Hip Hop Fat Burn // CARDIO BEAT (At Home No Jumping Cardio)

Hip Hop Fat Burn // CARDIO BEAT (At Home No Jumping Cardio)

Sweat Time: 8 mins

Equipment Needed: None

Workout Type: Dance Cardio

Body Focus: Total Body


32 thoughts on “Hip Hop Fat Burn // CARDIO BEAT (At Home No Jumping Cardio)”

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  1. susan gregurick says:

    I agree. Total fun!

  2. LexyA says:

    That was FUN!

  3. Milena says:

    Loved this cardio ! My favorite so far on the beginner calendar.

  4. Angie says:

    The only thing I liked about this video was the twist move in the last song. I had trouble getting the other moves

  5. ruthless says:

    So fun!

  6. Rallybokkie says:

    Super fun!!!

  7. yriv13 says:

    We need more dance videos!! or more collabs with the fitness marshall =)

  8. hiiipunk says:

    yayyyyyy!!! love it! more hip hop cardio

  9. balletqueen says:

    Sooo much fun just finished 😃

  10. lisaprettypetals says:

    This was hard ,om not a good dancer n hard at cordination,but I tried

  11. Rachel D says:

    Yeah, I needed this warmup this morning.

  12. Alisa says:

    I didn’t feel like I was working out the whole time! It was so much fun! Afterwards tho, my legs were killing me. 🙂

  13. annnika.f says:

    In school, we had to prepare a warm-up for PE twice a year. I absolutely hated it, but I took some of these moves for the cardio part (the other parts, some kind of workout and stretching, were prepared by two friends) and my classmates really liked them – so I still really love doing this workout as it is connected to such good memorys 🙂

  14. Zandra57 says:

    This was extremely fun, jammin’ out!

  15. believedreamachieve1 says:

    This is such a fun workout <3

  16. Akanksha says:

    This is the lightest and worst (according to me) video ever! Waste of time. I love the songs that’s why did it 3 times its release. Otherwise, it does nothing for me. No heart pumping, no sweat, no breathlessness. Silent Death Cardio is wayyyyyy better than this one.

    1. DivaExcel says:

      It actually elevated my heart rate and made me sweat. Maybe you didn’t do the moves well.

    2. chloeobscura says:

      Enjoying yourself is not a waste of time. This video is fun, and, whether you think it’s intense enough or not, it contributes to an active lifestyle and helps people to ease into their workout psychologically, stretch their limbs, and get some movement done without being intimidated or self-flagellating outright. Your relationship to movement seems quite unhealthy. You should do a bit of introspection.

      1. Akanksha says:

        I’ve been doing pilates (blogilates) for 4 years. Compared to my heart-elevating, sweating, etc that I get from other videos. This did 5%. I did it again today. Even more of squating, pulsing and bending than Cassey, but nothing. But, I like how she smiles and enjoys herself. If I didn’t like it, I didn’t like it. You cannot comment upon my personal well-being, or my relationship with movements etc. It is my personal comment on the video so please mind your own business. @chloeobscura

        1. chloeobscura says:

          You do realise that when you comment on a video you are opening your comment up to the public forum? If it’s your “personal comment” and not the “business” of others, why post it in the public domain? You called the video a waste of time. That is different to saying you don’t like it. And just as you are entitled to comment, others are entitled to criticise you and your comment once you enter this domain. “You cannot comment upon my…” Oh yeah? Well I did. 🙂 So your logical faculties are a bit broken. So sorry you’re happy to criticise others but not receive criticism back yourself.

  17. anita losing it says:


  18. Kathe says:


  19. theskybluedreamer says:

    I liked it! I don’t usually dance much, but this was fun!

  20. SandraR says:

    Hip hop is a fun added element. Works well for variation on a theme. Nice way to wake up : )

  21. estefania35 says:

    perfect, thank you very much!!

  22. Sara says:

    Yeah avocado rose

  23. savanah says:

    I would like more like this…..this was great!!!

  24. Gbhjj says:


  25. Tgbvdhh says:

    That was amazing please do more!!!!!

    (Can you make a avocado rose I really want to learn!)

  26. Kailee Venzin says:

    Love it! Keep up the good work Cassie!

  27. Minnie says:

    Cassey running out of breath? I’m seriously scared 😀