothing to do with your inner thigh gap.
Love you,
We all gain weight from time to time! Nobody can stay at their perfect weight forever- not even movie stars! Keep on making healthy living your main goal!
I’m so glad you wrote this, its really helpful and motivating. This time last year I was suffering with an eating disorder and now I’m recovered I’m just eating and eating; but after reading this its time to stop and start exercising and get to a healthy weight the healthy way. Thank you!<3
Cassey, you are the best!! You are such an inspiration. It’s nice to see that you are human too and have struggles just like we “popsters” do. You are so beautiful inside & out. Don’t let rude people with rude comments bring you down. I bet they are completely jealous to see even if you gain a couple pounds how good you still look!
Aw Cassey you are gorgeous!
I used to have that “super skinny and fit bikini model” look but it takes an enormous amount of self-discipline, not to mention limit of food intake. I have gained about twenty pounds and at times I feel guilty about because I’m short- so every pound gained is visible, but I’m so much healthier.
You’re such an inspiration
Oh my goodness, you are perfect the way you are. The way you are is the way you are meant to be. Who cares if you gained one pound or ten?? I wouldn’t care..because that in turn makes you HUMAN..makes you a real person with a real life with real world issues, like we all have. I’m a mother of 3 who weighed 115 back in the day. I now weigh 140 :(( Its so hard to try to lose weight, eat right, exercise, when I’m busy trying to keep my kids on track. Make dinner for them every single night, help my husband with the pest control and inspection business we have, keep up with the house stuff…Be proud of you and never feel ashamed of the little things. I love seeing and doing your videos when I have time and it’s absolutely amazing what you accomplished in the two years I have read your blog. Keep your head up, because in the end its just you that matters, not what others think of you. I know this, I’m hispanic and either im too fat or too skinny in my mothers eyes 😉
As much as I dislike that someone as gorgeous as you would get criticism for your weight, I am so grateful that it resulted in this post. I’m also a fitness instructor and have recently gained a few pounds (and much tighter jeans) due to a crazy schedule, YOLO meals and drinks to celebrate a friend’s wedding, and less strength training (because I’m learning new cardio choreography). I have had issues with eating and body image and have really been beating myself up about it and this post really made me stop, take a breath, and realize that it’s ok. It’s ok if my jeans are tighter some weeks and it’s ok if my weight fluctuates some and I just have to get over it and get back into the swing of my usual healthy habits. Seriously, this post has really helped a struggle I’ve been going through for the past couple weeks on such a personal level.
So, thank you for this post and for having a positive attitude and class about a nasty comment. Thank you for being open about it and putting it out there. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your blog and for how much you truly care about others.
I was just gonna say, who cares, I can’t do a single workout of yours even WITHOUT talking all. the way. through it!!! Dang you’re fit! For me personally, this makes you even more credible as a fitness instructor. You rock. And just by the by you changed my life. I can say thata I love my body more and more every day bc of you.
You’re awesome. Seriously. I mean, you are. Thanks for being honest. Our society is obsessed with weight. Micromanaging our weight and etc. Its hard when you put yourself out there.
First off, I want to say that personally, I think you looked better before the bikini competition. I think that the “bikini look” was a little extreme, but that’s my opinion. I can totally relate to the feeling bad because of gaining weight. Last summer I was diagnosed with a debilitating illness (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). I ended up gaining 30 lbs due to inactivity. The funny thing was, before the illness, I was actually underweight. I was coming out of an abusive household where I didn’t get enough to eat. I went from a size 0-2 to a size 6-8 in a matter of 4 months. Even though now I look healthier, hearing comments from my friends about my weight gain worried me. This is mostly because my mom struggles with Bulimia, so growing up I didn’t have a good role model when it comes to eating right and being healthy. My greatest fear was/is becoming like her.
I am learning that weight/appearance is only a fraction of who I am. That the most important thing is to be healthy and happy. Your post really resonated with me. So many girls/women are so worried about the number on the scale that they fail to realize that the inside is what counts. Also remember that the people who feel the need to constantly point out your weight gain are the same people who feel insecure about their own bodies.
Keep on doing what you’re doing. I admire your passion, kindness, and determination. And you look absolutely FINE the way you are. <333
We love you, just the way you are. As long as you feel ok, I see no issue with a bit of weight gain. As you said, this is life, you gain weight and you loose weight.
You are beautiful, inside and out! Just know in your heart that you have been an inspiration to SO MANY people becauae you are human, just like us. Keep on keepin’ on and being awesome! <3
After struggling with Anorexia, you have been my inspiration. And I know that I’m not the only one that feels this way. This post is brilliant, so thank you. I think you have being looking great, and didn’t even notice the weight gain. Although the justification is hackneyed and cliche, I really believe it’s true – People make negative comments, because they want to feel better about themselves, no matter if they’re comments are completely false! Society needs to focus on health and well being – physical and psychological (as you mentioned the development of fear foods.. which could indicate the development of disordered thinking and eating). As you said, you are just as fit, if not fitter than when you were at a lower weight/body fat percentage. I would assume you have a healthier frame of mind and are feeling more energetic, etc, too!! So good on you, and thank you!!!!
I honestly teared up reading this because I see so much of myself in this. I think you are such a strong person and so beautiful inside and out! Thank you for not only helping us take care of our bodies, but to feel beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Thank you for giving us confidence. Love you, Cassey <3
I honestly teared up reading this because I see so much of myself in this. I think you are such a strong person and so beautiful inside and out! Thank you for not only helping us take care of our bodies, but to feel beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Thank you for giving us confidence. Love you, Cassey <3
Hey Cassey! I just read this comment on youtube and wanted to send it to you, just in case you had not read it.
“Cassey, I can’t believe anyone would call you fat. Maybe you’ve gained a little weight since the bikini competition, but so what?! You look so much better now!! You are one of the healthiest people I know, working out, eating clean without getting obsessed with counting calories and stuff, and I admire you so much! You have inspired me to live a healthy life and you really motivate me to work out every day! You are an amazing person and you look fabulous! We love you! x”
You are beautiful, you are a true inspiration, and you have so many fans. I am so proud to be able to call myself a POPster <3
Thank you for this post. I went through the same thing – last year I went down to my goal weight, eating 600 calories a day. While I still love the way I looked in the photos then, everyone told me I was talking like a robot, and I was thinking about eating and working out 99.999% of the time.
Since I stopped that, I gained the 10 lbs back, but I’m not thinking about food all of the time, and am much happier and have energy.
Good for you for being a healthy role model instead of just sticking to one body type. 🙂
Thank you so much for that! It’s actually something I’ve been going through a lot lately, last summer i finally reached my weight goal of getting down to 125 (Something i’d been working on for 2 years and 60 some odd lb’s) but….it was summer. And as summer goes when you’re in High school the last thing you do is care about eating after two years of dieting. Needless to say my pants didn’t fit right again by the end of it lol. I was super ashamed of that fact and went back to wearing my old frumpy sweaters because i was afraid that everyone would notice, and then? I discovered Blogilates 🙂 You’ll always be inspirational to me, regardless of a back and forth few pounds, because i’m there right now. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me get back to where i want to be and also kicking some sense into my ashamed way of thanking,
so thank you bunches!
Cassey, I really needed to hear this. A few months ago I was the skinniest I’ve ever been. Everyone was telling me how good I looked. I was terrified of gaining the weight back and having people talk about me falling off the wagon. It’s only been a short time, but because of the stress of exams and not having time to workout, I’ve gained a lot of weight. And just like you, I felt ashamed! It’s crazy how hard we girls are on ourselves! When I look at you, I don’t think you look fat at all!!! You look AMAZING! You may feel that you aren’t at your best, but don’t let the comments of others hurt you. You’re beautiful and your videos inspire so many girls to be HEALTHY; not just to lose weight and be skinny, but to actually feel good about themselves. To be beautiful inside and out. So thank you for addressing this. I really needed to hear those words.
I’m going to get back on track and lose my weight too, but in the mean time, I’m not going to be ashamed about putting on a few pounds! 🙂 Thanks Cassey!
This post was both refreshing and encouraging, thank you for your honesty!
Hey Cassey, I just had to comment on this. I’ve been doing your videos since February and always find your smiling cheerful crazy energy super encouraging. You have an awesome body and this along with your smiles motivates me to keep pushing myself. I have seen an amazing difference in my own body since I started and hope one day that it looks anything like yours!! As far as relatives are concerned, back in my granny’s time it was considered a compliment to call someone fat as it meant there was enough food (and money) to be able to eat so much! Peoples’ opinions of body image will always change, but to me what’s important is your amazing attitude. So thank you for your honesty with this post but please stay as positive as you always have 🙂
Thank you so much for being a constant inspiration xxx
Cassey, thank you so much for posting this. Truly. You are amazing.
I started the May calendar yesterday, and did all 5 of the videos. I can barely WALK today I’m so sore!!!! It doesn’t matter what size you are, because you are beautiful, still SUPER toned, and can kick our asses with your insane pop pilates moves!
Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re my absolute favorite.
Wow, that’s crazy. You’re still so fit-tastic how can people criticize you like that? You still look great! SO what if your weight changed? You can lose the weight again, but those people will just have a sour personality for the rest of their life. It’s not your problem, it’s theirs. You should have to deal with repercussions.
I suffered from an eating disorder in high school. It started after someone called me a fat***. I went on to write list after list of things I hated about myself, and that I wanted to change. I got down to a 00 and still hated myself.
It’s kind of crazy how one little remark can change the way you look at yourself.
Just keep your chin up Cassey. You are beautiful, with or without the approval of others.
Hey Cassey,
I’ll try to find the right wird’s because i’m German.
I just want to tell you that you are not alone. Many girls have this problem. And mee too, in summer last year i lost much weight. I ate really less and only without much fat. the result was that my body screamed for food, my hair became less and thin… then when the winter came, i began to ate. i ate everything i have forbidden me and it felt so good. i became happier, until some people asked me if i gained weight. i didn’t understand that, because i was happy. then i realized that i gained weight again and i felt ashamed. then i found you, and now i’m training every day. but not to loose weight! to build muscels! i want to show the people that the weight i gained is musclepower! you are my inspiration!! eat healthy and enough, work hard and your dream body will come true! 🙂
Thank you for this post! Life happens and as long as know that nothing can go wrong. You are smart, talented, and pretty no matter what your size is!! Keep on being awesome :)!
Hi Cassey!
I just wanted to say that you are so awesome and inspirational! Thank you for taking the time out of your very, very busy schedule to make new, fun workouts for us. I’ve always wanted to get toned and fit but could never find a workout I could stick with. I tried lots of DVD workouts but I always ended up getting bored because they were so…monotoned, and really not personable. Then I found your awesome workouts! The level of personality, inspiration, and positivity that you convey in each of your videos is such a motivator! And frankly, having a trainer whose weight may fluctuate from time to time just makes you that much more relatable. If you stayed at your perfect weight all the time, without any fluctuation, I would feel so hopeless-like I would never be able to reach my goal. The last thing I would want is a trainer who would say “you had a cupcake over the weekend? 10,000 burpees! Now!”. It’s nice to know that you’re on this journey with us as well…maybe at a different spot, but still on the same journey. Keep up the fantastic work, Cassey! You’re amazing! Oh, and when you do get some rest (seriously, try to take a break for yourself!) and you’re ready for your next trip, what about New Orleans? Just a thought 🙂 Thanks for all your encouragement!
Cassey this blog post really resonated with me. It was reassuring to know that others go through the same problems when it comes to gaining weight, the number on the scale, and the feel of their clothes. Last summer I gained about 10 pounds of the 30 pounds I lost my freshmen year of college. I went through a bad breakup and resorted to food. This only led to more frustration because I felt ashamed of my body and of how I was handling the situation. This frustration led to food binges occassionally where I lost control. I was never one to resort to food. I still worked out during this time but results were not seen because I was sacrificing progress with my disordered eating habits. It was a long summer of pain, frustration, and just overall unhappiness.
But the moral of the story here is, I have gotten back on track. I eat clean, feel healthier, work hard in my workouts, live a well rounded life, and most of all if I make a mistake I don’t beat myself up about it. We aren’t perfect and as you said that’s what makes us human.
Thank you for sharing this post today. It was very influential and I think more people need to think as you do with such positivity 🙂
Lastly, thanks for being an inspiration!
Hey Cassey! Don’t even feel like you need to ‘flatten your Ab’s and diet hard again. That’s not what it’s about. Love you Cassey!
you are SUCH an inspiration. truely! Thank you x100000 for posting this <3
I enjoy reading your stuff on here and this is yet again another one of those good reads. But in all seriousness, you have nothing to worry about, you look great, feel great and above all else, you’re healthy.
People are assholes (excuse the language).
You are adorable, sweet, and a huge inspiration to us POPsters! And frankly, we like you no matter how you look – it is the bubbly personality, the happy smiles, and your amazing will to do what you love that makes you the best fitness instructor ever. Every sane person understands that you can’t look like you did for that competition all the time. I’d like to see them try!
Keep going, and never forget how amazing you are!
Love from Sweden.
Whoever said that to you is 1) totally insensitive and 2) an ignorant person
Personally, i think you look great and have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. If it helps at all, I actually *love* the way you look.
Also, I love the fact that you don’t look like an unnaturally lean or crazy thin fitness/bikini model all the time. It lets people realize that there is zero shame in looking like a normal person because you can still be your strongest, fittest, healthiest, and happiest. Not everything has to be about the way you look (even though you always look fantastic), and i would rather have you just the way you are than someone who is always effortlessly thin and just doesn’t know the struggle. The fact that you can’t always look picture perfect doesn’t discredit you at all. It makes you more relatable and inspiring and its why you’re my favorite.
Hi Cassey! Thank you so much for your encouraging post. I’m sure so many girls (especially those of us with Asian moms/aunties – I’m half Korean) can relate. After a huge fight with my mom after a comment about how she didn’t want my aunts to gift me a traditional dress for my wedding because I was “too heavy” (at 5’5″ 125lbs, mind you) to be measured, I’ve since accepted that it’s a CULTURAL difference and she truly doesn’t mean harm by it. I also accepted that it’s culturally different for me to desire to have more mass than my cousins in overseas. I’m a good 30 pounds heavier than my cousin counterparts, and I’m proud of my ability to squat and press like a BEAST!!
Anywhoo, my real point is this: please continue to deliver the message about healthy eating and how fad diets are not good. I used to be a lean 120 lbs and 18% body fat and very healthy…and then broke my foot and couldn’t go to the gym for some time. TERRIFIED that I would gain weight, so I went ultra low carb (Atkins), going into ketosis at times. I actually started to gain weight, so I responded by cutting calories and practicing intermittent fasting. I lost weight for 2 weeks and then gained it all back doubled it the next two weeks. I was finally able to hit the gym and started working out like a mad woman, terrified that my weight was going up, and wouldn’t touch any foods that weren’t “clean” or low glycemic. Strangely, my weight kept increasing in spite of all my dieting and exercise. Long story short, after months of doctors’ visits, $1000s in lab tests, and many frustrated nights of crying, we determined that I fatigued my endocrine system and shut down my thyroid. My BMR had slowed down to about 780 kcal/day. All because I was depriving my body of the carbs and foods it so desperately needed to keep up with my active lifestyle.
After more research, I found that this is a condition very common with female body buildings, because of their workout intensity and extreme dieting around competition time. I am now in the process of trying to “repair” my metabolism, which involves eating 1800-2000 calories a day over 6 meals with a prot/carb/fat ratio of about 40/30/30. I’ve put on another 10 pounds in 3 weeks, but I’m honestly the happiest I have been in the last 1.5 years since this all began. I know in about another 3 weeks, my body will recognize that it’s no longer being starved and I will begin burning off the fat stores again.
My point is to all the girls is to put HEALTH first, not numbers on a scare and to not believe some highly marketed hype from celebrities about some miracle diet or pill. It’s all about balance and sustainability and being GOOD to yourself.
Your comment about coming from an Asian family resonates with me. My brother married a Thai girl last year and in the middle of the traditional Thai ceremony her great aunt told my sister-in-law to move her arms so they didn’t look so fat (she is not what she calls “Thai size” and gets a lot of those comments from her family). While I’m very thankful to come from a family that is very positive and built up my self esteem, fitness and being health conscious was never made a priority. I struggle to make the right lifestyle choices now as an adult. A friend recommended you and today is my first day. So far, I’m motivated and love the short routines that make it seem so easy to get in a pretty intense workout. Thank you for offering all of your videos and plans!
I don’t know that you’ll even read this due to the volume of comments but I truly think you should look into CATHY SAVAGE FITNESS! That’s the way to go if you want to get in bikini competition shape WITHOUT crazy deprivation diets! She’s all natural and organic as well. No fat burners or supplements that will mess with your body. Good nutrition and tough tough workouts to whip you into shape! I’ll be a Savage girl for life! Xoxo
Ps you are beautiful no matter what your weight! And inspiring’! Stay strong and confident!
When i came home from my first year in college, my mom told me that “no man likes a woman with a fat a**”. It didn’t really inspire me to lose the weight…just reinforced what i was afraid of. Thank you for your honesty.
I married a man who insisted I never lose my big butt, and we’ll be married for four years in June. And if you’re like me, you inhereted it from her. Lol. I’ll edit her by saying “men want a happy, confident woman”. Tell her that and to lay off.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I think you look great, first of all. I’d give pretty much anything to look like you. I remember a time when I was fit. I’ve never been happy with how I look, but I’ve been less unhappy. I’ve been aware that I was bigger than many of my friends since at least the second grade. Right before I joined the military I was SUPER fit. I worked out 3-4 hours each day in preparation for boot camp. I was in SHAPE!!! Then I went to boot, and lost much of it (crazy, right?). The 3 years I was enlisted after that weren’t much better. I was the heaviest I’ve ever been due to crappy galley food, studying/school 100 hours per week, and poor dietary choices. Then I went to medical school, and studied even more. Fourth year of med school I committed to getting in shape, and I did. For a while. But by graduation, I was so busy again preparing to move to a different state, start internship, etc that the bad habits crept back into my life. My sister and sister-in-law visited in the summer, which was a blow to the self esteem one after another. One does cross-fit and could probably bench press me, and the other is an actual model. Thanks. I’m 5’1″ and fluffy (as my father was so fond of saying).
Intern year is a bust. The whole thing. I ran the WORST physical fitness test of my LIFE last month, and it kills me. I used to run that 1.5 miles in 9 minutes. Now I’m over 12. I used to easily do 120 sit ups. Now I barely managed 66. My clothes? Not so much with the fitting. My uniform is uncomfortable, because it’s so tight in the waistline. And I’m disgusted with how much I weight and what I see in the mirror. I work 80-120 hours per week, I’m expected to go home and read about my patients when I’m not working, and frankly, most days I’m lucky if I have time to shower and brush my teeth, let alone work out. But I’m deploying with the Marines in a few months, and I’m going to have to get into shape. Plus, I don’t want to be ashamed of my body when I move to Okinawa in a few months. Lots of swim suit potential there. My poor husband is fit. He deserves a wife that isn’t a puff ball. I appreciate your post. It’s reassuring to know that I’m human. Also, you look amazing. Don’t let ’em get to ya! Easier said than done, right?
You’re beautiful Cassey, whether you gain some or lose some!
The people who made those comments were being insensitive and rude. I’d prefer that they stop picking at other people’s bodies and concentrate on toning their own. Many of them are probably not nearly as fit as you are!
And just like what many other people have said, you’re SUCH an inspiration to us! Your enthusiasm and energy is what keeps us going when working out and toning up gets hard. I really appreciate your honesty and sincerity in your blogposts, and we really love you! :’)
I just did my first bikini competition in March and experienced the same thing =/ Mine wasn’t as long of a diet rebound though. I set a goal for myself to do another 6 months later that way I wouldn’t gain like crazy. Though I did gain 12lb in 2 weeks which is a lot for my tiny body…Pretty much saying I know how you feel though </3 It's heart breaking specially when others notice and you're KNOWN for being "that girl in shape." We can do this though!
MY FAVORITE POST YET!!!!! The exact same thing happened to me this winter.. and I feel the exact same way! It’s nice to know that im not alone!!! And I also didnt notice that you ganied weight in your abc abs video!
Cassey i’m 18 and i’ve been working out pretty much my entire life- i’m not sporty or anything, but i dance and do gymnastics and aerobics. And i was always chubby. i’ve struggled through eating disorders and dropped down sizes like crazy- especially when dance shows were approaching. Of course, a uk size 6 or 8 is not uncommon, so nobody ever told me that i was harming myself, that not eating was the reason i was weak. On the contrary, my mother would actually be proud of me. Anyway, this year- my senior year, i had to quit a lot of the dancing i did.. From 6-8 h per week i now only do 3 h of dancing. And naturally i started gaining weight- now a uk size 10-12. My mother and dance instructor literally lecture me about being fat. They had completely ruined my self esteem- that is, until i discovered you on youtube. I’m a recent “fan” and i must admit, you have helped me in more ways than you can imagine. Firstly, my body is starting to look better now. Moreover, i feel happy excited more often- and i think of your energy when i feel drained. And most importantly, i believe that i CAN. The moves and poses i can make my body do after subscribing to your channel are amazing. My dance instructor just stares at me in shock, for the chubbiest girl in the entire class is able to do the hardest stuff. I guess i’m just trying to say thank you. Keep inspiring people! xox P.S. i feel the Asian relatives thing, my family is Greek *sighs*
Thank you so much for posting this. This past month I’ve been dealing with a very similar situation and feeling ashamed because I’ve gained weight, when it’s been a really good thing. During my graduating semester, I lost a lot of weight, the unhealthy way, due to stress. Even though I had been exercising and eating clean, the last few pounds were all from the stress and I got unhealthy skinny. But the thing was, as unhealthy as I was, I loved that I had gotten skinny. So when I came back from a vacation and started doing your Pop Pilates more and healthy from your meal plan, I started gaining muscle back and looking thicker but healthier. I felt ashamed that I was looking like this even though I knew I should be. Your post really resonates with me and I just wanted to share my story and give you a huge thanks.
Dear Cassey, I think you are great and truly and inspiration for us all. I haven’t noticed your weight gain, I think you look great as always. Thank you for your energy and for allways being so cheerfull. Thank you for all your effort, you are truly great!
When i first stumbled upon your videos on youtube the first thing that caught my eye was that your body looked beautiful and healthy. I suffered from an eating disorder for many years and you were the first fitness instructor i found that i felt had a healthy attitude towards food and fitness that did not teeter on the edge of obsessive and frankly disordered. I have been a loyal popster because of that very fact. When i watched your videos leading up to the bikini contest they honestly really started to bother me. Eating that little is not healthy for anyone. I appreciated you talking about that after you were done, but there is a fine line between being healthy and being disordered. I am happy that you have put yourself out there and are so open about this. Women’s bodies seem to belong to the general public and people can say anything they want about them. I guess my point is that the fact that you gained weight after your competition in my eyes only made you a more credible fitness instructor because eating so little isn’t healthy.
Thanks for everything you do. You are beautiful just the way you are
Cassey keep up the good work!Don’t be discouraged by the mean things that peope say!<3
The truth is, I like your healthier, slightly thicker body better. I’ve always had wide hips and have been self conscious about them for years, and it was nice being able to see someone who didn’t have a perfect body, but a strong, beautiful and attainable body. Instead of looking at stick thin Victoria Secret models, I saw someone who looked happy and healthy and who was enjoying herself, no matter what she looked like. That’s why your such a role model. You’re not the trainers on those reality shows who tells us we’re not good enough. You’re the girl who runs and stretches besides us, who tells us we are everything and then some, and who only lives to motivate us:)
I didn’t notice that you gained! And I understand how asian families can be… I have a 99 year old great grandma who called me fat every 5 minutes! Oh well 😛 I lost a lot of weight when I joined the community! I mean what I say when I say you changed my life! Your only human. You can’t be PERFECT all the time *-* Thank you, Cassey ♥
Honestly all I could think about when I saw your ABC video was “omg she has such nice legs I’m so jealoussssss” sooo… I don’t know what people are talking about calling you fat haha! And it’s not that I’m fat and I think any skinner girl isn’t fat just bc they’re smaller than my size. I think you look wonderful! And even if you put on 100 pounds more, I’d still be happy and motivated to workout with you because you’re so much fun to work out with!
I’m glad that you feel ok with your weight gain, because, like you said, your body needed it and you’re just a human being. I think you you’re great inside out, and I am thankful everyday for the effort you put in to make these workout videos and calendars for us and these blog posts! Thanks to you I feel stronger and better about myself everyday!
People need to look at things like this (your weight gain, in this case) and not think “omg how could she do that,” but instead think “oh wow I better make sure I never let myself do that.” They should take this as an opportunity to better themselves for the present and future, not as an opportunity to be insensitive towards you—no one wins anything out of that. The only thing I’d “bother” to message you about is to say “thank you” 🙂
<3 you Cassey!
Whoever commented on your video that you gained weight obviously wasn’t doing it with you because when I was doing that I was too busy dying as you were taking your sweet time trying to come up with foods for each letter to even look at your thighs once! All I could think was that you were trying to kill me, but you always do it with a smile! There’s no reason to judge your body because I know you’ll be able to kick my butt no matter what.
Dear Cassey,
I think you are such an inspiration and I believe that you look much more healthy and vibrant now that you’ve gained a little weight than you did before. You look strong and confident! As someone recovering from an eating disorder I know what it’s like to get down to a weight that I thought was perfect but when I started recovering I realized that this “perfect weight” I had strived for wasn’t healthy for me. Health comes in all shapes and sizes and you can be in excellent physical condition without chiseled abs. I congratulate you on your gain and I think you should be proud that you found REAL health!
Thank you so much for this post! Us girls are often made to feel like our bodies are under constant surveillance and criticism. It makes it difficult for us to develop healthy attitudes about ourselves and others. Your approach to health is so fun, positive and well-rounded! You couldn’t be more right when you say that health is about connecting with and listening to OUR BODIES!
Like you and other readers, my relatives, too, have made comments regarding my physical appearance. I have one aunt that’s like Goldie Locks, you either look too fat or too skinny to her. With time, I realized that people’s comments often say more about them than they do about whoever they’re talking about.
It’s hard to maintain a healthy attitude when our society perpetuates such an unhealthy one. But the same way we have to work our physical muscles consistently to retain their strength, we have to work consistently on remaining loving and compassionate toward ourselves. Your videos manage to be playful and empowering at the same time! This most recent post just affirms what a wonderful influence you have on the physical and emotional health of your followers! It’s just as you say, sore today and strong tomorrow. Some sour comments may have stung a bit today, but they have strengthened the admiration a lot of us followers have for you, Cassey!
P.S. YOU ARE SUCH A BEAUTY! Continue relishing EVERY aspect of your life, especially all the delicious foods your body desires! ^_^
I appreciate your honesty and I respect you for that.
I’m facing the same situation as yours right now. I gained back the pounds I had lost and I’m really struggling cause I feel ashamed too. I’m trying as hard as I can to get back to where I was before, especially because I’m finding it hard to accept my body as it is right now.
This is an extract from one of your posts post-bikini competition:
“I’m eating clean and living life again. That’s the best I can do right!? I don’t live in the gym and I can do normal people things like eat out with friends! Life is about enjoying what you do, loving the people around you, and finding happiness. That’s the ultimate goal right?
So if I have to work SO abnormally hard to maintain a certain physique and sacrifice the precious joys of life, then maybe that is not where my body was meant to be. Sure it’s cool to discipline yourself and “get in shape” for bikini season or a bikini competition, but we all need to realize that there is an “in season weight” and an “off season weight”.
So THANK YOU for showing me (showing US) that IT’S OK not to look perfect. I really needed today’s post.
I had no idea what “eating clean” meant before bumping into you. I’d never thought of eating as a way to “nourish my body”, and I’m slowly learning how to be the healthiest version of myself. All thanks to you.
This is why you’re my role model Cassey. It has nothing to do with size. Being a fitness instructor, you are doing exactly what you’re supposed to do: making us sweat AND smile, showing us that we are HUMAN BEINGS, with all the ups and down that come with it.
Love you and thank you, x
Cassie, you are such an inspiration, and whoever says that you gained weight is purely jealous of you. You are a wonderful and beautiful person, and I wish only the best for you.
But honestly…the bikini photo looks photo-shopped and basically the “Ideal” woman in a man’s eyes. Therefore I am so thankful for this blog you wrote, since it shows what ‘s a true woman ought to look like and not what the media shows. Go Cassey!
And for another point, you do not look fat! <3
Ps. You remind me of KimFitness on Youtube, who purposely gained weight to show how others can loose weight as well….only , you need to buy her DVD to see the results, which sucks….:(…
Hey Cassey, with your post you actually made me look back at your video to check on you again! I see you beautiful and fit like in all your videos. I admire you and really you have change my lifestyle in almost 6 months now. What are you doing for us its pretty amazing and thank you. Some people are just bad and dont know when to close their mouth!!! I really appreciate you that you are so real to us, i feel like i really know you and thats very important to motivate me more and reach my goals. I never was over weighted in life but always had juicy thighs… and as you can imagine a lot of comments around them as a child… as result to be honest i ve got issues and specially in summer i am ashamed… my goal this year was to make them tone and lean and sexy… I see the difference in my body now, but always i m feeling insecure, everyone around me say that i m fine, and that i lost weight… Only when i see picture of me (my legs) i see the difference but to 100% satisfied. Maybe i m to strict about myself, but i want that hamstring to pop out!!! 😛
Anyway Cassey dont listen to bad tongues! so what if we pig out few times? or are we of the schedule? we live once :)! we are human !
take care
and thank you for everything !
Hi Cassey. Thank you so much for posting. I can resonate with you so much on this. I’m not wildly obese or overweight. I’m 18 years old, 5’1″, my lowest weight was 105lbs (when I stopped eating) and highest 129lbs (when I started eating again). First I restricted my eating, and then I fell into a pattern that mirrored binge eating disorder. I’m currently 125lbs (eating a balanced diet w/ POPilates and running). A healthy weight range. I always have had problems with my weight, though. Coming from an assertive asian family, like you, I’ve been confronted with “side comments” to “watch what I’m eating” and even caught my mother stopping her parents more than once from commenting on anything that has to do with how fat my arms are, let alone other parts of my body. It happens all the time, and it made me uncomfortable being around my own family at first, and then comfortable around everyone else in public. My first boyfriend cheated on me, and my second left without a word. I blamed both situations on my weight. That I wasn’t worth it enough. I got so critical about what people though of me. It distorted my eating patterns and my ability to actually see how beautiful I am. I have let my weight define me as a person. With that said, your post made me cry, because it was like YOU were saying all of THIS, when I didn’t – DONT – have the strength to do it MYSELF. I’m currently on a path to recover my mind and my body. I’m trying so hard, and it never gets easier. You are one of my biggest influences. You help me. I always read your posts and whenever I’m in a bad mood, I do pilates with you and your positivity brightens my day and you instantly make me feel WORTHY. And BEAUTIFUL. I don’t know if you read all of your comments…or if you’ll read this. I just want to say thank you. So much. You are my support system in this and I really love you.
Your post kinda hit me on the head at a perfect timing, two weeks ago i felt like i had lost some weight (since i’m actually trying to GAIN weight) and was kinda bummed because it was a step back, and a couple days ago i decided to take my measures and to my surprise my waist line was 2 inches bigger, and my thighs were an inch bigger too, and i suddenly felt strange and uncomfortable and got scared that i might be getting bigger or something, but after reading your post i feel so much better, because yeah it’s normal to fluctuate, you cant stay the same size forever, why do i feel like this when numbers change? they’re just numbers nothing important, what matters is to be healthy and feel comfortable under your skin, i’ll never worry about taking my measures it’ll just get me stressed, and i don’t want that, we are perfect the way we are!
Oh Cassey! You speak so perfectly and still positive even after hearing negative comments. Some of these same people asking if you’ve gained could possibly be the ones who wouldn’t or couldn’t do a workout to save their lives. You look absolutely amazing in that bikini. Incredible. But look what you had to do to your body to get that look-for a competition. I can’t see that you would want that to be your every day life. You look extremely fit, extremely healthy and are unbelievably positive. You still (and I hate to use the word “still” because it makes it seem like I’m tip toeing around the subject but “still” is not meant to be negative) look amazing. Absolutely amazing. If I can look and maintain a look just half as good as yours, I will feel I have achieved my goals. Keep up the good work and the positive spirit. You are an inspiration!
Cassey, you are an inspiration to us no matter what your size. Your enthusiasm, personality, professional knowledge, and healthful example are what keep us coming back. To be frank, I think you look awesome now, and when I saw videos you’d made last year when you were thinner, I was a little disappointed. Just because your size now is realistically attainable, while the bikini body…. not so much for some of us! I’m a size 6, 135 lb, 5’4″ Pilates instructor, and believe me I have some pudge, especially in the belly region! But you know what? I feel strong, I can do the moves, I am a good instructor, and I don’t think my students are much concerned with my extra weight. And you know family can be insensitive! My mother in law keeps saying, “Gail, I gotta ask, are you pregnant again??” “No Judy, I’m just chubby,” is my stock response.
So you keep doing what makes you feel good and healthy. If that means you want to diet and compete in a bikini competition, you do it! You can bet I would if I could! But what’s most important is that you are happy. Live life to the fullest, even if that means eating some mochi balls on hotdog buns!
Loved it!
I totally feel the same, every school break and holiday I go in mega hard with all you popilates videos and as soon as I’m back to school the toned body disappears! But I’m not ashamed either! I don’t need to look perfect for everybody to love me and I am eating clean which is just as important. So don’t feel sad that you’ve gained weight. No ones perfect and your totes beautiful!
I think that is totally ok. If you would be picture perfect you wont be like a sister to us POPsters. Because you are a human, that is normal. But above all that you are perfect on your own way and such an inspiration for us.
I have a asian family and back then I was overweight. I would eat whatever I wanted and I would still eat even if I was full and all day I was constantly stuffing junk in my mouth all day long. Whenever I would see my aunty’s, cousins, uncle’s, grandmas and stuff they would all go WOW YOU LOOK SO FAT! Or something like that even my own parents would call me a ‘fat pig’. It hurt alot and some days I would want to just go anorexic and die. But then I discovered you on youtube and I really liked how motivating you were and your workouts seemed really fun! So I gave the ‘Drive by Inner Thighs’ video a go and it was hard but I loved it! I then discovered this app called MFP and it changed my life but in a bad way. i started getting OBSESSED with calories and I was pretty much in a starvation mode and I was moody and was so tired I could hardly even go for a walk. I did lose alot of weight but I stopped counting and I just ate whatever I wanted but healthy of course and didnt care about calories and started doing your workouts 5-6x a week. I got really good results and I still am doing your workouts! I have gained weight but I dont care cause the scale doesnt define me! But I am more toned now so THANK YOU SO MUCH Cassey! You are amazing and you always will be xx
I can’t believe how cruel some people are…. You look strong, healthy and beautiful in that video, as you always do.
I’m a relatively new follower, and have been so impressed by your positivity, it’s so refreshing to hear someone talking about to get healthy and fit rather than just how to lose weight. Don’t ever change, we love you Cassey! 🙂
I just wanted to let you know that you are a beautiful and amazing human being. I may not know you, and I’ll probably never meet you, but you are so inspirational to me. You are always trying to teach us that all that matters in life is that you are happy with who you are. That’s your main message in a lot of your YouTube videos. You spread positivity through your words and actions, and for people who follow you to say things like that is completely disrespectful. If they really appreciated all you do and listened to what you try to teach through your work outs, they would know that. We all fluxuate, nobody is ever going to be perfect. All that matters is that you are happy with yourself and that you stand strong.
Much love girl <3
A lot of people have already said what I wanted to say so to summarize, you look amazing! And are soooo inspiring!
I especially love how you said that you said you’re not ashamed for gaining weight, but for feeling ashamed about it. I’ve recently learned to rid myself of the guilt that comes with a ‘yolo’ meal. I’m not 100% there yet, but still, it is so liberating to eat something yummy and still feel good about myself. And it’s 98% thanks to you! (I’ll give myself 2% credit 😉 )
Sometimes we all feel down, but you know what I recommend? Read your own blog, and watch your own videos! YOU are my best source of inspiration and my go to pick-me-up if I’m ever feeling negative, so listen to yourself. You are wise and beautiful and inspirational beyond words.
Lots of love! <3
I had noticed that you looks like different, but, wanna know what i thought? You looks better now. I think the curves let the body more gracious, and when someone is very lean, he/she looks sick…
Where is the life hapiness if we cant escape from diet sometimes? We all deserve that 🙂
You are beautiful Cassey! And inspire me everyday. Thank you sooooo much!
Kisses from Brazil!
You are beautiful and we all love you. I am sorry those people were so hurtful. I have gained fat lately too. My new job is weird hours and I can’t seem to figure out time to work out and prepare meals. I feel lazy and guilty and have a lot of tummy aches. But I want so badly to get back to my self again. If you can do it with everyone watching you, I know I can. I love you Cassey and don’t let those people make you feel bad. You above anyone knows what your body needs and what your soul wants so don’t let it bring you down. Thank you for being honest and still inspiring. Your REAL that’s why we love following your journey.
Thank you for this post and everything else you do for us.
I love your body right now! You look so healthy and happy, Cassey!
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You’re so down to earth and such an inspartion! And you’re human. And seriously, don’t think about the numbers on the scale. That’s not what matters. I don’t know exactly how much I weigh, but I really don’t care about that. Since I started doin blogilates I have SEEN changes. Doing your workouts makes me feel good and I feel happier! THANK YOU <3
Hi Cassey,
First of all I want you to know what a great, great inspiration you are to me and so many other people. And to be honest, I think it looks so good on you to have gained some weight over the last year. At the picture you look gorgeous as always, but I think you look even more healthy and fit now. Your weight doesn’t define you, and it doesn’t change what a great role model you are. Cause, come on? It’s just a number on a scale. We can all be very insecure about our weight, but in the end, does that make you who YOU are and what you stand for? No.
I, throughout all my life, have been VERY insecure about my weight and that’s always what brings me down. I have a lot of fit role models and because I can’t have a body completely like them, no matter how hard I try, I end up being sad and all faith in myself is gone. I don’t actually think I have ever been overweight, but I indeed thought weighing more than 114 lbs would make me fat. I’m somewhere between 5’6” and 5’7”, and when I weighed 119, everyone asked me to gain weight and stop caring so much about my diet. I was accused of developing an eating disorder, and when even my own mother started saying it, I was scared it was true. It wasn’t, though. I’ve never been underweight. I’ve always been at a normal weight, actually right now my BMI is “only” at 20. I feel like I’m more fat than I am, mostly because I have low muscle mass, yet my weight is fine. It’s weird. When I started eating more unhealthy and actually gained more weight, nobody seemed to notice which I’m glad. But I’ve still been accused lately for having some issues with eating.
When I was a little younger I was bullied about my appearance and my weight, and that’s why I care a lot about my weight. More than I actually should. I’m trying my best not to let it get to me, but it’s really hard when you’ve been told the same things 4 years in row. So yes, I too, have tried dealing with someone commenting on my weight.
Please remember to always smile, Cassey, I love working out to your videos, and even though it’s not every day I feel like it, I still enjoy even a single challenge every day. You’re an amazing instructor and don’t let anyone get you down, not even your family. I’ve been at the point where your family comments on your weight, but I won’t let it get to me. Since I’m not overweight, but completely normal, I have nothing to worry about.
I love you Cassie! xxx
Cassey, I started working out with you on youtube before you had your bikini body. Honestly, I liked it better that way. I respected you for being a fitness instructor who looked healthy rather than obsessive. I enjoyed reading about your bikini competition last year, but have to admit, part of me was relieved. I don’t have the time to devote to a bikini body…and when I see instructors who make that body the aim, I give up quickly because I know I can’t make the time to do that. I’m happy that you are looking a little more “normal” (if there is such a thing)…because that inspires me. I can make the time to build my strength and endurance and to become a fitter version of myself without having to detach from all the rest of the responsibilities in my life. If Cassey can live a full life outside the gym but still make working out something that she consistently comes back to, then I can do it to. <3
Every human being loses weight and gains weight. It’s completely natural and gaining weight during a stressful time in your life does NOT equate to lack of control. When you are highly stressed your brain releases more glucose, so your body needs to make for that. The good thing about fat is that it’s temporary!
I do think your ‘extreme diet’ was a bit too extreme, I mean it left you with what to me sounds like the beginning of an eating disorder. That’s why I think staying roughly the same weight is important.
Being completely honest here, Cassey, you make me feel so guilty about my weight! You’re so fit and perfect compared to me! but thanks to your videos, I’m working on it. Anyway, no one has ever called me “fat”, but I certainly do. I call myself fat and ugly and stupid all the time, because I think it’s true. I have a giant belly, my hair is disgusting and frizzy, I have little talent in anything… augh! Sorry, having a feel-bad-for-myself moment. Anyway, having low self-esteem can affect a diet/exercise plan, and I’m not sure how to get out of that rut.
I am not sure where to begin, this is my first comment on any blog I have ever read.
In fact, you are the first health blog I started following, and I must say I read almost every post you’ve had since last year, and I too remember reading what you ate to get that body and thinking I would never achieve such results.
But I am writing this because it was almost a year ago that i developed a serious eating disorder that I am just now figuring out, and your blog post was so unbelievably relate able to my current situation.
Let me summarize, i restricted my eating to 1-2 salads a day for almost 2 months. I am 5’9, and the lowest weight i got to was 116.
I can’t lie, I loved it, for about a week I felt pretty darn skinny and proud. I still too look back at those photos of myself and haven’t posted too many photos since then. Because i developed emotional binge eating. I never knew it was possible to eat an entire pack of Oreos and keep going, and I didn’t know at the time why i was doing this, but it wasn’t long before the pounds packed back on. I also went on many vacations over the winter. At first, everyone was shocked at how skinny I was and i would argue with my family that i could no longer eat what they cooked, but then the binging happened. I was eating whipped cream and honey at 10pm with a numb feeling. And sure enough, my clothes have grown tighter and tighter.
I tried throwing up for days but nothing was working, I just ate in secret and constantly tried to read blogs to motivate me back on track. Then i found laxatives, and for the last 2 months, I’ve been abusing laxatives, binging, and going whole days without eating. I am now even talking to a psychiatrist, I can’t BELIEVE I am saying that.
I hate everything about my body. The slightest comments like “you look so much healthier now!” i translate to “you’ve really put weight back on fast!”. I hardly ever look at myself without baggy clothes on.
I cant wear any of my jeans right now. I don’t know what to do with myself, but I know that reading posts like this makes me feel 10,000x better and not alone.
i don’t know if people or yourself actually read the comments on all your blogs, frankly I wouldn’t know how you could, but know that you have one avid fan that never misses a blog post, and this was so helpful and enlightening that you make me feel so much better about weighing 130-135, and that one day I can hopefully be okay with that number.
You are absolutely gorgeous btw, and have serious guts (honey-boo for example, needed to be said, and you put it so wonderfully) I seriously watch your videos in amazement at how fit you are. I can barely last one exercise without stopping and you are just talking away like nothings happening, so.inspirational!
In otherwords, stay great.
I’ve never commented before, but I’ve been following your blog and videos for about six months now. I just wanted to say that I honestly believe you look better now than in the pictures from around your bikini competition. Your face and your body are more proportionate to each other now and you look more vibrant.
I enjoy doing your more recent videos because of the change in your appearance too. Ones from before, when you were so very toned and thin, I would get frustrated and wonder why I was bothering. I KNOW I’ll never be able to lose enough weight to look like that because of some health issues that force me to eat a certain way, and I struggled with that. Now, it’s easier for me to focus on getting stronger instead of my image. As someone who can’t afford to give up fat in my diet, I love that you always say being healthy is about more than your weight and appearance. And I’m happy to see you living that out with your own body.
Honestly, I think you look healthy. You are an inspiration to me, and I look forward to you videos and positive attitude.
Regardless of what you weigh, your workouts STILL kick my butt on a daily basis. I’m not worried about having the same body as you, I want your STRENGTH. That is what being a fitness instructor should be about.
i love you cassey!!you are such an inspiration. i have been doing your workouts for a year now and i have to say i have never felt better. not just physically but mentally too and i just wanted to say THANK YOU 🙂
I watched the ABC Abs video and I COULD NOT even find a reason for people to say those things!!! you look just as amazing as ever, and you are just as cheerful and inspiring as ever. Dont let anyone take that from you because you are perfect the way you are! What weight?? I dont see any weight to be ashamed of. I just see a beautiful and toned fitness guru that I can look up to and learn from! 🙂
Cassey, all I can say is I love and admire you so much! don’t let anyone ever get you down just remember “They can only hurt you if you let them hurt you” you are beautiful, powerful,inspirational, everything wonderful in this world, I remember the first blogilates video I watched and all I could think was WOW ! look at this girl! SHE IS HOT! …and guess what! I still think that!. You have seriously changed my life and look on fitness and health, in fact because of you I want to persue a career in health psychology, which is all about diet, exercise and respecting your body.
Thank you for being you and bringing a little bit of love in this world <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Who is saying you gained weight? You are so skinny still I don’t get it..
I have gained weight. My skinny jeans didn’t really fit, so I started to workout more. Not that I didn’t workout before, I had my 8 hours of Taekwondo a week. The problem was my new birth control!!! Letting EVERYTHING I ate/drank stay on my body. I also gained water weight!
And this is how you fit in Cassey: I found some of your vids on youtube and tried a few of your moves, now I’m hooked!! Whenever I have the chance I work out to one of your vids.
Now my skinny jeans fit but I have only lost 1 kg of the 5 I’ve gained. I will lose the 4 by the end of June!
And to all the people who said that I looked bigger or asked if I gained weight:
My current bodyweight is 62 kilograms (134,6 lbs) and my jeans are the size 25-26. Have a nice day, love ya all!!
After many, many years dealing with false self impression (still do.. but not as much) I have learned one thing: It’s not the pounds that decides that you are fat. It’s what the pounds are!
Are they fat, muscles, water? 1 gram muscle comes with 3 grams of water.
Muscles weighs more than fat!
The scale isn’t all!! Remeber this!!
We are all beautiful!!
Love from Austria <3
Ever since I can remember I was bullied for my weight, especially in grade 6-8. I know what it feels like to have someone speak negatively about my weight and I cannot how disgusted I am to hear that people have made comments about your weight Cassey. You are one of the most beautiful people inside and out and to be honest, I didn’t even realize that you gained anything because I was too busy focusing on your positive attitude in your videos. It’s not your body that inspires me (although it is pretty amazing) it’s your motivating words and the way that you speak in each and every video that you make. I’m so sorry that people had to make those comments to you because no one deserves to feel bad about gaining weight. Like you said, you’re human too. I’m very proud that you looked at this in a very positive manner and it actually has inspired me more to do the right thing for my body. For me, you haven’t changed one bit and I appreciate all the videos that you make and everything that you do to help us with our goals. For me, personally, I never thought that I could lose weight I dieted here and there but I always gave up because I never really thought that I could do it. But because of you and your motivation I’m working out more and eating better. Not only do I look better but I feel better and it’s all thanks to you. I honestly can’t thank you enough for helping not only me, but a lot of other people as well. You’re a beautiful person inside and out and please don’t let any negative things people say get to you.
Cassey, i love you videos. And not for how you body look, but for that you are inspiring and wokring out to your videos is so much fun.
And well your body looks good, one year ago but it still looks good now.
The number on the scale doesn’t really say anything about you. Because that is just number.
I have had an anorexia, I got anorexia when I was about 15, and I just got healthy and free in the start of this year! Have people comment on me gaining weight? Yes. In both good and bad ways. Because alot of people thougt being thin, skinny, was more beuatiful.
But I am in a helathy weight right now, for my body. I have the energy to work out, so I am actaully fit now. And the most important thing – I am happy now.
Lots of love!
(And I am sorry if my english aren’t the best, Iäm from sweden.).
Hej Jasmine!
(Jag är ocksa fran Sverige, men bosatt i Österrike)
Thats amasing to hear! Contratulations!! 🙂
I still think you look absolutely gorgeous. My motto is, as long as you feel happy, no one has the right to put you down for it.
On my experience, I always had the opposite effect. I would workout for weeks and lose weight and my friends would still see me as the same size and would never compliment me. Now I am working on building muscle tone and losing weight for myself. I compliment myself and smile because Life is too short to be worried about what other people have to say about you
I one and ONLY reason why I started exercising with you on Youtube as you looked healthy, extremely attractive with your fit, lean but still very real body and your personality is only a bonus to that all. I prefer reality and you have it all.
I didn’t notice any weight gain, though. Whoever did is far too concerned about weight and in need of a sense of reality.
I actually think you look gorgeaus with a little little little bit more weight than in your bikini competition! Your skin glows more and looks smoother and softer.
You look very well shaped, feminin and toned too!
I like your body at this “eating clean, work out, but enjoying food” even more! (But I like both actually)
Be proud of your body!
I didn’t even notice. Are you kidding?? God bless you for posting this and being so transparent with us and for the person who asked if she gained weight shame on U! My goodness, women got enough pressure as it is. I think you are as cute as a button and am so happy I found your workouts on youtube. I do them everynight and love them. You are awesome girl and look GREAT! No apologies are needed from you at all!
Hey cass,
I love your work out videos. I suffer from anorexia and have been hospitalized many time and my fear is always about gaining weight and what people will say or think of me. I thought your post was very inspirational and pro-health related. its hard for me to look at anything and not be scared. but your right we are women, we should own that. thanks for sharing!
So I just refuse to talk about my weight with my family. Two people know my weight – my doctor and my boyfriend – both of whom I trust not to bring it up in everyday conversation. But I’ve also found that its amazing how many of my friends stopped bringing up my weight once I stopped talking about it. And that’s made it easier to focus on the acheivements (regularly cycling 20km a day, regaining my ability to go into bow pose, deadlifting 150lbs) rather than on a scale number that seems to do its own thing some weeks. (I have hypothyroidism).
I recognize that you Cassie do not live the same life I do though. You have an incredible ability to make a hard workout seem doable and you focus on fitness. Women’s bodies are often viewed as public property and I can only imagine that being a fitness guru increases that. Here’s the thing for those questioning you – you don’t go into their space and ask them what’s up with their bodies and then make judgement – so they really don’t have the right to do that to you.
I dealt with a lot of fat shaming while I was in my late elementary school through high school years, including comments from my family. All it did was help me spiral into an eating disorder that have had a lasting, negative impact on my self-image.
I’m not suffering with ED anymore (thank goodness), but I agree with you about feeling ashamed about gaining weight, and feeling ashamed that you’re ashamed at gaining weight! It’s not healthy at all. We all have our ups and downs weight-wise (unless some of us are robots) and there’s nothing wrong with that. If weight becomes a health issue for someone, there are still a thousand more positive ways to address it than “WTF happened to you?”
Your videos have been a part of my weight loss and strength-building/toning journey and you are and have always been a beautiful person inside and out by my account. I think some people just get off on being insulting on the internet — they can’t (and probably don’t have the nerve) to be a jerk to someone’s face, so they get their kicks doing it via keyboard.
Don’t let those kinds of comments sink in, though I know it would make me feel upset too. You know how much you’ve accomplished and you are still an inspiration to thousands of people that watch your videos, read your blogs, and follow your meal advice.
Thanks for this great post 🙂
Don’t pay any attention to that crazy talk from people who have been blinded by society’s views!! If your enjoying life, and have a natural gorgeous body, thats not stick thin, don’t think twice! I used to have a twisted views on a little fat, but my coach (I’m a D3 swimmer) re-shaped my views, if your body needs something extra, feed it!! I always love reading your blog and working out to your videos because of the positivity that you always give off. It angers me to think that people would say such harmful things like that to someone so wonderful!!
Your true fans don’t care about how much you weigh, we love you for all the positivity you give us and the amazing workout/healthy food ideas you provide us with (Thank you)!!
Can’t wait for your next HIIT video (my favorite)!!
Hi Cassey,
I’ve gotten comments from my family members before “Did you put on some weight? You look fat.” I used to be very skinny wanting to put on weight and my family and friends would comment about how skinny I looked. I was around 5’1″ or 5’2″ maybe at 79 pounds and never hit 100 until I was 17 years old. I’m 21 now and I’m standing at 5’2″ weighing 107 lbs. I’ll admit I always do feel insecure about myself because even though I’m at a healthy weight right now… because whenever I gain weight the first place that shows would be my face. I’ve always had a chubby face. I started doing your videos sometime in January (I was around 101 lbs). After some time I noticed that my body became toner with muscle definition and I weighed more, but felt really good because I gained muscle. Then at the end of March I injured my leg and couldn’t workout so I put on some weight and lost some of the muscle def. I didn’t workout for a whole month and recently my cousin who’s a lot older than I am commented on me saying that I put on some weight. I didn’t like hearing that, but what am I going to do about it? I have to accept it because there are ups and downs in life. My leg is much better now and I’m working out again. I was down and now I’m getting right back up.
Thanks so much Cassey for being such an inspiration! I love you for your WO videos, honesty, and down to earth personality. You are beautiful!
Hi Cassey! I can SO relate to my relatives making comments about my weight (I’m Asian also)! My mom would always tell me that my family are the only people I can count on to be brutally honest with me but it’s still hurtful to hear! Anyway, I just wanted to say that I honestly couldn’t tell that there was any change in your weight at all! You look amazing in your bikini picture but also in the ABC Abs video.
Life happens and we can’t control everything that happens around us. Moving makes it so hard to eat clean and workout consistently but you continued to do meetups and make videos, thank you so much for that! You are such an inspiration and seeing your happy, smiling face always puts a smile on my face and I’m sure many others as well. Thank you for being you Cassey!!
Hi Cassey
I can definitely relate to the “Asian auntie” part. I’m half Asian so every time I visit my mum’s side of the family I get blunt comments like “Oh, ikaw ay mataba!” which basically means “oh, you’re fat/chubby!” and it always brings me down because I’m very insecure about my body.
That’s one of the reasons I’m getting in shape now, and you’ve been my biggest inspiration throughout my journey! I’ve noticed a lot of progress and it’s all thanks to you for showing me the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.
You have a beautiful body, no matter how much you weight, so as long as you’re happy and healthy you shouldn’t have to pay attention to neither the numbers on the scale nor people’s negative comments.
Keep doing what you do and remember that us POPsters LOVE you!! Xx
Cassey you are beautiful and such an inspiration. I love you the way you are now. I love how this post resonated with this community. We all love you! Thank you for being real and honest about your feelings. I can totally relate. I considered myself pretty healthy, but healthy means “fat” to my aunts. They’re petite Asians and weigh like 80 pounds. When I see them they usually eye me up and down, ask about my size, and say “you gained weight”. For some reason it bothered me this time. I think it was the fact that I was actually living a healthy lifestyle (I ate clean and exercise), but yet I’m still “fat”. How could this be? Do I need to be a size 0 to meet their standards? So I dropped weight but I was miserable. All of the muscles I worked so hard for was gone as well as my boobs and bum. I didn’t have energy and became overly obsessed with the scale. When I ate more than my low calorie intake I gained quickly, so it started a cycle of yo-yo dieting. I realized I didn’t want to live like this for the rest of my life. At that point I asked myself – was I striving to look like my 80 pound aunts? No, I actually wanted to look like what I use to when they called me fat. I was healthy, glowing, and ate a normal calorie intake. The lifestyle I was aiming for was short-lived and not natural. So I gained and I also gained my confidence back. Please know how beautiful you are inside and out!
Hi Cassey 🙂 Actually I did not notice your weight gain until I read this. You still perfectly fit and definetly a very beautiful girl!
I know what you mean, I also always feel guilty when I gain weight. But usually no one point this out to me, even if it is more than 5 kg… I live in Germany, and people don’t say that in order to be polite. However this does not really make it better, because it is about how I feel inside. Fortunately this feeling is just temporary.
Don’t care about weight gain as long as you can do the things you love to do. Just enjoy yourself!
Cassey you are gorgeous, your body is SUPER toned and fit! Be proud of it, don’t let others tell you something different… 😉
Seriously, I didn’t notice that at all. You’re fit as a fiddle! 🙂
Dear Cassey! As a fellow asian and a girl, I totally understand what you mean! I love in fact that you eat and living a healthy life.
In fact a lot of people thinks that the more thinner you are, the healthier and happier you get, they are totally wrong! I’ve lost weight before, people called me thin, when I gained muscles people told me I looked fatter. But I’m totally happy with the way I am, and you are an inspiration to many of us girls.. Keep going with you’re smile 😀
I too reacted to my mom who touched my belly fat after a huge meal… She was like “oh, so fat..” And I was like, ehmm.. I just ate dinner and 10 banana pancakes and ofcourse my belly would ooose out. hahaha. But well even though I know she’s saying whatever she want’s, my mind was just hurting and I just wanted to flat out that belly fat at once. So I’ve realised, I’m human, I feel hurt and depressed even though I’m normally a bright smiling girl. But well we shouldn’t really mind what other’s opinion about us are, we should be proud of our body that takes shape in many different types.
And you Miss, are a shining bright, strong (haha VERY STRONG), inspiring woman!
