28 Day Ab Challenge!
Hey guys!
I haven’t done a monthly challenge for a while so…guess what!!?? We are going to do a HARD CORE challenge for the month of August!!! It’s all about dem abs! WOOHOO!!!
It’s time to #AdoreTheCore.
Unlike the other challenges you may see on IG, these aren’t just poses…they are a mixture of static and dynamic movements. You are meant to ACTUALLY DO THEM. Not just take a pic doing it. It’s a 28 day challenge meant to strengthen your abs. It will be highly effective – trust me – as I know there are moves here that you probably haven’t done before. So, expect soreness.
You will execute one unique move each day from August 1-28! And I want you to Instagram a pic, video, or boomerang of you completing the move to basically sign off on the fact that you worked your abs! If you don’t have an IG account, no worries, just make one! You can even use the word “POP”, “PIIT”, “Blogilates” in your screen name if you’d like. You can make this your official fitness account! Once you have an account, comment below and let us know what it is so that we can follow each other!
To make this challenge a celebration of our amazing community, I will be hosting a giveaway for you guys!
If you participate in all 28 days of the #AdoreTheCore Challenge, you will have a chance to win the POPFLEX Super Prize Pack which includes:
1 T.Y. Hello Kitty Mermaid Plush
To be eligible, you must:
- Follow @popflex_active, @poppilatesofficial and @blogilates
- Repost the challenge graphic above and tag 3 friends to join!
- Commit to posting the move of the day all 28 days
- Hashtag all your pics/vids/boomerangs with #adorethecore
You can be from any country and of any age! I will pick one random winner on the last day of August and announce on the blog!
Here’s a breakdown of what each move is! The goal is to do a minimum of 28 reps of each move daily, per side, unless it is a static hold – then you’ll want to hold it for a minimum of 28 sec…each side! The static holds have *’s next to them.
I will post the move daily on my Instagram – so be sure to follow @blogilates so you know how to interpret the exercise correctly! Please invite a friend to do it with you too – this is going to be so so so fun!! Let’s make this big guys! Let’s do it together! Comment below if you’re in!!!! And don’t forget to post your IG handle so POPsters from all over the world can follow you!
508 thoughts on “28 Day Ab Challenge!”
There are 508 comments posted by our users.
my tricep was suddenly tense while doing the third move HAHA. Should have done some stretching
so the idea of the challenge is to do one move each day, right??
i really seak to strong abs and itend to finish this challenge all 28 days
@Thesestreetsareyours is my IG 🙂 Come find me and let’s do this together, guys!
How many times should we do each move?
28 x it’s in the written article near the bottom.
Hello, where can we see who win the challenge ? Thanks !!
My Instagram name is “poppilatesfollower”. Follow me, if you like. I’ll follow back and give you all some support ^_^
So glad to have finished my first challenge. I feel great! I can’t wait for the next challenge! 😀 Great job to everyone who completed this challenge also! I’m so proud of us all!
So happy to have completed yesterday the challenge! I can’t wait until the next challenge is announced. It keeps me motivated to do an exercise everyday which is sometimes more than I do when I get really caught up with work and school. Butt or Legs next please 🙂
Ahh I finished! Can’t believe I just did my first challenge! Feeling pretty good!
Have participated in every day of this wonderful challenges and I LOVE it! So happy to complete it tomorrow, which, coincidently is my 40th birthday! YAY
Fun challenge! Love all the 27 moves so far!!! Sad tomorrow is last day, look forward to the next challenge. ?
My IG: abcdt_fitmom
So nice to meet you all here.
Woooh, just did day 27 – add me @tonednika to see. This challenge was fun, but also so hard at times – couldn’t hold todays reachbehindplank for longer than a second!
Been loving this challenge so far! I introduced one of my closest friends to the Blogilates community over a year ago and we have really enjoyed doing your challenges together. It reminds us to be active at least once a day. Thanks, Cassey! My Blogilates IG: http://www.instagram.com/emma_doesthesplits
Um… Does anyone know how to do the “shooting star” move? I’ve never done it before, and i can’t find it anywhere else online or on YouTube.
7 Moves to Bikini Abs from Blogilates
Shooting Star
Cross your ankles and balance on your tailbone. Put your hands in a Charlie’s Angel style position and tap the mat on the left side.
7 Moves to Bikini Abs from Blogilates
Then reach the hands above your head, arms straight, and extend your legs out! Return to starting.
Above is from http://www.inspiredbythis.com/dwell/bikini-abs-from-blogilates
The pictures didn’t send on my comment above, but you can see them here! Hope this is helpful ?
Thanks soooooooo much!^-^
Can anyone else just not do the starfish move? I hate side planks and things like that, I never feel it where I’m supposed to and it just feels awkward. What should I do instead?
My Instagram is @saripopster , feel free to follow 🙂
My Blogilates Insta is @popstersera ? I’ll follow back fellow popsters btw ? Love this challenge!!
I’m on day 12, horizonz13
It kind of sucks that im starting it late, but, better late than never, right? My IG is Nightman_ahh
My IG @margarettqq !! So excited doing this ! ? although it has been a bit embarrassing to post pic in these poses ?
Question. What does the third step mean? It might be unusual to ask this but I’m only 8.
Hey, everyone! I joined the challenge 8 days ago and have been pairing it with my clean, gluten & sugar-free lifestyle! Follow me on instagram @sarah_smiless_ to see my recipies that I post, please! 🙂
Hi,for the reverse crunch,28 times or 56 times?i don’t understand!:(
Hey all! Just created an IG account to join the challenge, follow me I’ll follow back and if ya want tag me if you want to join in and need some people (totster_the_popster 🙂
HI! Just made a new IG account, poster_4_ever, would love if you could follow me! 🙂
i only see the day 1 and day 2 video on fb of the adore the core challenge how can i see them?
