Are you giving up? Are you overindulging? STOP IT!
Are you giving up? Are you overindulging? STOP IT!
Hey POPsters!
The holidays are an interesting time. So cheery and happy! Family! Friends! Gifts! It’s the month for indulgence in all aspects.
The gym has even gotten emptier. Fall to Winter are the slowest months for gyms (it’s like a ghost town at some places) and then everything picks up like crazy sawce in January and you have to wait in line for a cardio machine. You wouldn’t believe how filled up my group exercise classes get during this time!
I understand that when the sweaters pile on we tend to be a lot more lenient on ourselves in terms of working out HARD and eating CLEAN. And that’s ok! We can’t be perfect all the time. But YOU HAVE TO KNOW your limits. One YOLO meal a week. Not every day. And when you YOLO it, do not feel like it’s your only time to eat thinking, “so I might as well fill my stomach beyond capacity with my fave YOLO foods and cry because I can’t do this again til next week.”
Do you know what that is called?
It is called binge eating. It is a type of eating disorder.
I wanted to bring this to light because we had such a positive response when I wrote about anorexia and bulemia in an older post. People’s knowledge of binge eating as an ED is not as prevalent as with the two I formerly mentioned. So let’s have a talk.
I get concerning tweets and emails from you guys about some of your unhealthy relationships with food. First all of all, we need to treat food as energy. Not as a treat. Not as a reward. Not as something that will make you fat. Food is nutritious, it is good, and it helps you stay alive to do the things you love. The more whole, natural, and raw stuff you have and the less processed, sugary, fat, and fried stuff you consume – the better you engine or your body will perform! The better it will look. The better you will feel.
Now that you have that down and you know that eating clean is a lifestyle (here’s a vid on how to start eating clean), let’s talk about how much you eat. In general, I don’t think it is very likely to gain a ton of weight from overeating veggies. They are voluminous and low in calories so your stomach will get filled up quick. But overeating other healthy things like fruits, nuts, whole grains, and lean proteins is much more likely. You see, you can be a clean eater and an overeater. Clean eaters that are overeaters most likely may have a compulsive overeating issue – just grazing on good foods all day long. But when the bottom line calorie count is exceeding your calorie burn count for the day, you gain weight.
Much like how you can lose weight from eating white bread and butter all day long – as long as your calorie consumption is below your calorie burn – you will lose weight. You will most likely be skinny-fat, feel lethargic, get sick from not having enough vitamins and minerals, and have no energy to workout. This is not what you want to do.
You must choose clean eating to power you body and your mind.
The problem is this though…you cannot overdo it! Much like how you shouldn’t overtrain or overdo anything. Life and success is all about balance. You must eat enough to feel good. How much is that? Well if you do not have an addiction to food, your stomach will tell you exactly when it’s full. Then you stop. But if you can’t tell and you feel powerless when faced with food, you may want to diagnose yourself, accept that you have a problem, and begin the healing process now.
This is how the Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is described:
Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances.
Here are some things a person with BED may do or how they may feel:
- You feel a loss of control when you see and eat food
- You have no sense of fullness and when to stop – you just can’t stop eating
- During a binge eating episode, you eat really, really quick and you eat until you get physically uncomfortable or nauseated
- You eat when you’re depressed or bored
- You eat large amounts of food when you’re not even hungry
- You eat alone or away from people because you’re embarrassed about your relationship to food
- You feel ashamed, disgusted, and guilty after you binge
Bingers do not purge after they eat so one of the direct results of having BED is also being overweight. If you find yourself doing the above, you need to take a step back and examine your tendencies closely before it becomes it becomes an issue that takes over your life. BED is really an illness of the mind. You need to start thinking about food as a fuel source. Not as something that you should be ashamed of!
I totally understand that you may be stuck in a bad rut and it yes, it is hard, it is tough to get out of, but you need to start now. Stop it stop it stop it. Pick your butt up and rid your house of anything that is not clean and nutritious. You will be less likely to down a whole bag of chips if they are not there to begin with! Then get to the gym. Those feel-good-endorphins will put your head in the right place. Even if you’re having a “feeling fat and failing” type of day, tuck it away. Just get to the gym. Or go for a walk. Go for a jog with your fave tunes. Good music is very important. It will set the mood. Just do it. DO IT DO IT DO IT. You will never regret. Exercise is also a natural appetite suppressant. When you get home, knowing you just burned a ton of cals, you’re more likely to eat right. Oh and since that bag of chips are gone, guess you have to snack on carrots and Trader Joes spicy black bean dip! MMMM!!!
Look, I know it’s gonna be hard to reverse the cycle. BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT. If you don’t, your health and happiness are seriously and potentially fatally jeopardized.
You have to cure your mind and everything else will work out. I promise. Only you can make this decision for yourself. Please make the choice to control your own mind. Do not let the food win.
Well there’s my bit on BED. I hope you were enlightened today. Remember this: you are in control of your own life. You make your own dreams come true.
<3 you guys,
Binge Eating Disorder,
Binge Eating Disorder,
Binge Eating Disorder,
Binge Eating Disorder,
Compulsive Overeating,
93 thoughts on “Are you giving up? Are you overindulging? STOP IT!”
There are 93 comments posted by our users.
Hi Casey,
Please consider taking down these old posts from your blog. They represent a very warped and misinformed view of eating disorders that can be dangerous for people in a vulnerable state to find. “Just getting to the gym” will not necessarily help someone with an eating disorder, and you should NOT be giving out advice. Post links to resources instead. Encourage people to get professional help. Use person-first language instead of referring to people with BED as “bingers.”
Your rhetoric in these posts — and all of your ED-related posts — is EXTREMELY problematic: “You must eat enough to feel good. How much is that? Well if you do not have an addiction to food, your stomach will tell you exactly when it’s full. Then you stop. But if you can’t tell and you feel powerless when faced with food, you may want to diagnose yourself, accept that you have a problem, and begin the healing process now.”
Again, please take these posts down, and if you decide to write about EDs in the future, please talk to health professionals first or do more extensive research on what is appropriate to write and how to write it.
Hi Cassey, I was just informed about this post and it has helped a bit. I’ve suffered from BED for so long and I have few people that know about it, like a psychiatrist, but no one, not even my parents, takes me seriously. I’ve talked with a dietician but it just isn’t helping much and my psychiatrist won’t help so honestly, I can’t quit. I have no way of quitting when my parents buy groceries, I have no say even though they know, they think it isn’t a real disorder.
I love your blogs and you’re so motivated but I really think you’re wrong on this. I don’t know how to just stop and I really just can’t.