So keep going with what you believe is right for you’re body, YOU KNOW THE BEST! 😀
First off, I want to say…there’s nothing wrong with gaining weight due to a busy lifestyle. Understandable that many people say that, “if you really wanted to keep the weight off/lose weight you’ll find away…if not you really didn’t want to…” Yet, I don’t think many people understand how hard it is find the time to workout or even stick to a diet when you’re so busy with things in life.
Honestly Cassey, you still look amazing!!!
For me… I love myself at any weight I am at. Though I really would love to slim down and look the best I can be, I can’t seem to find the time. Currently I’m in my last term of nursing school, and in about 4 weeks I will be taking my exit exam (May 27th – wish me luck). Even though I make time to squeeze in a workout video of yours here in there into my busy schedule, most of the time I have to pass on the opportunity to workout so I can get a few extra hours of sleep, or have more time to study. I mean I really want to lose weight, but how can I when almost every thing at the moment revolves around me needing to pass my exit exam?
Yesterday, I had to try on a dress for our pinning ceremony; and I kid you not – I started to cry in the bathroom when I saw how looked in the mirror. Before entering nursing school, I had managed to drop my weight close to my goal weight of 145; but as the weeks and months passes, the weight packed back on. To add to the stress of nursing school, my mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer and most of my time went to caring for her. It wasn’t until last year when I had gone to an auntie of mines dinner party did I realize that my weight had gone back up, but it to have someone actually ask if you’ve gained weight over dinner infront of everyone in your family and others you didn’t know, was humiliating. After that day, I created a motivation wall and reminded myself I needed to lose weight; almost a year later and there still hasn’t been any change in my appearance or weight.
That doesn’t mean I gave up. I just busy that’s all, and have every intention of losing all the weight again to be back at my goal weight.
As you said in your blog entry, being asked if you’d gained weight does a lot of harm to girls self-esteem. I was overweight most of childhood, and when my aunts and uncles would always rub it into my face that I was bigger and heavier than my other cousins… I won’t lie, it actually hurt and I thought I was never going to be good enough for anyone unless I was thin/skinny compared to my other cousins. After a while I had developed an eating disorder, bulimia to be exact, and no one knew about it for the longest time. The only thing my aunts and uncles saw was the weight loss. I use to tell myself back then that once I got to 110lbs I’d stop. I was close to that golden number when one of my brothers found me in the bathroom purging my lunch into the toilet on a trip to Vegas. Since then, I’ve gained weight and trying to lose weight the healthy way.
A lot of people don’t understand how damaging and hurtful words can be to an individual. I love myself and found a group of people who help build me up when I know how easy it is for them to tear me down. The important thing is that you love yourself and you never forget that you are a caring and loving person. Weight gain is just weight gain and you can always lose the weight again.
Dear Cassey,
I never commented on your posts before, but reading this one made me sad. I always thought you were a self confident, positive girl (and I know you are) but never could imagine that some comments on whether you might have gained weight or not could make you lose your self confidence. For a lot of girls you are an inspiration of how to live healthier and happier and how to take care of your body in a fun way! I myself am a average type of girl (means neither fat nor skinny) so I never needed a diet. A few times I got jealous of those skinny girls on tv and tried to lose weight (which I don’t have to actually). It never worked out because I’m not made for diets. But when I got to know your videos it inspired me so much, I started working out at home with your tutorials laughing at your jokes and drills. I suddenly felt the urge to treat my body better, eating more veggies and fruits, getting rid of those nasty carbs! That’s over a month now and I didn’t lose any weight, but I feel so much better and I enjoy doing your workouts every two or three days and I miss them when I don’t get to it! And I even got my bf to do all of your abs tutorials 🙂 And we are only two of many many followers of you!!
You have such a great talent of inspiring and convincing people to live healthier, you are a gift to all of us! Just think about how many people you have reached so far and how many will follow! Isn’t this great? Take a moment to be proud of that!
Your life surely is not about losing weight and looking as skinny and toned as possible is it? I believe that is not what you really want to care about. You have a mission in life and it’s not always easy because there’s always those nasty people who get you wrong and who get satisfaction of taking others down. Please show us that there’s more to it than those people think.
We all believe in you and we support you, don’t let a few ones get you down okay?
Lots of Love,
Cassey, as much as I hate that anyone made you feel bad about yourself for even a second, this post could not have come at a better time for me personally. I’ve been trying to lose weight since the beginning of the year. I started working out regularly and counting calories, and then in April I decided I would REALLY start trying. I joined MyFitnessPal, I started Blogilates, I’ve been doing cardio and/or pilates for at least an hour every day, I’ve been monitoring everything I eat, I’ve been SO. HUNGRY. ALL. THE TIME. And I’ve found myself doing things that I know tread into unhealthy ED areas, like constantly CONSTANTLY obsessing about food (seriously, I am never NOT thinking about food), and beating myself up when I feel hungry, and even trying to make myself throw up when I ate too much…and then when I weighed myself yesterday, I found not only had I not lost weight, I had GAINED a pound. (And I know one pound is not a lot, but I’ve been trying so hard only to be moving in the opposite direction.)
And I was doing your videos last night, and my joints were killing me, and I felt so weak and pathetic because I just couldn’t do the moves and they were hurting parts of my body that they were not supposed to be hurting, and I just crumpled onto my yoga mat and cried. Just CRIED. Normally, working out makes me feel good, but I just felt like such a failure at everything. My body is too weak, or I’d be able to do these moves, I’d be able to do the things in all those fitblr posts. My mind is too weak, or I’d be able to say no to hunger, I’d be able to restrict myself, I’d be able to lose weight.
And truth be told, I still feel like that. That was only last night, after all, and nothing has changed since then. But it helps a bit knowing that even you, with your AMAZING body and AMAZING strength – physically, mentally, and emotionally – have moments of self-doubt. Thank you for that. <3
hey cassey
don’t feel bad babe .It happens..It’s life….. just like u said but don’t forget YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE SOURCE of inspiration to thousands of people out there and that INSPIRATION is gonna be there no matter what size YOU are …:)
i too belong to an asian family and this “HAVE U GAINED weight ? ” or ” WHY DO U LOOK SO PLUMP ?” BLA BLA is the perks of being born in an asian family 😛
I am a big girl … i get to hear all this daily not from relatives but from family and it HURTS BAD but what can i do ? i try my best to be the best version …and u have always been the best version of YOURSELF in terms of fitness and motivating people (atleast in my opinion)
LIFE is not bikini competition …We as women cannot remain on one dress size all our lives….because we are hormonally vibrant so its natural for us to eat differently in different phases of our lives…Dont be so hard on YOURSELF …you are perfect just the way u are 😉 🙂
I fully understand…. I was anorexic and I thought I was so beautiful being skinny. I didn’t want to gain any weight but of course I did because I started recovery. I am fully heathly and recivered now but I am at my highest weight I ever been and I scared and emotional and so I binge eat. I want to eat clean but I can’t…. I am so ashamed and money. No one in my family understands… So everyday I binge eat then work out 3 hours and 30 mins. I can’t take it but this post helped me and I think you look beatiful and healthy. Don’t worry about the haters. 🙂 All you have to do is be you.. And I hope you got my fan mail I sent awhile back from NC. Thanks again Cassey!
Cassey, I don’t follow your videos because of what your body looks like. I follow your videos because of how what your body can do & your presentation style help me to find out what my body can do. I’m grateful for your encouragement.
Cassey, you are a string bean with muscles! (In a good way!) =P
Anyone who tells you that you are fat has an eating disorder themselves!
Keep on loving yourself! You have helped me begin to embrace and love myself, which was something that needed to happen (or I was going to develop an eating disorder)!
Real Popsters will never judge you or each other…we are all too worried about ourselves! =D
No big deal, Cassie! In a month, I fluctuate about 7 pounds. My PMS symptoms are really extreme, so I blow up like a balloon. I don’t hate myself every time it’s that time of the month, though, because it’s futile! Who cares if you’ve gained weight. Even if you gained double the weight, you could still kick my butt in every one of your pilates videos. xoxo
Dear Cassie,
I may not come from an Asian family, but my Mexican relatives are just as brutally honest. Due to them having called me fat in the past (I admit I was chubby but I’m also 4’9.5″ & have wide hips and big thighs), I constantly feel obese. I have been leading an eat clean, exercise daily lifestyle since the beginning of this year, can run like nobody’s business, lift heavy, and spend countless hours at the gym. Although I don’t have six pack abs or a thigh gap or be at my goal weight (which btw I hate scales and rarely ever track my transformation in lbs), i have managed to scultp my body from the ground up. I still hear that voice inside my head terrified of losing everything I have worked towards. Thank you for sharing your story because it really hits home and just makes me want to work harder. Like you said, we are all human. This just goes to show that no matter what your profession, nobody’s perfect. Keep doing what you’re doing cause you’re a kickass instructor who has me sweating bullets at the end of every workout. 🙂
This post i wounderful!
I am proud of you, and I am also proud of myselfe after reading this! I am in the same situation as you right now, and I did really need to hear this!
I love you blog and your videos! Workingout has never been so FUN! You inspire and motivate me everytime! 🙂
To put on a little weight doesn’t mean to be fat. Take a look at yourself in the mirror: do you se a fat person? I didn’t think so. You may have put on a few ponds but that does not make you fat. Seriously girl… you are starting to sound like one of those anorexic freaks!
BTW, since I’ve been following you I eat better, I exercise more (and look forward to mu workouts), I am healthier, I feel happier, I sleep better… and all because you inspire me!
Your body is amazing! I even think you look better now that you do in the bikini picture.
You look healthy, happy, toned and have curves. What more can you ask for?
You are such an inspiration and your videos a great. In fact, your videos are the main ones that actually made me thinking it’s fun to work out. You have help me to want to get healthier and actually do something, not just sit and watch people with the body I wish I had.
I sure you have help many more people and you should be proud of what you have done.
You are an amazin person. Never forget that.
The other way round:
I remember when I was at primary school I was skinny, but skinny in a way like the most children in this age are. So many people always told me how small and skinny I am and that I have to gain weight. The mother of school friend of mine told me everytime I saw her, that I’m toooo skinny. Also the doctor at my school told me that I should eat more. So you must imagine that people tell little girls like I was, how they have to look like and that they are not perfect and that they have to change. Unfortunately I did what they told me and so I started to eat loads of food for the next years. After my food orgies I finally gained weight. The result: I wasn’t skinny anymore but instead more unhappier than before. There were moments I started to cry because I didn’t liked what I saw and I didn’t wanted to go out anymore. So I started to loose weight. I tried many things but somehow I couldn’t really find a good way to do that. Until I found your blog and videos. You are the first person in my life that really pushes me and motivates me to do sports. Now I really feel comfortable, especially after one of your workouts. But what I actually wanted to say is: People always say things that other people hurts. All the time! Maybe because they don’t think before they talk or they choose the wrong words to say something, I don’t know. Sometimes I would wish that they put their attention into other things instead of the appearance of a human. There are so many things in the world that go wrong and if just one of them put the effort into making the world better instead of saying hurtful words, that would be so wonderful.
You said: “And well, I guess after the ABC ABS video, it finally happened. I knew it was coming though. Yes, I did gain weight because I’m a human being. I’m a girl whose life is a little more than just gym time and meal preps! I too, just like you, eat when I am stressed. I too, just like you, can’t find time to workout when my workload becomes overwhelming. I’m not perfect! But then again…who said maintaining a low body fat percentage made you perfect!? Weight fluctuates! THIS IS LIFE.”
Cassey, THAT’S IT! I agree with every word.
And no matter what some people say, many others understand you and we don’t think you should feel ashamed.
Keep going!
I had a gym instructor who used to say that if we had strong muscles, were flexible, agile, had balance and a good posture, why were we that worried of that (not-that-many) fat in our body? In fact she was not skinny, but she was fit, strong, flexible…. and she looked good!
We make decisions, have feelings and emotions and our circusmtances and the world around us make us change and react in different ways, sometimes in ways we can’t exactly control. It’s all so complex!
The way you were coached was really extreme. Just see, you decided to do that bikini competition, and you did what you thought was the right way, but now you see it with a different
Being humans means that, struggling to get a balance and follow the path you want in life.
You still look fabulous so no matter if you did gain weight, it’s not a big deal! You’re still a wonderful person! I admit after I started to see results from working out (I had been really intense counting calories), I was (and still am) a little freaked out to let myself get back to eating normally without counting. But I know once I start med school I won’t have NEARLY as much time to work out as now, so I’m just starting to do what feels right for me, which is actually how I stumbled upon your blog! So thank you for sharing your personal issues and being an inspiration for us all! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad (but my great-grandmother does the same thing. If she tells you that you look “healthy”, you know you’ve gained weight!)! You rock girl!
P.S. I am still dying at each and every video!
The next time your family members or anyone says anything negative, just challenge them to a push up or a burpee contest, and they will STFU real fast I am sure.
Good for you for speaking out about this! So what if you gained some weight?!? You’re still incredibly fit and at a thin weight. Weight change is part of life, and unless it is to an extreme (high or low) it shouldn’t be a big deal. There are natural cycles in the year, in the month, in your life, and they shouldn’t be things to be ashamed of.
BTW, I think you look amazing now, and honestly better than when you were at your bikini competition weight.
This is so rad. Thanks for being real and responding to the jerks!
Hi Cassey!
Thanks for sharing this with us.
I’d like to tell you that your body actually inspires me.
You motivate me in a way nobody else does.
You’re a healthy fitness instructor with a great personality and a REAL body.
You remind me that being healthy is something different than being skinny!
Everytime I look at your video’s I think; if I train harder I’ll look like Cassey.
It’s a good goal since you actually live your life -read eat- and just work out so you stay healthy.
I’m not Asian but I am familiar with the Auntie situation.
My family is still obsessing about my weight, luckily they’re not confronting me with it anymore.
I can still hear them talking to each other sometimes about how I’m already losing some weight.
It really upsets me and hurts my feelings since I’m already feeling bad about gaining the weight.
Some people just don’t understand that they need to shut up.
Unfortunately I kep gaining weight while working out and eating healthier.
This really demotivates me since I don’t know what to do to loose the weight in a healthy way.
Maybe you can help me with this? I have no idea what I’m doing wrong?
One thing is for sure; I’m no longer ashamed of my body.
As long as I’m working out I know I’m being healthy.
Tha ms for inspiring me Cassey!
Lots of love,
Cassey, This was very inspirational and something that is so relevant to my life right now! I just finished my first year of college, and of course I gained the freshman 15. Normally this would be fine but I’m going to school to be an exercise specialist. By the end of the year I was feeling ashamed of my weight gain and that if I didn’t lose every pound I gained no one would take me seriously as a future fitness instructor. I’ve been trying to come to terms with my weight and motivate myself to focus on becoming stronger. Reading this has finally given me the push I was trying to give myself. Thank you for your honesty and your courage to post this!
Cassey, you are so REAL! That is what I love about you and why I love doing your videos! I feel like you know that this is life and things change and you are not always perfect and that life happens to you too! You inspire me! I am not one to leave comments but thank you for this post, it gives me hope and helps me put things in perspective!
Thanks for posting this. I’m glad to hear what you did for the bikini models was not and should not be considered normal. To be honest I had a hard time workout to your videos at that time because your body, to me, became so unrealistic. I always love/loved that about your blog and workouts – you are a real women and although thin and fit, a real body. I’m glad to see you put some weight back on and figure out a new “normal” way of eating clean without the deprivation. You are still amazingly fit and beautiful!
Oh my god, Cassey, I can’t even believe anyone would comment on your weight gain! I definitely didn’t notice, and regardless, you are gorgeous and thin and FIT. I have definitely had ups and downs with weight gain, but thanks to you and your amazing videos, I have maintained my goal weight and am getting a little more toned every day! Even if you have put on a few pounds, all of your followers know how great you are at what you do, because you have helped so many of us succeed!
Dear Cassey,
First of all I’d have to say that I’m a German girl and that my English isn’t very good 😀
But I thought that I HAVE TO comment this post! I really like you as a person, because you’re so friendly and only want to teach and help us popsters;) It makes me sad, that there are people out there who make you feel bad. It’s really difficult for me to write you in English for telling you what a great inspiring person you are. To sum up, I can say that I many other people out there are so happy to have you to get motivated. With you I learned to love doing sports! And i couldn’t thank you enough. Don’t let others bring you down, because they’re only jealous that they aren’t so successfully like you! 🙂 I’m really really thankful Cassey, and by the way I hope to learn English much more by reading your blog! 🙂
Lots of love I’m sending from Germany 😉
Melanie <3
You look beautiful and healthy! I seriously had to go back and look to see if you actually did gain weight. I didn’t even notice. In my opinion (and I think a lot of people would agree), being too skinny is not the way to go. Looking healthy and actually being healthy is so much more attractive. And let me tell you, you definitely look healthy and it’s much more inspiring that way.
I spent years going to the gym on-and-off and not sticking with it. I had always been a petite girl, but I liked working out to keep myself toned. 2 years ago college came around and I gain a substantial amount of weight due to travelling and stress over just a few months (20 pounds!). Around that time I couldn’t afford to pay for a gym membership anymore – not that I even had time to go to the gym. I was at a family pool party and 2 family members had told me I gained weight (I am Asian too). I was used to always being the skinny girl and this was the first time in my life that I’ve ever been called “fat.” That was extremely hurtful to me and I even cried about it for quite some time. However I took that harsh criticism and made it into a positive motivation, and it encouraged me to lose weight and I vowed to do it in a natural and HEALTHY way.
That is when I found your videos. I run on the treadmill or outside for 30 mins and I do your videos. This is the first time I’ve ever stuck with fitness routines for a long period of time (going on 2 years!). You’ve helped me change my body, change my life, and change my way of thinking when it came to health and fitness. I did lose all the fat and I’m back to being my version of “skinny.” However this time around I am more toned, I have curves, and people can tell that I work out, which I LOVE! For the first time in my life I truly feel beautiful and sexy and I did everything the healthy way. I definitely have you to thank for that.
You have a lot of POPsters with their own stories. You have inspired so many of us and knowing that you have your own struggles makes you like us, more NORMAL. If you gained weight like you say you did, then I actually appreciate that. We all have slip-ups and setbacks and it’s nice to know that our Pilates instructor is a normal person too!
Anyone who would imply that you’re fat must be insecure and/or insane. Even if you have gained weight, it doesn’t mean that you’re fat. While I myself am looking to tone up and eat healthier I routinely avoid the word “fat” because there’s being a normal healthy weight and that’s worlds away from toeing the line of obesity and danger. That being said though, I think we all — women and men — need to get off of the idea of a “beach body”. You said in your blog: “I remember those 10 weeks of hard training and dieting. I remember the discipline and mental focus it took to workout for soooo many hours a day. To eat just chicken breast, broccoli, and egg whites every day. To be so exhausted that it was hard to even think straight.” But I think it’s a bit worrying that the only way you could be that shape was to deprive yourself and exhaust yourself because deprivation and exhaustion are not healthy. I think that if our bodies can’t look that way on a sensible, well portioned, healthy diet with an hour or so of focused exercise coupled with general motility throughout the day then it means that our bodies are not meant to be that size! I have a friend who has anorexia — and this is not to imply that anyone who does the above is anorexic — but she does mentally and physically exhaust herself every day on a similar kind of diet and exercise plan because she has a compulsion to do so. And while she does have a much better handle on her eating and exercise habits than she did five years ago it is a constant battle with herself to stop thinking she’s fat. But she’s never been overweight in her whole life. The idea that we have to have “beach bodies” to truly be thin leads to a terrible body image for us all. So if you’ve gained a few pounds it’s natural, it’s fine, and it doesn’t make you fat. Anyone who thinks it does should take a good hard look in the mirror and try to re-examine what it means to be healthy and happy. It is their perception that should change, not you.
Thank you for your honesty and candor. This is one of the most inspiring posts you have made since I’ve been following you. I recently had a dramatic–and well needed weightloss–80 lbs in about 10 months. I’ve had experiences involving my weight on both sides now. Growing up, I was very active and played multiple sports. When it was time to enroll in college, I made the decision to attend a large school and give up my sports, rather than a smaller university where I would have been able to compete. Don’t get me wrong, I still played sports, but with the intensity as I had. The outcome was obvious–major weight gain which I kept on and increased over the years. I can remember growing up how often my mom would compliment me. All that stopped as I gained weight. It was replaced with negative comments, viels. As “concerns” for my health. It only added to depression and more weight gain. This past Christmas, for the first time in 15 years, my mother again complimented me on “how pretty I am” and “that’s the daughter I remember”. When I told her that was the first kind comment she ha made about my physical looks in 1( years, she began to argue with me, then realized that I was right. It lead to one of the most open conversations we’ve had and really helped to heal our relationship.
On the flip side, I have had negative remarks about my weightloss. I a teacher and work mostly with women–weight and diets are always a topic of conversation. There is always someone trying. Some new fad or selling some diet supplements or meal replacements. I can’t even count the number of times the same people have asked me how I lost the weight. Each time I tell them lots of hard work in the gym and a controlled diet of eating clean. Each time, it’s like they expect me to give them a magic formula. It reached the climax when I won a weightloss competition. When I didn’t, and the answer didn’t include these crazy drinks and meal bars, rumors began. I heard everything from diet pills, to weird injections that I had never even heard of, to eating disorders. Then it transformed into ridicule about the parts of my body that still needed work!
I was so sad to hear my successes dashed by others. Am I model skinny with a perfect body? No, but I’m strong, healthy–physically and mentally, happy with the way I look in clothes, and damn proud of myself. I found inspiration from you and your posts, as well as some confidence building words from my personal trainer.
Thank you for ALL you do! Remember, how many lives you touch in positive ways. Let go of any feelings of negativity. You are an amazing instructor and woman!
Hello Casey!!
I am also a fitness instructor (somewhat in training still). I totally understand the need to be thin and ‘perfect’ for clients. But one of the reasons I watch your videos is because you’re not a twig! It gives me confidence that I can be successful in the fitness industry without being a size 0, and a vegan. Being a size 5, double D bra, and having a love for Slater’s 50/50 burgers with a Guinness, definitely makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong. I am constantly telling myself to enjoy my life and to work out to be healthy not to be 100 lbs.
Keep up the good work! You’re an inspiration!
Cassie! You are one of my biggest inspirations. You are beautiful and healthy looking even if you do add on some weight! But as all humans do, we judge. Even ourselves. Your blog post is very relatable and comforting as well. Thank you for that and continue to be your beautiful self <3
Cassey, you have no idea how much better this post made me feel! I’m so sorry that you feel like this but, in all honesty, knowing that you have these ups and downs as well makes me feel a lot less guilty. I totally understand what you mean about coming from an Asian family as well, because I’m going over to visit mine this summer and I just keep thinking that I absolutely HAVE to be thinner than last year so somebody doesn’t say ‘you gained some weight!’
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve let myself go over the past few weeks. I’m looking at my body and I’m ashamed of it but your post made me realise that I should NEVER be ashamed. I’m not unhealthy. My body still works and that makes me luckier than some people. So I fell off the bandwagon … SO WHAT?! It is not the end of the world. I should be thankful for this body of mine and just pick myself back up again.
It’s nice to know your human and your weight fluctuates like most of us probably struggle with! I think a fitness instructor with some meat on her bones is way better than a twig with some muscles. Thanks for this post!
Thank you for posting this. Last spring/summer I had a tight body and was in the best shape of my life because I worked so hard. During the school year, I lose so much time to get a full workout, don’t have much time to do your videos, and I don’t get a lot of sleep. I always eat 100% clean, but I guess sitting on my butt in class for so many hours and not being able to exercise as much as I’d like, my body starts to soften and sort of plump up and lose definition. I have been so sad about it lately, but reading this brings me hope and reminds me that in just two weeks school will be over and the summer will begin and I will work hard to get last summer’s body back <3
Cassie, i know exactly how u feel! In 8th grade, a “friend” told me that i looked fat… I wasn’t at all, but that comment stuck with me. It totally messed up my mind. Id eat less and less and exercise a ton… I never realized how out of hand it’d gotten until one day i fainted and hurt myself! >< this "body image mentality" is still something im getting over (3 years later) but friends and family are helping me overcome it. And cassie… I just wanna say u r such an inspiration! To hear that u struggle with the same thing is really eye opening- i don't feel like im so alone anymore! Thank u for helping change my life for the better(: uv helped me love my body… Keep loving yours! Ur gourgeous- no matter what people say!!(:
People who said you gained weight are the ones who watch your videos from the beginning to the end while doing nothing.
Thanks so much for your honesty. This is why we love you!! I recently read a book called “Intuitive Eating” by Evelyn Tribole. I would DEFINITELY recommend reading it! It talks exactly about this issue and teaches you how to get back to normal and out of the dieting mindset. I think you would really enjoy it, I know it has been a helpful tool in my own life. You are beautiful, I did ABC abs twice and didn’t even think about your weight! I was busy trying to think of a food for each letter hahaha. Whoever is that worried about your weight probably isn’t working out too hard!! People will always have an opinion- only you can come to peace with yourself and your value isn’t found in your weight! Thanks for everything <3
I’m so happy for you Cassey, you look beautiful all the time. You’re my favorite trainer because you don’t tell us to stay away from ‘yolo’ meals every single day, you tell us that if your body is craving it, you eat it. You let us know that our bodies need nourishing and love, and we have to treat them with respect. I have been called fat even though I was always a healthy weight throughout my childhood, but it really does hurt. Whether its a joke or put into a joking form, no one should ever call another person fat. It damages their self esteem like you wouldnt believe.
Hi Cassey!!
There’s so many comments already; I’m not sure if you’ll even get to read this one. I NEVER comment on blogs (it’s scary), but I had to comment on this one because I can relate so much b/c I am a Vietnamese gal, and I’m an ACSM certified personal trainer and Spinning instructor too.
I admire your honesty and bravery in posting this. You are human! And you are beautiful the way you are, honestly! I know what you mean about aunties. One of my aunts told me I was fat once on a beach vacay while I was strutting around in my bikini. Back then, I didn’t think much about what I looked like at all. But that comment from my aunt really hurt my feelings and made me feel gross about myself. On one hand, it did motivate me to become healthier b/c at that point, I was eating lots of junk food. But on the other hand, that feeling of looking unpleasant to someone never really goes away. Why do aunts comment on how we look like, or anyone for that matter? Sometimes I get the ‘oh, you’re too skinny’ comment too. just stop commenting on our weight! That to me is equally as bad as the ‘you look fat’ comment.
And I agree with you that we fluctuate with our weights and that it’s normal! As long as we are healthy and strong, that’s important. I understand how it feels to look a certain way, especially when it’s related to your job. I’m a runner, and I notice that during seasons when I am training for a race, my body is just much leaner and more muscular, but when I stop the intense training, I gain a few pounds even though I’m still working out regularly. This makes sense, but I feel guilty gaining those few pounds and used to ask myself why I’m letting myself go. I would obsess about losing those few pounds. But I now understand that’s perfectly ok. Elite runners and other athletes go through the changes in weight too.
Cassey, just do what is right and good for yourself. You are healthy and strong. Do what feels good for you and your body, and not what people think you should do! You’re an amazing inspiration, and keep up the hard and good work! *HUGS!!!*
I truly truly truly appreciate this post. I lost over 30lbs 5 years ago and in the last two years I have gotten married to a musician who travels 75% of the year, changed jobs and overall started a new life with new challenges. I also have gained all the weight back that I lost. I still workout but my time has to be managed differently now. I can’t spend hours in the gym and if I’m on the road with my husband I have little control over when and what food I get. The point is I have let myself go and I was so ashamed for the longest. I felt like I was put on a pedestal and now I disappointed everyone I was an inspiration to. I needed to read this. I got back on the wagon a week ago and while I don’t want to be as small as I was before I want to be healthy and not deprived at the same time. Thank you for letting me know I’m human!
Cassey! I hope I can speak for most of us in saying that I am proud and inspired by your resilience! I have been looking to you for motivation, advice and workouts for a long time now, and you have been nothing short of amazing!!! No matter how much weight you gain or lose I will always respect you as a beautiful person with boundless knowledge of health and fitness. I look up to you and hope that we can all see past the people who are so obsessed with defining others by their physicalities. Much love and support from Austin, TX!!!
This has made me feel so much better! I was overweight ever since i could remember then last year, at the age of 16 i went on a diet and fitness kick, i lost 5 stone and went from a UK size 16 to a UK size 6-8. After the compliments and general comments i received off people i felt an immense pressure to loose even more weight and this eventually spiraled into an eating disorder. However, since the new year I have managed to get back on track with my eating, and i no longer look skinny, gaunt and frail, but toned, defined and yes… maybe a little but bigger than i was BUT I’M HAPPY. They say eating clean is a way of life, but you only have one life, and why live it being unhappy? If having the occasional treat makes you happier than feeling deprived every day of your life DO IT! You are in charge of what you eat, don’t let any silly comments make you feel upset because ultimately its how YOU want to look and feel not how others see you. Cassey you have made me so happy with reading this and it has truly made me understand how much all girls are in the same boat! You’re a beautiful inspiration for a 17 year old girl to have and i’m so thankful i found your blog and videos!
Lol funny thing is, this just happened last night to me. I saw an old friend after a long time, and she said I looked “so plump.” I felt so horrible, because she ignored the fact that ive lost so much weight, and it just hurt to hear those comments again just because i fell off my diet and exercise regimen for a few weeks.That kind of killed my confidence last night, but today, it’s making me work harder. Lets turn that negative energy into positive energy 🙂
Cassie, I’ve been following you for over 3 years, and it never had anything to do with how “thin” your body was, it was because of how awesome your workouts were and your awesome personality, which hasn’t gone anywhere. That being said, I totally understand the emotional aspect. It’s what fueled my 60lb+ weight loss because I was tired of people asking me if I was pregnant. I imagine the pressure must be tenfold as a fitness instructor, but realize that you can’t be everything to anybody. While 2% of your following may be shallow enough to judge your physical appearance with their unrealistic expectations (and I can only imagine what they look like themselves), the majority of your followers have been around a long time. You’re like family to us, Cassie, and our love for you is unconditional. Regardless of your looks, you’ll always have a friend and follower in me! Besides, even you acknowledged it’s not so much weight gain that you can’t get the body you desire back, but remember that’s when YOU are ready, not someone else. Until then, enjoy your life and your journey!
Cassey, I only have positive things to say about you. Reading through this post, I was like “What? How could anybody say that to her!” I always think you look great, even if your body does change from video to video. My body changes, too. And I’m always impressed with how easily you’re able to carry on a conversation during an especially tough move that leaves me feeling breathless. Yet you encourage me to go on (and with a smile, too).
While I think you look stunning in that bikini photo, I think it’s important not to become slaves to our appearances. Once upon a time a long time ago, I was on my way to developing an eating disorder. But I realized it was making me miserable so I quit. Restricting dieting and compulsive exercising suck the life out of you.
In the end, I just want to be happy. One thing I can do toward that goal is to maintain my health, especially my long-term health, and to do it in a sustainable way. Because I don’t want to develop osteoporosis later on. I like to think that your videos have been helping me to do just that. So, no, you don’t have to look like a bikini competition-ready model the whole year. What matters to me is that you’re healthy, and you inspire me to be healthy too.
Thanks for all that you do for us, Cassey. : )
I know that sometimes those rude comments can really get to you. I appreciate your taking the time to confront them, and I’m always awestruck by the support you get from your fans in response.
I am guessing the people who commented don’t look like your “bikini body” days either. It’s not fair to hold you to a standard of “perfection” just because of your passion and your job. I also think it’s offensive that anyone would call you fat when you are very clearly at a HEALTHY weight. You’re at a different weight than you’ve been in the past, but some of us struggle just to get into the “OK” range… if people think you’re fat, I can only imagine how they view someone who struggles every day with their choices about food and physical activity. 🙁
Cassey…all I have to say is that you are such an inspiration! Who cares if you’ve gained a few pounds, you still look great! And just like you said, you can get right back on track. In fact, you can show all of us that with focus, drive, and determination, we ALL can get “back on track” and reach our goals.
I remember the first time someone called me the “f” word. I was in 6th grade. His exact words were “move over fatty”. I would hear it all the time from my cousins, they would tell me how I was “pleasantly plump”. After I graduated High School, saw the weight that I gained, realized I had to go another pant size up, I told myself NO MORE, TIME FOR A CHANGE. Action had to be taken! I signed up at the gym, ran 3 miles a day, did a little weight training when I could with a trainer, ate SUPER healthy! No breads, no sugars, all water, no fast food. I dropped 20 lbs in the first year. Of course, after a while I did stray from the “healthy eating” plan, but I have managed to continue staying active, going for jogs, not getting too crazy with food, and I dropped another 7 pounds. At my highest I was 140 lbs, keep in mind that I’m only 4’11”. I am now at a healthy 113/115 & went from pant size 9/11 to a 1/3 and I’m working on toning up and tightening everything up!
I came across your website/videos a few months ago and FELL IN LOVE!! You are motivating, encouraging, and enthusiastic. I’m still working on getting in a routine and incorporating more of your workouts into my exercise plans.
YOU’RE GREAT!! Keep it comin’!
I totally know where you’re coming from. I recently gained weight too but am just thinking to myself “it’s ok just get back on track.” I am Half marathon training so exercise wise I am for but I did gain weight. You just get back up and keep trying! I also totally know what you mean about Asian relatives. I’m from South America and its the same thing!! When I went to visit everyone was like “wow patty you gained weight” or “you got a little chubbier!” Literally the first thing people would say. I guess it’s a cultural thing but so annoying!
Look, I´ve always been fat, all my life I´ve been bullyied at school by my so called friends of that time, but what hurts me the most is been bullyied by my Grandma. I love her sooooooooo much, she´s been literally my second mom, but from time to time she does some things like buying beautiful clothes that are not going to fit me or buying “light” groceries, f.e. there was a time when she bought “Ligth” Mayo and asked her why, she answered “It´s beacause of you, you´re really fat so now everybody has to eat “light” mayo even if they like or not, it´s your fault”. I was like 11 or 12 at that time.
I have friends who love me, a boyfriend and even a Kpop Dance Crew and they accept me for who I am, but people seem to think that just because you´re on a stage you´re supposed to be slim and perfect, so even the other girls in my team recieve jugdment just ´cause most of us are chubby. I started following a fitness blog in spanish (I´m Mexican btw) but the girl there is like…I don´t know I can´t connect with her, it´s like…she´s not real. Then I found your VS leg workout and when you sayd “Come on get lower! Ahhhhhhhh!!!” and I heard you scream I thought “omg…she´s real…” then you where almost falling in one part and I totally loved that!
What I´m trying to say is you are a simple girl doing fitness videos, with the knowledge of a pro but without all the “I´m so pefect” attitude, I don´t know if my idea is clear but, you´re real, you´re fun, you´re are the only fitness blogger in the world who actually made me get up at 7am to work out before going to work, you made my guilt for eating with my boyfriend go away, for heaven´s sake you made a workout video in a Sailor Moon outfit!!!! How can I not love you after that!!?! You´re not perfect Cassie, but actually…you don´t need to be perfect. I admire you and respect you for sharing this with us. ♥
Your credibility as an instructor, to me, doesn’t lie in what your body looks like: it’s what comes out of your mouth. You won’t have the younger body forever, some of the flexibility and moves you do now with ease may get harder to do; etc. But the fact that you can tell us how do any number of moves or get into any number of positions both safely and appropriate to our “level” shows that you know what you’re doing; that you can keep so many people motivated and coming back shows that you know what you’re doing.
And if we’re being honest, as I’m assuming everyone is, I’d probably prefer you to have SOME fat on you as opposed to looking like a bikini-competition-model all year. Why? The same thing everyone complains that the media doesn’t provide us with: a realistic-looking role model who’s ALSO healthy. But the problem with that, with trying to get my body to look like yours – it won’t happen, ever. And that rings true for a great majority of us. It simply will not happen; not every body type, when it’s healthy, will look like Cassie’s. And it shouldn’t. You don’t work out or diet to look like someone else – and if you are, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons – you do it to get your body that you were genetically encoded to have, to its peak health. Anything cosmetic is secondary and irrelevant.
Body shaming needs to stop. Body shaming of others, of ourselves; all of it, done. Continuing a cycle of backhanded compliments and outright disrespect is doing absolutely no one, anywhere, any good at all. By all means, for those of you who are apparently a bit more observant than the rest of us, don’t feel bad about noticing, but please keep it to yourselves. The sooner we all quit body shaming (and I believe everyone is guilty to a degree), the sooner people can discuss weight and weight gain without feeling like they’ve disappointed their viewers, themselves, or somehow managed to ruin their entire lives.
Girl, PLEASE! I love watching your videos because you are a REAL person on a fitness journey who I can relate to. I expect you (and myself) to focus on being beast – not a number or size – and I love that that’s always your focus. The other day while I was crunching it out to one of your vids my bf came in (eating tortilla chips for breakfast of course – bless his anti-fit little soul) and said “Has Cassey gained some weight?” But before I could rip him a new one for talking about my web-buddy like that he said, “It’s cool that she’s not all fake and stuff…{munch, munch]…probably makes it easier to listen to her, like, as an instructor.” And he’s right!
As someone whose friends are mostly Asian, I totally understand the big deal that gaining a few pounds has on their self-esteem. Being friends with tiny and (to me) skinny girls is a huge punch to my self-esteem even, but I have to accept that we have completely different height and bone structures. American dieters have no clue how extreme the diet industry is in Asia (and for even Asian Americans). After living in Asia for a few years, I have realized that where once healthy was considered beautiful and attractive, we have brainwashed ourselves into thinking that “skinny” is the same as healthy. My Japanese friends, for example, vary in height but all want to weigh 90~100 lbs. It’s focused more on the weight than on health.
I think what some of your viewers fail to realize is this distinction. Are you healthy? I think that’s all that should matter. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? Then that’s what’s really important. As someone who has moved to other countries three times in the past year, it’s really hard to keep up healthy lifestyles when you’re exhausted and busy moving, settling in, traveling, etc. Sometimes we have to slip a little to get our feet back under us and keep pushing for the lifestyle that we want. Weight loss should be secondary to health, but in this day and age we see fat as unhealthy, high weight as social suicide, and skinny as beautiful. Our goals when we start these journeys of clean eating or exercise should be about HEALTH but instead many, many people make their goals about WEIGHT and SIZE.
On that note, people lash out at others’ failings when they themselves are struggling and I’m not saying that you’ve failed. Far from it, I think you put up with a lot of BS and put your heart into something that you really love. Tact, sadly, is not necessary in comments. I think you look healthy. I think you look good. It should be the people that see you on a day to day basis that make you feel warm inside about how you look. What you did for the bikini contest was amazing! I also think it’s extreme for your body to endure. The way you look now is attainable for women and men who simply want to improve their lifestyles. I think this makes you an excellent instructor and role model.
Keep fighting! You are a beautiful and wonderful human being. You look healthy and radiant. It’s hard but do some deep breathing and breathe out those hurtful comments.
Hi Cassie,
I don’t understand how someone could think you were fat! So not true! A few year ago I went a little crazy thinking that I could only eat super healthy food, and only a certain amount of calories. (and the number of calories I ate was way too low) to add to it all I was playing basketball working out at six in the morning practice five days a week. I got my weight down so low that I weighed 99 pounds! (I now weigh around 120) My body felt bad and I wasn’t having my period anymore. It wasn’t that I was trying to starve myself, I just had a skewed idea of where where my body should be. People would tell me that I was too skinny, but the thing was that I didn’t see how skinny I truly was. I thought that my stomach wasn’t flat enough, and I have never been overweight. Eventually I went to the doctor and she told me that it was OK to gain some weight. I am now about 120 now that I am doing your workouts and eating right. I still struggle sometimes after I eat certain foods and feel like I should go work it off. Food is made to enjoy and it is ok to splurge every now and then, we just need to make sure that our bodies are getting the nutrition it needs. Thank you so much for being such an amazing trainer/instructor I love you! Ashley
In all honesty, I didn’t even notice it at all. Your bubbly personality is always the first thing I notice. But once you mentioned it, I went back and looked. And you know what? You look NORMAL. I hate to admit it, but sometimes when I watch videos of people with perfect bodies doing hard exercises effortlessly, it’s easy to get discouraged that my body isn’t changing as quickly as I’d like it to – and it gets even more discouraging when I can’t do the moves in a video as well, even though I AM slowly improving. In a way, with you putting on a *microscopic* amount of weight – it gives you more credibility with me. It makes you real. It helps me realize I’m not alone in my struggles with eating what I want instead of eating what I know I should. I feel like you “get” your readers better now. And that added empathy, though it may put a small dent in your self esteem, is a priceless, hard won gift. Treasure it. Don’t let these negative comments get you down. It’s a lot easier for people to be openly judgmental with the relative anonymity of the internet. We all need to realize that everyone’s self-esteem could take a good stroking, and not a good beating more often than not. 🙂 Keep up the good work, girlie. Your videos are helping so many people – and we all LOVE you!
So true, I think Cassey is so real for being able to admit that she’s a normal person, just like the rest of us.
I would just like to say that you still kill all these workouts that drop us to the floor! Insecure people will always try to bring you down, but you can’t let them. Every time someone says something bad about your weight you need to think of all the nice things the rest of us think about you!
Hey Cassie!!
Greetings from Valencia, Spain.
I have to say this, I really felt identify with your story… I know how it feels when you walk into a room and someone cames and tells you “Hey! you look bigger! did you gain weight?”. So while I was reading your story some tears came into my eyes. But you have to know that I’ve always thaught that your are AMAZING!! You have an amazing body and your are soo funny and happy!
You are a real inspiration to me.
So keep going with your hard work, a do what ever you want, no matter the things that people say.
I love yo Cassie!!!
You worth it
Ho-ly people need to calm the f*** down. I didn’t notice anything in the ABC video and she looks amazing. Better yet she is still in incredible health. People need to stop sweating the little things in life and also stop judging each other.
I think she looks better now than in these super tanned pics. So tan it looks like her head is Photoshopped lol
Cassey, don’t be upset about being ashamed. It just shows us that you’re HUMAN and that makes us love you so much more. <3 Tammy
oooh Cassey.. so many times. So many, many times I’ve been called fat. By so many different people. Especially after high school, when I REALLY started to gain weight. Most of times I just sitted in my bed I cried like crazy, because I felt so bad with myself. I felt like I wasn’t worth a good boyfriend, or worth being near my super skinny friends. I even stopped talking to some people that called me fat. Then, after a while, I just decided to put and end to it. And you know what? You helped me. So much. Your body is STILL an inspiration. To me and to all the popsters. To be really honest, I didn’t even realized you gained weight. I seriously didn’t. You still look insanely hot, girlfriend.
Cassey, just think that even if you did gain weight your still much better looking than the 99.9% of trolls on the internet ;D You still have a better body than I do and the majority of us!
And you know what? I LOVE YOU MORE! You know why? It gets a bit upsetting always seeing perfect fitness gurus that seem to ALWAYS have the perfect life and the perfect body that it leaves US feeling like we could never achieve this. Out of all the fitness gurus, by far you are the best–because your REAL. You’re not afraid to speak the truth and to share with us your personal feelings and thoughts, it makes you all the more connected to your followers.
I too feel like I’ve gained some weight… I’ve been on a baking spree… yeah. But guess what Cassey? We can do it TOGETHER! Yah! Haha. Even though you don’t know me, I feel like we do because you’re so genuine and down-to-earth. I love how you said, “I’m not upset because I gained weight, but because I was ashamed of it.” HECK YAH GIRL! Why must we always look perfect for everyone?
Perhaps you could make a video on how to get back on track, I know I do!
You seriously are SUCH an inspiration Cassey. It doesn’t matter what you look because you’re still gorgeous on the inside and it makes everything on the outside glow 🙂
God bless you and thank you for being so humble and open,
Rachel <3
Each of us has a unique struggle with our body & its not fair to act like we know what someone else is going through with their body. I cringe every time someone says I’m “lucky” to have my body; last I checked, my toned body didn’t just “magically” create itself. I feel like you can’t win with people. If you’re overweight they assume its because you’re lazy, if you’re succeeding with how you want your body to look, they’re ready to say you’re just “lucky” and that they wish they could have a body like that. Stop wishing, and just do it. Our schedules change, our lives evolve…and our bodies shift too. No one has a right to judge that! Whats ironic, is the same people that will judge you in a heartbeat are probably the most likely to have a list of excuses prepared for why they aren’t in shape at all. Being in good shape beats being a stick figure any day. Society has so warped our image of what is “healthy.” I think recently it is starting to trend toward being fit, having shape, eating healthy sized portions of what is good for you; this evolution of people’s ideas though takes time. I don’t know why being tiny and 100 pounds, with your bones sticking out was Ever attractive, but hopefully people see the light on what is truly healthy & beautiful!
Your body is so fantastic & I can’t believe anyone would ever say that to you Cassie. You kick my butt on a regular basis with your workouts!!! Thanks for making me leave my excuses at the door every time I workout! “Excuses are useless, results are priceless.”
Okay. I commonly never answer any posts. But I have to answer this one! Cassey! I don’t know what to say! I have since the day I discovered your videos, also because I gained a lot of weight, I envied your energy! It’s amazingly refreshing and I must say I have almost become addicted to you!!!! :p
And I just want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for being so honest, loving, inspiring and unique! And thank you for sharing these feelings which you are NOT alone in having. Wauw! I’m astonished about the fact that I just realized that you are such a huge role model for me – and clearly many others around the world – both physically and mentally.
And words of wisdom to you from my heart: Beauty comes from the inside and living a life with strict diet and training without being allowed to enjoy every of life’s offerings isn’t worth living. You deserve living a life with happiness and plz just be good to yourself too!!!! <3 Love from a fan in Denmark!
You look amazing no matter what you do. I just bought your video and did it for the first time yesterday and today I woke up feeling crippled (in a fabulous way). You do things that I can’t and you look amazing doing it. Keep it fierce girl (as always). 🙂
Dear Cassey,
I think you’re beautiful and lovely and strong. You were/are the one who inspired me to be healthy in a way that was GOOD for me. You taught me to nourish my body. You taught me, sore today strong tomorrow.
I’ve always been ashamed of my body, but now for the first time in my life (22!) I suddenly find myself loving my body not for how I look, but how I feel! (The looking part is just an added bonus, I think.) And that’s because of you: You taught me to be a better me!
Gaining weight is not a bad thing, and it’s certainly not the end of the world–plus, it’s something that happens to everyone! It’s human. It’s natural. And I’d like to see whoever left those comments do the Food Baby workout as vigorously as you do–I’ve been doing it for a year, and I’m still out of breath. How do you do it?! It doesn’t matter if you’ve gained weight–it matters how long you can hold plank.
Life is short, happiness is precious and food is DELICIOUS. Live your life, girl.
(PS: I think you look absolutely gorgeous now. You’ve always been gorgeous!)
I’m on the same page as you. I lost 17lbs from May-October of last year because of your videos, motivation, and inspirational messages. This semester for me has been really hectic. I couldnt find anymore time to go workout like I did last year. The whole month of Feb i just stopped working out and eating whatever, and I felt bad and stressed out. Not only that, I was stressed out with my 17units school schedule and two part time jobs. I gained 10lbs within 2months. I felt my jeans got tighter and that’s when I realized I need to start getting back in track again. I really appreciate this blog, and you continue to inspire me. Although I dont work out everyday like I used to, I try to find time to work out at least 4 times a week. This blog really made me feel better because now I know I’m not the only one who is going through the same situation. Thanks Cassey! YOU”RE THE B E S T !!!!
Joan <3
I trained very very intensely last summer too and was on a strict diet regimen, not for a competition but just for myself. I lost a lot of weight, probably about 20–25 pounds which was maybe too much for my body type and not quite realistically maintainable, but during this school year I’ve gained all of it back because I stress eat and go on junk food binges to cope with all of my stress and exams and emotions. It’s easy to maintain over the summer because I’m so relaxed and I have the free time to workout constantly, cook etc. So I’ve felt the same shame and anxiety about having ‘lost’ my body, and this post really means a lot to me. Thank you for, even at your lowest moments, being such an amazing and inspiring role model. Don’t let any Youtube comments get you down- they’re probably insecure (and I would guess overweight and unhappy with themselves) and they take that out on other people over the internet because it’s easy to do behind a screen anonymously! To be honest, I noticed a change in your body, but I thought it was that you put on so much muscle and were lifting heavier! You are still unbelievably fit and healthy 🙂
Cassey, I am so happy to hear you say this! You have no idea.
Back when you did your bikini competition I seriously considered stopping following your blog. I thought you were great for inspiration but it’s hard to follow videos or even fitness advice from someone who doesn’t look real. And though your bikini body was very pretty and toned you yourself admit it wasn’t real or sustainable. It wasn’t something someone like me could ever do and be happy.
I believe in moderation, if I want a slice of pizza I’m gonna eat the pizza. Maybe even 2 or 3 slices! I don’t do it every day and that is OK. I too have let myself go a little recently in the midst of crazy move and have really struggled to get back into a routine as my new life still isn’t settled. I have a very similar frame to you but last week I went on a beach vacation and felt really bad about a little layer of fat on my abs. My husband convinced me that he really had noticed it and I looked great which allowed me to enjoy the vacation. Since we got back I am making progress.
But what I am trying to say is life has up and downs and I think you look lovely and feminine the way you are now. Keep eating healthy and hitting the mat hard, your real body looks a lot better then the bikini competition body. But hey, that’s just what I think.
I think you’re perfect no matter how you look. The energy you have and positivity is enough to put a smile on anyone’s face and you’re inspiring. It doesn’t matter what’s on the outside, it’s whats on the inside that counts. As long as you’re happy, it doesn’t matter. People need to understand that and stop judging others. Everyone needs to remember to treat others the way they want to be treated. Keep up the amazing work that you do. Please know that you’ve made a positive impact on the lives of others just by being you 🙂 <3
Thank you for sharing this. You’re an inspiration when you are competition ready and even more of an inspiration with this post. sometimes I – oftentimes I feel pretty hopeless because I have so far to go to get to where I want to be. and I guess a part of me just assumes it should be EASY and why the hell haven’t I managed yet.
but to be reminded that even someone whose career is this has fluctuations is very comforting. I need to just take it one day at a time, doing what is good for my body to become healthier and stronger.
it was very generous of you to share these thoughts with us, thank you
Cassey u look much much much better n sexier n beautiful now
I love u <3 <3 <3
What is so sad about this post is how girls can immediately jump in to help others with self image issues, but we have such a hard time seeing it in our own mirrors.
I just read a lot of these comics and felt the tears. Where is there a forum of boys talking about how their family and friends made them feel fat and ugly? My trainer for my bikini competition would repeatedly make remarks about how I wasn’t the right kind of pretty and how my body wasn’t something anyone wanted to look at. I mean I’m only 127lbs, I shouldn’t have listened to him but I ended up dropping out of the competition because I was so afraid that he was right about my looks.
We all need a change. We work hard, eat the best we can, train the best we can. That is all that should matter.
Such an amazing post! I’m 15 and started dieting a little at about 12 as I was a chubby child because of the changes in my life etc. The first year I’ve lost some weight which I didn’t really notice, next year I’ve lost twice the same same (overall about 10-15 kg). Last summer people started asking me ‘how did I do it?’, ‘I’ve changed so much’, ‘are you ill or something?’, I really liked the comments, yes even the ‘are you ill’ ones so I wanted more as it wasn’t enough. I already knew I was eating really unhealthy and didn’t have the vitamins nutrition I needed but I didn’t care. Around middle Autumn I said I’m going to give it a break as Christmas and so is coming so started eating things I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not fat again or massive changes but recently (few months ago) my family started saying you ‘looked thinner last summer’.
I actually thought I’ve lost weight or at least maintained it but now i see I did gained some wight. At first I was super mad at myself but now I see i needed the vitamins I didn’t eat.
I’m working extra hard on my body right now but a healthier way. I’m not going to make the same move again.
Love this post Cassy! Thank you! <3
Okay here we go, since that you’re being honest I’ll be honest as well. My name is Jonna and when I read this I literally started crying. This year in january I became completely healthy again for the first time since I was 13, I’m btw 18 now. You see somewhere around my 14th birthday I developed an eating disorder known as bulimia. I where sick for almost 5 years of my life and I will NEVER get them back. Pretty much the whole time I’ve been a teenager have been terrible. I still remember when I hadn’t eaten for several days and I was so hungry that I didn’t even feel it anymore. I was so lightheaded that I couldn’t even sit up and my body was so damaged that I didn’t care anymore.
Thankfully I got help for this the last summer and now I’m back on my feet trying to be healthy and strong instead of skinny and weak. But it’s so hard. Nobody can understand what I’m going through right now. I’ve always starved and when I did eat, let’s just say that I didn’t keep it very long. And right now I’m trying so hard to not go back to that place again because I really don’t want to, but at the same time that’s all I know. So the fact that someone called you fat makes me sick. They just don’t understand how much it can destroy a person. I know, I’ve been through it and to anyone thinking that you are fat(which you obviously aren’t, you’re gorgeous!) shut up. Trust me when it comesto this, it is not worth risking your life to be thin. It’s not worth it at all. I don’t even know why I wrote this from the first place, but I felt like I had to. Now lovely don’t you listen to those bastard saying stuffs like that, you are beautiful, healthy and look like a godess! Take care! xx
Hey Cassey,
I know the feeling you’re talking about. I gained some weight too, and yesterday my FATHER just litteraly told me I looked fat. I think you’re a great inspiration and help, and I hope I will have my almost bikini-body back after the muscle may calender!
Lots of love
No one has the right to call anybody fat, and I did the abc abs the other day when it was uploaded. I didn’t notice any weight gain on your body. Your body is super fit, so I have no idea what these people are talking about. I rarely comment on your blog even though I read all of your blogs, and always do your calender workouts. But this post today has truly offended me that someone would write comments on youtube that your gaining weight or where is your thigh gap. Cassey you are simply lovely and are beautiful <3. You have a glowing personality a shine that no one can touch. It disgusts me that people constantly judge women's bodies. It seems that everyone feels the need to critique womans bodies
You are amazing. The moment someone makes you feel less than such, you recognize it, understand how you feel about it and let it go. You inspire so many people, a little weight gain never hurt anybody. You are in great shape and are killing me with this May Calendar. I’m proud of you for writing this post and I thank you for it. I am the heaviest I have ever been and thanks to you, my family and MyFitnessPal, I have the energy and desire to become healthy again. Love you, stay strong.
Cassey, it takes so much courage to write a post like this! To be honest, I noticed you had gained some weight but I thought it was a positive thing. You were so deprived last year and you’ve slowly put on weight over the year. It’s natural, as you said, after being on such a drastic diet. You look healthy and still kick some major butt in your videos; as long as you are happy and healthy, then you’re the ideal weight! If you feel happier being a little thinner, then you’ll get there! Don’t let the negative comments get you down. You’re an inspiration to all of us, regardless of your weight. Just think of how the summer months are coming and how eating all the fresh, local, in-season produce will help you eat clean and get back on track. I love you so much and thank you for everything you’ve done for this community! I know I and tonnes of other girls here are right behind you in everything you do!
Cassey- What in the world?!?!? I can’t belive how insensitve people can be sometimes! I envy your body and the shape that you are in and would LOVE to look as good as you do. I love you girl and your positivity! Haterz Gon Hate! LOL! Keep it up Girlie! xo
Dear Cassey,
I’m South East Asian; a Malaysian. So, I do get what you’re going through. Anyways, to be frank, I did undergo what you’ve underwent. My friend and a male cousin of mine did call me fat and it took me on a journey to learn my body better.
For me, this happened when I had been undergoing severe stress during my pre-university studies and lost approximately 10kg of weight to be approximately 45 kg in 6 – 8 months. Then, it was shocking for me when I realized I counted the calories of fried noodles, oranges and apples just because I was worried I was getting fat even at 45 kg! LOL! ( I did drop to 43 kg and become underweight; up to a point the doctor did warn me to eat to get heavier; warned me to get back to exercising, eat to get my blood pressure up and eat to get my hormones back since my period also stopped after dropping past 45kg- I know it’s so unhealthy but my period stopped for a year and I could only get it back after taking hormone pills!)
LOL. But my relatives were really supportive of a proper body image even then. I realized during the Chinese New Year festival when they saw the changes in my body. They thought I was looking too pale, too unhealthy and worried if my weight loss is not due to some disease! XD (haha… maybe they’ve been too absorbed by the Japanese drama; 1 Litre of Tears? hehe). Then, I began to realize that when I could try to put on weight the weight back but I was ashamed to do so at the same time! So it took me some time to get over the stigma that; hey, you’ve gained weight and you’re fat stigma and push it to the right direction. That being said, it’s been 2-3 years journey for me to actually get back to 55kg. LOL! And I’m now proud to say that … I’m 55 kg and haven’t been feeling better. Hehe… Surprisingly, I also DID NOT GAIN the INCHES I LOST when I was 55kg earlier! *jump jump jump*
It is so relevant for Asians; or GIRLS particularly to get a grip on themselves by setting the proper body image. The Japanese or Korean wave (hallyu) whereby really lean singers are up on stage (probably because they train everyday; XD and adhere to a really strict diet), does not really help with this trend either. =), so thanks for sharing your concerns with the rest of the girls out there! I think it’s time for us if we’re not fat to constantly weigh ourselves on the weighing scale to determine our fitness level. Rather, it’s how we personally feel and get in tandem with the body so that you don’t go binge eating, so that you don’t overwork yourself in the gym and worry about the small changes in our body that doesn’t really matter! Haha. I do have another Chinese friend who’s actually proud of her fats for keeping her warm! LOL
Ultimately, be happy with yourself, do what you set yourself to do and don’t regret every passing day in your life (just like Steve Jobs when he gave a speech on death… just youtube it to watch it).
