A Sweaty Wardrobe Malfunction caused by a Sweaty Workout Routine
A Sweaty Wardrobe Malfunction caused by a Sweaty Workout Routine
Uhhh so yesterday I went to the gym and decided to wear these shorts by Nike that I had bought like 7 years ago. They’re pretty cute booty style shorts in light brown. I was totally psyched about doing my new gym routine that I had looked up earlier that day. I was totally gonna KILL IT at the gym.
30 min in, I’m feeling awesome, like yeah I’m totally conquering these burpees, squats, and pushups. I leave the weight room and head over to the PT area where there’s more room to do the next part of my workout. THEN. I notice it.
I notice that my butt in completely wet and it outlines the shape of my thong.
So I sit my butt down and pretend to stretch like nothing’s wrong. I’m in butterfly style position and OMG. My inner thigh area near my groin is wet too.
It looked like I peed all over my pants!!!
I try doing some ab moves, anything that will keep me from standing up – maybe it will dry in the next 10 minutes?
Stood up after some bicycles and crunches…and it was still there. I urged myself to keep working out…I wasn’t done yet. So I tried using machines where I didn’t have to show my butt area or inner thighs. No luck. Everything was taken. Why didn’t I bring a sweatshirt!!??!!
I tried covering my butt with my waterbottle but it was still too obvious. Darn light brown shorts from Nike. I thought I was DRI-FIT protected!!!
So I made it to about 45 minutes and had the “arms” section of my workout left, but couldn’t bear working out any more. The sweat had now outlined my whole underwear. UNACCEPTABLE.
So I packed up and left VERY QUICKLY.
Now I know some of you may be thinking, “You left because you were scared of what other people thought?” Umm actually, yes. Sports bra sweat is ok. Armpit sweat is ok. A little butt sweat is ok. But when it’s sweaty in your “area” it is NOT OK in my book. I don’t think anyone wants to see that. And I could no longer function because I was too self conscious.
Note to self: Only wear dark colored bottoms or REAL sweat wicking materials for working out. I think the shorts were dri-fit 7 years ago though…they are going to the donation pile.
LEGS | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1. 10 squats, 10 burpees until you reach 50 (for rounds 2 & 3, add weights) | |||
2. 30 alternating knee to same elbow in plank | |||
3. 10 power (jumping) lunges | |||
4. 10 burpees w/ pushup | |||
5. 10 straight leg dead lifts | |||
6. 10 hanging leg raises | |||
CHEST & ABS | |||
1. 10 power pushups | |||
2. 20 bicycles | |||
3. 20 crunches | |||
BACK | |||
1. 10 inverted pull up rows at Smith Machine | |||
2. 10 dumbbell pullovers on ball | |||
3. 10 plank on ball w/ alt knee taps on ball | |||
1. 10 front raises | |||
2. 10 lat raises | |||
3. 10 overhead presses | |||
4. 20 plank knee to opp. elbows | |||
ARMS | |||
1. 10 bicep curls | |||
2. 10 closed pushups on medicine ball |
If you aren’t sure what some of these moves are, just look them up on YouTube. Cycle through each muscle group section 3x. Have fun! Now tell me, what would it take to get you to stop a workout at the gym? Would you keep working out if you looked like you peed in your pants? C’mon, be honest!!
<3 Cassey
20 thoughts on “A Sweaty Wardrobe Malfunction caused by a Sweaty Workout Routine”
There are 20 comments posted by our users.
hey girl how did you put the chart in your blog?
I just used the chart maker in my editor. I think the plugin is called WP Super Edit something.
So I am new to intense workouts and would love to try-but how do you do everything on that sheet? Burpees? Overhead press? Plank knee? Power lunges? Could you record a workout like this for beginners?
Here I’ve been complaining that I cannot find any workout capris in anything but black or black with a little color. Now I know why! Yikes! I have suffered from the same sweat pattern so I know if it contains ANY cotton at all, I won’t wear it.
Love your site and am eager to try this workout. Many thanks! 🙂
I am so sorry for your workout wardrobe malfunction, Cassey! Oh, man… I have been there once before. I wore light grey sweat pants and I had one of the most awkward sweat prints on my booty area. I went outside and started to fan out the pant leg, hoping that it would dry away quickly! I had to rush to the nearest bathroom stall and just stood there for a little bit, still wafting my pant leg around. Luckily, I was not wearing a thong but boy shorts. So, the sweat didn’t collect in the areas that outlined the panties to make it look obvious. I do, however, enjoy the sweat print around my back. 🙂 But when it shows the sweat under my boobs, I get a little embarrassed and begin to scrunch my top. 😛
I also try and stick to dark colored active wear and get bottoms that aren’t so high in cotton percentage.
