Shein stole my design AGAIN. And I have more tea.

I’m sitting here shaking because I’m so upset at myself. I let myself get emotionally manipulated, I let my guard down, and it happened again.

You know, there’s the kind of hurt that happens when a company does unethical things to you, and then there’s the kind of guttural blow that sucks the air out of your lungs when a human you forgave, betrays you again.

After the first time SHEIN copied my Pirouette Skort design back in Jan 2023, I was reached out to by their team after all of you guys went crazy on them. For weeks, they kept asking me if I could get on a call because their US President, George Chiao, wanted to personally talk to me.

DM from shein to cassey ho ceo of popflex about stealing designs january 2023

First, let’s dissect this message:

shein stealing design from popflex instagram message screenshot

Eventually, when they agreed to the agenda I wanted to speak on, I hopped on a Zoom call with George on Feb 22, 2023. He came off very personable, very friendly, and even though he didn’t apologize for what SHEIN did, he told me a story about how his daughter was a Blogilates fan and how she came rushing into his room when the 1st violation happened, screaming “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO CASSEY???” I always have a soft spot for fans. He did such a good job of calming me down that I walked out of that conversation having major respect for the way he eloquently handled this PR crisis. As a result, I decided to cool it on my SHEIN posts.

He got exactly what he wanted.

Looking back with clarity now, I am so disappointed in myself. George did a great job of playing to my sensitivity and he made me feel bad for him. I fell for the daughter story and when he said it hurt him when people made mean comments about his company, I weirdly softened and let my guard down. In a twisted way, I chose NOT to share the conversation below with you guys because of the way he made me feel like HE was the victim.

But now that a second violation has happened, THERE IS NO HOLDING BACK.


side by side comparison of popflex original pirouette skirt design and shein stealing design from popflex. side by side comparison june 2023 popflex original pirouette skirt design and stolen design shein

shein listing stolen popflex design pirouette skort

side by side comparison of listing modeling popflex pirouette skort and stolen design shein


Here’s exactly what we talked about:

1️⃣ George said SHEIN didn’t steal my design. He said over and over again that SHEIN is just like Amazon and that they have no idea if their sellers are selling stolen designs. He said SHEIN is just a marketplace.

2️⃣ When asked how I could prevent SHEIN from stealing my designs again, he said in the future all I have to do is submit my design to SHEIN BEFORE it goes live on POPFLEX and then my design will enter a database of “DO NOT COPY.” From there his buyers will know not to purchase anything that looks like my design. (Umm what??  Why would I EVER do this??).

3️⃣ In the same convo he said “You know that what we’re doing isn’t illegal right?,” making it sound like SHEIN’s actions were ethical and that he was doing me a solid by taking down my skort design from their website.

4️⃣ When I asked him what happened to the units that weren’t sold, he said “They were probably donated or destroyed.”

Probably? Shouldn’t he know? Or were they just sold on a different country’s SHEIN website?

5️⃣  When I asked him how many skorts were sold, he said “Not that many.” He said that SHEIN is a truly sustainable company because they test low units of new designs, and only if they sell well, will they manufacture in larger quantities. In a follow-up email, I asked him for the exact quantity sold and he said 28, in which he tried to pay me for the sales and I did not accept.


I am very wary of this low number because if 28 was truly the number of my copycat skorts ever sold, why would they manufacture this again? From the latest lawsuit against SHEIN (3 graphic designers are suing for copyright infringement and also claiming a RICO violation), I read the 52-page case. I found this excerpt written by SHEIN themselves about how they use algorithms to determine customer interest:

shein rico case excerpt stealing designs july 2023

So, first off, the 100-200 units thing checks off with what George told me.

Secondly, let’s talk about the 2nd paragraph. Clearly, my skort wouldn’t have been reproduced if the first small run wasn’t successful. I do not think they only sold 28 units of my skort. I do not think those skort units were ever donated or destroyed, and were sold on a different country’s SHEIN website to determine their popularity.