<3 Wei Chin, your videos are really cool and inspiring! * hehe, just got hooked on it recently!
Lol you’re still thin and fit looking to me. No one should judge you. I know how Asian mommies are too. My mom’s been asking me if I’m pregnant every month since I was 13 years old because of my weight, so don’t feel bad cassey! You’re gorgeous and amazing and inspiring! If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have started to try to lose weight! And I already lost like 4 pounds and its only.been maybe 3 weeks of eating clean and doing your videos! Thankyou for being so amazing!!(:
Please don’t let the haters get to you!
I just want to let you know; that I’m a recovering from an eating disorder that took over 5 YEARS of my life. All I did was restrict restrict restrict and then binge binge binge binge on processed foods. I was scared to eat fruit and veggies–all whole foods and thought “ZERO CALORIES” snack bars were the way to go. Needless to say I messed my whole body’s metabolism and functions up. YOU are the reason I’ve recently gotten back to excercising. I was so afraid because when I exercise, I tend to eat a lot more than when I don’t. And I didn’t want to risk looking chunkier from my muscles but the RUSH OF ENDORPHINS and that HIGH FEELING you get after a workout–NOTHING can compete with that. So I work out now for myself, not only to feel good, but feel stronger, and become a better version of myself. And I’m Chinese too–so I get the “hey did you gain weight?” a lot from my relatives, coworkers, even my boss at one time. It made me feel so ashamed, worthless, and really attacked my self esteem back in the day. But now I’ve learned to let it go–because people can say whatever–it’s their mouths and we can’t control what comes out of their mouths. But what we can control is to be a little more compassionate and caring towards ourselves–understanding what our bodies crave and let ourselves cave in once in a while. Thank you Cassey for always being so positive–like a ray of sunshine on my living room floor when I’m dying to your pop cardio workouts! Stay strong–and you’re so beautiful–no matter what weight you’re at (;
I truly believe some people wish to take what they find as perfection (which is not) and pull it to their level. I used to have a friend (used to) that when i started this program and life style. Chose to tear me down because, it was simply me achieving something she never did. Everyday she found a new way to create negativity in my life over jealousy and insecurity. I learned that negative vibe was not needed and i parted ways. Every time now i here a comment on my weight or not finishing a workout (mostly from my grandmother) I just turn it into words and put it in my motivation jar, and move on!
I love your Genuine persona cassie
Never change!
Dear Cassie,
You are awesome and it’s great to be inspired by a so down to earth person. I have recently gained weight too, but i’m already working on it; so it doesn’t matter what people say. ‘Cause i know what to do for me, so i will feel better, not to please anybody. You are a great inspiration, and if it weren’t it would be dreadful to even think to get back in shape 😀
Lots of love and light <3
Hey Cassie,
I’m really glad you wrote this, I honestly can’t believe someone would even say that to you because you look perfect just the way you are! I know what it is like to be really busy.. I’m a nursing student, and I am constantly on the go, so I find it so hard to balance my time between studying, having a life, and taking care of myself… Since starting nursing school I gained twenty lbs in the matter of three months, and I started to feel not only self conscious about my weight and how I look, but also feeling incredibly out of breath and just plain unhealthy! I officially started my workout and eating routine just two days ago, and Im following your may workout calendar.. My point is that YOU motivated me to do this, because in the past I’d always make excuses just to start a workout regimen (either from being too tired, too busy, or just saying “ill start tommorow or next week”)… I can’t wait to see results, and am excited to finally make my health a bigger priority in my life… I don’t think you should apologize! You are helping so many people meet their goals, by empowering them and making them believe it is possible! Thank you for being my motivation, empowering me to begin my own weightloss journey to a healthierr lifestyle!
Also, I personally love that you continue to post videos and be honest and put yourself out there still after comments like that. It just makes you that much more relate-able and fun!
it’s so crazy because I didn’t even notice! When I did the video the other day I just had fun and didn’t notice a thing. You look so great all the time and it only makes sense that you would gain weight after such an intense diet.
I’ve gained a little weight here and there, but I have been in a comfortable place ever since I found your videos and have been watching what I eat. 🙂
Nevertheless, a couple years ago when I used to model more, I consistently got the, “you need to look different” thing. The one point where I feel like my life turned all the way around in modeling was when I had a meeting with my agent and he said to me that I needed to get more “toned’ because I still have my baby fat. I was so confused because I am 5’9 and 120 pounds and I’ve danced all my life. They said that because I jumped around for jazz and etc that I had a big butt and they wanted me to stop it. There was another girl I knew that was idolized as a model because she had quit a sport so that she could have the “right” body for modeling in new york and I just feel bad for her that she quit something she enjoyed for this!
Ever since, my dad also received an email from them saying, “Diana needs to lose about 10 pounds to even be considered for new york” I couldn’t even imagine losing that amount of weight and I felt so self-concious. And my parents were never too pushy on making me lose weight but they would say ever since I was about 14 “do you still work out…?” and other things concerning my weight perhaps at times that I didn’t look my best and it killed my self-esteem as a kid. Lately I have been working out, but it has been for me. And the modeling industry has shaped me in many ways I can’t explain. I haven’t even worn any makeup for a year because it made me feel ugly! If someone thought I was pretty I wanted it to be because they saw the real me.
Anyway, sorry about the rant but this reminded me of all my experiences so much that I had to share it. And it shows that no matter where you are fitness-wise, someone won’t think you’re skinny enough or toned enough or pretty enough. I am happy that I had the self-control to say enough is enough.
Cassey, First of all, thank you for writing this. Thank you for being real and being honest. Thank you for saying weight fluctuation is normal and okay, because it happens to all of us. As much as we would like to think we can live on a “starvation diet” and have perfect bodies all the time we can’t and we shouldn’t.
We NEED fat to be healthy! I wish more people would realize that good, healthy fats are not to be demonized, but embraced. Our hormones and cells and biochemicals and even our brain wouldn’t survive with out it, so we need to eat enough fat!
I can’t believe someone would say stuff like that to you or anyone! I used to hate going to my grandmother ‘s because she always made comments like that about me or others. I still dread visits to her house (and I hate that I do) because of those memories. Because of that, I’m super sensitive to comments about “fat” people. No one needs to be told they are fat or “gained weight”. You can bet that they know it! Positive encouragement is really the only thing you can do to help someone – if they even want your help. And that’s what you do Cassey. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Oh, and btw? I didn’t even notice you gained weight. 🙂
I’m not a regular visitor, but I really enjoy your site, and I’ve never enjoyed it more than today. Thank you for being courageous, for calling out your critics and speaking from the heart. It’s horrid that anyone would think that you are remotely out of shape, much less say that you are overweight. I have been teetering on the edge of healthy weight and actual, medicinally overweight for some time now. A photo of me on my best day would elicit fat shaming from internet commentators. Your body as it is this moment is what I dream of being–small. You’re really tiny and fit and healthy! I don’t know how someone who looks like me is supposed to feel remotely positive about their body if someone like YOU is considered less than ideal. I mean, really, what the hell? So thanks for speaking up, because voices like yours need to be heard. Best, Marie
I think it is terrible that as a society we are trained to fear gaining weight and not looking absolutely airbrushed perfect. It’s terrible that people said those things to you because that it not okay. Life happens. Am I terrified of gaining weight? Yes, probably even more so than some people (ED), but that does not mean that gaining weight isn’t normal. As long as you are still in a healthy range and can still preform your exercises super awesome, I don’t think your weight matters that much. Be strong, and of course, be healthy. Weight does matter if it’s going to kill you, but whatever. You are awesome, Cassey, so don’t worry at all about those comments!
How could someone say you have gained weight? You look like you’ve lost weight in the last 2 years!!!
How come we can’t maintain low body fat forever?
Hey, Cassey! I don’t normally comment, but I had to on this one.
I started doing POP Pilates about 2 – 2.5 years ago, and I love your videos and tips. The reason I became so drawn to your videos over the thousands of other instructor choices on YouTube is because you were relatable and real, and you kicked my butt every time. I did A LOT of POP Pilates during those days, and I could really notice a difference in my body – and I was a college athlete who followed a strict schedule of lifting, running, etc., so the increase in tone was surprising to me and greatly appreciated.
However, I have to admit that I had gotten off the POP Pilates train a bit over the past year. Although I still love the videos, I found that some of your posts, topics, and outlook on some things were becoming more calculated and a bit too strict for me. The lifestyle didn’t feel attainable or sustainable anymore. Maybe this is because I have experienced people very close to me struggling with anoerexia, so I am very sensitive to strict diets, extremely long workouts, etc. – because that’s how their issues started. I can totally see how the bikini comp would have made you struggle with some of these same issues because it changes how you view food, workouts, etc. I am not saying you shouldn’t have done it because that was a goal of yours and I am all for setting goals and reaching them. I am just saying that during that time, I didn’t read the blog as much and subsequently did fewer videos because I just didn’t feel that connection like I did before. I still worked out 4-5x/week and ate generally healthy, but I just wasn’t all that interested in manipulating my diet and workout so drastically.
SO, the point of all of this is that I have recently returned in the past couple of months to reading the blog and doing your videos lately because I LIKE this change in you. And I am not talking about the weight – I didn’t even notice that. I just mean the topics you write about, your general demeanor, and your outlook/attitude about life. You have seemed more energetic and positive, and I find I can better relate to you now, much like when I first found your videos a couple years ago. I feel like POP Pilates has returned to its roots in a way, and I love it.
People have all kinds of preconceived notions about what a fitness instructor should look like, and that’s too bad. I’ve taken classes from the most toned people in the gym and they sucked, and I have taken classes from more full-figured instructors and they kicked my butt. It just goes to show that it is the KNOWLEDGE, the ATTITUDE, and the CHARISMA that really make a great instructor, and I’d say you have the trifecta! Keep your head up 🙂
Cassey, I love this post! As someone who lost 40+ pounds and caused myself to be at a weight my body wasn’t meant to be at while exercising too much & not refueling properly, I have now been dealing with infertility (hypothalamic amenorrhea specifically) because of these things. We are women, we are meant to have curves, we function because of our body fat, and we are beautiful with that healthy, womanly glow. I will be honest, I love your blog and videos so much because you preach about refueling properly, you don’t ever demonstrate excessive exercising or obsessive eating, and you have amazing confidence in yourself! I love to see you be NORMAL and be such a role model! I am now in recovery as well having gained almost 25 pounds and I tell ya what, some days are hard missing what use to be but I am one step closer in being HEALTHY (inside AND out!) Thank you for being such an amazing role model to me (in my mid 20’s) and so many young girls who need to see what REAL women are, what struggles they have, and that we are all putting our foot down to the unreachable perfection shoved in our faces all of the time!
Cassey, cassey, cassey! First of all I LOVE YOU! I love you for all you have done for me, for all that you do for yourself, for what you do for so many others and for what I know you will do for all of us in the future!
Do you know why I love your videos, your blog and why, even though you have no idea who I am, I feel so close to you, as if we were super close friends? Why I love you so much as a person? Yes, its your happy and bubbly and very inspiring personality. Yes, it the fact that your videos kill me and then revive me 10x stronger, fitter, healthier, and super confident. I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world after working out to your videos. I love you for that and for so much more (amazing recipes, for always knowing what to say, for telling me to listen to my body and that change is OK). Anyways back to my point, in the first videos you uploaded you didn’t have that Victoria Secret Angel body, and I’m not saying that as a bad thing, you were always and will always be beautiful and stunning to me. Then some time later you got thinner and fitter and then came the bikini competition and WOW! You achieved so much! You looked 100x better than any Victoria Secret Angel and I loved you even more for the very fact that you committed to achieve something and you did it. And now you might have gained a little weight, so what? Its just that a little. It reminds me that you are a human too. That you are move forward, you change and you change and you come back stronger than ever with every obstacle you face. I remind you once again, you are HUMAN! And thank you for being brave enough to not hide it. Thank you for always showing the two sides of the story. I want to tell you that you are very BEAUTIFUL! But the thing is, even though your body looks great, and always will because that’s just who you are, your real beauty comes from within you, your smile, your honesty, your confidence, your sense of humor, your determination, your understanding, your compassion and so many other amazing qualities. And that’s the kind of beauty that stays with you forever, when you’ll be old and wrinkly, you’ll still be beautiful because you will always be you. I bet even then you’d manage to make anyone around you do squats and burpees! 😀
Sorry if what I wrote didn’t make any sense, I’m very emotional and if really bothers me that anyone could hurt you, or anyone like that. It was very rude, but I’m not angry and I don’t blame anyone I just really want you to know that you are beautiful and amazing and the we look doesn’t prevent us from making a change in other peoples life and influencing people to make the right and healthy decision.
I guarantee you will loose any weight you might have gained and look even better than you looked during the bikini comp, and then you might gain some weight again and repeat the cycle. What is important is that you get back up stronger after you fall. And you will.
After all its all about living a healthy lifestyle and being fit, and part of that is balance. Balance always changes but it always comes back to its place. Do you know what I mean?
So, I’m gonna go, I’m supposed to be studying for a history exam about what we learned the whole year! I’m glad its not tomorrow! 😀 XD Cant wait for tenth grade to end and start eleventh! 😀 Though I’ll probably have more stress then, oh well!
I think being from Hispanic heritage is the same way or maybe all families do this! I’m always too skinny or too fat, you just can’t please some family members =/ I remember when my husband(boyfriend at the time) & I were visiting his grandmother and we were just hanging out and then all of a sudden she turns to me and says “What’s wrong with you, mija? You’re getting fat!” What in the world am I supposed to say to that?! & then another year at thanksgiving his uncle was like “Nice to meet you!” & his wife told him “No you’ve met her before! Remember she used to be skinny.” I’ve been dealing with my weight for so long and it’s so hard and frustrating. I’m currently working out and trying to eat clean and with your help Cassey I love working out and working hard for my health! Also people that feel the need to point out someone’s weight gain is just plain rude! Who asked them anyways!? If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all!
Dear God, screw people that ask if you’ve gained weight, you’re basically perfect and well, if you aren’t good enough for anyone then I should probably not even exist on this planet. Thank you for being real.
Thank you for this post Cassie! I have always had a weight that fluctuates between 110 and 130. It has always bothered me because one week my clothes would be getting too big on me and 2 weeks later they would feel too small even though I’d been working out and eating clean. But this made me realize I am not the only one! So what if this week my jeans feel a little tighter… I’m still healthy. We are women, we have curves… Curves that sometimes feel like showing themselves off a little more than usual 😉 I don’t think you’re fat at all and people can’t expect you to stay bikini model ready all year long. Even victorias secret models don’t do that!
Cassey —
First off I want to say that you are so amazing at what you do! I have been following you for quite a long time and every time I work out with you I know it is going to be fun, intense, sweaty, and a little extra ab work from laughing 😀 You are so real and down to earth that so many people can relate to you and what you are trying to accomplish through your blog and other work. YOU are beautiful at any weight. Who cares if you gained a little extra? You needed it! You look incredible in that video. Yes you were super toned and skinny in your bikini comp, that that is no way to live your life. Deprived.
I have learned that listening to what your body is telling you is so important. Oftentimes our minds play tricks on us, but when we listen to our body, we can figure out exactly what we need. You needed more nutrients and you listened to that. That is something to be proud of because so many people do not listen to their body and can become very sick.
A lot of women, I should say almost all women, have some sort of complex over their body image. It is the way our society has taught us to be, unfortunately. But you send out a positive message for any shape or size that we are all beautiful – inside and out. The inside is what really counts. When the insides are beautiful the outsides will follow. You should definitely not feel ashamed of gaining some weight. Who cares? We ALL fluctuate in our weight!
I went through a phase where I put on about 15-20 extra pounds and I thought I was insanely overweight (of course I wasn’t, I was actually in the weight range I needed to be for my height), but I put the pressure on myself to lose it all. Yeah, some people rudely told me that I gained weight and asked how that could happen, but mostly those who really cared about me told me the truth. Yes I had gained weight, but I was not overweight and I did not look out of shape, I looked healthy and normal. I was way too skinny beforehand. Although I did tone up and gain muscle and lose some fat, I still maintain that HEALTHY weight. YOU, my dear, are NOWHERE NEAR ‘fat.’ You look awesome and you are so in shape it is ridic!! I always strive to be able to talk back to you when you’re talking in the videos so that I can get through one of your workouts talking too! hahaha 🙂
You deserve to eat healthy, look healthy, and feel healthy. You are an inspiration and show that all fitness gurus are not immune to weight fluctuations, cravings, days when you feel like doing nothing, etc. that all of us feel. So many people in the fitness world are so hard to relate to because they pretend that they never cave in and eat brownie sundae’s or go a week without working out. You talk to us about those things and give us healthy options or ways to fix it or just to give ourselves a break!
You work so hard and it shows. Your true followers have only good things to say about you.
God bless, Cassey. Stay strong and true to yourself.
Love you!!
PS — 1st day of May KILLED me!! Soooo sore!! Onto day 2 now!! 🙂
This entry is life changing. I struggle so hard with shame associated with weight gain that it’s turned into a 10 year battle with anorexia and digestive disorders that will last a lifetime. Like you, I am also in the fitness community and proudly preach health!! That’s what its about isnt it? But still, demons can weigh you down. I want to thank you SO SO SO SO much for writing this. I almost want to print it out and carry it with me so that whenever I feel down about weigh gain or my self esteem is low, I can read your words and be inspired again.
Thank you for being YOU!
I love this post I was always the fat kid in school and still am as my mother would say the big boned sister. However I can kick a 180lb person across the room with my strong legs, I eat clean 90% of the week, I exercise 5-6 days a week…i love when people/students say things to me like how can you be the kickboxing instructor your kinda big, or how can you tell me how to lose weight when you weight 210lbs…..It amazes me daily the hurtful things that can come out of people mouths…I always try to not take it to heart but some days it really bothers me so I just always remind myself that I am strong, and healthy, I eat clean, and exercise and my body is not like anyone elses body and to love every inch of it my strong legs that kick Thai targets and leave bruises on peoples arms, my right cross that can knock someone out, my right and left hook that I am asked daily in kickboxing class to go 50% instead of 100% because I hurt peoples arms who hold targets for me, my body is not perfect but its mind and I love it!
girl, I envy your body in every single video! and I thank you every single time I workout with you. you push yourself, and I know it ain’t easy! you make me push myself to the limit and then some, and this blog, as painful as it is to write it, shows your strength, and trust me, it is greatly admired! gaining weight is not always a bad thing, and i’m dealing with the same issue right now, but reading this puts me at major ease. I could never question your credibility as a fitness instructor after the way you helped me change my body and self esteem. Thank you Cassey! <3
you made me teared up Cassey <3 im so proud of you ! i know that we dont know each other, but girl, what you do, im so proud of ! and it helps me in a way that, if you can, than maybe i can too <3
i am so greatful to have come across your channel, your blog, and a bit of your life <3 you are such an amazing person and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Thank you, Cassey, thank you very very very very much <3
This is what i love about you Cassey, is your down to earth, honest, and a real life person. you’re not fake. you tell it like it is. no matter what you are an inspiration to everyone around you. i have been working hard for 3 months, and haven’t been able to exercise everyday. life throws us curves, (pardon the pun). i’m not myself able to work out everyday due to traveling, and life getting in the way. i still feel i need to loose weight, and my friend told me i have lost a ton, but it’s not going as fast as i like. LOL! patience, we all eat things that are unhealthy once in awhile. you are only human! we have that right. i admire you Cassey and would never think anything bad if you put on a couple inches, your not fake, and personal and that’s what people should love about you. Society has created this perfect barbie body that everyone should have, and that’s not fair. we need to step outside of that, and be healthy and happy, and stay at a good weight, but our bodies will never be perfect. they have no reason to judge you. if anything it gave me more inspiration knowing you are so down to earth! Thank you for sharing that Cassey, keep up the good work! we all love ya we see who you are on the inside! and that is a great person.
Cassey — you are a rock star, seriously. SO many people would not be where they are today, myself included, if it wasn’t for you. Everything you do is an inspiration and you are SLAMMIN’ it. You are a strong, beautiful woman and those same people who gave you negative comments are the people who still look to your videos for workout advice/inspiration.
There will always be a negative comment, and it fills me with SO much happiness for you that you have the courage to stand up for yourself and be proud of your body because you have every right in the world to be. I was on track to an eating disorder, my weight was going up and down and I was never happy until I found you. And I know I am just one out of hundreds of people with the same story.
So keep on going, lady! We all love you!
I agree with other people. You are AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL and a model! Everytime, I do my routine, it’s like you are in my living room cheering me up. You are a leader, a funny girl with a big heart and who really want other people to feel better in their body and mind. That’s why I do YOUR workout.
I agree with you too. The most important is to feel great in our body and mind, no matter how we look. I had to deal with some people who told me that I was fat (boyfriend, friends, family members…). I just let them to talk about that and I focused on what I felt. Now the boyfriend is an ex-boyfriend, those friends are out and family members stopped talking
We never know how we can become, so the best is to not mock at people Just because it is stupid and then it is hurful and …. Life is a wheel and the wheel can turn…..
OH MY GOSH!!! SERIOUSLY!! This is the problem with women today. We are so critical of one another and so quick to point out any flaws. Cassie, you are beautiful, strong, healthy and an inspiration to me each and every day. Those who posted negative comments should be ashamed of themselves.
Cassey, my dear, I didn’t even notice your supposed weight gain!! You are beautiful no matter how much weight you gain or lose. And most importantly, you are beautiful on the inside 🙂 some girls can be so tacky and superficial that they forget about how they aren’t only a body, but a spirit too. And if they become so concerned with their outside appearances, how can they nourish their inner selves? There must be a balance. And you Cassey, are very balanced! Just listen to your body and don’t go crazy obsessive about losing weight. It will come naturally with time. 🙂
Peace and tons of love and happiness,
Emily (hippiemama1189) 😀
I thought that same thing! She looks exactly the same to me! Healthy, beautiful and still super skinny! It amazes me there are such hateful people out there!
You have no idea how badly I needed this. In about to do my first bikini competition (which I was inspired to do because of you) next weekend. I, like you, am so excited to show off my hard work and the fact I now have the bet body of my life! But also like you, I’m terrified of gaining all the weight back. I also have added pressure from my family who doesn’t support my healthy lifestyle choices (I think because they feel threatened) and actually make me feel guilty for eating and working out. So over the summer when I am back home I feel like I’m going to struggle. But thank you for letting me realize its okay, and that its up to me to feel good about myself no matter what. You are a true inspiration!!
Hey Cassey you know this really hits me hard. All my life people have called me fat or unfit and in reality I can out exercise most of my students and I weigh more than all of them. Just because your body has changed does not mean your physical ability has changed….you rock cassey and you inspire me daily because with you its never been about looking like a some other youtubers who do not have an ounce of fat on them its about feeling good, eating clean, enjoying food, understanding your body, enjoying your friendship, loving the group of friends that I have made through your page and just being me. This is the reason I always recommend you over other yourubers for an exercise channel because you always make me feel good about my body no matter what state it is in. My family is not asian and my mom still says things like Cari your putting on weight, Cari do you really want that second helping, Cari that is going to go straight to your stomach and butt….its almost painful some days to go over there for meals….thank god for my husband who is always there for me no matter how I look and loves me for me.
This is ridiculous. You are a stunning woman, and just because your weight has fluctuated doesn’t give anybody the right to make comments like that. Don’t even be ashamed of your body, you work hard all the time and it shows.
Somehow, even though I’m not a fitness instructor, know how you feel. I, too, come from an Asian family and boy, are they blunt. But people on youtube–Boy, are they blunt, or what? I honestly don’t care if you have gained weight or lost it, all that matters is that you still have the drive to inspire people to get fit and get health. Sure the visual results of strict exercise and dieting are great, but what’s more important is a healthy mindset, a healthy lifestyle, and the value of one’s self-worth and you show us that with every single workout Cassey. Whether really toned or a little less toned, you are beautiful and an inspiration to many young women doing your workouts.
Cassey, this blog post was exactly what I needed. I’m in grade 11 and recently retired from sports because my body couldn’t handle it anymore, and since then I’ve gained some weight. Whenever I’d hang out with my athletic friends, I’d always feel like they could notice my weight gain and it made me a little self-conscious.
So thanks to your blog post, I no longer feel so ashamed of gaining weight 🙂 You’re the best Cassey. Love you <3
One of the best posts I’ve read so far. For all of us dealing with negative people in our lives or negative feelings towards ourselves you have been nothing but an inspiration to us. You look wonderful now, and to be honest better than your “bikini body”. All of those people who said something to you are just insecure within themselves.
Don’t let them get to you. You look fantastic. I don’t think it is just an Asian thing, my parents/family/extended family tell me I am “getting fatter” or “putting on the pounds” all the time.
I want you to know that you have helped me a lot. I weigh 115 at 5′ 3″. I know I could lose more weight if I ate better. But I really don’t eat that bad and I enjoy not counting my calories. I have a tendency to get too thin when I start counting (went down to 90 lbs before) and all food starts looking like a guilty pleasure. It is miserable. There is just no point.
Thank you for motivating me! Stay upbeat.
Wow, thanks so much for this post! I had been the fittest I’ve ever been while following your videos and then I suddenly stopped working out and ate whenever I wanted for like 2 months now. I felt disappointed in myself for gaining back the weight, losing all the muscle so, unlike you, it seems I have to start from the beginning. But thanks so much for this post. I don’t feel as discouraged anymore!
Cassey, thank you so much for sharing your story. It takes a lot of courage to admit all the things you did–I know, because I feel exactly the same way. I always try to stay positive and just do my best to eat clean and work out on a regular basis, but sometimes I come down on myself. Sometimes I cheat a little and have dessert after dinner. Sometimes I literally do not have time in the day to work out. And sometimes I want to cry because I have friends who eat similarly to me and work out the same amount… but they are far more toned and slim. I’m not fat, and I know that. But my brain tries to trick my heart into believing it from time to time.
Honestly, I love the fact that you don’t always have your crazy fitness competition body all the time. It means you are human, and it means that I can watch your videos and know that I, as a normal person, can attain a strong, toned, and HEALTHY body like yours. I watch your videos and I know you’re doing the workouts along with me, you’re sweating with me, and you’re feeling the burn, too. That’s one of the things that keeps me coming back.
Knowing that you are imperfect makes you all the more lovable, because it makes you real. If I slip up and have a bad week for food, I remind myself that no one is perfect, and that all we can do is our best at that moment in time. I would love to say that I’m not ashamed of the weight I’ve gained over the past few years, but that would be a lie. I’m doing my best to overcome that and remind myself that I have nothing to be ashamed of, especially when I’m working to get fit again.
You are one of the people who has helped me realize that I AM BEAUTIFUL. And you know what? YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, too. 🙂
Cassey 🙂 Don’t be sad, I’ve been in the same situation and I’ll admit it is hard and hurtful when people make those comments. The truth is everyone is here for one reason which is you! All the fellow POPsters are here to learn from you because you are a great role model for everyone and everyone aspires to get a great body like you. You’re fun, energetic and hell you can push us so damn hard but we keep going because you motivate us too and you are such a great character. Hell I bet these people who make these comments can’t even hold a plank let alone perform 1 burpee. It’s good to have the energy to perform these exercises through great nutrition. If you don’t eat enough not only is it going to affect your performance and stamina but it will mess with you mentally as well like you have already experienced. When you feel low and lack the energy you wont enjoy or have the motivation to exercise anymore at all and become ill! I have experienced this myself too and it’s not healthy or worth it at all. You want to feel strong physically and emotionally, the ying and yang of life and trust me I know about the asian thing! I am caucasian from the UK but currently residing in Thailand as my boyfriend is thai and all the girls out here are tiny so I always compare myself. Unfortunatly genetics play a big role so okay my build may never be as small as these girls but I still feel great in what I’m doing! So thank you Cassey, thank you for motivating us all and making working out so much fun. Trust me time flies when I do your videos! I think your fantastic! Keep doing what your doing 🙂 xxx
Dearest Cassey,
So much encouragement has been flooding this post. I just want to also encourage you- although I have even following your fitness and blog posts for a little over a year, I made a choice just yesterday to follow the monthly calendar and the fitness challenge. Unsure why it took me this long to do so, but it was just timing, it was just the right time. I have followed many other fitness channels on YouTube and through their sites but what set you apart from the rest was your sense of genuine, real and healthy outlook on fitness, health and life.
Not that the others were less real, but I connected most with you outlook on it all. For myself I strive to be healthy but also enjoy the little indulgent factors of life. As important as being healthy & fit is, it does not make you who you are. You taught me that. Your honesty today and in every post and video is so great. Thank you for being you and sharing it with others and changing our lives and outlook on fitness is such a positive way!
Keep you head up Cassey! We love you!
Cassey, this is exactly what I needed to read. I live in India, and Indians can be extremely judgemental about issues like weight. I have a big body. What I mean is, I’m tall, I have broad shoulders, meaty thighs and whether I like it or not, I have big boobs and curves. All my high school life(and sometimes even now) I worried about my body being the way it was because I used to have friends who used to make fun of me for being fat. Recieveing mean and judgemental comments about my weight was like a weekly routine. I’m a dancer too, I train in ballet, jazz, contemporary and pointe. This takes up all my free time and the only days I’m free are Saturdays. Despite this, my body type is still the same and there’s nothing I can do about it. Little do people fail to recognise that “size” is not a criteria to judge people by. Of course yeah, when I train super hard for a competition, that means I put in extra hours and therefore i burn extra calories, which means I do tend to lose weight. Like you, I used to worry about putting the weight back on, but i have come to realise that staying fit and healthy is more important. Hardly any of my friends can split and do the grand jete, yet despite having a big body type, I can! You inspire me, and I believe that with you I can lose those extra pounds, not to prove to everyone, but to myself that I can achieve what I started out with. Hopefully I too can send in a before and after pictures. (!) 🙂
i noticed a difference too but i liked it. it makes you look much stronger for some reason, and you’re beautiful the way you are! really 🙂
You are amazing. Strong, sexy, inspirational. Love you! Xo
You Are beautiful just the way you are. You are healthier and it really shows all of us you don’t have to have that “perfect” body to be healthier and fit. You are even healthier now.. It shows us all that being what the world says we should be is really not who we should be at all.
Thank you for writing this post. You are such an inspiration and don’t let anyone tell you differently.
For 13 years, I was a seriously competitive runner surrounded by other seriously competitive runners, and I was miserable the whole time because of how judged I felt. The majority of girls on my team had eating and body image issues, and they all obsessively dieted in order to attain and maintain what they viewed as the “perfect” long-distance runner’s body. Everyone looked at everyone else’s physique and watched what other people were eating, and it all created a monstrous atmosphere of insecurity. This is one of the reasons why, since retiring, I’ve stayed away from gyms and fitness clubs, preferring to work out on my own. It is a terrible thing to work hard to be fit and healthy and happy, but then have other people’s personal views of “beauty” make you feel as though you are not good enough. That’s ridiculous. We are ALL good enough.
A person is much more than just a body. Even if that weren’t true, caring enough to set workout goals, to consistently exercise, to eat healthfully but also in a way that makes you happy, and to inspire others to do the same, is a WAY bigger achievement than simply looking like a professional model 24-7. Let’s face it: That kind of appearance can only be obtained by working obsessively and becoming extremely self-centered, leaving very little time for all the other important things in life.
I personally care more about what someone can do than how they look while doing it, and I would continue to be motivated by a fitness instructor three times my size as long as she was still kicking my butt during workouts! (That said, Cassey is NOT three times my size and I think she looks equally beautiful in all her videos, from the early ones where she’s my size to the bikini competition ones where she’s wiry and wee!)
People always say to me blueearrings”blueearringsyou’re not fat you have such a nice body!” But then i hear from many others that those who say I’m not fat to my face, say im fat to 100 other peoples. I’m 5’4 and weigh 128lbs. Sstupid bitches mus’ keep their comments to themselves.
Excuse the blueearrings. Stupid Ipad.
Oh my goodness! i didn’t even notice ! you are still stunning and fit and strong! there is no fat on that body of yours! you are very inspiring and thats whats keeping me working every day! To be as strong and as fit as you!
Thank you writing this post Cassey! You are absolute inspiration! I know exactly how you feel and have gone through the same thing with friends and family and it’s definitely not an easy thing to hear when someone calls you fat or says you’ve gained weight. I just started watching your videos recently and I find you soo inspiring, much more than a lot of other fitness instructors I’ve tried to follow. I find that because you have such a great personality and a healthy body image, it’s easier to relate to you. It’s easier to be more motivated because I can follow your videos and think I can achieve this one day. When fitness instructors are extremely ripped, it makes me feel intimidated and I lose confidence. You are a great fitness instructor and keep up the great work! Thank you for being so honest and true to what you believe in!
I’m “technically” Asian; my dad’s family is from India. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life, and they have ALWAYS
Ah, my stupid computer cut me off!! They have always been downright MEAN about it, especially my dad. I remember a 4th of July when I was eight and it was over 100 degrees. I commented about feeling so hot, when my dad said to me, in front of my entire family “maybe if you lost some weight, you wouldn’t feel so hot!” I WAS EIGHT.
When my uncle came to visit us when I was ELEVEN, the first thing he said instead of “hi” was “My gosh, darling. You need to lose some weight!”
And just a few years ago, when I was 20, my family did nothing but make rude comments about my weight behind my back, but loudly enough for my mom to hear.
People are nasty, and you look amazing no matter what, Cassey. But it makes me feel better to know that even the most in shape and the most confident feel insecurity about food.
I love you! 🙂
First off I just want to tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known Not just because of the way you look but the way that you have inspired me to become a healthier person. Your encouragement in every workout makes it that much easier for me. Now look I’m not saying that I don’t struggle cuz man your workouts are HARD. but just knowing that I have you there pushing me helps me get through it all.
I’ve been “chubby” my whole life. I mean to me i’m just fat. I’ve always been call chubby too. My mom always says something ,even my boyfriends have told me that. I got to the point where it’s like wow i guess that’s who i am. BUT BUT BUT. I decided to do something about it. In January i joined UFC gym and 24 hour fitness and i started to do blogilates. Since January i have lost 15 pounds. and i want to thank you for helping me get this far. I’m not done with my fitness journey but i’m glad I have you to help me. To me you’re a fitness angle. I love you no matter how you look like on the outside cuz on the inside CASSEY HO YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, FIT, HEALTHY, AND STRONGEST PERSON I KNOW.
<3 much love -drea martinez
I can’t believe people say that to you!! You look amazing and I have nothing but gratitude for every post you put up here. I don’t understand why anyone would comment on your weight openly like that. Specially when you haven’t even gained weight (I don’t see it!) You to me, look perfect already! I even asked my brother to join me because when I found your videos he was a little depressed and I told him, this girl is super motivated! He said of you “she’s tiny!” with admiration! I don’t see you as tiny, rather like healthy and fit. I like your body haha in the most admiring, no homo way possible!
I am going to work for that kind of body! And you know what I admire even more? Your attitude! I watched your video of abs and laughed so hard. You are very creative with your work outs. Don’t listen to those people. Of course, if you think something’s not ok, fix it but I see you as my role model and I want to have those abs and that “fat??! where?!?!” on top of them that you talk about?! I’m killing myself trying to do your videos and some moves I still can’t keep up with you but I will some day! 🙂 My dream is to not stop at all in any of your videos!
Cassey, you look so amazing. I don’t notice any weight gain. And even if there was, I wouldn’t think less of you. You eat healthy and work out and have a positive, giving attitude so why would it matter if you gained some? I think some people pay too much attention on every little move you make and for the worst possible reasons. Stay strong, listen to your body and love yourself even more!
I don’t understand how people can have the audacity to tell her about her weight when we all are tuned in to her blog for the same reasons. The perfect body doesn’t exsist cause everyone is unique and beautiful in their own ways. Cassey is trying to show us how to get these unique bodies of ours at their peak. She’s trying to show us how to get healthier and stronger. STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY. So what if she gained weight? She is still banging. LOL
I am six & a half months pregnant…I saw my nan the other day who turned around & said about my weight gain and how basically, if I bent down, I would rip my shorts (it was a really hot day & they are the only shorts that fit)..My measurements on my legs/arms haven’t really changed much but Ive gained 14lbs & as I am having a boy, I am 100% on front…It hurts so much as I trained so hard to get my bodyfat from 32% to 20-21%, some people say I look ‘well’ and ‘better’ for my weight gain but it makes me feel sick, I love my son & he was planned but I feel like my body is disgusting, I just feel fat & ashamed that I have put on a 14lbs so far & will be putting on more without any say or control over it..I cant even workout to! (I now weigh 147lbs)
I didn’t even notice you have ‘gained weight’ to.
It’s only temporary =)) Soon you’ll have a beautiful baby boy AND the freedom to get your body back!! Great deal!! Don’t feel discouraged! Pregnant women are the most beautiful ones to me, they’re glowing naturally! And if you worked out hard before getting pregnant your body will get back in shape super fast! No worries! Congratulations!
Hey Cassie! This was posted at a much needed time, I just gained some weight recently and I was aware of it and fine with it that was until my mom pointed it out a couple days ago saying that every day I look bigger and bigger. It really messed with my self esteem and I’ve been so angry and just devastated when I’m around her lately. She just is being so mean and It’s really messing with my head and my it was style makin me tired and overall sad but thank you. You just reminded me it does t matter and it’s okay. I am strong and beautiful and I can run fast and lift heavy and my endurance is the same as it always was. Thank you for remindin me that it’s just a bump on the road and I can get back on track now
thank you so much, Cassey. i really, really, really needed this. April 2012 i started exercising and eating healthy, stopped smoking and biting my nails, it was a major change for me. By july, i had lost about 25 pounds and had gained a lot of muscle and i was proud of my body, but my mom was quite sad bc i looked too skinny (i was 51/52 kg) so i decided that a few extra pounds wouldn’t kill me and it would make my mom happier. i joined a gym in october, but instead of mantaining my weight, i was slowly gaining it back. i still worked out, but my eating was out of contol. then, with the holidays, it was even worse. my uncle said i was getting fat again and my family agreed and it made me sad that i threw all my hard work out the window like that. i am now at 64/65 kg, still working out (not as much, but i feel stronger) i gained muscle, but most of my weight gain if from fat and i’m really dissapointed at myself for letting this happen. I’M STARTING NOW. I’M GETTING MY BODY BACK. and thank you again, best of luck to you cassey.
I can’t stand when people have the guts to call you fat, especially when you aren’t! Don’t listen to them Cassey, you are still as beautiful as ever!
Sigh, this post is so relatable! I have lots of cousins who are similar age to me who are very skinny, and I remember Aunties used to always squeeze my arm and say things like, woah, you gained weight since Uni, don’t you eat vegetables? Or woah, you’re so much bigger than Suzie. It really hurt and was terrible for my self esteem, especially when I was around 13/14 yrs old. The frustrating thing is that the aunties know I’m the fittest and most athletic one, having previously trained as a competitive swimmer. I regularly run and do aerobics but they just look on the exterior and see I’m more built! >< Being healthy is definitely the most important. You still look gorgeous Cassey! Just keep up the good work, you're doing amazing! No regrets! Yolo 😉 hehe. Hwaiting!!
Cassey: you look amazing and you work hard and no one can take that away from you with hurtful words! What sucks the most is that we are supposed to be a supportive community and how is it possible that people can attack you, the one who has inspired so many of us, simply because your body changed? It’s the same Cassey, no matter what the scale says!
Personally, I’ve spent since highschool worried about my weight, and in my senior year I got to 49kg, my lightest weight ever and I looked like skin and bones. I cringe when I look at the pictures now, 8 years later, because I didn’t get to that weight being healthy and working out, but by doing the worst: starving myself just to look stick thin. I overcame that on my own, with no help from anyone, because my parents didn’t even noticed that I ate less everyday and I withdrew from my friends. So now that I try to eat as healthy as possible and take my excercise seriously, I get hurt when my family, or even my boyfriends pich my little muffintop or make the slightest comment about my weight because they have no idea what I’ve been through and they have no right base their opinion on me based on my physical appereance. No one does, with anyone.
So I’m right there with you Cassey, we work hard, we stay healthy in body, mind and soul, and no one can take that from us.
love u <3
Cassey, omg!
Don’t listen to all those people who are mean to you and just keep on telling you that you’ve gained.. Seriously, they have any right to say that. Also, afrer such an effective diet and hardcore, extreme training, you CAN, yes you C A N let yourself rest and get back to normal self.
Yes, that body you show in that bikini picture IS amazing, but is it worth it? Like you said it yourself, you weren’t able to eat fruits after that competition, and you were scared of calories and counted them all… That starts to look like eating desorters and all.. And that’s what you DO NOT need or want!
You are all about healthy and happy life, not about perfectly perfect figure.
You tought me how to be possitive and happy and creative and just energetic most of time. I follow your workouts, I make your meals and I’m HAPPY!
You tought me just to live. Without being ashamed of yourself, your body. You are the one who’s pushing me to my goal, closer and closer with every workout and healthy meal!
YOU are the one who inspired me to start working out. And the best thing that I LOVE, just oh LOVE about you, is not your tight gap, abs, or strong hands. It’s just you. Perfect and energetic and happy YOU. I’d rather have you few punds heavier, than perfectly shaped, but not as energetic or happy.
Because it’s not all about your weight. It’s also about your health, which is even more inmortant.
And, Cassey, you are the one who helped me to get out of my eating desorters.. Right now I don’t cound calories like crazy. I just workout, eat clean, and smile! That’s the best! YOU make me CHANGE, and I’m really thankful.
So please, don’t worry, you’re amazing as always, and I love you!
I DO!<3
You still look great Cassey! It amazes me that you can speak while doing your workouts because I can barely breathe after 10 seconds of doing your workouts lol!
I’m asian and gained weight when I went to university. It really hurt/annoyed me when my family members would just casually say “oh you gained weight”, “oh you look fat”. So tactless! It’s like what am I supposed to say to that?!
But now, I’ve lost weight and doing your workouts, I feel great- which is the ultimate goal!
I love that you wrote this post. Bikini competitors have some of the worst ED. From the outside they look great, but the process to get there is grueling and intense. I am in the mist of contemplating a competition, but only with the right coach, trainer, and nutritionist. I’ve seen lately that Mimi Kong changed coaches because she felt so deprived. You and people like her are bringing great light to this sport.
I feel like any weight scrutinization is wrong. I came to college and every time I came home, all I would hear is “you look skinny. Eat more”. Then the next day they’d be like “did you gain weight? You look big!”. It seriously took a toll on me because I constantly felt like I was under eating and then wildly overeating. I couldn’t keep my food intake constant. It took a bit to realize that my body just changed. I was a competitive track runner in high school, so I was muscular and thin because of how much exercise I did. I don’t do nearly as much in college so my weight redistributed. I have a little pudge but I like it because now I don’t look like a boy.
Well said Cassey! I have so much love for you! I’ve been a popster for almost a year now and you’ve changed my outlook on health, fitness, and life itself. You’ve been such a driving force in my new healthy way of living. I couldn’t thank you enough for all the hard work and time you put in for all of us. You’re an amazing human being.
And as for the gaining weight…it just shows you are human! You’re not just a cute, asian fitness robot that defies all earthly happenings. It makes you even more relatable, you go through ups and downs like everyone else. Pushing us to get over hurdles like these is something great that everyone needs.
In short, I love you!! Thank you so much for everything.
I believe it was either sophomore year or my junior year of high school and it was Thanksgiving at my Aunt’s house. My whole side of my mom’s family (we are hispanic – Colombian) gathered and were getting ready to have this big dinner! I thought I looked cute wearing a black lace skirt and a white shirt tucked in with this adorable belt and I curled my hair, I thought I looked GREAT! I went down stairs to look for my dad and I saw one of my aunts already sitting at the dinner table and we talked and one of the first things she said to me was, “you gained some weight” and POKED my side. This was after I had made the hardest decision to quit my high school soccer team and was not even thinking about gaining weight. That comment stuck with me and killed my mood that Thanksgiving. I didn’t tell my parents about that comment until recently actually. I luckily forgot about that comment pretty fast and moved on with my life but I won’t ever forget her saying that to me. How can you say that to your 16 year old niece?? It didn’t make sense to me and my parents were so mad when I told them this year about it.
I know how you must feel but Cassey you are beautiful and as long as you love your body it does not matter what anyone else thinks of it unless you let them. If you are happy with how you look and feel then that is all that matters. I’m a firm believer in the saying, there’s no such things as perfect. Remember that next time you are feeling down about yourself! I’m glad you posted this. Much love. XO
This was definitely not something I thought I would be reading about… the part about people asking and telling you that you have gained weight. I thought that this was a community of people who are all on their own journey and who are here to motivate each other. Yes, I’ve been told that I’m fat, chubby, etc. and I know that I have gained lots of weight but that’s why I’m here, watching your videos, and trying to get on the right track. If I was posting videos and pictures of myself to show progress and people started making statements like that I would be very hurt but of course work harder. Overall, comments such as those are extremely unnecessary.
I wish so badly that we didn’t live in a world where people looked you up and down before talking to you. I see women do this all of the time and I catch myself doing this to other women and it makes me ashamed of myself. Many women obsessively judge others and compare themselves to others and it is a terrible habit (one that is hard to break). It scares me that I tend to base my worth on what I look like, but I think that it is important to make a conscious effort everyday to stop worrying so much and do the best that we can. Worry can only make you crazy and makes you miss out on what is important in life. People who obsess about their bodies become vain and less happy from what I have seen and it isn’t a good way to live your life.
I LOVE Pop Pilates, it is really fun to work hard with you! So thank you for being there to support us and for giving us these great videos. You are a fitness queen and are so inspiring and not just because you have a thigh gap and no cellulite, but because you are HAPPY and fun and it is contagious. Keep smiling, I adore your personality!
Amazing post! I think this was a great response to what sound like some really insensitive questions. I don’t think your appearance has anything to do with the quality of advice you can offer to those looking for fitness inspiration. Thanks so much for putting yourself out there!
I totally agree with Nin! Seriously Cassey, it’s heartbreaking to see you justify yourself for a bunch of mean people who simply lack tact and need to make others feel as bad as they do!! I dont comment much as well but this was too much! Who do they think they are??? You’re helping us FOR FREE and with passion and they still find things to say?
I love the fact that you have cravings like us, it actually motivates me more! You’re amazing but not perfect, so what? Perfection is boring and it’s just an mind ideal, nothing else!
People who can notice you gained weight on that video must spend more time scrutinizing you than sweating and have fun! I honestly haven’t notice anything because I was too busy watching my own body work out!
You are really too nice to not be mad at them because I am, big time! Don’t be ashamed of gaining a bit of weight, your body looks awesome no matter what! You don’t erase hours and hours of work-out with a few weeks or even months of hectic life! You teach us resilience anyway =)
I just hope you don’t feel too hurt Cassey! Tell yourself that who you are and what you do triggers a lot of envy and jealousy in people who have no self-esteem – their only weapon is to hurt others!
I’m with you! Do not listen to what some say, your community is behind you!
I made a few mistakes! Sorry =P
Hi Cassey! That was very rude of those people. I admire all of your hard work last year to do the bikini contest, I admire your hardwork and dedication to ALL of us, and I admire that you are a real person. It would be near impossible to do that calorie deficit bikini diet forever! I like how I can relate to you. I used to be pretty thin because I saw competitively for about 8 years 3-4 hours a day! But then I started having seizures. I needed to quit swimming because the risk of drowning was just too high. I gained about 25 pounds after I quit swimming and I was misirable. I tried everything. Then I went to college and it got worse. I was used to being 115 and 5’4, but then I got up to 150lbs! It was just horrible. I lost some weight, but not until your videos did I begin to feel healthier, more well rounded and did loose some weight. I am about 140lbs right now and my goal is to get down to 135. You have helped me so much and all I can say to those mean comments are SHAME ON THEM for not appreciating you enough. WE LOVE YOU CASSEY HO (me and the rest of UCLA, especially ben) Love your dedicated popster, Becky
I truly enjoyed reading this post because it came straight from your heart. All that followers, all of us POPsters are looking at you and admiring you for giving us tons of inspiration and enthusiasm. So it’s easy to understand that you felt ashamed for gaining weight.
But you no what? It doesn’t change a thing. You’re still a overwhelming beautiful, confident and strong young woman full of energy. I like your look now even more than the extreme toned one. Just because it’s more feminine, less harsh and you’re glowing from inside more than ever. So don’t worry about those comments you got. There will always be some haters who are actually just jealous of what you have achieved.
I really love your work, your videos and the community you created. I do the workouts together with friends, always being astonished that you keep talking while doing like the crazyiest workouts ever. Don’t let them bring you down Cassey because you are a wonderful person. It’s not about the number of pounds someone has but it*s about what someone does and how he acts towards others. The most important thing is to feel good and this shouldn’t be totally depend your weight. There’s no reason for you to worry about your weight .
Thank you so much for this post an all the videos and stuff you do for us!
<3 from Germany,
well all my life ive been a chubby girl and growing up its even worse because i got bigger. Now i hate it when people ask me if i gained weight and even worse when i find out from other people that your family or suppose “friends” are calling you fat behind our back. Then theres the “you have such a beautiful face if only you were skinnier” those are all things that can hurt your self esteem and make you feel like crap. At the end of the day you decide wether you let their comments affect you or not. im not gonna lie its pretty hard to let go of the comments and pull yourself up ive been letting what people tell me define who i was as a person. i myself made me smaller and weaker compared to others. Since watching your videos i have been motivated to start looking after myself and i started exercising and eating healthy. Honestly when i watch your videos i watch them to work out and get going i dont really pay atenttion to wether or not you have gained weight or not. Basically what im trying to say is that who ever is watching your videos just to see if you have gained weight or not is potentially a negative person. so dont let their comments offend you, oh and remember do what you have to do and thats it, Nobody knows what each person is going through so they cant or dont have the right to make stupid comments. well thanks for awesome workouts and keep going you got it 😀
Cassey, you look beautiful now. Where you are at right now is some ones goal body. You look healhty and fit. I work hard to get a body that looks as good as yours.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I struggle constantly with my weight. I have no problems loosing it… my problem is in maintaining ( I have lost and gained back 50ish pound 3 times in my life). When you said you felt like you had be released from diet jail it was exactly how I feel. I have been ask if I have gained weight from my grandma (and I am not even Asian!) and strangers have even commented on my weight. I was eating with my family at a fast food restaurant and when I was ordering the man behind me told me I should be ordering a salad instead. I was so caught of guard, I didn’t even know what to say! I was overweight, 17 and 170ish pounds, but seriously! I think he thought he was being helpful, but I was so embarrassed and it took all I had to not break down right there! It doesn’t matter who says it or what there intentions are, it hurts! Thank you again for being honest, I know it is not the easiest thing to do. You are beautiful and such an inspiration. Keep doin’ what your doin’ ♥
I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. After having my second child I finally topped off at what was my heaviest weight ever, and though no one has ever said anything, I could see their “comments” when they looked at me. I recently lost 45 pounds (before finding blogilates) and still I was overweight. Though I was only half way through my journey, I became a Zumba Instructor and I managed to gain back 10 lbs. I also felt a little ashamed and wondered how I could call myself a fitness instructor while still being so overweight, but I found that most people are more comfortable taking a class with someone who knows what they are doing but also is on the journey themselves!
I loved reading this post because it showed me that no one is perfect and like you said, it doesn’t matter what our appearance is as long we are the best people we can be. This post is helping me to pick myself up and stop feeling so ashamed and down on myself for gaining and start losing again! I’m definitely going to start following a lot of your advice and using your videos and eating clean to lose another 45 lbs! 🙂
Thank you so much Cassey for all you do and the amazing hard work you put into this blog for us!
~Chassity O. ♥
Cassey, you look even better now!!! Really. Don’t be upset about all those talks- you don’t have to waste your time on that, because it’s so stupid. :))
Cassey you are a true inspiration, thank you so much for writing this post! I have certainly felt the way you do, to be honest I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to working out and eating clean. Therefore I’m so glad you wrote this post, you’ve made me realize that you cannot always be on top (and no one’s asking you to be Cassey, you look great!) and that there is more to being fit than losing weight. Being a part of the POPster community has not only made me think about eating clean and working out, it’s inspired me to care about my health. I don’t only work out to get more toned (beacuse I do) but also because I love the feeling after I’ve completed a day on the calender and how my getting stronger also makes me a happier person. I’m trying to make everyday ridicolously amazing because of you Cassey! Thank you for inspiring me! Xxx
Hi Cassey! I don’t normally write, but I felt compelled to after reading this. It makes me so sad to think that you felt hat you had to make excuses for yourself. Those nasty, hurtful comments pushed you to think less of yourself and feel that you had to defend your choices, when you’re great, and should never have to apologise or make excuses for yourself. No one should. Whenever I am feeling down about myself and my fitness, I always turn to Blogilates. Always. You should be proud of everything you’ve achieved, you’ve set up an entire online community, for free, sweat, literally, from your own back. You should feel nothing but pride, as I bet you those people haven’t achieved half of what you’ve done! Stay Strong, and take care. Jen
You are beautiful. Because you’re you. And that’s true of all of us -.I just wish we all knew it more. This post gave me chills, Cassey – wonderfully written and it hits so close to home. As a big girl who learned to use humor as a defense mechanism, I would say never let them see you cry, only let them see you laugh. 🙂
Hi, I don’t usually comment on blogs but this post really did strike I chord with me.
When I first started doing you videos a year and a half ago I found you the perfect role model with regards to your body, enthusiasm for fitness and bubbly personality. I found when you were doing the bikini competition although you looked incredible and it was an amazing feat you became more difficult to relate to due to the extent of your diet and training- it was no longer something attainable.
Your body had to change for the competition, it’s a given! Another given is the fact that your diet and training were not a long term change as one simply cannot survive on that so you may have gained a few pounds but so what?
The people pointing it out are simply choosing an anonymous platform to vent their own boys frustrations. The blogilates community is on a whole very supportive but lets face it, people can be mean. And by being cruel to a person who dedicates so much time and effort to crate brilliant, effective & Free workouts for her viewers probably gave them a cheeky stab of satisfaction. In reality we know that they’re the one suffering with low self esteem. I am simply appalled that this is how they repay you for all of your help. Do they not realise it is comments like that that can cause a girl to spiral into a black hole or body dya morphia and EDs? It’s actually disgusted me .
Cassey, to me and thousands of others you are an inspiration and fitness guru. I for one think that you are beautiful- I would lovee to have your figure, confidence and zest for life. Your clean eating motivates me and I think that requires immense dedication – it’s my one pitfall. I weigh 109lbs as I really do enjoy my food and struggle to commit to eating clean.
Your achievements to date are fantastic – you’re a true role model and show that following your passion and dream can reap it’s rewards, as long as you’re willing to put in the hard work.
Don’t take these pathetic, spiteful comments to heart. Girls achieve sadistic satisfaction from brining down others- dont let their petty words hurt you Cassey, they’re still doing your videos after all so you must be doing something right!
Oh I should have proof read it before posting it!
*a chord
Body frustrations
To Create
Body dysmorphia
Cassey, wow…this article was so deeply honest and inspiring I can’t even explain. Sometimes I also have the fear of gaining weight but you definitely put things in perspective. I love you for sharing this and being so brutally open. This article reminds me why you are my favorite fitness instructor.
P.S. You look more gorgeous than ever before!
This is exactly what I needed to hear. or, read I guess. Cassey, I love you soooo much and not only because of your workouts, but your personality! I watch you as much as I can and even when I’m sick and i can’t workout, I watch food bites or some vlogs you make and it keeps me inspired! You have inspired SOOOO MANNYYYY PEEOPPLEEE its insane and especially me! Stay Strong Ms. Cassey and you got all your fans to back you up! <3 <3
hey cassey! i think your reply for the comments was perfect and you are just simply amazing !
i had kinda the same problem a couple of years ago, i wasn’t fat but still a lot of people said bad things about my look, so i have lost a lot of weight, and now everybody tells me that how much i have changed and now i look beautiful. but now i’m trapped because i can’t stop counting the calories and i feel like if i gained just a little weight, i would be the same loser that i used to be…
Thank you so much for this post. I empathize with you completely. I’m a fitness and yoga instructor and I’m on mat leave, and I’ve felt so much pressure to be the “perfect” pregnant fit mom, and now to be the “perfect” fit mom. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do if I’m not back to my pre-baby weight by the time I’m “on stage” teaching again! I also know what you mean about the comments – I’m Filipino, but it doesn’t matter what flavor of Asian you are, honestly, I feel like sometimes there’s no “rude” barrier. I’ve heard it all from, “You’re getting fat!” to someone flippantly ask another if she was pregnant again (that one’s popular, sadly enough; and of course, they weren’t pregnant).