Why am I not receiving a monthly email with the password? I am subscribing using a third email, because the last two, I stopped recieving an email. I checked my spam, promotion, and social tabs and nothing.
I’m in since day 1 of the challenge and it’s going pretty well 🙂 (@jennyblazytko)
Forgot to post earlier but my IG handle is lebam916 🙂
If I start now am I too late to join the Instagram giveaway ? Of course I’ll do the first couple moves and post a pic of those as well!
I don’t know if anyone asked this or not but does this mean 28 on each side or 28 all together? Like with criss cross or something
omgg so excited to join this challenge!!! feel free to follow me: poppin_esther
is there any risk of bloating. i know from the 30 day ab challenge there was if u didn’t drink extra water
This challenge is exactly what i need to be back on track ;). My instagram is not just abbout fitnes and is mostly in italian but of you want to take a look is martatp84 .
Thx to cassey and the amazing popsters
Hey everyone! I’m also doing this challenge, and having so much fun! follow me on insta @piit28_rosamunde and let me know if you’re doing the challenge too, would love to follow your adventures 😀
So excited about this challenge because abs is the body part I struggle to workout the most!! Look forward to seeing everyone’s posts. @lolosayshello 🙂
I’m in!! Instagram username : mrsstark26
Does this really do much for anyone that’s not a beginner? I say she does an ab workout video everyday for 28 days instead.
Just do more reps!
Boring…! lol
Im so ready for this challenge
IG account: colochita8513
Hope your all doing good with the adore the core challenge and follow me on Instagram my name is brigittebri88
If I start now am I too late to possibly qualify for the give away? It’s Aug 3rd, but I’ll would do and post about the first three moves on the same day.
So excited to be doing this challenge this month! My mini is excited for this one too and doing it along with me! She loves watching you on the videos with your upbeat, always positive and bright outlook. Thank you for what you do! This is going to be an awesome month!
@popsterbarby on Insta 🙂 I’m pretty new to all of these Blogilates workouts, but I don’t plan on stopping any time soon!!
I’m joining over at @sisselpilatesgains :’)
Hope I did the Plank right! Love to do this challenge #ADORETHECORE ^¿^
Love the challenge!! Feel free to follow me guys @smjc.fit on insta <333
Don’t know if anyone is reading this now, but I’m @never4less.fit 🙂 Love to see you guys on IG! <3
I’m in starting today! 😀 (Missed yesterday due to a wisdom tooth extraction, so I did both today and posted them!)
Popsters: Follow me on insta @ cestlabrieyum!
My Instagram is @Fitness2289
Hey y’all! I just made my blogilates IG yesterday! Follow me @yogibabe_charlie and I’ll follow back! 🙂
Hey y’all! I just made my blogilates IG yesterday! follow me @yogibabe_charlie and I’ll follow back! 🙂
I am so in. I will start posting tomorrow the first three moves :3
Follow me guys @glesque
I’m in! Shall I do yesterday’s and todays to catch up or just start today as day 1?
so if i understand correctly … you dont do the first 5 the first day and then the second day do the first five plus day 6 and on the third day do the first five and day 7? do you just do the one each day?
I started yesterday but failed to take photo or video ? Will defo do it this time!
@piity_kat is my new fitness account! I’m joining a day late. Tag me- I’ll tag you and we will kill it
Hi there, I am so happy tp join the family, poparmy :-)))
I created the IG account only for this challenge. The moves are soooo gooood, I ADORE my core, I can’t wait to complete. So any popster may feel free to follow me or tag me on IG, my nick is @anciblogilates
Have a nice day :-*
I’m in!! I’ll be doing a major revamp on my IG account, I hope you follow me guys. I’ll be doing the best I can everyday! @micahmelecio
Hi everyone! I just created an IG account dedicated to my health & fitness journey!! Since I don’t know any other POPsters on IG yet, please follow me @popster_nati and I’ll besure to follow you back! Can’t wait to meet all of you! 🙂
If you’d like popsters check out my IG 🙂 it’s blogilates_freak ❤️
Just made my fitness account on Instagram it’s @pop.ster.carmen
@htpopster and @vtposter are doing this!
I joined this challenge! I am Novita from Jakarta, Indonesia. follow my IG : nobita_lemba
let’s do this together! 🙂
I am
My IG account is @getting_fit_girl ? I’m so excited for this challenge, my tummy is the most stubborn (especially after having my son!) Excited to follow everyone’s posts and good luck to all, such an awesome and generous giveaway!!
I had a super jampacked day but I hope I’m not too late to join! My IG is: lo_lv. I’m so happy that Cassey decided to do another challenge and it’s just a plus that the prize is so sick <3
Just made an IG for this challenge! So excited! Not really sure how IG works can anyone help me with tagging friends… How do I get friends in IG? Thanks for any help you can give! 🙂
My IG username is popsterac
Hello! I’m in and happy!
I’m @jahzarra11 on IG and I would be happy to meet & cheer other popsters!
I discoverd blogilates 18 months ago but only this may I managed to do the complete beginner calendar! In the past 2 years I’ve been working out more, poppilates with Cassey, Pilates at a Gym or on my own (learning the Pilates basics), but it’s a real challenge for me to do it on a daily basis! I hope this month will put me on track because I have BIG long term plans! <3
I am so in! Follow me on cookiepopster 🙂
I’m in! I just made my fitness account!! Follow me guys! @tuqziee_poppilates
Yes!! So excited! My IG account is lala89_tiu <3
I made a fitness IG just for this! I hope this will help me stay motivated. 🙂 My username is @popsterdraya
Hey everyone! This is my first time doing a blogilates challenge. Please follow me! Kari_fitness25
Hey guys! I’m kinda new to the POPsters familly, feel free to fallow me on IG for this challenge 🙂 : jaellep
Oh! And don’t forget : Even when you’re the last one, you’re before those who didn’t try 😉
I’m in…
So pumped for this challenge. Good luck everyone! My IG is popstermimi if anyone wants to give me a follow?