God, I think I might have this eating disorder. I always knew I had an unhealthy relationship with food, but no eating disorders really fit into my profile, so I never gave it much of a second though besides knowing that something was not right. What do I do now? Thanks a ton for writing this, really means a lot. It helped me see what exactly is wrong with how I am behaving and motivates me to change.
Unfortunately, I didn’t realize I was suffering from this until I read this post and really sat back and examined my life.
When I was younger, puberty hit me pretty hard and I eventually stopped playing outside and did nothing but eat, whether I was hungry or not. Eventually, I got pretty big for my age and my dad would sometimes make nasty comments about my weight (btw, I was only in the fifth grade), causing me to stuff my face secretly because I was embarrassed and also because I was depressed and upset about what I looked like and I really didn’t know how to change it. I would eat and eat, and I just felt guilty for eating in the first place.
Thankfully, I’m beginning to change my relationship with food, but it’s a difficult process. I still have those urges to stuff my face, and the guilty moments later on for doing so, calling myself fat and poking at what I feel is the biggest belly in all of humanity (when really it’s not). Often times, I don’t tell people about this bad relationship, afraid of what they’ll think or say, but they soon realize it and offer the best support that they can.
Thanks, Cassey, for this post. 🙂
It’s because of you-and the support of my friends and family-that I’m getting better about my lifestyle and overcoming how I am with food.
Thank you so much for this article. I love sweets and I don’t realise food is not an award or something. For me, it’s something that can help me to go through bad time. So thank you very much, Cassey, you are our salvation!
I don’t mean to bump an older blog post, but I searched for “overeating” on your site just because for these past couple of days, I’ve been feeling so stressed & eating has been my release.
Thank you for writing this (even a year ago!).
Although I’m typing up this comment after I finished over-indulging in French-Vanilla ice cream and chocolate croissants, I know tomorrow I can get up and get back on track. I’ve been working so hard following your advice for the past half year, I’m not going to just quit now.
Reading this reassured my mind & makes me confident in knowing that I can do it.
Thank you. (:
Hey Cassey, this brings up a good point since I’m not sure how many people realize they’re binge eating. Sometimes it’s what we’re taught.I used to eat until stuffed at pretty much every meal because that’s what my mom did. I found that not being so stressed really helped with the intense hunger, that and having a healthy daily routine, not just exercising but getting up and accomplishing things and spending time outside so that my body could remember when to sleep. If I stop caring about the routine I sleep too much and often forget to eat until I binge. Of course, most times I see snack cakes I eat too many. They seemed to be designed to be less than filling and make you want more. My point is that there’s a lot that brings it about. Thanks for bringing the issue to the front of my mind.
I suffer from this ED. It is really hard to break this habit. I suffer from depression and anxiety, and it gets really really bad in the fall and winter time. I feel helpless, tired, and all I do is eat because I do not have enough energy to work out. Plus with work and school I just have zero time to do anything. I realized this is a problem when I had a really bad day and I got taco bell because it made me “feel better,” but the next morning my tummy was hurting, my hands swollen, and I was just feeling sick. I gained the freshman20, not 15, but 20. I kept saying “oh I will workout tomorrow and will eat right” never did. Now it is FOUR months later and I am still doing the same thing. However, since the week started I have lost 3 pounds, feels good. I am hoping I can keep this up, and not try to eat everything in sight. Love you Casey.
Cassey, I want to say thank you so much for posting about BED. I’ve just been recently diagnosed since I started to realize my eating habits were out of control. I often turn to food when I’m emotional, but I am really trying to get back on track and lose the 10 pounds it caused me to gain. Eating healthy is hard when you are in college, but I am doing the best I can.
All I can say is thank you for sending positive messages, this is exactly what I needed to read right now.
Erin, I’m a college student who also used to struggle with BED. I blog about my recovery and talk in general about eating disorders, so if you want to reach out check out my blog. You’re not alone!
Hey I am also a college student trying to stop this cycle. I would love to read your blog. Where can I find it?
This is amazing! Thank you so much for this. So inspirational. I’ve been suffering with this for a long time now and I’m hoping this final push will be enough for me to finally change!
I’m home alone all next week and I know it is going to be so tough to eat normally and clean foods. But I am going to keep reading this blog and try my very hardest. I can do it!!!
Thank you for posting this. There’s also a lot of hate/ignorance involving EDNOS – which can combine the reactions of a number of EDs. I’m reading some comments here, and it sounds like people are in denial still. How can you say you’re not disordered when you CANNOT CONTROL how much you eat. That’s the whole point of the post. BED is an eating disorder. And if you have no CONTROL over how much you will consume, you’re pretty much binging. Whether restricting or binging there’s a theme that all eating disorders have – it’s all about CONTROL. Lack thereof or being able to control the one thing in your life you feel you have NO control over. So if food controls you, listen to what’s being said in this blog post – that’s if you want a better mindset. Change starts when you REALLY want it to start.
-Someone with EDNOS
I, too, suffer with EDNOS. It’s a horrible, vicious cycle and I’m so sick of it! Let’s beat ED’s POPsters! We can do it!
U only said half of BED the other half is restraining ur self from food, that’s mainly why u binge!! i have been stuck in this stupid cycle for years now.. I hate it.. Even my friends now tweet me stuff like ” It’s eather I eat everything or eat nothing, that’s how it goes”as a joke, I am famos for it!!! I eat too much then I feel as guilty as hell so I stop eating for a while and then I get tired and sick of it so I over eat!!! and the thing is I can’t find my way out!! also I am not overweight but my weight goes up and down very easily and very quickly within a certain limit, this week I am not eating, but god knows how my next will be…..
I do not have an eating disorder. I am a very happy girl. But I find myself eating one sweet… than another…. than another. Every time I eat one I think “well another won’t hurt.” but it does. Not necessarily my body. It hurts my mind. After that second or third sweet or bite of food, I feel like my workouts, attempted clean eating and fitness mindset are going to waste and I will never be where I want to be. What are some things I can do to change my pallet and not want those things. What are some things that can keep me from not overdoing it?
Thanks for helping me get into fitness.
I am not super fit yet, But with your help, I am getting there…
Thank you Cassey!!
Thank you!