What alarms me is that if there was already a first violation on my design, shouldn’t it have been added to the “DO NOT COPY” database? If they really had this database, I wouldn’t be here writing this post!

Additionally, I think if someone forgot to put my skort design in the database, the algorithm picked up my viral video AGAIN and this all happened AGAIN

youtube shorts tiktok instagram viral video stills with viewer count popflex pirouette skort


The gaslighting.

The ignorant, uneducated, confidence.

I cannot.

Do not throw around words like “patent”, “trademark”, and “copyright” when you are NOT an IP lawyer and when you have zero idea what you are talking about, and then proceed to blame me for being a victim.

For the record, I have spent countless hours reading fashion law, talking to several lawyers to get different perspectives, while also strategizing with my legal team to see what can be done in my current situation and what can be done to prevent Shein and other shady business from stealing POPFLEX designs in the future. Lawyers aren’t cheap and this situation has set me back tens of thousands of dollars in getting copyrights, cease and desist letters, and just wrapping my head around the whole situation.

I saw some comments saying that Blogilates is a “big brand” and talking to me as if SHEIN and I are the same…I would just like to remind everyone that SHEIN is valued at $66 BILLION, and I am over here with a tiny 20-person team. Like, thanks for thinking I’m big (???) but the truth is, I am still a small business no matter what you think of me. And any BILLION dollar business taking advantage of a small business is a TRASH COMPANY.


Sorry for all the complaining. When I am upset, I have to write everything out because it helps me process my feelings. I want to thank everyone who has commented on my IG. It has been healing to hear your support and to see your re-stories as I deal with this situation for the second time.

Here are some actionable steps you can take:

1️⃣ Share this post. The more people we can make aware of the problem, the better.

2️⃣ Please stop buying from SHEIN. Choosing to spend your dollars elsewhere is the best way to take a stand. For those who say they can’t afford anything else…you have many options. I grew up with Vietnamese immigrant parents who taught me how to save money by shopping the CLEARANCE section of Ross, Marshalls, TJ MAXX etc. I also shopped swap meets, sample sales, and never bought anything full price.

3️⃣ Hold influencers accountable! Comment on influencers’ posts – you know, the ones that are doing SHEIN Hauls or the ones being paid to talk about SHEIN! Be nice, don’t berate, just educate them. If we can stop one of them, that means we are saving hundreds of thousands of followers from buying from SHEIN.

PS: For those of you asking when the Pirouette Skort will restock, it’s crazy timing, but it’s actually THIS WEEK. Some colors have already trickled back in. Here’s the link. The skort goes from XXS-3X and the shorts under are anti-cameltoe!

71 thoughts on “Shein stole my design AGAIN. And I have more tea.”

There are Array71 comments posted by our users.

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  1. Abbie York says:

    I’m very sorry that you’re going through this again. I’ve been watching your videos of your designs and I’ve personally seen one of your ponytail friendly hats at Target. It’s cute. I’ve been thinking about visiting your website to shop for a workout outfit. They look absolutely awesome. And I think it’s wrong for a big company to steal from you.

    Small businesses are awesome. More customer friendly.

  2. Zoe says:

    I found this because I was looking on Emmiol and saw your design there 🙁 I looked up “pirouette skort” and saw some of the exact same pictures. They’re selling them for about $30 and using your pictures. I wish you all the best in getting your design back to only being yours <3

  3. Kaitie says:

    For my school research report I am writing about how terrible Shein is and why people shouldn’t buy from them. I want to help raise awareness for you Cassey, and I found this article really helpful.