Super excited! My first blogilates challenge! #AdoreTheCore – another way to work on your fitness selfies 🙂
Feel free to tag me: Pilates_Princess24
I’m so excited because it’s my first challenge, feel free to tag me if you want @notgdaiside
Will there actually be a winner? Because in her last challenge in February, she never posted the winner..
So excited to do this challenge!!!! My ig is popster_love_99 . Feel free to tag me 🙂
This is my first time doing an ab challenge I’m super excited to do one in august cuz my birthday is tomorrow after the 28 days my abs will be my present to myself! @ashlieyyyy is my username.
I have never done this before, but I really want to try!!
IG: salinailla
If I made an Instagram for this, would any popsters mind if I tagged them?
You can tag me anytime! @jahzarra11
Just created a separate IG account for this! Follow me @triekersfit. I’ll follow back and we can help motivate each other. 🙂
tag me and follow me on instagram! I’ll do the same! 🙂 @therunnerstable
Cassey, you blocked me on IG and I have no idea why so I can’t enter 🙁
I’m in! IG: ali_oop_
i have an insta that i want to convert into a workout account. follow me and i’ll follow you! @commander.keane 🙂
So excited about this! I’ve never managed to complete one of these challenges before but this is the time! I even made a new instagram for it, it’s pop__challenge, can’t wait to start following other people doing it! 🙂
I’m in! @_am_challenge
Hi! my account is private, but I will appreciate if some of you guys can follow me so I can tag ya :D. Just tell me your IG so I know it’s you.
IG: popster223
(yes I just created it btw)
Hi Val! Fell free to tag me if you like: jahzarra11
I just made a fitness IG for this. I love the tought of tracking my fitness journey and an IG is perfect for it! Follow me @simarafityourney
I am in!!!!
Just created new ig account for fitness!
yy.fitness ?ig
I have a question… Everyday it’s only one move or everyday the moves adding by the day like in day five do we need to do all the five moves or just the fifth move ?? Sorry if it’s a silly question its my first time here ..
I have same question on my mind. Please help us about it!
Hey guys I made an Instagram for my fitness journey ? If anyone wants to follow me I will gladly follow you back @alo4346 thank you!
I finally did it! I finally started a popster instagram. Hooray! So excited for this!
Does Cassie have to follow you to be in the contest??
if so my sister and I are @bekahdoesblogilates and @lissalovesblogilates !
Also, can the accounts be private to enter?
My insta is @keepcalmandpiit
If you wanna tag me it’s no problem 🙂
Help! I can’t figure out how to do the Corkscrew, Spiderman, Side Seal or Single-Legged Jackknife?
Just wait for when the day to do those comes. Cassey will post every day the movement in motion on her instagram 🙂
My IG is @zephyrlicious and I’ll be taking on this challenge during the month of August!
Just did the move (: Trying to figure out how to upload my video on instagram from my computer though..
i’m pretty sure that instagram doesn’t let you upload from anything other than a smartphone or tablet. good luck!
Thank you! Yeah I found a way to do it from my phone.
I’m totally in! I just had a baby girl 3 months ago, have been working hard on the Blogilates calendars for 2 months, and am ready to see my abs again! My IG is @nrutuku !
follow me @fitness_718
I don’t understand. So today we’ll do the first move with 28 reps and tomorrow we’ll do the first AND second move?
I’m doing this together with PIIT!!! I made a fitness instagram so go follow me @popster.cherry! I will follow back 🙂 Feel free to tag me on this too!
I’m in! Just did the first one. Whose with me and posting everything on Instagram? @linaposter. I’m looking forward to your posts!
I’m SO down for this challenge! 😀 I also have an Instagram account just for Blogilates, so everyone who wants to can follow me. I promise I’ll follow back! :3
IG: poppilatesfollower 🙂
Goodluck! 😀 I followed you @popster.cherry ^^
Question… I know she said from any country but let’s say someone from India wins will she FedEx it to them? I really want to win this because honestly speaking I have no workout gears… But even if I don’t win i’ll be super proud of myself for doing this through this pain… Good luck to everybody ?
So needed a core challenge! 😀 Great way to end the summer.
IG: PIITjedi
I have an IG account and it is swimmer_4_ever pls follow me!
just did!
Guys, help! Since I started working out in June I’ve gained 2 kg. Why is this happening?
it’s probably muscle! As far as i know, we create muscle first then lose weight
Sandy probably has your reason, but have there been any changes in your diet?
Theodora, as long as your eating habits are healthy, there’s nothing to worry about- do you feel better? That’s what matters!
Thanks everyone, I weighed myself today and 1 kg is actually gone 🙂 maybe I was retaining water as well..
That’s great then! Happy to hear 🙂
I am totally IN!
IG: moriyogi
I joined IG just for this! Please follow me at yogihart
Insta: @cricketandmelissa
Hey casey go follow me @ap_19 !!
Just joined in! You can find me on Insta @shenagetspiit
YES!! This is just the motivation I needed
IG: @sheriepeacock:disqus
I’m in IG Fit_senia86
Yess!! Let’s do this!! IG @themariaem follow me, i follow back 😉
Hi, i just made a new IG account for fitness because i also don’t want my friends to see it, username: sasha_pop_baraitser
My IG: rumoursophie
Joining in with this! Feel free to tag me @wilkinsonworkout 🙂
I’m in! IG: miim_ster
Me and my bestfriend are gonna do this challenge IG: tt_lozza_fitnessjourney
I’m IN!!! All the way from Naija! @nnennaya
Hi all! I’m in, doing this challenge along with the beginners Calendar.
My IG is mylifewithpop ?