I really appreciate you sharing how you truly feel. It sounds funny, but to hear you say that you also stress eat or can fall of track because of major lifestyle changes was such a huge weight off my shoulders. I seriously thought it was only me, and sometimes I feel like such a fraud because this is my job!
And for the record: you look fantabulous. You always look amazing, no matter what. And thank you for sharing how much stronger you feel, and the fact that just because you gained weight doesn’t mean you’ve lost your strength/stamina/etc (if anything, you’ve improved, right?). You look fantastic as you are, right now. I guess what I’m trying to say is: thank you for gaining weight 🙂 You really are an inspiration.
So what if you’ve gained a few pounds! Everyone does from time to time. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re still extremely fit and you know when to crack down if you haven’t been eating as clean as you’d like. If you were a rich celebrity with a personal chef, personal trainer, in-home gym, a chauffeur, and a staff to handle all the menial daily tasks in life, yeah I’d be a little harder and say, “No excuses” lol. Be proud of a little weight gain! It means your human just like the rest of us. As an avid gym buff, I’m ashamed I have been to the gym only twice/week for the past 4 weeks due to my seasonal business. Trust me, I feel like a slug but at least have been eating clean. Missing the gym is a big ouch for me.
Don’t listen to the negatives and don’t be ashamed. It happens to everyone. Interruptions to our “regularly scheduled programming” can be a difficult adjustment. I’ve learned a lot from Tosca Reno’s approach of planning and packing. Can’t tell you how many times it has saved my day when life gets busy and scheduling gets out of whack.
Chin up and carry on, Cassey Ho! And do NOT be ashamed of something as simple as a number on a scale.
Honest to god, any time that I hear other people criticizing ANYONE’s weight, I want to set things on fire. Body shaming in any form is unacceptable – whether their comments are accurate or not.
If you’re happy with the way you look and feel, that’s what really matters. Bikini model competition bodies aren’t healthy (and I think you know that), so don’t waste another minute comparing your “now” self to how you looked at the end of the competition. You’re a beautiful woman, and it’s rough to hear you beat yourself up about an impossible-to-maintain standard of beauty.
Hi Cassie,
Don’t feel bad about a tiny bit of extra weight – you look amazing and your a fantastic trainer and most importantly your fit and healthy!
Ignore the haters!!
It felt like you were talking directly to me, I’m in my third year and I’ve recently gained 2 stone I cant’ escape from the comments about how I’ve put on weight but I’m not fat. It’s horrible. My self-esteem is at the lowest it’s ever been, I hate looking at myself in the mirror as I hate what I see. You have given me the confidence to get the body I’ve always wanted to, I didn’t notice the weight gain because you still look AMAZING! You are some kind of superwoman to me and you always keep me going and focused on my goal. We are only human we are bound to fall off the wagon sometimes, it’s perfectly understandable with your move and such going on! I’ve never really commented on your blog or videos but I felt it was important to say that you still look amazing to me and you’re the inspiration and kick I need to get me to my dream body!
I just started following your blog and I have to say you’re truly an inspiration. In the last ear I lost almost 40 pounds. And now I have gained some back and I see it and I know very one else does. Although I’ve been lifting a lot more and changing up my workouts I still feel awful. Reading this blog really got me thinking though and I could just relate so much to it. We all strive up be so perfect and that is going to drive us crazy. I follow all of these competitive female bikini models on Instagram because I consider them motivation (as I consider you too!). But seeing them everyday and their perfectly chiseled abs and butt and legs, and I work my butt off everyday in the gym for as long as I can and I still can’t get that. But you know what I realized after reading you’re blog? No one can truly live like that forever! I’m a full time student who works 35 hours a week and goes to the gym for at least 2 hours a day almost everyday and on too of tht try to eat as clean as I possibly can. There is only so much we can do, and as you said in your blog, living off broccoli chicken breast and egg whites is just no way to live. We all have to find the happiness within ourselves and learn to love ourselves (which is something I, and many of u I’m sure, struggle with everyday. Have a 4 pack with a little belly fat is not a bad thing! Be proud that u got that far! Ok I’m going to stop rambling now, but I just wanted to explain what an impact this post had on me. You’re really an amazing inspiration and you’re a human being just like all of us and I love that you embrace that!
Yes, this! To me (and I’m sure many other POPsters), the best part of your videos is how STRONG you feel, not just how you look. Life isn’t just about looks. Your body isn’t just there to look good. It’s there to help you make amazing memories and have incredible experiences. I don’t want to waste my life only thinking of how I look. I want to have an amazing life regardless of how I look. When you’re old and wrinkly and on your deathbed, you’re not gonna think, “Gosh, I wish I looked better in a bikini.” You’re gonna be thinking about all the awesome things your body helped you do and all the memories you made. Forget about the haters, Cassie! Some people feel better about themselves by making others feels worse (“Hmmm, Cassie gained weight, so if SHE doesn’t have a ‘perfect’ body, then it’s okay that I have cellulite.”). Awesome people like you feel better about themselves by being real and helping others embrace their awesomeness and realness.
Cassey, I’m so sorry that people have made you feel ashamed about your body. I’ve been insecure about my weight and body for a long time so I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and say “oh no…” I just want to tell you that you are beautiful. Of course, you are beautiful on the outside with your fit, feminine body, lovely face, and new ombre hair-do (totally love the new hair, for serious). But what I’m really getting at here is that you are a beautiful PERSON. You make people smile with you bubbly personality and help others get through tough work-outs with your encouragements and inspiring messages in your videos and your blog. You have been the best work-out BFF for me, and without you I wouldn’t be where I’ve gotten today. I’m at a perfectly normal BMI and healthier than I’ve been in a while (a little ab and leg tone doesn’t hurt either ;3 can you say abominable abdominals? LOL) So, Cassey, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to us Popsters. I can truly say, I love you. I really, really do.
You are such an inspiration!! No matter how much weight you gain or lose. you’ll always be my fitness icon! Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve been struggling so much to get back to my “bikini body” lately and have been really self conscious. I’ve been trying to not think about calories and working out so much. It’s better to be happy and enjoy life, while maintaining my own version of fit. Keep the videos coming, Cassey!
I have struggled with people calling me fat and with being guilty of eating anything….. in fact I stopped eating breakfast and most lunches in April of LAST YEAR… then I started starving myself for like 5 months and I was in such a dark place and it was so much worse then just not eating and I’m only 15!!!! But then I started doing your videos and started surrounding myself with girls that would lift me up spiritually, emotionally, and mentally… I admit… it took a long time to finally get my eating back on track but just in this LAST WEEK>>>> I am FINALLY after a YEAR back to eating every meal! And heck yes… There IS that voice in the back of my head saying if I don’t eat it I will be skinny and how I should skip meals to look the way I want….. But the feeling of overcoming that voice and controlling what you eat and eating healthy to serve your body is the best feeling ever… I want you to know how much you helped me Cassey! You are such an amazing women that I look up to! Keep a smile on your face, Don’t over work your body just for that “bikini bod” that will only last for a short amount of time! And goodness! GET REST! You always talk about being up late and falling asleep while editing! YOUR HEALTH COMES BEFORE OUR WORKOUTS. We can wait an extra day or 2 and do a different video! GOD BLESS!
I can relate to you, especially when it came to family events or simply just meeting relatives at the grocery. For a while I would ‘hide myself’. I stopped taking photos & I avoided a lot of things because of my skewed self perception. It took some time before I gained that confidence and the strength to let those comments slide off my back but I did it & I owe that in part to you. You are such an inspiration. You are still amazing and gorgeous! Thank you Cassey for being so encouraging and for keeping things real. I truly appreciate it. You are awesome! <3 😀
Much Love!!!! xoxo
I seriously can’t even believe people said that about you! This post was the perfect response though! It’s inspiring how you KNOW you may not weigh the same as last year or look the same but you are still Confident SEXY and BEAUTIFUL!! I’m always doing your videos being all like “I’m so close to looking just like her! Agh I wish I was asain! Agh Shes so gorgeous!” ………..not even kidding!
<<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><>>> I am FINALLY after a YEAR back to eating every meal! And heck yes… There IS that voice in the back of my head saying if I don’t eat it I will be skinny and how I should skip meals to look the way I want….. But the feeling of overcoming that voice and controlling what you eat and eating healthy to serve your body is the best feeling ever… I want you to know how much you helped me Cassey! You are such an amazing women that I look up to! Keep a smile on your face, Don’t over work your body just for that “bikini bod” that will only last for a short amount of time! And goodness! GET REST! You always talk about being up late and falling asleep while editing! YOUR HEALTH COMES BEFORE OUR WORKOUTS. We can wait an extra day or 2 and do a different video! GOD BLESS!
You are a beautiful woman, and that is a result of much more than a pretty face and number on a scale… its your infectious energy, your radiant smile, your drive to connect to others in a positive way. that is the beauty that lasts, that is the beauty we see after a strong workout. As a woman closer to menopause than the tight bodies and youthful perkiness of youth I used to fret, watching my body change tone, worrying about food intake, and all the ways a body can turn on us. I found you a year ago after a serious knee injury that left me 20 lbs up from my comfort zone. I used your floor exercise to prepare for leg sugary, and it was your energy and focus that held me, not just your beautiful body. My PT was amazed at my ability to bounce back from surgery, and truth girl, it was that same fun, goofy vibe that kept me coming back to your videos, not your “shape”. I am now lighter and stronger, I can follow you along without stopping on almost everyone now (yeah me!) and yes there is still a layer of “Nana” (come on who wants a skinny sharp boned Nana?) on me, its my shape, my genetics, but I feel great and I am rocking it, and that’s what counts! Thanks for being you, and shine on Cassey!
Cassey the way you looked before you started the bikini competition is the way you look now, but because you went to such a low body fat percentage then went up in weight it will make it look like a dramatic increase in weight, but in reality it is not. Being at a low body fat isn’t ideal so even if you didn’t splurge your body would have still gained weight and tried very hard to go back to a weight that is ideal for your body
Hi Cassey,
You don’t need to explain anything! Just don’t. You give us inspiration, motivation and the power to love ourselves, so we can love our life. You want US to be happy, and we want YOU to be happy! (I mean.. look at us, youtubing all your video’s daily, just to have that “feel-good feeling” after watching/ doing exercises with you).
Everyone gets their happiness from different places. For example: i love my friends, my family, the sun, my dog and good food. Now that you give me energy through your workouts, i “gain” positive energy. And positive energy makes every aspect in my life more beautiful. Like a gift that keeps on giving 🙂 I am very thankful for that.
Tiny cheer up? Haters will keep on hating. But true POPsters will keep on loving ya! ♥
Hi Cassey!
Thank you for your honesty. I have been following you for over a year and even came to one of your first LA events. I was so upset when life started getting busy and I couldn’t even find time to do your videos. I was angry at myself and every month that passed by mad me more angry….why didn’t I lose 1lb a week, i should have lost 4 by now, 6 by now.
But thank you for the extra reassurance that its okay! It’s always nice to have an outsider say the same things your friends and family say. You look great, just be happy!
Cassey, in my opinion you look even better the way you are now. You look so fit and healthy, just the way I wanna be!
I just discovered you some weeks ago but you already changed my mind about working out. I hated the pain that comes with it, through you I started to love it. You and your bubbly personality make it so easy for me to get my ass up and just DO IT. Even if it hurts, even if I fall on my nose sometimes ;-), I still love to do it because you make it fun. I wanna THANK YOU for that!
Keep up the great work, you help lazy people like me to become workout lovers! 🙂
My first thoughts about what people said is to be infuriated and thinking a bunch of not nice things about those people. Realistically you have so many people following you there is bound to be the jerks that like to say things to others because if their own problems. Like you said, even if you gained weight it doesn’t make your videos easier. You inspire on videos because we see the ease you do these things that make us stare at the tv and say I don’t think so. And your bubbly personality makes us want to keep going anyway. Moving is a huge process. Putting new habits down in a new place is hard. Don’t get down on yourself. Everyone should be able to eat not so healthy from time to time. You are seriously beautiful before, after, and always. Enjoy LA!
Thank you so much for posting this! You are a wonderful person and you’re so right! WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS! It’s okay to mess up but the most important part is how well you recover! <3
Hey Cassey! I just wanted to say that when I first started using your videos as my workout routine (and this is just me) I liked them because you seemed like a REAL person doing workouts that were doable for normal people like me. So really I think as a fitness instructor, it depends on the kind of audience you want to reach, and to me you seem like you want to reach us everyday normal people who are trying to fit a simple workout routine into our daily lives-which is exactly what you give us with your videos, it’s so easy to fit a couple of your 12 minute videos into my day (along with some cardio) and it makes me feel like I’m (at least starting) to get back on track with working out. This also means that if you are doing workouts for people like us who are going to be getting off track sometimes, you will be too. So thank you for that! It’s encouraging to know that there is a fitness instructor out there who is forgiving of themselves and others when they aren’t “perfect” according to some. Even those who think they are perfect aren’t anyway. Whether they know it or not, physical perfection, skinny, fat, it’s all in the eye of the beholder. The only absolute standard for me is being healthy- which includes your mind too, so no obsessing! 🙂 your mind needs to be healthy, as well as your soul too! If your mind and soul are out of balance your body will feel it too…and vice versa. Just remember that all you’ve been given, mentally, spiritually, physically is a gift, so do the best you can with it and let go of the rest, trusting that it will all be ok. 🙂
Cassey!!! OMG it’s unbelievable how people can be mean and hurtful without even trying!! All my life I’ve struggled with weight, always afraid of the weightscale, of the size of my clothes, envying other girls’ bodies, feeling horrible about myself, and having people teasing you about all that, well, it didn’t make things easier. Two years ago I reached my goal weight: 110 lbs, I felt so happy and great about myself, but months went by and I gained almost every pound!! I felt horrible about myself, like: how could I lost this battle against fat!! One year ago, I discovered Blogilates and my entire life changed!! I’m stronger, healthier, and I’m losing the gained weight without stressing about it!! You are the best instructor I’ve ever had, so inspirational, so relatable, you kick our asses every day and it’s fantastic!! I still think you look great and I’m sure you’ll lose those few pounds easily, ignore the meanies and keep on the hard work!!! Thanks for keeping us fit, sweaty, tired and happy!! Love you lots Cassey, you are truly my role model :D!!
Hi Cassey!
It doesn’t matter if YOU gain some kilos, because you will still be fit and look good! And you know what? You will still help people to lose weight, even if you gain weight. Yes, we are all humans and we are not perfect.
I love you Cassey and I hope you’re feeling much better now, after you read all these comments 🙂 <3
p.s I hope that you won't ever hear someone saying something bad to you again!
This is exactly what I needed to hear today, Cassey. :’) Thank you, times a million. You really are a true inspiration, don’t EVER let yourself (or anyone else, for that matter) tell you otherwise. 🙂
Thank you sooo much for this post!! Seriously!!!
I cried reading this! I’m in exactly the same position and feeling so ashamed and embarrassed about my weight gain, like I don’t want to go out incase some one notices how much weight I’ve gained!
You’re really inspiring Cassey!
This has inspired and motivated me to love myself and life and keep on going!
Also, you are not fat! You’re beautiful and an amazing person!
Thank for all you do!
Love April xxx
Cassey, you are amazing.
And still such a bright and energetic, beautiful inspiration!
We love you for what you do!!
My family (mum and nan, mostly) call me fat- not directly, but with out- of- the- blue remarks like “how’s you’re weight going?” and “you should eat healthier” and “if you want to lose some weight, maybe you should do something about it.” So helpful. They have their own weight problems and target me for it. Not helping. I’m working on my own weight problem, but that’s where you and everything you do/ have done come into the picture- I’m excited to start working on this month’s calendar and committing to making a difference for myself!
I’m glad you mentioned it Cassey. I noticed it too but I was happy about it. I think you look better now! I feel better too cause I’ve gained and at least I know I’m not just a lazy bum. You look way better now. I actually love how you looked when you just started doing videos. So you can’t please everyone!
Hey Cassey!
If anything I’m glad you gained weight, it shows you’re human. haha. But in all honesty, I think it is normal, every human being have needs. If you deprive it, it’ll only come at you even harder. Don’t you be upset at yourself for letting those nasty comments get to you. Again, we’re human. We have emotions and feelings so its normal. Just be happy, don’t listen to those people. Listen to yourself, as long as you’re happy with yourself, a little bit of letting go is not a bad thing. (:
Your body, health and happiness is more important than other people’s comments. Take care love. <3
Proud of you for sharing such honest words. I’ve been through something similar. A few years ago, I started running to lose weight. I started with a few miles and very quickly worked my way up to ~7miles per day– which was a lot for me! Simultaneously, I also started eating on heathy meals, focusing largely on veggies, fuits, and less processed junk. I started shedding weight extremely fast and before I knew it, I had lost 10 lbs in 2.5 month, leaving me at 125 lbs. However, college started again and I couldn’t keep up the schedule and I started fearing weight gain. And like you mentioned, my body also started craving all the bad, tasty foods I had deprived myself of! I also hit some stressful times and I ended up letting myself go for 6 months or so and ended up gaining weight to 140lbs!
It was when then that I realized I couldn’t do extreme things to myself. It just wasn’t for me. So over the course of the next 4 years, I made slow changes in diet and exercise to make them habits, and I’ve been ~115 lbs for the past 2 years. I feel like I don’t do anything now to stay this way since a little workout and healthy eating are an everyday lifestyle. I’m no longer afraid of gaining weight either! If I gain a few pounds, no big deal. I’ll work them off.
Keep up the great work. We’re always cheering with you (when you’re not kicking our butts :))!
Thanks for sharing this Cassey. It shows everyone that you are a real person and that your body is just like everyone else’s, and it shouldn’t be put on a pedestal. I think posting this was really brave of you and I congratulate you for doing it. There are so many judgmental people in the world, but you have a community of POPsters who love you and will support you through anything. Even if you have a layer of fat over your abs. Look on the bright side, you’ll be getting bikini ready along with all of us, so it’ll be great to see your transformation as well!
Girl, you look £#<%ing fab. We all go up and down. That's life and its beautiful.
You have helped me so much since I found your videos a few months ago. I'm dealing with postpartum belly and weakness. I have a ways to go but i'll get there.
Regardless, I'm stronger now. I'm more toned under the mommy flab and my arms and legs have never looked better. All thanks to you, and your motivation.
What I like best about your videos is that you are super human not superhuman. You make me feel like I can reach my goals too. 🙂
Thank you for everything you do for us.
I actually didn’t notice you gained weight, but it doesn’t matter to me. I thought you were too skinny before anyways.
Weight and worth are NOT connected in any way! Just like hair color and worth … or color of gym gear and worth …. or hand size and worth …
You’re so hard working and driven and positive and building your own success and career in a field that is true to who are you. THAT is what makes you so inspiring and such an AMAZEBALLS role model for young girls. Your weight – and being pretty – are just great tools for anyone working in a visual medium to have, but that’s not what sets you apart in the market or what keeps your fans tuning in. Please don’t let a few shallow people get to you – that they’re calling those things out says more about them than it does you.
Besides, as anyone who struggles with their own weight knows, you can work out like crazy and be super fit and still not look as skinny as your girlfriend who never works out at all and can’t open a door on her own (not to mention a few studies that show a ton of exercise actually supresses the thyroid hormone that supports fat burning). Please just keep on keeping on and thanks for having the courage to put this out there! You’re such an inspiration to me and I tell everyone about your videos.
I woke up this morning feeling so down because my pants are a tighter fit. I have been beating myself up for gaining 10 lbs for the past month or two. (For me, yes… I have had too many YOLO meals) You have no idea how much this post meant to me. I really needed this! You’re so inspirational, Cassey! And you are a gorgeous individual, inside and out!
This blog is EXACTLY what I needed right now. I’ve been going hard all semester but have had to cut back on exercising due to finals. I’ve been feeling like a complete failure because of it. But reading this has made me realize that just because I’m not working out every single day doesn’t mean I’m not fit. I can still get back to the gym and be at the same level of fitness after some time off. I’m still eating healthy every day. You have really hit on a big issue with working out and fitness and you are an absolute inspiration for being honest about it. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and the two should definitely go together. You look amazing and will always look amazing. Thank you for continuing to inspire, motivate, and be honest.
How rude!! Why do some think it’s ok to say these kind of things to people? It’s none of their business, and so what if you are in a public forum, it’s still rude. It’s disgusting how some women get off on seeing others fail, not that you have but I think you know what I’m trying to say. It is their own insecurities, and instead of empowering one another, they enjoy tearing others down. Keep your head up, you are beautiful, fit and strong! As you can see from all these encouraging comments, there are still sweet kind people out there 🙂
Hello, Cassey!
I was so glad when I found out that you posted something new on your site. I read it aloud. Now I feel soo… I don’t know… sad, maybe? I so love you, and there are some guys who want you to be perfect. But nobody perfect. This is live. I have loved you since last year< 3. I always cheer up when I see your new videos and photos. It makes me so upset when you feel guilty. Just know, that we are here with you.
My classmate did call me fat all the time. It disapointed me a lot. But he was really a jerk, so I started to ignore him. Maybe if I meet him, he will say something like that again. But I am sure he wiil meet a plump girl, and he will fall in love with her.
Hi Cassey!
Just wanted to send lovin’ your way! I am absolutely, 100% obsessed with your blog and YouTube channel… basically, everything Blogilates. I first learned about Blogilates about a year ago and have raved about you and POP Pilates to pretty much anyone I know that is interested in fitness and health.
Your genuine kindness and spunk sets you apart from other fitness bloggers and it shows in EVERYTHING that you post.
You helped so many people, you’ve got some ahhhhmazing karma coming your way. Don’t let negativity get to you 🙂
Best, Liv
I cant even believe I just read that. You are such an inspiration to all of us, and should not be shamed or upset about any of those comments. The media and internet really screw up our perceptions, and even if you gain weight, you’re still healthy, and happy..right? That’s all that matters! By gaining weight, you really show all of us that you ARE human and it happens. Thanks for everything you do, for girls all over. Size 2 or 12, you’re amazing!
Woman-you are beautiful and super strong. I’m in amazement of you everytime I do a video. You make it look so easy and just talking away and I’m on the floor, making faces or struggling. Lol. I think you are in great shape and not at all fat or whatever. And think you shouldnt be so hard on yourself. We are all human even fitness instructors. Honestly, I didn’t even notice a weight gain. You look amaze-balls and can totally rock booty shorts! You have to be happy and do what is best for you not for anyone else.
I’m sure it’s been said a hundred times by now, but I’ll repeat. Although I look at people who have incredibly defined muscles and are super lean and fit with some longing that my body would look like that, if I have to tell the truth, I have much more admiration for people who are healthy and fit regardless of what their body fat percentage is. I want my kids (and myself) to have bodies that are strong and that they treat with respect including what they put into it. When I’ve done your workouts Cassey, the thing that stands out the most to me isn’t if you look like you’ve gained weight or not (thought never crossed my mind), it’s how freaking strong you are! I want my kids (3 girls 8, 3, 1 and 1 boy 6) to not feel like you have to workout at least 20 hours a week, eat practically nothing, and artificially alter their bodies in any way. I want them to love their bodies (I would say flaws and all, but flaws are defects or shortcomings and who am I to say that anyone’s body, which is truly a masterpiece of human creation, is flawed?) period. I don’t want them always scouring over every inch of themselves wishing they were thinner there, or more toned here, or less freckly there, or taller, or lighter-skinned, or anything. Why do we feel like it somehow makes us better or less-flawed when we point out others “imperfections”? Why can’t we just help, support, and love each other and not worry about how we do or don’t measure up?
Cassey, you’re such an inspiration to girls who want to be FIT and HEALTHY– that’s the important part! You’ve never been an advocate for being thin or skinny and have always reminded your POPsters that being their personal best is the thing to strive for. Thank you so much for writing this post.
I’ve been struggling with myself about gaining weight recently and have been beating myself up about it. I’m in what should have been my final year of undergrad, but instead have an additional year tacked on. I’ve been working my butt off (not literally, unfortunately!) and have maintained a 4.0 GPA. I’ve choreographed, performed, volunteered, led, and had to recently take over as the President of a campus organization. It’s been hard!! And with all this going on, I’ve been doing nothing but commuting and sitting and working. I know I’ll get back into shape once the semester is over, but until then, it’s all furtive glances and squishy abs– and that’s okay!
Like you, I’ve decided that right now in my life, there are things more important than being in peak physical condition. I need to focus on being healthy and happy before I can go back to working on being super fit. I know I’ll lose the weight again (summer is when I go to the gym every day!) but until then, I have to say, “Yeah I gained some weight– I’ve been writing dissertations instead of meal plans!”
You remain a positive role model for so many =) I hope that those who made the comments read this post– being skinny isn’t always being healthy! What kind of life is it where you can’t eat fruit in the summer?! Thanks, Cassey, for putting things in perspective. All the best!!
Thank you so much for posting this Cassey!!! Feeling ashamed of gaining weight is something I have serious issues with and it is nice to know I am not the only one. I was a tiny kid and then in high school my metabolism changed and I started to gain weight. It was extremely stressful for me especially as an athlete and everyone was quick to point out the weight gain. When I didn’t lose the weight I couldn’t take the comments anymore so I started isolating myself from my sports, training and family to avoid the comments. I ended up gaining 60 lbs and going up to a size 14 because I was depressed and lazy and then developed anorexia because of it. Yes, I dropped weight because of the anorexia and people started to tell me I was ‘finally starting to look like myself again’ which just fuelled the problem. I almost died because of my eating disorder. Sure I looked thin but I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t have any muscle to support my body anymore, I was exhausted all the time and my organs couldn’t function properly. All of this because I was ashamed I had gained a bit of weight. I never dropped down to a super small size, my eating disorder brought me to a size 8. I wish more women could realize that you don’t have to look like a skeleton to die from anorexia. I knew that I needed to get help but it was one friend who turned things around for me. She said to me “you were so much more beautiful when you were fat because you were always smiling. You never smile anymore, and it doesn’t matter if you aren’t happy and smiling people won’t want to look at you. It makes me sad to look at you, you need to stop being so critical and get healthy so you can smile.” I went to see a dietician to figure out how I should be eating and that is what changed me. I had no idea the small amount of chicken I could eat in a sitting and was getting made fun of for was an actual serving size, or how much 6 servings of vegetables really is. I started training at the gym slowly at first and built up my strength and stamina under the supervision of my doctor. Thanks to you Cassey and finding blogilates, now I do something active everyday. You have made exercising so fun. I crave food, especially vegetables all the time. It really is true that for most people, the way to get the changes they want in their body is to eat cleaner and not up the exercise, this is especially true for me but first I needed to find exercise that wasn’t work and was just fun. Now I am a size 2 and I have never been this healthy, which never could have been achieved without proper diet and exercise. You have provided that. I personally love when I see your weight fluctuate because it tells me you are human, and its ok if mine does to. It also helps me realize that in different stages of your workout goals you might be slimming down drastically or looking a bit puffy from rapid muscle gain that goes down after water weight loss. I always try to inspire my friends now by inviting them to work out with me. I will never say to them they look as though they have gained weight even if honestly sometimes I can tell they have. I just toss out the invitation I am always looking for a workout buddy and they are more than welcome to fill the spot. Some take me up on it and its great others pick different options but at least no one feels bad. It is blogilates that has inspired me to be this way. Those who make a hurtful comment about my weight, well now they get to hear how hurtful it was and why and most of them don’t make those comments to me. So while I’m sad to hear you feel ashamed because you have no reason to, thank you so much for posting because they are so many people who need to know they aren’t alone in that. Awareness to how much those comments hurt is the only way to stop them.
I would kill for a body like yours! You are inspirational and anyone who commented on you gaining weight are crazy in my opinion.. ! Sometimes it is hard to remember you’re a “normal” person just like us and not just stuck in the magical computer box (!!!), but you are trying to do good and help people, and that is so much more important than a little fluctuation in weight. I am actually shocked and appalled anyone made those comments… You’ve really been an inspiration to me Cassey but the last week or so i’ve really been finding it tough. This post gave me inspiration to carry on!! Thank you for everything you do, from the videos to the heart to heart blogs! You’re amazing!!!
You look amazing and I can’t believe anyone would say something like that to you. Its all about taking care of your body inside and out and listening to what it needs.
Hey Cassey! I’ve been recently recovering from anorexia and being severely underweight and I’ll admit two things: 1. I did sooo many of your videos when I was loosing weight and I was actually really inspired by you and am a total pilates addict now! 2. Being forced to gain some weight back and not being allowed to exercise was one the HARDEST things I’ve ever done als not being allowed to eat what I want and having to eat “fear foods” this included bananas and apples (too many fruit carbs) and whole wheat pasta. So having to come back to school after gaining weight back seemed like one the scariest things ever and having to eat huge quantities of food and foods I had deemed “unhealthy” in front of my friends who all knew me as the “healthy-foodie-fitness” girl so I COMPLETELY understand what you’re going through and thank you for being so open and inspiring about your story! 🙂
I know it can hurt if other people say your fat, even if someone else is saying that this is not true. But it hurts always.
You are not fat Cassey. You are a healthy young women and its not all about in life to have a low body fat percentage or a thight gap.
There is so much more we are living for.
And you are still an inspiration for us and this is what counts.
Hi Cassey
Awesome post, i have been telling myself that i’m fat and that was hurtful yes. But as you said, what matters is that we have to get up and start again and have resilience to deal with such situations. I think that it is very genuine of you to say that you’re a normal girl who eat when she’s stressed …
Seriously Cassey, your body looks amazing !! in my personal point of view i like the way you look actually than at the bikini competition 😀
Love you =)
The same remarks are said in Hispanic families. God forbid you gain a few pounds…that’s all they’ll talk about for the rest of the evening. Cassey, you’re gorgeous the way you are. Whether you gain or lose weight, you’re still the same amazing, bubbly woman you’ve always been. So what you gained some weight? Women with curves are sexy!
Love always,
Curvy and proud
Your comment made me think of the little 5 or 6 year old girl on my kid’s soccer team. She was a beautiful girl named Julyssa, but her family’s nickname for her was “gordita” and they would call her that from the sidelines, not necessarily in a mean way, just the same way I would call my child by his name. I kept thinking while they may not be calling her that in any negative way, I can’t imagine that it can be positive for her.
I just went back to your ABC workout and I don’t think you’ve gained anything! If you did, then only you would know. Forget the people who pointed it out. We’re ALL human here, and slip up, and sometimes want that extra serving of NOT the greens and maybe a cupcake. Just because your a trainer doesn’t mean 24/7 you have to be beast mode. and you shouldn’t have to. that’s not fair to you, you got to live a little as well! What you do know is absolutely perfect. your real, honest, and workout and help others. What more do people want from you? You should feel great in YOUR SKIN and not give a #### what people think!!!! BUT if you do want my opinion.. your gorgeous!!!!!! and an absolute role model. Keep it up<3
i understand you Cassey! i’ve been at the same situation but i found you. and you inspired me, you still do and you will always inspire me. you have no idea how much i changed bc of you. you made me believe that i can be healthy, fit and confident. AND WE ARE ALL IN THIS JOURNEY TOGETHER. thank you for sharing your story with us. WE LOVE YOU.
Cassey, first I just want to say that I am so sorry that people made it their business to make public comments about your weight. I know that that hurts and as women we are constantly struggling to maintain this model image that society tells us is sexy and beautiful. The last thing that we need to hear is that we have gained weight or are looking fat, believe me we know and don’t need to be told. 🙂 Thank you for writing this blog, I lost over 25 pounds and got in the best shape that I have ever been in about 6 years ago after my dad lost his battle with colon cancer at the age of 56. I wanted to get healthy and fit so I could be around for my family and children without being sick or struggling just to walk a few blocks. 3 years ago, I married my husband and started pre-reqs for the nursing program, that summer I gained about 10 pounds due to studying, stress eating, and also due to a hurt shoulder that limited my workouts. Even though my husband told me that I was still beautiful, I was no longer beautiful to myself. I was very hard on myself and had a very distorted view of who I was because of the weight gain. I also have had to have talkes with my children because they like to be free with their words and let me know that I am looking fat, or gaining weight. I think that this is more hurtful than if my husband or friends told me that I was. Yes, I have been up and down with my weight, as you can imagine, I eat when I am stressing and studying. This year I took up the practice of yoga (its about the only thing that I can manage with my shoulder) and vowed to start eating healthier and cleaner since I will be starting the nursing program in June. I do not want to go backwards and would like to loose the last 5 pounds that I gained. I will after all be helping people to live a healthy lifestyle and saving their lives and I need and want to be at my peak performance level as much as I can be. But I also am starting to love myself where I am and to realize that I was made for more than just being hung up on my body image. I appreciate you and all that you do, your encouraging words, and especially your work out routines. You give such a great variety and it makes my workouts fun, keep up the good work. There are more people inspired by you than you may know, and I for one am happy to hear that you gained a little weight, makes me realize that trainers go through the same issues that us “normal” people do and have weight gain also. 🙂 I don’t know if I will ever get the last 5 pounds off, at this point I just keep going up and down, but I do know that as long as I maintain a healthy diet and workout at least 30 mins a day that my body is in shape and is healthy. Stay the course Cassey, you are loved!
I don’t know if you remember but about 2 months ago I wrote you on Facebook and you actually replied me. In my mail I wrote about my eating issues… that I’m totally crazy about losing and maintaining my weight. Even the slightest sign of gaining weight ruined my day. All of this started because classmates used to call me fat even though I did only weight 58 kg. You adviced me to change my lifestyle into a more healthy one. I have to admit that after reading it I didn’t really tried to change at fist… but lately I’ve been eating more without going mad. Also, I stopped weighing myself everyday. I gained a bit of weight again and sometimes I’m mad at myself for doing what I do… for eating what I really want. And that’s why I was ashamed since I wasn’t able to hold my weight. Everyone around me was like “You look so good and thin” and now I see it fading… but that’s okay. Cassey, you inspired me to eat healthier and train hard. Until you wrote this post I didn’t even notice that you gained weight. I have always admired you and your body and wished to be more like you not only physical wise but also when it comes to your personality. You’re strong, optimistic and so kind. Never have I met someone as inspiring as you are. Thank you for being you and never change your way of thinking. We all believe in you.
honestly, Cassey you look great! you look human! i was so ashamed of my weight gain and all the comments i got with it when i recovered from my eating disorder and gained 25 pounds. but it was a necessary part of healthful living and i can say my relationship with food and myself is slowly getting better! i love you!
Thank you so much for writing this post. First, I still think you look AMAZIIIING! Second, I always need to revisit the idea, “would I rather live my life to the fullest or live my life thinking about every little calorie & every workout”? I’d say I’m pretty balanced, I try to workout everyday–but for myself not for my image. I enjoy running with my dog & doing your videos, but if my body feels tired, I need to listen to it and rest. I’ve learned that the less you focus on your outer body image, and the more you just stop to listen to your body the better you become! (inside & out) I’ve never looked or felt better since I just let go! Thank you so much for being so real and inspiring to us all. You’re beautiful & such a role model!
Wow this really is what I needed to read today. I have been so busy with college, work, kid that I have had a hard time keeping a routine of exercise down like I usually do. I was feeling really depressed not being able to and losing muscle and gaining a bit of weight.Also others noticing the change in my body :\ But you know what its because I’ve started going back to school and to better my life for me and my daughter and I shouldn’t be ashamed of that.
Love you Cassey you are an inspiration!
I totally understand. In the past two years, I have lost 80 pounds, but have recently put about 20 pounds back on (im so embarrassed). But the other day, I had a co-worker actually come up and touch my stomach and ask if I was PREGNANT again!!!!! OMG!!! Totally mortifying. I mean, yeah i’ve gained some weight but not so much that I look pregnant ( I hope). What do you say to someone that does that? I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Of course, I blew it off and tried to ignore that she even mentioned the word PREGNANT and said “Oh no, my husband and I are waiting a little longer for another baby and quickly turned and walked away. Now all i want to do is hide in my office where it is SAFE from people and their comments. Words can and really do hurt.
omg i freaking LOVE YOU. seriously I am going through the EXACT SAME THING RIGHT NOW. And people don’t really mention it but come on i gained 15lbs!!!! And I can definitely see it AND feel it. But you are so right! It doesn’t matter about the weight gain because it is the person underneath that matters and indeed “What matters is how someone treats you, how they make you feel, and their honest and genuine intent.” srsly just spoke to me so much. I want to lose weight again but because of you it won’t be for the looks, you have taught me to simply love health and fitness and treat it as a part of me & my lifestyle. YOU ARE SO INSPIRATIONAL!!! FOR WHO YOU ARE! THANK YOU SO MUCH CASSEY!!!! WE LOVE YOU.
Cassey, you loooook amazing! We don’t care if you gained some weight! I didn’t see it! Your stil so freaking beautiful! I wish I looked like you girl! Don’t care about that people say. You’re my BIGGEST inspiration! And you are still skinny and fit! I just want to punch the person who said you gained weight. IT DO NOT MATTER!
Take care Cassey. The most important thing is that you are happy! <3
To be honest (and this is just my opinion) you look way healthier and much more radiant right now. Not that you looked bad in your bikini competition…. you looked STUNNING, but It wasn’t really natural. I mean… it’s wonderful to achieve a body like that, show it off for one day, and get back to normal, isn’t it? I bet you felt the constant struggle of a ‘bikini body’ (weakness, stress, crazy cravings…)so, why not look great but also FEEL great?
sometimes people called me fat in my high school, and yes it hurts. as a girl it sure made me insecure. but now i try to be fit and healthier by doing your videos and it works! you know, you’re beautiful and such an inspiration, i never thought you are fat. you are fit and healthy, and i like it how you always keep it real and be honest about what you feel. you go cassey!
thanks Cassey! <3
Cassey you are in the spotlight more than most because social media allows us to follow your every move if we wish. You are in incredible shape and competition bodies are not meant to be maintained. It’s only natural to gain weight and have to find your balance again, I can’t imagine having people watch my body image ups and downs. It’s very refreshing to hear your honesty, so here’s mine: YOLO
You look great keep up what you’re doing
OMG Cassey don’t worry your body is still amazing and you’re still the best fitness instructor out there!! You’ve motivated me so much and I’m so happy that I have all of your videos and this post made me feel so much better about myself and you continue to inspire me every day 🙂
Cassey, you’re beautiful and I don’t see any weight gain (even if I did, it wouldn’t matter).
I lost 10 pounds last year, and then gained it all back (plus 3 extra) when I stopped counting calories. I couldn’t continue counting calories because I hated it and it made eating too much work.
Now I’m trying to find something else that works, but that I can stick to so that my weight loss is permanent.
I’m embarrassed of my weight gain, because when I lost the weight people started commenting on it and asking me how I did it, and I feel that I’ve let them down somehow by gaining the weight back.
All I have to say is, I’m sorry someone pointed out any “flaw” they THOUGHT they saw in you. I agree to judge someone on their looks or body or even color is just so ignorant I can’t even begin. I mean, it’s a form of bullying. If you have to say something negative (even if in a “humorous non-threatening” way) about someone it’s usually because there’s some jealousy there and finding that flaw somehow makes you feel like saying, “see, they’re not perfect!” idk! I think it’s dumb.
Your heart is beautiful and your genuineness is amazing!! That’s why I love doing your videos and feel like I’m working out with a friend. Yes, I notice your body and hope to be toned like that one day and like you said, weight fluctuates. God knows mine does! hahaha I say, He whose weight has never fluctuated cast the first stone!! 😉 ♥
Hey Cassy, thanks for writing this post. I know exactly how you feel, and i hate gainig weight also. It scares me because i have had self esteem problems too. I pole vault for my high school and facing your weight is a very crutial thing for this sport. I have to see the scales quite often, and it scares me. It is hard to say something I can’t control from a day-to-day basis. Thanks, this post really helped.
You shouldn’t feel ashamed, I honestly think you look great and healthier than you did back in the time of your bikini contest. Now you have a real healthy and fit body that you should be proud of. You are an inspiration and I hope to one day have a fabulous body like the one that you have today.
You are an amazing person, you are beautiful and strong.
Thanks for being great to us and yourself! Keep being the great person that you are 🙂 <3
Love this post, its raw and powerful. You are beautiful and strong, don’t ever forget that. Thank you for being a part of my life everyday and keeping me in a positive state of mind about my body. XoXo
It breaks my heart to read this post from you. It sickens me to think that people are so judgmental about things that do not even effect them personally in their life. You are such an inspiration to me, who has always been struggling with my weight. I can’t believe anyone would call you “fat” or make any type of insinuating comments! I discovered your blog through a friend in the middle of March, and I committed to doing your workout calendar for April, and it has seriously changed my whole outlook. At first I couldn’t even rest in plank for more than 3 seconds and now i am holding it right there with you the whole time, even only after one month!! I always hated working out but I actually look forward to putting on your videos everyday..and it’s only because of YOU….your positive attitude and cheerful demeanor are what make me get through all your tough workouts. I am proud to say I AM a new POPster and becoming more and more in love with Pilates and what it is doing for my body. The scale has only gone down 5 lbs in a month but inches around my legs and waist have started to shrink down so much that my clothes don’t fit me anymore!! I attribute that to muscle gain from YOUR videos. I never ever comment on blogs or anything of the sort but I just felt so heartbroken by how defeated your post sounded that I had to say something, You are a beautiful person Cassey, inside and especially the outside. I know I don’t know you personally, but I feel like I do through your videos and blog posts. Please don’t let comments like that get you down or discourage you. Shame on them for posting such things. Your body is beautiful no matter what people say. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me and the rest of us POPsters, not because of the way your body looks (even though I aspire to look like you one day) but because of the way you really care about all of us and no matter how bad of a day you may have, you are still smiling and saying inspirational things to get us through those Burpees!!! Rise above those people Cassey, you are a much better person =) Xoxo
Cassey!!! This post seriously made me feel 1000 times better!!! Better about myself, better about my life, better about everything. I’m very healthy and I train almost everyday. I’m still not a supermodel and sometimes that makes me feel bad about myself. I feel like no matter how much i train and how healthy I eat, I will always be just me, I won’t have that supermodel body or a thigh gap the size of grand canyon, but you now made me realize that, it is ok not to be and not to have. I am so happy about what I have accomplished and that I do eat healthy without being a calorie super freak. You are such a huge inspiration and a grate person as well as a great pilates instructor. I love that you make me work so hard, and that you always smile. I think you’ve got a lovely body and I know you’ve had a blog for long enough not to worry about negative comments you get, but I want to say it anyway. YOU ARE AMAZING, and you have my dream body! So no one has the right to tell you otherwise. You are such a great person and that is btw so much more important than some pounds more or less! I will be more happy about myself after this day! Thank you
Oh Cassey! YOU are still beautiful. and after reading this post you’re an even bigger inspiration. <3
Hi Cassey,
Wow. You really hit it on the dot. I am also in the health/fitness arena. My mind totally resinates with everything you said. I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for being such a huge example.
You are gorgeous, not only on the outside, but on the inside, where it really matters.
Hey Cassey!
I haven’t dealt with others calling me fat as much as I have called myself fat. I have spent a lot of time pitting myself down because my body image wasn’t aligned with what my true physical appearance was. It took a lot of counseling and food choice changes before I started accepting who I am and feeling radiant from within. You were a huge part of that transformation within me!
You helped show me how to be happy with myself and challenge myself and keep myself motivated to live and love life!
Thank you, Cassey. I hope you begin to accept yourself for who you are – there are always gonna be haters!!
Peace and love to you <3
Wow Cassey. I watched ABC Abs and you look great. Who ever said you look fat needs to know that insulting other people will never make them skinner. And after all you do for so many people. Even if you did gain like 5lbs you can still leg lift and elbow push-up us all under the table.. And look better then anyone else can doing it. I’ve been watching your videos for two years but had a recent set back after a bad break up. 30 LBs!!!! In the past two months your videos and inspiration helped me lose half that!!! So eat what makes you happy! Be easy on yourself !Be human! You know how to fix in when your ready.. personally i think maybe you were too skinny before. You look great .. And you’ll always be my hero!!!
We love you Cassey! You’re such an inspiration. You are truly a beautiful person inside and out. It’s great to see that you are just like us and that’s what makes you so relatable. Before I found you I’ve been working out but not consistently. But ever since I’ve started your workout calendar, you made working out so so fun and a fun habit at that! I’m so thankful for you and your videos. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have lost a few inches now. Thank you for making me feel like I could finally stick to something 🙂 And if people call you “fat”, just know that you are way healthier and stronger! Love you! xo
Thank you for being real and honest, THAT is what makes you a great fitness instructor and inspiration, not your weight. Of course I can relate, I’m a girl, I hate gaining weight, even just a pound feels like a failure to me. But we’re all way too hard on ourselves! I honestly think you look absolutely gorgeous right now and even if you did gain a little weight you’re still toned, fit, healthy, and one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen. Just keep doing what you’re doing because you’re awesome at it!
Cassey- I’m half Korean and half Southern American. So, I have half of my family telling me I’m fat and half of my family telling me I’m too skinny. It’s very confusing! I am an ex gymnast and inherited the American body type. So I became bulky throughout my gymnastics career. But I have an Asian face. So I have been judged my whole life for being a fat Asian while if my face were more American, I would probably be considered normal. So I definitely understand the judging and the shame. Thanks for the motivation and the inspiration! Thanks for being real!
Hi Cassey… I have the same problem, today. Yesterday I was feeling down and I asked my boyfriend: do you think I’m fat? And he said yes… He said ”you’re the most beautiful girl alive for me, but you’re overweight, that’s a fact”. I’ve been crying my eyes out since that moment. I’m not mad at him, but I feel like I’m a failure… WHEN BEING FAT IS NOTHING BAD!! I don’t have health issues, why I’m so sad?
Yes Cassey, I have been called fat soooo many times when I was younger (in school and college). It made me feel so bad and decreased my self-confidence, so I remained in the shadows. But then one day I realised that I created this situation for myself, I can’t blame others for stating a fact! I started eating clean and exercising a bit. I lost weight..a lot of it! And I wasn’t even going hard at that time. My self-confidence rocketed and I was able to face everyone. Most of my friends back then don’t even recognise me now!
I tumbled upon one of your videos when I was in university and it was love at first video! Since that day, you’re my inspiration. You’re the little voice in my head which says “Don’t give up, push yourself, go hard and smile through it”. I can’t thank you enough for all that you have and are still doing for me and every popster out there. Love you Cassey <3
Actually, one of the reasons I follow you is that you aren’t stick thin. I have gotten a little on the thin side myself and I just don’t like that look anymore. I’m getting a little older now, and I don’t want to look gaunt and aged…
Cassey, this post is very timely because just a couple of nights ago, my BF said I was gaining weight, and it really upset me. I said I was kinda hungry and wanted a piece of pizza, and he said maybe I should drink a glass of water instead. I have gained a little bit of weight (maybe 5 pounds or so) and could stand to lose another 5 on top of that, so I didn’t think he was being a jerk but I was still upset about it. I think part of my problem is being so busy that I eat on the run a lot and eat without thinking. Anyway, thanks for your posting and don’t let the comments get you down (and I’ll try not to too)! You are amazing and gorgeous!!!
What I love most about blogilates is that you focus on a healthy LIFESTYLE. A lifestyle is a pattern of living that lasts for many years – 70…80…90 YEARS! How could you possibly maintain the exact same body shape, especially a competition shape, for your entire life? Your body (and everyone else’s) is going to continue to change for the rest of your life. But, through your blog, you push us to build strong muscles, strengthen our hearts through cardio, and eat clean to provide our bodies with the essential nutrients they need to function and thrive. These are all INTERNAL aspects of health. These are lessons that will continue to help our bodies thrive and function to our full potential throughout our lives.
As our bodies age, our skin will become less elastic and wrinkles will form, our bodies will not be able to maintain muscle as easily, our metabolisms will slow down and food will not process as quickly through our bodies (making weight gain much easier), but if we continue to follow your advice, we will ourselves the best chance to have a high QUALITY of life long into our “senior” years. Being in touch with our bodies and recognize when something is wrong or that we are craving things for a reason will become increasingly essential as we age. I believe you are teaching us these strategies through this forum, and it is very unique among the other fitness instructors and crazes out there.
You represent so many levels of healthy living. Do not fall into the standard beauty trap. Health is not about the beauty of your exterior appearance. It is about your body functioning at a level that allows you to live the life you want – starting a business that connects millions of people around the world? (pretty amazing accomplishment that your body has helped you achieve!).
Please continue to do exactly what you are doing! Listen to your body’s needs and keep up your healthy lifestyle! You are an amazing person and an inspiration to many! Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts and feelings with us. You have created an amazing community that I am proud to be a part of! <33333
As a person who lost a lot of weight once only to gain it back all again and who JUST started to fight her way back to that healthy, fit body: THANK YOU. This post reminded me of the time just before I started to lose weight back then, when a relative of mine commented about my weight and it was truly the most hurtful thing I ever heard someone say about me (and I was mildly bullied once in my life).
The funny thing was, as I lost weight and got more fit and stronger and just overall felt really healthy, I less and less cared about my actual weight or appearance. So what, if my thighs were still a bit too wide? I felt so HEALTHY, so STRONG. I didn’t care that much anymore. And that’s the kind of mindset I’m currently trying to fight my way back to. With your help (just started MayMuscles ;))! Thank you for sharing this!
Dearest Cassey, I can’t stand that someone would make you feel bad about your body (yourself included), any reasonable person can understand that it is imposible to be on track and perfect all the time. Bottom line: you’re living your life, achieving goals, taking risks and yet STILL make the time to check in with the blogilates community and make the calendars, make the videos, and keep us motivated. I think you look strong and healthy in all your videos, if you’re thinner or thicker doesn’t matter to me. Like you always say: everyone is on their own journey.
You are such an inspiration! I still think you look fit and healthy. You are doing what you do best and that’s all that matters. Thanks so much for being real and sharing this with us. 🙂 Love you!!!!
Dear Cassey, please don’t listen to those people who call you fat. I don’t think you realize how beautiful you actually are. You gained some weight so what? You’re right; your body needed it and sometimes its good to gain weight and eat what you want. You can’t live your life worrying about calories and eating clean all the time; we all crave some food once in a while and its okay to eat it. Its hard being a fitness instrutor because so many people look at your body for inspiration and their goal but gaining weight doesn’t it make it any different. I’ve been a fan of yours since the beginning. I’ve been there throughout your bikini competition and yes, you were slimmer there but who cares? Like you said, our body gains weight and loses weight once in a while, especially over stress. I think you look even better NOW. In your latest video, ABC ab workout, you look so healthy, so fit, so happy. and seeing you like that makes me happy and want to be fit and healthy and keep working hard.
Don’t listen to the haters. You are so gorgeous just the way you are. Enjoy your food and do what makes YOU feel good about yourself.
You are amazing Cassey. Such an honest person. You’re my inspiration and hero and always will be. Coming across your videos when I was recovering from Anorexia was the best thing ever. You inspired me to become a stronger person and you still inspire me to this day.
Remember that we all love you and you changed a lot of people’s lifestyles.
I love you Cassey!
Stay beautiful! xo
Thanks Cassey for being a REAL woman and not just some girl in a video that we can never reach! Depriving your body for so long can be very emotional, but having the self control and strength it takes to get back up and back on the band wagon is very inspirational! It takes a lot of energy and discipline to workout everyday and be as bubbly as you are and you should be proud!
I think so many people can relate! Last time I went to see my grandfather he asked me if I gained weight because my face looked chubby. I have been a little overweight for years now and for years have tried a “diet” and then hit a moment where my body just can’t take it anymore. Then I gain it all back. It’s a cycle that happens to everyone who is a normal human being. That’s why I hate the words “diet” and “portion control”. They just set you up to fail.
In order for me to lose the 16 pounds I’ve lost (and counting), I needed to make a permanent lifestyle change. Something I can maintain forever that won’t deprive my body but in fact make it stronger and healthier than ever. I am no expert but it seems to me that if you make this permanent change, getting all the calories and nutrients it needs, without going overboard, then your body will get to where it naturally wants to be.
Have you thought that maybe this is where your body wants and needs to be? There’s no way you could get all the nutrients your body needs to sustain itself from eating chicken, egg whites, and broccoli. And it just sounds awful. If I were you I would have gorged myself on foods other than those for weeks after that experience. There is no way that a diet like that is maintainable.
Ask yourself ” what’s my body fat percentage vs lean body mass?” It looks to me like it’s healthier than where you were. And you look so beautiful! I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure the norm is between 10 and 20% of body fat for women. We are genetically designed to carry more fat then men. And in studies it shows that most men find a woman at a normal healthy weight the most attractive. When you think about it, who is more attractive, Scarlett Johansson or Kate Moss?
I think you would look gorgeous at any size. But before you get down on yourself or try another diet ask yourself where your body wants to be in order to stay healthy and strong. I think you asked in a video for some words to describe a blogilates woman.
As a community we can do anything. <3
You’re not the one who should be ashamed. They should be ashamed of themselves for being so rude. But it sounds like you were waiting for someone to acknowledge how you were feeling so you had an excuse to write this post, which is a good thing, you were feeling this way and wanted to get it out without it being random. You’re not even close to fat, you’re fit and strong and if food is all you worry about you’re going to look back on this time, at photos of yourself, and be upset that you didn’t enjoy your time better. YOLO is right!
Hi Cassey!!
I know exactly how you feel. My asian family has also been like that for ages. I hated any events that included my family because they would always, ALWAYS make a hurtful comment about my body. Most because of my 3 other cousins where thin and tall like models, in fact they where thin as anorexics. So everytime they said something, I was compared to my cousins and I was the fattest and lowest. So I also started multiple diets and exercised, a couple of times I starved myself but I couldn’t go through it. But now I have changed my opinion of being skinny. I have been eating healthy and lift weights and I see huge difference from the last couple of years until today. I haven’t reached my goal yet, but it’ll be this summer because my family and I are going to vacation in Africa. The hotel has a pool so I am going to kick some ass x 120 % and they will be totally shocked when I wear the bikini 😀
Sorry for the long comment. You rock Cassey!! <3
I honestly don’t think you look like you’ve gained weight at all! Even if you have, I still wish my body looked as good as yours! Ever since I found your website over a year ago, I have loved the way you looked and have used your body as my inspiration. I used to be about 40 pounds heavier than I am now, and I am also very scared of gaining any of it back, so it makes me glad to know you’re just like all of us. No one is perfect, and it’s what’s on the inside that matters anyway. You are beautiful inside and out, and you are sooooo fit an healthy! I strive to be like you, so keep being you 🙂
Brilliant Post!
Hey Cassey,
You are so relatebale! First of all I want to let you know that in my opinion you look amazing (in bikini competition mode and regular). You look healthy and strong. Secondly I think this just shows how distorted our body image is.
When I was about 10years old my grandmother started telling me that I was too fat. My cousins were skinny and she compared me to them, of course. Now 10 years later I can look back (photos) and see that I was fit not fat, however I still suffer from those mean comments. It made me way more vulerable to criticism.
I can understand that you feel even more pressure to look super toned with no fat on top since people look up to you AND judge you in the most hypercritical way.
BUT(!) TO ME THIS IS ACTUALLY VERY INSPIRING! If you were like a perfect-robot-kinda-person I woulnd’t want to do your workouts. It would destroy my motivation because if i dont see a way I can live up to the “expectation/role model”(YOU) there is no point for me in trying!
Thank you so much for this post! It is very helpfull and inspirational!
Love you!
Cassey and to anyone else who reads this,
I’ve had anorexia nervosa now for 4 years and Im 17 ive been put in hospitals and force fed. Ive been called fat by my figure skating coaches who gave me dangerous diet advice which nearly killed me. It depresses me I think more than anything else in the world when I hear people talking about low carb diets or super high protein diets, paleo diets, raw vegan etc. because people in this day and age believe that beauty and happiness and health is attained through the numbers inside your clothes or on the scales or maybe even those numbers on the back of packets of food. The world we live in has a disordered mindset. We bang on about wanting the perfect body or an inner thigh gap (which btw is disgustingly unhealthy and puts your body under so much strain because women arent supposed to have them!) we seem to have forgotten that the “perfect body” is one that functions well and is at a healthy weight (bmi 20-25) when i say functions well for women that means having enough body fat to have periods and ultimately have children! I have not had a period in over 18 months its the most depressing thing to be told by a dr that youre only a teenager and you might not be able to have children.
Why can’t people just be happy with who they are?! eat what they want! Being healthy is not only in the body its in the mind too! A healthy diet is not solely made up of “healthy” foods its one that opens its arms to all food!! there is no such thing as something being good or bad! Unfortunately my illness is not as simple as food or weight but its the main coping mechanism not helped by the fact the world seems to think that people should be “healthy” by being as unhealthy as possible. Why not choose happiness and sometimes happiness is as simple as a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps with a few friends watching a movie. If you have the ability to have things like that revel in it! For you are at least healthier than most personal trainers in the world, I ll tell you now if I had the ability to do something like that without wanting to punish myself through self harm purging and exercise I would be so much happier,
Trust me you’ll only appreciate your health, sanity and happiness when its all taken away from you.