  4. Aesha says:

    Heyyy I’m from India and there is this brand called newme that has stolen not just your design but infact stole your images too. I feel truly disappointed that your brand has been copied. Newme is just like shein India a fast fashion website with due to the shein ban. I hope all get resolved quickly and at your best possible outcome!!! All the BEST!!! I love your designs but it’s not available here but I do hope it will be available soon <3

    1. Aditi Singh says:

      Newme is literally a Shein substitute

  5. Catherine says:

    I’m a small handmade business and currently going through the same problem. But they are actually using my personal photos, and editing them with their own water marks and colour changes. I’m beyond heartbroken about it . Aliexpress are now selling at least 10 of my current designs, using all my photos . Gutting is an understatement!

  6. Ani Pietropaolo says:

    I’m so sorry about all of this!! You don’t deserve this, SHEIN needs to learn how to be a good company.

  7. ashley says:

    honestly im acc so sorry for u, u don’t deserve this disrespect what so ever. officially boycotting SHEIN!!

  8. D. says:

    It’s not just clothing that they pirate. My wife is a sole trader on Etsy and Shein have started selling a direct copy of her hand painted bestsellers USING PHOTOS SCRAPED FROM HER ETSY PAGE!

  9. Makayla F says:

    Honestly. They are the dramatic ones because your design is amazing, love the lightweight feeling of the skort so it is perfect for workouts. (I dont own one but it looks like it would be lightweight which is amazing.) And SHEIN cannot tell you to ‘work together’ right after they accually copied your design from top to bottom like what?! It just means your sucsessful because they want money. People wouldnt buy it if it wasnt worth it💁‍♀️

  10. Lanie Fearn says:

    I am sorry this happened to you people are very ignorant and don’t have any passion like you do for designing which is why they steal from you which is no excuse the people who did this should be ashamed of themselves for what they did. Wish you the best of luck and keep on doing your best😉😊

  11. DIANE says:


  12. Katie says:

    Have never bought from Shein, and won’t ever buy from Shein. There is no way that items that are that cheap are also made ethically. It’s not possible. I’m sorry this happened to you, and I’m glad you stood up for yourself.

    My favorite part of his letter was the part where he wanted you to send him your design *before* you made it public. That just sounds like “send us your design before anyone knows it’s yours so we can manufacture it first”. Ha ha! Sorry, George. Not happening,

  13. hunniidaria says:

    I’m terribly sorry this happened.
    However, this won’t stop me from buying things from SHEIN.
    They still have really cute things for a good price, I wont deny George is attempting to be sneaky either.
    By the way, I don’t know if it was intentional, but this blog was covered in SHEIN ads.

  14. SLAYING says:

    so proud of you girly

  15. JusticeRainger says:

    Attempt to become famous.
    Buy Shein!

  16. ogga bogga says:

    For those who a still don’t understand how gray the fashion law is in the US I suggest that u go over and watch Mat Pat’s video on Style Theory

  17. Gianna says:

    Hey Cassey! It’s Gianna again. I was a DW Documentary on fast fashion called “Fast fashion- the shady world of cheap clothing” and I really think this would be helpful for you. XO, Gianna

  18. Gianna says:

    Cassey, I just want to say that Shein is a huge bully and stealing from anyone will never be okay! I think you should get together with other small businesses that have been wronged by Shein and use your power together! In the mean time, I’ll always have your back and I’ll tell all my friends and family to boycott Shein. You do have to remember however, Shein is a huge brand with a value more than H&M and ZARA combined! Their clothes are trendy, but I can bet you more than half of it is stolen hearts, broken dreams, and crushed ideas. I love you so much, and I wish you the best of luck.

  19. Gemma says:


  20. Rachel says:

    You fucking go girl! Shein is a greedy bully

  21. kamila says:

    im so mad they did this again !! and george had the audacity to give you a sob story trying to make you feel guilty, and if his daugter did tell him that he should have listened , just remember we got your back All the way #CASSYSARMY

  22. Rose says:

    We got your back Cassey 💪💪

  23. Felicity says:

    It sucks that you have to go through all of this just because a HUGE company with thousands of people running it couldn’t produce an independent design. Just remember that TONS of random people you met on the internet have got your back on this one!! 💝

  24. mattea says:

    this is insane! shein is known to do this though. whatever you do, keep fighting.

