1 month after the Bikini Competition – how am I doing?

1 month after the Bikini Competition – how am I doing?

I just got my CD of pics from the Bikini Comp I did in May! I can’t believe it’s been a month! WOW! That was fast…it seemed like a completely different time in my life. Let’s go through some pictures and commentary before I talk about how I’ve been holding up emotionally, mentally, and physically and whether or not I “rebounded”.

Ok now pretend you are watching me on stage.

My heart’s racing as I wait for my number to be called. I see the girl in front of me take her first steps out into the bright lights…she begins to hit her poses and I almost can’t breathe as she pivot turns, pivot turns to finish her routine. I’m not ready, I’m not ready! No, go slower!

“Number -“

No, no, no, not yet!!!!


Deep breath. 


I flash my BIGGEST smile, put my left hand on my waist, and sway the life out of my hips and walk like the biggest diva model there ever was.

Shoulders back, chest up, long neck, suck that belly button in Cassey, long legs, sway sway SWAY. MUST ACCENTUATE MY HOUR GLASS FIGURE!!!

Now I’m almost at the front of the stage, get ready to hit that first pose.


SHA BAMMMM!!!!!! First pose! My heart is still racing and I can’t move my mouth. That smile is pasted. My cheeks are quivering from the intense cheesin. All I can think is how Kip told me to tense up all my muscles – gotta make everything, all that hard work POP!

Next part of my routine…back shot. VERY IMPORTANT. I need to show off my glutes! Pivot turn, hit hips to the left hard then to the right even harder – don’t mess up, don’t mess up!!! And do it with style!!!

KA POW! Now I’m having fun! I’m here to rock the stage because for these 10 seconds, I own it. Judges, look at me! Look at how hard I’ve worked! Look at this bikini I made. Look at these freakin’ eye lashes that are so heavy I’m burning serious calories just trying to keep my eyes open. Do you see me judges!??

Okay, it’s time for my last pose. I gotta make this count! Strike it and HAVE FUN! SMILE BIGGER! Cock that hip!

Hold for 3 seconds…don’t rush, don’t rush! Squeeze those legs! If not for the judges, do it for that expensive CD of pics you just paid for so that you could share these pics on your blog…

Okay, now turn and leave like you just owned it. It’s over.

After my 10 sec modeling routine (which sadly, I do not have a video of) I walked back to my spot on stage for Bikini Class C (it goes by height). The judges then called out some of the contestants for “comparisons”. Here we stand in line like human specimens and get rated side by side against each other.

We all struck our very best here for our front pose. It seemed like everyone favored the one leg out, hip cocked thing – but personally, I liked my S curve! So I stuck with it.

Then the judges told us to turn around for a back check! Well, more like a booty check! OMG! SCANDALOUS!!! Am I really posting this!!?? Hahaha, oh well, it’s part of the sport.

These are the girls that ended up placing Top 5 in my Bikini Class C. The girl in yellow was the winner of my class. Like I said before, my intention for the competition was not to win, but to use it as a tool to push myself to the next level with my fitness. In that respect, I totally owned it and won it!

Now that I have these pictures, it makes it easier to analyze what the judges were looking for and what type of body makes the so-called “perfect bikini body” as determined subjectively by a panel of a dozen men and women. The feedback I got was that I need more upper body. Looking at my comparisons photo, I can see what they mean.

But you know what? Despite the results, I am very happy in regards to how everything turned out. The whole bikini competition experience was rewarding and fulfilling. I now understand how hard I can push myself and how important diet is to building a certain physique! I know what it means to be a competitor. And it’s pretty cool 🙂

Will I ever do it again? I don’t know. I really liked the pageantry of it all – getting dolled up and modeling around! But it was a lot of time and money spent. And the worst part was probably the fake tan!!! Ugh I hated being spotty orange the week after. It was so weird!

As I was dieting down for the competition, I got a few comments that said I should beware of serious weight gain after the competition and that I would rebound. Even Kip told me that I would not be able to maintain that weight and body fat percentage. So what has happened as of now?

Well if you look at my Bikini 1, Bikini2, and Bikini 3 videos – it looks as though I have been able to maintain pretty well. I’ve gained a couple pounds back and my abs are definitely not as lean but I’m also not working out 2x a day and eating high protein and veggies only. In fact, I’ve been eating fruit (lots of it OMG!), nuts, Ezekiel bread, peanut butter, pita chips, all types of grains and my love…Sriracha 🙂 I am working out about 1 hr a day – lifting and running and doing HIITs.

I hope to maintain  a little higher than where I was, but honestly, who knows what’ll happen! I’m eating clean and living life again. That’s the best I can do right!? I don’t live in the gym and I can do normal people things like eat out with friends! Life is about enjoying what you do, loving the people around you, and finding happiness. That’s the ultimate goal right? So if I have to work SO abnormally hard to maintain a certain physique and sacrifice the precious joys of life, then maybe that is not where my body was meant to be. Sure it’s cool to discipline yourself and “get in shape” for bikini season or a bikini competition, but we all need to realize that there is an “in season weight” and an “off season weight”.

In season or competition weight takes work to get to and usually cannot and probably should not be held throughout the year. Usually body fat % is very low and mood is not so friendly! You can miss your period and for the most part, people will not want to be around you. One can get very irritated when she cannot have the food she truly craves!

What I am working on right now is finding my balance. Where is my body meant to be? If you look at some of my older videos and compare them to how I look now, I definitely look different. I have a lot more muscle now and less fat. My diet was also not 100% clean back then and I didn’t workout as much as I do now. There are a lot of factors that have changed so it’ll be interesting to see what my natural maintenance weight is.