Oh and Cassey if you dare let comments damage you again like that I shall personally fly over from the UK and attack you with teddy bears and chocolates!
A few years ago, I was about 20 kgs heavier than I am now, and I was dating a guy from Seoul. He told me I had to lose 11 kgs (putting my weight at 55 kg) before he’d consider taking me back to South Korea to meet his family. I didn’t start losing weight immediately, so in two weeks’ time after that statement, he dumped me for being fat. At 165cm, I am now a slim 48 kg, and am engaged to someone else. So, to the guy from Seoul… sucks to be you. 😛
Cassey- you look amazing right now the way you are and radiate a strength and beauty from inside that I strive to emulate and want to reflect for my one year-old daughter. You look (and I hope feel) healthy and fit. 0% body fat is unrealistic, and my husband has told me repeatedly that women that look like women (aka- some curves) are extremely attractive.
When I was in high school I heard a girl comment about my butt, which really hurt since I was always super-sensitive and self-critical about this particular part of my body. I ran straight to the bathroom and cried my eyes out. For a long time I was pretty obsessed with fitness and while I never felt unhealthy and always enjoyed eating, my mom was at times worried about me. Now when I look back at photos I can see why.
What I want you to know is that your videos really help me. I had a baby a year ago and when I look in the mirror I’m happy with (and even a little proud) of what I see. I can see my abs becoming defined and my husband says I look fantastic! It’s not just about that though- I want to feel good and confident when I wear my bikini this summer or just normal clothes. Part of that though is accepting that hey, if I have a butt, that’s okay- Jennifer Lopez does, Beyonce does, and I think they look amazing. I am constantly working on training hard, loving and accepting myself. Will send a pic one of these days.
You go girl and good response for posting this, it needed to be said!
Cassie- You are beautiful! Thank you for writing this. You are a true inspiration to woman everywhere and my respect for you just went up ten-fold! I can imagine it was not easy for you to share your own insecurities in such a public forum, but to show your human side is a wonderful thing.
I can’t believe anyone would ever make such a judgmental and hateful comment to you, but I guess haters will always hate, right? Something that I’ve been learning to work on is not to take what others say about me personally, because really it’s not about me, it’s about them. It’s hard to do, because we all want societal approval on some level, it’s a survival mechanism that has taken thousands of years to evolve in humans. BUT, at the same time we need to learn where to draw the line between true criticism from those who love us, and just hateful nonsense that people who are jealous spit out.
Really, you should be nothing but proud of who you are because you work so hard! I have so much respect for anyone who can take the time out of their incredibly busy lives to make their fitness goals a reality. It’s not easy! As a first time mom, I know this! I find it extremely difficult to find time to focus on my fitness goals after balancing my duties as a wife, mom, and my job! It’s exhausting! I do squeeze some exercise in where I can, but it’s not nearly the amount that I’d like to be doing. So for you to do all that you do, to me is AMAZING! And no one should ever make you doubt that for a second! Even though now we know you’re human and you will from time to time, and that’s ok too ;-)!
Best post yet! Thank you 🙂
Amen sister! And ps…..YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!
I hate that you even have to post a defense against gaining weight! You should never have to defend your weight if you are healthy. I get people saying hurtful things about me “being too skinny” and it is just ridiculous – people will have mean things to say regardless of how thin or fit or heavy you are. So screw ’em!
Yesterday a relative of mine told me I looked fatter. My whole family is upset about me because I’m eating low fat and no rice at all ( I’m Asian, rice is everything!), but I watch my food intake and I feel fine with it. In my life I’ve never heard anyone calling me fat, so it’s sad just heard my relative telling me that. Just because I have a pear body shape, my thighs are bigger than normal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t work out and eat junk foods. Reading your post today is very encouraging and supportive, Thank you Cassey.
And I think you look beautiful all the way, because you glow from the inside, keep smiling and don’t let those words bring you down
Cassey — I honestly thought you gained a lot of muscle. To me it doesn’t look like fat. You’re toned, you’re beautiful, and inspirational. If you did gain weight, so what? What matters is that you’re healthy.
I really needed to read this right now! It is brilliant – spot on. Thank you and you are gorgeous x
You are a beautiful and inspiring women, you’re workouts are making me get off my lazy butt ad get out there, I couldn’t do it without you, I swear! Sometimes you’re my only support
This is my first year at college, and let’s say the freshman 15 hit me hard… with more like the freshman 30. I started getting those comments from my family at Christmas, but my weight still went up.
I lost 40 pounds my junior year of high school on weight watchers, but I gained it back, I’m so ashamed!
I’m determined to have this freshman weight gone by time I go back to school in August! thanks for being such an inspiration.
Ohh Cassey, every word that you wrote spoke volumes to me. I suffer from body image disorders and am constantly in fear of gaining weight. In my head I know that it is an irrational fear, things happen, however when I stepped on the scale at the doctors the other day and was told my weight, the highest I’ve ever been, it almost brought me tears. However, the support I have told me that it is mainly muscle, which I know to be true because I am stronger than ever, but it doesn’t comfort the stretch marks that I have found. You have so much support in this community Cassey. People aren’t always aware of how harmful their words can be, and if they are then that is just them being mean. We all love and support you fully no matter what though :)) you still look gorgeous.
Cassey thank you for this post!
I know what you mean and how you feel. My aunt did this to me since i can remeber. We saw each other only once a year when she was wisiting me. I always had to turn in a circle so she could tell me my ass got bigger. It was so painful, it still is.
I lost about 66 pounds, so when my aunt came to wisit last year she was like: “What is happening now?…” Well, last year was hard for me, I went trough a lot of shi* and i gaint some weight…, you can imagne the reaction of my aunt when she saw me this year…
I wanted to thank you for what you are doing, your workouts are awesome and so are you! :*
Hi Cassey!
Coming from an Asian family, I know what exactly you’re talking about. I’m 5’3 and 105 pounds and still think I’m not thin enough, although I do HIIT 5-6 days and no carbs after 3 pm. I consider myself fit compared to most asian girls but like you…if I let myself go for about a week during vacay, I can see my jeans get tighter and fear of those “gaining weight” comments. Please don’t let those negative comments about your weight affect you…it is emotionally disturbing. If you lose weight for others and not for yourself, then you will never be happy. Although you gained some weight, you look healthy and glowing! The bikini photos you took last year looked great, but not as healthy and glowing. What you put in your body is very important! Those fruits and veggies help your skin look vibrant and fight aging.
What I’m trying to say is that you should do what makes you happy and healthy and don’t let negative comments affect you tremendously. Women are not necessarily nice to each other…we are either too thin or too thick for anyone. Look at those celebrities…they’re not perfect either and their weight is always being bashed on media! Don’t ever change who you are…keep those videos and healthy recipes coming. You have changed many people’s lives and inspired others to help themeselves and others. Do what makes you happy…it’s priceless and happiness cannot be taken away from you! 🙂
First of all I want to say; I did not even think about that then I saw the ABC Ab video and I am surprised that you got comments on it.. But I want to say I think you have grown as a person since I read another old post of yours. And you are a fantastic person, a fantastic health and fitness instructor and I hope you will continue your life with smiles and much much of happiness because when you do we blogilates fans will keep smiling.
*will keep smiling too.
I’m sorry that people said those hurtful things to you. But it’s just their own insecrities. You are a beautiful, powerful, amazing woman and person. Keep your head up and keep in mind what a very
smart woman once said, ” What other people think of you, is NONE of your buisness. ”
We all love you, your bubbly self, wether you are 120 pounds, or 220 pounds. We love you not because you ‘look’ like what we think a fitness instuctor should, but because you are a sweet, geniune person, who pushes us to our absolute extremes. AND WE LOOOVVEEE IITTTT…
Keep your beautiful head up. <3
Cassey, I applaud and thank you for writing this post. It shows how real you are just like the rest of us. Letting us see that sometimes you do gain weight makes it easier to relate to you. This is why you are such an inspiration to myself. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Also, you still look absolutely wonderful, healthy, and beautiful. Much love!
Cassey, you are such an inspiration to be writing so candidly. I truly applaud you for your honesty and your courage. I love that you wrote this post! Like you, I’ve recently added on some lbs. But like you, I also know that weight fluctuates and that my body fat will decrease slowly. Stay strong Cassey! Sending lots of love your way <3 Don't ever be ashamed of your body or your weight. The number on the scale is just a number. It does not show your self worth or your talents.
Awesome post Cassey! I LOVE how you’re not afraid to put yourself out there. Honestly I think the first objective for a fitness trainer is to be inspirational, and you definitely fit that bill!
“I’m still fit and healthy and progressing everyday. Isn’t that the ultimate goal?”
This this and so much this!
Thank you this post Cassey. I’ve struggled with an eating disorder for years. I would restrict myself and I had so much self-control. But then when things got dangerous, I realized I had to stop and seek to be healthy. But I went the other way because I was starving for nutrients and foods that I had deemed as bad- like peanut butter, meats, dairy. I still struggle, mostly in the winter. And yes, stress eating is a problem too. I am getting married in one month though and I’ve been trying so hard to learn how to eat right and exercise right so I can look nice for the wedding but also build a consistent lifestyle. It’s finally starting to get there after so many years! This post was such an encouragement to read this morning! Thank you! Now its time to kick my butt with the May 2nd pilates workout!!
I think it’s wonderful that you took the time and courage to share this with all your posters! I’ve honestly struggled with my weight gain a lot, and it’s so encouraging to hear that one of my favorite workout instructors understands what I’m feeling and have felt. I started doing your workouts the summer before my senior year of high school, and that combined with running (my mom inspired me to run a half marathon) enabled me to lose 30 lbs. I’d never been small my entire life and after all that hard work I was feeling awesome in my clothes, running miles without feeling tired, and feeling proud of my own body. I went to college and was terrified of gaining weight. I’ve been in college for almost 2 years and I’ve gained (and fluctuated) about 10 pounds. I know what it feels like to not like the way your clothes fit anymore or to be scared to go back to where I was. I’ve recently signed up for my first marathon, and I’m working on eating clean and drinking tons of water! I’ve recently started losing some of that extra weight that seemed like it would never go away. Reading this has encouraged me even more to stay healthy, lose safely, and that strong is the new beautiful! Thanks Cassie for your encouragement to everyone! I’m proud of your hard work in listening to your body no matter what your mind tries to tell you.
This post could not have come at a better time for me. Four years ago I lost about 35 pounds from the weight I’d gained during college, student teaching, and engagement. I remember my family, who you could say were all “skinny fat” (didn’t eat right, no exercise but still tiny), would make comments to me. It made me feel so awful. Of course, after losing weight everyone was like, “Wow, you’re sooo skinny!” Thanks, I guess??
Two years ago I was the skinniest I’d been since high school and I ran my first marathon. Maybe I was skinny, but I wasn’t doing any weight training and I was still eating out of control only because I was burning so many calories by running. We moved across the country, my husband and I, and I’ve put on about 10-15 since the marathon. However, I feel more muscular now (I still have fat to lose) and more balanced in my thoughts about food.
Recently I’ve felt really really bad for the weight I’ve gained, although I’m still in the “healthy range” for my height (I’m 5’10”). I’m in grad school now with a crazy schedule, have a husband who’s getting ready to deploy, and I’m not running like a hamster in a wheel. I have realized that life happens! Gaining 10-15 lbs is not the end of the world… I just have to get back up and start healthy habits again instead of thinking, Oh, this must be the end… I might as well eat whatever I want.
I’m 27 years old, and I feel like I should have this mature thought process going on of how I feel about myself, whether I’ve gained 10-15 lbs or not. But the truth is, I still feel like I’m 13 and in junior high, wearing only baggy clothes (gosh I really was skinny back then!!) or 21 and 40 lbs overweight and feeling ashamed because of family’s comments. It just really pains me that so many women go through these self-defeating thoughts, some on a daily basis. IT HAS TO STOP. We have to stop judging each other on looks, or if someone’s gained or lost weight.
Sorry that was so long, but this really hit the nail on the head for me. You’re doing an amazing job, and I so admire you for your honestly, upbeat attitude, and lifestyle. Whenever I have a friend who wants some exercises they can do at home, or info on clean eating, I point them to Blogilates.
As a fellow Asian who’s endured those infamous remarks before from aunties & even my beloved grandmother, I most definitely feel ya, sista Cassey! They indeed damage the self-esteem & when they’re true make us disappointed in ourselves for “letting ourselves go”… However, I could tell how busy you’ve been since your move & many obligations that called for travel that interfered w/your regular clean diet & exercise schedule – not to mention your inconsistent rest regimen that finally called for you to catch up on your shut-eye. You’re only human too, Cassey, & although you seem like Superwoman doing those Supermans & bouncing off the wall like in your NY’s Off-the-Wall Mashup, you also need your beauty sleep once your energy is burned. While you clearly have a good relationship w/food through your passion of cooking, eating & introducing us to new twists on recipes, I’m glad that you don’t stray or have us stray from YOLOs once in a blue moon, so we still can have fun w/grub while maintaining a balance! Clearly this is why you’ll always be inspirational to us POPsters: you keep it real by reminding yourself & us to take care of ourselves INSIDE & OUT 😉
Cassey, I just wanted to say that because of you I have a body confidence that I never dreamed possible. Whenever I do your videos I am amazed at what you can do and so cheerfully and effortlessly! That l impresses me more than any muscle definition or thigh gap.
I think the fitness world is blessed to have such an enthusiastic, uplifting and generous presence like you and I believe you will have improved the self esteem and body image of so many people.
Keep smiling, you are a beautiful person.
Cassey, I just wanted to say that because of you I have a body confidence that I never dreamed possible. Whenever I do your videos I am amazed at what you can do and so effortlessly, that l impresses me more than any muscle definition or thigh gap.
I think the fitness world is blessed to have an enthusiastic, uplifting and generous presence like you and I believe you will have improved the self esteem and body image of so many people.
Keep smiling, you are a beautiful person.
Hey Cassey , you have no idea how much I needed to needed to hear this today, this morning I stepped on the scale and had gained weight, and I was doing so well too.. So I was kinda down in the dumps. it’s kinda great to hear this from someone other then my family and friends, and to know I’m not the only one who faces this. But it’s a kick in the butt to not slack off. I started the 90 food challange yesterday and the may calander and to keep going with the 1.1/2 hour of the elliptical. This was really inspirational , you are inspirational ,
This post is so true! We are definitely more than what we look like– It’s taken me a long time to realize that (and I still struggle with it a lot). I just wanted to say that I really enjoy working out with you and I love your energy!! Your videos are definitely hard, but I can tell they are working and making me stronger! Also, I run cross country and track, and we often do Pilates-based moves in practice! Anyways, you look amazing and like a normal, healthy person (which is waaaay more important than having a “bikini body”)!
Honestly, a little weight gain shows you are REAL. Like you said, you are human and sometimes life gets in the way of what we want. I am a graduate student, who also runs an art gallery, and still tries to make time for my family/friends/boyfriend. I’m not going to lie, this first year of grad school meant a lot less workouts but I still tried to eat as healthy as possible and fit stuff in whenever possible, such as doing a 30 day squat challenge- not time consuming, but it’s still something. And I walk the mile to and from school every day rain/shine.
Everyone gets busy, and unless you are super celebrity who has a trainer tagging along everywhere reminding you what you should or shouldn’t be doing, then sometimes it just doesn’t happen. Sometimes sleep has to trump your workout because you know you will get down on yourself for having a bad workout from being exhausted. There is a woman in my grad program who just won a bikini competition and I have no idea how she did it- during finals, sometimes you just need a cookie, not boiled chicken breast haha. And even she says she’s not a real person. Being bikini model ready is not “real” and is not meant to be continued year after year all year around. So enjoy some froyo WITH FRUIT (because fruit is wonderful and wonderful for you), enjoy life, and enjoy who you are. You are amazing and should not be ashamed of weight gain- I can guarantee you are healthier and fitter than 98% of the rest of the country.
Keep on inspiring us!
Girl!! PLEASE don’t go back on the bikini plan diet again. You are beautiful how you are. You aren’t even close to fat, and I didn’t even notice that you gained weight. Some people are just very judgemental and look for every little thing that could be wrong with a person, but there is NOTHING wrong with you.
Cassey, when I read about Asian family thing, I could totally get what you’re talking about. My dad and aunts would comment about my legs, and even my grandpa would tell me that I have elephant legs. I was so stressed out. a year later, I started to go through crazy diet tips such as eating apples only for three days(ate 3 days, ate other foods for couple days, then repeated 3 days apple diet). When my legs were shaking as I tried to get up from me bed, I asked myself, “what am I doing? What’s wrong with me?” After all, I changed my mind and started to search for workout videos…and I found you! You are such an amazing person. I won’t mind if my trainor gains a bit of weight because humans can’t be perfect and they can have some low points. the most important thing is to stay healthy instead of trying to look skinnier. I’m sure you already know what I’m saying here, but just wanted to remind you that you are special and I love your videos and your honesty:^)
Cassey I cannot believe that someone would look at that video and call you fat!! When I did that video I kept looking at you as my goal and inspiration of what I want to look like! Ah if someone thinks you look fat then that makes me feel even worse about myself! But I wont let it…I think that being healthy is NOT about being super thin and having 0% body fat and only eating chicken and egg whites…being healthy is a state of mind, it is that perfect place where your soul, stomach and mind are filled and content! Please don’t let people’s comments get to you! You inspire and motivate so many girls who appreciate your “realness”! Not everyone can or wants to look likea bikini model and just because they cant or don’t doesn’t mean they aren’t healthy or that its a bad thing! You rock!
This reminds me of the recent event with the CBS blogger and the professional cheerleader. While I believe in freedom of speech and the idea that people are entitled to their opinions – it certainly doesn’t mean that they’re right. Most of the time, it’s nothing more than that – an opinion.
Cassey, being that you are not only in health and fitness industry, but also a very public figure, you are subject to those opinions even more than the average person. I think you’re a great role model for women and that the Blogilates movement is so inspiring. The fact that you even go on to address this topic in this blog post shows more than ever that you practice what you preach: a healthy and BALANCED approach to life. And most importantly, that you’re human like the rest of us.
No one ever did anything great without receiving some sort of criticism.
I, for one, am totally supportive of Blogilates and how it empowers and unifies WOMEN (not insecure, shallow, narrow-minded girls who still have some growing up to do).
Thanks so much for speaking your mind and sharing where your heart’s at.
Cassey! You are so brave to write this post. I first off can’t believe people have been addressing it, especially with such a bright and happy community I assume blogilates is. But, there’s always negativity. I thought you were too skinny when you were training for your fitness contest, and I could tell through your videos you weren’t as smiley or upbeat. I think your personality is the most beautiful thing about you and you help us out so much by giving us this free service, I’ve already gotten 2 of my friends obsessed with it and they thank me all the time! Your body is still killer no matter what people say, and how many of the people judging you can talk through an entire workout?! Nope. Anyways just know that most of us don’t care what you look like on the outside, all I can concentrate on is how much my body is hurting during the workout no time to judge :):P
Thanks Cassey! B/c this was the best post you’ve ever done! I’m also a fitness instructor and not tone and tight… but love working out and do it as much as I can! Also have a very busy schedule so it’s often up very early in the morning to fit in a quick run or a few videos!
It’s an on going battle for me as I have a BIGGGG sweet tooth, but I’m doing my best to pick the cleanest option available to me but without depriving myself… just as you said the mind-body connection is so important and you are your own best friend and worst enemy.
Thanks again Cassey! XO
I thought you looked great! You have a pear shaped
thing going on. Pear shapes bodies are beautiful!!
Don’t think your fat Asian and American standards
are completely different I know my husband is
Chinese. He looks amazing but his parents say he’s fat!!
I know you being a asian girl makes things not as easy
for you. Girls you are beautiful even if you weigh more
than 80-100 lbs!
Cassey, this post inspired me but also made me very sad. The fact that people asked you if you gained weight makes me extremely disappointed. You’re an inspiration for me, and I know to a lot of us. Your body is what I aspire mine to be one day. I, for one, didn’t notice any weight gain. When I did ABC Abs, I only saw your beautiful self torturing me as always.
What makes me sad is that reading this, it almost brought me back to the years when I was bullied. I might sound crazy by saying it, but people calling on you for small details about yourself was exactly what I was going through. People would call me ugly everyday. Look at my body and laugh. And all those things hurt me so much, I haven’t yet made peace with the pain and self-consciousness it made me live.
Yes, you’re in the fitness industry, but that doesn’t make it right for anyone to ”insult” your body. You’re so strong. You’re so beautiful. Every time I do your videos, I work and hope I will be in such a good shape eventually. Weight gain doesn’t change who you are, at all. You’re still the wonderful Cassey with your absolutely beautiful smile, and your passion, and your caring.
I hope you are doing well and I want to say thank you again for everything you’ve done for all of us Popsters. You’ve changed my life and one day, I know I will feel amazing about myself, and all those years of bullying will be behind me, and that will all be because of you.
Like, seriously, you look wonderful, Cassey! By the way, you are my inspiration whether your thighs are this or this “big”. You are the same loving butt-kicking instructor as always! Stay with that fact.
Cassey, I love this post! You’ve touched on something that goes through girls (and guys!) minds on a regular basis. It’s awful that people feel the need to point out if someone has gained weight, but I feel like it stems from their own insecurities that they have about their own bodies. We ALL have those insecurities, though. And that’s what we tend to forget. I think you are the most beautiful person, inside and out, and whether or not you’ve gained weight, you are still HEALTHY and beautiful. You never lose your beauty because you’re a beautiful person who cares about her bodies and the health of other people. You are such an inspiration to me in more ways than one. Love you Cassey!
Amazing post, Cassey! Kudos for your honesty, and much like the other Popsters, you look wonderful at this weight! Much better than in your bikini body, but it’s all about finding a weight that you feel beautiful at and healthy with what you are easy.
I recently blogged about stopping deprivation diets and allowing myself to indulge in moderation and it’s truly broken the deprivation/binge cycle and I’ve lost weight (which I was not intending to do). I had excepted the fact that I may gain weight by indulging and I was ok with that. I tell myself everyday that by eating two bites of a goldfish with my kids is ok. It’s not going to negate my healthy eating and workouts.
I can only imagine that being in the fitness world will automatically make you concerned with weight and feel that you are being judged for it, but once you can let go of that fear of judgement (the hardest thing one can do) you will be happy with where you are at!
Keep doing what you do!
Thank you so much for your honesty in this post. I just wanted to say that you are such an inspiration for me. I’ve really struggled with body image growing up, I always thought I needed to look like a model to be pretty. That gave me some pretty unhealthy ideas about how to “get skinny”. But you have such a healthy and fit body and it’s a better goal for me to aspire to. So thank you for helping me to retrain my brain on what is beautiful! You really are a beautiful person, inside and out….no matter if you have gained weight or not! I still think you look as lovely as ever. Thank you for being an inspiration to me!
Your blog entry touches me– I think we all need to be more accepting of our own body types. You have an incredibly amazing body and work hard to stay in great shape! I must confess I’ve been blessed with a 5’10 slender physique (but one that sadly lacks feminine curves), and I also have to deal with comments from others about my body type. Things like, “you’re too skinny, what are you, anorexic?” and I can’t count the number of times I’ve been called a skinny bitch (pardon my French). However, my favorite has to be “just wait until you have kids”, in which I can reply “I’ve already got 2″…. I think we all need to just be more accepting of the fact that women’s bodies come in many shapes and sizes, and that they are all beautiful and unique in their own ways. Many girls that have curves think they’re overweight and want to trim down, whereas us flat-chested ones wouldn’t mind getting a little something in certain places. Hopefully one day society will realize that our body is just a shell, and true beauty lies on the inside.
I love your comment Danielle and totally agree. Beauty is definitely internal and not external. <3
Hi Cassey,
I have to say you do NOT LOOK FAT!!! You look beautiful and healthy. Yes you looked beautiful at super model bikini model size but you look REAL now. How dare anyone that had the nerve to tell you such things. I’m irate. What’s the golden rule – “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” LIVE IT PEOPLE! You are about my height and lighter than me and I AM NOT OVER WEIGHT! I need to tone up some problem areas, not necessarily lose weight. This is the problem with society. Ignorant FOOLS like that are the reasons so many women have low self esteem, anorexia and are ashamed of their bodies. I am one of them (ashamed of my body) I’m never told I’m fat, ever. In fact I’m told I’m skinny! But let me tell you I have to FIGHT to work out, I am recovering from my 3rd foot/ankle surgery, I have fibromyalgia, Myofascial Syndrome and early onset Osteoarthrits. YOU Cassey are my inspiration, even when I cannot do all the moves you do or for as long as you do them for (because of my medical problems and when I’m just not strong enough). Truth be told I hadn’t even noticed you gained weight and when/IF I did I would have thought it quite a normal weight gain. As you even told these mean, little girls in your videos it’s not normal and some of what you had to do wasn’t all that healthy. That you were excited to start eating a bigger variety HEALTHY foods. I am so upset these little, petty girls would tell you something like that. I think that you should know, most of your popsters do not believe you’re FAT, OVERWEIGHT, or CHUNKY even! Yes, it’s nice to have a bikini model body but you know what else is nice….eating food and being normal! You’re beautiful Cassey. Don’t go on that crazy diet again just to prove these pathetic people wrong. If you do it, do it for you. I’ll bet you look better in a bikini right now than most of those girls that said that to you. I am calling them girls because that’s all they are – they certainly aren’t women. You keep doing exactly what you are doing, you still have a body to be proud of!
Cassey you are beautiful no matter what size you are and part of that comes from what a wonderful person you are on the inside. It shines through. It saddens me to think that someone could have the heart to comment such a thing.. A comment like that could lead someone without such a strong mindset as you to develop an eating disorder. What matters is that your HEALTHY. Your fans love you Cassey but they don’t know what may be going on in your personal life and therefore have no right to say such things. We should all be encouraging each other if anything. That’s what this community is for! But just know that you are inspiration and I have so much respect for you after this post. You’ll always be beautiful because you have such a good heart.
Much love.
Cassey, I honestly think you have an amazing body. Not only that, I know you are a healthy person which is the most important thing in this life. Keep healthy is what all this “clean-eating&doing excersise-lifestyle” should be about.
I’m an athlete that has been working out hard for 5 days a week for 5 years now…this year I stopped that kind of exercise and focused on taking care of myself in another way….and I found your blog. All these, to say that I’ve never in my life seen anyone who is in better shape than you…doing all the videos, all the working outs and being able to talk…I think that’s proof enough to show everyone your physical condition.
I love the way you make your classes, your style and of course how you look…don’t be ashame of how you look or how you’ve changed…you are amazing the way you are now 🙂
I am so proud of you 🙂 now I first time feel that you are same person as me or we, your Popsters, who just want to be strong and so happy while excercising as you. Please remember that you are now in my eyes ( and I know that not just in my eyes 🙂 ) the BEST TRAINER in whole world when you admited all this.
And how you said you are still amazing and healthy and this count much than super thin bikiny body 😉
Love u <3 and you'll be my coach FOREVER!!!!!!!
Good for you, Cassey. And you know what? It would be okay if you wanted to KEEP that weight on. Because there is not a single person in the world or on this blog who has the right to make you feel badly about yourself for it. If we are to be about loving our bodies always and not just in their perfection, then this is just another step in fighting what society tells us fat and skinny are. I hope that, in your journey, you can escape from feeling ashamed about weight gain. I struggle with it every day, but I know that it’s worth it to come out the other side truly myself rather than who someone else expects me to be, physically but more importantly, mentally. Keep being incredible and real. <3
I was thinking something like this yesterday. I’ve been eaten just veggies and meat lately to reach my ultimate goal as soon as possible. I’ve being trying to lean since a year ago and still can’t get the results I expected; it’s been tough. I’ve been feeling a bit sad and depressed just because I couldn’t eat a piece of fruit -something that i really love (and still is healthy)- either a liiiittle piece of chocolate. I felt like I was dying, seriously. So, yesterday I thought if it was worthy to sacrifice those little things that make you happy, just for losing a couple of pounds/grams of fat. So, I remembered this is about find your balance. I want to feel physically good but also I want to be mentally healthy, happy with my life. I never wanted to feel miserable because I’m supposedly “fat” and besides I can’t eat things I enjoy. I don’t want to live a life like that!! My ultimate goal now is just being happy 🙂 doing/eating things that are good for my soul, body and mind (chocolate! yummy). Dieting could be a self-punishment sometimes…
Reaching that body of my dreams is like anything else in life: it’s not just the final goal it’s about the process and I want to feel good and enjoy every single moment . One day I’ll look back and I’m going to feel proud about what I’ve become 🙂 (hope so)
I appreciate all you do for us, Cassey! I don’t want to follow a barbie-like girl, torturing myself for not being who i’d like to be. We go together in this trip 🙂
Excuse my english, but i’m not a native speaker 😛
Lots of love from Chile!
Girl you gaining weight is probably for the best, yes you rocked that bikini competition but you did look unhealthy skinny. Right now you look to me IDEAL. Do not put so much pressure on yourself. I would love to have the body you have. You are gorgeous inside and out. None of your followers are judging you, we are your support system as you are ours. I know my family puts pressure on me and my sisters as well but that is life, take those comments with a grain of salt (and don’t feel ashamed of it!). Life is too short to be obsessing on the little weight gains here and there. You know that you will keep yourself in check when it gets out of control. This post is inspiring and it is summer most people get more active now. Keep doing what you are doing because you look AMAZING.
Reading this broke my heart! That you felt this way about yourself. You should not have to feel ashamed. Yes, you are a fitness instructor. Yes, you are an inspirational woman. Yes, so many of us look up to you. But a little weight fluctuation isn’t going to change that! It’s just a reminder that you’re a human too, which makes you even more relatable. You’re not some superhuman adverse to the events that make other women put off workouts for a little bit or eat a little differently than they did during a strict time when they were eating super duper clean. IT’S OKAY. We know that no matter what, you are resilient and you are strong and you are a beautiful woman and amazing role model. Those who mentioned these things to you should re-evaluate their own lives before they go judging others.
Love you so much, you will always be an inspiration!
you look amazing. Just because you don’t have a fake tan, and your body fat percentage isn’t as low doesn’t mean you don’t look good. Sometimes it is nice to workout with someone who looks real. Most people do not look like that year round.
Hey this Winter I got a little ill. I pretty much stayed home and ate comfort foods. By the end of March I seen myself and was like damn! It took about a month of getting myself back to the “look” I want. All I am saying is things happen that you can’t control. Your body will do what it wants if you let it. Besides as long as you are happy in your own skin fat, skinny, muscles, tall, short who cares what the worlds thinks.
I was wondering why you looked so good and couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but it must be that you gained a little! I think it doesn’t look bad at all – and to call you fat is just plain stupid. But I understand what you’re feeling and that you feel pressured to maintain a perfect diet and workout schedule. But it is as you say – sometimes our lives just take over! Please don’t feel ashamed! I love your workout videos and I personally think you look amazing.
Hi Cassey,
Have we not learned that if you have to say ‘NO OFFENSE” before you say something, IT’S OFFENSIVE! To have a popster say “Have you gained weight? And if so, was is it due too many yolo diets?” SAY WHAT!? I read the ‘non-offensive’ comment yesterday and I was going to reply to that individual but I refrained from doing so because I didn’t want to draw more attention to it. The comment just emphasizes more on how distorted our body image is within our society.
Blogilates is a community of individuals who want to be active and healthy. Cassey, you set a great example of just that!!!! Not some unnatural and unachievable body. As you said in your post, it is not HEALTHY to remain on the body competition diet. Now, why on earth would an individual believe that this diet is practical to keep up with? The body for competitions is not natural. I am happy that you are healthy and providing your body with the nutrition it actually needs.
Don’t let one or two comments discourage you Cassey! You are an inspiration to many of us!!!
Thank you for your hard work of providing popsters with an outlet to workout and voice our opinions!!!
I like the weight on you! Not that u looked too skinny before but both sizes look good on you! I do have to admit though I miss seeing your abs in videos lol. No pressure or rush to get back to it. Enjoy the few pounds 🙂 Your still a beauty beasting it to me! LOVE U CASSEY!
Cassey! You are beautiful. Hatas goin’ hate.
i come from a spanish family that used to say “you look to skinny” or “why did u gain weight” so i feel you. many days i felt sad or ashamed if i was fat OR skinny.. there was never a balance..when i finally started eating better and feeling better i may not be “perfect” but i noticed I FEEL GOOD.. my motto in life has changed. its basically to do the best i can and to eat what makes me happy and what makes my body feel good.. I DO NOT FEAR FOOD. not even “YOLO” foods..i admire my grandmother who is 93 years old and is able to have a coke once in a while. she’s’ not constantly thinking “it can make me fat or its bad for me ” and casey i really admire you.. YOU”RE THE REASON WHY IM stronger now!!!! i have muscles in my legs because of ur workout.. and your body is strong..the fact that you have such stamina and can carry on and do all those exercises..i mean look at all the videos you have done! that’s something to look back and be proud of.. thank you for being yourself 🙂
Dear Cassie,
I don’t usually write anything on these comment sections but I think what you’ve written has struck a cord with a lot of the women who have read your comment. I think it shows how crippling our perception of beauty is. To me your achievements as a young business women, your dedication to what you work for and the quality of the holistic service you provide makes you a role model. Not a model …..selling a standard of beauty that most women would have to deprive themselves to maintain.
If you can still run long distances at a good pace, lift heavy weights and teach your Pilates classes you are clearly an extremely fit individual. You, no women for that matter, should have to apologize to anyone because she has gained some weight, particularly when said weight gain has no bearing on the standard of her work. Again you are not a model. You are a fitness instructor who is very good at her job. What I ,and all the others that follow you, buy into is your love of fitness and your realness. Chin up!x
Doing your videos and reading your posts makes me feel like I know you. You share so much of yourself with us, and you always stay so real. You are such a kind person and always so full of positive energy. Of course, you are also a real person, with a real life, and although many of us may feel that you are like a friend to us, we don’t know you or the struggles that you go through. A lot us can, myself included, understand all too well what it feels like to have people make you feel ashamed of eating normally. I gained weight when I started graduate school, and was in a relationship where the other person felt that it was appropriate to make comments about what I ate, how much exercise I did, how lazy I was, etc. The honesty in your post about feeling shame for eating normally really hits home, and it makes me feel so upset in the protective way that you feel when someone is mean to your friends.
That people would expect you to look the way you looked when you were at an unmanageable and probably unhealthy (for your body) weight makes me so sad. As someone who doesn’t know you, but who cares about you as a fellow woman, I hope you don’t do one of those competitions again. You look so healthy, and so fit, and I’m inspired by your workouts (that you make for us FOR FREE!!) everyday.
A person with such a good heart doesn’t deserve to be criticized and scrutinized the way you have been. You are a fitness trainer, and weighing your body’s happy weight won’t affect how you benefit the thousands of people who you inspire every day.
I don’t want to be trained by an un-relatable victoria’s secret model, I’m looking for a real person doing inspirational things that can be applied to my real life. Gaining and losing weight has been a part of my real life, and I’m glad to have a trainer like you to show me that health, fitness and beauty don’t have to be obtained by restricting yourself to chicken broccoli and egg whites for the rest of your life.
Thank you so much for all that you do! Day one of May muscles has left my legs and abs shaking!
Oh Cassey (and anyone else) you’re beautiful no matter what size you are.
But wow, yea, I completely understand this – been feeling the same way for a month or so.
Hard times, vacations, and injured myself.. Can’t say I’ve been to vigilant on working out or eating right..
But I still look at myself in the mirror – smile – and say, I’m beautiful ! <3
Thank you for your transparency, Cassie! This was a very brave thing to post. Even though you may have felt ashamed to post this, I know for certain that this has empowered people. I know it has empowered me. I had never been overweight, but over the summer, my BMI dropped to below 17 and I dropped about ten pounds. Like you, I loved the appearance, but could not maintain that diet and lifestyle forever. So, I gained back the ten pounds that I lost, and then ten more to go with it. Needless to say, the always known as “healthy” chick looks pudgy. This has been a difficult rut, but hopefully with your MAY workout calendar, some juicing, and some extra running, I’ll be back on track in no time. You will too!
Resonate it did, gorgeous! I do wish I had your body. I had a 9 pound baby two years ago on a 5’2” 120 pound frame. Needless to say, if I ever get back to 120 (which I realize isn’t that small) I will always have the scar from the c section and all the stretch marks… it makes it really hard to stay inspired. But you have helped. You have taken the focus off the stretch marks for me and made me strive to just be healthier, stronger and more confident. Its such a freeing feeling. And im closer to being there then ever. You’ve helped so many of us realize that there is more to all of this then scales. Im sorry others are forgetting. Please don’t ever forget yourself. We are strong, confident and healthy. And frankly, could kick any “skinny” persons ass. 😉
What a breath of fresh air! Bravo for being honest and REAL. I would say to take a minute and just be at peace with where you are now and not focus on the whipping back into bikini shape. The time will come for that. I too recently experienced a surprise weight gain this spring. I spent a few weeks panicking about it with thoughts of”Am I too fat to be a health food/fitness blogger?!” Then I remembered I am human being; weight fluctuations are normal. For all my life I focused on eating as little as possible to get by and working out as much as possible. Enough is enough. It is time for balance and eating to fuel my life and fitness.
Cassey- you’re right, as a fitness instructor, your body is an inspiration, but (!) more than that, YOU are an inspiration: in the way you approach self-improvement, your energy and commitment, your unending encouragement. THAT is why I do your videos, that’s why I’ve been following your blog for two years, because you know it isn’t just flashy abs that make you a strong woman. It’s about the positive energy you surround yourself with, an outlook I’ve learned from working out with you. And while my physique has certainly improved, more important my relationship with my self has improved.
You’re a strong woman living in a real world–and I so appreciate your honesty. Don’t dwell on the ugly comments or questions people ask. And maybe dedicate your next set of lunge kicks to busting through their negativity (: Cheers to you, Cassey. You are my inspiration.
I am also a fitness instructor, and feel the same pressure as you do to keep my body in tip-top condition; the body is what sells the product. I feel like, if I can’t look perfect, what right do I have to have people pay me to make them look perfect? When I first started really focusing on fitness and being consciously healthy back in high school (I’m now a junior in college), I dug myself into two different eating disorders: I had anorexia nervosa for about two years, and bulimia for a year after that (mind you, I was/am also a dancer, who’s body image is also constantly scrutinized). Body image became obsessive, and my friend’s who always commented on how thin I was just fed the fire. I thought I was eating clean, and being healthy. My younger sister watched as I obsessed about every calorie that went into my body, and began to follow suit (her being only 14 at the time). I watched her body get thinner and thinner, until she looked like a skeleton. I realized then that this is not healthy; neither of us looked healthy, and honestly, neither of us were truly happy in our tiny bodies because we were so limited and had zero energy! With some help, we began to put on the weight, and it was hard. VERY hard. Like you said, even looking at an apple was scary. But we both got back on track and learned how to truly be healthy. Five years recovered, I am now a fitness instructor, and professional dancer. I still feel the pressure to look perfect all the time given my career, and sometime feel myself slip into the “eating disorder mindset,” but have learned there is a difference between societies idea of perfect, and my own. I think it’s easier for people to be inspired by someone who is real. Sometimes I have to remind myself to put down the “fitness instructor mask” and remind people I struggle just as much as they do. I put on weight when I’m stressed (like now, in the middle of college finals week…. yikes!), and I lose weight other times. I get the comments from my friends too about the weight I’ve gained (or lost). The key for me is to not let the weight LOSS comments build me up, and the weight GAIN comments tear my down. Naturally, I can’t say I necessarily LIKE putting on weight, but we’re only human! So my pants are a little tighter this week? I can still kick butt come classtime. I have to always remind myself not to let the pressure of a career dictate my own happiness and sense of health. In the end, only you know how your body feels, and only you can make the decision as to when it feels healthy, and when you need to step it up a notch. Thank you for this post, Cassey! So honest!
this blog just makes me love Cassey even more, that means she’s being real and honest, everyone gains weight, its normal.
I’ve had to deal with weight gain for the last 7 years and the comments I get from my family. I got an Asian family as well. I used to be the slimmest of my sisters and had gotten plenty of complements on my shape. When I started my science major in college, I got into a car accident and couldn’t exercise for 3 months. Couple that with sitting and studying all the time, I began to gain weight. At my first 5 pounds, I got accused of getting pregnant by my mother because “my belly was so round.” At family parties, my relatives would whisper and ask if I had gotten pregnant. Its so hard to say, “No, I just got fat.”
I moved out of my parents house 4 years later, and thats when I really began to pack on pounds. I’ll admit I had poor eating habits during that time, and I also attribute the weight gain to a stressful work life and taking full course loads. I gained 15 pounds pretty fast in one year. That hurt me even more. At family parties, relatives would be so blunt. They would say they havent seen me for a while and they would say I’ve gained weight. Everytime I would see my parents, my dad would comment on how big my arms have gotten and I became ashamed to wear sleeveless shirts.
I was able to lose 14 pounds in one year but I had gained it all back in the process of applying for pharmacy school. My parents were proud of me for getting in, yes, but they seemed to be more horrified by my weight gain. My dad has called me several times and asked me while I was eating if I think I could lose weight. He’s made comments like “don’t eat too much while you’re out there.” (I moved to Vegas) Sometimes I would snap and tell him those are horrible questions and how could he ask me something like that. My mom looks at my weight gain like I’ve done something horribly wrong, but then again a lot of my parents look at my weight gain as the most horrible and sinful thing I could ever do. Its like I did something incredibly offensive and wrong, like all that I had worked for ( (graduate with a double major, getting into pharms school) meant nothing and didn’t account for anything since I could not keep a good figure. At times my family would look at the clothing I would wear and act as if I should be wearing a tarp instead.
Its really hard, sometimes I don’t want to go outside and I want to just cover up and wish no one will notice me. Even though I have a boyfriend that loves me, sometimes I wish he could tell me more often if I’m beautiful to him. I’ll become so ashamed of myself. I remember I was going to have a girls night with my new girlfriends out here and I couldn’t decide what dress to wear. Every dress I owned to me looked ugly on me and at one point I wanted to cry and stay at home because I’ve become so ashamed of my flaws (stomach sticks out, butt is there, arms are too big).
I love doing your videos Cassey because its really helping me get my confidence back and help me actually lose weight at a good pace. I am really motivated by your videos and comments because it encourages me to live a healthy lifestyle so that what I lose (weight) and weight I gain (muscle tone) will be consistent and easy to maintain. It does create differences that I don’t think I could see but others can. For my girls night out (3 months of doing blogilates), after an hour I eventually chose a dress and I was surprised when I was told sincerely I looked nice in it. I remember I wore a skirt to school for the first time and I saw my reflection in one of the windows and I wished I could go back home and change into pants because I thought my thighs were too big, but I received so many compliments from my classmates. I feel good after I do your workouts and I hope I can keep it up. I’m just glad that I can finally vent my frustrations to a really supportive community.
Cassey, congrats on being set free!! Thank for sharing with us that u r hums and are subject to ALL the same struggles we experience. I pray that God gives u more brave to continue doing what ur doing. Fight on sista!!
Cassey! So crazy how life works. I really needed to read this today. I was feeling so worthless. Like a failure for losing weight and then falling off the wagen… but seeing you.. someone with the body I desire… have the same stuggles as me really lifted weight off my shoulders. I thought my family was the only rude ones! Lol! Its not just Asian families.. its puerto rican ones too.. they don’t hold back. Anyway.. I too.. will be getting back on track and will not apologies for enjoying my life.. I’m not a body builder..I’m a woman with more going on then diet and exercise. You are absolutely beautiful and I love your positive spirit. Thanks for sharing your feelings.
This makes me sad that someone would actually leave those comments. It is one thing to think someone has gained weight, but to say it outloud lends to ones own insecurities. I have had the same comments from my family members in the past and regardless of whether it was true or not, it still hurt and I will never forget it.
I can’t understand why it is almost natural for women to body shame other women. I have recently lost 20lbs. (through blogilates and clean eating…yay!) and I am constantly having to defend myself against the “you’re too skinny” or “how much weight do you want to lose” comments. Before I lost the weight, it was the opposite reaction. These people don’t see that I am healthier and stronger than I have ever been, they only judge me based on physical appearance. When will women be ever be nice and supportive to other women?
Keep your head up, we are all on our own journey! 🙂
In the beggining when you were talking about family members saying those things to you, it was like deja vu for me. I am from Russia where they are also very weight conscious, and I heard all of those things from family and friends when I was 15 years old. That was a major influence on the beginning of my eating disorder. Although exercise has helped me find a tolerable way to handle it, I am still struggling with an unhealthy mindset. The fact that you are psychologically strong enough to make conscious decisions and keep yourself healthy and on track even after the ups and downs of life is something I admire and also envy. And you do this without resorting to any extremes. Many people want to be able to have a healthy mind like that. You are an inspiration in more ways than one. Don’t let the comments upset you more than they already have.
Oh my gosh Cassey, I feel the EXACT same way. Over the summer, I went to a ballet camp for 5 weeks, and we were dancing more than 6 hours a day for 5 weeks. I felt such a change in my body and for the first time, I was so confident in how I looked. This past weekend, I auditioned at the same place for their year round program for next year, and they told me that I “was in better shape, and was more toned over the summer.” I was crushed. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m so self conscious of my body, so it was really hard for me. They basiclly told me that I need to lose weight before the year begins next year. So I totally understand how you feel. Wish you the best of luck, we can get back to our best shape together!! Love you.
Cassey my dear, you are my inspiration no matter how much you weigh on the scale. I think you look great with more meat in your booty. When you were really thin, I was a bit worried actually (even though I know that there’s nothing to worry about).
I’m a bit overweight all my teenage years and until now in fact. My family call me ‘fattie’. I like it actually. I do want to lose weight and be slim. Every day I’m fighting to achieve that. And you, you are my idol. You show me that everything is possible. Since last year after I started reading your blog and following your videos, I have lost 10 lbs!!!
I like eating clean as much as I could, but I can’t resist cake, ice cream, froyo, cookies and chips in some occasions. I don’t want to be thin but survive on juices, soup, or apples only. Life is more than that. I enjoyed working out and running, but with things in life, these days I can’t manage to exercise as much as I used to do. So now I take the stairs more often. I run when I want to hurry to some places. I do feel good when I lose some weight. When I gain some, I know that I need to cut down some cookies or walk some more kilometers. What goes up must and will come down!!!
I don’t mind if anyone calls me fat coz I know how many push-ups I can do, how far I can run, how long I can squat, and how heavy I can lift. I am healthy and I am happy. That is the bottom line for me.
I just came across an inspirational video on youtube and I wanna share it with you and everyone. I really hope that you get to see it.
Let me start by saying I think you are an amazing trainer. I literally had NEVER worked out till your videos. It stinks that someone who watches your videos to stay fit actually said something about your body. Being a mom and working so hard to be healthy and fit, I actually relate better when your are not doing the comp. because I kinda felt like the things you had to do were borderline unhealthy. I like watching the everyday girl who makes me laugh through a tough workout. On the other hand I feel for you because I know how bad it hurts when someone says something about your physical appearance. I know how it feels to be guilty about eating something you know isn’t great for you. Just know that most of watch you because you make us feel good about ourselves and working out. You have always said that being healthy and fit is more important than being skinny. Just know we all aspire to eventually have the body you have and be as strong as you are!!!
Thank you for this post. I am new to clean eating and Blogilates workouts. It makes me sad that someone as fit as you is criticized for gaining weight, when my whole life I have been overweight. I’m working to change that now but how found myself easily discouraged. This post has re-motivated me to ignore the haters and keep my head up! No woman should have to put up with comments from other people, it’s your body and no one elses! Go girl!
Never ever someone has called me fat, exepct my mom, maybe :/ but its just her and her odd comments, so It didn’t affect me much time, even if she says so now, it wouldn’t make a difference at all (even tho last time she mentioned the topic, she said I was thin)
This post kinda make me feel good, like….you’re human OMG!
Why I say so? I do your videos, but one every two -three days *shame* but then this April I went full into the April calendar! I felt so sore every day, but so proud of my self! I didn’t matter if I was tired (I’m a sporty girl) or If I had tons of homework (University can be so hard!) I did them, but then, at some point, I get way too much homework, and I got involved in something like a.. surprise! you’ve got a competition next weekend! so the day came and I just couldn’t.
I embraced the idea of having many homeworks and kept repeating myself “you still dance 13 hours a week, you still train, you still skate, you still do Yoga” so I didn’t felt so guilty, not about weight (If I ever gained some) but about quitting, I hate quitting, that’s why you’re one of my #1 inspirations, not because of your muscles or your body, but for your attitude so a part of me, on the inside was still like: Cassey I failed youuuu T_T. So it may be a little selfish, but this post is like a relief.
About the weight? who cares? just lose it again and that’s it, and if you don’t its ok, your body still rock so much…
Cassey, while watching your last video I told my mom I love your body because it’s not crazy ridiculous. I look at you and think you know, if I try hard I can look like Cassey. I love you and what you’ve done for me. I now love working out and I never have in my life. So thank you for all you’ve done.
You definitely have not let yourself go. You look lovely. Like you said, you can’t keep your body fat percentage down so low all the time. I actually really like hearing about your YOLO meals. They make me feel like it’s possible to really live out a 80/20 healthy lifestyle and feel good. So, in summary – you look great and thanks for always being an encouragement to me. 🙂
Hi Cassey, I’ve never commented before, but I just had to this time. Reading this post made me so emotional and sick. You are beautiful. When I discovered you last year, I was really struggling with some deep issues. I was fighting severe depression and anxiety that was ruining my marriage, and I had never felt worse about myself in my life. When I found your videos, they became such a light in my life. I would go all day counting down until my kid’s bedtime so that I could put on some pop pilates and feel that positive, happy, kind energy. I did lose weight, but that is not the thing that saved me, not the thing that was important. I felt like myself again, I felt beautiful, and happy – and everything became so positive.
It makes me so sad and upset that people say such awful things, and that they believe them gor themselves as well. There is no reason for you to take any weight off. There is no reason that you should feel like you need to ‘get back on track’. You are beautiful and healthy. There is nothing wrong here to fix. The ultimate goal is happiness and health, if you have those things there is nothing to fix. Thank you, Cassey, for being the amazing, wonderful light and inspiration that you are, and thank you for everything that you do, and have done for me without even knowing. Never change.
Scrunitizing Asian family? Oh yes. Know that all too well. In my family, my sisters and I are all considered “overweight” according to our BMI’s. However, we all workout, feel healthy, and feel strong. Moreover, my doctor isnt even concerned because my blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and sugar levels are all good. I struggled for so long with those few pesky pounds that tip me over to the overweight category. I know I could probably slim down to where I need to be by the numbers by doing the same type of strict dieting and exercise you did for your competition, but I’m a working mom who has only so many hours after work to spend time with my son and husband and get the daily stuff done. I barely squeeze in my workouts but always try to most days of the week. After starting your videos last month, I haven’t lost a single pound, but I FEEL better. I feel so much stronger. Not sure how different I look to other people, probably not so different because I haven’t gotten and comments, but I’m just so happy to be able to tree push ups and complete your videos. I’ve learned that though you are capable if changing your body, you have to be realistic about those changes and maintaining them. There’s a fine balance between what you want your body to look like and the sacrifices to get there and stay there. Honestly, I think I’m much happier being a few pounds heavier and having that balance of an acceptable level of fitness rather than getting down to the size 2 and obsessing about it instead of enjoying life and food with my family and friends. In your Drive By Inner Thighs video (I know because this video is on regular rotation into workouts, lol), you talk about your high protein diet and even say that this type of dieting is temporary and you can’t do it for the rest of your life. Your body needs nourishment and nutrition.
I love how honest you are in all your posts and u know it takes a lot to come out and say something like this to so many people. I’m so glad you did because I know I feel this way too. That some how “letting go” and gaining some weight is negative. It’s not about the pounds or the weight. It’s about your happiness and if that means carrying a couple extra pounds then so be it. It’s YOUR body and you know you still look good and feel good.
I think this post is really what I needed to read today. I’ve been really stressed in general lately and when I get stressed I tend to worry about gaining weight (even though I’m quite thin and toned and fit). With finals this week and next, and being at a college I’m not comfortable at at all, my stress has been insane, so I’ve been on the verge of obsessing over my weight and appearance again. Reading this post today definitely helped me, thank you Cassey for being such an inspiration <3
Dear Cassey,
Thank you for your honesty. In a world (fitness world) full of hipocrisy, you told us your truth and I could never be prouder of being one of your Popsters! You’ve come a long way to feel ashamed of ANYTHING! You look great and you are a humam being. Period. Get back on track when you feel you’re ready to and that’s it! I guarantee everyone will still be here with you. I started my tranformation back in January after one of my aunts asked me if I was pregnant again (I’m a mother of 2). That made me so sad and sick of my figure that triggered my transformation. Today, I’m 8 kgs thinner and my abs are to die for! lol Thanks to you and your tips! And I’m about to turn 40 (05/21). I’m proud of myself for finding you and proud of you for keeping it real to all of us! Love always!
I watched that video and didnt even have a clue that you gained weight! You always look amazing Cassey!
I’m lucky in the way that when I tell people that I feel fat, overweight, chubby or always bloated, they tell me I look normal and sometimes even skinny (mostly from my mum so idk if that counts haha) but I can understand what you’re saying, if someone said I looked fat I wouldn’t be as strong, I would not be happy about my body whatsoever.. I’m glad you can push aside the hate and look forward and own it 🙂 you’re so inspirational Cassey!
When I first saw one of your videos I thought to myself: Finally, someone looking normal. Because, most of the fitness instructors have quite slim bodies, slimmer than the majority will ever do. Coming from a country (I live in Bosnia-Herzegovina btw) where eating healthy is really expensive and the majority cannot afford to eat fruits, veggies, fish etc on a daily basis, it unrealistic to have a body like most fitness instructors do. Lots of people here don’t have the time or money to pay for fitness classes or even go to a gym.
What we can do and is really not expensive is to be healthy. We can move, take a walk, run, dance, workout at home and eat what we eat normally. We don’t need to be a certain weight nor to have a certain body fat percentage. We don’t need to have defined abs. But we can be fit. Isn’t being fit the whole point of all of this?
Cassey, you look great. Really. I appreciate you for not being too thin. You look normal, human. You look like we all can achieve to look like you. Your spirit is so uplifting, you motivate me to get of my couch and be active and I know I’m not the only one. And that is something you should be proud of.
This is probably one of of your top 10 posts. I think I speak for everyone when I say we feel closer to you. We are human. You’ve proved that nothing can stop you – videos haven’t stopped and broom stick video
… I am still feeling it!!!
Thank you and love you.
Girl, your body is rockin’ — don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are lean and mean. I am a fairly fit young woman and I can BARELY make it through most of your videos. Props on posting about a tough issue, but don’t dwell on it too long!!!
I think you look great (: don’t let others put you down, I get the same way sometimes though. Ill just sit at home and get a crazy idea of not eating for a couple of days but then I think again and say “heck I can’t do that! I’m too Hungary!!!” Lol but I do have a little baby bump after having my son and that doesn’t make me feel good to look at it. Some days i don’t really care and some days I do. But I’ve also been busy and it’s hard to get back on track after 3 weeks of not doing your videos but I’m starting over today and I know I’ll feel better after killing myself with your videos. Haha jk but ill feel better
What? Gained weight? Fat? I can´t believe this. I did your Abc abs workout few hours ago and all I thougt was that how beautiful and strong you are…
I started watching and doing your videos about two months ago. You have made such a tremedous impact on my life, and I watch you on youtube…It’s amazing to me that someone I have never met can inspire me so much to do better, to be better. I’m sorry that anyone had the balls to call you fat. I mean really, lets be serious for a minute. You’re one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. You inspire people to be healthy and positive about themselves. It was selfish of someone to try and make you feel bad because you go through the same things as the rest of us. I have two young kids, I gained 45 lbs when I was pregnant. It is so hard to lose that weight! But since the begining of the year I’ve lost 10lbs (20 total) and ALOT of inches. I’m never going to be model skinny, but I’m going to be happy in my body and healthy in my life. You’ll always be a beautiful role model for women everywhere. I thank you for that.
Hey Cassey, thanks so much for writing this post. I’m thin and always have been but my weight does fluctuate a little and my husband notices. It hurts my feelings when he mentions it but then it always gets me back on track. It’s hard because he doesn’t know what to do when it happens to help me get back to my leaner body without just coming out and saying it. It’s a difficult and very delicate situation. But you’re right. Everyone’s body fluctuates to some degree and I’m ok with that! Keep being you’re awesome self. You’re beautiful!
You are beautiful!
I actually think you look better now than when you did the bikini competition. Seeing how hard the bikini competition was I couldn’t help thinking it wasn’t natural.