  25. Aubrey says:

    something I would consider trying is submitting one of your designs that didn’t make the cut or something like that and seeing if the try to sell it.

  26. Aubrey says:

    I live in Australia and just looked on SHEIN, they don’t seem to sell your pirouette skort but they have your criss cross skort, I have your original design skort and it is Beautiful and high quality love your designs keep up the amazing work and I hope every think is okay in the hopefully soon end of this and I promise I will never buy from SHEIN.

  27. Shai says:

    Sorry this happened to you. You have the most amazing and wonderful designs even though I can’t buy it. Actually shein dosen t stand a chance against you, your products are made with love and care but shein is just copying without adding any love or care and who wants that. You have a small business, and they are a billionaire company but we have something they don’t have and that is us, the subscribers and followers and the social media people like us. You had to go through a lot to come here in this position so fight for blogilates, fight for pop flex, fight for you and good luck. I pray and hope you win.

  28. Brittany says:

    Sorry you are going through this! Big companies that take advantage of smaller shops are the worst. I will always get my daily leggings from you instead of the big brands that most women love. Hobby Lobby also does this to small time craft suppliers too. I stopped shopping there years ago after they blatantly copied a small yarn dyers designs. Same situation – something you can’t copyright and it’s an obvious copy. Good luck!

  29. Beverly says:

    I’m so sorry this has happened to you. The comments on your social media posting from your “supporters” are so disheartening, and gross. It’s easy for them to bully from behind a keyboard when they have no idea what you’re going through.

    SHEIN doesn’t provide quality products, and they employ a lot of unethical practices. For all their talk of size inclusivity, it doesn’t measure true, either.

    Sending lots of love, and I will always support the true artists! 💜

  30. Ellie says:

    Shein is garbage. Even besides their unethical practices, the quality of their clothes is so bad. I haven’t bought from them in years, but when I did, I would regret it because the clothes were just trash. I don’t blame you for being angry at all. I would be livid!!

    And all of those people on social media acting like it’s your fault? Gross. They haven’t walked in your shoes and don’t deserve your time or attention.

    I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this. 💜

  31. Patricia says:

    Hey Cassey. So sorry this happened again. Been a fan for over a decade as you got me a six pack for my wedding!
    I have an idea though — why not fight fire with fire? As the legal route seems complicated given what a grey area fashion law is, why not utilize us, your Blogilates army to start a trend exposing SHEIN and dragging them to utter filth?
    The one thing you DO have over SHEIN is a loyal & passionate army of fans that have stuck with you through the years. $66B can’t buy loyalty.
    Why not make a post asking your millions of followers to start a trend, #SHEINISTRASH? The videos can be them talking about why they refuse to buy from SHEIN (environmental waste & pollution, climate change, stealing from designers & small businesses, terrible & expoloitative conditions for their workers, cheap & poor quality that doesnt last, etc.). You can also ask your followers who used to buy from SHEIN why they stopped buying their products. You have a large enough following to get this trending, get SHEINs attention & fight fire with fire.
    Why do we choose to spend more on your products? Because they are high quality, long-lasting and you listen to US, not a freaking algorithm. We want pockets, you give us pockets. We want more cheek coverage, you give us more coverage.

    Thats your advantage over this $66B company — use it!

