PIIT28 Changed My Body

PIIT28 Changed My Body

piit cover option 1 smaller 2

Photo by Rod Foster

Oh man guys! I think this is the coolest picture I have EVER taken! I bought this bathing suit from Nasty Gal a few weeks ago half thinking it wouldn’t make it as the outfit of choice for the PIIT28 cover, so I had a couple backups in case. But I am SO glad I stuck with it!

I can’t tell you how good it feels to look at this photo and be 100% in love with the way I look, not wanting to change a single thing. The way I felt when I took this picture and the way I feel right at this very moment are no different. I didn’t have to “diet down” or do anything weird for this. I was just working out and having fun! I had just finished testing out 4 weeks of my routines for my new workout program PIIT28 – working out only 28 min and 40 sec day, 6 days a week.

PIIT28 paired with eating well had me feeling SO STRONG, SO POWERFUL, and SO UNSTOPPABLE!

I am happy to say that after testing all the routines, I couldn’t be prouder of this program. It works, it’s fast, and best of all, it’s fun! In fact, the entire Blogilates office gets together to do PIIT without fail, EVERY single week! We just love it that much!

The program has been in development for over 1 year. I was supposed to release this in January, but I didn’t think it was perfect for you, so we slowed down. I am so glad we did. Because we gave ourselves extra time, we also set up a private PIIT28 Portal for all members of the program. So, it’s not just an E-book. It’s a community complete with exclusive follow along videos and animated GIFs!

So guess what? To celebrate, I want you to join me on March 1st to embark on the first ever PIIT28 Challenge!


piit spread no button

Get PIIT28 1.0

It’s less than half an hour of commitment 6 days a week! In fact, to kick off the PIIT28 Challenge, I will be hosting a LIVE workout on Facebook.com/Blogilates on March 1st at 10am PST with the Blogifam and a few friends! You’ll get to work out with us all in real time for the full 28 min and 40 sec! We can scream together, laugh together, and sweat together! I am really excited for this!! Mark your calendars and please tune in!

Also, beginning March 1st, I will personally be doing the 28 Day Reset. This gem right here has been in development for 2 years and I worked with dietary experts to make sure every single one of your meals are nutritiously dense and tasty.

Every time I do the reset, I notice SUCH a difference in how light and energetic I feel! Plus my skin gets clearer too! It’s perfect. I really recommend that you do PIIT28 1.0 and The 28 Day Reset together. You’ll see your body changing in ways you didn’t know were possible.


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Get The 28 Day Reset

I hope you guys join me and POPsters from all over the world on March 1st for the PIIT28 Challenge! I am soooooo super excited. This is going to be such a blast. You can find more information on what PIIT28 and The 28 Day Reset are all about on www.PIIT28.com.

Ok who’s in!??!!!


189 thoughts on “PIIT28 Changed My Body”

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  1. Emma says:


  2. Mitsuha says:

    Dear Cassey…Its time for a TMI video and tell us how you get rid of all the unwanted hair :p

  3. Lacey says:

    Hi Cassey and everyone. I’ve completed almost three rounds of PIIT28 1.0 and am still in love with it, but I’m in need of a step up. I am planning on purchasing 2.0 by the end of the weekend, but I’ve seen some people get discounts for completing 1.0. They don’t pay the full $39? I was curious as to how I get this promo/coupon code since I, too, have finished 1.0. Can anyone help?

  4. Alexandra Tamara says:

    Have starte PITT28 and love it. I’m also doing weight lifting 4 times a week, but need to burn some fat. This for me proves to be the best way, Cassey is extremely motivating. Thanks so much for that, Cassey. Just have one question: How many rounds of PITT a year would you recommend? I’m now planning to do 2 rounds with no stop. But what about after that? Thanks for the advice.

  5. Stefanie says:

    I really would like to start with PIIT28, because I gained a lot of weight during my 5 months abroad in Australia. I am just wondering what happens after the program. What if after that program, I don’t work out for 6 days a week anymore, but only for 3 or 4 days a week? I heard that the body gets used to doing a lot of workout and if you reduce it or stop it, you gain weight again. Does anybody have experience with that?

  6. cassey lover says:

    in all honesty I think this should be free to get people motivated if they have to pay to get a workout guide and food guide no one will want to do it or else have a free trial with so many pages from each book to see if you even like it

  7. Douaa says:

    When i was going to complete my order for the piit28, it declined my card, did anyone else have that issue??

  8. Jannie says:

    hey cassey! im interested to buy the piit28 but i couldnt get in the site. please help. i can go in the site when i use my ipod but i cant go in when i use my laptop x(

  9. Jenny Du says:

    Hey I just recently bought the PIIT28, isn’t there suppose to be a sight where I can download the program? Is it in the package that will be sent to me?

  10. Daina Dainute says:

    Hey everyone, could you help me to figure it out sth? Next month I’m going to buy a PIIT28. I am so excited and happy, and I can’t wait for this! But I still have one question… when I pay 39$, will it be that’s it? I meant, will I only need to pay 1 time 39$? Or is it 39$ per month for new PIIT’s? Please help I am confused…

    1. Brin says:

      It’s one time.

