Blogger Spotlight: Eating Bird Food

So after having so much fun doing Fitness Expert spotlights on celeb trainers, fitness models, and activewear designers…I thought why not highlight some of my fave fellow blogger friends!!?? So here’s the first blogger spotlight! This week, I bring to you someone who has inspired my vegetarian creativity!

Name: Brittany

Location: Richmond, VA

Blog Name: Eating Bird Food

C: Hi Brittany!! So happy we connected over Twitter. Since becoming vegetarian a month ago, I’ve been using your recipe index as a guide for some delicious plant-based recipes! Can you tell us a little about yourself before we get this interview started?

 B: Hi Cassey, thank you for this opportunity! I’m Brittany – an online marketing professional and blogger who’s passionate about living a healthy, balanced life. I love eating and cooking and want to share with the world that being healthy doesn’t have to be difficult or boring. I’m also enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and will graduate as a Holistic Health Coach this fall!!

C: Why did you start your blog?

 B: I started Eating Bird Food in March 2008. I had been reading Self’s blog, Eat Like Me and realized there were other healthy food blogs out there. I soon decided I needed a space to share my own weight loss story and help to inspire others. Eating Bird Food started out as an online food journal, but it has definitely progressed since then. 🙂

C: Did you ever expect it to be such a widely read online “publication”?

 B: No, not at all.

C: I read about your weight loss/getting fit journey on your blog and am very proud of your accomplishments! What can you tell us about how someone can empower themselves with the decision to make a healthy lifestyle change?

B: Just like anything else, the decision to get healthy has to be for YOU and no one else. You have to make up your mind what you want for your life. I think setting small obtainable goals are the best way to get started. Overall, you need to make a lifestyle choice and incorporate healthy modifications that you can stick with for the long run, not a temporary diet.



C: Give us a snap shot of your daily diet/meal plan!

B: Typically I start my morning on a sweet note with something like protein overnight oats or oatmeal with nut butter. Some days I have coffee with almond milk, some days I don’t want or need it so I don’t have it. For lunch I normally throw together a salad with lots of veggies and a vegetarian protein source like quinoa, beans, tofu or tempeh. I almost always have a mid-afternoon snack. Lately I’ve been on a Greek Yogurt kick. I buy the plain 0%, sweeten it up with liquid stevia and add a little fruit or 1 T of nut butter. For dinner I try to have more veggies and protein as well as some sort of whole grain like brown rice or quinoa. Last but not least, I normally always need/want a night-time snack so I’ll snack on something like a small bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal with almond milk, cottage cheese, yogurt or frozen fruit.

C: Now give us a snapshot of your weekly workout!

B: Recently I have been doing the Body for Life training plan so my weekly workouts look like this:

M- 45 min upper body strength training

T- 20 min HIIT, 10 min moderate paced cardio

W- 45 min lower body strength training

TH- 20 min HIIT, 10 min moderate paced cardio

F- 45 min upper body strength training

S – 20 min HIIT, 10 min moderate paced cardio


I also like to add in a few yoga sessions a week  – even if I just do them at home. I love using to try out different types of yoga.

C: Fave healthy recipe?

B: That’s a tough one. Here are a few – Overnight Oats, Kale and Sweet Potato Brown Rice Bowl, Black Bean Burgers

C: Fave “bad food” 😉

B: Ice cream. And sweet potato fries, which I make “good” by baking them in the oven at home. 🙂 Here’s my recipe for crispy sweet potato fries.

C: For aspiring healthy living bloggers, what is your best advice for “getting out there”?

B: The fastest way to get a larger readership is to tell everyone you know about your blog and to engage in the community. Leave (meaningful) comments on other healthy living blogs, connect with bloggers on twitter and reach out to bloggers that inspire you.

C: What’s the coolest thing that has happened to you or that you have experienced as a blogger?

There are a few cool things! One, I’ve meet so many wonderful people (including you!) and become quick friends with many of them. I won a trip to San Francisco as a Nature’s Pride bread ambassador for a veggie-stuffed hummus sandwich recipe I created.

I was also named one of Richmond’s Healthiest people and even got the chance to be a judge for a meatless gourmet Iron Chef competition.

C: Thank you Brittany for sharing with us your healthy living tips! You look fabulous!

I always love browsing through Brittany’s recipe page for vegetarian inspiration. So far, all of the people I’ve encountered in the healthy living community are so kind and generous in sharing their experience and their knowledge. That’s how I met Sarah from and We had coffee after a facebook comment I left her, then shortly after we began filming vids together!

The cool thing about bloggers and YouTubers is that we are all real people that you can relate to and “talk” to on a daily basis – whether that’s facebook comments, emails, or tweets. I love hearing from you guys and I already feel like I know some of you…so much so that if we ever met up, I could probably predict what you would say 😉

Want more Brit!?? Check her out here:





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  1. I really appreciate your blogger spotlights as well as your all overall content on Blogilates. I just started blogging and am finding tons of inspiration on the internet. Thank you for contributing to our blogging community. Blessings!