  32. Caroline says:

    Hey Cassey! Don’t let yourself be intimidated by this evil compagny. You know what: Fuck them! You make awesome design and I will keep on purchase on your website. Don’t let ignorant put you down, you deserve better. Love from MTL

  33. Vkinney says:

    I don’t know if this is possible. I only know filming and voice recording laws for my home state, but maybe look into that (if you haven’t already) and film the man or representative from SHEIN or whatever company you deal with next. The problem with having knowledge at our fingertips is it makes everyone think they’re an expert because of their opinion and vague knowledge on a subject. I know it’s hard, but girl haters gonna hate. The people that actually support you and want your products will buy from you. I can’t really buy a lot of stuff full price, but I recognize the typical difference in quality based on price point. I know this seems maybe counterintuitive, but it may be interesting to run an experiment where you have customers volunteer to actually buy the SHEIN skirt and your skirt (maybe give them a $12 discount on your skirt to prove a point) and wear them for a period of time treating them both equally in how they wash, wear, and store them (pics for proof) and have them document the damage they experience to each product. Show your fan base exactly why blogilates is superior. Sometimes fighting fire with fire is a decent option. Obviously you have a whole legal team at your disposal and have thought about this way longer than me, but I’m just spitballing here. Either way, no matter what happens, I have supported blogilates for at least a decade and will continue to sing your praises. Love you always Cassey!

  34. Ella Baker says:

    I am never buying from SHEIN again, not because they steal designs (which is definitely also not okay), but because of the poor environment the workers have to work in.
    However, I have bought from Halara, which also steals designs and the sole reason for that is because shipping was cheaper (shipping + taxes) so if you could make it cheaper to ship outside of the USA (to europe for example) I will gladly only buy from popflex. Because this is the ONLY reason it’s holding me back from buying.

  35. Srija K says:

    I’ve purchased something from SHEIN only once in my life and I know that their quality is terrible. If their version of your skort is priced less than it costs for the materials for you to make it, then it’s pretty clear: SHEIN’s version will be trash. While I agree that stealing designs is a terrible thing to do, it might help to believe in the people who have followed you and love your work for its quality (like me! I’ve been your fan for 10 years.)
    Do what you need to do, process your emotions, but remember that if SHEIN never takes their design down the people who buy that are people who didn’t appreciate your work anyway. The people who appreciate you and your work will support you and will buy POPFLEX activewear instead. I am currently saving up for one of your swimsuits so I hope that’s a data point that helps convince you.

  36. Izzi Cantu says:

    Never bought from SHEIN and I don’t know how people can. The amount of uneducated people there are is surprising. I will definitely be sharing this article! Wish you the best Cassey 🤞

  37. Isabella Cantu says:

    Never bought from SHEIN and I don’t know how people can’t. The amount of uneducated people there are is surprising. I will definitely be sharing this article! Wish you the best Cassey 🤞

  38. Heather Nunn says:

    I’m flabbergasted that this has happened! I’m so sorry, but carry on and protect yourself. As for those who have had a dig at you, and saying your complaining – well- they are just demonstrating their ignorance. This has been out and out theft and it’s important that consumers are enlightened. Are these people employees of Shein? Hmmm I wounder. I’m assuming these are paid comments from that particular company.

    1. Marie says:

      WOW even down to the metallic branding tag on the bottom right!!

  39. Sharon Higbee says:

    Never have and never will order from SHEIN. These dirt cheap sites worried me to begin with. They had me wondering who was ripped off and what shady corners they cut to deliver such cheap products. Quality over quantity!!!!!
    ❤️ you Cassey

  40. Anon says:

    Stopped buying Shein long time because of their crappy business practices like this. I would rather buy 1 tshirt worth $50 from a legit store than 5 $10 from garbage like Shein

  41. Helen says:

    I know this is extremely hard for you, evident from the sadly extensive amount of paragraphs you’ve made. For now, I think it may be smart to talk with some of the others amazing people who have had their designs so brutally ripped from their stores/websites and stolen for a overrated, fast-fashion trash hole that values nothing more than money and growth. You may be able to gather enough evidence, to make it an inevitable end for SHEIN. As well as that I took a deep dive and watched MatPats old-ish video on the issue and read some of the information surrounding fashion laws. I sure see that you could seal the deal and cut the company’s scams and copys off. I wish you and your legal team luck, Cassey! Stay safe <333

  42. Deanna says:

    I’m so sorry this is happening to you! It’s really sad that your IG followers are gaslighting and victim blaming you as well. I hope your lawyers are able to help you.