I am super excited about doing this routine at the gym tomorrow! This will be a nice transition to weight lifting again. 🙂
This is why 99% of bike shorts (the padded kind) are black, I’m pretty sure…
I have a pair of “liner” shorts, they’re lightly padded bicycle shorts meant to be worn under other clothes. And you really can’t wear them alone. If it’s hot, sure enough, they’re damp in all my “personal” areas, because of course you get all sweaty where you touch the saddle. And they’re gray, so it’s totally visible.
the new leg video is awesome! ive been doing your veiods for almost a year now and i am never bored.. big problem ive had with any other workout routine ive tried to stick to. thank you for all that you do! youre amazing!
Okay! So this post totally cracked me up because I’ve definitely had that embarrassment before in some light gray yoga pants… NOT fun!
Have you heard of the awesome workout clothes by LuLu Lemon? They are expensive… but fabulous! I learned and incredible tip from them… if you want your “wicking” workout clothes to keep up the wick-ability, than you can’t dry them in the dryer WITH a fabric softener sheet. Definitely has changed my laundry habits when it comes to my workout clothes… just a thought!
Your newest fan,
Lindsay Frye
Hahaha, of course I’ve heard of Lululemon! Love them. Thanks for your tips on drying!
Haha, you could have went to the bathroom and wet the ‘unwet’ bits so it was all the same colour. But honestly I would have done the same and just went home. One of the reasons I wont workout in gyms, I am too shy and clumsy, I always fall over at least once during a workout, at least at home there is no one to laugh at me other than my cat.
I have seen this MANY times at track meets in college. As part of a team, you usually have to wear the uniform that you are given, including whatever fabric/color is used. Believe me, I have seen some very distinctive sweat marks, including the one you experienced, esp in the red, gray, light blue color family. Thank goodness, we had the option of wearing black or red and could order our own style if we didn’t like the ones provided. I ordered my own black Nike spandex shorts with a 2.5 inch inseam … MUCH more flattering when sweating like crazy. Now, I still only wear black or dark navy blue (only if dri-fit) bottoms to the gym, especially if I am doing cardio. Gray are for home-use or running errands only 😉
Sounds like you had such an intense total body workout for sure from all of those things! I don’t know what I would do if I would get that sweaty haha! I hate when I’m running and my booty shorts are TOO short and I feel like my butt cheeks are hanging out constantly. That causes me to get off the treadmill asap for sure.
Oh geez. That sounds horrendous!!! Haha. I know the pulling-down feeling – it sucks when you’re like “Uhhhh, I need to run here! Just stay put will ya!?”
Omg I would have been mortified! Yes I would have left probably as soon as I noticed it!
I totally agree… I would’ve left too!!! You stuck it out longer than I probably would have lol! For that exact reason I usually only wear black bottoms, especially for hot yoga! I find that light brown and gray are always the worst colors for showing sweat no matter how great the material is. That’s why my gray yoga pants are strictly for use at home and non-sweaty activities!
HAHA cassey that sucks for you! But for me in kickboxing everytime I raise my leg to do a kick my underwear went right up my butt and during a fight trying to pull out a wedgie is not possible…so go commando ( no underwear) when you workout…. besides its healthier…damp underwear in a already damp area…just asking for an infection…you know what kind of infection i am alluding to lol. It takes a few days to get used to no underwear but pretty soon you won’t ever want to wear it…..Thong is like a constant wedgie!
Last winter, I was in the gym for my workout, which started with a five-mile run, hills and intervals, all that jazz. My leggings, which are old and 100% cotton, not even made for working out (I’m a broke grad student) split down the inner thighs on BOTH sides, from my thighs rubbing as I ran! I refused to go home, though, and still went to my circuit class… which contained many circuits of sumo squats :/ wah-waaahhh!! Is it wrong that I wasn’t super ashamed, because I thought it made me look hardcore? Ha.
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!
Hey Emily! If you want to mae some money on the internet to buy new workout clothes, you can. There are sites that pay you for reading ads. You’re not gonna make thousands of dollars alone but if you get help from your friends you can make a lot of money. I’ll leave you 3 links of pages I use. I’ve already received payments (and spent all the money on new albums). Create a paypal account and you will receive the money there (paypal is accepted on ebay and many pages) http://www.jillsclickcorner.com/members/register.php?ref=flopy_dv
Good luck! Any questions here’s my tumblr http://mybikiniandi.tumblr.com