The Blogilates April 2020 Workout Calendar!

Hey guys!!

I am soooo ready for a fresh, new month! Even if we’re still kinda stuck in these uncertain times, a new month means that we’re moving forward. I hope you’re adjusting to the temporary new normal we’re all living, and I really hope you’re making the most of spending time at home!

To keep a good mindset going into a new month, I decided to set an intention for April (so helpful btw!).

Here it is:

No matter what is going on in the world, I’m going to be mindful about what I can actually control. For example… I miss my gym, but feeling frustrated about it won’t change what’s going on. Instead, I’m focusing my energy on finding fun, new ways to workout at home.

Here’s another one I’ve struggled with. I realllly miss my friends, my family and my coworkers! UGH. Instead of being sad though,  I’m going to focus on ways I can help and stay home, so everyone can get healthy and we can get back to normal life as soon as possible. It seems like a simple concept, but mindset is everything.

Thinking through this intention and how I can use it made me feel soo good! If you want to set an intention for this month, tell me what it is in the comments!

On another positive note, how FUN was the 14-Day Quarantine Workout Plan?! I loved working out right along with you for two weeks! If you didn’t have a chance to start it, it’s not too late!

And now to the best part! The April Workout Calendar is here!!! AHHH!! I’m so excited for you to see what I’ve got for you this month.

Blogilates april 2020 workout calendar small

When you download the PDF, you’ll find that each video is linked! Just click and it will take you to the YouTube video listed!

Here’s an overview of each week of the April Workout Calendar. We’re targeting a different area each day! We’re gonna get that whooooole body nice and strong. Yesssss.

SUNDAY: Obliques & Abs
MONDAY: Total Body
FRIDAY: Recovery

Do each video once (unless otherwise stated) and check off as you go! Each day will be around 45 min of exercise! GUESS WHAT?! There will be a new video every Monday! Get excited, because you’re gonna loooove Mondays!

If you like using Coda, you can get the April calendar there too!

If you’re just getting started or want to ease into working out, my Beginner’s Calendar is a great place to start! It’s a free 4 week program to get you stronger, so that you can join in on the monthlies when you are ready.

I am so proud of how hard you’ve worked this year. Think about how far you’ve come! Have you surprised yourself? Most importantly, are you PROUD of yourself?! You better be. These workouts are no walk in the park, and you’ve been crushing them for 3 months. That’s huge!

I hope this month’s workouts continue to challenge you and remind you that you can take on anything life throws at you.

Don’t forget to tell me about your intention for April in the comments!

185 thoughts on “The Blogilates April 2020 Workout Calendar!”

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  1. Harishini says:

    hi my name is harishini i am coming hear for a free program

  2. Div says:

    Can we please have a 2 week ab routine with more variety of videos and preferably 30-45 mins long video? Please!

  3. Marilyn says:

    Kathy somebexercises for fat above knees

  4. Lucy says:

    Are calendars still updated on the app? My calendar looks blank w/o videos!

  5. Natalie says:

    Do you have any of the fit journals left? I really wanted one and was waiting for my pay to buy but then it disappeared from your store. I haven’t seen anything like it since and that’s made me sad. I think it’s just what I need right now

  6. nsinhaaa0.0 says:

    Are there any calendars for may? If not, can you please make one cause I’m in love w the working routines and I wanna keep my body movinnnn:)

  7. Hannah Foster says:

    Hey, What about May? We’re on a roll

  8. Monica says:

    April is over…..we have entered May

  9. Shelby says:

    I’m a bit confused with the videos. Today’s workout has the first video stating to do the workout 4x, which makes sense as your isolating legs – how do we maintain a balance if we only do each video once?

  10. says:

    Just completed April calendar..can’t wait for May calendar!!!

  11. Bea says:

    So excited for the May calendar! <3

  12. Veronica says:

    When will the May 2020 calendar come out?

    1. Jackelyn Ho says:


  13. Lea says:

    Hi Cassey, i was just curious if theres going to be a calender for the month of may, because april was reeaaally good and i had so much funktioniert following it!

    1. Lea says:


    2. Jackelyn Ho says:

      Yes, it’s coming out tomorrow!