Hey this is amazing!! I’m a beginner (been going with the beginners calendar for two weeks now) and I love all the pop flex stuff, but I’m not allowing myself to buy any stuff until I know for sure that I’m gonna stick with pop pilates. (At this point though, I think it stuck because I wake up every day excited to do the moves :D)
I have an IG account I barely use, so I don’t really have any friends to tag, any popsters I can tag? <3 I'm princesspilar on IG
feel free to tag me: syndrigast_popster
I’m definitely joining in. Love it and what a great way to get an extra Core Workout for my Postpartum Abs.. So excited to be a part of this Core Challenge along with many other fitness enthusiasts across the globe.. :))
My Instagram ID is: @breadcrumbs9
Hey guys…!! I’ll do the challenge with y’all…!! I recently had a 7 month old baby and trying to get that extra stomach off..!! Y’all follow me..! Ig: mia_Marie_Smith
I’m joining in for sure!! This is so exciting.. Another extra Core workout for my Post Partum Abs.. Gonna Love it… :))
i’m in! i just created an IG fitness account— angiefitness515
feel free to tag/follow me n i’ll follow back
Can’t wait! IG: @jessforfitnessss add me and I’ll add back!
So excited to start my first popular pilates challenge! I’ve been following the calendars for a few months now, and I love the results I’m seeing, but even better I love how strong I’m getting and how working out fuels me! Just made an IG account for the challenge @beast_beauty_bri ? Follow me and I’ll follow back. Can’t wait to join in!
Going to try the challenge. My IG account is simply, taliciatarver
I just made a really secret account and need friends to tag me and I’m in! IG: ava.pop
I’m in! IG: miim_ster
Very excited for this!!
Instagram: @fitness.caramel
My Instagram is “happy.happens” ?
I need people to tag quayquays_blog
I made a fitness Instagram just to start the Adpre the Core challenge and PIIT28! @cceyonce
Excited to start!!
IG: @find.your.fitness
So excited to start this! Created a whole new Instagram for my fitness journey. Follow me and I’ll follow you back ☺️☺️
ig: p0p_fit
If we only do one move each day, why is the 28 dayd of abs video on YouTube have alot more then just one move of 28 reps??
Yess super excited. Instagram is: flip_a_day
Just got an Instagram account for this and only this. Can I tag friends with my old account but use my new account for just this. .
Btw add me: quayquays_blog
My IG is fitfabfun17! Starting the school year right!
Count me in! @piitfit_nina
I’m totally doing this challenge.
IG: Lisayette
Bummer. I don’t have an IG account. I do need to work on my abs. Looks like something Im willing to do.
I just made an instagram account — http://instagram.com/missyfitstagram 🙂
Looking forward to this challenge!
If anyone needs a new Instagram friend I am here @beccajc74
Can’t wait to get started, it’s already 1st here but I will wait for USA time…
I’m in!
IG: pineapple.pop.princess
Hi, let’s support each other on this journey.
Fit IG: plankthencry
I’m a little confused , do we do one move each day or all the moves everyday or , Do all of the past moves and the current day ? (example:if its the 14th do we do all the moves from privous days including the day of )
Just on move each day – 28 reps of that move.
created a second instagram account just solely dedicated to popilates
the instagram is my_pop_fitness
My ig @princess_of_frozen_hearts
I’m in for this
I’m in! My instagram is @rie_eden! Please feel free to tag me if you need to. I don’t have any instagram friends I can tag so maybe I could tag you back?
My Instagram is @piitprincess_shan! I’m so excited for this!!!
Moving on from the BBG and into the monthly calendar PLUS a challenge?! I am so in!
Looking for other popsters (and newbies) 🙂 IG -> popster.luna
I look forward to doing this challenge with you all 😀
I’m in! My instagram is radiantrandi.
hey casey thank you so much to do this because I have a lot of fat in my stomach so thank you so much love you
Follow: @plantbased_pretty for my posts and vegan photos! 🙂 Happy Health!
I got a question…will i Loose also belly fat??? Because i got muscles under this fat that i want to define…by the way sorry For my Bad english Skills ?….i am excited For the Challenge
TOTALLY IN, me and my friend will do it together as part of our 5k training. She doest have an IG so I’m just going to use mine which is cutecurlyq.
I made a new IG just for this and it will be my official getting in fit IG. IG: plankthencry
I don’t wanna tag 3 of my friends so who’s okay for me to tag them? Also, feel free to tag me and talk to me. <3
I’m sooooo innnnn!!!!! @flex_es
Let’s get dem abs! IG: chiyaydoogetsfit
I can’t wait to start the challenge tomorrow as well as restarting piit28 1.0! Ig: brookegetsfit08
Can’t wait to start this challenge! My insta name is luv2run87!
made another account just for this 🙂 pop_core_training
Created a whole new Insta just for blogalites / PIIT training 🙂
Feel free to follow! @she.getsfit.with.piit
Tag me if you need. @lucious_loser.
I’m in! I created a fitness instagram just for this challenge!
IG: pop_adrianne
Hello everybody!I’ve just created an IG account and,of corse,I’m in!You can tag me on your pics if you need it.Good luck to you all!See you on IG.
Federica. IG Theanamcfly
I’m in! http://www.instagram.com/niseynisey
I’m in!! @witchrooob
I’m in! ?
IG cojoro80
I’m in!! I just made an Instagram for the challenge– andrearuthfitness :)) good luck everyone! <3
I’m in as sams.fitness0228
I just made account today! It’s AshFit096! Can’t wait for this months calendar!
I’m in @anamiafl
I’m going to do it! I’m @fitnessjac on instagram, so I hope I find lots of other fellow IGers!
I just made an account dedicated to my fitness journey! Please follow me and I will follow you back! @fit.popster.finn
I don’t have an IG account and I don’t think my parents would be very happy if I made one. I know that I will probably not be allowed in the prize drawing, give me a sec, ?????, but can I still do the moves? Please reply Cassey! I love you!