      1. Daina Dainute says:

        Thank you:)

    2. Stuti says:

      Actually, its a one time fee for lifetime usage of PIIT1.0. Any new PIIT programs like the PIIT 2.0 will have to be bought again. That’s something that has me bummed out a bit. :/

  11. Gucci says:

    I would love to just buy the workout calendar because I am in high school and my parents make my meals but is PIIT28 still effective if I don’t follow the meal plan??

  12. Marilyn says:

    I am vegetarian and I am having trouble deciding which program to buy. I am not sure if I should buy the vegan version or the regular. What do you guys recommend??

    1. Allie says:

      I am also a vegetarian. I would get the vegan version, since veganism is a form of vegetarianism just without the animal by products ( if you are Ovo, lacto, Ovo/lacto or Pesco-vegetarian). I was gonna buy the vegan version and maybe modify the meal plan if I need to, in the case I cannot go full on vegan. But I can see the regular plan being modified as well.

      Hopefully this helps.

  13. Lucy says:

    Just bought this and cannot wait to start! Going to Madrid, Mexico, Alicante and Dublin this year so it is definitely needed. Thank you Cassey!

  14. Fryni says:

    Hey 🙂 Is this available in Greece? Because i cant even find the sign up button haha

  15. mina says:

    i wanna sign up but it dosnt work for my country

  16. Laura says:

    I would like to know if PIIt is also available in Barcelona. Cassey, thank u for everything you are such an inspiration and I am achieving great things with u!

    Thanks a million!!

  17. Tricia says:

    Why do I keep seeing that this phase 1? Are the other phases yet to come? Are they sold separately?

  18. Yasmeen says:

    Hello, I was wondering for the 28 day rest. Is there a vegetarian version?

  19. Martine says:

    Personally, Cassey has given so much for free, that I can afford to pay a bit in return, and PIIT is worth it! I have been following the program for 2 weeks now and am very happy with the results. It is hard. I am sweaty and out of breathe at the end of every workout, but feel that I have accomplished something. I have more strength, more endurance and am happy to tackle a new challenge every day.

  20. Kiko says:

    Hi Cassey!
    I’m a broke college student who can’t afford to buy the PIIT 28 program, however I decided to follow a bunch of your parameters and do my own cleanse! I’ll be doing PIIT workouts 6 days a week with one rest/stretch day and eating without dairy, processed sugars, and processed grains! Thank you so much for being such incredible inspiration to all of us!
    – Kiko

    1. Shania says:

      Hi! I’m in the same boat. I’m a high school student who can’t just drop $40 on a workout routine. Also my parents make my meals lol so I can’t change that. I’m going to figure out time to do the same thing as you, doing piit or hiit workouts for 28 minutes 6 times a week. I hope this works just as well!

  21. Joelle says:

    Hi Cassey you are a great inspiration to me but unfortunately am soo disappointed because am a student and was soo looking forward to the PIIT 28 but can’t afford it. I really wanted to do it though.

  22. amanda says:

    Will there still be a Pilates March calendar?

    1. Nicole says:

      YEap it’s out but I haven’t receive the password yet. anyone got it already? 🙁

      1. Nicole says:

        I got it now ahaha! thanks!

  23. Angela says:

    Hi Cassey 🙂 I would also like to know if we could join PIIT28 at another time. At this moment I can’t afford the program (especially once converted to AUD), but am so excited by it. Would you ever consider offering a pared down version that for example only came with access to the portal and the bare minimum to know how to do the workouts? But thank you anyway for inspiring me all the way, and doing what you do.

    1. Deanna says:

      Just the workout is $39 USD. The meal plan is $69 USD and then both together is $89 USD but my understanding is purchasing the workouts will give you access to the portal . Hope that helped!

  24. ritika says:

    When will i get the workout calendar for march?

    1. Deanna says:

      She usually sends the calendars out the last day of the previous month so we should expect the March calendar by the end of today.

  25. Rose says:

    Do you think I could combine this programme with running every second or third day or would it be too much??

  26. Wren says:

    Casey I love reading your blog posts and your thoughts! You are so inspiring!

  27. Wren says:

    Ok so I have a question and maybe you popsters can help me out! I workout 6 days a week, I eat clean, I drink plenty of water. But I was still having some serious bloating and really painful cramping. At I first thought it was because I wasn’t drinking enough water or I wasn’t eating clean enough. I started drinking more water but to no avail, just recently I cut out dairy cause I think I might be intolerant. I’m on my third day, and I have noticed a difference in my bloating and cramping, but its still there slightly. Does it take a while for my body to reset? Or is it some other food I’m eating that is causing me to be bloated? If any of you guys could help me out or give me tips, that would be most appreciated! 🙂

    1. Deanna says:

      You said you cut out dairy but did you cut it out entirely? Not just your obvious dairy like milk, cheese, and yogurt but all dairy? You’d be surprised what it’s in. I am lactose intolerant and I am so sensitive to dairy that eating a Hershey’s milk chocolate bar actually gives me gas (sorry for the TMI!). It might also take a couple more days for your system to clean itself out entirely. If you aren’t feeling better after a complete week you might want to look in to eliminating gluten (as cliche as that might be!) as gluten sensitivity can also cause bloating and cramping.