  14. Summer says:

    Hi Cassey. I am getting back to working out after many years of not being active. I’m tracking calories and trying to loose some weight (10 down, 20 more to go). My question is, what do think the best way to modify some of your moves should be. Especially some of the Pilates moves that require a very strong core (think moves in a pike position). With having weak core from all the years of not working out and having three children, I need to modify some of those moves until I am stronger. Would love some help with making adjustments for building up strength

  15. sana says:

    dear cassy i have a question! for losing weight is it enough to do this callender or i have to do more and use your newest video!?

    1. Jessica says:

      Hi Cassie! I have a question about mini circle maniacs. Would the maniacs be working your piformis muscle? I’m starting to think I have piformis syndrome and when that area in my left glut is overworked it leads to sciatic nerve problems. Lately though, with some glut exercises I can really feel a twinge in that muscle. I feel a regular burn on my right side but on my left, especially with maniaca and fore hundrants it os very, very painful and I can never continue due to the almost stabbing pain. To help me figure out why, I’m wondering what areas are worked the most in the gluts with that move. I’d appreciate any feedback!

  16. Channell says:

    Do you have the Beginner’s Calendar in Coda too?

    1. Sharon Barnett says:


  17. Maria says:

    Omg, you included Ramadan 🥺🥺 I love you ♥️ Super excited to do your beginners calendar!

  18. Ana says:

    Thanks!! This calendas is awesome! Please do it for May!! You are mu inspiration for this quarantine

  19. Abegail says:

    Hi there big sis!I recently watch your videos about losing weight.i really want to lose weight since junior highschool this kind of weight is one of my major insecurites.i always tell to mysefl that I want to be fit to be slim but i always lack of inspiration to do lose weight.big sis can you give tip excersice and tips to lose weight I want to lose weight before i turn eightene this May but I don’t know how

  20. Natalie says:

    I recently started Blogilates and have been following the calendar since last Monday. I’m loving it! Question – my booty is really sore today after yesterday’s full body work out. Is it best to stick with the calendar and do all booty workouts today? I feel like giving my booty a rest today and doing the arm workouts today.

  21. Michele Cuthbert says:

    I am confused, why do I get charged a 1 per month if the calendar is free?

  22. Michele Cuthbert says:


  23. Maroua says:

    Hello! Ramadan starts soon and I will fast. Do you think I can still follow this (AMAZING btw) program while fasting? If no, do you have any advice? Or the type of workout I have to do? Thank you anyways for eveeerything you do for us you are such an Angeeel I love you Cassey. <3

    1. sana says:

      hi… doing exersices like walking or the light ones are so good 1-2 hours after iftar… me as myself im following cassy’s callender from the first day of ramadan! its ok to do it a little easier and dont push your body so much…

  24. Sadeejade says:

    Cassey! You have been the perfect replacement for my typical workouts. I have been sore every day since doing your work out! Plus I live on the 4th floor in a downtown apartment so the fact that these are all apartment friendly is the cherry on top. Thank you!

  25. Patricia says:

    You are great!

  26. Hannah says:

    Any tips for burpee and jumping replacements? I can’t do the April 19th cardio because two units downstairs frequently call the cops when people do burpees or jump rope. Going outside or to a gym is not an option either.

    1. Nikki says:

      Loving this months calendar Cassey! Will you also be doing another Pop Pilates only app like you had a few years ago? If you do, could you please add in the community feature that app had as well as well as a before and after section? That was always very motivating knowing that you are working out with other Popsters and being able to really connect on the app.

  27. Rose says:

    Hi Cassey, I’m making the most of quarantine life with the workout calendar! Thank you so much for creating these videos and calendars. It’s a great way to turn a mwah-day into a happy day 🙂 Lots of love from London!

  28. Sara says:

    Starting a bit late but my intention for the rest of the month is to keep up as much balance as I can despite all of the changes. For me, this means spending more time outdoors and doing more pilates. Thank you for all the wonderful workouts! Always such a delight to watch 🙂

  29. royaloakpilates says:

    Hi Cassey, I am really enjoying your energy and spirit and your workouts are so fun. I just found you on you tube a few days ago so catching up on the videos and calendar. I am a certified Pilates instructor as well so I appreciate the pilates references and modifications your provide your clients. Keep up the good work.