  43. Gise says:

    Next time president of shein come calling let one of those 20 ppl that work for ypu take the call, maybe a lawyer, youre too emotionally invested. Cheap people are going to be cheap and buy from shien, but cheap people are not your base customer and werent allready. Just beacuse they couldnt buy your items in other places do you think they would splurge for yours? Maybe in America, as it is now one of those skirts cost my whole salary and Im a university profesional just not an US one (south american). I will not buy from shein but was expecting that your company grows in a way that the clothes are less expensive because you control more of the production value or steps…from what I read are thinking in expanding in lawyers instead of production wise? You cannot fight corporations that big, they will steal oil and water from govs and they cant fight…
    Also, could you sell “DISCOUNT As seem in blogilates skort Original” and when the buy for 11 usd, it arrives an embossed card with 11 usd discount from blogilates. Its troll, funny and you can track sells in shein and certificate that they are/arent your market checking how many imputed your special shein code.
    Dont take things too hard, sorry if I insulted
    Be strong to weather this storm

  44. irene says:

    every single person that blames others for being so mad about someone stealing their design/drawing/products or whatever is simply the trash person. why? because the smallest act of stealing is still STEALING. I’m a graphic designer and I read a book once that stated “the art of stealing” – I was shock first time reading that but I realized, yes, we “steal” every time we have to design something. BUT steal in this matter means INSPIRED. not copy-paste the inspiration itself. if SHEIN really loves what Cass is doing, then he can just be inspired by it then come up with something new and different. art stealing is indeed a CRIME.

  45. Allie says:


  46. Jo says:

    As sad and unconscionable as this is, it unfortunately is the reality of the fashion industry and has been for as long as fashion has existed. Thousands of designers before you have had and still have there designs copied. Companies like Shein have a dedicated team that watch the red carpets, the celebrities and such and then within 24 hours have their copied version on their sites for sale. And if you buy from the big chains and the Zara types your wearing designs that copied and altered and replicated. The only way it can change is if people stop being brainwashed into believing they need to look like some celebrity or their neighbour or their colleague, etc. Embrace your own style, wear what you want not something that some stranger told you to wear. Ditch the heavy makeup and the thick eyebrows and the hair straighteners and YOU DO YOU. Find out what you like and what suits you and do that. Trust me, you’ll be much happier.

  47. Luciana says:

    So sorry this happened to you! I personally hate SHEIN, I have never bought from them and I simply cannot understand why people waste their money on such low quality items?? And, more importantly don’t they know that they are contributing to polluting the environment? Fast fashion is a plague!
    Wishing you all the best Cassie!

  48. Katharine says:

    Apparently there are also bags on Shein’s site called “blogilates,” using a trademarked name has to be illegal, right?

    1. Anri says:

      This is horrible!! Blatantly stealing and using the company name!

      1. Alex says:

        The description says this bag is designed by Cassey and uses her credentials to make the product more appealing. That’s next level…

    2. Maelisa says:

      WHAT?!?! This is truly unreal. The copying is so insanely blatant!

    3. Jey says:

      Umm, the description on this bag LITERALLY says “Developed by leading fitness personality, Pilates instructor, and designer, Cassey Ho.” I would take this to your legal team. It sounds way more cut and dry and might actually get you some recourse.

  49. Sharon says:

    Calling out a company’s bad behavior and shady business practices is not “complaining”, it’s shedding light on reality and attempting to hold them accountable! It’s so aggravating that people would blame you for this. I honestly can’t imagine how it must feel for you personally, but I am enraged for you.

    1. Jo says:

      100% illegal if the name is registered which I imagine it is.
      Sadly we now live in a world where greed, greed and more greed is the norm.
      Humanity is so far removed from their hearts, their intuition, their joy.