Dear Karinne, there’s no problem to do the challenge anyway. The moves are good for you, and in my opinion the prize is only something extra to make you more motivated. Me neither has an IG account, but I’m still going to commit to this and make myself have stronger abs! 😀
I don’t have an IG account either. But It’s not needed to do these moves! I think cassey is amazing and I’ll keep doing her workouts! (on the calender) Will you be doing the August workout calender? I definitely will because it’s my Birthday month! Anyway, Have a totally Amazing day!
Happy early birthday! And I’m not sure, we just moved and still have LOADS to do! I will try though!
dear Am
I totally think the way you do and I neither have an IG… so your comment turnt me to see this all positive and to do the #adorethecore for myself to ! thank you !
Ps : what’s your birthday date ? mine is in august too…maybe they are matching! 😉
of course your can!
I would love to start my 1st august with #adorethecorechallenge ?
why do some WO names with * (steric) e.g. FLYING PLANK*
Those are static hold-moves. And you need to hold them for 28 sec
oh ok.. thanks ^_^
thanks 🙂
Using my “business” acct cause I REALLY don’t need another account & I’m apparently not using it anyway: @eclecticlovesong
Hey, I would quite like to join the 28 day challenge. I am a guy though, I hope that’s ok! Just rule me out for the potential prize haha. My instagram for this is hakka_no_togame
im in!!!!!! intagram username hoopyogapopsterfitness 🙂 made a whole new fitness challenge acount for it!
Made a new instagram just for Blogilates challenges. I’m in ? IG: zzzahidah
This is just the sort of motivation I need – definitely in @cetch17
Joining! My Instagram name is c.blogilates ☺️
Just Started piit28 work.it.out_z Check it out!!
Does this start today or tomorrow?
Yay! im in, I made an insta account its @blogilates.aya and I’ve already met a lot of posters. For some reason i can’t tag you on my pictures cassey so i just tag @poppilatesofficial instead 🙂 good luck everyone!
I created an account specifically for this! My IG is TerynBlogilates. Hope to meet other inspiring people ☺
I am going to give it a try 🙂 https://www.instagram.com/jljenkins1766/
I’m in!!! @sarahdub.tiu
I do not understand what we are to do for the picture thingy and what do you mean of taking a pic of an exercise I do not understand can you please explain in another way please or can someone explain to me please
Thank you
At the top of the poster it says that for most of these poses you have to do 28 reps (28 times). If there is an asterisk (*) next to the exercise that means that you just have to hold there for 28 seconds. If you don’t know how to do the move you can look up “Blogilates [insert move]” on YouTube or Google.
Cassey says to take a pic or video on the staps thing that part i do not undersatand
I’m in!!! Thanks, Cassey!
Hi Cassey, I was wondering if you have released the password for the August calender yet?
Yes, she released it this morning at 8:31 EST. 🙂
Looks fun!
IG: drpayne22
Defs in
IG- sashasequeire
hello cassey and co. !
is there going to be a calendar for these ab work or will there be a video ? I’m a bit insecured now… but great work cassey I love you !
I’m in… so excited to start my first challenge!!
i did not receive the password for the monthly calendar. Why not???????? I receive the newsletters since almost a year
i haven’t gotten mine yet either
So thrilled to start this tomorrow!!!!!!!
My first challenge ! Let’s do this!
IG: aj.leecie
I’m in. IG popkatiecakes1073
If I don’t want people I know personally knowing about my private workout IG how am I supposed to tag 3 friends?
I suggest tagging some people you’ve met through Instagram that are POPsters, too! I’m sure they’d be happy to see your progress.
Hey, I’m in the exact same situation. I’ve created a different account that’s super private so no one I personally know will follow me. So how about we tag each other?
You can see which followers cassey has and then follow fellow popsters! I’ve done that and already made new friends!
i’m using a separate insta too. @commander.keane and if you tag me can i tag you too? ^^
I just created my account and like you I don’t want to tag anyone I personally know… I also haven’t get to know any popsters yet but I was thinking about tagging some random popster I follow and hope they don’t mind xD ‘cos why would they??
I’m up for this challenge for myself but don’t mind to create a IG… maybe later when i’m more in shape. But i’m quite excited to notice there’s other finn popsters also! Wuhuu! I’m pretty new popster, i’ve only made beginners calendar and last month’s.
Oooooo great! A fellow finn popster!? There’s not very many of us so it’s always a celebration to find one!? Do you have the app?? Or snapchat???
I have downloaded the app but havent used it already but you can find me from snapchat, my nick is nooransisko
hello ! I’m a popster too and I’ve got snapchat : @valee-grace
I’d like to snap with you guys !
I’ll add you!???
same! i’m using a separate insta too. @commander.keane tag me and i’ll do the same 🙂
Same here! My IG is @_jennifer_vela_
Maybe you could tag 3 people that are popsters. 🙂
You can tag me, and I’ll tag you back! 😉 @missyfitstagram on Insta…
Feel free to tag me, anyone who wants to! ^ ^
IG: moriyogi
FEEL FREE TO TAG ME @popster.cherry 🙂
yea me too!
My first IG challenge! LETS DO THIS!!
IG: @valerierombaut
I’M IN!!!!!!! So pumped up for this!!!!
IG blogilatesone
I’m in, too?
IG lenebargisentranberg ??
I’m in! Such a good motivator!
IG – https://www.instagram.com/sammiehicks/
Decided to come back and come back really hard! Let’s do this! 🙂
Late to comment, but imma join this! I love me some abs. Add me on ig and imma be there egging you on ? @popsteralien
I’m in!!
IG kandra_kay
I’m in babydoll! ❤️ Let’s do this!
IG: fijie_popster
Super excited!!
You can add me popster_lindy
Am in
I’m ready to adore my core! @chelebee16
Im in! I was wondering is it 28 reps of one exercise per day ?or?