    2. Nikki says:

      Hey Wren I know what your going through! I am trying to cut dairy out of my diet as well (I am going vegan but dairy has always done me badly). I think it just takes time for your body to adjust and get rid of the toxins and reset.Hopefully it will go away in a few weeks time good luck and God Bless:) Also if you eat a lot of grains it may bloat you especially rice.

  28. Nory says:

    I’m really disappointed at those Blogiates fans that took the time to come on here and whine and complain about the the “horrible price” of her program. Cassey has worked very hard to put this together and I think that if you are unable to afford it at this moment don’t even bother commenting on here. Save your money and buy it at another time. I have seen other programs for so much more and is not even a LIFETIME membership w/ free LIFETIME updates. She will still have her free w/os and all of her amazing things that she does that you can follow in the meantime.

    Cassey!! I think this is going to be a great program and thank you for taking your time and working very hard on this!! Keep doing what your doing!!!

  29. Giselle Becerra says:

    Is the PIIT28 only available during march, or will it be out all year? Thanks!

  30. Pharah T says:

    Can’t wait to start PIIT28! A new opportunity to learn how to love myself and discover how strong I really am! So excited!

  31. Katie Garrett says:

    The timer in your app should really have a pause button on it. For beginners who are new to this, or people like me who have been away from it longer than we’d like, it is helpful to take an extra few seconds between breaks so we don’t get frustrated or break form because we are tired. It was really awful when I hit stop and it started over so I couldn’t see the completion message or at least see my numbers turn to zeros.

  32. Alison (: says:

    HI Casey ! How do I get the workout calendar for piit ?

  33. Lindsay says:

    Are the PIIT workouts different than the HIITLATES videos on here (aside from the PIIT being a longer workout)? I’mean considering to order the PIIT program, just confused as to how the 2 differ. Love blogilates!
    Thanks 🙂

    1. Sonia Monteiro says:

      I would also like to know the difference between the two types of training! I think It is a good question! Cassey is incredible!

  34. Jessica says:

    I’m so excited that I keep looking over the meal plans and workouts. It’s like Christmas! Pre-pregnancy body and beyond, here I come!

  35. B says:

    Would you recommend this program for someone who is just pregnant?

  36. cora says:

    Hi Cassey!! Could you send me the password for the calender becuase i have forgotten it and it has been deleted for my email. thanks so much love your videos.

  37. Samantha says:

    I can’t buy it because here in Canada it’ll almost double in price for me. I wish the PIIT workouts were still being put up on youtube, but you had to pay for the mealplan. That sounds more reasonable to me but oh well, I guess.

  38. ritika says:

    Will there be a pilates march calendar as usual? Thanks!

    1. Emma says:

      Yes, there will still be a free march calendar

      1. amanda says:

        Will there be a pilates march calendar as usual?
        I still have not received the password for the free calendar for march.

  39. Patrícia says:

    Yeah! I’m in! .. and sooo excited, really, I can’t wait, although I’m a little bit afraid of it, mostly the meal plan, because it will need a real preparing and thinking about what I’m gonna eat and when, where and so on.. But I believe it will be great and make me happy as I never was before!!! xoxo

  40. Cassie says:

    So excited AND proud for you, Cassey! <3 Lots of love! Cannot wait to try your PIIT videos!

  41. Marcela says:


    Congrats for this, it looks super!! I just have a doubt, can I get PIIT28 in another occasion? I mean, will it be available any time we want? I really can’t afford it right now but I’ll love to get it later.


  42. Valentina says:

    Is this for begginers or intermediate? Thanks!

    1. Emma says:

      Both 🙂

  43. Konsuelo Ramírez says:

    I am extremely sad about this. I was totally motivated to do this workout until i found out we have to buy it. Unfortunately for me, my parents won’t let me buy things on the internet because they think some pirate is going to steal their credit card numbers, ughh. Oh well, at least i had the intention to work out :/

    1. Deanna says:

      You can still follow her free calendars. She isn’t going to stop posting them.

  44. Christine says:


    Can anyone tell me if there’s videos we watch and follow or is it only the e-file and pictures…its hard for me to remember the moves and try to look at pictures while im working out…it’ll be like the kayla itsines….how do we do X-amount of workouts in 7 mins for example if I have to pause after every move to look at the next one…THANKS!

    1. Maggie says:

      I wanted to know the same thing! Did you find your answer? Thanks 🙂

  45. Anne says:

    I’m a vegetarian and I was wondering for the meal plan if it’s better to get the normal one and substitute different protein or to get the vegan and forsake my beloved cheese.

    1. Robin says:

      I would like to know this as well. I don’t eat meat, but I do eat diary and eggs. Which food plan would work best for me?

      1. Anja says:

        From my experience with Cassey’s meal plans, it’s easier to get the meat meal plans and substitute with tofu, etc than to get the vegan meal plans and figure out what’s going on there.