  30. Resi says:

    I’m sooo delighted with your videos! I’m 72…and I’m doing all of them. I’ve always been doing work outs, but yours are the best I’ve ever experienced! Thank you so much.

    1. Sara says:

      Go you that is amazing!

  31. Rosalia says:

    Hey Cassey!
    I love your workouts. Would it be possible to have a coda version of the pdf too? I love how easy it is to track what you do via the . Its amazing!

  32. Casey says:

    Hi Cassey, I’m Casey lol so close. Anyway I really am such a big fan and have been watching your videos for years. I am really loving this months calendar too! I was wondering if you could make a workout video that are meant for very inflexible people. I am very inflexible and I have been working on it everyday. Some moves that you do I am just not able to accomplish because I can’t stretch that far out and I feel like I’m losing the benefits of that move. I hope this is a good video idea. I love you so much and thank you for inspiring me to be a better me <3

  33. Marisa says:

    Hi Cassey!
    If I want to lose weight is it enough to just watch these videos or should I also do 30 min- 1 hour of cardio?

  34. Lydia says:

    Hey Cassey just wanted to give you a huge thank you for everything you’ve done for us for the past few years, for your energy and passion. You’re always giving me so much strength to workout and I am proud of myself for that. Your workout calendars are the BEST!

  35. sana says:

    hey cassy i love u and your plan i hope u the best😘

  36. sana says:

    hi cassy im sana from iran! i love u and your plan😘 good luck drar

  37. Noura says:

    Hi cassy please I want your help to lose Wight and i want to get my body goal but i need program to do it

  38. Megan says:

    Hi Cassey, from Australia! Loving your videos 😊 my 10 year old son has been joining me for Pilates the last couple of weeks and we’re wanting to start on your calendar workouts and I’m just wondering if he’s too young for cardio??

  39. Julia in Paspalas says:


  40. Hannah Foster says:

    Happy Easter,
    I’ve noticed that your workouts target the front of my body,
    Can you include more upper and lower back exercises?

  41. Monique says:

    Thank you so much for all the effort you put into everything you do. Your videos help me tremendously to stay motivated and have fun while I’m working out at home these past couple of weeks. I have followed along to your exercises in the past but recently it’s been taken a whole new meaning. 😊💗

  42. Dear sweet Cassey, I have been enjoying your videos for months now, and suddenly, my husband wanted to join me (and You) and stretch his back and hip flexors..As he struggled to stack his lower legs and lean forward to open up his hips, he suddenly cried out, ” Doesnt she (You) have a TOOL to help me position my leg?! We love your wise guidance and so much more about all you bring to us…Be strong, forgive, DON’T BE A VICTIM…God bless you, Sam and Sir George and your families!

  43. Emily says:

    For PIIT workouts, should I be doing one, two, or four?

  44. Kori says:

    Are the workouts effective if you break them up throughout the day? I have three kids home right now all doing school work and a baby – there’s just no way to do 45-minute straight workout stretches. So, I was wondering if it would be effective if I did them throughout the day as time permits.

  45. Akila says:

    Hi casseys, you are adorable.. I love every bit of your efforts.. Choosing nail polish to designing and planning things.. Especially your idea of calendar chanceless.. I hv admired n started your inner thy workout n gained great hope.. By seeing your calender I was like boosted.. My energy too hv to boost.. With lots of love… Thanks a lot dear… I’m in ur 28 day beginners challenge

  46. Akila says:

    Hi casseys, you are adorable.. I love every bit of your efforts.. Choosing nail polish to designing and planning things.. Especially your idea of calendar chanceless.. I hv admired n started your inner thy workout n gained great hope.. By seeing your calender I was like boosted.. My energy too hv to boost.. With lots of love… Thanks a lot dear

  47. Auri says:

    Cassey, this calendar is genius! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.

  48. Asya says:

    Hi, guys! So I saw the 14 – day workout but I have already started doing the April calendar. What do you think I should do? Continue this one, start the corona one or both (which I am not so sure I would have time for) ?