I personally love my curves and once you got the confidence you can flaunt it. I’d rather have them than worry about my body fat %. Besides guys love curves.
No one wants to hug a bag of bones as my mother says.
Cassey, you look health, happy and confident. DO NOT WORRY about weight gain.
and you haven’t failed as a fitness instructor you still inspire, you still motivate me to take out my mat and complete my daily dose of pilates.
And you are very far from even touching on being fat. Got to enjoy those YOLO foods and live a little. We can’t spend our lives in gyms to have that perfect body every day.
Don’t worry about your body imagine. Some other people just haven’t accepted that bodies change all the time you can’t stay statically at the same weight all the time you’d kill yourself.
You are still my idol I will still try to do the plank half as well as you can. Thats my goal for this summer. Keep your Head up your an amazing person.
From the curvy Irish Girl.
You always look amazing… Some people just have no tact. Thanks for sharing your feelings on this xx
I like posts like this. I mean I don’t like the reasons behind why you need to do write it but I do think at times things like this need to be said. The counter argument to the self-promoting ‘the fitness community is really helpful and willing to help people out’. I have great respect for people, like yourself, that admit that at times the other areas of your life can be more important than bodily perfection.
It has actually be a long road for me to want to get into fitness, and I’m still struggling with the concept of eating healthier, all because of how judgemental I’ve found people. I haven’t wanted to get involved in that world because of the way people get treated if they fall out of it, or they don’t try hard enough, or don’t dedicate 110%. It scares me. Having been around several close friends with eating disorders the extremism scares me – to me the line is far too blurry and I’d rather stay away.
I would go so far as to say I have been bullied for my fitness level. I’m certainly not overly fit but there hasn’t been a point in my life where I haven’t been capable of running 5km or doing sit-ups (push-ups is a different thing). People just attack, whether through snide remarks, cheap anonymous or to my face. It isn’t sending the right message at all. People should be happy with themselves first, not being encouraged to think they have to change to be happy.
I think every experience should be valid in the process of inspiring us, your popstars. I am from Brazil and currently running crazy towards the end of the semester, with lots of work to do and very little time to do anything else, like sleep or do the videos, as a result, I gained some weight back in the last two weeks and today I saw the numbers and just felt a complete failure, until I visited your blog and saw you sharing the same kind of experience.
So the kind of visibility you have can be used in so many ways you know, even if they’re not the experiences we want to have, like gain weight or lose muscle toning. I then realized I already lost 13 kilos and two weeks are not going to define me, I will pay more attention to my eating these final days of college and go back exercising harder and better, with the right amount of sleep, since I’m so close to my goal now, and I hope one day I can send you my before and afters and also be an inspiration 🙂
So Cassey, your weight gain reminds me of the reason I started this workout, it’s because it’s a healthy, persistent way of achieving a better life, and not just aesthetically. So there you go, keep up with the amazing work! Since it’s winter here I have a lot of time to excercise until my bikini season, I want to look gorgeous 😀
Watched the video. You look fine/great…. and I’m a pretty analytical/critical person. You really haven’t gained THAT much. I think you had more fat on your body in your OLD videos. It’s hard to stay ONE way forever…. It’s actually more than hard… it’s impossible. I am 5’9″ and fluctuate between 129 and 136 lbs. throughout the year. I am so critical on myself though because I want to be 120-125 lbs. and once I hit 129 I climb back up again. 🙁 It’s really hard to accept my body when I hit 136 but I have to remember that I am HEALTHY, I work out regularly and eat pretty clean as well. It’s a really nice reminder that HEALTH should be your overall goal, not vanity. Being a girl, it’s so easy to flip that truth.
Don’t feel ashamed please, you look wonderful and skinny(the routine you kept for the bikini competition is impossible to follow forever, just to mantein that weight(which, even though you looked amazing i don’t think is healthy(I have studied nutrition)), you are an inspirational role model,keep up with the good work, and ignore the haters, let’s be sore!
Dear Cassey,
I’ve always loved you but EVEN MORE NOW. I am a caucasian american who moved to asia when i was 12. It was very hard, and I have has SO many people say hurtful things to me. I was so young, and just a bit chubby. I even had a few people ask me if I was pregnant. I WAS TWELVE!!!
When I was 16 I started losing weight and loved people saying how pretty and thin I was getting. I took it too far. I just loved people telling me I was getting so pretty and skinny. It was wrong though. And with Jesus and my family, I made the right choice and gained some weight.
Now I am 21 and thanks to your videos am more fit and healthy than I have ever been. I love your blog, and your workouts. I still live in Asia, and I struggle with hurtful words nearly every week.
I guess I said all this to say that I understand. And that I love you. And that your openness and honesty helps me so much. Your body does need a break, I honestly think you should keep some of your weight gain. You look marvelous, and if you can do more, and be more, and feel more with X extra pounds, then why wouldn’t you?
Keep your eyes up, girl. <3
Please continue to be human, LOL, all of us that strive to be as beautiful as you inside and out, need to know you’re not completely perfect!
Great post Cassey! I am a personal trainer and fitness instructor and I have gained some weight over the last few months. It is such a bummer, and I get so down on myself. But I know that I just need to lighten up my attitude and eat better – I love dessert lol 🙂
Cassey, you’re beautiful. Thank you for your post, it went straight to my heart. Who cares about weight as long as you feel good and healthy? Love you.
Cassey you are honestly the most beautiful woman, you are my absolute inspiration. Everything you say is so real and so true. Never change who you are, you are beyond fantastic! xoxox
The part that really got me was when you said you don’t want to be the ‘before’ of a ‘before and after’. Since I am not a fitness guru like you, I can’t imagine the pressures you must be under to fit into this perfect mold – whatever that may be. But you have to understand how your positivity inspires people, makes you relatable to us and thoroughly enjoyable. And your image is nothing to be ashamed of – its a testament to your balance of being a crazed fitness girl and a human being
On a personal note, while I haven’t been called ‘fat’, I have been called ‘big’ – like that ‘big girl’. As a taller girl, I never had that petite cute phase – I always towered over my peers and my body just naturally had to be larger to support my height. During sports games, coaches would call out to cover the ‘big girl’ and it really impacted my self esteem. Even years later when girls would say ‘ well I’m just smaller than you’ it would go right up my spine. I’ve struggled with my confidence and self image and I am still fighting that battle. It’s wrong to label people for any reason. Just do onto others as you would want.
Sending you a hug xo
I have lost 2 stone after the birth of my second child, i didnt lose much after my first child and the weight crept on, so i made a conscious decision to lose it this time, and I feel great. I met someone yesterday who complimented me on my weight loss, “oh you look great, you ve managed to lose the weight this time”. Talk about giving a compliment with one hand and taking it away with the other! I think those negative comments only affect you if you allow them to, it says a lot more about the person with the negative attitude! Love your blog 🙂
I have a specific family member who does this same thing, I actually avoid family functions with this person because of it! When she is feeling insecure about herself it’s like she searches people out of the crowd to preach her latest diet and fitness routine, always some dad powder shake or pill. It took me a LONG TIME to 1) stop believing that her opinion was the opinion of everyone else and 2) letting it define who I am and how I feel. Fitness is SO MUCH MORE than the look! It’s the strength you gain to run a bit further each day; it’s moving that weight up a notch with hammer curls and bench presses, it’s about getting to the top of the stairs and still being able to breath! My body wasn’t made to have a 00 size. It’s frustrating that people think these fitspo pics are easy…. Attainable, without looking into how it’s achieved. At what needs to be consistently sacrificed. Why? Why not love your body for what it does for you every day? Instead of how it looks while doing it. You’re real Cassie; which is exactly why I follow you. You eat whole real foods, you talk about what’s really on your mind; and the results I’m seeing in myself are real too. Don’t let comments get you down. If anything is guaranteed in this world, is that there will always be negative comments to bring you down, especially in this industry.
This post made me cry. I have been going through a similar situation lately and I have been feeling awful about myself, and continuing to spiral and gain weight for weeks. Thank you for this. It’s so nice to feel like I’m not alone. Today, I am going to pick myself back up and give myself a fresh start.
Cassey, don’t feel ashamed or guilty for gaining weight. As you said it’s just part of life and you are a human being. You are beautiful, and cheerful, and have always inspired us to live a healthy life. Thank you for doing so, I’m sure that you live a healthy life and have a busy schedule. I do know how terrible it is to be asked: “Have you gained wieght?” I have heard this question many times and every time it happens I feel terrible and it doesn’t help me at all, it just makes me want to eat even more YOLO meals and feel even worse. But I also know that (as you also said) my weight doesn’t define who I am. Gaining some pounds doesn`t make you less of an inspiration. Just the fact that you shared this with us shows that we can relate even more to you. We love you!!! You are beautiful!!
Hi Casey!!!!
I think your are sooo real and so great for it I love you and think your still the best at what you do. is ridiculously hard to keep your body like that all the time and your body needed that break …you still look healthy and happy !!! Love you !!!
Honestly Cassey, I think you look great. You look real and you work hard. You keep helping everyone out there get in shape with all the videos you keep posting. Don’t let any stupid comment bring you down. My dad does that to me all the time, so I know how much it hurts. But regardless how my body looks, Im a happy person and, to me, as long as I try to stay healthy and Im not overweight, Im happy. You should be too 🙂 Keep up the amazing work and don’t let ignorant people phase you 🙂
P.S. Id love to see these people try to do the work out and talk as much as you do at the same time. That`s pretty darn impressive if you ask me 😉
Cassey, don’t fret sweetie. I started working out then stopped and had a friend ask me recently “Hey, how’s the exercising going? You must be down to a routine by now, eh?” I felt ridiculously guilty. Also, my mom has ALWAYS called me fat. Her and my aunts have always laughed at my weight in front of me and made me feel inferior. So what did I do? I went home and ate through the stress of that and so many other issues that were bothering me. Then I realized that eating won’t help. Sure feeding yourself is important but properly and not through stress. I am going back to eating healthier and starting to exercise again. My point is we are all human, just as you are so don’t worry about gaining a few pounds. It’s life and life is hard and stressful but beautiful and wonderful too. Keep it up.
“How could you let this happen?”
Someone really sad that? A little dramatic, no? It’s a couple pounds of weight gain, not a war crime. Honestly, some people must live charmed lives if their favorite YouTube fitness instructor looking slightly different is so earth shattering.
I meant “said that” but “sad” definitely applies in to that comment.
Hi Cassey,
I have been following your blog and doing your videos for over two and a half years now and absolutely love you and them. I stll can’t believe how strong you are. There have been atleast a million times when doing your videos I say to myself how does she do that.
I followed you during your bikini competition and while reading your posts about it all I was a little turned off from the blog because I felt like you always promote being healthy and to not worry about weight but about how you feel. I felt you got too skinny during that time and wasn’t eating healthy like you always tell us too. When I watched your ABC abs video, I thought to myself wow she looks great. She looks just like she did before the bikini competition which was when you felt good about yourself. So just think of that and thanks fror all you do for us.
Cassey you’re beautiful and look amazing! I love that you are REAL and that you don’t let everyone think you are perfect at all times! I respect you so much! You’re awesome, don’t ever be ashamed! xoxoxo
Seriously? “wheres your inner thigh gap?” Sounds disturbed to my ears. And so rude!
Some people are just so unhappy in their lives, that they have to put others down in order to feel better.
In my opinion, even if you gain a lot of weight and become the heaviest person on earth, you’ll still be the best fitness instructor ever (and a wonderful human being). You’re inspiring and always get me in the mood to workout. Thank you for sharing this, it’s something I think we all can relate to. <3
Oh, it is so nice! Really<3
Cassey!! That was a wonderful post- you’re an inspiration to all of us. But really? I think you look better NOW. Yep. Of course you look amazing in the bikini photos, but to me you look SOOOO much healthier in your recent photos and videos.
You are amazingly strong and still incredibly thin, but now you look like the perfect balance that you encourage us all to cultivate in our lives- healthy eating, exercise, and positive thoughts.
The people who commented those mean things on your video are stupid- they’re just propagating the ideas behind eating disorders and body issues.
Trust me. You are amazing and beautiful right now.
It’s sad that we live in a world where some would ever consider you “Fat”!!! I saw your ABC ABS video the other night and I didn’t notice at all. You still look AMAZING!
Wow, that is such a mean thing to say.. the people who said that probably hate their own bodies, otherwise why would they say that? They’re trying to make themselves feel better by bringing down others.
But Cassie you shouldn’t feel ashamed about it, and you know that even bikini models have an on and off season. It’s impossible to look like that year-round unless you’re taking pills or something. You’re only HUMAN, not a machine! No one should expect you to be perfect, including yourself.
– Tara
i love you! <3 dont get discouraged Cassey! remember you are an inspiration for us JUST because of that not because you dont have any fat on your body.U keep going no matter are human and thats where we count on! 😉
I just can say I love this post..even i would tell mom when we would workout together..”Has Cassey put on weight?”..but honestly..u look better in the ABC Abs..than the BB2 Sexy Legs..I feel u look very crazy in that..i like u just the way u are..anyways the outer look doesn’t matter when you are beautiful inside…I love u for the way you have made me workout (seriously) in the past 22years..!!YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION!
Ugh, I really needed this Cassie. I had a little breakdown last night in fact about this very same thing. I’m studying abroad for the semester and totally got side tracked by the fun and travel opportunities and have recently been noticing my clothes getting tighter and things jigglier. Especially someone as short as I am (barely 5’2). Even the slightest weight gain will show a lot. sucks man. We all know its not the end of the world but for me it was so discouraging and it saddened me that all the hard work i’ve been putting into my workouts and diet for the past year or so has been for nothing. I’m back to where i started. My family is very open about criticizing my appearance. I am afraid that the first thing they say to me when i get home is that i’ve gained weight. Other people try to comfort you, say you’re crazy but it doesn’t do any good if you don’t believe it. It can sometimes make it worse.
I am so glad you posted this. Makes me feel a little better coming from you, someone I look up to so much and have been motivated by for the past year. <3
oopsies! Cassey* <3
Cassey, thank you so much for posting this. It was something I really needed to hear. I’ve gained about 10 lbs my first year at university and have been pretty down on myself lately since my pants and shorts are tighter and my tummy sticks out farther. But you know what, this doesn’t change the fact that I am still an intelligent, kind, loving, LOVED, and BEAUTIFUL individual. Again, thank you for posting this.
Honestly, I think you look very healthy and fit!! You were so little after your competition and I know for awhile I couldn’t watch blogilates videos because I thought I had to look like that. Crazy, right? You are and will always continue to be a great source of inspiration. You seem to be in a happier place right now, and guess what. You can’t survive on protein alone!! Protein as energy is a very slow metabolic process and the least efficient form compared to carb and fat. You need carbs!
So, to wrap it up. You are beautiful, inside and out, don’t let a few pounds keep you from feeling otherwise.
How cruel of people to say those things to you. I like your body more toned up, that’s why at 27 years old, for the first time in my life, i have the motivation to work out, because of your toned body! Your bikini body does not look healthy, in fact i would not want to look like that , looking forward to the muscle tone you have now. Your my inspiration to change, thank you for that.
I love the realness and honesty of this post. As a 43 year old (mother of 2), I can only say – yes there are times that I’m not at my happy weight but you’re right – I’m still me!!
Thank you for this post!!
Cassey, I admire you so much! You work so hard and help so many people! I am also a Fitness Trainer and I have been feeling just like you! I lost my Father in December to Pancreatic Cancer. The last year has been all about caring for him and my mom. I have had little time for me much less my clients, so I have not been working out much during the past year and found it difficult to find the time to workout myself. I, too have gained some weight and lost some muscle mass. I am working very hard to get myself back in tip top shape before I start training others because I have felt like they wouldn’t trust a trainer that let herself get out of shape no matter what the circumstances. I have lost my self confidence!
Thank you so much for sharing how you are feeling! It has helped me so much! Maybe I needed to feel this way to be more sensitive to my clients. You have inspired me to dust off those weights and get back to helping others be as healthy as they can be and forgive myself a little for not always being perfect.
Your Sister in Fitness Training,
Hi Cassey, I’m honestly really proud of you for “admitting” this fact. Honestly, don’t feel upset about it or anything, I did notice some slight weight gain, but I thought it was normal and I felt that you look really good still. Like as always. You’re my inspiration. Like, I always aim to be like you whenever I followed whatever you did in your youtube videos. I admit, sometimes your moves get so tough, I slacked a little, but i quickly regained my senses and said ” No, if i want to be like cassey, i got to start Moving” So, I just want you to know, dont be disheartened or anything because, I’m asian, i’m chinese, i know how you feel. I feel your pain, i feel your inferiority. Whenever someone says “fat” to me, I’d die a million inside, but I’ m not gonna let them get the better of me. So FEAR NOT. Your supporters will always stay true to you.. 🙂
With Love,
I’m from an Asian family and I have been getting those comments since I was around 9 years old. Now, I’m 16, 5’1″, and I started working out to your videos. Now I look more matured and my body changed a lot. I lost some weight now and some of my relatives, would still say that I’m gaining weight. It hurts to hear those words and to be compared to my other cousins, that actually looks malnourished and super petite for their age. I realized that I’m happy with my body and I can just prove them wrong. Thanks Cassey for inspiring me and sharing this!
You have a beautiful mind Cassey, and you know what’s right for you and your body. Sometimes it’s hard to fight your inner demons. I won’t patronize you on your honest comments about your struggles. Keep up the good work and know that you are truly loved by us all!
I have been getting these comments my entire life! What these aunties don’t understand is people have stress and issues they need to deal with in life. It isn’t that I want to gain weight. However, after getting depressed about it, the comments turned into a source of motivation for me.
A month ago a co-worker (who is a repeat offender) made a 5 minute descriptive comment about my weight in front of the rest of the office staff. This included measuring my wrist, saying I’m big boned, threatening that my boyfriend would leave me if I didn’t lose weight, and trying to get all the staff to agree with her opinion. They all just laughed and I had to sit there and smile awkwardly. This was all sparked by a 350calorie Michelina’s pasta lunch I was having…..”you shouldn’t be eating that, you are already fat it will make you fatter.” I just love it when they justify it by saying,” I’m not being mean, I’m saying it because I care.” I took one bite and threw it away, I simply couldn’t keep eating. I had to walk away, holding back my tears til I reached the staff washroom, where I exploded. 🙁 I could not forget about it. Saying it to me privately is one thing. Doing it in front of the whole office is beyond despicable. I couldn’t have escaped her comments even if I had salad. She would announce to the whole clinic: ahh Jen why are you having salad? Are you on diet? It’s about time! You should lose some weight.
A month later I returned more than 10 lbs lighter. She does not say a word to me. I was swimming in my scrubs. She never again made a comment about what I eat. (Even though I eat mostly salads now). They say the best revenge is living well, isn’t that true.
I love the way you approached this. It’s hard to not indulge in food after going all out on a serious workout stretch. I don’t always follow your workout videos for my routine but I do like to read your blog. Your attitude and genuine approach to working out is what inspires me. I think you are absolutely stunning in this way. Don’t ever let anyone get you down. You are an amazing human being and I am thankful that you have the dedication to keep up your attitude.
thats why I like you!!!! you are real and normal and we can see…..:) keep going youre beautiful!!!!
Cassey, you look great! I definitely don’t think gaining some weight is a bad thing–maintaining low weight is a lot of work and can actually be quite taxing on your body (and mental health). As long as you are fit and strong, weight shouldn’t really matter!
Keep up the great work!
I’ve only commented here once or twice, but I felt it was important to say this.
It’s natural to gain and lose weight throughout your life. I watched your bikini competition transition and I started to worry for you. In your big “summing up” blog for the competition, you talked about how the last couple weeks, you were really strict and had to deprive yourself of condiments. You talked about how you were cranky and moody. You talked about even depriving yourself of water. It is so amazing that you were able to compete in the competition, but is it really living if you’re depriving yourself so severely and doing things that are borderline unhealthy?
Being healthy isn’t just about your body and what it looks like and how skinny or muscley or lean you are. Being healthy is also a mindset. It’s feeling good about who you are.
Gaining weight isn’t something to be ashamed of. It feels like it is and society likes to tell us that it is and that we did something wrong if we gain weight, but that’s just wrong. We need to nourish our bodies and if that means eating more or eating a wide variety of foods or eating “unhealthy” foods sometimes, is it really bad if it makes you happy?
I also want to say, please be careful. I’m a little worried after reading this post because being in the public eye as a fitness professional invites a lot of scrutiny. It’s hard as a woman in our society already, but I imagine being in the fitness industry is harder. Please be mindful of your behaviors and your thoughts because even fitness professionals can have eating disorders. Being afraid of food and being afraid of eating and not addressing those issues adequately can lead to an eating disorder. I don’t think you’re in any danger right now because it seems like you know how to stay grounded. You said you’re healthy and progressing everyday and it seems like you’re able to come back down and realize what’s realistic for health. Just please be mindful of having negative thoughts about yourself and be mindful of your relationship with food and with your body. It’s really good that you’re being open about this and talking about it with us instead of internalizing it and letting it fester.
I’m really proud that you’ve come out and said this. You’re an inspiration to me and to many of us here.
I love you more now that you’ve wrote this !
life gets in the way that inevitable , this is why i hate people making judgment ,they don’t know what your dealing with at this current time so they shouldn’t judge , For me its deadline month at work and i’ve had my first period in a year and i’ve just lost a group of friend of 20 years ,had to move back home ,been very ill , and yes for this month i’m choosing mind over body theres no shame in that ,i’m doing whats best to succeed in my work and get my health back , my body will have to wait till next month , i need the food to get me through the stress i need it for the long laborious hours on the computer i carnt deal with physical stress aswell as emotional stress at the same time .As much as i love this post never feel like you have to answer for anyone! your body changes with your life as you change as a person .Despite all i’ve been going through as mentioned above ,i’ve had boyfriends grabbing my hips saying youve really filled out a lot ,people in the hall way impulsively shout out have you gained weight !
I say screw them ,food is a source for the mind and body !!!
Thank you for sharing, for being real, and for giving us all permission to be where we are and be okay with that. I hear you. We should always accept and love ourselves first. The rest will follow! 🙂
your are still skinny cassey and i wish i had your body, i think alot of us think that way, personaly i did not recognize that you gained weight, so what, if it really bothers you, you will lose it, in the time in your life where you have the time and the right mindset to do so!
i hate it when people have to point out if somebody gained or lost weight, its non of their business. but sadly thats how sociaty works.
i really really hate that our hole world is about being skinny, look at the tabloids all they write about is, if somebody gained or lost weight and how they did it. ahhhhhhhh could scream thats how frustrading it is!!!
You’re beautiful! And smart! And being smart I’m sure you know that the any negativity people are sending your way is only and outcome of their own insecurities. Don’t let that discourage you! I have been doing your videos for over a year now, and I am still amazed by your strength, endurance, and your ability to continually kick my booty. I never comment on blogs or videos, but I felt the need to put my two cents in here only because….
I THINK YOU ARE GREAT AND SO SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT! And so do a LOT of other people. I hate it that you’re working so hard to do something good for people, and you get nasty comments in return. So ignore them and focus on all the people that love you to death, me being one of them! Keep doing your thing and remember how blessed you are!
I’ve gone through the same thing. I’ve maintained being 5 lbs heavier than I was in November of 2012. I’m not happy about it. Not proud of it, But i’ve kept doing your videos and trying to eat as clean as possible, but it can be hard when you have a husband who needs so many calories just to keep from losing weight (yes, he’s a freak of nature). I’m so sorry someone said anything. There is no shame in being ashamed, because I know I am. I’m not sure if anyone can physically tell i’ve gained weight, but just knowing I have is killing me. I mean, i’m 5’4″, 5lbs had to go somewhere…
Anyways, keep doing your videos and work! You’re still way stronger than me, so there is no shame to be felt!
Eh I totally know what you are going throug. I hot married to my best friend in Sep I’ve gained weight. All my husband does is eat. He can barely maintain his weight so he isn’t afraid of what he puts in his body. I find it hard to eat clean when all he wants is to eat quick and easy dinners. When I ask him if he wants to cook a new meal with me, his respond is always, “is quick and easy? I don’t want to spend all night in the kitchen.” eh he has no respect for food, and why should he? He has never delt with being a new pounds over weight. I guess all we can do is continue on our healthy food and fitness journeys and hope our significant others see the difference and join us 🙂
My boyfriend’s mother was born and raised in Korea, and he is on the chubbier side. Whenever we visit them, she always makes a comment about his weight and I’ve never understood it. I always thought it was mean! I’m glad that’s just an Asian family trait.
But you know what, I didn’t even notice you gained weight. If you were overweight and trying to train us in fitness (I see you, football coaches..), that would be one thing. But your body is still one I would kill for! Thigh gaps aren’t important and they don’t make someone skinny. Your stomach is still toned, just not as toned. Everyone falls off the horse sometimes, and I am so glad that I don’t have to feel bad about gaining weight every once and awhile now. You’re still my fitsporation.
Cassey! I just signed up to leave that comment right now. You are and you always have been a huge inspiration for me to get fit and healthy. Since I know your YouTube Channel I’ve never watched anyone else’s workouts, because yours are the most amazing ones. And just because you gained weight, which in fact isn’t bad at all because you still look really toned and beautiful, doesn’t mean, that anyone of us is going to jugde you. And it’s not the end of anything, you can always keep going, working out, eating healthy or do the f* you want to do, just because you can. It is your life and you don’t have to defend yourself for it. For all of us, you are still the best fitness instructor and just because your body might have changed a bit, we haven’t changed our opinion about you.
Don’t you dare defend yourself for being a human! We love you Cassey! 🙂
Cassey you’re beautiful. And haters gonna hate. I know how you feel, I’m six foot tall and used to be very slim. I gained some weight at college and now every time my mom sees me she tells me I look fat. I’ve lost some of the weight, but now I’m just happy maintaining it, being healthy and I like how I look, I’m actually scared to lose more! It’s like you said, better I can hike, bike, do all the things I love, if I was a waif I couldn’t do those things. Chin up Cassey ignore those people, no one has a right to judge you.
I can’t believe anyone would say that. Seriously, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever worked out with. You motivate and encourage and are so much fun 🙂 People r just mean sometimes 🙁 But I think that u look amazing no matter what. So thank you again for all u do, and change if u want to, not because u think u should for silly people 🙂
My father firmly believes that I am overweight. He insults me about it every couple of weeks and then says I should “get off my bum” and do something. After that, he laughs at how uncomfortable I am when I try to sit down on the edge of my seat to look skinnier.
I used to be called names because I was apparently hideous.
Ever since I can only remember buying baggy clothing and I haven’t worn shorts outside in 2 years.
Honestly I’m so used to it I forgot it could be offensive.
Oh My Gosh! It is unbelievable that your own father would say this to you!!! What he says is not a reflection of you but of his own warped self. Please don’t believe the insults!!! You are beautiful!
I know EXACTLY how you feel. When I went through a big move (FL to NY) and started law school I gained some weight because we all struggle in times like that. My now mother in law came to visit us a few months later. English is her second language (which makes it even a little worse that she worked so hard to find the right words to say this). When she walked in the door, literally the very first thing she said to me was “Oh Kim! You look like you… how do you say it… gained some pounds?” I was mortified, and it took everything in my not to burst into tears. My husband tried to convince me she meant it as a compliment… yeah right!
You look amazing, and as a fellow fitness instructor, you inspire me as always with your peppiness and your crazy strong abs!! Don’t let the haters get you down, and kudos to you for listening to your body, giving it what it needs, and fighting the trap of guilt, shame, and a distorted body image.
Hey Cassey,
I like you more now! It has nothing to do with how your body looks. But more to do with how you behave: you’re calmer, friendlier and less jumpy and excited! I think you are much more whole, and much more happy when you allow yourself some pleasure in life.
I actually stopped watching your newer videos because you are very very different around the bikini competition. You actually look older and somehow more exhausted, as if your body is depleted. I have no idea how to say it without it sounding mean or anything. But I think you are much more of a role-model to all of us and it’s so much more fun watching you when you are not a lean, mean fitness-machine, but a healthy happy woman. You shouldn’t be crazy ass cheerful, hyper and insanely thin to be inspiring! Stop judging yourself, you are doing the thing you told us all not to do. You are putting too much on your appearance, and I know it’s your job to be pretty and fitness-y, but amazing confidence and inner beauty are also a part of it. I’m afraid when you go into bikini mode insanity you lose your inner beauty, and it’s very very obvious. I know this from my mother, she never looks at my weight, but at my health. If you look at yourself in the videos several years apart there is such a mind-blowing difference in the way you talk, look, and I like the old you best! Hope that helps xxx
Did everybody watch the same ABC Abs I did? I’m not sure why anybody was paying close attention to your body fat % Cassey, when they should’ve been concentrating on proper form and drawing those letters! People are insecure about themselves and use that as a weapon against others.
I admit, sometimes I see severely overweight people and spitefully think, I’m glad I’m not that fat. But then I wonder why I would put people down in my mind? and realize that it’s just my own body-image issues getting in the way. Why do I need suppressing cruel thoughts when I have Cassey to get me through a tough workout everyday? People live how they want to live. I’m not going to let somebody change my lifestyle just because of a few nasty words. And if it makes you feel better Cassey, don’t let an extra apple, or an a slice of pie scare you, you might work it off by simply stressing so much about it (but I’d rather hope you’d happily work it off in a work out!)
I have to agree with Yuliya, I don’t think I saw the same video they did and I was too busy trying not to die from holding my body up to start looking at your body under the microscope. After reading this post, I went back and looked up the video again, because I wondered what the comments were about. I’m sorry, I don’t see it. you look like a skinny and very fit person to me! No you don’t look like you did for your bikini competition and I’m pretty sure if you still did, you’d be in a hospital bed soon. I have to be judgmental here and say that your body looked unhealthy in the competition. (don’t get me wrong I think it was great that you challenged yourself and all, your results were insane!) so I’m glad your body went back to a normal skinny. if I saw your videos with your overly skinny no fat at all body, I’d probably give up because 1 I couldn’t achieve that, and 2 I don’t want to look that skinny. Don’t forget that amongst working out and eating healthy, you have to enjoy your life. If that means having 2 more pounds than a year ago, it’s worth it. From your trip to NYC and meet in LA your posts and pics show that you’re completely in your element. I think that’s worth forgetting about a strict diet. But that’s only my opinion, I’ll be encouraging your when you do your next competition, if you do, but until then you’re still the only person who gets me out of bed at 5am to go exercise! you’re the best trainer ever!
Thank you 😀
Yeah… I’m not seeing this so-called “weight gain”. You still have muscle tone, you still have a thigh gap, and I didn’t see any flesh jiggling.
Plus, the fitness competition was a year ago. If people are noticing a bit more softness now, that is a testimony in itself as to how little your body actually changed. You may think so, but then again, we are our own worst critics.
Not gonna lie, I noticed your weight gain. But it made me feel better. I’ve gained some weight over the last few months too (and I’m sure you’d agree that even gaining three pounds when you’re slim is a big deal. I’ve probably gained 5) and I tried losing it but with the stress of school and work and graduating from college in two weeks I just couldn’t make it happen. So I changed my focus. I’m no longer trying to lose weight. I am, however, making sure I eat vegetables as often as I can, making sure I get enough sleep, enjoy my workouts, push myself but not too hard and meditate a few times a week. Because my body looks and feels and works its best when I am healthy, not when I am obsessively counting calories. I am trying to teach myself to accept my body no matter what it looks like. Because even though I can’t see them like I used to, my abs are still there, and still getting stronger holding me up through plank.
I want to thank you for writing this post. Because knowing you also struggle with keeping your weight consistent reassures me that my struggle isn’t because I’m a failure, but because I’m human. And you’re right, it is going to happen, just gotta accept it. So thanks!
Cassey, I’ve been longing for a post like this! Thank you for taking the courage to call people out. It’s affirmed my hopes of being able to be confident even in the moments when my weight fluctuates. I’m a thicker and curvier filipino girl, who’s mothers and aunties pointed out my weight loss or weight gain all my life. And even at my fittest, I weighed more than my mother and she still disapproved because I should weigh less than her. And to factor in a culture in the states that sees the ideal woman as simply quite unattainable for my body type has left me insecure all the days of my life. It’s youtube comments like those that kept me from believing it was “okay for my pants to be a little tighter” on some weeks.
THANK YOU for reminding us that beauty is not just physical.
You resonate that truth inside and out. Love you so much Cassey!
I am sure you’ll probably get a hundred comments on this. I honestly want to thank you for posting this message. I think I needed to read from you that bodies DO change. I have always been underweight all my life but recently got sick and lost more. For some reason I got in the same mind set that gaining weight is “bad.” But, when I did gain anything people would say “you look…good.” To me, that was people telling me I gained weight. Though like you, I was deprived before. I still eat clean but enough for me. I feel so much healthier and absolutely love working out with you. Yesterday, my husband even noticed a difference in me. All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for being a bestie workout partner 🙂
Cassey, first of all you are amazing!
I totally understand what you mean because I myself have gained quite a bit in terms of weight ever since I stopped running two months ago. I injured my knee and was not able to do much exercise for two weeks. At that time I was also testing out recipes and preparing for my upcoming birthday party, which meant there was a lot of uh.. trial eating involved. It was all raw, which mean that while it was technically still eating clean and healthily it did involve nuts. A whole lot of them. Hence the weight gain.
But after recovering from that a couple of weeks later I started the April calendar and was determined to finish it (which I did!) and started doing yoga. Yes, I am heavier than I was before but at the same time I felt like I needed that rest. Also, when I got back to it I felt stronger, and could feel that my arms, legs and bum were getting more toned. I can lift heavier weights and am more flexible now, and it feels great. I admit most days I still look at the mirror and dislike my past self for what I’ve done, but that all goes away when I taste something as healthy as a green smoothie or not as healthy as a raw berry cheesecake. Either way I know I’m nourishing either my body or my soul, or in most cases even both.
I suppose this just reiterates what you’ve already said. I’ll be fine as long as I keep myself happy and keep myself healthy; whether that’s through eating clean nourishing food and working out hard consistently, or whether that’s through eating a meal that satisfies my soul and having well deserved rest once in a while. Plus, why would the exterior appearance even matter if deep inside you aren’t fulfilled and in good condition? No point having a Ferrari if you can’t drive it because it doesn’t work, right?
Hugs to you and all other Popsters,
I feel like you just described ME!!! I, too, am a health/fitness encourager and moved from CO-MI last year then MI- TX just a few weeks ago. I, too, “let myself go” and have felt shame for over a year. Thank you for posting!!!! Very very encouraging. I just started blogging too ( and it’s all about being REAL (real food, real exercise, the real ME). It’s being “real” that really helps people relate!!!
You’re doing a great job, girl!!! You’re inspiring SO many! Keep your head held high!!
Cassie you’re amazing and this blog only made me love you more! You’re so relatable I think we have all felt that way one time or another. But being a fitness instructor doesn’t mean you have to be perfect! You have changed SO many lives regardless of your personal weight! I’m glad I got to read this because it really shows more of you as a person and I like that you don’t hold back because this message is a great one. You are beautiful inside and out regardless! Thanks for all you do xoxox
Cassey, I loved what you had to say. I have been overweight my whole life. I have worked really hard to lose 62lbs (and counting). I slip up all the time, I am not striving to be a bikini model, just as fit as I can get and you are helping me do that! So thigh gap or not, you are beautiful and an inspiration. Thank you. Sarah
I absolutely get how you feel upset about being ashamed for gaining weight. Because that’s crazy!
When I first started doing your vids I, like some other poster here, was insecure about the vids where you are so super slim and shyed away from them.
To me Blogilates was about being fit and strong and healthy. Not about being skinny.
Why does anybody think they should comment on other peoples bodies anyway?! (Sure, in cases of extreme obesity or visible eating disorders you’d expect friends and family to care and ask and help, but that’s not what this is about.)
You do not ever need to explain yourself to anyone!
I was always bigger than alot of my friends but you know whay it helped
Me never want to hurt someones feelings !!!! I was a lean size ten
Yntil three months before mu wedding when i took. Med the doc gave me and whammo
60 lbs heavier :0 i was ashamed, i was frustrated, but you know what? I learnt who my real friends were
And now i am working hard and eating clean and one baby, 11 miscarriages later i am 30 lbs down and working on the original 60 🙂
You are strong and beautiful
You gained weight, so what? you still look great and fit Cassey!
<3 Ana
Guess what? Im from an Asian family too!! My family and relatives never stopped criticizing the way I look. I’m really short (Im almost 18 but only 5 ft 1) with huge dark eye circles that never go away, and quite chubby as well. All these years my family make me believe that outer beauty is the most important thing about a girl. So I tried doing all sort of exercise to make me slimmer and taller, but they never really work; I spent huge amount of money on clothes and cosmetic products which I believe could make me beautiful. Yet I’ve never been truly happy or satisfied. Until about two weeks ago I first saw ur video “slimmer inner thighs and runner’s calves” Then i started exercising along ur videos. My arms and thighs came down by half an inch within a week or so. I was so amazed by the result and the effectiveness of ur workout 😀 I’ve always been so conscious about my arms and thighs but i guess i’ll be able to wear tank tops and shorts this summer xDDDDD u did not only inspired me to live a healthier life, but also make me feel good about my body and exercising, instead of being so caught up with the thought — i need to lose weight for others. Honestly I never knew what I’m capable of until I started doing those workout. Everyday I become stronger that i worked through the whole abc abs workout video today xD
I love you Cassey!! xD of course we are get criticized and stuff every once a while, but it’s like working out honey it makes u STRONGER XDXD and there’s no problem with gaining weight, or else what’s the point of working out?? 😛 (despite maintaining a healthy life) and food is just the BEST THING EVER, i can’t imagine living without delicious food xD we all need a rest and treat and there’s nothing wrong with it. LOVE YAAAAA AND THANK YOU SO MUCH <3
Jocelyn 😀
I don’t get why people are so upset when others call them fat. It just tells me that the person who called me fat is pathetic and is afraid themselves of being fat. If anything, I just tell myself, “Haha, you’ll always be hotter and prettier than that piece of shit.” ^.^
Good on you Cass, don’t let it bother you if people comment on you’re weight gain. That’s your business and NOT there’s. Keep up the good work and healthy lifestyle, because really that’s all that matters 🙂
I think you look fabulous now. I didn’t notice you had gained any weight, to be perfectly honest. You look fit, healthy, and pretty.
I want to push back on the notion that your body needs to serve as an inspiration to anyone else, even as a fitness instructor. I think what REALLY motivates people is your positive attitude, encouragement, and message. Your overwhelming positivity is what keeps people tuning into your videos and reading your blog, not your “inner thigh gap.” When I was in law school, my roommate and I used to go to this awesome “Balletone” fitness class at the gym. The instructor was not Barbie doll skinny, but she kicked ass. She ran marathons, worked construction, and taught really fun classes, which were really popular. One day, after class, this girl who I knew commented that she didn’t enjoy this woman’s classes because the instructor had “an unenviable body.” My roommate and I looked at her like she was insane. The truth was, that girl was suffering from her own body image issues and was so consumed with disliking her own body, she had to criticize someone else’s. It’s sad. But there will always be people like that, who are so insecure or negative about themselves that they seek to tear others down, especially over weight. Please don’t listen to them.
Keep doing your thing. You look great.
Cassie, as another pilates teacher let me tell you – you look amazing, you’re super strong and fit, lithe and supple. Ignore stupid trolls. Unfortunately cyber bullying won’t go away as it’s so easy (pathetic) and some people have really sad lives and need to project their own bad feelings about themselves onto somebody like you who is brave enough to put themselves out there honestly and positively. I would throw away the scales. Allow an attitude of moderation and compassion to guide your decisions towards your physicality. Listen to your body. Nourish it and care for it in the ways you teach others to. Try to not get overly obsessed with tiny fluctuations in weight, these are totally normal – the body is organic and ever-changing. Enjoy your super health, body, looks and career. Don’t let miserable, petty minded idiots bring you down! You look wonderful, be happy you are so healthy and fabulous. Try not to take other peoples comments too personally, they have their own criteria and reasons for saying what they do – basically, it’s about them not you….All the best!
I can’t believe people commented like that, honestly. I have watched a lot of your videos over the past few months, from various stages in your life. Some you were super skinny and others you weren’t. But that doesn’t matter. Honestly looking good for a bikini competition has little to do with being fit and healthy. Most people are even more extreme than you when training for a bikini competition. It upset me very much to hear people saying such rude things to you…
I have had body image issues pretty much my whole life and I was afraid of food for a long time. So I know exactly where you’re coming from with that. And recently, I too have gained weight that I am currently trying to take off. Emotional eating and just not eating the right foods has led to a body I don’t love but I am doing what I can to change that without going too extreme.
Cassey, you are an amazing person, inside and out. You push people so hard while still making it fun! Please don’t think a few pounds would ruin that.
Hi cassey, Im a 21 yr old girl who’s spent her teen age years fighting both anorexia and bulimic eating dissorder. Today Im on my way to full recovery, but my journey has been very long. AND the most important part of my journey back to healthy life was regaining weight. It took me a year and the final result was weighing more than I ever had. This didnt mean I got big, I was just a normal girl but even though people knew I’d been sick I got comments such as ‘oh my, you got SO big!’ and ‘look at you all full figured’. This was a horrible time, but Im happy to say that Im fully recovered today!
My point is that it hurts so much hearing how people calls you fat and makes remarks about your body, when I found Blogilates I was absolutely thrilled cuz finally I found a way of working out that was nothing but HAPPY! Having you cheering me on, as I do the best I can but making the workout experience into a completely positive experience. No negativity, no unhealthy body images, no eating dissorder-ish kinda tips.
Seeing how storng and beautiful you are, no matter if youre running up for a bikini contest or just getting by in a very stressful and eventful life gives me a healthy perspective on life. I dont need to be skinny, I dont need to show off bones to be pretty. The new skinny is fit, and you are my role model!
Haters guna hate, but we popsters love you so much Cassey!
Thanks for everything!
1) I am not Asian, but I am overweight I would admit, and bigger than girls my age in my family. So one day my rude Aunt asked those very questions of my and I said yes and walked off angry about it. So I understand those horrible probing questions.
2) I am inspired not by the way you look, but by your energy and your workouts. You are beautiful no matter what, but that fact that you can do insane crazy moves in your video that I still don’t have the strength to do is inspiring. Also, it would be so hard for me to have all the excitement and energy you do DURING these intense videos.
So all in all, I feel bad you were ashamed of weight gain. We all gain weight because when we age our bodies process foods differently. However, you are still an amazing instructor and you inspire me to try things I would never have thought of trying.
Thank you Cassie for being amazing! I consider you my YouTube personal trainer 🙂
Wow, I actually feel so much better about myself after reading this. I tend to be too hard on myself for letting go and I keep feeling like a failure everytime it happes, not good enough, not disciplined enough, not stronger than my excuses. But knowing that its something that actually happens to fitness instructors aswell makes me feel so much better about it. You’ve been quite an inspiration throught my whole weightloss/Selfsteem struggle
Thank you for this post and for being honest and real with us. Like you always are! Honestly I hadn’t noticed that you looked different. I train with you because I love your personality and you push me to go than I ever would alone, not because you look like a fitness model. Now that I think about it, though, I like you best how you look now! You are free to look however you wish, but you look more like one of my friends and I can relate more with you when we are working out together. I feel like I can attain what you have now, whereas I would never be able to attain bikini competitor status.
Besides that, though, thank you for revealing that even you can have body and food issues too. I have my whole life and it is easy to feel like the only one struggling sometimes, that I’m the only one who isn’t perfect. But that isn’t true! None of us are alone in this!
Thank you, Cassey for helping me to start feeling beautiful and strong again after battling mono for almost a year (a sedentary year at that). I needed someone like you to help me want to work out again, to help me work for happiness and strength and for me rather than to be society’s messed up ideal. I’m still a work in progress, but please know that you are inspiring me every day to be happier with myself, kinder to others, and aspiring to be stronger (not skinnier). I truly love you!!
Literally tried so hard to find fat on your body watching that video. People are obsessed!!!! To be honest I think a little softness is so much more attractive than just hard muscle. You want there to be a little to grab onto!! 😉
Seriously – don’t stress. You’re babe’n and I understand so much how hard it is to fit everything in when you’re busy! I work full-time and have been soooo naughty (food and exercise wise) lately.
But I’m happy!
You are an inspiration to all of us. We follow you because of your positive spirit and not because of your weight. Thank you for your courage and your honesty! I can’t wait to see your next posting!
You look great Cassey! I think you have the level of success that you have because you are real and such a great role model. Not many can stay bikini model all year round.
I am PT and about to launch a new fitness website so I know the pressure to look perfect. I have the opposite problem that I can get too skinny and people will comment on my being too skinny.
I think as long as you are healthy that’s all that matters. Life happens, our weight goes up and down.
People are going to comment because they don’t think! but don’t let it get to you.
I know another fitness girl I follow, Flavia Del Monte started to look a lot less ripped in her videos and people commented. Turns out she was pregnant! People expect a lot from fitness pro’s but don’t ever let it get to your head.
Showing your vulnerability and authenticity will always win over your weight!
Blessings to you
Lyn x
Hi Cassey!
I have to say that I was kind of glad to read this, because this article is evidence, that you are a real human girl 🙂 and not like those types, that can eat anything and be models(no offence to them). I love everything that you say, that you write, that you exercise… Totally agree with everything. Also, I want to say thank you that you are so sincere, so honest and with this you help so many people, including me. Please never stop what you’re doing and be in a good mood 😉
Hi Cassey,
When I was in 8th grade a boy I liked at summer camp called me “thunder thighs.” I was so heart broken. I had never worried or felt uncomfortable about my weight, but from that day forward it has been a constant struggle. I gained a ton of weight when I went to college. After college I finally found a fitness regimen and diet that has been working for me. I too became a fitness instructor to inspire others to do the same. I will never forget that day in 8th grade. It still haunts me to this day. But we are only human and it is so cruel to judge someone by their appearance. Everyone has their own set of circumstances in their life that has brought them to where they are today. You are not better than anyone else, nor will you ever be. Just be better than you WERE.
Thanks for the inspiration Cassey, and for being REAL with us.
Honestly, I think Thunder Thighs sounds like superhero name ^^ You could totally make that work as a trademark thing for fitness instructing.
Thank you so much for this post! I injured by back while running a half marathon last year and slowly my inactivity has caused me to gain weight. This post came into my life at the exact perfect moment, as I had a small breakdown in the dressing room yesterday. I can’t tell you how much it means to see someone else struggle with similar issues and help me realize that I am not alone. Weight is a number and my health is most important. Today is my bday and this was one of the best gifts to receive. Thank you for your honesty! Today is not the end, it’s the beginning! Thank you!
You gained weight? I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE. You look amazing as always to me. Your workouts are just as challenging as ever. & your recipes are so simple & good. You’re supportive. Motivating. FUN! & now we can add human to the list! It’s refreshing to know that always eating on point doesn’t always come easy. I think it’s more difficult to try to relate to a person who never has to battle the cravings for not so good foods. Weekly I’m fighting the snack monster in me. But it’s VERY cool to know I’m not alone! I’m not the only one who wants a burger. Haha. Phft, I wish I could eat bad & look as good as you! “You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of… messing up. Often. You didn’t come here to be perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous.” You’re still most definitely my fitness role model. Even more so now that I know you’re not a robot<3 #ShesARealGirl
Cassey, you are always beautiful and inspiring! This made me sad to see that people were being overly critical about small weight gains (easy to say things behind the screen of a computer!!). I too have had a little bit of weight gain since Spring break because of stresses from finals/moving out and trying to hang out with friends before I move five states away (aka too much eating out)! The amazing thing is thanks to you it has bothered me less than in the past because I have this great layer of muscles I’ve never had before and I still feel strong, in fact stronger! I will hopefully start eating cleaner in a week once I am done for the summer, but I am not hating myself for it now. I have a very supportive family, but we all complain of body image issues (even have had anorexia affect a close member of my family, luckily she has recovered for eight years now). Cassey keep being yourself because you give more positive motivation for fitness than anyone, period! People on YouTube are mean, because they don’t have to face you in real life, I hope they read your blog and choose not to make the poor decisions of criticizing every minute detail about someone’s body, because I can guarantee they are not perfect either! Thank you for this honest post! Once again you are beautiful and inspiring, thank you for everything you do!!!!
I had absolutely no idea that you even gained weight Cassey. I thought your ABC Abs vid was so fun and you did an awesome job at pushing me through 🙂 No, you’re not perfect, but that’s what we, as Popsters, really admire and find inspiration from you! We don’t want to be working out with someone who is ‘perfect’ and has a cookie cutter figure only because they aren’t providing their body with true nourishment. We all think you are AMAZING and you have an AMAZING BODY!
Don’t let them haters get you down girl, we got chu!
Much love coming from Canada,
i’ve also been in that kind of situation before Cassey, and i just didn’t know how to answer it so i just smiled. I’m pretty small so every little changes whether weight gain or weight loss can be seen clearly (especially weight gain). I am following your workout routine because you inspired me to be healthy and fit. After reading this post, i realize that human are human. Sometime we really want to eat YOLO food (like me all the time). Anyways, i can see that you’re healthy, isn’t that the main focus of exercising? You’re still able to talk and look so calm during workout while i’m dying to maintain my posture lol.
You are a great person Cassey. We, Popsters will always support you !
hi Cassey,
just want you to know I find your body and yourself an inspiration the way you are now! and not when you were dieting for that competition.Nothing against the bikini comp, you worked hard for that and what you achieved was amazing! But as someone who has had an eating disorder in the past i had to stop following you during that time.
Today you have the potential to help people like me who sought comfort from low body image in starvation and obsession with calories. You celebrate food and healthy exercise as well as having a life. With denying yourself food, you leave yourself as you aptly put it, “deprived”, without fuel. Just like a car, without fuel you will slow down and eventually come to a complete standstill. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about how, “with a layer of fat” (pfft FAT casey your still beautifully toned!) you can run faster, lift heavier and HOLD A CONVERSATION. Exercise is enjoyable and not a chore or a regime.
Life with food, and a “layer of fat”, is infinitely funner, better, more colourful and yummier then a life without food.
SO thank you, for being an inspiration, for being proud of your body, your strength and for sharing your yummy recipes. Most of all thank you for your openness about how you feel about these issues.
Your extremely beautiful inside and out xx
It’s outrageous that females are expected to look the way you look in that picture 100% of the time. Don’t people realize the discipline it takes to stay so thin? It’s much better to have some enjoyment in your life that comes with a little bit of jiggle on your thighs. I did the ABC video yesterday and “Cassey sure gained weight” didn’t even cross my mind. And with that, I must say, you are an inspiration and my friends and I are always talking about how we hate you and love you at the same time for those painful yet satisfying workouts!!
This past week or two I’ve definitely lapsed a bit. This post has really inspired me to pick myself up and get back at it. Thanks cassey for showing what we all feel at some point xx
Tell me about. I was just on the same boat a few months ago. I was always a little chubby since I was young and that was when I used to eat a lot of junk food all the time because my family ate it and so I did too. I was young and I didn’t question that. But it got to a point where when I went on a holiday to asia when I was 10 and my relatives all started to call me fat. They would call me ” the fat one” , make jokes about it and giggled so absentmindedly about it as if they didn’t realize how horrible it made me feel. At that time my mum would tell them not to say that I am fat but I got tired of her telling people that because I even felt embarrassed that she had to tell them that. You are right, asian families, especially relatives overseas… they don’t understand how calling someone fat and laughing at them and telling them to stop eating. It made me feel so sad and I started to hate myself, hate the way I look and wished that I could be skinny just like my sister. My older sister is always very slim and skinny no matter how much she eats and when I was young they would always think I was the older one because I was fatter and majority of them would ask, why is the little sister bigger than the older sister. And that teared me up soo much.Yes,one of my aunty and uncle told me stop eating and drinking. Once my auntie came over and I was drinking a lot of water in front of her- I had about 4 glassful because I was really thirsty and she told me “that’s why you are fat, you drink so much water.” I got soo mad when she said that ; I didn’t do anything but I was thinking too myself that WATER does not make you fat. Hell it has no calories. So ignorant. So for quite a few years I had body dismorphism and I hated my body. Three years later when I went on a holiday back to asia, this time one of the babysitter of my mum’s friend, told me that I looked like halfcast (halfwhite) and she told me that I was pretty but if I just lost some weight, just a few more pound, I would be sooo beautiful. I don’t know if it was meant to be a comment or an insult. But when I came back to australia, her words burned into me and I kept thinking about it. Her words is what triggered my Anorexia and bullimia. I had never known about anorexia before at that time and only knew about from my dad’s friend’s daughter who was recently hospitalised because she had anorexia and lost tooo much weight. My dad told me then that I shouldn’t be like her and I told him I wouldn’t. But it just got to the point where I couldn’t care anymore. I had tried dieting before and it didn’t work. I now realise why It didn’t work- I didn’t know what type of food that I shouldn’t eat and I didn’t keep up with the diet for a long time for the results to show. And I thought at that time it was impossible for me too lose weight and become skinny. So I looked at how those anorexic people lost weight and I told myself I would do the same thing that they did- not eat, except when I get skinny enought (my goal weight) that I would be able to stop. I wouldn’t be like those anorexic kids who were just bony skeletons walking around.Boy was I wrong. so wrong. I became anorexic and it got to a point where i became to controlling:
– I would wear my tightest pant at night that was hard for me to breathe in because I was scared that my waist would increase
– I would work out like crazy before I sleep
-workout for hours after I was forced to eat
– after a few months of being anorexic where I ate only a piece of peach/ would go days without eating and since I had to eat with my family during breakfast and dinner. Most of the times I would make excuses as to why I can’t eat dinner with them or studied when they were having dinner and told them that I would do it later. I was constantly hungry but I focused more on studying because I didn’t want to think about food. But there were a few times when i had to eat with them and at that time sometimes i would eat it and then throw it all up but most of teh times I would put the lunch when tehy weren’t looking inside my underwear. I know its crazy and gross. But I placed a plastic bag in the front of my underwear just so that it would stay there andi would put food there everytime they weren/t looking and then I would throw them in teh school rubbish bin. It got to a point where I was severely underweight: I had no butt anymore, it would hurt everytime I sat down because i had no layer of fat to cushion my but, it was just mostly bones covered with skin and my hips and collar bones were juttting out so much. I could even see the shape of my bones jutting out and before I slept I used to touch it to make sure that it was still there and I didn’t gain anymore weight. And yes I did start to think like those anorexic kids who wanted to be bony skinny. I’m not sure if you know this but the worse anorexic people ( the ones who are so restrictive and has been deprived for so long) they are at the mindset where they want to be skeleton skinny and they think that its nice and that when they become skinny like that no one else would be able to call me fat and that they would rather die than gain weight. There are even pictures of it on the internet and on proanorexia websites.I had the same perception, I knew that with the way I was then I was going to die soon ( my heart would just one day suddenly stop beating) because I already fainted so many times and my heart was beaating soooo hard all the time.But enough of that. I am now happy and healthy :). I did ashy bines bikiny body program for 3 months followed her eating plan and lost the weight but gained the muscles. The workouts that I had to do at the bootcamps was gruelling and it was soooooo hard , sooo hard. the hardest sessions was when had to do 5 rounds of 100 stepups, 50 dips, 50 pushups, 50 lunges and plus running around the park. Coming out of it I learnt just how strong I can be and that I can achieve anything when I set my mind to it. I was sooo proud of myself I was soo toned and plus I ATE. I ate real food and still I could get this body. But then I stopped working and couldn’t afford continuing on the program because it was expensive so I told myself I would just do it at home. But I let myself go because I didn’t know how to exercise by myself and it was hard to motivate myself. And since I had the trainers they already had a exercise plan for every week so I just followed that. I started eating more and eating more junk food and gained the weight back that took me so hard to lose. And that’s why I have been very down and hating myself. I really want to get back on track to how I was and be the best me, that I know I can be. The one I was just a few months ago. But I was too busy with my hectic uni schedule then and soo stressed that I told myself that I needed all the hours for study so I didn’t do much workout. But I can balance my study now so I am getting back on track. I am going to start and stick with your exercise plan in the calendar and eat clean.I have been soo depressed. But hell your right, with consistent very healthy eating and working my ass off on those workouts that you planned for us.. I can get my body back ! Hell I’m going to get more toned that I was before.
which is why I am so thankful that I came across your site <3 . You are amazing cassie thankyou for making this free for us and making the exercise calendar . YOU are truly a lifesaver ! And cassie please don't feel sad. We all gain weight every now and then. We're human. Its soo hard sometimes when your body wants food and you've been saying no all this time to it so when you finally let a little bit go, your body wants more and more- that's also what I went througt. Never forget that you are beautiful and strong!! You should not let them get to you. Instead let their words be your motivation when you workout, when your doing those punches, crunches, pushups, think of how you're going to show them boss !!!!!