Woah… I am so so so glad I stumbled across your blog… I didn’t even realise this was an ED let alone that I developed it this bad, and I did. Yesterday I made myself so physically sick that I had a completely restless night, woke up feeling disgustingly sick with a headache and I had to be at work by 8.30 and work 6.5 hours straight. However because of this sickness, it was the first time in WEEKS that I haven’t felt the need to binge eat. Like… I ate the healthiest I have in ages today, no junk, and I didn’t even feel hungry, which proves that I can finally get my eating back on track. I don’t know what set my binge eating off, but I think it was work stress because I started after my boss was horrible to me after I was sick and for the first time had to cancel a shift, which was a month and a half ago. In a week I gained 5kg, making me the biggest I’ve ever been. I had trouble with controlling my diet after that but I’d just like to say that reading that it is an actual disorder really opened my eyes and you’ve put a good perspective on it, and I reckon this will really help me. Thank you 🙂
Cassey thank you so much for this post. ive been sufferkng from binge eating but have been managing great. Butnow, cuz of holidays my birthday.. ive been out of control. i know that i please need to fix my relationship with food. thats the most important thing, but i dont knowhow or where to there any reading you recommend?? please help!
Oh Cassey, today I had the biggest binge. In the morning I was all good, I ate 3 tiny egg muffins (67 cal)
then for lunch I ate a 43 calorie salad.
Then I made some apple muffins. They were 70 calories each. I ate 4 of them. Plus I ate like 200 grams of apples throughout. And then I at 100 grams of chickpeas. I couldn’t stop.
AND THEN. my mum’s friend came over and brought with her a TON, A SERIOUS TON OF FOOD. SHE BROUGHT HALF A BUTTER BERRY CAKE AND I ATE LIKE 80% OF IT. THAT WAS LIKE 1932 calories, estimated.
and she brought airfried chicken. i ate about 360 grams, 497 calories.
and then my friend asked me whether i got into the end of year academy awards and i said i didn’t and he said they had already given it out and that he thought i would get in and that i needed to study harder and that he got one and he “didn’t mean to brag”.
i basically cried. i ate mango, 150 grams, 98 calories and at this point i had the cake. the almost 2000 calorie cake.
i also had steamed veggies (57 calories)
oh Cassey, what do I do? I’m so tempted to purge. Do you have a workout that will burn this !@#$% off?
i think u are restricting yourself too much! thats what causes binging a lot of the time
I definitely have BED. And I really want to change but the problem is that my parents buy processed food and frozen food and bags of chips and so. They also buy clean food but it ends quickly and then we only have the bad food. I try to take control of everything I eat and my workouts but I feel that this is getting me “obsessed” with it. And to be honest I haven’t worked out in this whole week because I feel listless and lazy to start moving. But I promise that I’ll try my best.
Thank you for worrying about us and for making us feel better with ourselves, you’re amazing. ♥
Cassey, you posted this at the PERPECT time. I have been binge eating for awhile, but now I am seeking help and I am determined to STOP. Watching your videos is definitely helping.
Thank you so much for being a role model!
This was me. I never thought of it as an ED. To be honest, a few years back, I was sufferign from anorexia and bulimia, and boy was it painful, I was underweight, I was always…irritable and cold, and I had kidney problems which I had to treat with really strong antibiotics and my hair was falling out, but i soon recovered and i realized my unhealthy obsession with being thin was wrong. I then moved out from home to go to college in a big city, i went through a bout of depression due to traumatic circumstances and I was lonely because I didnt fancy goign out with my friends so often in this expensive new city, so I started to just enjoy eating and watching movies in the comfort of my own room, which i treated as my home away from home. I was lonely, bored and always “hungry”. I gained about 50lbs since my thin days and am now overweight. I recently graduated and moved back to my hometown for a break before I start working and I am again surrounded by those close to me again, and am so much more relaxed and happy, and have stopped binge eating. I’m working out slowly now and have realized that binge eating is an ED. i didnt realize how much i was hurting myself (after being overweight, my BP shot up, my cholesterol, my BMI too) . So i hope all of you, whoever is suffering from an ED, whether it’s anorexia, or bulimia or binge eating. Find a way to beat the psychological barrier because that is what’s affecting your eating pattern.
Thanks Cassey for such an amazing blog You have no idea 🙂
Last year, i had lost so much weight. I restricted myself from bread, pasta, junkfood, cheese and all that bad stuff. for around 4 months i continued to eat in this way, because i feltdigusted after becoming aware of my body size(which in reality wasn’t fat at all).Obviously as a child, i wasn’t concerned with my body image, and in fact i was notorious for being a chubby kid. So last year,when i was 13, after being completely horrified at my appearance i was determined to lose weight, and i started to become somewhat anorexic, with excessive food restriction. i never used to bring luch to school. I tried t eat as minimal as i could and even attempted just eating jumk all day . if i ate something unhealthy i would run to my room and just cry. I became really quiet and closed up. Nobody, not even my family was aware of the inner torment i was experiencing, the amount of food that i would be eating being all i could think about. I never really realised how much weight i had lost, but just wanted to stop eating and lose weight. I felt guilty for even eating an oreo, or some chocolate. A few months after this obsession had started my sister told me that she thought i had anorexia, and my mum kept telling me to stop starving myself. I didn’t believe them, and because in my mind i was always overeating and those few oreos that i ate were an indication that i was fat and had no self-control. eventually i got told by heaps of people that i had lost heaps of weight, and slowly i felt more and more satisified with my body, and that one day that i chose for a YOLO day turned into months and now more than a year. it was so difficult turning back to what i saw as my ‘healthier’ ways, when there was so much comfort in eating whatever i wanted.Ive gained heaps of weight this year, eating too much junk. its a never ending domino effect. Now i just cant restrict myself. the way i was last year wasn’t healthy, and so is my fitness and diet today. Everyday is the same thing over and over again. each of the symptoms you listed, i face everyday, but i dont think i have the disease, its just a lack of self control. Only recently i’ve discovered you, and to be honest i was completely inspired to be healthy, because now im horrified at myself once again. I know i seem so young, and you’ll probably just brush me off your shoulder but i seriously want some guidance because i don’t want to destroy my body and have these terrible eating habits for the rest of my life. I don’t want to get diabetes or become obese. I don’t want to be angryand frustrated all the time because i hate myself and my body. I don’t want my family to see me as the frustrated sibling anymore. I want to be happy and loving to my family, and be confident and oppurtinistic. i want to overcome my fear of change and being daunted by new oppurtunities because of a body image factor. i dont want to withdraw myself from activities because im too fat. Please, I just want a little help or some tips, something that will make me say No when im about to binge and help me keep focused on eating right.
When you were listing what someone with BED does or thinks, it sounds exactly like my boyfriend. He wont admit he has a problem, but he fits each one of the points listed. I’d like to help him out with it, get him to think differently, but his theory is that because he exercises enough that he doesn’t gain any weight, it’s not a problem. Thank you Cassey for bringing up the issue though!