    2. Rae says:

      At least for the first 28 days, the meal plan is dairy-free so everyone is forsaking cheese, haha. I have the regular plan so I don’t know what’s in the vegan plan, but on the regular plan pretty much every day has 3 servings of meat (about 3-4oz each). I think you could probably substitute that easily 🙂 Although if you don’t eat eggs, it might start to get tricky on the regular plan because there are quite a a few eggs in the recipes. Hope this helps!

  46. Katie Shin says:

    I look thicker in this new photo. But not in a bad way. Thicker as in stronger and more solid. Instead of just being skinny and fit, you look confident and like you have a body. Very sexy image. This new photo of you is like the embodiment of strength, power, confidence, and womanhood. Usually for me “sexy” is more pornographic because that’s what seems to be out there. When you want to look sexy, you wear as little as possible and look provocative. But there’s no other word I can use for this that sums it all up. You are sexy here! And not in the pornographic way. You look better than ever. I’m glad you’ve found true love for your body and something that makes your whole body and confidence smolder and pop.

    1. Katie Shin says:

      Dang it! In that first line I meant “You” look thicker, not me.

      1. Konsuelo Ramírez says:

        lol i noticed it too

  47. Bethany says:

    Sadly this is one journey i will not be taking with you’ll. I’m on a super tight budget this is WAY out of my rang. Cassey will there still be a free March calendar? Great job on this new project, it looks really cool!

    1. quenni says:

      yes I agree. Cassey I like your workouts but I am not paying that much money.

  48. Jen says:

    I also am wondering whether I can download the program on my phone. I only use my phone app to workout, which I LOVE, so having to use my computer would not work for me. Can you please answer? I’m Canadian and even willing to pay the ridiculous exchange rate because I enjoy working out with you so much! Thank you ?

    1. Katie Shin says:

      I downloaded it onto my phone so you should be able to as well. I had to click on the giant picture of her for both the workout plan and the flexibility plan because the download links didn’t show up. Hope that helps!

      1. Jen says:

        Thank you! ?

  49. Alyssa says:

    Hi Cassey,

    This workout plan looks fantastic. I’m doing a rotation in Santa Barbara from March 5 to April 1. Any chance you’ll be in LA during that time either hosting a class or working at the Blogilates studio?!? I would love love love to meet you and the rest of the Blogilates crew! Or even just get a picture in front of the studio =)

    Thanks for keeping me in shape!

    Xoxo Alyssa

    IG: @vitaminalyssa

  50. Carmen says:

    I will definitely, definitely follow this! I’ve been praying, begging for exercises that only take me 30 mins maximum!
    Will the videos be available via app as well? Or just via computer? Are those downloadable or how?
    If they’re streaming, would be great to view them via app as well.

  51. Lucia says:

    Hello everyone I was thinking of buying the workout
    If anyone wants to split the cost with me (so we both save money) let me know

    My email is lucia.pizzola@live.com xx

    1. Martina says:

      Hey, I would, if you haven’t already found somebody. I would like to buy it.

    2. Jennyfer says:

      Hi Lucia!
      Are you planning getting the whole thing (workout + meal plan)?

    3. Ashley says:

      That’s a good idea but how would that work out? I’m interested in the plan plus diet one…but damn are they expensive. I love everything about blogilates, but it’s so successful . …so why the high prices?

  52. Alia says:

    Cassey. Will there still be a Pilates March calendar? As usual please?

  53. Jules says:

    Hey Cassey!! Is there a gluten free meal plan??

  54. Runji says:

    , I wish you a great success in all your future endeavor.
    What could be better than this .
    I hope you have some vegetarian diet menu in your PIIT program .
    Best wishes !!??

  55. Ashley says:

    Hey Cassey!

    I only have satellite internet. If I buy the program is there a way to download the videos onto the computer so I can play them anytime while I am home or do I have to be able to stream internet and videos?


  56. Cassidy says:

    Hi Cassey! I absolutely love everything you do, and I have been a follower of your workout calendar for a year now! I am very excited about the new PIIT but wonder if there could be a special coupon code or discount for your POPsters who have been fans for a while 🙂
    Thanks!! <3

  57. Kelsey says:

    You are awesome! Is the portal available on the app like how the hiit timer is? I

  58. Val says:

    Hi Cassey, I have a question about the meal plans. Is there a way I could have both the regular and the vegan without having to pay $89 each? The thing is I’m thinking about going vegan but not ready enough to do it at once so it would work better for me just to have the 2, that way I’d be starting with the regular and slowly transitioning to vegan, Is that possible? Did I made any sense? Hahaha greetings from Mexico.

  59. Charlene says:

    This sounds like a great program! I was wondering if you can download the videos onto your phone/iPad so that I don’t need internet access or data to watch them? For example, I’ll be traveling to Paris next month during the program and staying in an apartment where I don’t think I’ll have wifi. I don’t want to have to purchase an international data plan to stream the videos while I’m away so having them saved onto my iPad before I travel would be ideal 🙂 Does anyone know if that is possible? Thanks!

  60. Krisitna says:

    Hey there!
    I saw that there are 11 videos that come with PITT28, but are there videos for every day and every bullet for that day?

  61. Ella says:

    Love the look of the 28 Day Reset, I’m thinking about saving up for it.