Love you Cassie <3 Thankyou for saving me
Hi Cassey ! Actually it happened to me that guys on the street called me fat. Well the real word was “pig”. “Hey guys look this little pig ! Oh my god did you ever seen thigh that big ?! She’s a big piece of ham !” Pretty elegant doesn’t it ? I just didn’t pay attention to them and followed my way but I was hurt really bad. And I started having eating disorder. And I don’t wear skirt anymore. I know it sounds stupid but I was always wearing little pretty skirt and now, I can’t ! Because of what they said.
Now I am better because of you. I don’t feel as ashamed of myself as before because of your video and your blog ! You cheer me up ! And it makes me mad to know that others said those kind of things to you. Because you’re not fat AT ALL ! Yeah, right, you’re not as skinny as the models on magasine, you don’t look like a corpse, you look like a healthy and sportive gorgeous asian girl ! And I mean it ! You’re real and not photoshoped !
Most of the times when I am doing your videos I am just like “yeah ! to be as pretty as Cassey ! Come on, come on !” (embarrassing confession) And I don’t speak about the Cassey from the bikini contest but the “right now Cassey”!
So, don’t be mad at yourself ! Because those who said that to you are definitly NOT real Popster’s !
I can’t belive how rude some people are to comment on someones weight!
Cassey first of all, you look georgeous! I think you are a true inspiration och you inspire me to do my best and push my self a little harder every time and that has nothing to do with you gaing or losing weight. You are an amazing trainer! The joy you show in your videos is what keeps me going a little longer.
First off, thank you for showing me you’re human! I love you a lot more now that I know you’re not the super human I had you made out to be. Secondly, you look fab and I so commend you on your ability to so professionally and eliquently speak your mind. Those who blasted you simply are either jealous, plain mean, or stupid for faulting you. Keep on keeping on! You’re making a positive difference in the lives of thousands!! We love you for you!! Thank you for all your hard work, time, and kindness. 🙂
I’m surprised that someone visiting this site would make a comment like that. Regardless, I’ve known people competing in similar competitions and it was the “norm” to have their body change after. They, as do you, still look amazing, healthy and fit. Even though it shouldn’t matter what you look like but how you FEEL, you are still human and you should know, you still look like an “after” photo! Still an inspiration. And while I would never had said it because it was your goal and important to you; you looked better before the comp and now!
Thank you for posting this Cassey. I’ve been watching your videos for around 18 months now, and i can honestly say i can go harder and lift heavier than i have even been able to in my life. However, when i had a really messy break up, i gained a lot of weight. i allowed myself to go off the rails. And i spent a lot of time in stretchy pants. But, regardless of my pants being harder to get into, i have pushed myself to get back to where i was before (i was pretty skinny, but very unhealthily). it makes me feel better that i’m not alone in feeling like this, that someone i look up to so much has experienced the same body issues i have. this post has only inspired me more, to be a better version of the person i’ve always been!
Hi cassey, I really do hope that out of the many comments you will come across that you’d take some time off to read mine. I’m Asian too, A Chinese and I honestly know what it is like to have people come up to you at reunions or gatherings and pop those questions.
I’ve had a year of dealing very badly with my body as well as having a strict no no towards food, but that was 3 years ago and now I am on a recovery process. I have obviously gained some weight since that last time and I have people telling me that I’ve gained weight. It’s kind of a very demotic sting feeling as you sit back and question yourself if recovery was worth it. Because the disappointed and depressing feeling that kicks in once someone comments / asks you a question destroys all positive hope I have.
Anyway, I told myself to be strong and to remember that my recovery was > than what others had to say. The word “fat” still sends shivers down my spine and I still am aware of what I eat today but unlike 3 years ago, I didn’t work out. Now I do, & I tell myself fit is > than skinny.
I hope you know that gaining weight is not a bad thing especially since you work out to much. You have a killer body and amazing stamina, Cassey and I honestly admire you for being positive about the remarks posted about you. I actually find it so hard to shut out the thought of people’s words in my mind but I’m really proud of you for being able to do so. Thank you for being my encouragement and I hope I do encourage you that size does not matter. The number on the scale does not define you not does it define me. It’s how we look and OUR OWN thoughts about our body that count. Because at the end of the day, it’s OUR BODY. If we are happy with it, no one else has the right to tell us what they think we should be.
You are beautiful Cassey & I really hope I get to be in one of your classes someday. I hope you continue to have a positive mindset within you every time something hits you hard. It’s an honestly amazing trait not many people have.
God bless and much love from the land of Malaysia.
If you know Singapore, I’m so close!
Ps ; I really hope you see this and reply back.
Cassey, you are FIT, not fat. We wouldn’t want you living on the bikini model diet for long anyway if it causes your body to feel tired/deprived. You are always an inspiration and yes, very relatable! Living in China I am pretty much always considered fat, even though back in Europe where I come from people say I’m thin. It’s about perspective and I’m not going to let it get me down. What I’m working towards is an energized and fit body. Thank you for helping me on my journey there!
I, too, think you’re beautiful (and sooo bubbly and likeable) in your “now” form. In fact, my body looks more like yours now which makes it that much relatable and inspires me to work out as hard as you do. I want to thank you for your videos. I used to fear workouts but the videos and your personality and perseverance that show through in each vid have helped so much (you have no idea!!). I now exercise more and have slowly lost 5kg since the beginning of the year.
I’m an Asian too and my grandma tells me I’m fat every time I see her (when I really don’t think I am fat). It’s frustrating and damages my self esteem nonetheless. And I cry telling my bf about it… but that’s just what it is and I doubt she’ll ever understand how much that can hurt me. What I wanna say is, I feel you. But you know what, I think you look AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL in your ABC Abs WO! I always wish you could be my real-life friend and I’m sure many of your viewers wished that as well, so imagine how awesome you must be!
Being called fat by other people was the only reason I started my mission to loose weight. Everyone from ‘friends’ I met once in a a few years to aunties who I met occasionally started exclaiming dramatically on my weight gain and unapologetically demanding me to diet and get a grip on my body. Some even got me on the floor and started making me do thigh exercises there and then when in reality they were 20 years older than me and a good few sizes larger than me lol! You cannot be and feel yourself when 8 out of 10 people you meet tell you how you have gained weight and look plump (when in reality I’m a UK size 12 and not obese as I make it sound! Was a good 8-10 before).
People always will judge you for your looks, most people that is, especially random ones that don’t matter to you. You have to learn how to take it constructively (although they might not quite put it like that!) and for the betterment of your body. After a year of getting such comments, I’m finally over that phase now where I’d feel touchy when some one would comment on my weight and that is all because I have decided to shed the pounds for good. Not for people, as no one ever will be perfect for them but for myself as at least their harsh criticism and consistently judgemental comments will make me get back to my previous size and feel confident again.
You look great with this body percent fat, its still a bikini body. And like you said it’s about resilience you know When you get more settled down and when you want to tone up you just need to get back on a clean schedule. People need to chill.
It’s crazy because I used to feel the exact same way. And then I became a mother. Watching my body change in such a miraculous way made me see it in an entirely new light. Watching the numbers on the scale rise became a sign of health for my growing child. My growing belly was a reminder of the life I was creating. I finally, for the first time in my life, was not just proud of my body but in awe of it. It created a human being! When I gave birth to my son and my body showed the effects of motherhood, I embraced it. I was proud of those stretch marks because it was like a tattoo, a constant reminder of the time my son spent inside me. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin a lot some days, trying to hide the mama pouch and figure out my larger hips and what pants they not looked best in. I won’t lie. I still wear all my maternity shorts (and my son is 8 months old). But whenever I started to feel uncomfortable, like hiding behind the sweatpants and baggy shirts I reminded myself that my body is the only place I have to live. That this is a vessel of extreme strength and unimaginable ability. You don’t have to have a baby for it to be incredible either. This lil body of mine made a baby. It created life, it brought it into this world and for 6.5 months, it nourished it. But it also gets me through each day of this life I’ve been blessed with. It takes me from point A to point B. It takes me to places I never thought I’d be able to go, if I let it and trust it, like crossing the line of my first half marathon in March. I’ve been bikini thin before, without an ounce of extra fat but with that body, while I was proud to feel so sexy and want to flaunt it everywhere, I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t free. I didn’t enjoy eating. I didn’t enjoy working out, it was a source of burning calories. It took me becoming a mother to fully make a 180 (and again, I’m not saying that’s the huge pivotal point for everyone—it just was for me).
Now I workout because I enjoy it. I workout to feel strong and powerful, not to be skinny. I workout and eat healthy because it makes me FEEL good. It do it to be a good role model for my son and to be able to keep up with him. I do it because it’s better to practice what you preach and to lead by example and I want my children to grow up healthy and active, not because I tell them to but because that’s all they know. Because they WANT to. For once in my life I’m not a victim to the number on the scale. I know what’s best for me. I know what’s best for my body. And that isn’t controlled by a number on a scale, a pant size or a skewed idea of “perfection”.
I am so proud and thankful of your ability to open up in this post. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you. But I think almost every woman in the world (and almost every body) can relate to your words. In the end it doesn’t just make you human, it makes you a BETTER fitness instructor and a greater inspiration. Because you remind us that you aren’t “perfect”, that like us, you have to find balance. So thank you.
Cassie <3 Do you know why you are so good at your job? Because you are a real woman. Like most of us out in the world….we have lives, jobs to go to and things to take care of….most of us have the smallest opportunity to think about ourselves. You give so many people inspiration to take that time that is so temptingly spent in front of the TV. You never said in this post that you are disappointed in the people who commented on you…but i am. If people say things like that on a blog like this then they dont deserve to be here because they obviously dont understand your message… You dont preach to be perfect, and you dont ask us to be perfect either. I say….accept that some people will always be judgemental, you cant help that, you just do what you do best and the people who really care and understand what you are about will support you!!!!
Go Team Cassie <3
Oh also I can really relate to the Asian aunty thing. An aunt, who I had not even met before, said I was fat the very first time we saw each other – how ridiculous is that! And not long before that I had been bullied by a bunch of boys who called me fat and ugly. Now initially I resisted against these comments and told them and myself it was not true. But we are human and we shatter under the weight of these comments. And these experiences left me in years where I would fall in and out of depression and eating disorders. I really wish we did not judge each other on our appearances – we have so much potential as human beings to do GOOD and to raise each other up, and yet our words and thoughts alone are such damaging forces, not only to each other but to ourselves. Thank you for your honesty and for raising this important issue. As always we can trust you to deal with these in a tasteful and inspirational manner.
I really love your honesty and courage to share this, Cassey; I can relate to this in so many ways. I’m Asian and I ABSOLUTELY DREAD IT whenever that happens at family parties. Even if I’m not a part of the conversation, it’s still tough to overhear.
Here’s my story: I was really skinny as a kid, but once I reached 9th grade, I started to fill out a little more, which is normal for a girl barely getting into early teens and is going through puberty. I didn’t really notice it until my friend’s cousin thought I looked fat in a picture and then when my friend’s dad said to me in person that my face looked bigger. I played it cool in both instances, but I never really saw my body the same way after that. Even until now as a 20-something and even when others say I look slender and petite, my insecurities still creep up on me; I still have an up-and-down relationship with my body image. And the fact that Asian girls are expected to always look skinny adds pressure. Only recently did I barely realize that learning to love your body is an ongoing process, and that I’m exercising because I’m doing it for my own health–not to satisfy some ridiculous societal requirement. It’s an uphill battle, but all the important things in life are.
Reading about your personal struggles makes you even more inspiring because like you said, you’re as human as the next person and fumbling up is normal. I mean, life in general is already confusing enough! Again, thanks so much for this post and keep being the amazing person you are, Cassey!
*hug* U worry too much.
“Getting up and starting over NOW :)”
You inspire me 🙂
Cassey, I’ve been following you and your workouts for 2 years and never once have you let me down 🙂
This post only made me appreciate you so much more, because it is so REAL. It’s something every girl can relate to 🙂
I just want to thank you for EVERYTHING you do for us!! All the hard work you put into improving our lives is absolutely amazing, and no one, ever, has a right to put you down.
You are a beautiful person, inside and out 🙂
If anything, you’re a true inspiration to us all. Don’t let mean comments get to you, you are truly amazing! Love
Cassey, it made me really sad to read this post!
I too have a family who will say things like ‘oh, you’ve got a good appetite today’ or ‘are you still a size 8?’
The reason I chose to follow your youtube videos and read your blog is because you’re real. There are millions of super-tall, super-skinny fitness instructors out there who never seem to eat ANYTHING and don’t seem to realise that there are other things in life. You are a successful business woman and fitness instructor and inspiration to so many girls like me. Your videos are fun. You are strong. You can hold a plank for like a million years. You’re healthy.
And I watched and did your ABC abs video and I’m not really sure what people are talking about with the weight gain anyway!
Keep doing what you’re doing because I’ve never been as fit as I am now watching your videos!
Cassey,reading this post really really touched me.I have faced so many situations where i lost weight and gain back a little more because of the stress I face everyday.I remember my mum going ‘Wow!You look fat.What happened to eating clean and exersicing on a daily basis?You give up so fast,ah?’ ohoh and here’s the best one from my dad,’Chelsea!!!Why in the world did you buy a size xxs?Your arms look huge’This words might mean nothibg to them but to me it was like stabbing a knife into my heart.I am trying so hard to keep up with everything school,health,fitness,my social life and so much more.I really thought I was the gonna break down and I started feeding myself again and again to let the pain go away but that didnt make it any better.Reading this made me realise I need t get up and stop feeling sorry for myself but instead to work my butt off for something I will be proud of.Let them judge us.Seriously they wont get any benefits anyways.Infact what goes around comes around.Dont worry Cassey your not the only one in this.You have us .:)
Cassey! Don’t worry! We all still love you!
You are still the most inspiring, fun and bubbly workout instructor I love to watch you YouTube.
You don’t need a bikini body all year round because the bikini diet seriously looks bland to stick to all year round.
You will forever look good, and fit in my eyes. So don’t worry! Please stay happy and continue to inspire us to live and eat healthily!! Life is not about bikini body. Life is about being healthy, fit and be able to enjoy the food you love. And you are doing it right!
Lots and lots of love,
Hiya Cassey:
I resonated with this post a lot because this semester has been really hard and I haven’t been able to work out as much as I wanted. I was even trying the Bikini Challenge Twitter thing, but I didn’t completely. And yes, as a Puerto Rican girl it is very common, for you to be compared, to be picked on by your mom, by your aunts and grandmothers (they are the worst). But also, like you said there have been some big changes in my life and I needed to step back from the fitness thing (because working out 7 days a week, just wasn’t happening anymore) and take it easy.
Thank you, for being so honest with us. I am ever so proud of you and your successes. I always thank my lucky stars I found you. You are so raw and honest, and not afraid to tell it like it is and that is what other fitness blogs don’t tell you.
Lots of Love,
Forever and Always,
Adrianna P.
I would like to say: a FIT body needs fuel! You need to eat to achieve your goals, you can’t starve yourself, because that eventually never works out, like most diets! I’m so proud of you for eating healthy 🙂 you look healthier now anyway, Cassey! Please don’t ever feel bad about yourself, you look awesome, you are extremely fit and you simply rule 🙂
To be honest Cassey I didn’t even notice you “gained some weight” because when I look at your videos and work out with you and all the other popsters, I see a strong and confident woman with a big heart who’s helping others stay fit. I’ve seen other workout videos but they’re not as enjoyable. You just have this glow around you that makes anyone’s day brighter.
I agree with the others. You looked stunning in your bikini but you look even better now. You look healthier and more, I guess I could say human? haha
Maybe its just me but I just didnt find it healthy to have that sort of diet and intense workout in such a short amount of time. I don’t think it does ones body much good.
Everyone has a diffrent body shape. Some are naturally thinner, smaller and others are just wider, like myself. Just be proud of who you are! Why shouldnt you be, I mean you do everything you can for your body and your mind.
My parents always taught me that I should listen to my body and that it doesnt matter what people think about you. What matters is how you think about yourself.
With this I come back to my point earlier: as long as you feel good it will show on the outside. Your glowing self, just who you are is what I like about you. Never forget that.
All my life I’ve laughed at for the way I am. I wanted to change. I tried but each time I’d fall back and lose even more weight. I usually take out my stress on food. I do not like this about myself at all.
Ever since I met you I’ve been feeling more confident and pushing myself. And now you gave me another boost by reminding me that I’m not the only one and that everyone has their ups and downs.
Good luck Cassey! <3
Hi Cassey,
First off, you are not FAT. I would kill to have your figure and fitness. I agree with what you said about being human and our bodies change day-to-day, month-to-month, year-to-year. Depending where we are in life and what is going on.
I’ve been over weight most of my life (When I was 12, I weighed 65kg – 10kg heavier then the next girl in my class) It took me over 10 years from that moment in my life to get down to a ‘normal’ weight. I’ve done most diets (depriving myself of whole food groups) exercised for hours and all I got was a slightly smaller version of myself, but had no life because everything revolved around exercise and food (or lack of).
And I fully understand how hard it is to eat normally after being on a strict diet. You’ve been telling yourself for weeks that you can’t eat this or that because of the calories or carbs and then you finish the diet (something you’ve been looking forward to since you started) and you can’t do it. Everything is BAD! and you are scared that if you eat that one thing you’ll gain all that weight back.
I’ve learned to accept my body and it’s ever changing shape. As long as I’m eating healthy and clean, and am exercising on a regular bases, and most of all am HAPPY, then I don’t care if my belly looks a little bloated this week – I’ll wear a looser fitting top 😉 and next week I’ll get back on the wagon. Life is more fun with ups and downs anyway ;D
Cassey – It sucks when someone comments on your appearance in not a good way. We can have 1000 people say how great we are and how nice we look, but it’s that one person that says “You look FAT” that really sticks with us – like it’s the only comment that matters… It’s NOT and it’s NOT true. Cassey, you look HOT! and I’ll always strive to be as fit as you <3
Hey Cassey!
I just know exactly how you feel and I actually feel proud to have a role model just like you.
About two years ago, I was quite close to developing an eating disorder because after some of these hurting comments, i decided to stop eating. And I went on like this for nearly a year, till my friends were so afraid of me getting into some serious problems, thta they forced me to talk about my problems and pushed me to eating again.
After that I needed hard discipline and strenght to just eat something without feeling really guilty about it and of course – all the weight i lost during my phase of not eating came back. And I started to feel really ashamed. I started to feel that I was losing my achievements and was letting myself go. I even started again to reduce eating to a minimum.
That was when I came across you and your videos. I started to do them and realized that I wasn’t able to do them just because my body lacked of power. I realized that if I want to become as strong and beautiful as you are, I can’t stop eating.
I think that you are really amazing just the way you are and so inspiring!
(Well that turned out very cheesy…)
You are such an inspiration! I have recently been travelling and have gained some weight. I always feel so guilty gaining weight when others view you as this fit athlete. I feel like I let people down and people automatically judge me when it happens. This blog post has me newly inspired and motivated! You are right we are humans, we make mistakes! Thanks again for being such an inspiration! Can’t wait to start the May calendar today 😀 And you look amazing as always!
You are amazing and a blessing to us all!! Thank you for your honestly and I really appreciate who you are and what you do!!!
Cassey, as a fitness instructor, I think it is more important to promote healthy body image than to fit the image of a “classic” body builder/fitness instructor. The work you do to inspire girls all around the world says so much about your CHARACTER and personality – and weight has nothing to do with it. To be honest, I didn’t notice this alleged weight gain because you still look healthy, and I think that’s really important. As someone who has fluctuated between eating disorders and being healthy, and still recovering and trying to reset my mentality, I truly understand how you feel. It makes me so sad to see a beautiful girl such as yourself feel ashamed of the physiology of your own body. Cassey, keep doing what you do and stay strong. We’ve all got your back. 🙂
Cassey, don’t think you let yourself go!! you didn’t!! weight fluctuates, as you said when you just finished your bikini contest. You still look amazing, and more importantly are happy and healthy!! I lived in Thailand for years and everyday I had people come and tell me I was fat…. I lost over 10kg and didn’t eat anything and didn’t feel healthy because of it….girls starve themselves to look thin in Bangkok, it’s scary….well, I guess the pressure is everywhere but it’s more in your face in Asia. But being healthy and getting nutrients is more important than maintaining a super low BMI… need to think about your mental health and strength of bones etc. in old age too…. You are still a role model and anyone can look up to you for the way you look and behave now. I personally think you look better now and are healthier now…my husband thinks you looked your best when you very first started pop pilates years ago! (just in case you wanted a man’s opinion lol)
Cassey you’re so honest and beautiful, thank you for this post! I hate that people always seem to pick out things like this and feel the need to tell us such negative stuff but the way you’re approaching this is awesome! You still look incredible. Love you xxxx
Even though you gained some weight, you still look amazing and I still aspire to transform my body to look like yours.
We all gain weight.
Gaining weight just inspire us to work even HARDER next time.
Much love 🙂
I’ve always been too skinny (even though I ate a lot!) and after a big breakup 2,5 years ago I lost all appetite, so got even skinnier. When I started to feel better I wanted to gain weight, not just the weight I lost during my sad days, but more. When I did my family also started making comments on my appearance, but not the ones I was looking for. I was still slim, but I finally had some body fat, I was actually really proud of myself. But then people started to say: “Wow Shelley, you really gained weight”, “Your face looks chubbier” etc. So I began to feel self-conscious. I had to eat a LOT to even have gained that weight, so I began eating ‘normal’ again; I lose weight really fast so everything I gained disappeared within a few months.. Now I’m just trying to gain muscle 🙂 because then I can still gain (muscle)weight, but look fit and feel confident. Cassey, you need to know that I will never look down on you for gaining weight 🙂 you will always look awesome to me and we all know you are fit. Please don’t worry about what people say, you rule. xoxo
Hey Cassey!
(btw, I’m from Germany, that’s why my English might be not that good… But we’ll see, I’ll try my best that you guys understand me.)
I feel honestly so sorry for you that people reduce you on your weight. I mean, ya, you are a fitness instructor. But in my opinion, fitness instructors teach you how to get fit, healthier and happier, and not how to become the thinnest version of yourself you’ve ever been. For me, this is all about so much more… And the whole “being-thin”-story is waaaay too much focused. I was seriously worried when I read how hard you struggled while getting back on track to NORMAL eating habits! This is NOT what any person should have to go through, neither fitness instructors nor bodybuildersnor any other, although the body might be in a way your capital. I am struggling with my body and my eating habits for 7 or 8 years now. And I’m anorexic. The worst part is actually that you can’t let go of the feeling that you’re not worth it until you look like sjdshaldkjsd. But this is not what life’s about! Ya, it is a nice thing to feel comfortable, to have tight legs, nice abs and a great butt. But even if you don’t have your ideal body, life’s going on, it doesn’t wait for you to be in a perfect shape. It’s dangerous to prevent oneself from “living” just because your perfect body image is not “completed”.
Okay, that was a lot of blah blah, what I wanted to express: Cassey, please be aware of the fact that you’re teaching a lifestyle in first place. The great burn after a workout, the awesome feeling in the shower after working out so hard that you nearly stopped every 5 minutes, but you didn’t! It’s not about just sports, it’s about facing challenges, and dealing with them. For me, it is a great way to practice being in difficult situations, “bearing” and finally managing them without running away, especially concerning my social phobia. I wanted to message you, but I’ve always been too scared to do so, but now…
I wanted to thank you. As i said above: I’m an anorexic and struggling pretty much every day. Lately, I’ve interrupted my study due to my mental issues. Although I tried really hard the last few years, everything got more or less worse… depression, eating disorder, social phobia. I focused on a specific weight, tried everything to reach that one goal that should bring me happiness. I’m eating constantly not enough, and that’s what I did the last few years. You don’t have to be a professor to know that my metabolism is pretty much a mess now. A few months ago, I was running like crazy to my standards (4 times/week for 1 hour, additionally riding my bike nearly every for 15-20km) to finally loose the weight (no worries, I’m a normal weight) and starting to eat slowly a little more. What happened? I had the feeling of loosing more and more muscles, I felt less toned and tight -> I felt the fattest I’ve ever felt. A few weeks ago, I found your blog and started doing your workouts with a combination of 2 times of cardio/week for 1 hour each. And OH MY GOD, Cassey! I’ve NEVER, nevernever felt THAT good! I mean, I still hate what I feel and see, but woooooow! I can leave the house without having the feeling to break out in tears the very first minute because I look so ugly. Sport has always been my best way to cope with depression, but your workouts seriously make me feel a lot better. I thank you so much. The last few weeks, I felt simply so shitty and down. I’ve never been the suicidal type of person, but most of the time I just wanted to die, basically. Because every day was a fight. A fight against myself that I lost every day. Since I work out with you, I can handle days where I eat more than planned (ya, anorexics have these days as well.) much better. Like the day yesterday. Seriously, it is just so hard… But you know what? I’m going to pick 4-5 videos now, rock my matt and feel amazing! I will leave my house then in 2-3 hours, shopping for a nice dress (I actually never go shopping. It’s too much for me to see me everywhere, to see the size I wear and to see new clothes, especially tight ones, on my body. I never wear dresses… actually.) and I’ll go to party tonight! Because this is just MY life, and I have no other than this! I’m just 20 years old and want to enjoy every minute of my day.
I’m honestly sorry, this is quite confusing and doesn’t relate to your post, actually, but it just came up and… sorry.
I hope you all enjoy your day!
Much love !
You are amazing? do you know that? A bubble of inspiration!
Dear Cassey,
I think this is the first time I leave a comment but I super love your blog, your vids and read everything you post because I seriously think you are a source of inspiration. You see, after watching a lot of your videos I decided to train, really train.
And in three months I went from 72 kilos – I’m European so I’m kind of lost with the pounds thing- to 62 kilos – which I think it’s more or less from 159 to 136 pounds-. And I have curves, it’s part of my mom’s genes xD But you know what? I love my curves and so does my husband. I want to lose more weight because my legs are not as good as I would like them to be but he doesn’t want me to lose another single kilo. Because he loves me just the way I look right now, with curves.
But I do feel the pressure to look better and I’m having a really hard time not to work a little bit harder and achieve my “perfect” body. Which is nonsense, I know but… I care about the way people see me and it’s hard not to listen to them.
Which is why, after reading your post, I want to say one thing to you, the person that motivated me week after week: You are amazingly beautiful. That’s the first thing I think when I see your vids, in fact, I didn’t notice at all that you had gained a little bit of weight because your body rocks. Hard.
So don’t listen to them, those stupid comments shouldn’t make you feel bad at all because you work hard for you and for us. What else can we expect from you? Perfection? That doesn’t exist. But you do, and a lot of us think you are wonderful.
A lot of love and a million hugs,
I would take a guess and say that those people who commented are just jealous of your gorgeous body, good looks, personality, skills and fitness. I never really noticed any weight gain because I don’t watch fitness videos to analyse the trainers body in that way, I watch them to work out and of course you’ve always been such a huge source of inspiration to me since I started to recover from my bulimia and become healthy and I know that I’m not the only one you inspire each day to get off the couch and kick butt!
You are ABSOLUTELY right.
I don’t comment often on blog posts, but I can’t ignore this. Yes, I’ve noticed that you gained some weight, but I have no doubt that you’re stronger than before. We should make strength and fitness as our MAIN goal, and appearance as a supplementary advantage coming from achieving that main goal.
Seriously, we don’t care about your thigh gap. You’re a great instructor, a good person, and you’re motivating us all to get off our couches, (and leave that bag of potato chips there), and SQUAT. And that’s the most important thing of all.
I can totally relate to this post! I’ve always been on the slightly chubby side my entire life and like you, when I work hard, the weight comes off but when I eat “normally”, the weight comes back… and it doesn’t feel awesome. I guess that’s what it means to have a “set” weight for us not-born-skinny people. But after discovering your videos (just completed crazy 127 and on the maymuscles!) I’ve started to love being strong not just in my body but in my mind as well – your fighter spirit and positive attitude and amazing smile is what motivates us, NOT how you look or your weight! I totally agree that we don’t have to be ashamed of gaining weight especially if you’re still eating clean, you’re still fighting fit and most importantly, you’re healthy! In fact, gaining weight after your crazy bikini diet is NORMAL! 🙂 And I agree with some of the comments here, I’m jealous of your curves and would gladly put on some weight to get those curves!! So thank you for being so honest and brave here, you’re truly an inspiration because of who you are, and continue doing what you love (even if that means eating a bit more) because WE STILL LOVE YOU!!
I’ve never looked at you and thought “wow that girl is fat”. Honestly people that are commenting on your videos about your appearance are obviously just insecure about themselves. I watch the videos for workout inspiration and I honestly didn’t even notice that you had gained weight. I think you look truly great & healthy!
Cassey it made me so sad to read this post. At the same time, I am really happy because for the last 6 months I have been backpacking around the world, have lost all of my muscle tone and gained back the weight Id lost before I came away. I am going home next week and felt like shying away from friends and family for weeks until I could get my weight down – now I feel like I might be able to admit that I am only human and I will claw back my strong and toned body in my own good time.
Thanks for this post.
Hey, Cassie !!
Do you know what? I like you better like this <3
I have muffintops and that layer you mentioned on the abs but I'm working on it too !
Don't ever stop being yourself because YOU INSPIRE ME !
My ex boyfriend once asked me had I put on weight ( while we were together) in fact i had put on only 2lbs maybe! I was shocked and felt disgusting and then I lost too much weight to prove him wrong. Why didnt I do it for me! We feel good for ourselves no one else!
I find that some people put others down to make themselves feel good! People can be jealous and dont understand true hard work that we put into ourselves. So what if anyone has gained any weight, everyone does and it isnt the end of the world! You train insane and then get back to it! We are only human after all!
Hey think about it at least we train insane.. some people do nothing, so who are they to say anything.
P.S. Cassey you look amazing, its how you feel that is important. Your popsters love you!
As a yoga teacher, I too get self-conscious when I touch parts of my body and it’s not super duper tight. Then I keep seeing my body changes from fit to not-so-fit and the bits between the two. I come to realize that body is not a manufactured product whose surface shine in the plastic wrap but a creature alive and fueled by food, workout, conversation, and inspiration.
The next time I see body being not-so-fit, I remind myself to get back on track and say to the not-so-fit body, “oh you just wait.” I trust myself in conditioning the body to look the way I want it to when I want to. I also trust my body to change and transform.
Even if I become “fat” even up to the point of not being able to ‘perform’ advanced yoga poses, I know for a fact that I can still effective teach. What good is a fit-looking instructor if she/he had no teaching skills. Your skills are so deeply grained in who you are (from what I see) and no later of fat and hide that.
I would tell you how much you are loved, appreciated and admired but you already know that.
You are such an inspiration and this post makes me admire you even more.
There are a lot of people out there who feel like they failed if they gained a few more pounds and start doubting themselves or just stop working out. But not only do you inspire people to change their lifestyle and their view on fitness, you also show them that it’s okay to stumble sometimes and that it’s not the end of the world, you just pick yourself up and keep going.
Thank you for being such an amazing role model!
Cassey! You are beautiful. I can’t believe this because I didn’t even notice when I did the work out today! I saw how strong and fit and beautiful you were and even when I felt like giving up during ABC ABS I kept on going because of you. I can’t believe that people said those nasty comments but you shouldn’t feel hurt and you are definitely far from fat! You are perfect and I’d love to end up with a body like yours anyday! You have changed SO many peoples lives and I know you have changed mine.
I have been called fat throughout my childhood. I remember when I was about 9, I had finished school for the holidays and on that night two girls called up. I picked up the phone and answered it and they said “you’re fat” and hung up. I felt so terrible, I went to my room and cried. To this day I have never forgotten those words. My ex told me when I was about 14/15 that if I lost weight and dyed my hair blonde then maybe I’d look better, and up until today I have been told I look like a pig and have been called ‘fatty’ and it’s just not nice.
This hate luckily hasn’t affected me as much as I have gotten older. it hurt at the time, and it caused me to really stuff up what I ate but their words aren’t important because as long as you’re happy with you and your body that is all that matters and you taught me that. I am doing Blogilates because you have truly inspired me to aim for the body that I have always wanted. Not because of what people have said. I laugh in pain during your videos and I have felt like giving up but you keep me on track – you are my idol and without you, I would not have started clean eating or blogilates.
Please know that you are beautiful and you have so many people that look up to you and those negative people have no right to say those things to you, or anybody because it isn’t fair. Stay true to who you are.
All I want to say is that you have to enjoy life and sometimes eating yummy food is really enjoyable!
When I was doing my ABC abs video family members watching actually commented on how amazing your body was and how you where so lucky, I think as long as your happy it shouldn’t matter! <3
Hi Cassey,
A year ago, when I started working out seriously, I set myself a goal. I wanted to become strong, not necessarily skinny. And yes, my body did get more toned, and yes, I started eating cleaner. But to me, the most important thing is that I am now so strong (both fysically and mentally) that I am going to run my second half marathon this year, I can hold plank for more than 1 minute, I can do a crow pose easily and am learning to do a head and handstand.
And you are a BIG HUGE inspiration for me. I think you are super strong!!!! The way you do all those videos and keep up till the end (and talking in between), I aspire that! So just keep on going. I think you’re BEAUTIFUL, both inside and out!
This post moved me. Half way through, I realized that my eyes had gone all teary.
I am pissed that someone felt that they could talk to you like that, Cassey. You have given me nothing but hope that I can change. AND the tools to do it. You have become my web-based personal trainer and even though we have never met, I think of you as a friend. Because you are helping me get healthy. Because you’re always there cheering me and every single one of us on.
And I hate (a word I do not use lightly) that people called you out in such a rude way. Yes, I understand being curious but there are ways of asking that are more tactful and heaps more polite.
I’ve learned a couple things from this post. First, crazy ass diets are bad for EVERYONE (not just fat people) because they screw up our relationship with food. Plus they can’t be sustained. I’ve been reading that everywhere for years and I know I’ve done them anyway – and failed – but reading that it has happened to you as well really made it sink in. Next? That all my problems with food and fitness will not go away when I’m trim and fit. I will still have to work just as hard as I do now so I don’t get back here again.
This POPster thinks you’re amazing. Thank you for putting it all out there like you did. It was so brave. And real and honest. And very, very admirable.
this was such a beautiful post, Jody.
I second every single word.
So Cassey, this POPster right here (pointing at myself) also thinks you’re amazing. 🙂
Hey Cassie!
Everything you say or do is such a motivation it’s crazy!
In grade 7 I started starving myself because of the fear of being fat. My dads side of the family are all over weight and I was always told “if you keep eating like that you’ll start to be my size” from anyone on his side of the family. So I stopped eating. It went on for the next 6 years. I wouldn’t eat for a week or two and then start again. And it worked out pretty good. I was always a size 00 and xxs while looking healthy because of my small height. But I had no energy! Couldn’t keep a proper conversation with people.
Finally, in my second year of university I realized enough was enough. I was going to eat what I want, when I want, and stop being depressed because my brain could not handle the stuff I was learning at school when I hadn’t been eating. So I enjoyed going out to eat and snacking, drinking lots, and all the weight gaining stuff. And I def gained weight. It sucked, I didn’t want to gain weight, but I had to do it in order to get healthier. So now, your videos, blogs and tweets are my motivation. My abs are hurting so much right now from your total body work out I did yesterday. And it honestly feels ten times better when someone says “you look good today have you been working out?” Than when someone would say, your so skinny! Hell yes I’ve been working out! Taking the hard route for the better outcome! 🙂
Thanks you Cassie and you do not look like you gained weight to me, you have more energy than normal and a bigger brighter smile! Your healthy and enjoying life more. That’s what it’s all about! No point in living life to the fullest if you can’t eat a bag of chips every now and then! .. Or an apple in your case. Lol
Hi Cassie,
I am a viewer of yours who silently and shyly follows your amazing videos and dies in the process of doing them. Even though I am not a consistent workout girl, I still watch your videos and read your blog and I have to say that every time I do, I get really motivated to start anew and think about how happy I’d be in the future if I had a toned body. Unfortunately I am facing a very stressful period cause I am graduating from high school and in Italy it’s super duper hard to get ready for exams and stuff, so I don’t have time to exercise that much cause I’m always studying and when I’m done I just feel like crushing on my bed and go to sleep. Also, since us girls have a greater tendency to eat compulsively when in stress, I find myself reaching for LOTS OF CARBS of all kinds (and I am a person who never stops!).
This post has got my jaws pop open in disbelief: how can people even tell you that you gained weight? If that’s gaining weight then I’m getting what you’re getting 😉 I think people don’t understand that fitness trainers are human beings too. I mean, it’s not like you have been feeding yourself Mc Donalds every day; you just started eating more after a period where you barely ate, considering that you burned everything off by exercising. So yeah I’d say that that crazy training for the competition is definitely to blame cause I betcha you were awesome even before it…but hey, a competition is a competition and I would also work my whole self in order to succeed.
I am so proud of you for accepting what happened and not feel sorry about yourself cause that’s how you get up again and start fresh: you have always had the determination (that I am lacking btw) to do whatever you set your mind to and therefore you’ll be able to burn off that “layer of fat” in no time 😉
I believe in you and keep on being the genuine, amazing, sweet and funny person you always are, cause people are just dumb and their brains do not work that well sometimes 🙂
Keep on fighting Cassie,
It’s so amazing..
I’m also printing this post out because it really helped me to realize that everyone is on this journey together. At the start of 2012, I made a resolution to eat right and work out as often as I can so I can feel confident in that bikini once summer came. And you know what? I did it. However I think I felt too comfortable at that stage and I started to slack… I had this mentality that I was going to stay that way and enjoying the holidays and all the delicious goodies wouldn’t be so bad for my body. I let myself go, and it’s hard for me to find that drive and motivation to get started again. I thought “if I did it once at the beginning of the year, I can do it again!” , but it’s way easier said than done.
It’s now May and I still find myself snacking on sweets late at night and dreading workouts. There are days where I’ll work out a little, and eat relatively clean, and feel really good about myself. Reading this post made me realize that it’s okay to fall down sometimes, but you need to just get right back up and keep going. Everyone goes through these hard times, and it’s so nice knowing that I’m not alone in feeling like this and that others are going through these same trials. I’m so grateful for all you POPsters out there, because each and every one of you inspire me to try harder, and being new to blogilates, it makes me feel so warm and welcome. Thank you for giving me this new-found motivation, and I know we can all achieve our goals and make our dreams come true :]
we’re all beautiful no matter what anyone else says <3
Heeey Cassey!
I don’t know why people would say you look fat. Just because you gained some weight doesn’t mean you’re fat! You still look as healthy, glowing and beautiful as always.
I love the fact you’re so honest about what you write in your blog. You’re so right, people should realize that just because you’re a fitness instructor you don’t have to be some kind of stereotype!
I can identify with you so much. I know the craving that comes after a strict diet and the feeling when you look in the mirror and think “damn, these jeans look different on me now”. But that’s life! We’re only human, we’re not supposed to be perfect all the time. And seriously, no one has the right to judge you.
You’re not always happy. You’re not always in a good mood. And you’re not always holding your weigth. That’s just how it is.
But, and that’s what I like about it – you can always change it again. Work out harder, eat clean. Stay focused and you’ll get there. Besides being healthy, I think the feeling of achievement is what makes it so satisfying. Like proving to yourself that, if you want something, you can get it!
You’ve been my inspiration for so long now. I follow your workout plan religiously and I’m trying to change my lifestyle by eating clean. You’ve been such a big motivation for me. You’re the only one who can almost kill me with a workout but make me smile at the same time (I hate burpees too but always do them haha). And I’m always in a good mood afterwards 🙂
I think it’s not about your looks, it’s about how you motivate and change people by being the great person and instructor you are. You’ve done so much for so many people, including me. So please don’t feel bad if someone says something about your weight or how you look -you’re so much more than that and that’s what truly counts!
Thanks so much for everything Cassey!
Sorry for the long post but I couldn’t stand the thought of you being upset. If you only knew what an inspiration you are for people like me you wouldn’t! <3
Beautiful post.
You are such a big inspiration to many people, you are positive and honest and this is so much bigger than the scale number.
You said it yourself in one or two of your videos that the most important thing is to feel good from the inside and you will shine on the outside.
You shine the brightest!
Thank you for being here for us!
*HUGS* :))
Casey ,
Your such an inspiration even more now!! Being an 18yr old girl I know well the pressure and stress there is to look perfect to look thin but to have the bum and curves as well! But it’s not easy it’s an almost an impossible image to keep up. But you look great in fact I would say you look even more beautiful now than you did before. Your fit , healthy and gorgeous and your look is one so many crave. You mentioned some pointed out your tigh gap has gone this has been a bone of contention amoung my friends and people over here atm. There’s been so many days we have sat in uni and discussed how much more attractive a girl looks throughout it they look normal, instead of ‘ill’ as quoted my one of my friends!
In a way I know how you feel, just over a year ago I suddenly drop over a stone in weight for no reason the doctors carried out tests but no explanation could be found. I dropped from a uk size 10 to a 4 (so US 0) in the space of a month, this meant my perfect prom dress no longer fitted me and for weeks I searched with no luck to find a new one all were too big, eventually a family friend who was thankfully the same size came through with her bridesmaids dress, but back to the point. At that point I hated it I lost what I believed was my only asset my bum and all my friends were commenting on how tiny I looked and I needed to gain weight. A year on and I was still the same size but has been eating so much food! However about a couple of weeks ago I started to put the weight back on and gained about 5lbs putting me up above 8st again, a healthy weight for my height. But the feeling I got on seeing that 8 appear was horrible! I now feel fat and am scared about putting any weight on. I know this is ridiculous to be healthy I need to put weight on and I know I’m far from being ‘fat’ yet I’m still terrified. So in a way I feel like in a way I’m more connected to you , like I can take inspiration from this post and hopefully like you accept that there’s nothing wrong or anything to be ashamed about by gaining some weight. It’s perfectly naturally but knowing that and feeling that are two completely different things I guess….
Anyways just wanted to share my story with you, just felt that I wanted to say it.
Stay strong and keeping your head up high
Your an inspiration to me and so many others
<3 Kelly
Thanks so much for such an honest, inspiring post Cassey 🙂
I will never forget when I was 14 and a boy calling out ‘thunder thighs’ when I walked past. I was healthy and fit, going through puberty and growing into myself. That memory stays with me now and I have had issues over the years since then with cutting meals and fasting etc. It’s horrible for people to comment on other’s weight. The magnitude and consequences that it can have on some people can be incredibly upsetting.
Nowadays overall I have a healthy balanced life, yet recently been struggling to juggle study, exercise and clean foods, and have put on a little weight since the summer (I’m in Australia). This week I’ve taken control, and loaded up on delicious nutrient rich foods so I don’t reach for unhealthy options, and started the 30 Day Squat Challenge. That being said, I’m still finding it tough managing to fit in working out with study as daylight saving has ended and it gets dark and cold so early. This post could not have come at a better time for me 🙂 I love your videos and will get back into doing them more often now that it is not such great running weather.
I really appreciate all the hard work you put into this fantastic website and your videos, and I really look up to you 🙂 Hope you’re having a beautiful day, thank you again 😀
Hi Cassey,
I’m so glad you posted this, it’s sort of ironic, as I too have gained weight recently, and felt ashamed to even go back into my gym, because I was scared of what people might say! It’s awful to think that just for gaining a few pounds, you can be too ashamed to go somewhere!
Everything that you wrote in this post related to how I’ve felt recently, so i’m so glad that you as a fitness instructor are going through the same thing! It made me realise that everyone is human, and slips up from time to time! I realised that life isn’t about counting calories and grueling exercise every single day! I know that health and exercise are an important part of life, but so is mental health, and that can be easily overcome by the need to be healthy and toned etc
But life is about living, enjoying the treats and not feeling guilty about missing a workout!
You were already an inspiration to me, but now you’re even more of one, because you’ve just proved you’re not perfect, and go through the same struggles as everyone else!! 🙂
Casey when I was a little overweight (before I met you) my self confidence had been constantly injured when a bunch of imprudent women told me that I gained weight, and that my face looked bloated. I was overly sensitive at those times and that simple question would crash my soul and get on my nerves. Now that for 3 years I maintain my weight except for little fluctuations from time to time, they look up to me. But I never make comment on their weights but instead I guide and motivate them as much as I can when they ask me questions about how I got thinner. Another thing I do is recommending your exercise videos. :)) Love ya
For that is why you are the only youtuber that made me move my ass. Because you arent the tipical perfect trainer. You are like us. You motivate us, kill us, but most importanly you understand us. And you do it so well that when you are down we want to support you. We want to give you al the love you send us in your videos and your blog.
And you know what? I dont care if you win weight, or have a amazing toned body, because if im here doing (or trying) your videos is because you have and wonderful big heart. And thats is what really import.
Sorry for my bad English. I hope you understand what i mean.
Thank for all Cassey.
Cassey, thank you SO much for this post 🙂 I also find it very uncomfortable when women or just other people in general make remarks about physical appearance. I just moved to Taiwan from America two months ago with my family so I’ve had a bit of a culture shock there, and since every person that has come up and talked to me so far only did so to tell me that I have a lower belly pooch, that my thighs aren’t thin enough, or that my face looks red and is a bit chubby, it makes feel really sad and ashamed–even when I know their opinions shouldn’t affect me.
Since coming here I’ve been more grouchy and had a LOT of mood swings. I became so obsessed with the idea of “being skinny” that I would feel immediate guilt if I took a bite of a cracker, and so would rush off to exercise and try to burn off all that I ate. Also I injured my left knee so I haven’t done cardio in about a month, which frustrated me even more lol. And last week I had an emotional breakdown since I felt really ashamed and angry with myself for not being able to lose the weight even though I knew in the back of my mind that this is a process and results aren’t immediate. I guess it was just really hard to accept that, especially with my injured knee, I’ll have to take things down a notch for a while, at least until my knee heals 🙂 I can still keep up with your workout videos, and I can still lift and carry heavy boxes =) (cause we just moved and all haha so LOTS of boxes!).
But yeah since that emotional breakdown I’ve been taking baby steps, deep-breathing to de-stress, and reminding myself that I am a human being, that my weight, what others assume of me just by my physical appearance, DO NOT define me ^_^
THANK YOU so much for this post Cassey. The honesty of your words resonate with me and literally brought a smile to my face, and your bubbly confidence and positive outlook inspires me to be positive and have confidence in myself too! Stay strong Cassey! I truly admire you and I’m SO happy I came across blogilates 6 months ago. You have no idea how big an impact you’ve made on me and I thank you and appreciate you soso much for it 🙂
– Amy
I cant’ believe what I’m reading… Honestly Cassey, in my personal opinion you look better and more feminine now than you looked on that bikini competition. That is just my opinion and you are left to do what ever you want with your body… And believe it or not, I watch you and I’ve been meaning to ask you for ages how do you manage to look so feminine and toned up, with ~0 fat! Because I always end up loosing fat, but looking like a dude: no boobs, too much muscles, veins on my hands and etc.
I also wanted to ask you about those veins on my hands, they are puffy whenever I lower them down! I hate it, and I blame workouts for it! Is there anything I can do to prevent them from popping out.. I’ve started avoiding any exercise that include too much pressure on them, but still they pop, especially during summer 🙁 Help please.
Hey Cassey!
You are such an inspiration and yeah coming from an asian family,
I totally relate to hearing so many unnecesaary comments about my
body and how I should lose more weight! But your post above really
helped me to realize that I shouldn’t care so much about how others
think about the way I look but rather focus on what makes me feel
good about myself and what’s right for me. I’ve honestly been letting
go these past couple months..eating anything I wanted and not putting
much effort into my exercises..but I think it’s time I get back on track
with your awesome blogilotes videos and start eating healthy!
So all in all, thank you for being.. YOU and giving all of us hope and motivation
to be healthy and happy!! Blogilates Forever!!♥ Love Jinny♥♥
Hey Cassey! U shoudl be thankful that u did not turn anorexic after that competition 😉 Be hapy with who u r, how u look..does that not sound familiar ?? We are with you!
It’s funny as I read your post, I’m going through the same thing. I’m a fitness teacher as well, and boy oh boy do people give you the look!!! Lol!! I am one who if I watch every calorie that I consume I will lose weight, but the minute I eat normal (still healthy) I gain back all the weight and end up being exactly the same weight I have been pretty much my entire life. So I have to realize that God me just the perfect way, and just to take care of my self by eating right, some fitness and love who I am. I am perfect just the way I was created to be, enjoy life, don’t obses, make smart choices when it comes to food, life, exercising (life is more than food and exercise), have fun and learn to embrace what we are given.
Remember God made you Perfect, you are beautiful, strong, encouraging, loving, giving, what more do we need?
losing and gaining weight is absolutely normal and it happens to all of us. i know what you are feeling now. last year i put on weight and every single person, especially my mom, sister and friends must tell me i didnt look good. i was so upset. you are beautifil and you are my whole life inspiration. hugs:)))
My dad told me “you’ve gained a bit of weight” last time I visited my parents. But we’re not American, and in our culture (a bit like in your Asian family) it’s not that big of a deal and people don’t mean it as an insult. It was the truth, no big deal, and I just took it as a call-to-action to eat a bit better.
However, I certainly imagine that being a fitness instructor and making Youtube videos watched by thousands of people can put a lot of pressure on you. Your appearance becomes part of your job, and as you seem to be a perfectionist, you feel like you have to look perfect in each and every video. But you don’t. Weight gain or not, everybody has days when they’re bloated, feel fat or have a bad hair day. It’s easy for anonymous people to write these kinds of comments, they’re not in the spotlights like you are, hidden behind their computer.
I honestly prefer a fitness instructor like you, who’s real and share her ups-and-downs, than a fitness instructor that looks like a perfect fitness robot. For example, I don’t have anything against the Tone-it-up girls, but they’re always sooo positive and sooo lean and sooo perfect that it’s difficult to relate with them. I feel like they don’t live in the same world as I do. Are they some smiling aliens that live on the beach day in day out? You’re way more human and ‘real’, which is a very important quality for a fitness instructor!
Hey Cassey,
So I went back a year or so and checked out your videos from then aaaand… I don’t know what to say. Yeah, you’re slimmer. Guess what? I like you better right now. Not that I don’t have the fullest respect for the hard work you put in for the bikini competition, and you look absolutely gorgeous there as well. But I like this more. I guess it is expected of fitness trainers to be super toned and slim and everything, but to me, honestly, it’s pretty intimidating. When I was starting out with your videos I was a bit scared of the ones where you were super slim and hyper and I rather stuck to the earlier ones. It felt like I could keep up more with that girl than with the super toned one. By now I just do whatever video comes out or is on the calendar, but initially I didn’t dare. 😉
I’ve had some weight related experiences, the most memorable one was while I was in high school. I went shopping with some friends and we were in a store where there was a pair of jeans I liked. I am pretty tall and have a clear hourglass build with wide shoulders and hips. Even if I am on my absolute goal weight, I think I would still have a (European) size 40 in pants (possibly 38, depends on the pants). The jeans were only there in 34 or 36 or so, so I asked them if they had them bigger. The shop assistant looked me up and down and told me, with one eyebrow raised: “No, we don’t carry thát size…” That was pretty embarrassing at the time, but by now I’m absolutely happy with my curves.
At some point I was at my biggest (82 kilo) and was suddenly sick of it so I buckled down and worked off 10 kilos. By now, those 10 have returned. When I realized that I was very angry with myself. I wasn’t ashamed though. I feel less comfy in my skin when I’m heavier, that and health are the reasons why I am working again now to get the weight off. Do I care that other people might not like me for it… nope, not really. I’ve actually had some compliments in my recent heavier phase that I look sexy, yet I want to get rid of it for myself. In any case, for someone with my body build, I am pretty amazed people can look at someone like you and question your weight. You are absolutely beautiful and don’t ever let someone make you feel bad about weight, because damn girl, there’s nothing there to be ashamed of.
Keep being awesome and please don’t stop enjoying food!
^^^ Yes! Brilliant post. And I agree with you 100%, Isabelle. I think she looks fab now.
Dear Cassey, I know exactly how you feel! I too have been crazy busy(I am studying for my M.Sc and I work too) and stressed this past year and even though I managed to somewhat get into shape thanks to your videos last summer, since then it went downhill (though I still wear the same clothes, it’s a VERY different fit). It’s not a question of ‘how could you have let this happen’ and I can’t believe someone actually had the guts to say something like that! What the hell, people? Just ignore those who think they know, when really they have no idea. I don’t think anyone here is delusional enough to think that the weight and body fat percentage you had for the competition was normal or healthy long term or sustainable (that should be pretty clear as soon as you look at the regimen it took to get you there). You are such an inspiration and you are just that not because of a certain body fat percentage but because you are so positive and really want people to be healthy! I love that! One word of ‘advice’ though, if I may? I always find that going to bed early automatically results in me loosing weight and eating waaaay less unplanned meals (I think that’s just basic biology, your body goes into survival mode and starts storing fat when you are low on sleep) and I have noticed you being up super late all the time (I have that same problem, I wish I had 48 hours in a day instead of 24), so…get some Zzz! Love you!
thank you for this wonderful post.
I was really fat! 3 years ago my weight was about 107kg…I’ve lost 30kg, but I am still not really thin, but I am fitter and feel much better.
I love your videos and i am so inspired by you!
Keep on going this really good work!!
Hey Casey!
I gained more than 10kgs over the Christmas break which for me was 2 months long. I had almost recovered from anorexia nervosa at the time and my weight was perfectly healthy – but i was still scared of food so i over compensated by bingeing and managed to gain a lot of weight very fast. I’m still not happy with my body at all and have problems with eating, but I have started exercising a few days a week again and I know that one day I will be happy with myself and I will feel better.
Thankyou so much for this blog post – it made me feel so much better
Cassey, you look awesome and honestly I dom’t think you need to loose any weight. If this is the body size with which you can do all your running, lifting weights, laughing, eating the things that you love while still being healthy than that’s the weight for you! Don’t think that you need to loose weight ‘for summer season’ or whatever. Be awesome an live your life! Honestly, I really hate that people think they have the right to comment on anybodys body. IT IS YOUR BODY AND YOURS ALONE! lots of love!
xx hanne
This article couldnt have come at a better time. Recently, I’ve dropped around 10 pounds without meaning to. I got sick and the weight dropped in only a couple of days. Since I have a rather small frame, the sudden change was very obvious. The first thing that everyone seemed to notice was the apparent weight loss “Oh wow, you’ve lost weight! You look so good”. At first, I felt great but after a while it made me think “Uhhhh are they trying to say I didn’t look good before…” I tried to ignore that thought and just took the compliments positively. Now that I have gotten better and am back into my normal exercise and eating habits, some of the weight has come beck. People still comment on how much weight I’ve lost but those very close to me have started saying things such as “Hmmm you’ve put on a bit of weight…. but don’t worry you look good!” I know they mean well but why must that be the first thing they notice? I feel like all my life this has always been what people have noticed about me. I’ve always heard that I am a pretty girl but a bit chubby. Thank you so much for your blog, Cassey. It has helped me so much with keeping me on track and inspired! I truly feel like you’re my best friend that keeps me going 🙂
i haven’t notice any fat on you and you still look good to me =)
I’m Asian and I can really relate. You are such an inspiration Cassie! Keep it up! Love lots.
I am a fitness coach in Asia (so I don’t need to explain any more further how good is the food and how true are the words). We moved from Hong Kong to Malaysia few years back and while I was settling here I was in top shape of my life. A lot of free time to exercise, didn’t have many friends to go out with and eat. But after a while it all changed, social life booming, trying new dish everyday, I had my favourites for sure most unhealthy ones. After 6 month I started getting comments from fellow trainers that I have cellulite, then from clients that I got fat. It was so depressing! First I didn’t believe and was in denial stage, saying it is before my period and I am bloated. It all affected my mood so much. I got depressed and ate. Only now a year later I understand that we all have different stages of life and our bodies adapt and change. I am on my journey back to shape and it is very hard and sometimes I slip off the wagon. I am kind to my body and at the same time demanding. The body image perception is so strong in our society, that a girl/woman with a fat percentage in the normal range but in the top of the grade already thinks she is fat. We should be more down to earth, realistic and acceptable to ourselves. But never forget to eat good food and move the body as it designed to move. Good luck in your journey and you actually look very good I didn’t even notice that you gained weight!