Hi Cassey!!! I have BED 🙁 I gain a lot because of this… I feel so depressed how my body looks like now… I did not join the dance presentation because I feel ashamed though I can dance well and also I went to cosplay christmas party just wearing a casual dress 🙁 All of my confidence are gone :'(
Thank you so much for posting this and reminding me to stop this disorder…
btw, I’m from Philippines! I’m a fan for almost a year now 🙂
God Bless Cassey! mwah!
It’s almost admirable to me how your life’s work can be about everything food, diet, exercise, weight loss related and you’ve never developed eating disordered patterns. The first time I ever lost weight was it for me. My life has negatively revolved around what I put in my mouth ever since and how it makes me look to the point I’ve had to medically withdraw from school and am quite literally, losing a normal life as I know it.
Loved the post, Cassey!
Binge eating is my downfall. So good to know you are looking out for your POPsters!
Love how you called it a “YOLO meal.” Definitely made me smile.
Happy holidays! 🙂
Wow! This post is a real eye opener. Reading through the symptoms and finding that everyone of them fits me sucks. Now hopefully it will help me control my BED!! reading over this I just real sites how it sounds to write “I will be able to control my bed” anyway… Thank you so much Cassey!!
Thanks so much for this post Casey 😉 I’ve been dealing with this issue personally for 2 years and it’s a true battle to will yourself not to binge. I was having a rough day today and after reading this I’m really motivated to try and solve this issue I have. In going to try to not binge for 3weeks starting tomorrow and hopefully get this horrible condition behind me 🙂
HI, this is the first time i am writing even though i have follow blogilates for almost 2 years. I just want to thany you Cassey for bringind attention to this condition. I have struggle with binge eating for 7 years and in the beginnind i didn’t even knew it was a disease. It started when a girl told me i was fat, even thought i had a normal weight, so i started to work out and to eat clean and i had lost some weight. I was proud and i thought that a little chocolate now and then wouldn’t hurt but soon I started to eat too many sweets and gaind the weight back. I became so ashamed of myself so I stop going out and if somebody would say something nice about me I always thought they are joking. When i was eating in front of people i was trying not to eat much and i was always complaining that i eat clean and i don’t lose weight. the proplem was that i was eating sweats when nobody could see me. i was working out but if i had a bad day i thought that a little chocolate would’t hurt but after one bite i could’t stop and after that i was feeling so bad and hated myself so i would continue with ice cream, candy, cake and other sugary stuff till i couldn’t even breath. it took me a lot of time to realize something is not right and a lot of time to recuperate and to look at food as something nutritius and not a sourse of happiness.
I thing is great that you are trying to draw attention to this disease, maybe somebody will ask for help after this.
Sorry for this long comment and have a nice day everybody
Thank u for sharing your story!!! I hope you seek help and gain the strength to battle this! You can do it. Love u. Check back in w me and let me know how u do.
I find this post exceedingly irresponsible – first of all, you are not qualified to give guidance on this issue (as it deals a lot with mental health as well as physical health). Second of all, the fact that many of your resources are from WIKIPEDIA, which is an extremely unreliable site, is deplorable. If you intend to truly help people with eating disorders, I would suggest you do much deeper research and quote respected sources. You have too many followers to write posts based off of wikipedia.
How can a post be irresponsible? Did she write it at the wrong time?
We all know that Wikipedia isn’t a grey source of information due to the
lack of professionals that are not presented. However, binge eating disorder (BED) does exist. Cassey is not only enlightening her readers with new healthy ideas, but she is introducing people to a disorder that is not as hyped as bulemia and anorexia. Besides, not all of her firings included Wikipedia, only a few. The others were completely reliable. The fact of the matter is that all the facts that she presented are true. Those are the correct symptoms and feelings of BED. I respect Cassey and her blogilates entrepreneurship because she helps many people become motivated to be healthy; not only that, but also by bringing a positive and uplifting attitude with her videos.
Thank you Georgette! You said it well.
Irresponsible? Did I hurt someone, misguide someone, or state false facts? I brought light to an issue so that there is more awareness.
Cassey that post on over indulging was brilliant! I over indulge way too much and I am lucky I don’t put on weight quickly however it does mean i’m still unhealthy, this post is just what I needed because lately I have been neglecting myself and last night you got me to put down the cookie I was eating and do a work out THANK YOU, it made me feel sooo much better and has put me back on track as I did another work out this morning, your post has got me to stop and think about how I am truly at my happiest when I am eating healthy and exercising and it beats the 10 minutes of happiness I get from eating a piece of cake – that then makes me feel crappy on the inside for hours after. You Cassey are fantastic!! Don’t listen to ANYONE who says you are irresponsible, its quite laughable as you are anything but! xx
Hi S.S.
Please don’t get me wrong, i don’t wanna offend you in any way, but i think you might have misunderstood the reason why Cassey wrote this post. I don’t think she wanted to offer a quick fix for people with a BED. I think she’s very professional and knows exactly that BED cannot be fixed with a simple blogpost.
I think she wanted to (and successfully did) raise awareness that sometimes the line between (healthy) yolo-ing and (unhealthy) binging can be really hard to draw and that while it’s ok to allow ourselves to have a yolo-moment every now and then, we should also pay attention that those moments are not completely taking over and become unhealthy habits.
love, C.
Thank you so much for the post. They always uplift me and make me feel like I can do it. You are a great inspiration.
I love this post. It’s amazing, easy to understand and motivated me to eat clean.
“Do not let the food win” I love this sentence, It’s remind me when the food is in front of me.^_^
that’s right! cravings ain’t got nothing on a POPster!!! 🙂
This post is really amazing 🙂 It makes you to understand how important is to know why are you eating, what eating means to you. Well, I’ve been through all this situation and it was really tough time. It was my darkest part of life. You won’t believe, but I was just about 14-16 years old and I was overweight. Everyone was telling me this: “look at yourself, you’re ugly, you won’t find a boyfriend” and etc., these talks made me sick. So I decided to change myself. My parents were against me, because I’ve changed my eating habits (no cookies, no junk food, no white bread) and I lost about 44lbs, they were worried about it. Of course, I’ve started working out: Pop pilates, cardio routines, riding with my bicycle, I walked a lot on my feet 🙂 These are the reasons why I lost 44 lbs. And now I’m happy, because I know that I’ve done a favour to my body, to my health even to my minds 🙂 It was a long journey:) Now I’m 19 years old, I have a boyfriend and I’m happy when I see people who are trying to get in a shape and change their lifes by changing their eating habits. By the way, Cassey, thank you for your blogs and videos, because they helped me a lot, you made me realize who I am, what is important to me and how to reach my goals 🙂
A big hug from Lithuania 🙂
Good for you Paulina!!!