    I’m vegetarian, should I purchase the vegan option even though I’m fine with eating egg and dairy?

    Thank you for everything Cassey, I love your workouts and recipes 🙂

  62. Gabby says:

    AWH! I wanna do this so bad but its too expensive:( Will you have discounts or a giveaway?

    Good luck to everyone who’s able to do it though(:

    1. Lucia says:

      hey wanna split the cost and buy it with me? email is lucia.pizzola@live.com let me know if you’re interested xx

  63. Marie says:

    Does it exist in French ? Thank you

  64. Chase Young says:

    I am looking forward to joining this Cassey but have a question about the meal plan.

    I’m a nursing mom and in the past have had a very hard time getting enough calories/carbs on the diet plans that come with say Beachbody. I’m not sure it’s worth paying for the whole package if I’m going to feel starved on the meals…. My little one is a toddler so I am not her soul source of nutrition but I do have an extra calorie load there. Do you think this would be right for me?

    1. Bora says:

      “I’m a nursing mom”

      Nursing mothers are recommended to consume an additional 500 calories to their current caloric intake. So if you are currently on a 1200 calorie intake you would eat about 1700 calories. The most important thing is eating whole and nutritious foods to ensure your child is receiving the proper nutrients – a practice that is usually encouraged in meal plans such as Beachbody and possibly like PIIT28’s.

      “I’m going to feel starved on the meals”

      Define starved? Sometimes when we transition to new eating habits, our stomachs have difficulty adjusting. The stomach expands when you consume too much food and can become accustomed to this kind of eating habit, the ‘hunger pangs’ you feel are just your stomach adjusting to your new eating habits. Just because you’re ‘starving’ doesn’t necessarily mean you are hungry. Sometimes your stomach will confuse your brain with hunger signals when you are actually just thirsty.

  65. Andrea says:

    Should we do 20 min cardio after we do PIIT workout like with the workout calendar?


    1. blogilates says:

      Nope, you don’t need to do that! PIIT is enough!

  66. Danielle says:

    Is there going to only be one PIIT calendar (kinda like the beginner calendar that you can start anytime and do it over and over again if you wanted to) or will there be one a month? If there are one a month would we have to spend $40 each month or would the $40 get us like a year or unlimited PIIT calendars?

    I would love to do it but I’m not sure if I have the money for it yet.

  67. Lucia says:

    this feels a lot like separating your followers in two categories: the ones who can afford to buy PIIT and get a better workout, and the ones who get left behind and have to stick to the regular calendar

    so sad….I’m not saying we should get everything for free but 89$ is just excessive…..

    1. Alicia says:

      I completely agree. I feel left out since I can’t afford it. Especially since I so rely on her workouts always being free I’m kinda of disappointed by this.

      1. Lucia says:

        wanna split the cost and buy it with me? email is lucia.pizzola@live.com let me know if you’re interested xx

    2. Amanda says:

      $89 dollar is for the workout and the meal plan. I only bought the workout, that’s $39. It looks like a lot of money, but you get a lot. I’m also planning to use it at least twice a year.
      There are also some PIIT exercises for free on her YouTube channel, so it’s not like you can’t do PIIT at all. You can create your own workout calendar if you like!
      I understand that it’s a lot of money, I’m a student so I can’t work that much. But Cassey has put a lot of work in it, so it just seems fair to ask some money for it. And she still is uploading free videos every week, so it’s not like there’s no alternative.

    3. Ana says:

      Same. I was really excited about it until I saw how much it costs. I just can’t afford it and that makes me so sad. It didn’t have to be free, but…yeah.

      1. Lucia says:

        wanna split the cost and buy it with me? email is lucia.pizzola@live.com let me know if you’re interested xx

    4. Abby says:

      Don’t forget that Cassey’s a business woman and still needs to make money. She’s already going above and beyond by creating free workouts and plans for us, so I think it’s only fair that she create a plan that’s charged as well to be able to further her business.

      The regular workout calendars will always be free, though! I’m trying to save up for PIIT but in the meantime I’ll still use the free calendars and probably continue them even after the PIIT series is done.

  68. Roxy says:

    Hey cassey!
    I was so happy when i saw the PIIT WO plan and a diet plan that you’ve created!
    But then i saw the price… I was really sad because i can’t afford it … Why does it have to be so expensive?? But otherwise i really love your workouts and you really inspire me so your still the best 🙂

    1. blogilates says:

      It’s only a one time fee so you can use it over and over again! Trust me, it’s very good and you will enjoy it so much that you will want to do it many times! Love you 🙂

  69. Pawi says:

    Looks very fun to follow and a nice challenge! Unfortunately the price is not affordable. I know that any other meal + training plan would cost even more, but it does not make it more affordable. I hope I can follow with your normal videos and recipes from your book. Good luck!

    1. blogilates says:

      Yes you can still follow my PIIT videos on YouTube and follow the free w/o calendar on here. No worries, just join when you’re ready!!!

  70. Kat says:

    Hey Cassey,
    I love your workouts and have been following you for years now – you are a great trainer!
    I’d love to join the PIIT program, especially the 18 Day Reset, but I’m afraid I can’t afford it at the moment being a student and living in New Zealand (the exchange rate is crazy!). But it looks great and I’m sure you guys will have a blast while building lots of muscle!