I’m in! ?? IG: miss_super_slim
Follow me on Instagram! Sng11604
I am in but do I have to have an IG account to participate? I am not really wanting to create one
I know its all long. Im a beginner but im in becausw thus sounds fun. I wont feel alone here :)l
Sorry. Fat fingers
I’m in!! Also doing the beginner 28day, time to get a better pre baby body back and new to
IG: HayleysComet87
I’m in!!!!!
I’m @nrgyoga <3
I’m in!?. IG: missj8416
I’m in! My IG is elisa_getsfit ?
I’m in!! My insta is @csnowfit
Can’t wait! Follow my insta @popfit_wc?
I’m in! @lizard_h2o
I’m so in bring it on
I’m in! @cworkinitout
I can’t wait! My instagram is viperimatye
I’m in! I’m new to IG and self conscious of pictures but I’m willing to give it my best shot ?
Confidence is something I’d like to work on in addition to my health so maybe this will help me kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Here goes nothing! Good luck everyone ? IG is littlepopbit
I’m in and will be consistent all 28 days. Unfortunately, I won’t be posting as I don’t have an IG account and don’t want to create one. I’ll miss the interactions, but I can and I will do this!
I’m super excited for this Casey! My insta is @mackenziejbennett if you want to follow me that would be great! Thanks for all of the hard work you put into this! I am feeling fitter than ever thanks to you!
I’m in
I’m so excited! My IG is @m.chellepop. I’m attempting to follow as many POPsters as possible! 😀
I’m in! My IG is popster_singingbel . 🙂
Count me in?? abs are definitely my focus! This is so cool, I’m starting the FitGirl 28 day jumpstart program but I really want to participate to target my trouble zone. Follow me: fitgirlmoesha75
To be honest, I’ve tried the beginner workout before but have given up after a couple days. But, this time I really want to try it again and have decided to make another instagram @sammi_pop880 to keep me motivated. I’m excited to join this fun! I just created this instagram for fitness so there is nothing yet, but I’ll be sure to post some soon!
I’m in! My IG is @pilatescass 😉
Woohoo I’m keen as a bean
ig: lilly_beevors
I’m in and i’m gonna spread the love on my side too by sharing this
I’m in! Just starting my fitness account! I’ll follow back all popsters!!! 🙂 ig: popster_mandy
I’m so in! 😀 IG: sobrittersweet
I can’t wait for Monday! How fun to do this with all of you!
I’m in
I’m in. I HATE taking pictures of myself so, no pize, but i almost finished the beginners calendar, and i need to add up some stuff to get ready for the regualr ones. Good luck to yall.
I’m ready 🙂 getting in shape may be challenging enough but, My motto is WORK HARD play HARDER. Or even No Pain No Gain lol.
Wait so to confirm one day two I would be doing the day 1 move plus the day 2 move or is it simply the one move a day?
Yea, so what we will be doing is the one move a day for 28 days. 😉
GREAT question, what is the instruction Cassie?
I am defenitly in!!! But i have a question. Do you have to do 1 move each day or like other Challenges a few different moves a day?
You just do the one move. It says at the top how many reps you should be doing or how long.
Thank you!
I am in! My fitness IG account is: samsofsteel.
Am in lena_lennorld
I’m in! IG srlahr
Ready! @tannoodle
I’m in. Ig floresdeyoselin
I am IN !!! I am on IG as – cherchezame !!! ?????
Updated name is chery_amour
I’m so excited to start this!! I was looking for a routine to start and saw this in my email, and I took it as a sign! I used to be a very in shape high school athlete, but after my first year of college and first year of not doing any sports, I lost my motivation to be fit. This caused a lot of added stress in my life which was usually released through a good run or something, but now I’ve been spending the summer trying to get back to that happy & healthy place. Looking forward to Monday ???
Follow me @biancadoesBlogilates ? Good luck to everyone and have fun!!
I want to try, but I have wrist issues. Can I still participate in this and just do some of the moves more than once in replacement of ones that require me to put pressure on my wrist?
I’m in! 🙂
IG: idorah
I’m in! Whoot whoot! Get the abs! IG @fitgirlkarto
I’m in! Ig: popsterpuppy 🙂
Im in ?
I am in….this challenge is right on time….I was actually thinking of starting some abs excerise from next week…I am super excited and charged up to start this…..IG get_fit_n_healthy
I’m in. IG handle @pocketfulodreams
Cassey unblock me so I can participate please. #veganpopster @meowing.up.paradox
I’m in
I’m in!!! ✌?️ @sassysnowwhite
I’m in!
IG jennjoan
I lost my mum yesterday so this will be something for me to concentrate on. I’m in! IG: ‘just friends’
I’m in! @beastinmode ?
Going to give it a go…1 month postpartum, so massively out of shape but I’ve got to start somewhere to get back to feeling good in my body again right?! IG: @popmama208
I’m so in this is going to be awesome so excited!!! @lill_brunette14
Totally in! Restarting PIIT28 on August 1 too! Third time will be the charm!! Follow me on my journey!!! Instagram: kenna_piit28 ✨
I’m in! IG is @lilapopster
Let’s do this!!! Follow @imabobo118
I’m in! IG @shrimpy_polecat
I’m in!!! @aluuuhnis for IG
Oops. Changed my IG to @fitluuuhndia
IG aeo1388
I’m in! Follow me @fitnflare26
Woot woot!! Super pumped for this! IG: coffeestained_pages
IG: ohhai_itsadora
I’ll get my coworkers in on this!
I’m ALL IN! IG reneerobbins7 I hope to post some great scenery shots as I will be camping the first 7 days. Let’s do this!
I’m in- @Hashi_oh_no
Really excited about this! I already have a (baby) “fitstagram” – @jill_fit 😀
I am in @mishal_aziz2
WOW!!! IAM TOTALLY IN!! BUT FIRST I have to make a ig account…
I am in ! Wuijung12
I’m in 😀 my IG is poplimelizards!
@rlax42b2g I am in!!!