Melisa, thank youuu 🙂 Everyone can do the same 🙂
Such a good post Cassey!! I’ve been there. Feeling a bit down and food became like a comfort. Think this started as i was a kid with my mom making us having free access to all the “goodies” in the fridge and cupboards with no limits. But i won’t blame it on her… Up until a couple of years ago i’ve been going up and down the scale like a jojo. My overall health wasn’t very good at that point. Until i just one day said to myself, this is enough! And that is the importance, to tell yourself and just do it! With that i found blogilates and started enjoying to work out. Damn, it was hard, but it was so fun and so self-rewarding whenever i managed to push a little bit further and every time i would be able to make some moves i found difficult. A few months ago i lost track of myself though. I didnt start over-eating but with lack of sleep, not eating the way i know i want to eat and should eat, but instead indulging on things throughout the day like bread, easy to grab things…. I maintained my weight, for a while i even lost a few kg. Not a biggie i thought, but i started to become tired, and my stomach wouldn’t function very well, i felt very cold…. A couple of days ago i went for a health check-up together with my boyfriend and i had my blood-circulation checked. I had to hold back my tears as the nutritionist was telling me i was one of the worst cases he had ever seen. People the double age of me have better results. We got to see our blood circulation on a screen, a healthy person should have like long V or U shaped lines, mine looked like you had given a crayon to a 1-year old kid. My boyfriend is 15 years older than me and his was looking so good in comparison. I’m lacking vitamin B3, my cholesterol is way high even though i haven’t been eating much fatty stuff. My hands and feet has been so painful and cold, and this is the reason. The nutritionist told me that i could have a heartattack or a stroke before turning 30 if i keep up with this much longer. This is also where i met the other popster that day (this day was so weird to me), she was actually together with he nutritionist and gave me a special type of garnment i will be using to help my blood circulate again by keeping me warm…. And it has helped me, i also had to stock up on vitamin B. I’m back on track again though and i just have to remind myself to not fall into what i fell into again, NEVER AGAIN!!! I have a beautiful life and i want to live it, healthy and happy!
Whoa, this came out way longer than i had in mind. hehe. Cassey, you always do that to me. haha. Anyway, great post and good to be back!!
It’s kinda scary reading a post about a eating disorder and realizing all the symptoms fit. When you’re overweight people tend to look at you and say, well just eat less. And its all good when there is other people around. But then you find yourself making excuses to stay home, and when no one else is around is so hard to not listen to your head saying eat eat eat.
I wanna say a big thanks to Cassey, you blog, exercise videos and food videos have been a great inspiration. I may not have lost any weight, but I’m exercising regularly, getting stronger. And making better choices one by one. I couldn’t have done it without this community!
I have mixed feelings about this post. Yeah it’s good you are writing about it and getting this ED out there, but at the same time you have probably just convinced a lot of people they have an ED when they actually eat just a little bit too much once in a while. You have to be very careful before labelling anything an ED, otherwise surely everyone has one of some sort! For all we know in 20 years time eating clean might be labelled an ED!
Also, without wanting to bash you and get a load of hate, it’s very easy for you to say all you have to do is change. You have a lifestyle and a body people aspire to get, but if you suffer from an ED someone just telling you to change isn’t going to cut the mustard. Jog round the block? What if you are so ashamed of your body you don’t even want to leave the house?
Don’t get me wrong, I love what you do and am amazed by the people you inspire, but I also think you need to look from the other side as well. Until you have been there and come through the otherside, or witnessed someone you love do this, you will never know how mentally hard it is to ‘just change’. If it was that easy everyone would be doing it.
This is exactly how I feel. I’m very happy that you decided to raise awareness of binge eating, which definitely doesn’t get treated as seriously as anorexia or bulemia. I love what you do and think you are a great role model, but I am not thrilled by this post.
As someone who has suffered from BED for most of my life, I did feel a little let down by the “just change” bits. They almost felt a little condescending? Just as anorexics and bulemics should seek professional help, so should binge eaters. To be told “just change” down plays the serious mental trials of the disorder. Most people know now that “just eat!” or “just stop throwing up!” are not effective pieces of advice for other eating disorders. Mental guidance is in many cases more important than diet and exercize when it comes to eating disorders.
I eat clean 90% of the time and hit the gym regularly. But I still suffer on a daily basis with my disorder, often feeling out of control when food is around me. I pair that with excesive binging on exercize, which makes me feel like a lazy slob when I don’t hit the gym. To be told that “those feel-good-endorphins” will put my head in the “right place” is hurtful when I am doing everything you mentioned and still suffering from the disorder.
While I am happy that you brought up the subject, the way you handled it in parts shows that the disorder is still not understood or taken as seriously as other eating disorders tend to be.
This post is amazing, thank you. I dont think I have this, but I still have a not-so-good relationship with food. And its really all about the mind
Thank you Cassey and the rest of you girls giving your insights. I spent most of my teenage years in a self-loathing hell due to a BED. I’m 31 now, so it was quite some time ago and at that time no one, myself included, had any understanding of it as an disorder. My mother and friends and even doctors simply treated me as a person who loved to eat a lot, was too weak to say no to sweets and other calorific food and was therefore overweight. Which just pushed me into more self-loathing, since aside from being fat and ugly, it also meant I had no willpower. So I ate more and more which resulted in hating myself more and more… I wouldn’t go to the gym out of embarrassment for being overweight.
And the supposed best years of one’s life turned out the horror years of mine. That’s why raising awareness of this particular eating disorder is terribly important – realising that you have a mental problem which can be solved instead of thinking of yourself as a worthless pig, can help break that vicious cycle of binges and self-loath.
So, once more – thank you, thank you, thank you for this fabulous blog!
Wow…thank you so much for this, Cassey. I personally have never had any problems with BED but have suffered from other forms of eating disorders in the past, and this really opened my eyes. And I think what you said about healing your mind first goes for all of us, no matter what our situation/conditions: we all have things that we need to address in our lives, but by confronting them we can begin to move forward and discover the strength inside of ourselves. Thank you so so much, this has absolutely set my perspective straight today! <3
Uh oh. Wow.
Thank you, Cassey. I needed this.