  49. Faith says:

    Thank you Cassey for such upbeat and fun workouts! I’m not losing weight but I am toning! That’s a positive. Your attitude toward working out and toward a goal we’ve set for ourselves has helped me stay focused on getting comfortable with my body and much more active. So thank you!

  50. AP says:

    I lost about 60 lbs in 2015, I managed to maintain it till 2017, and then in one year, I managed to pull all back and more ( involved moving to a different country + grad school stress ). In 2 years I have tried and failed numerous times (fad diets, they only made my system worse) to lose weight, but I am still over 200 lbs. My self-image is completely shot, and I don’t fit in my old clothes anymore and that makes me miserable. I tried your pilates for beginners and really liked it, but I am unable to keep up with the other PIIT stuff. Would walking and basic pilates help at this point?


    Really wanted to extend my thanks to you, Cassey! Thank you for always being selfless & making such great workout plans FOR FREE, but especially during this trying time. You’re a queen & a role model!

  52. Ksenia says:

    Actually, there will be Orthodox Easter on the 19th. I know it’s a fitness calendar, but Eastern Orthodoxy is the second-largest Christian communion in the world. There are much-much more orthodox Christians than for example jews in the world. Of course, Easter is a huge celebration for us as well. Kinda ignorant to leave Orthodoxy Easter date blank, whilst you list all the other religions.

  53. Julie Pham says:

    Hey! Thanks so much for posting an April calendar, linking each video and making new videos every Monday. Time is really expensive and the fact you put so much effort, time and consideration for everyone is really inspiring! I hope you’re able to value yourself as much as we (the users) value you!

  54. Sandra says:

    What time the new video comes on Mondays?

    1. Lexy says:

      I couldn’t find today’s new video. Can anyone help?

      1. Mariem Rjiba says:

        Hi, you have to go to the youtube channel (blogilates) and look for the last video, she puts them every monday ❤

  55. Kathy says:

    Hey, Cassey! Do you have a link to the Coda version of your calendar?

  56. Crystal says:

    My intention is to be more greatful. I am greatful for the roof over my head, my family, having the chance to still educate myself at home, have time to try out new healthy recipes and bake with my daughter Yajari.

    My daughter said her intention while staying at home is to get stronger. She will try to workout more and push herself more.

  57. Manuela says:

    Thanck you so much for your positive workouts. This month my intention is to be consecvent. I wish all the best

  58. VAL says:

    WOOHOO! A little late to the party, I just started doing the workouts for April today! burning game strong heheh~ sending love from Singapore <3!!

  59. Sophie says:

    Thank you soo much for posting this program! I can’t wait to get started. I have just one more day of another fitness program and then starting this on Monday from the beginning So a little late but it looks amazing! 🤗💖 and we really need this kind of thing at the moment… #stayhome

  60. Emily B says:

    My intention for the month is focus. Thanks for posting positive workouts during this time!

  61. Sarah Pino says:

    Hi, I am really enjoying this calendar workout routine, I was just wondering if you do them every month?
    Also, is there any favorite brand of yours that you recommend for buying exercise clothing?

    1. blogilates says:

      Yes I will do this every month! And yes, check out

  62. Dana says:

    Hi Cassey! My intention for this month is DISCIPLINE.

  63. Elian Katish says:

    I love your calendars and following your videos they are amazing and i like how you always positive . 😉

  64. Asya Gankova says:

    Where do we find those videos to watch from?

    1. Asya Gankova says:

      Oh nevermind. I got it!

  65. Cindy says:

    My intention is to go back to focusing and practicing mental health and make it a priority, I am a health care worker and its very easy to put ourselves last while seeing this epidemic unfold. I know a lot of us feel the same thinking how is our anxiety or depression as important as it was before. I will meditate and exercise daily and practice self love and you will help me accomplish that! Thank you!

  66. Unnati Bhavsar says:

    I have a very bad digestive system and very hard constipation occurs due to that I poop in a week hardly. Do suggest some exercise or diet plans of what not to eat or to eat .

  67. Justine says:

    Hey Cassey! Is it better to do all the videos back to back or can I spread them out throughout my day? Thanks for all you do!