This post is amazing. I loved you before, but now even more! I had a similar experience. My senior year of college was extremely stressful. About a year prior, I started running and working out. This led me to changing my lifestyle and eating healthier so come senior year I did lose a lot of weight! I lost even more weight at the end of that year due to stress before graduation. The gym was an outlet for me. After a long day of work and classes I’d hit the gym hard. However, with my busy schedule I would not eat the right amount all day and so I was running on fumes at the gym. I started noticing more of a weight loss…which I wanted. I wasn’t doing it the right way. I continued that pattern for almost a year after grad. I have bad anxiety and I had started to get panic attacks out of no where. That stopped my obsessive working out and eating behavior because I had something else I was focusing on. It was for the better because I think I was on the road to having an eating disorder and severe body issues. I got help from my therapist to manage the anxiety. I also started to let myself eat more and spend less time in thr gym. Ofcourse I gained some weight back and ya it freaked me out! It was around that time that I found your websites and started following your posts and using your videos to help me be healthy again. So yea I gained weight, but I worked hard to tone up the right way and am still working on it and eating mostly clean because of you!! Yea my family did notice, however they think I look great and were not worried anymore because of how much weight I was losing. Cassey you are an inspiration to others and as real as they come! You just connected yourself with so many others because of writing this!! Thank you! And don’t ever feel ashamed tou are so pretty and awesome 🙂
I’ve always been called fat by my bestie’s boyfriend (now ex) in high school.. and it was sad to know that I was the “fat pig” or the one with “elephantitis calves” amongst my beautiful skinny friends. Really I wasn’t fat at all when i look back to my old photos. But them calling me fat made me think I was. I now have been working out for almost a year, and yesterday the ex-boyfriend by best friend had messaged me on facebook saying how fit I looked. Boy, did that feel good. Of course he ended up teasing and being slightly meaner later on but I take it as it’s just how he is. He was the sporty one back then, the fit one.. and now he looks much fatter. It felt good that even someone who bullied you in school would notice and comment on your fitness progress 😀
But really, don’t let gaining weight let you down :/ weight is just a number! You can be fit and heavy! Just aim to be strong! 🙂
Hi Cassey,
I know how it feels, I always feel very fat when I’m back in Hong Kong for family visits. My younger sister is skinny and I actually always just eat and do whatever I like. It’s not like I’m super fat or something but I just have more “meat” on my body, that’s how my family would say it. But hey she’s a size 2 and I’m a size 2 as well, and it’s not even like the clothes are too tight fitting or anything. They fit just fine. Anyway I learnt to live with that, it’s just that Hong Kong mentality of skinny = good that just got into them. To me at the end of the day I feel like life is too short to care about what others think about your body as long as you feel comfortable and healthy in it, it’s ok. =)
I actually like how my body looks like I have a (even though I’m saying it myself) nice bum and I have a nice waist and not so much boobs, but that’s ok. I think I look healthy and I don’t need to be like “oh I don’t eat that much” when I’m out for dinner. Because I know I can control what I eat at home. I’ll make sure I have enough veggies, not too much meat and drink plenty of water. I’m trying to work out whenever I can by watching your videos and I noticed my muscles around my stomach area feel different. And that’s what I wanted =) Your body is perfect if you think it’s perfect, it doesn’t depend on whether others think it’s perfect or not =)
I love you Cassey I think you look fab and healthy =) I hope someday I can meet you! xoxo
I needed to hear that, thank you Cassey.
Cassey! A lot of people here have already said what I felt when I read your post but I have to say it again! Just because!
I personally believe that the reason why gaining weight can feel shameful is because it seems like we gave up on ourselves and we don’t have the strength to keep dieting and working out like a maniac 2 times a day. But that’s not true! Life should not be all about resisting and being strong all the time. If possible, life should be enjoyed to its fullest. And yes, sometimes we have to challenge ourselves to get a little further, we have to study our asses off for exams even though we want to go to the beach, or we have to power through a tough workout in order to become stronger and healthier. But as you say, after a long period of resisting and being strong, there should be a period of rest. And that’s ok too. You can’t diet as strictly as before a bikini competition all your life in the same manner as you can’t stop sleeping altogether to have more time. It won’t work. It’s not healthy!
And while I admired your strenght and strong mindset through this bikini competition, I honestly thought you look much, much better now! Yes, you were lean and one could see all the hard work on your body, of course you looked great! But just like everyone else here said, you look stunning no matter how much you weigh! I promise you!
And as my mom always says (haha): As long as you eat as healthy as you can and work out as much as you can, it simply does not matter what you look like and how much you weigh. As long as you treat your body right, it will be healthy and happy and that is all that matters.
So keep up the amazing work and don’t worry about extra fat. I know I do it too much 🙂 LOVE
That was very nicely said! :))
It’s ridiculous. I’d kill to be as fat as you
I think of all your posts, that has to be one of the most courageous and inspiring I’ve read so far. You are utterly amazing Cassey, you never cease to amaze me with how real you are, yet how you still focus on the positive things in life and in every situation it brings – you inspire me, and I’m sure all of us POPsters, on a daily basis! I spent most of high school fighting those types of comments, some of which yes, were from family members, and for a very long time I have had a really negative body image and a poor relationship with food because of it. But you know what? After starting POP pilates last year my mindset completely shifted – suddenly, it wasn’t about being fat or skinny, it was about being HEALTHY, being the best version of myself in all ways and cherishing the body that I was given. And it’s only through your constant energy, commitment and passion that I was able to get to that point. So no matter whether there are an extra few pounds on that scale or not you are a truly beautiful person Cassey, and I can’t tell you how much admiration and respect I have for you!!! I for one really appreciate that you are so honest and open about the fact that you’re just human, (something which I think we all forget sometimes when we’re dying in the midst of burpees and you’re still smiling away! :D), and I just want to thank you for your conviction and your heart – thank you for always being true to yourself and for taking us with you on that journey! Lots of hugs and love!!!! <3
I’m relatively new to the Blogilates party (a day old, actually) and your post struck me as being really honest and confident while at the same time holding yourself accountable. I’ve definitely been called fat… particularly lately.
It’s important to listen to your body… it knows itself better than your mind does.
Yeah, you tell ’em girl!
Cassey you are my inspiration. To me, you look healthy and fit (during your bikini competition or now). I love you Cassey for being honest and so inspiring. And you really motivate and keep me going. You are beautiful as you are Cassey! Don’t let anyone bring you down!
Bless your heart. I’m sorry you got those disparaging comments and felt like you had to defend yourself like that…our society is so messed up. It’s hard enough to be a woman in the world today with people being so critical of weight gain, but I cannot imagine how hard it is for someone like you in the public eye that is constantly scrutinized. You are gorgeous. You are inspirational.
About the whole Asian family commenting thing… I FEEL YA. I went back to Texas for a few days and the first comment my older cousin asked me was did I gain weight. I weigh 115 lbs….. and I’ve been working out more than I ever had so I definitely gained more muscle but dang I didn’t know that made me look fat. Smh, Asians.
I just want to say that I can relate to this so incredibly much, as I’ve struggled with Anorexia and EDNOS for almost three years now. Not to say that’s how extreme your case got, but I can relate to feeling like I’ve been out of ‘diet jail’ a lot of the time. It’s insane how much your body savors the things you deny it for so long.
Don’t worry Cassey, we love and support you ALWAYS. <3
I'm currently working on losing the weight I gained post break up (due to massive binge eating) and I've got about 10lbs to go. I was so flexible and able to do full pilates videos before all of this, and now it's incredibly hard. It doesn't help that I've started smoking heavily. But I know that I'll get back to where I'M comfortable, for ME and no one else. So we can do this. We can.
If anyone in LA wants a work out buddy, please email me at: <3
Cassey, this post just makes me want to give you a hug because well i’m a hug kind of person and i genuinely feel bad about how you’ve been feeling. I have been bullied all my life because of my weight and I find it really hard to deal with sometimes. I’ve always been the “fat kid” my whole life and it’s put my mentality through some serious hardships. i even lost 30lbs but I gained it all back and then some because my mentality wasn’t there. I would always make excuses for my eating habits because I developed a binge eating problem after restricting what I ate so much. However, I really have you to thank because without you, I wouldn’t be back on my fitness journey to lose the weight in a healthy way. not dieting, but to eat healthy all the time and make it a lifestyle change. In fact, you’ve helped me lose 16lbs and multiple inches just in april. In a way I really want to thank you for all your help and offer you a hug because I feel like you need one after some of the things you’ve been feeling. Although I haven’t met you yet because i live too far away. I feel like I know you, we’re workout buddies and when i feel like giving up, you help me keep going. you aren’t a failure, you are an amazing person and please don’t forget that! <3
Puhlease cassey, why does this always happen †φ †ђξ best and †ђξ brightest? Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊ really have no idea how beautiful Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊ are? I mean that in both physical and psychological ways. Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊ really have no idea how GOOD Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊ are! Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊ aren’t FAT. And I don’t think Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊’ll ever be.not if Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊ keep working out just for other peoples’ sake.I’m feeling so intimidated right now,if Ɣõu̶̲̥̅̊ are thInking you’re fat,then what am I?I’m definitely working out extra today!
Cassey your blogpost just made me tear up! To be honest I had thought you looked different, but I also thought, “those model pictures must be really extreme!” And they are. I think we are all stupidly conditioned to think the super thin model is the best, but its not normal and definitely not healthy for everyone to be that thin. You are an inspiration because you are real and you are healthy and obviously eat very healthy good foods. Women need to stop being so judgmental of one another and support each other! And that is what you are all about! I had a blast at the UCLA meet up and you looked amazing and all I kept hearing from girls around me was how they wanted your butt and legs! 🙂
I’ve a fairly boyish/athletic figure, but I’m happy this way – if anything I’d like to be more toned! My family pointed out over the Christmas holidays that I looked like I had gained weight and looked ‘better for it’. I looked more womanly, perhaps healthy, in their eyes. But even as a compliment I felt uneasy about it!
Beauty is subjective, as long as you’re happy and heathy with the figure of YOUR choosing then don’t worry about someone else opinion! Because that’s all it is, an opinion 🙂 x
Cassey!! Most of us love you for your personality, fun and positivity. And to be perfectly honest you’re probably in better shape than most people who follow your blog even when you’re at a slightly heavier weight. You’re a rockstar and you could be obese and you’d still inspire me because of your get-up-and-do-it attitude!! Simply put: Haters are gonna hate. Its not fair that you get questioned about fluctuating weight just because you’re in the public eye!! Thanks so much for being real and making it easier to work towards a goal. I always thought it was easy for people that were super skinny and had perfect bikini bodies but its nice to know that super model bodies aren’t normal and require depriving your body. we need to stop obsessing about being so skinny and rather focus on being fit, strong, healthy and happy.
Hey Cass!
I’m not a very self confident person. I have dealt with the blows of someone telling me I’m “big”, or have put on weight or “what have you done to your face” (I have kinda bad acne you see 🙁 ) . I too come from an asian family (well, indian and malaysians are considered asians) , and many of my relatives have small statures. I took after my grand dad from my dad’s side, thus I’m taller and bigger in build than my cousins and siblings.
However, I try not to let these comments get to me. When people say those comments, I mainly assume that they are ignorant of how the other person is feeling and save my breath, because somehow I know they don’t mean it the way I interpret it. Though… I still do feel hurt.
I remember you saying in your Pick Me Up Quickie video , “The way you react to something is YOUR choice”. I’m proud to say I live by that. We choose our happiness.
Therefore Cass, it’s okay. You are the better person. You choose how you live. Don’t let anyone tell you how you are. You are YOU.
In all honesty, when I watched your ABC Abs Video, the thought that popped to mind was, ‘dayum, her hair is looking good today!’
Hi Cassey,
I started doing your pilates for more than one year, so i remember your bikini fitness competition and how proud you were=). I just want to tell you (although this was really long post for me, because i dont know english as i wish, so i needed a dictionary a bit)….want to tell you how much i appreciate you of this. That you wrote all this stuffs, what you feel and soo.
So, just thank you for saying that.
Oh my goodness I’ve just done the abc abs workout and if I looked how you look in that video I would be so happy and would be strutting my stuff in my underwear all day long!! You look healthy and beautiful and still totally slim!! Do not be ashamed! 🙂 xx
Oh, seriously! Anyone who wrote those comments are probably just jealous Cassie. I think you are so beautiful. Don’t let anyone put you down. Do what makes YOU happy. Keep up the good work but don’t stress we are here to support you too, ya know! xx
It is only natural for weight to fluctuate a lil every now n then. also, the bikini-model look isn’t a natural state for the body to be in. i wouldn’t say you have gained weight. i would say that you look better and more natural now. getting the bikini-model look is like wearing high heels. it looks good, but if u had to walk in high heels all your life it would be unnatural and painful, and would end up being detrimental to your health.
thank you cassey for writing this post! thank you for being so strong and inspiring everyone to be strong as well <3
Thank you Cassey.
I really needed this today. I’ve dealt with people calling me fat and all kinds of names my whole life (and I am only 21 years old) I Currently live in Japan with my husband who is USAF and I talked to my mom for the first time in weeks last night. First thing she said was, “So, I heard you’ve gained weight…” Definitely not something you want to hear. But it made me push so hard on the first day of May Muscles calender. I also appreciate your honesty and I thank you again (and I thank you after every video lol) for being an awesome instructor and sharing your knowledge while being a true inspiration! I love that you are so passionate about this and help tons of people from their living rooms. Keep going <3
You haven’t put on weight omg! I don’t see anything different,just the old beautiful inspiring Cassey
I’ve just found out I probably have adrenal fatigue – about 13 months ago I weighed in at my lightest – looked amazing and felt amazing, and then I got into a flat with a horrible flatmate who stressed me out so much I didn’t want to go home at night. So I went to the gym, hard. But because of that stress my adrenals weren’t functioning properly and i was gaining weight, with a calorie deficit of 1000+ calories a day. It didn’t make sense to me until I read about it, why I was so tired but couldn’t sleep, why my nerves were shot to hell.
I’m just now starting my recovery – but I’ve gained 6kg in the last year that I shouldn’t have if I weren’t stressed to the max. Weight gain isn’t JUST about calories in v. calories out – for some people it’s a hormone imbalance and there is hardly any good information out there in the fitness world that tells us about adrenal fatigue. I’ve been dieting for 2 – almost 3 years before I found out about it. And I’m kicking myself now. 🙁
Dear Cassey,
thank you for that post. You are such an inspiration for me, because, just as you say in your pop pilates dvd: This Pilates-healthy-Food-Thing its about being POSITIVE.
Its not about physical “perfection”.
As i am still recovering from an eating disorder I want you to know, that you help me to feel comfortable with my own body again – you make me see that it is not all about having the perfect shape but to be my own’s best friend, to love me, no matter what other people say. What we all want to achieve is Happiness. And for me, you and Pop Pilates is EXACTLY what it is all about: Having Fun and Being Healthy, feeling strong and positive.
Thank you for everything, and sorry for my grammar mistakes 😉
Greets from Germany,
You are an inspiration because you post things like this, not just because you look striking in a bikini!! I totally feel this article resonates with me and probably every other person on the planet!! The thing is, we have to have a healthy mind to have a healthy body, and you are the living example of this. Thank you for posting this, it is so important that health of the mind comes with health of the body and whatever body we end up with is our most natural and healthy body! You are so beautiful now, one year ago, and any other time no matter what tiny minuscule changes( that I cannot even notice) occur to your body temporarily. We have to be patient with our bodies and think of health over “skinny”! Everyone is beautiful, and it is the fact that you post things like this that makes you extremely beautiful! Thank you so much xx
i would like to see anyone of these ladies making rude comments about your physical appearance try to go through one of your videos carrying on a completely normal conversation the whole time comfortably, as you do…health has never been just a number on a scale and you would think your so called “followers” would get that more than anyone else. actually pretty sad. don’t let em get you down girl
thank you so much for being so open and providing us with constant inspiration, and positive energy
you make working out fun and i can honestly say it changed my life
It baffles me that anyone would dare comment on your appearance when skinnier girls wouldn’t even be able to finish most of your videos! I am skinny and I know I get my butt kicked every time I do one of your videos. You are fit. You are healthy. You are the girl every one strives to become! Ignore these comments and keep doing what you are doing. You were glowing in the ABC Abs video just like you always do! You are an inspiration Cassey and I wish you never stop making videos. You got me and my boyfriend off our butts and we are becoming stronger and healthier thanks to you!
This is my reason for not going to family functions for over a year!! It happens to all of us.
I honestly think we live in a very weird world indeed. I think you look strong, healthy and real – and that is what I like about you and your approach to healthy living. You’re not a doll and you’re not here to fulfill anybodys wishes but your own. YOU LOOK GREAT. You’re healthy (apparently). You achieve – things. Like, a big move, inspiring people, earning your own money creating beautiful clothes. You have a life. Isn’t that so much more valuable than just being thin? You need the hardware to run the software and people who focus on only being thin often lose the ability to do all that other stuff.
You’re right on track girl, keep going.
Hi Cassey,
I totally understand how you feel, especially being from an Asian Family living in Asia myself.
But I guess, the good thing is that my family aren’t so much into the number on the scales, rather, they are more into health (like you can be really slim, but you have high blood pressure etc..) THANK GOD A GAZILLION FOR THAT!
However, sometimes I do just want some honest feedback, and to me, I feel that it is pretty difficult to get – my parents and family will always say that I am not fat and I do look gorgeous, my close friends would just go “You look the same, not fat at all!” And when I ask a random person whom I just know, he would more often than not say “You look fine, but could afford to lose a few more kilos” or “I think you would look even prettier if you lose some more weight”; its usually the guys that would comment this way, the girls would generally say I look good, I don’t know why. So ya, I really do not know who to trust sometimes – which will make me put on my secondary school uniform or a cheongsum I bought donkey years ago…
Any suggestions?
(ps. i am for “happiness and health above all”, but its difficult not to care about my looks, especially being a super vain lady)
What courage to share this story with the world. It’s both good and sad to read since it’s a great inspiration and eye opener for the world, and it shows that we are not alone in strugglings with body issues, but feeling this way is a way you wouldn’t wish for anyone. And yet, it happens. Where does that image even come from, that we want to be as slim as possible?
You know, I think there is a great difference in being and looking healthy and being slim. My mother is a bit chubby, but she works out several times a week, she’s even a well known and respected badminton trainer. She’s not eating unhealthy at all (she eats clean and sugarless food in fact) and she has been losing a lot of weight this past year. She looks healthy and is healthy, but she doesn’t have the body of a super model. She wants to lose more weight, but she has already come a very long way.
Still, you will have to make a drastic lifestyle change before you will get fat. I personally didn’t even notice you gained a little weight. I can imagine it must have been very hard on you gained a little weight, but I’m sure you will get rid of it again if you really want to. You made enough motivational posts and videos to tell us we can do it if we really want to, maybe you can take some advice from those if you feel low. And if that doesn’t help then we will all be here to support you and tell you: Cassey, YOU CAN DO IT!
Hey Cassey,
Thank you so much for your posting. You’re words really touched me so much because I finally realized that this is not only my problem.
I have reached my dream weight last fall and ever since then I have been struggling to hold it. This led me to frustration on Christmas, birthdays and other special occasions when I wanted to enjoy the food with my family and friend but was always afraid to gain weight again. Still, I couldn’t resist the food and this led to a vicious circle…
Thank you so much for admitting that you also have this problem. I do not feel alone anymore, I know that my problem is normal. Just two weeks ago, I had hid rock bottom and I was almost about to eat all the rubbish I ate before loosing weight and stop working out. Now I know that it is worth to continue eating clean und doing so sports. Failure is human.
You still have such a beautiful body, I admire you for your disicpline. Please don’t let others discourage you. You’re a role model to so many people, don’t ever forget that.
Thank you for all your videos and posts, they help me so much.
Hi Cassey,
Your videos motivate me reprednre much for the sport after my pregnancy, and I know I’ll never mannequin size but I like the way I am and I just want to get in shape as before,
Continue your videos for all those of us who follow you, you give us the good humor and high spirits!
Thank you!
Casey, you are such an inspiration. I absolutely love that you are honest about being HUMAN. I feel so much more connected with you when I know that you aren’t perfect. It’s absolutely beautiful. But I think it’s time that we, your fans, followers, friends, remind you that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE. You don’t need to fit an image. Those people that ask you that aren’t focusing enough on their own lives. Just do what’s best for YOU. We love you.
My native language is spanish, I wanna write a lot of things but I’m not that good writing in english haha, but I think we love you no matter what if you gain weight, if you don’t, you are my inspiration, my “role model” and everything but you are not a robot, you are a person and you like to eat like everyone, we should be ashamed of not being healthy and fit like you! hahaha <3
muchos besitos desde Chile!
Cassey! You look gorgeous!!!!
As for my story, it’s pretty basic. I was a college athlete and spent most of my life from ages 8-23 working out 1-3 hours a day on week days, 4-8 on weekends. So needless to say, I was in great shape. After graduation, I took a year of before law school to get married, save some money, and just enjoy life a little. I got married in August of that year, and we could not have been happier. I was starting Law school the following August, I was a newlywed, and my husband and I just loved living together. I even got a job at the apartment complex we lived in to help save money. I gained what I call my “Wedding Weight” (about 30# over the year–woah) and one day, a resident came in and asked if I was pregnant! I mean, don’t get me wrong, one day, I’d like to, yeah, but……then? that day? WHO DOES THAT?!? Anyways, I went home that day for lunch and just stared in the mirror and cried. I still looked OK, right? I mean, yeah, my clothes didn’t fit AS WELL as they had, but….hey, I was married and happy!
Anyways, long story (almost) short, that ended up being the kick I needed. I realized that I didn’t need to satisfy their expectations of me, but I had definitely lowered mine. I started cooking at home more (so my husband had to eat better too—he didn’t escape the great weight gain either!) and working out together!
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no Cassey, and I definitely don’t have a thigh gap or a six pack, but I’m getting better! Don’t let all the haters bring you down!
Hey ! Just wanted to tell you that you are more beautiful now than you look in the bikini photos . Yes, you are super toned in them, but now you seem fuller and prettier than ever .
You are an inspiration, Cassey. We have all been there, and its so easy to become hard on yourself. Keep a positive mind, and visualize your goals. You can do anything, and you have already done so much. Thanks so much for sharing this post, and good luck!
I just wanna hug you for this post! So honest! And even if you gained little weight you are still an awesome instructor and motivation for all of us!! <3Jenna
I think almost every girl can relate to this, including me 🙂 I worked so hard last summer, but once winter came closer with the delicious meals and hot chocolate I kinda let go as well. I felt ashamed and was so incredibly scared someone was going to say something about it. But it was a very valuable lesson because over time, I realized that the most important thing is to be healthy and happy and not deprive yourself of the food and rest you love, and if that means I dont fit into a size zero that’s totally fine! I know I am strong and healthy and take care of my body and that’s what is most important. And you helped me so much with that, every single day, and you still do!
You are such an inspiration and your radiant personality and happiness is so much more valuable than anything else!
i love you for posting this, because it’s true. and i’m really tired of people that expect perfection at every turn. NO ONE is perfect, even super beautiful, super fit models. i don’t understand how people that eat McDonald’s and Taco Bell every week can be mad that you wanted more than a salad for a change! And yes, you gained “weight” and I put that in quotes because I bet if you google it it’s STILL a normal weight for a girl AND you still look amazing, as always. Keep up the good work because you are great motivation and a great inspiration to all.
Hey Cassey,
I really respect you for your honest post. I had been working out on your Bikini Workout for legs and your really had amazingly toned arms and abs back then, but as you said, it took great sacrifices to get there. What is important is that you proved to yourself and to us that such an effort is possible and one should be proud of him/herself for being so motvated and consistent. . I am pleased with my body and work out very hard, but have never looked so tones as you last year. Yet again, some foods that are not allowed on a strict diet are simply delicious and sometimes I don’t find it worth it, to deprive us from such pleasures also.
I am really thankful for the your workouts and the motivation your send to all of us and I find it only normal and human even as a fitness trainer not to always look one’s 100%. What is actually one’s 100%? You still deliver great vidoes, greta ideas and exercizes and motivate ever more people which I think is a wonderful achievement also. Maybe you have gained some few pounds, but some other thousands have lost some thanks to you and have gained self confidence and passion for sport 😉 and I feel even closer related to your problems because we all have them and a fitness trainer should be a role model in fitness, but should also be a human being, sharing our challenges and sahowing him/herself that it is not always easy. This helps us fight together for a common goal.
PS: I have never been either fat nor skinny, just a normal girl, but in my family there have always been people commenting and hurting my feelings, especially because they don’t know how hard I work and how much sport and well-being mean to me. Just last year I met a cousin of mine after a longer time and the first thing she said to me – before even sayng hi – was “podgy as always” (although she gaines way more than I do and some can see that + she never works out). Back then, I just didn’t have any reply for that, but now I think I wouldn’t be that decent anymore and really speak out. But I guess this is the tradition in many cultures, people -especially women- tend unfortunatelly to be very competitive, insensitive and unfair to one another, although we all go through the same challenges and could use some more solidarity and sesitivity.
Thanks Cassey for everything and tons of hugs and good luck on any journey you should start, stay happy, healthy and self-confident!
you are awesome, and you are a human being, a women and the best fitness instructor ever( because beside all this things and your huge success, you are still on still on the ground)!
I`m appreciate your post a lot. I went through the same thing a while ago. When family members asked me(and I#m not asian ;-)) if i would be pregnant?!? because I was no more 15 years old and anorectic and bulimic and unhappy… because my stomach never fall insight like he did before!
this pressure, specially from people who should know us better, makes it really difficult to be happy, and not sad. Its a huge challenge. For me gaining some weight let me focus on my inside, i think at this time it was the sign that i have to change something. So i figurer out what i really want to do with my life, what kind of realationships i want to have and what’s really important to myself. because its always possible to loose your beauty, your perfect outside, money, standards, money….
beauty comes from inside out, like you always say, I love you and i’m really thankful that you sharing everything with us. We can always learn and grow, its important to change, and move…. even with some weight gain, everything is happening for a reason! “Togehter is always better than alone”!
Thank you,
Hi Cassey!
First I want to say: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you for this blog; it can be difficult talking about something like this. And I think you made a good point: don’t judge someone for their looks.
I like you, Cassey, for your amazing workouts and your attitude, you are really helping me getting in shape and losing some weight and I’m soooo grateful that I found you on the web. I don’t care if you gained a few pounds or if you losing them again or maybe if you gain some more. I like you for what you do and you’re one of the biggest inspirations in my life right now. So thank you for that 🙂
It is always hard to be strict with a diet or excercising but as long as you stay as healthy as you can it shoudn’t be a problem.
Lots of love! x
I could lose about 5kg, but I don’t stress about it. I work out and I eat right, though sometimes I do “cheat” but that’s okay. As long as I feel good, I think I’m good. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have the perfect body, because I know that my hard work is paying off and I will see that body some day. And I don’t really care if that they will come this year, next year or in five years, the most important thing is that I’m trying and that I’m feeling good and that I’m confident with myself 🙂
To be honest Cassey, I think you look great now, even better than in those bikini contest photos. Yeah you do look great in those too, but I think that a woman shouldn’t be too skinny. In my opinion you look healthier and more beutiful now. Maybe it’s the rest that you needed, I don’t know, but you look AMAZING!
i think i’m gonna print this and hang it on my wall (the second part, not the comments 🙁 i teared up when i read them. how could anyone say such nasty things?).
I am exactly in the same situation as you: gained a little fat again after having lost a fair amount, and it’s funny but i’ve been telling myself the exact same things: that I can still lift heavy (even heavier) and run fast, so at least i didn’t gain fat AND lose muscle, i just gained fat, so the damage isn’t that bad, right? 😉
i know we shouldn’t be ashamed of gaining fat, it’s just life! but it sucks all the same to feel that pants fit tighter than they used to (not only for vanity reasons, but bc it was actually a lot more comfortable before, haha), so i’m determined to lose that stubborn fat again.
so let’s get back on track together 🙂
WE GOT THIS! <– this goes out to all POPsters out there 🙂
oh and i totally forgot:
i think the fact that you might not be in bikini competition shape all year round (which i don’t think would be desirable anyway) and the fact that you say you feel the burn too in your videos is actually the reason why so many of us love you so much.
it makes you so authentic, less intimidating and so much more relatable!
I clearly remember when I first started doing your vids (June 4 2012; i started with “long lean legs” and the “butt blaster”), how i LOVED that you were saying you felt the burn too. This very thing was (and still is!) actually the reason why I kept doing your workouts.
I don’t think I would follow you if you powered through your workouts without the slightest hint of exhaustion or if you said you’re eating super duper clean all year round. I just couldn’t relate to such a fitness instructor and it would intimidate me more than motivate me (even though i consider myself very fit).
and it does absolutely NOT diminish your image as a super crazy fit instructor. not even a tiny bit.
i truly don’t think any sane person on earth would ever question your strength and fitness level (heck! i’d like to be able to talk through your crazy vids like i’m doing nothing, too!)
so please don’t worry about that!
you will always be my idol on so many levels (not only physique-/strength-wise, but also in terms of personality)
you are a truly amazing person on so many levels, Cassey.
I love you.
It’s good to hear when amazing fitness instructors have body issues too sometimes, because I think it bridges the gap even more between the trainers/ experts like yourself, and us popsters. You are human just like the rest of us, so of course it’s ok to feel like this, we understand because we feel it too sometimes. But, you’re an amazing instructor and an amazing inspiration to us all, so keep doing what you are doing. We all love and support you (evil eye for anyone else who says anything about you gaining weight).
Wow… All I can say is wow… First of all, I love your body and the reason you inspire me to workout is because of your healthy looking, toned, sexy body and fun, positive personalityI feel so bad that people could just say it to you after all that hard work you put into your videos, thats just so rude! We all are just human beings and people should think twice, look at their bodies and their life before they will post a hurtful comments like that. Honestly Cassey I dont care if you gained some weight or not, you are still my inspiration, you are still beautiful and hot and I am still your biggest fan! the best thing is that weight is always temporary, you can change it anytime, so I wouldn’t really worry about that. Life is short, enjoy it!
If I loved you before, I ADORE you now! I really needed this post right now and I’m so inspired by your attitude. You’ve got the best mentality of any “fitspo” personality and its just such a breath of fresh air. You’re a wonderful role model and you should be incredibly proud of yourself! xx
You’ve always been such an inspiration to others to not only enjoy exercising and eating healthy, but remind us that we need to listen to what our bodies need. Not depriving it, but feeding it, whether it’s “clean” or “unclean.”
This past week, I’ve experienced a lag myself because of midterm exams. I’ve had to choose studying over going to the gym, and I’ve run low on time to prep healthy meals for the class day, so at the end when all my food is gone, I have to turn something that makes me feel bloated and ugly. It’s only been a few days, and I’ve already noticed the changes in my physical appearance and my body image mentality. Yes, I’ve had family bring up my weight and some friends even tease me about my body in the past. And yes, it made me feel downhearted, but it was also motivating. My own negative thoughts are only making this setback a comeback.
And once again, you always know the right thing to say. I KNOW that I can push through this, and so can you! Once this dreadful midterm week is over and I have more time to focus on myself, I’m getting right back on track, along with you. 🙂 Thank you for continuing to be REAL and HUMAN with us, Cassey! I hope you can find some down time to yourself soon and refill your spirit. <3
You are such an amazing person. This post is so honest, and I’m sure that we are all thankful for it. I, too, have dealt with that. I never understood when people commented on such a thing as weight. “You have put on some pounds,haven’t you?” Like, we don’t see ourselves in the mirror, in the shower, let alone, all day. We are aware of our bodies, and the changes going on in and outside. It makes me sick when people comment on another person’s weight, as if they hadn’t noticed it themselves. You are only human, and thank you for letting it be known that you listened to your body, and you don’t regret it. I have spoken to a couple of people this week that are on crash diets, or thinking about starting one. I wish that they would listen to their bodies, and just eat clean. Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many of us people, of all different shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds. You are changing lives everyday.
Hi Cassey,
Just another note of support – I’ve recently been through an “I-need-to-eat-all-things-sweet-non-stop-and-NOW” period, due to many things, mostly as you mention mind-related.
I think when you are at you top-level of self-demand, constantly, not letting you go at all for a long time, you just need to self-indulge.
How bad that indulgence is, how long it lasts depends on many things and I’m realising still that there is no easy way out.
However, I do find your videos and posts very inspirational and indeed they are giving me the support to go back into track. I’m still just regaining self-control and going back to seeing things the right way (my mind now realises when my stomach is absolutely full and I can actually stop eating! Wow!)
Of course, being so public as you are any offset shows up so much more, which I think only adds to the stress and supports that rebellious part inside that tells you “And why not? Why should I live all the time under such a great demand?”.
I just want to wish you the best, minus or plus any kilos you feel comfy with. Age, life, all sorts of influencies affect us, but as you say, you are who you are inside and never should be made to feel bad about your looks.
I’m surprised even shocked that someone said that, you don’t even look like you gained weight at all Cassey. Even so it doesn’t matter because you have the body that you want. all the hard work you’ve put into getting to where you are surely you deserve to indulge in yolo meals or take a break from working out. One of my best friends who is Asian use to always tell me about how her mom would criticize her about her weight and I saw how it hurt my friend jenn. Regardless of how much a person weights shouldnt matter, those who judges others based on that needs to take a good look in the mirror.
I can’t really tell where you stand on this issue, because on one hand you say you shouldn’t be ashamed of gaining weight when you’re still healthy, but on the other hand you keep talking about getting back up and working harder. Really, as you say yourself, you’re super healthy and there’s no reason why you should feel like you have “failed”. During the bikini comp preparation last year, you said yourself that this was not a maintanable lifestyle for anyone with other things to do in life.
I hope that you and everbody else in this community will read this:
It’s so important for women (and of course men) everywhere to understand that taking care of your body is more important than looking a certain part. I must admit that I don’t like it when you talk about Victorias Secret-models as an ideal in your videos (as they in fact starve before shoots and runway shows, and are obviously photoshopped before pictures being published), but when I read your posts I get a better understanding of you message. Thank you, Cassey, for always promoting health first, even if it’s a fine line to walk!
I feel like I need to modify the beginning of my comment. Obviously I can tell where you stand, and I’m glad that you bring attention to this very sensitive subject!
I guess my point was to point out, that even when we try to feel good about our bodies at a healthy size, shape and state, most of us tend to think of it as “accepting our flaws”, when really, there are no flaws to be accepted. The idea of ‘the perfect body’ as an attainable goal and ‘flaws’ as being everything that differs from that perfect ideal is so damaging for our self image. I’m happy that I’ve finally realised this over the past year or so, and I’m glad to say that exercising with your videos, Cassey, has played a major part in me now liking my body for what it is – at least most of the time…
I’m glad you’re happy. Your body is looks fit and inspirational – if not more, as you can control and accept your body at whatever stage it’s at. Yeah, you gained weight – I’m a uni student with a 48 hour a week workload with deadlines, presentations, lab practicals and exams, PLUS 12 hour week at work, anyone else at uni understand these fluctuations. And I’m not alone in this 🙂 Thanks.
I’m glad you enjoy life, and that you’re honest and humble.
Hi Cassey,
I’ve been watching and trying to do your videos for two years now and you have really been inspirational. I have always loved that I can relate to you in your videos, you don’t make me feel bad for being in pain and you acknowledge how hard these work outs can be and I also love you’re positive attitude. Good for you for having written this post, there is way too much pressure to look a certain way which in most cases is either impossible or unhealthy. I loved the way you looked in the bikini competition you did last year but I also genuinely think you look just as great now. I have also noticed that you had stabilized your weight but in my opinion that’s all it was, going back to your natural weight . You are pushed me to be the fittest I can be and I thank you for that, and you don’t need to look like you did to do that.
You still look great. I am so very inspired by you and how you’ve kept going with your workouts through all of the big changes in your life.
I come from a similar culture and got to the same point. I never competed but I had quite a few bodybuilder friends who insisted that I should. I was in great shape.
I met my boyfriend and I let it all go down the tubes. I started eating terribly, I stopped exercising, I stopped making my meals for the next day and I gained nearly 40lbs back. (I had lost 55)
you’re still on track and you’re not far from turning back. If you wanted the body in the cheetah print bikini back it would require 2-3 months work tops (judging by your most recent videos) I just did #MuscleMay day 1 today.
It’s good to realize it now while you still have the drive. It will be so easy for you to turn back.
Gaining weight doesn’t discredit you. It makes you human. If anything, I think knowing what it is like to be overweight (you’re not) often creates the most motivated and relatable trainers.
As long as you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll have a large community that loves and supports you. It is often the negative voices that stick with us but in your case those voices are few among the many.
Hey Cassey,
Well I have to admitt, I did not notice you gained weight and I did the ABC Abs this morning. Maybe because when I do the video with you, I don’t watch you, I train with you! For me it is absolutely not important if you have gained few pounds or if you have a little layer of fat on top of your abs. The lastest video you uploaded were crazy! You can do tree push up without pain meaning you’re strong. Who cares iif your % of fat is a bit higher (and let me precise higher does not mean TOO high in my mouth).
I have the same kind of weight fluctuation than you. I can eat super duper clean for a month, train like crazy and have bikini body and indulge myself the next month, train as much usually (even more because I’m used to eat more and more proteins when I train more) and put on 2kg. Thus I gained a big of fat (coz’ yes I also LOVE M&M’s!!!) but I’m also faster and stronger. My thight are not that small with a gap but they are strong and I can roller skate even faster and stringer (I practice roller derby).
Like you, I also feel ashame when someone tells me I gained weight. And it is usually true. But it hurts. Especially because I’ve been a bit bigger when I was young and because this feeling stays. But like you I also don’t understand why someone could say that to me. Espacially because those people are not as fit, as trained, as cleaner eater than me and they allow themself to criticize. On an other hand, I’m blessed with a very supportive boyfriend who says that I’m always perfect and love my body anyway and with parents who prefers to see me a little chubbier than too thin.
Whatever just to end, I do not think you are too fat, I think you are TRUE or like I heard in an interview yesterday, you are HONEST! Honest with yourself, with us, in life and that is why we should love you. Not for your apparence but for you. And that is why I love you. Because of you I’m better than ever in sport and I will never forget the day I discover Blogilates and you.
Just to precise, I leave in Europe and for it is the morning 😉
First of all, I love how you respond to comments on the video and on your website. I think it’s fantastic that you address not only exciting news but also serious issues in response to the comments. I saw the ABC abs video and I didn’t really noticed if you had gained weight or not. I’m not watching the videos to judge your body shape after all; I’m watching them so I can learn how to do the workout! 🙂 To be honest, I was more fascinated by how you were able to complete the exercise while talking coherently and being energetic throughout the entire video. Well, that always fascinates me because some of the workouts just kill me. (My friend told me that I looked like I was about to fall apart and I didn’t know I could look like that haha.) And I thought your legs looked gorgeous when you were spelling out the alphabet with your legs in the air. I could write so much more but I should probably get back to studying for my midterm tomorrow haha. Anyways, I just popped by to say I still thought you looked toned and fit and healthy and as a victim of being called fat by family members or church goers (it was an Asian church), I think I developed an attitude of screw them. Sorry, actually it’s more like F them. I work out because I am less anxious about academics when I do go to the gym and because I want to be able to run faster and longer. During the whole ABC ABS video, I just thought you had incredible stamina and concentration since you were giving instructions while doing the exercise. So stay strong and keep rocking those work outs because girl, you’re still an inspiration to me!
Much love,
Jenn <3
I really think it’s appalling in a way that people would post those kind of comments. Aren’t we all here for the same reason (living a healthier, fitter life)? Haven’t we all seen these kind of struggles in our own lives and weight loss journeys? I thought this was a place where we all support each other and not bring each other down like that.
I think the lesson we all need to learn is not to define ourselves by how much we weigh and realize we all have so much more to offer. And we also need to realize that Cassey didn’t get her amazing body just by sitting around doing nothing. She had to work for it in the same way that we have to work for it.
I love you Cassey! you are beautiful and inspirational and you have so much to offer to the world. Don’t let stupid comments like that bring you down! <3
you are AWESOME, first I discovered your vids, I choose you because your are happy and funny and make workout not a boring experience, …and now I read your blog and I’m so happy to have met you, even if it’s only on the web…when I read your words it seems I hear myself…and that’s so GREAT.. You see what I see in life. But sometimes we need to hear our own words by someone else’s voice to believe more in them, for that I thank you so much.
Today I weight 3 kg more than two years ago, my jeans are thigther and my butt rounder…yes rounder and my legs are stronger…I eat everything yolo meals included but at the end of the day I hear my body and I’m not eating bad, I exercise every day and I decided not to think about my weight anymore…it’s not always easy but in not depending from that numnber I feel stronger not only in my legs but even in my brain.
so Thank you Cassey… <3 <3 <3
Yay, Cassey you’ve hit it out of the park once again! 🙂 Sometimes I read about diets that celebrities go on to get ready for roles or film music videos….one time I read that before Shakira filmed “She Wolf” she would dream about sweets and wake up in tears because she couldn’t have them! Those kinds of diets like the one you were on are very extreme and they serve a very specific purpose, to make you look a certain way for a fixed amount of time. But no way is it sustainable! Some people want to believe they can look like you in the picture 24/7/365, or look like Meagan Fox in Transformers 24/7/265, but no one looks like the chick in the picture year round. Not even the chick in the picture!
Again, thanks for your bravery and having a positive self image of. You’re such a good role model.
I think you look amazing just the way you are! As women, we put way too much pressure on ourselves to be fit, tone, and cut. There is a reason it takes incredible hard work, dedication, and strict diets to achieve this look. I don’t believe it is naturally how we are made to look. This has NEVER appealed to me. Good for those who get the job done, but I am happy to be HEALTHY with a little bit of giggle in my step. To be an example to my 2 daughters that mom can go out and run 5 miles and be healthy is all that matters to me. I am not determined to have every ab show in a bikini. I don’t want to do the work to get there. I proudly show off my little c-section pooch. 😉 I have family and friends who are tiny, toned, and cut but they have to work, work, work for it. They work out 2-3 hours a day and stick to a 1200 calorie diet of veggies and protein. I would rather exercise every day or skip the “exercise” and go for a hike with my family, then enjoy a good nutritious meal around the table and not have my daughters see mom freaking out about any carbs on her plate.
Hi Cassey,
just wanted to let you know that while doing the ABC workout, me and my friend were actually telling each other how incredible you look in that video. Super duper toned and healthy! Your body right now is my inspiration, because to me you look super healthy, strong and it shows that you still enjoy life with all the (clean) yumminess is gives us. And like you say, THIS IS LIFE!, weight fluctuates! If we would look and weigh the same every day, week or month, we wouldn’t again find our inner strength to work for the things we really want to achieve! And not only when it comes to weight, but all things in life.
So always remember, whatever you look like, you’re beautiful and an inspiration to so many girls!
Thank you for all your amazing workouts!
Love, Iris
I really see nothing wrong with weight gain. I mean, as long as you know what you’re doing with your own body, it should be fine. I also don’t know why people have to mention the “changes” or features.
For me, I’ve managed to keep my weight the same for 3-4 years but some people say I look thicker and others tell me I’ve become too skinny. And I’m like… honestly guys, I’m still the same weight, how can you even give those comments? What are your comments based on?
It’s weird because people are pretty much just always comparing without really realising it. To your past self, and with other people and especially to “the norm”.
Just do it your way Cassey! You know what you’re doing and what you want for yourself. Sometimes it’s nice to have that weight gain because the point is enjoying the process of seeing it all burn off again 🙂
Dear Cassey,
I personally don’t care whether you put on weight or not. The fact that you take the time to record videos while motivating us even when you’re out of breath, to write articles like this for us and even set up calendars for a whole month is enough to say how much of a great person you are. We are supposed to be following you for *our* body, not yours. “Healthy mind in a healthy body”. What’s the use of trying to get healthy if we keep having negative thoughts about everything? Plus, after the Meet Ups, it’s so sweet of you to actually post your videos as usual.
THANK YOU for being such a great motivation, role model and instructor.
P.S. I am from a Mixed Asian family and I know what you mean about the “weight comments” 😉
I love that you had the courage to do this post. You’re human 🙂 Woo hoo!
i am a curvy white girl who lives in seoul…though i am vegan and practice yoga and run…not a week goes by that someone doesn’t call me fat. it doesn’t matter. we got in this to be healthy. it isn’t worth hating yourself over.
I had the opposite of what your talking about in my late teens. I struggled to put weight on and constantly had strangers commenting on how thin I was and ‘friends’ asking me for tips on how I managed my eating disorder (which I never had). I was a skinny teen and took to eating an obscene amount to try and gain weight and this then led me to become overweight until my late twenties. Once I lost all of my excess weight again I am now facing those same criticisms of being too skinny and have those same panic attacks every time I step on the scales just in case I’ve lost another pound. I actually cried when I had to go and buy a smaller size in jeans all because people can be so mean with criticisms. The frustrating thing is that I am at a stage where I am now happy with my figure and am fitter, stronger and healthier than I have ever been and if it wasn’t for the judgement of others in my younger days and fleeting comments of others now about my weight I would have the confidence to boast about the changes I have made.
Anyway, I know how disheartening it can be when these comments are made, especially if its ‘healthy’ weight you’ve gained or lost. I think you look healthier in the ABC Abs video than you did in the bikini contest pictures.
I think just because you gained a little weight doesn’t mean you have to go right back into the super-duper clean eating lifestyle. If it crashed you once a year ago, it sure will crash you again, perhaps even harder. I think the most important thing here is NOT your body image, but your physical progress – the fact that you can run fast, lift heavier means that whatever you’re doing is right. At least you are still sane from being able to eat some unhealthy foods from time to time. I’d say keep to a 85% clean diet, and 15% ‘YOLO’ foods and give yourself the break that you body needs. Gaining weight, then working super hard to lose it, then gaining it again is not a long-term solution. I think it’s much more important to stay consistent throughout. I’m pretty sure no one can truly handle that roller coaster of fearing the weight gain after you’ve gained your bikini body.
Anyways. That’s my personal thought 🙂 I feel that any physical achievements trumps physical appearance – especially when you’re actually still extremely toned. You’re purely comparing yourself to an extreme state of yourself! I mean 6 weeks of egg whites and chicken breasts cannot last forever..
Love you so much Cassey!!!! <3
I believe that you look HEALTHIER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL now than ever. Yes, you had the “bikini body” when you did the competition but right now, you look fit in humanly way. Listening to your body and feeding what it wants is healthier and you should be that healthy Pilates ambassador and not become restrictive dieter just because you think you should have that “perfect” body as an instructor.
I’m sorry that you were hurt! I wish I could change the way human thinks what “perfect” body is. There is no such thing…. You are perfect the way you are when you are listening to your body and loving yourself.
We all love you!
This is fantastic. I needed to read this. Lately I have gained weight and only fit 1/8 of my wardrobe and it makes me feel so terrible. But I just need to suck it up and put my effort in if I want to change my body. And I don’t have to be ashamed because i’m human and I was putting my studies before my exercise. I will do something about this.
Cassey your post just inspired me to get back on track, I too have gained weight back (not a huge amount, enough to make my clothes tighter though) after trying so hard to get in shape. I too feel ashamed that I put weight back on, but I had lost a lot of weight because I deprived myself from foods that my body wanted. Every time I read one of your posts like this I always feel empowered to get back on track. THANK YOU!
Thank you for posting this, Cassey. You are amazing! I’ve had problems with my weight fluctuating, too. It’s so difficult to keep up with a fitness routine and clean eating when you’re so busy with other things! I’m currently in nursing school, and it’s tough to juggle exercise and studying. Sometimes I have to cut back on sleep just to study for test after test after test! And this cycle would make me so tired that I would just decide not to exercise so that I could have more time to sleep 🙁 BUT I’m seriously trying to manage my time so I could still get the exercise in with the studying and sleeping. I just hope I can manage it on a long-term basis because I’m tired of the fluctuations. Thanks again though, Cassey. Keep doing what you do! <3
You’re really amazing, you know? I am currently 5kg heavier than normal, due to massive work stress. It’s such a funny coincidence that you posted this now, as i’ve been pretty down about it. But today I got back on my horse, and am back to eating clean and beginning my Blogilates sessions again! Pretty excited!
Don’t let them get to you hun. You are the inspiration for 1000’s of people BECAUSE you are a real person. You make us realise that its ok to be normal, to have those fluctuations, those cravings, and that not giving up really is the key to living happy and healthy 🙂
Thank you Cassey for being real 🙂
Oh Cassey, I feel terrible that you feel like you’d have to eat cleaner and train more to lose that weight again… the way you look now you’re still very skinny, but it is also comforting to see that it isn’t necesarry to be as skin and bones as most models are. If you really want to be as skinny as you were on that contest, it’s your own choice, but I think you’re even more beautiful the way you are now.
Plus, my doctor said it is necessary that a woman has an amount of fat on her body, so maybe everyone should just deal with the necessity 😉 haha
For some reason, I normally don’t comment on your posts but this time I really need to. THANK you for sharing this and being so honest (like always)! I really love your way of thinking about the body and you inspire me so much. I couldn’t agree more with everything you say, especially that it all comes down to how you feel and function – NOT just appearance.
Please keep up the good work. I’m sure you have no idea how many people out there benefit from your work.
<3 Christine
thanks for commenting 🙂 love u!
Cassey, there’s nothing to feel ashamed about. The fact that you DO gain weight let us know that you are human after all and that you are healthy. You’re not putting up some sort of front about eating healthy and exercising while maintaining your weight through some unhealthy means. Nope. You do what you tell us to do and slip ups happen. Today (May 1st) is actually my first day of starting your workout calendar. I feel like I am very unhealthy (exercise wise) and pretty okay with my diet. After doing the Baby Food workout, I felt like throwing up and wanting to give up so, badly. I rested for quite a while before pushing myself to do the next workout. Whenever I’m about to give up, you say something in your video that just keeps me going. Unfortunately, I was only able to do two of the workouts today but I will keep doing them. It’s better to do something than none at all.
And my family has always been calling me fat. Every single time my God-Grandma comes over, she would say that my face looks fat and that I need to eat less. Yadada. I dealt with it so much in my life that when I was in high school, I went on a very unhealthy diet where all I did was drink this lemonade/cinnamon drink for an entire week without eating. It was horrible and I didn’t feel good at all. I’ve learned to not let those people affect me in a negative way.
Stay strong Cassey. It doesn’t matter if you gain weight, you still really inspire me to keep pushing myself to work hard and eat healthy. (:
This is so what I needed to hear, I’m so glad that you are honest and open enough to share this with us, because I absolutely relate to what you’re saying. And if it’s worth anything, you still look flawless in my eyes. So much love for you!
The things you said on this post also resonates with me. Technically i’m not overweight, nor am i ‘fat’ in the true sense of the word, but i have been struggling with self image issues, and dissapointed in myself for lacking in self discipline to change myself for the better. But thank God i found you…i am still taking baby steps in this regard. The main reason i joined this community is to have a healthier mind-body relationship and self image, not just getting thin, with support from other people who are dealing with similar issues. I hope i can start to accept the fact that how i look outside does not really reflect who i am as a person, and the comments on ‘my size’ and ‘weight gain’ wont dishearten me anymore. I guess “Healthy is the new sexy!!” 🙂 <3
I think you look lovely in this abs video? I think it’s great to have some curves and nice to know you can be so fit and healthy without wasting away! (as I’ve seen some friends do when they exercise too much). I find it much more motivating when people look strong and healthy rather than too thin…
You look absolutely beautiful, healthy, strong and AMAZING in the ABC ABS video! I honestly didn’t notice any extra pounds on you when I did the video.
You inspire me because of your upbeat attitude and commitment to health and fitness not just because of how your body looks (and it looks incredible anyway, with or without these alleged few extra pounds!)
You’re wonderful and you inspire me to be strong, tough and healthy! Don’t listen to anyone who says differently.
Ho honey you are so beautiful the way you are, on the inside, on the outside, you’re just GORGEOUS ! You were gorgeous for the bikini contest, you are now in a different way, a more natural, living et wonderful way <3
"I can still do my videos and teach my classes while carrying on a conversation" : so true, you still such an impressive and marvelous fitness instructor. I'm always sweting, red like a tomato and sore while you talk so easily, that's really funny 😉
I'm recovering anorexia since three years, so each of you words and a particular sense to me; but you have such a postive way to think, I admire you for this, for your body (the one I saw in the ABC ABS video was sincerely one of the best body I EVER see), for your link with the POPsters, for everything.
Thank you so much for this post Cassey, love you <3
PS : sorry for my poor english, I'm french
thank you! you are so kind!
I’m a genuine person, you deserve all the love POPsters gives to you Cassey, nothing less 🙂
Cassey! I just want you to know what an inspiration you are and how good you make me lool and feel! As you say, no one is more than human – and that can’t be looked upon as some sort of failure! I think you look amazing, are an amazing person and you should feel amazing too. Thank you for helping all us popsters!
Love, Anna!
I truly adore you. I really do! I know there are a lot of critics out there, but I love how you are real with your followers. It really means a lot to me and I am sure the rest of the followers that you are. We continue to support you because you have cheered us on to push harder. Even when I am on the verge of crying during your workouts, you have empowered the masses. I don’t think the fact you aren’t BIKINI COMPETITION anymore should discredit everything you have done.
Keep doing what you do!
looking fat?? I think i am blind. If this is fat than I must be looking like super super fat. Hilarious!
It’s very brave of you to post this, and I know LOTS of people who will appreciate it! I know I did. Thanks for bringing some much-needed attention to a touchy subject. I think our society puts far too much pressure on people (mostly women) to look perfect at all times.
Thanks for keepin’ it real. 🙂
Cassey, honestly: You look great! In fact I really had to look twice realizing a (tiny) slight of weight gain. Please just stay as you are: Beautifully shaped and always smiling. Be sure: Many of us want exactly the figure you have right now!
Hey Cassey,
I think you look super healthy and I’d be thrilled to be as strong and toned! No one should ever deprive themselves of food because they’re worried about weight and you shouldn’t worry about a few comments out of every 100. No one is perfect! So YOLO and keep doing what you’re doing because there’s plenty of people who will see you as as roll model not just for how you look, but how motivated and driven you are too.
This is so crazy that you post something like this right now! ive joined a 30 day hot yoga challenge and ive only gone like 4 times..iam soo ashamed at myself for not going everyday for 30 days..and I keep trying to think of excuses in my head like, well I work a really long shift today at work..or I cant cause all I can think about is my baby at home…or I sleep in and miss the first 3 classes before I go to work…and on top of it ive gained weight just by eating not good…ive been really really hard on myself and giving up to easily..and for you to post something like this RIGHT now…was just sooooo meant to be! your a great person and welcome to LA. I hope to meet you one day since iam only 45 mins away lol
Cassey–I love you so much!! This nearly brought me to tears, I’m not gonna lie. Thank you so much for all you do, and writing this post, and I couldn’t agree more that looks aren’t everything. You have been and will always be an amazing fitness instructor! I hope you know how much this post means to me! And yes, being Asian, I totally understand the whole “did you get fatter?” question-type thing. Cassey you are such an inspiration to me!!!! I don’t know what I’d do without you! xoxo
Great post Cassey, I’m upset you had to write it tho, it’s really sad that we live in a society where it’s acceptable to bluntly ask those questions but I’m so glad you’re taking it in your stride and responding to it in a positive way. Hugs and love, Danielle x
Oh my gosh Cassey you continue to amaze and inspire me with your honestly – You are so unlike any other bloggers out there and I love you for that!! It’s not the exact same, but after suffering a eating disorder some years ago and losing an unhealthy amount of weight – I had to break through ALOT of mental barriers to gain it back and get myself healthy again. It was the worstt feeling at the time when people would say “Oh you are looking so healthy” or “Oh you’re looking womanly again!” – I know it’s different because i NEEDED to get healthy but something about hearing other women comment on your appearance is so uncomfortable – I wish we could all just look past that sometimes!! Anyway thank you so much for all you do and for what it’s worth I think you not only still look amazing but your energy and bubbly personality stand out far more than a couple pounds of weight gain! LOVE YOU<3
“womanly again”? ha, what a way to kind of compliment someone. you are beautiful. thanks for being strong and being healthy!
Thank-you so much Cassey for this post!!
I too have fluctuated in weight and letting go isnt as bad as staying that way!
Getting back on the fitness horse and starting today!!
I love you C!
Thanks so much for this post Cassey, you are awesome and we love you <3
You know, I completely agree with this post. My boyfriend is a little overweight, as his mother can not stop talking about it. I honestly think that telling people they have gained weight (or even lost it) is the most pointless thing ever. Personally, I’ve also dealt with it and it just makes me say to others: “Do you think I am not aware of what MY body looks like? I look at it every day, every single day, I know what I look like and I know I’m changing.” How degrading is it that somebody else assumes that we don’t know what our body looks like and what we are putting it through. Double sigh.
Cassey!! You still are not even close to fat. And its nice to know someone as diligent at being healthy as you takes breaks once in a while! It makes the rest of us feel human. And I dont think it is healthy at all being that thin for your bikini contest. Im sure it felt great but its all about getting healthy so that you feel great and thats what fitness is truly all about. Looking great is simply a bonus. But thank you so much for sharing this with us… I think you look healthy as ever, and its so good you listened to your body and gave it what it needed <3
I think you look amazing, and a little weight gaining once in a while is normal, just stay on track and be happy with yourself!
this post made me respect you so much more as a fitness trainer. it proves that you realize that there’s more to being “fit” than being skinny which i think is very important. you’re human and that makes you so much more relatable & i’m so glad you wrote this post. don’t let others bring you down! you LOOK AMAZING
This really resonates with me. After going through a body transformation, I find it hard to not always see visible progress. I’ve struggled recently with feeling more like I’m going backwards or stuck. It’s taken me time to realize that my body and my relationship with my body is an ongoing journey. I’m human and my weight or muscle tone is allowed to fluctuate. I am more than just a size or a number. I appreciate your honesty and courage to share your story. I admire your devotion to your overall health.
Thank you,