Thank You for the post! At home, we always over ate. We almost never had left overs. There was always a second helping. Of everything. Fortunately, it was mostly healthy foods, but it still had an impact. My sister became anorexic (ok now), and I started to binge. A lot. I eventually started to feel so disgusted with myself that I would purge to try and feel better about myself. When I started college, it was binge, purge and workout (it was obsessive in the sense that all I cared about were the calories). After purging one time, I became so sick that I realized I couldn’t do it to myself anymore. So I stopped. But the binging didn’t. I think it’s safe to say that Blogilates has had a major impact on the way I eat, the reasons why I exercise, and more than anything, the way I view food. I still binge sometimes, it’s a work in progress. Thank you for the post and all the support you offer us Cassey!
I am suffering from Binge Eating Disorder. Just this morning, I probably inhaled over 1000 calories just because I felt like it all before 10AM. Right now it is almost noon and I feel sick to my stomach. Every night I feel so guilty for how I overate throughout the day and I tell myself that tomorrow is a new day. I will eat clean and have self control, but it never happens. It is a never ending cycle that is killing me inside. I saw my flat abs and toned body fatten up within these past 6 months. I saw my body fat percentage soar from an athletic 16-17 to over 25… all within 6 months. I am ashamed of myself, but I have no self control. I don’t know how to stop myself. Cassie, I have a problem and I feel like crap.
Thank you Cassey!
This was in perfect timing for me 🙂 I don’t have a BED, but I have been treating myself a bit more than usual recently! This article gave me a totally different perspective! Thank you!! 🙂
This hit home really hard for me! I feel like you seriously read my mind. I needed this. For the past few weeks I have been slacking so much on my work outs & clean eating- between school, family, and my own personal issues, I just haven’t been making fitness a priority. Beyond the past few weeks, I think I have struggled with binge eating for my entire life. I was always heavier when I was younger and finally started getting in shape a few years ago (thanks to YOU! 🙂 I would love to share my whole story with you, since you play such a major part in it!) Thank you so much for this post.
It’s great that you’re acknowledging this disorder, but shouting at us in all caps to just do it doesn’t help. If not overeating was as easy as just not doing it then no one would have the problem. Telling us to “Just do it. DO IT DO IT DO IT” doesn’t make it easier. It’s like telling someone with anorexia to just stop restricting and eat something, or someone with depression to just stop being sad and act happy. If that was the cure then there’d be no anorexics or depressed people. It’s not anywhere near as simple as just deciding not to have the disorder. It goes so much deeper than that. Just not buying chips and going to the gym isn’t going to fix the underlying problem. There’s a reason people have depression and there’s a reason that people have come to place where they’re anorexic and bulimic. It’s the same with overeaters. Something has happened in our lives that has brought us to this place and fixing it isn’t as easy as someone telling us to “just do it.” If I could “just do it” then I wouldn’t be in the place that I am and I wouldn’t have been struggling with this for most of my life.
I don’t mean to rain on the parade. Like I said, it’s amazing that you’re acknowledging this disorder. So many people think fat people are just fat and don’t try to look beyond them shoving fries and candy bars into their mouths to find out why they’re doing it. But from the way you’ve approached it it’s obvious you don’t understand the disorder. Please, please don’t tell us to just do it. I swear if I could just do it then I would, I really would. I so wish it was that simple, but it’s just not and that’s heart breaking. Trust me, having only healthy food in my house and going to the gym every day doesn’t fix the problem and make me less likely to overeat. It just doesn’t.
Thank you Cassey for the post !!! 2 years back i lost my sister – and i started emotional eating ….i learned this about myself after i gained 10 KGs !! I am trying to come back to my healthy life style and your post motivated me a lot.God bless 🙂
I have had EDNOS since I was 11 (I’m 19 now), characterized by an irregular pattern of bingeing and purging, bingeing without purging, restricting, and so on. So far the only strategy that has successfully helped me to overcome my uncomfortable relationship with food has been Intuitive Eating. I know it seems counterproductive to let yourself eat whatever you want, when you want in the pursuit of health, but since I began the program a year ago, I went from having binges almost every day to having absolutely none. Ever. I’m now in recovery and feeling a lot better about myself, but every day is still a struggle with so many temptations and obstacles.
To be honest, I often feel guilty for not “eating clean” as you advise us to do. I’ve been a vegan for a year and a half, but I eat fried things and sweets almost every day; when I do, I only eat one cookie or a couple fries at a time and feel satisfied. Since stumbling across this website, my relationship with exercise has improved dramatically due to your infectiously positive attitude and fun, effective workouts, but I have been feeling progressively worse about the way I eat.
Anyway, the reason I wrote this monster of a comment is that I was wondering if you or any other POPsters out there were aware of a way to reconcile “clean eating” with intuitive eating. Trying to restrict my intake of processed, sugary, or carbohydrate-rich foods has backfired for me no matter how good my intentions are.. I always end up feeling guilty and on the verge of a binge. I desperately want to have the same positive attitude about food that you do while somehow still eating healthfully.
Anyway, sorry for the giant post. I love you Cassey! All in all, you’ve improved my life significantly. Thanks for all your good work!
hey meghan
please don’t feel bad about not eating superduper clean!! if you keep it at a few fries or 1-2 cookies at a time, i think that’s totally ok as long as you still eat your veggies & fruit, your whole grains etc. AND especially if it keeps you from binging!
in fact you are doing what naturally slim people do: they don’t cut out any foods. they don’t feel bad about having a lil bit of junk food every now and then bc they know that your body can put up with it – as long as your overall diet is healthy.
now with regards to reconciling “healthy food” and “intuition”, maybe the following could be a way of getting there:
i once read that the brain typically craves the foods that it’s accustomed to (due to evolution –> foods we have had before have proven to be good for us/not poisonous, so we tend to eat them again, something like that).
so if you eat a lot of burgers+fries, you will crave those. but if you’re used to eating veggies+lean protein, you’ll crave THAT.
it’s so true for me. i never crave french fries anymore bc i haven’t had them in a long time. at first it was kinda hard, i must admit. but it no longer is now bc now what i crave is things like “steamed veggies w/ parmigiano sprinkled on top” or “greek yogurt w/ frozen berries + cinnamon” etc.
no kidding.
so you might just wanna try and “reset” your intuition or your brain’s cravings; not by completely cutting out everything “bad” but by eating more healthy stuff so that your brain gets accustomed to healthy food and will learn to crave that.
sorry that was a pretty chaotic explanation, i hope i was able to get across what i was trying to say 🙂
Thanks for your reply! That definitely makes me feel better. I’m going to take your advice and try to eat a higher ratio of healthy food to “play” food, while not cutting out anything altogether. That strategy sounds much more suited for my particular mindset and relationship with food. Thanks!
great! lemme know if it works! 🙂
Ok this really hits home for me. I spent this summer in a study to help young women with any and all types of eating disorders. It was a lot of group therapy and reevaluating how you think about yourself and food. I honestly felt really empowered from it and around the same time is when I found you and blogilates. I was doing awesomely until late October. And now…uhhh, I was JUST talking to my roommate about this when I happened to look at your blog. I think I am definitely more of a “skinny-fat” type of person. I stop myself from eating in general to the point where I just explode allllllllll over those cupcakes and ice-cream. A box of cereal rarely lasts more than a few days in my house.