    1. Nikki says:

      It really depends on you to be honest. If you want to just do it all in 45 min (which is what I usually do personally unless I am running short on time) that is totally fine. If you want to spread them throughout the day then that is also totally fine. As long as you do all the videos listed for the day, then no matter how you complete them, you will still see progress and growth in your fitness journey.

  68. Maddie says:

    I absolutely love these! It is so helpful and your videos are so positive and push me to do more! I was wondering if you could post some low impact workouts for individuals with knee problems to do. Sometimes I think I can handle some workouts and then my knees end up really hurting. I think this could be very helpful! Thanks for all you do!

  69. MissMagic says:

    Hi! The Blogilates app isn’t updated with the calendar workouts? I have payed the subscription on Mar 27, from 27-31 IT worked, but since Apr 1st no workouts are listed within the app in the workout section.
    Am I the only one experiencing this problem? How to get workouts set for each day in the app? There is no additional option to pay agin.

    1. blogilates says:

      I’m working on a new better app. You can unsub from that one and delete it!

      1. MissMagic says:

        Ah shame. I really enjoyed it!
        Good luck with the new one!

  70. Tiffany Zammit says:

    Oh My God! You are the best!!

  71. Alessia says:

    Hello, thank you so much for this amazing program !
    May I ask if there is an alternative way where you could find the videos since my calendar won’t download as a PDF.
    Yours sincerely,
    Alessia xx

  72. Joshna Scinia says:

    You’re fantastic dear Cassey thanks for your hard work!

  73. Whitney Jae says:

    Thank you so much for providing these! I started working out religiously a couple months ago… and then here in Germany everything closed down because of the pandemic, even the gyms. Your calendars have given me a way to stay on track and stay active, even when I have to stay inside so thank you thank you! You’re a rock star! <3

  74. Dr Asmita Potdar says:

    Superb calendar! It just makes life way why someone has jotted down what to do instead of going through all ur videos and finding out which one to do! Thanks! My goal is to reduce 2 kgs or atleast maintain what I have achieved by gym and healthy eating in last 3 months

  75. Nicole says:

    I love love love these monthly workouts! Please don’t stop making them <3

  76. Talya Matz says:

    Casey I’m so excited to start this month! I’m also so proud of you and your own journey with fitness. I started following you a few years ago and I always come back to your videos because your positive attitude motivates me. Keep being amazing and inspirational!! Sending love <3

  77. Debbie Debono says:

    Luv Luv ur workouts,bùt could l have a email address to contact you as I’m am quiet annoyed
    about your purchase workouts.

  78. Elena says:


  79. Katherine says:

    Thank you for doing this; however, I am unable to access the links? Did PDF.

    1. Alessia says:

      same 🙁

  80. Kayla Wright says:

    What happened to the coda document? I love using it on my phone.

  81. Elizabeth says:

    This is so amazing. Thank you for putting this together really. For us that can’t go to the gym this is really going to help. Thank you thank you

  82. LynnR says:

    Do you still use Coda? Thanks, Cassey

  83. ndahuja says:


  84. Sofia says:

    Cassey, I had to do cardio today and I was dreading it because cardio duh, but then I saw all the videos and how you had specially modified them so that they would be extra apartment and quarantine friendly and it just warmed my heart. You’re so considerate and so amazing. Now I’m excited for today’s cardio workout and you’re to thank for that!

  85. Delphine debono says:

    I don’t know how to sign up to be able to do the calendar exercices and go to each videos

    1. caitlin says:

      The vids are on youtube! just search the title she gives each day 🙂

    2. Nikki says:

      The videos are listed out on her Youtube channel. Go to Blogilates on YT and click on the playlist tab. You will find all of the videos listed for the day.

  86. Nikki says:

    Let’s do this!!

  87. Juana says:

    Yay!!! I’m so excited, can’t wait to go through all the workouts ♥️🤗

  88. Tan says:

    Thank you so much for making my quarantine less miserable. Your words of encouragement make a difference <3

  89. Amanda says:

    Hi Cassey,

    Can you create a playlist with the videos for each week? I’m trying to display them on my TV and can’t open my TV there

  90. Zeba says:

    I am so excited

  91. Amanda says:

    I’m going into the Air Force, but I struggle a lot with push-ups. My goal for the month is getting as close to my minimum as I can!