AWESOME!! @bootyspank98
Popster_kayy_tlynn! Let’s do it together! I’m in! I can’t wait! ❤️
IG: Simply_cleo I’m in!!
It’s been a minute since I did a challenge. Be sure to follow my Pop Pilates instagram: syndrigast_popster
Can someone clue me in on how to repost the challenge graphic and tag friends please? New to all this. Thanks in advance ?
I’m in. Just made myself an Instagram just for this challenge.?
Let’s do this ?? – @emilyjane950
Can’t wait! I’m in my workout ig is cynicaldragon
IM IN! My account is @blogilates_fitness !! I created one just for this!! Good luck to all popsters❤️
Does your account have tobe on public?
How do I take a pic of doing these moves, if I live alone? My computer has a pic countdown but you can’t upload pics to instagram via web browser….
You can download a camera timer app to your phone to take the picture. I use auto camera timer for mine then from my phone camera roll share it via instagram app. Hope that helps.
You can also make a video and hold the pose for a few seconds. Then you can screenshot the pose when you think it looks best.
Oh this is a good idea too. Figured out how the timer works on iphone, it takes “bursts” but that’ll work too !
I am going to do a powerpoint presentation today at my work on 30 day challenges! I did the stretch project last year and I had such a great time doing that :). It’s a way to get creative, set your mind to something, and inspire others! It just so happens to be right before this new challenge #adorethecore so it is perfect timing! Hopefully I can get some participation from my coworkers. SO LETS DO THIS!
I´m in! / http://www.nouw.com/alexiasandgren
So in!
IG: violetvirus
I’ m in?
Hey Cassey, on days like day 7, are we doing 28 on each side or 14 on each side for a total of 28?
I will try. I’m not very flexiable yet. https://www.instagram.com/sle_pilates_girl92708/
Looks exciting! I’m in. I’ll be at http://www.instagram.com/thefitty
I would join but I think I have no one to tag. 😐 But yeah I still made an ig account for this. (:
ig: popster.vilma
i m in.
Follow me at Popster_Na on IG!
Sounds awesome! Can’t wait! Good luck to everyone 🙂 Here is my IG: popfitjo
Good luck to all of you, guuuuys! Love that challenge and will definitely commit! <3 Love from Bulgaria, Cassey! IG fitness account @motivatedpopsterliya_43 😉
definitely in! I’ve done all the challenges so far and always end up with great results!! IG @monicaaserra Go Girls ❤❤❤
Hi there! I’m in too! ?
I’ve been following Blogilates calendars since June and I’m in love with the feeling of strength and self awareness I’ve achieved in just 2 months…This challenge is gonna be awesome, but I need new blogsters to rock it! Add me on Instagram and I’ll follow you back 😀 Let’s do it together!
IG: sabren
Im in ?? excited ☺️? IG nienlyle
I’m in too!!!! Finally, I was waiting for it so bad 🙂 My IG is @ania.poppilates 😀
I’m in and can’t wait! <3
IG: luceeey_fitness
This looks so cool 🙂 My insta is kati__pops, add me 🙂
I’m so in. Just posted to Insta! I’m @anndroidgirl there and all over social media. ?
Joined the challenge
just created my first instagram account
solely for the purpose of hopefully getting the give away
xlapiit28 and xlaginger. Using my PIIT account for this challenge. I already have the siren tank in black so I wonder if a color could be switched out
Super excited to join the popster community! I had deleted my insta, so I made a new one just for this challenge and my future fitness journey! No friends yet so if you add me I’ll tag you for the challenge! IG: popster.jessi
I’m in the same situation! Just added you, could u follow me back? Let’s do it together! 😀
I planned on revisiting the splits challenge in August, but I suppose I can do this too!
IG: pinkadot89
I”m so in!!!!
Yay can’t wait for August..?
I’m so in! Let’s adore the core this August!
My IG: @koneko_s
I’m doing this! My fitness instagram is elovesfoodandfitness <3
Looking for blogsters since I’ve just started my fitness journey and I need 3 friends to start this challenge… Could you please follow me back? 😀 IG: sabren
I am in!! @miss_emii
Gonna give it a shot! Twelve weeks pregnant though haha so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens! @firepiit23 🙂
On insta!
in :3 my IG: deathanyy
I am SO in! I’m thesunflowercoconut on Insta. I HAVE to find that Hello Kitty Mermaid!
IG @nessa_nenharma I just wish I could figure out how to repost the image on IG. Still learning to use it!
IG stacyholling
I’m in! IG popster818
I’m in. IG: benpaomao
I’m in too! Ig: tashon2
I am new to IG. How do I repost the graphic? Thanks for the help!
Save the graphis from this website to your camera roll and then post it to instagram. Btw my insta is @fighterpopster
I’m in! IG Popangelwings
In! IG: brlamb0120
I’m in! IG @mccollpowell
This’ll be my first IG challenge – can’t wait! I’m @mightymalice 🙂
I’m In! Just finished the beginner’s calendar, so I’m excited to take things a to a harder level! IG Klynn805
I am so in, I love blogilates! I never worked out until I found her on YouTube! My instagram account is : popstar_katie just made it so I can do this challenge! Add me and I will follow back! 🙂
I always look forward to these monthly challenges and I’m so excited for this one! We got this!
IG valbal1997
Definitely in!! Find me on insta @breefitjourney 🙂
I’m in! Such a great idea for a challenge! ?? IG: brynny_md
YAY GUYS!!! I am really excited for us to all join in on this!!
It’s going to be AWESOME!
Yay ! This is going to be great ! I’m called plankingforpancakes ☺️
I’m in. Ig myeternalcomet
Love this!! Can’t wait!! <3
I’m in!!! Only one question, where I have to repost the calendar with 3 friends?
I’M IN!!! I just started piit28 too.