I made the decision after all of the group therapy to not be cardio focused. I was at the weight I wanted, I just didn’t like how my body looked (I’m genetically a pear. AKA a skeleton wearing an inter tube around her thighs) so I did MAJOR lower body pilates. I was an athlete up through my first two years of college so I had SOOOO much muscle, and when I quit it turned to mush…I still haven’t recovered. But any who, the pilates was doing wonderrrrs (my boyfriend luuuurves my butt so thank you heh 😉 ) and then it came back. The laziness, the excuses, from some cardio to none at all. The late nights I was working coming home eating everyyyything in sight. My boyfriend has gained soooo much weight. I still weigh around the same, but it isn’t good weight. It’s KFC and MacnCheese weight. It’s depressing. It’s a veryyy slippery slope that takes someone from one bad snack to a nightlong rager with just you and the cookie dough. And you get to the point where you are just scared to change.
I definitely eat my feelings. It’s a cycle. “I didn’t work out, I’m going to get out of shape, I’m so sad, I want to eat, I want to eat more, oh no I’m going to get fat, I’m sad, I want to eat….” blehhhh.
Anyway. Thank you for posting this. I’m going to make an incredible effort that the next time I go grocery shopping to only buy the things I won’t feel bad about eating later. I looooveee my fruits and veggies (maybe too much) but I really am going to make an effort to ask myself each time I walk into the kitchen..
“am I really hungry”
“do I really want to eat this”
“tomorrow am I going to mad at myself for eating this”
“am I full”
xoxo, maybe that was a long winded irrelevancy,but writing out my thoughts has actually been very therapeutic.
keep motivating, and take care of yourself <3
Thank you so much Cassey, I really needed this post! I’ve just been feeling so down lately about all of this, and this post has really enlightened me <3
In tears. It’s like you knew EXACTLY what was happening in my life ATM. Thanks for the post, Cassey!
But fellow POPsters, do not underestimate the importance of your mental health and how that relates to your physical health. For a WHOLE LOT of us, it is not as simple as just getting rid of the chips and getting off your butt and to the gym. If it were that simple, weight management wouldn’t be an issue. Preventing overeating is a lot harder than just telling yourself to stop because food is a really complicated subject for a lot of people. It serves as comfort, as a stress relief, and is something that you have control over. So if food is all of that for you (and for so many people, it is), you’re going to need to find something else to comfort you. And that is HARD. It feels almost impossible sometimes.
If you feel like you really have an unhealthy relationship with food, before throwing out your chips, before signing up for a gym membership, find a professional to talk to. Because you can fix the outside up all you want, but if you, as person, on the inside, are still struggling and hurting, it will be nearly impossible to maintain.
If your body isn’t working at it’s best, you see a doctor to fix it. Caring for your mind and emotions requires the same attitude. If you are not doing great mentally or emotionally, there’s a doctor for that too!
Binge Eating Disorder is a serious issue and if you relate to the mentality Cassey was describing, get serious about getting better and find a professional to talk to. Your primary care physician can give you a list of people or you can look online.
I love that Cassey is so enthusiastic about encouraging all of us to take serious initiative to feel better and healthier. But there is more to your health than what you eat and how much you exercise, it’s about how you feel about yourself and how you feel about your life. And sometimes, it is necessary to find professional help to you get to feeling good about yourself. So please, take care of yourself. ALL of yourself.
Um, I love you. Thank you thank you thank you for posting this.
Yes thank u for this comment. I plan on going deeper into the cause of BED and getting serious help in a future post.
And the fact that you are bringing it up at all is just awesome. BED isn’t as talked about as anorexia or bulimia but it’s just as real and just as serious. And I think that you bringing it up is great because it lets people that since extreme binging is a disorder, there are ways to treat and change it. So thank you for bringing awareness!
Thanks so much for writing this post, Cassey! It is just what I needed to hear tonight. This is something I struggle with, but for years have not really thought it was a “real problem.” Hearing it classified as an ED and finding myself relating to all the symptoms has been an eye opener.
Keep up the encouraging work you do! I appreciate it immensely.
Thank you Cassey for bringing awareness to this.
I have struggled with an eating disorder for 9 years now. Anorexia, Bulimia, BED, ED-NOS, been through it all. My body has been to both extremes, ranging from severely underweight to quite overweight…it’s devastating.
I still struggle with the eating disorder habits, whether it be binge eating, purging restricting, fasting, lose weight, gain weight, my “ED” is never satisfied.
You are very inspiring in everything you do. I look up to you, and you always put a smile on my face. My goal is to treat my body the way you treat yours. I love your positive outlook on a healthy eating lifestyle and of course your workouts are AMAZING!
It’s just really hard with an ED, to truly be in a good relationship with my body.
Sure, even people without eating disorders are not always happy with themselves, I understand that..
I just wish I can go back to the day when all this caos started, which was 12 years old. To STOP myself from doing a stupid diet. To tell myself it’s okay to be the way I am and not having to change myself to fit in at school. I wasn’t even overweight to begin with. I was a healthy normal weight girl…but NORMAL was not what my ED wanted from me. I wanted to be SPECIAL…if that makes any sense?
Anyhoo, sorry for taking up this space with my comment.
Regardless of my struggles I still face with the ED, you truly bring me light and hope that someday I too, can have a better relationship with my body and food.
Thank you Cassey!