  92. Vivi says:

    I am focusing on the things that I can do now that I spend a lot of time at home, rather than the things that I can’t do because of the current situation.

  93. Angela says:

    That’s because it will only be active when she uploads the new workouts. They are not available as yet.

  94. Lotte says:

    This is super cool ! Exactly what I needed ! Let’s do this <3

  95. Douha Ibrahim Ahmed says:

    Hi Cassey, I absolutely love you and your workouts but I also just wanted to say a huge thank you for mentioning the beginning of Ramadan in your calender. I know it might seem like a trivial thing to say but it honestly made me smile super wide. Thank you so much and God Bless you.

  96. Nikki says:

    So, am I the only one who wanted to look ahead and see which new video we are doing on each Monday, but the new video link doesn’t go to a specific workout….. Am I being crazy and missing something, or is this April Fools?! 🤔

    1. kasyka says:

      The links aren’t working for me either 😕

    2. Tessa says:

      Well, the new video’s won’t be posted until that Monday, so they won’t be posted right now. That’s why it goes to the main page of the YouTube channel.

    3. Angela says:

      That’s because it will only be active when she uploads the new workouts. They are not available as yet.

  97. Laura Grosari says:

    I want this plan

  98. w says:

    14 Day plan was so great, doing it again along with the calendar w/o. Stay healthy, stay safe.

  99. ch3yu says:

    am I the only one checking if my butt did grow every day? Btw, I think it did! 🙂
    love from Spain

  100. Mansi singh says:

    Im super excited for this month …..hope ill loose some weight 😅

  101. Niranja says:

    OMG I love it!! I look forward to it. I’ve been doing workouts more often during this quarantine than when I went to the gym. Thank you Cassey for sharing this workout plan with us. This is very helpful!!!

  102. Amy Bagster says:

    Day one and dead already. Thanks so much for always being motivating.

  103. alice.piit says:

    Thank you for the 14-Day Quarantine Plan, love it!

  104. Teresa says:

    Hey! I thought it would be perfect if you did a playlist of all these videos to YouTube. I know it’s a lot to ask but it would be really nice if it is doable. Thank you!

  105. Merel says:

    Getting started

  106. Grace says:

    Thank you so much Cassey!! You’re the best! Sending love from Malaysia.

  107. Ella says:

    This is awesome and will be great for being in quarantine

  108. Falda Shahnazari says:

    ugh I can finally get out of my health rut 🙂 I’m excited!!

  109. Eshmal says:

    I want to build my endurance and strength this month. Thank you for the workouts, they make my temporary stay at home life so much better. Love from New York ❤️

  110. Michelle says:

    Hi Cassie. I am new to your channel and workouts. I started walking in February 2020 at 230 lbs and started your YouTube workouts on Monday. I have struggled through them but never gave up. I am excited about my new journey and the April calendar. Thank you for all the resources you’ve made available.

  111. Ashlyn says:

    I haven’t been working out since the quarantine started, but your videos, plans, and blogs are so inspiring. My intentions for this month are to stay positive and follow the April plan the best I can 🙂

  112. Jasmine says:

    if I’m tall and chubby can I decrease height?

  113. allie says:

    Hi Cassey,
    This might not be related to the post but do you ever have fights with your sister? I just sort of had one and I’m feeling so down now…

  114. Abbie says:

    Thank you for the April calendar. I want to continue to buidl on my strength and stamina with your workout routines and possibly get leaner in the process too.

  115. Hannah Cherb says:

    I am so excited to join you! This is my first time doing one of these, and I am glad. I have been in a bit of a slump recently, and this time in quarantine has allowed me to reflect and work harder on myself since it is the only thing that I can do. I relate so much with your intention. Thank you for making these for us!

  116. Kristal says:

    Thank you!! Cant wait to start!

  117. Casey says:

    I’m scared to start but I admire you. So thank you

  118. Hannah says:

    wow! so thoughtful to add “ramadan begins” in the calendar! im gonna work to lose that excess weight and tone up using ur pilates workout!