  71. Coralie says:

    Hello Cassey ! This new program sounds AMAZING ! 😀 I won’t be able to join in March because of my time schedule (I will be 3 weeks away on a trip) and my current budget, but I’ll likely invest in it later this year, because PIIT workouts are really fun to do and this program looks really complete and sophisticated (even though I do love regular POP Pilates the most, to be honest: to me, this is the BEST workout that ever was invented). For now on, it will be the regular monthly calendars only, to prep for my POP certification this year 🙂 Love you ! xoxoxo greetings from France

    1. blogilates says:

      woooohoooo excited to have you when you’re ready!!!!

  72. Moon says:

    Cassey, you’re such an inspiration, so beautiful!! How do you or anyone get such flawless and nice legs. I’ve been following you since my final year of high school and now I am about to start second year of Uni, your pop Pilates help me lose over 10kg over the year! but the weight loss gives me heaps of stretch marks! Is this something most people experience from losing weight? But I guess it not a big deal cause now I am a tiger! A healthy and fit tiger! RAWR!! ?? hahhaha thank you Cassey.

  73. Alicia says:

    I’m a huge fan of Cassey and have been following her since 2012 but I have to admit I’m a little sad that I won’t be able to do PIIT because of the price. I’m so happy that she’ll still be doing a regular workout calendar though! I just wish I could get the benefits of both the PIIT and the meal plan without paying $90.

    1. Chiena says:

      Same here! Or a little les expensive. I was so happy to read about the PIIT and getting excited to try until I saw the price of it. I can’t really afford that so it’s such a shame that we can’t try out this PIIT program because it looks really amazing!

      1. Alicia says:

        Right? The program looks incredible and I’ve been loving the PIIT workouts so far but I just can’t spend that money when the regular calendar is free. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way though! Doesn’t mean I love Cassey any less, I just think this was a sort of bad move.

        1. Melissa says:

          Well, Cassey has to put food on her table too, right? 🙂
          I hope POPsters would understand that. She has given us so many FREE stuff! And there’s nothing wrong with the regular calender at all.

          1. Amy says:

            I’m so tempted to get it but I can’t put down $40 at the moment. I think the PIIT workouts that’s on you tube are great. I think if there’s a group of friends and they split the cost together its a great deal. but I’m the only one who does Pop so I don’t think i can afford it.

          2. Alicia says:

            Melissa, I’m not sure Cassey has trouble putting for on her table! She’s doing amazing things and I’m very happy for her success I just think that asking people to pay $90 for a workout and meal plan that are usually free is a little weird. I already feel left out that I can’t afford the fit planners or any of the active wear so this is just another thing that I won’t be able to partake in.

    2. blogilates says:

      Hey Alicia and fellow popsters!! I’m sorry that you can’t join right now, but I will be waiting for you when you are ready! Also, you can use the plans over and over again as you get lifetime membership to the PIIT28 portal! So it’s not like it’s $89 for one month, it’s $89 for life!

      1. Alicia says:

        Hey Cassey! Thanks so much for the response, I really appreciate it 🙂 That’s awesome that it’s a lifetime membership! Maybe someday I can join 🙂

  74. Evelyn says:

    I can’t wait until I’m making more money! I’m so torn right now between fitness and my other goals, I’m trying to save money to study in Tokyo in the fall, but this is so tempting =_=

    I guess it will have to wait! I’m looking forward to challenging myself!

    1. Lucia says:

      hey wanna split the cost and buy it with me? email is lucia.pizzola@live.com let me know if you’re interested xx

  75. Sylvia says:

    I wish I could take up the challenge! However, I live in Canada and the exchange rate is ridiculous right now 🙁 Looks amazing though!

  76. Lynn says:

    Cassey!!! You are fierce, inspirational, and just beautiful!!

  77. Savanah says:

    First of all you look fabulous!!! You inspire me so much just want to say thanks. I am excited about Piit 28 but cant afford at this time.. Hopefully I can start it another month. Love you Cassey!!!

  78. Joanna says:

    Hi Cassey!

    Totally love this new PIIT workout! Can’t wait to go and try it 🙂
    If I may ask a question: in the future, could you maybe make a workout video especially for the morning? I would like to workout in the morning, but I don’t have a lot of time and I’m scared to injure myself because in the morning my body is all stiff. A workout video with a warm-up included and total body moves that aren’t too crazy would be so perfect 🙂 🙂
    Thank you for your awesomeness, you inspire me!!

    Much love from the Netherlands

  79. Dao says:

    Omg I want to join working out with the live video so bad! It’s so hard when you still have school</3 lol

  80. Kassidy says:

    Hi Cassey! First of all, I’m so happy you introduced this plan! I have a few questions though. First, are the workouts suitable for beginners? Are there modifications if a move is too difficult? Also, can we view the e-book (both the workouts and meals) for life, or only for a temporary amount of time? Thank you!

    1. Bree says:

      Yeah I’ m wondering if we get to keep it too!!!