Please keep being yourself and do what you are doing already, because I truly feel great listening to your words and watching your vids on youtube.
thank you for this post! i don’t know if i’m a binge eater but i do some of the things you described… so i’m gonna take your advice and start being conscious about my eating habits. i’m kind of in a plateau right know, food is starting to feel like a treat again and i definetely don’t want that. this post has helped me to realize that i don’t want to put on weight again and that i have to control myself but be happy with it… i love you cassie, you are truly an inspiration… lots of love from argentina
Thank you for your post! I have an eating disorder and have for some years now… I have binged.. restricted calories and over exercised and am now back to the BED cycle again. When you have an eating disorder it is so much easier said than done… thank you so much for raising awarness of this!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday 🙂
Thank you so much for posting this. BED is rarely ever talked about as a legitimate ED, and it’s something I’ve been ashamed of for about 8 years now. To admit that you have an addiction to food is embarrassing and makes you feel disgusted with yourself, because it doesn’t seem like a real and dangerous thing, but it is. Sometimes it’s really, really difficult to get into the mindset you talked about, because you almost seem to not be able to control yourself. I’ve been struggling with a relapse for the past few weeks, and your post made me cry because it was a real wake up call. It’s not about being on a diet or trying to lose weight, it’s about changing your relationship with food, your mind, and your body, and it’s something I’ll probably struggle with my entire life. Thank you for calling attention to this, and hopefully providing a wake up call for others as well.
Hi Cassie,
I think the message that you are sending is great, however, I think that you may be missing an important concept. Those that have BED generally also have an underlying issue which needs to be resolved. It’s not as easy as simply going to the gym and putting down the chips. Compulsive behaviors such as BED require attention to what’s causing it which takes time and introspection. I think it’s wonderful that you’re bring BED to light but sometimes psychological help is needed.
You are right. I plan on discussing the causes of BED in another post. A lot of times major restriction or a bad unsustainable diet will cause this. And yea, psychological issues. More to come!
I needed this Cassey. I am desperately struggling against this and it’s so difficult for me. I’ve never really lost weight and in fact I’ve gained weight. With IBS and lactose-intolerance it’s so difficult and sometimes I just have a ‘screw it’ moment. I can only really eat well for like a couple of days or so…. any suggestions on this?
I’m glad that you wrote about binge eating disorder. Thank you for bringing awareness to it. However, your answer to solving it was very simplified. One can not just “stop” it like it was something you can turn on or off. People need help. A wonderful 12 step group that helps with this is OA (Overeater’s Anonymous). Stopping binge eating is not just about behavior modification. It is about changing yourself from the inside. For all of you with this issue, there is help and hope out there. I have been part of an OA group for a year now, and I have lost over 60 pounds. Yes, the weight came off, but it was just a side effect of finally finding the peace in my soul that I had always hoped for.
The spiritual side must be healed before the physical side can be healed
Hi Casey,
This post was perfect! I’ve been battling with this for a few years now, but just discovered it is actually a disorder a couple of months ago. I’ve lost 12 pounds, but my motivation is lacking right now and I’ve gotten back to my bad habits. I’ve been going to counseling, but I can’t figure out how to talk about this. I think I will bring this article up on my next session, so THANK YOU!
Thanks so much for the article. I am a sufferer of BED, but I have gotten so much better throughout the past few months. I now recite a mantra, “It will be there tomorrow and God forbid something happens to me, my biggest regret will NOT be that I didn’t finish that entire blah blah.” So far it has worked. I end up putting away my food and then I keep my fingers busy because busy fingers can’t pick up food. 🙂
I’ve been a believer in fate and “things happen for a reason”…and I believe you posted this for me and probably tons of other people that struggle with BED. Through healthy eating and exercise I lost about 50lbs. But I hit a MAJOR plateau about 10 months ago and have been struggling ever since (and gained 12lbs back!). As I struggled, my stress level increased and the emotional battle with food had taken over. I still have a hard time not looking at food as the enemy. I had not heard of BED until now, but what you described is exactly me. I literally last week made the decision to not let this consume me anymore and I started clean eating, counting calories/food diarying, and getting back to exercise. This blog was just the encouragement I needed. Thank you! (I’m gonna cry! Lol)
This is by far the most life changing post I have ever read. WOW! Thank you so much for your continuous motivation. Off to go to some POPpilates! 🙂
Cassey ! you have no idea how much i needed this piece on “overdoing it when it comes to food !” I do feel like im giving up lately and its sad because i just started to look incredible ! but you have really helped me in this piece to get back on track and truthfully i cannot thank you enough ,ever since i found Pop Pilates my health,weight and personality has changed so much and all for the better ! i love exercise now ! because i can finally do it and at a level that isint embarrassing ,i can now look in the mirror and actually like what i see and not be ashamed of my body. I cannot thank you and all the beautiful popsters enough ! i am proud to be part of the Blogalites community ! xxxx
Thank you so much for posting this Cassey! Lately I’ve been feeling like no matter what I do, I can’t stop eating. I’ll eat and eat and eat- mostly clean, though i have a weakness for crackers- and then I’ll feel like a terrible person afterwards. But looking at what you’ve said, it’s obvious to me now that i do this when I’m bored, or stressed, and I’ve felt a real bout of depression (the ‘winter blues’) over the past couple of months. I’m going to try and keep in mind what you’ve said, especially when I’ve done a tough work out and I actually feel good about myself, and be reminded of how much better I feel when I don’t over eat 🙂
I love this post, and I’m really glad youve raised awareness of this.I’m just eating whatever right now and blaming it on the holiday but I have to Eat Clean and Train Mean. + I have a friend on m fitness pal who is recovering from an ED but has fallen into the trap of exercising for 9 hours a day which is crazy! It would be great if you did a post on overexercising. Much love xx
i agree! Could you do a post on overexercising? I too have a friend who does cardio for hours a day and weight trains sometimes. She is super tiny (underweight actually by bmi) and she still exercises like crazy. She is obsessed with eating healthy, but i feel as if she is not eating enough for her 15 mile runs….. She says shes healthy and that nothing is wrong, but i feel as if her healthy lifestyle is beginning to take over..
I feel like my younger sister is like that also…which worries me.
omgsh Cassey it’s like you made this blog post for me! xD I’m in college and this week is finals week, so I have no time (not to even mention ENERGY) to work out AT ALL. Finally I get a few hours to myself, and I am so pooped and having a “feeling fat and failing” day but reading this post is making me get up, and work up a nasty sweat! Thank you sooooooo much!
okays I just read your blog and im eating sausage fried rice and drinking green tea. I ate half the bowl and i stop eating just than to read your blog. Now i cant be bothered or no energy? to finish the rest..
Good job.. 🙂
Cassey, I don’t think you understand what it’s like to have BED. I have struggled with this for the past two years and you can’t just tell someone with BED to stop, just like you can’t tell someone with anorexia to eat.
Exactly. Because she is in no way qualified to be writing about, offering advice on, or suggesting how to “get out of” a psychological issue.
Thank you so much for posting about this. I’ve struggled with pretty much every eating disorder over the course of the past 5 or so years, and binge eating is a current problem of mine that I’m battling every day. You’re an inspiration.
you’ve got this girl.