IG kanderella
Me too!
heyloo… please tell me is PIIT28 easy to follow? (from book i mean)
It’s easier for me to follow the videos for piit. I haven’t try to do without videos yet. I need to get the timer first.
aahan.. ok. thankyou 🙂
Same here. Just finished my first PIIT28 workout and will do #adorethecore in the evening 🙂
My IG: popster_kl
fantastic I’m so ready for this bring it on
I’m in XD
instagram @janeysmith83
im in! and starting round 2 of piit next month 😀 IG fitnfood15
I am in!!! @angieskg (ig account)! Good luck to all!!!
So ready for this! @piit_isbliss
So ready! @mireille_bliss18
I’m so in and committed!!! @yogicaripopster
Instagram: popster.janet
Instagram: @foodiefeline
Looking to find more POPsters like me on Instagram. To keep me motivated and on track during this challenge. IG is popster_babe1
I AM IN 😀 follow my insta @pop_pilatesprincess ? I’ll follow all of you beautiful ladies right back! Let’s do this together!!! ??
Just added you! Could you follow me back? I’m gonna start the challenge but I haven’t any popster friend right now… Let’s rock it! 😀
I’m totally in! I don’t have friends to tag for this IG challenge so if you tag me I will tag you back. I’ll do the same if you follow me too! IG handle is @melanin_babe1
I can tag you! 🙂
Do you repost the calendar on istagram?
I will tag you 🙂
My name is _mermaidoffduty
I can’t find you, there are so many with the Same name
I’m in! I just got stitches in my left hand so I will be modifying some of the static moves but I’ll do my best! @nashbrowns23
Sooo great! @janeth_popster is in! ???
I’m excited for a new challenge!
Is it ok if we use modifications? I have a fused spine and don’t have the flexibility for moves like the Rollover.
I’m definitely in! And can’t wait. xD
Cassey I can’t wait for the ‘Reach Behind Plank’ move! My insta is @simone__walsh. ?
I’m in! Insta @_kimstevenson_
Or my FB public fitness page KS-My Fit Life
Joining! 🙂 Instagram only for this challenge, so no friends yet 🙁 marimaea_pop
I’m so excited to do it! I will be on vacation for a little while so I hope the wifi is good. Yay Popsters 🙂
insta: @a.classic.confidence
I’m in! I’ll have to make my IG public I guess.. And I’ll probably go on a vacation where I don’t have wifi so I might not be able to do one each day.. But I’ll try! @lisanne_vdmeijde
I’m in!! And my insta name is @blogilatessymone
yay! can’t wait! @pop_ellyg
❤❤❤ Yess caint wait to be in on this challenge ? Insta name : @ bri_brip
YES! So in! 😀 @runningontacos
AHH! soo in 🙂 I am really excited for this challenge! My Instagram account is lovelifestyleandpoppilates if anyone would like to follow and we can empower each other on the challenge! P.s. I would probably die and go to pop pilates heaven if Cassey followed meee
I’m in! None of my friends have Instagram, but I’ll post my proof and tag the pages above, and I’ll also share them to Facebook with the hashtag as well. I can’t wait! ♡♡♡ @stephaniew012
Yes!!! I need this! my IG is b3autE4ashes
Hi!:) is this to be done in place or in addition to the monthly calender?
Woo Hoo ~ Hard Core ❤️❤️ My Instagram: belovedclarechris
Yesss! I love blogilates challenges! @frostykitten
Doin’ it!!! Super excited!!! My insta is @glocanglo
I’m all in!! My Insta is @Laurapop.Unicorn
@kgriffin21 So excited for this challenge!!! Hard core is what Pop Pilates is all about!!! ??
I’m in! Instagram: @popster_yueliang
I’m so in! I’m going to do it with my sister ^_^
My IG is thelittlehealthythings
Normally I don’t really care for soft toys, but I NEED this Hello Kitty, OMG it’s so freaking adorable!
Can’t wait for Monday!! @blogibabe
My Insta is @alliep_poppilates
I’m in. My IG account is zcbpiit28 🙂
Can’t wait! @live4luhv
WOW!!! I’m totally in <3 <3 and I mean…this mermaid Hello Kitty is absolutely awesome…I need it!!! 😀 Follow me on IG: katja.poppilates . we will rock (or pop :D) this challenge guys <3
I’m in! This will be my first instagram challenge and I really need to work those abs some more 🙂
My Insta is @sanni.pop
looking forward to killing those abs in august!
I don’t have 3 friends to tag on instagram :
I still can’t wait to do the challenge! (My insta is @cozyrainydaybooks :D)
Tag me @frostykitten and find 2 other POPsters and tag those! They don’t need to be friends you hang out with in your daily life. POPsters unite!
I will tag you if you tag me 🙂 my installiert ist _mermaidoffduty
I’m in!! I love these monthly challenges ☺️ My insta is @eriniekins
Yayyy! So excited for this! Love working abs 😉 @kayllieanne
Oh yes I’m in too. Can’t wait for Monday.
My Insta is @naejoongie
I am innnnn!!!! My instagram is @fiefirds =)
Yes!! I’m In… can’t wait…
I’m in!
Yes I am in!! @spopilates
This challenge is great and the moves are so beautiful. Cant wait to do this. Cassey you always surprise us hihi 🙂 oh and my ig account is @blogilateslisa
Yay! I am so excited for this challenge?
Hey! I joined Blogilates yesterday, I am still waiting for my secret password to start with the monthly workout calender. I hope to get it soon.
Cannot wait to get healthy and fit! <3
Hi all! I’m new to POP pilates and I’m absolutely in love with it. This community is so kind and welcoming…I can literally feel the positivity through my phone <3 I just made a fitness instagram — my handle is stay.poppin.w.emma! Cannot wait to murder my abs with this challenge. 🙂
YAY!!!! I can’t wait to see what you post!!
Yay! Welcome to the #POParmy, where girls and women lift each other up ? my IG handle is @/fighterpopster