    2. Melissa says:

      On Cassey’s Facebook post, she mentioned in the comments that there will be modifications for beginners! 😀 And yes, you have the ebook for life. You gotta download it. 🙂

    3. blogilates says:

      YES! You have the ebook for life!! And there are modifications for all moves so that beginners can take part in PIIT28!

  81. Victoire says:

    Hey Cassey !
    I Love your job !
    I was wondering .. If during 28 days I do PIITS, and after these 28 days, I totally stop doing it, am I going to take weight ?
    ( Sorry for the mistakes, I’m french ? )

    1. Melissa says:

      I think it depends on the person. If you laze around and eat unhealthily after PIIT28, you’d probably gain weight. Health and fitness is a journey and lifestyle. 😀 It’s something you gotta do consistently!

  82. dayra says:

    hi cassey, i was really looking forward to join the piit ,but its too expensive, maybe not for people who are paid in dollars, but in my case, i live in mexico and 1 dollar is 18.63 pesos and my salary is 2000 pesos a month so, 89 dollars equals 1,658 pesos so yeah, i think im gonna have to pass this time 🙁 regardless of that i still love you c:

    1. Fernanda says:

      This looks really amazing!!! Although I don’t have the money for buying it right away since I find it a little bit expensive for my actual income but I’ll try to save and buy both later :D!
      I’m so happy for you Cassey and your success is just really inspirational!

  83. Mari says:

    Dear Cassey,
    I’d like to buy the PIIT 28 1.0 e-book and start on March 1st, but unfortunately I can’t see the website http://www.PIIT28.com, maybe because I’m in Italy. Please help me Cassey.

      1. Mari says:

        Unfortunately no. I’ve seen the website http://www.PIIT28.com only on my mobile phone but: if I buy PIIT 28 1.0 e-book by the mobile phone, then can I see the e-book on my computer?
        And another question: I’d like to pay by pay pal, isn’t it possible?

  84. Ayanna says:

    You look amazing Casey! I’m hoping i can get this on Friday! May only be able to get the PIIT because $89 is a tad too high for me right now on; gotta pay bills (:
    Hope there’s a regular calendar too! See you in March!

    1. Parker says:

      Yea i can’t afford it either but pop pilates/blogilates are the only workouts that i can actually force myself to do regularly without getting super grouchy about it. I’m sure she’s still going to be making regular calendars, after all piit28 looks like a buy it once and done thing whereas through blogilates app, you get return customers monthly

  85. stephanie says:

    OH I want to do the challenge!!! but maybe will just purchase the program’s workout… it is too much for a broken student like me to purchase both TT__TT

    1. Lucia says:

      hey wanna split the cost and buy it with me? email is lucia.pizzola@live.com let me know if you’re interested xx

  86. Amy says:

    Debating whether to join but I honestly think it would be perfect timing for me. I have a big event the first weekend in April so a “reset” would be awesome. I love how you also mentioned eliminating certain food groups temporarily then introducing them back in to find food intolerances. I feel like I would really benefit from that. I’ve never done a PIIT (which is shameful since I’m a POP Instructor in Training lol! FYI Filming my video eval in mid March!!) so this should be interesting haha. More than likely I will join. I love the forum aspect! Seems super motivating and such a strong solid community of people who just want to become better versions of themselves and want to help others achieve their goals! Sign me up pretty lady! (or should I say, Boss Lady 😉 Soon!! haha)

    1. blogilates says:

      OOHHH can’t wait til you get certified!!!

  87. Mari says:

    Dear Cassey,
    you’re such a wonderful person, thank you for everything you do for us.
    I’m from Italy, I’d like to buy the PIIT28 1.0 e-book but unfortunately I can’t see the website http://www.PIIT28.com, maybe because I’m in Italy? I’m sad because I really really want to become a PIIT princess, and I’d like to start with you on March 1st. Please help me.

  88. Nadia says:

    Cassey, there will still be a March calendar available right??
    I can’t afford the PIIT28 right at this time. ( And no I don’t think it is expensive)

    1. Alice says:

      Same! I really hope there will still be a March calendar! I NEED it!!!

      1. Nadia says:

        Me too!!! like desperately! haha

    2. Synne says:

      Yes, there will be a March calendar:) (Cassey told on Instagram) I can’t afford it either.

  89. Maureen says:

    Just a quick question! Will the 28 PIIT calendar be free? I checked out the website and everything is so expensive for a postgrad struggling like me 🙁

    1. Selena says:

      It;’s about 40 bucks.

      1. Maureen says:

        I know. $40 is still out of my budget 🙁

    2. Lucia says:

      hey wanna split the cost and buy it with me? email is lucia.pizzola@live.com let me know if you’re interested xx

  90. Ashley says:

    DEFINITELY doing this! I was also thinking of getting POP Pilates certified, but will POP Pilates instructors be expected to teach PIIT as well? I’d of course be really excited if that were the case, so I just wanted to know! I unfortunately can’t dance to save my life so I really hope we don’t have to teach those cardio dance routines lol.

    1. blogilates says:

      Haha no, PIIT is different!

  91. Cassie says:

    I’m super excited for you and this program! I love that Blogilates and Pilates have been taking to this whole new level! <3 That picture, by the way, is absolutely ART!