  119. My intentions for April are to stay focused on my biggest goals and dreams. I all too often let other things get into my way and then my schedule goes to pot and I become a hot mess! I learned this last month that I need structure to thrive ♥️ I’m so excited to see what April brings. My birthday is on the 1st so the month is gonna start off great!!

  120. Deeksha Nautiyal says:

    Hi Cassey,
    I recently discovered your channel and started March calendar halfway. Totally loved it!! You are a great and fun teacher. Thank you so much. Really looking forward to the April workout. I hope we all get stronger, physically and mentally. Thanks so much. Much love to you! ❤️

  121. Krusha Mae says:

    Thanks Cassey! Love from Belgium

  122. Reema says:

    I was waiting for this calendar…..Thank You Cassey…

  123. Becca says:

    My intention is to make positive changes to my body and mind while I have this time to myself that I can basically control.

  124. Ellie says:

    My intention is to face the future with hope and a positive mindset and believe that things will be okay even if I lose my job for a time. I can at least use the extra time off to get in better shape!

  125. Dorota says:

    You are my last chance to rescue a skin …I lost weight very fast, too fast…Skin is like jelly..but with You maybe I can change something 😉

  126. Lauren Hall says:

    My intention for April is to put all of my efforts into being there for my students. Being a teacher who has had to set up a classroom at home is ROUGH. Keeping in mind how my students must feel will keep me motivated to make the most out of EVERY SINGLE DAY.

  127. Aga says:

    I feel like failure. I always have plans to lose weight and start exercising but its never happened. And even if it happens I starts to feel sick or something happened and I have break and never come back. I’m obes person I weight 106 kg and I’m 167 cm …. sometimes I just know that I’m just waiting for death. That my time is finishing that I will never have family and kids.

    1. Caitlin says:

      don’t be discouraged! you can do it 🙂 weight loss is 80% diet, it is possible to lose weight without any exercise

  128. Melody says:

    I love this monthly workouts that you do. Besides April is my birthday month on April 7th. Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing because you are changing people’s lifestyles around for the better.

  129. Whitney says:

    Hi Cassey, sorry but I have a dumb question, when it says do the video once unless otherwise stated does that mean stated in the video or on the calendar? Sometimes it will even say to do a video 4 times in the video but then I’m like well then I’ll be doing this for a while lol. Anyway thanks for the calendars! I’m down 22 lbs this year and 17 of those since 2/21! I have about 50lbs to go and your videos have helped me get up and moving daily. Thank you ❤️

  130. hanan hazem says:

    Thank you very much sweet Cassey for this challeng .It was really really hard but it changed in my life . can’t wait to start April too.

  131. Annalisa says:

    Hi Cassey, i have started to follow your lessons only fra date ago. I’m from rome and for me this is 4 Week at home. I il try to do my best with tour lessons, in not easy for us. With your lessons i il try to riserve time, 30 min, only for me. Many Hanks
    And #io resto a casa

  132. Gaston says:

    Hi! I just found out about your youtube channel last week and it’s been helping me quite a lot since I cant go to the gym because of the quarantine. I’m from Argentina, so we the quarantine here started like a week and a half ago. Love the positive energy your videos have it really makes my day! Thank you so much 😄!

  133. Emily says:

    The 14 day quarantine workout was tough, but I’m so proud of me for doing it! (Those mermaid leg lifts!!! 😵😂)
    Woohoo! April is going to be a good one, thank you so much for keeping us fit Cassey!
    My intention for April is to not only keep my body fit, but my mind fit too – whether that be taking the time to finish that book I started, listen to that podcast everyone told me about, and especially call my friends and family! I miss them so much!! Wishing everyone good vibes in these crazy times Xx

  134. Hannah says:

    How do I print it?