  50. Lisa says:

    I understand why you are so upset about this situation and ypu should be. I definitely would. Although, since I have been following you for several months right now I hardly can beleive some trush company like shein can manufacture something similar as you. I mean… your designs are no just designs. They are quality. There is a reason why people buy expensive bags and not shein bags. With your clothes it is the same. Girls who are your customers are soing their research, supporting your, participating in your questionaires. In the end, I think what you have is hardly possible to replicate. You have the unique power of small business that makes people forget about the prices. And lets be honest, if someone is buying from shein, they wouldnt buy from you. And if someone is buying from you, they wouldbt buy from shein. You are just in different levels. Your customer is different and ethical and practical and detail oriented. Shein’s customer is cheap. I hope that my message gives you a bit positivity in this madness. Sending loves from freaking Finland!

  51. Magda says:

    Sorry you are being gaslit and victim-shamed by this horrible man/company. Shein might have 66B$ but you have US – the people you inspired and supported and made to feel strong. THAT, my friend, is a level of success that cannot be bought or quantified. You spent years growing a literal ARMY of strong, flexible, and dedicated people and we’re behind you all the way. 💪

  52. Natasha Oliveiro says:

    Ugh! In the dance world it’s kind of the same, copyright is so grey and an upward battle and so I empathize with you and everything you’re going through Cassey! I support you and I for one have been so proud to watch you over the last decade grow as a designer. I believe in your abilities and your cause. Sorry this is happening Cassey

  53. Katherine says:

    Ugh hate that you are dealing with this. I have greatly admired and respected how you have created your designs and adapted/altered them to improve these items for people and it is beyond awful that they are doing this. Absolutely disrespectful and I will never buy anything from that company in solidarity with you bc you have worked hard and they are shameless ripping good people off! Disgusting!! Sending you positive energy as you deal with this.

  54. Cheryl B says:

    Hi Cassey, I hope that you don’t put yourself down or feel guilty for feeling bad for him initially and letting your guard down; you seem like such a genuine, caring soul and people like him are experts at manipulation tactics and take advantage of others, which is probably how he got to be president of an unethical company. You keep being you and don’t let these people take away or dim the best parts of you! Such a stressful situation and I hope you can get some resolution.

  55. Gabriela says:

    I wasn’t sure about Shein because they low prices don’t make sense but then I saw your posts and promised myself to never buy from them again!

    As consumers we have to educate ourselves and make sure we know were we put our money

    I don’t want to support businesses that copy designs, steal hours of work, pollute the world and exploit their workers

    A lot of people put money as an excuse but there are
    Plenty of ways of buying more ethically- and actually most people i know or see who buy from this trash fashion industries actually have the resources

    Maybe this can become something bigger 🩷 Stay strong Cassey

  56. Anna says:

    Ugh the victim blaming! You shouldn’t need to be responsible for protecting your intellectual property! These thieves shouldn’t be stealing from you in the first place. It’s precisely because of victim blamers that so many predators get away with doing immoral things.

    NPR did a great podcast recently on Shein. One of the ways their prices are so low is because they deliberately avoid paying import taxes. They are not playing fair, in more than just the design space.

  57. Gabby says:

    One of my good friends designs crochet patterns and sweaters and sells then on Etsy and she’s seen so much of her work stolen by Shein. I hate this for you so, so much and I hope people wise up to see this awful company for who they really are. Sending love.

  58. N says:

    All the people in the comments acting like that know everything – not surprising but definitely frustrating. Keep strong and don’t let them talk you down bc you’re 100% in the right!! F shein!!!

  59. Trisyia says:

    I gotchu Cassey 💓🫂

  60. Eve says:

    never buying from shein again. i believe in you!

  61. Fabienne says:

    I believe in you Cassey! Hopefully things will go your way✨ I will share your story with other people!

  62. Sheryl says:

    I’m sorry this happened to you and sending love 💕

  63. Jenny says:

    this is why SHEIN has a RICO charge. I would contact the attorneys and let them know.