  92. taylor says:

    i love you cassey and all the work you have done but unfortunately pitt28 its just out of my price range 🙁 hopefully you have a giveaway or something 😀

  93. Jasmin says:

    Hi Cassey,
    this workout sounds amazing! I would love to join, is there a possibility that paypal will be included as a payment method like in the popflex store?

  94. Jolien says:

    So amazing news!!
    I have been enjoying PIIT so much so I hope you will still post some new PIIT videos on youtube as well. Because I love it and it is the perfect way for me to get some cardio done. I really I’m super excited and motivated to work out again thanks to you!
    Thank you Cassey !!
    You are amazing!!!<3

  95. Emma says:

    Hi Cassey! I’m super happy and excited for you, I know this new piit program will be amazing! Unfortunately it’s a little bit too expensive for me, I really hope you’ll upload some piit workouts on your Youtube channel as well! 🙂
    I wish you the best of luck, kisses from Italy!

    1. Katherine says:

      I second this! I’ve really enjoyed the PIIT videos built into the regular calendar but the full program is a little pricey while I’m paying for grad school.

    2. Callie says:

      I understand how you feel. It’s way too expensive for me too. I would love to have it, but I can’t. Hopefully someday I’ll be able to get it, but now just isn’t the right time for me. Thanks Cassey! Love your videos and I hope you keep posting PIIT on there as well.

  96. Erin Konkel says:

    Could a beginner do this program??

    1. erika says:

      Above she said there are modifications for moves so that beginners can do them too :3

      blogilates says:
      February 25, 2016 at 2:32 PM
      YES! You have the ebook for life!! And there are modifications for all moves so that beginners can take part in PIIT28!

  97. Julia says:

    Will there be a regular pilates calender for March as well? For those of us who can’t afford to pay $89 dollars out of pocket? I love your workouts, both PIIT and pop pilates and would like to continue on your calendars, but if there isn’t a regular calender for March I don’t know what I’ll do!

    1. Synne says:

      Yes, on Instagram she said there will be a March calendar 🙂

  98. Celeste says:

    I’m very excited and this sounds like the perfect plan, but arent the PIIT workouts already on YouTube? Or are these new workouts, that are better for the price of the package?

    1. blogilates says:

      These are completely new workouts!

      1. Andrea says:

        Can beginners do them? Thanks =]

  99. Christina says:


    Will there still be a regular pilates calendar for March?!? I follow you b/c I love your PILATES work outs…not HIIT or PIIT 🙁 I can handle the one day a week on the February calendar, but I’m a runner clocking about 30 miles a week and I don’t want extra cardio, i want pilates!!! I will be crushed if there is not a regular calendar next month. Please don’g forget why many of us love you and started following you in the first place. If i wanted to do HIIT I would have stuck with Insanity.

    1. Celeste says:

      You can just redo a old workout calendar!

      1. Christina says:

        yes i thought of that! but she did just say on instagram there WILL be a regular March Calendar. PHEW!!!

    2. Liz says:

      Yes, this is my main question too. I’m actually very interested in the PIIT28 challenge and I may do it, but I’m curious about whether the regular calendar will also be an option. Can you please ease our minds on this point?

    3. Natasa says:

      I agree. Don’t get me wrong, PIIT is great and adds some variety, but Cassey made me fall in love with pilates and I feel like that’s where she truly shines. I really miss classic pop pilates format like Lower Abs&Booty Blast or Whoa Whoa workout and so on. I hope there will be more workouts like that, not just PIIT.

    4. blogilates says:

      Yes the Blogilates calendars will still be here 🙂

  100. Jenny says:

    Hi Cassey!

    I am allergic to fresh fruits and vegetables (thoroughly cooked is ok!) I am absolutely struggling to eat healthy especially when I get a sweet craving and I can’t just grab an apple or on a lazy day when i feel like something light, I can’t grab a salad (miss those things so so so much 🙁 ) anyway – will 28 day reset still help me? Or will this be fruit drinks and salads 🙁

  101. manal salim says:

    Hi cassey.l do work out with you at least 3days in the weak.Ifeel happy more healthy and have agood body..Thank you so mutch????.You are bretty???…

  102. Amira says:

    Oh, I really want this now!! I will see if I have enough money after school fees and everything. Love you Cassey!! <3

  103. Melissa says:

    Omg! I’m so excited for this!!
    I think I might be joining it. <3
    The only concern I have is that, can we pair this with our monthly workouts or would that be too hardcore on our bodies? Would love some advice!

    1. Thea says:

      I’m thinking about maybe joining too 😀
      And no it won’t be too hardcore on your body, if you fear it might be just ease into it slowly and only add one or two of the monthly videos per day rather than the all calendar workouts at once, and then build it up. Just listen to your body and watch out for symptoms of overtraining (e.g. persistent muscle soreness or fatigue even after an appropriate rest period)

      1. Melissa says:

        Hey, thanks for the reply! I think I’ll take up on your advice. Thanks! :’D <3

    2. blogilates says:

      Just do one calendar – one or the other is enough!

      1. Melissa says:

        Thanks for the reply, Cassey. Love you! 😀