  135. Jana says:

    Hey Cassey, Can you pls do some effective workouts to get slimmer hips, thighs, booty and chest (Breasts)
    Love ya

  136. Lakoteroesdiman says:

    Hi Cassey i cant wait to start this to be honest bc im done with school and this stuff i wanna just do something good for my body and my self im excited to try this out tomorow greets from Holland

  137. Jaclyn says:

    Thank you! 🙏🙌

  138. Jennifer Hodgman says:

    I just have to say – you are looking skinnier than ever… So full body toned. I mean you always looked thin and toned, but like you dropped 20lbs. What have you done differently since you’ve been married, what is your daily food intake… please discuss. I’ve not lost a LB. and have been in a body plateau for years now…. I’m so stuck and absolutely nothing works for me. #help

    1. Jaclyn says:

      Agree! Cassey is looking more svelt & toned than ever. I would like to know if she’s changed anything also!

    2. Bernice says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing!! She looks super toned. Cassey, can you pinpoint any progressive changes you’ve made ? I am really active but can’t seem to shake off the soft fat around my problem areas (butt, tummy and arms). Been wondering if I need to start taking vitamins or supplements, or if it’s diet, or maybe even too much cardio or muscle inflammation ..? It’s exhausting not knowing what I’m not doing!

    3. blogilates says:

      It’s the lasting results from my 90 day journey. I eat mostly paleo ish whole 30 ish but I also have my ice cream and some desserts every week. I will work on a meal plan for you guys so you can do what I did. I also work out about 6-7 times a week, around 30 min a day.

  139. Jackie says:

    Hi Cassey, Thank you so much for all you do and more. You are a true inspiration. Love you 😍

    Was just thinking about an arm side workout, pretty please. You know it’s apart of our chest and upper side arm; the inner upper side arm – that can look sexy when it’s toned. 🙂

  140. Alissia says:

    I follow you from France, and I just love what you did for us. Thanks for everything a little Frenchy.

  141. Jackie Keolasy says:

    Hi Cassey, Thank you so much for all you do and more. You are a true inspiration. Love you 😍

    Was just thinking about an arm side workout, pretty please. You know it’s apart of our chest and upper side arm; the inner upper side arm – that can look sexy when it’s toned. 🙂

  142. Eda says:

    I see you added silent / apartment friendly cardio videos to the calendar. That is very thoughtful, thank you! This will definitely be helpful as I am stuck at my apartment because of the lockdown.

  143. Paula says:

    Omg I cannot wait to start!!!

  144. innabaskina says:

    Hi Cassey! I am trying to follow your calendar and I get a quick question. Am I supposed to do all the workouts for a day one right after another or some brakes are allowed?

  145. Michelle says:

    AHHHH I am so looking forward to this, and thank you so much Cassey for creating the Coda calendar too. It helps me be so much more accountable. SENDING YOU LOTS OF LOVE AND HAPPINESS!

  146. suvi says:

    My intention for this month is to do the 28 day reset, to gain control of my eating again, and to eat more mindfully. My other goals for this month are also to start playing guitar again, read 2 books, pay off my loan and to lose 2lbs. I’ve been stuck at the same weight for 2 months now and I don’t know why… I hope this month I’ll lose it.

  147. Maga says:

    I think that I won’t have a prom this year, but I already have my shoes in which I can’t walk yet, so now I have the time to learn how to walk in them instead of worrying what will happen in the future. And of course I will try to stay in shape with your new calender. Thanks

  148. Lakshita says:

    I am so excited .I recently started following you and have completed the beginner calender two days ago and was waiting for the new calender.hope I am able to fulfill my expectations

  149. Tanaya says:

    I can’t wait to start April’s calendar! I stopped doing the calendars for a while. But I’m back up and running!

  150. Looks like Wednesdays will be cardio this coming month! And I’m looking forward to be Monday uploads instead of a Sunday 🙂 my birthday is April 28th come out by the way! I’ll be 23 years Young.

  151. Diana says:

    My intention for April is to continue to get stronger and slim down. I do get upset because I can’t do all of the moves but I find myself being able to do more reps!

  152. Kirsten says:

    To be able to extended extra grace to my housemates who are home and getting cabin fever, especially when I work with 75 senior citizens at an assisted living facility who are dealing with the same amount of cabin fever and are worried about getting sick. Just lots and lots of grace for everyone

  153. Mathilde says:

    So Lucky we have you to make us suffer during this special days, thank you a lot for your positoovity and everyhting, i love you so much! Hi from France!