So, tell me what you think! Do you think you’ve found your natural, balanced, and healthy weight yet? Or are you still on a journey towards it? And…did this post inspire you to try a bikini comp!?!!?? Or are you scared now 😛

Have a fab rest of your weekend! And don’t forget to enter the Blogilates Activewear Giveaway! There are 3 BIG PRIZES! All you have to do is #1 sign up for my newsletter (top right hand corner of this blog ) and #2 leave a comment on my giveaway post. Here’s the link.

<3 Cassey

105 thoughts on “1 month after the Bikini Competition – how am I doing?”

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  1. Apolline says:

    I just have to say this : I really don’t like the way those girls look. The fake orange tan makes them all look fake and made of plastic. And I like when women and men have muscle, but this is overkill, and I think I’ll never be able to see bodybuilding as beautiful.
    And to be honest Cassey, you were the only one who looked human on that stage !
    I’m so sorry for what you had to go through afterwards that competition, ans props to you for having overcome your issues and look so good now.
    Lots of love <3

  2. Jessica says:

    I really would feel uncomfortable to stand in front of a bunch of strangers and have them tell me what they like/don’t like about my body!! You’re very brave!! And now I honestly think you look a lot healthier than when you were training for the competition.

  3. Milany says:

    you have a really nice booty,

  4. Viry says:

    im looking at this almost a year later,
    i cant believe you didn’t win. the perfect bikini body should be sexy not manly muscular. but i guess.
    anyway…. ive been following your videos for 3 weeks before the month started, and i’m seeing very little progress, but progress indeed i lost an inch off my wight and i’m planning to loose 4 more off my muffin tops by my birthday in december hopefully i have a nice toned body by then, thank you for putting in this much effort to help others. God Bless you and your whole team doing this <3

  5. I love the way you wrote this, it makes me feel like I am watching you. Well done on your competition anyway!

  6. Olga says:

    These pictures are so inspiring.

  7. amalia says:

    Hi Cassie!!
    I know that you’re really busy and you might not be able to read my comment but if you can I want to thank you so much for getting me into Pilates! I LOVE IT and even though I’m dying halfway through the video, I feel so great (and sore) afterwards! haha 😛 You’re such an amazing, motivational and inspiring person and you actually made exercise something to look forward to because even though I don’t know you personally, it feels as if we’ve actually met before and it feels as if I’m exercising with you, not just struggling along with a video so thank you so much and wish you best of luck for your journey because you deserve the best hehe
    I’m trying to find my balance too! I used to be really unbalanced; unhealthy diet (full of junk) + no exercise, strict diet + tight exercise schedules and now a little bit of my cravings or what I want to eat + intense exercise at least 1 hour everyday! I think I’ve finally been able to find my balance and I really hope that you can do!

  8. Whitney says:

    Awesome job I’m competing for the first time ever!! I saw your workout plan for this… I was just wondering if you ever incorporated fasted cardio… Iv done the research and the degree in kinesiogy I kinda don’t believe in fasted cardio for Physiological
    Reasons but I def enjoy HIIT just wanted to see what your cardio was like!! Thanks

  9. manny says:

    How did you not place in the top 5 – judges must have cataracts
    You look very nice!

  10. Angeli Yuson says:

    Awesome post and you looked AMAZING!! Loved your body and great work! x

  11. Your body was the most feminine, in my opinion. You looked fabulous on stage and I was so impressed with the muscles going on in your legs! You’re so inspirational!!!

    1. Yulia says:

      i totally agree with u!!! had the same thoughts while looking at the pics!

    2. Tigress Cass says:

      That’s exactly what I thought. Cassey has the perfect amount of muscle.

  12. jess says:

    i really think your bod was the best out of all of them!! but its all a matter of the judges want!! you won in my book! great job!! and i LOVE the bikini you and your mom made!! SO PROUD 😀

  13. Madalina says:

    You were gorgeous! I love you!

  14. Ivori Rose says:

    This is a great post Cassey ; I love your enthusiasm for Life and your realism with your experience with the competition.

  15. Ellie says:

    Cassey, pleeeease don’t bow to the pressure of the judges and their comment on your upper body – in this line up you have by far the most elegant and streamlined bikini bod. Everything is in proportion – and look at your amazingly long, feminine torso next to some of those more compact bods. Fake boobs look stoopid. Don’t even go there.

  16. ladysadie says:

    Please don’t go too far down this route!
    You look fantastic the way you are,
    I really enjoy following you now,
    and aspire to be where your at, though il never live that clean.
    but this sort of stuff would make me drift away from the blog

  17. Tami says:

    You look amazing and are such an inspiration to me. Whenever I want to slack off on my workouts and eat unclean, I go to Blogilates to get motivated and keep myself on track. I see such an improvement in your physique but you’re personality is still the same-cheerful and real. I wish more people in the public eye were like you.

  18. jenne says:

    Hi Casey,
    I have been following you for several months. Am a mom of three and can’t seem to loose my flabby abs. But am exercising regularly now and hope to finally regain strength and shape.
    Keep up the good work and will be following your exercise routines.

  19. Amber says:

    HIGH-FIVE girly! You look great. Your butt looks so-o cute in that behind pic…so jealous!!! Off to do some of your booty exercises….

  20. Tom says:

    Had masculine*

  21. Tom says:

    You were DEFINITELY the best body of them all. I mean the other contestants, except from tje overtaned red bikini girl standing next to you, had not masculine bodies (not sexy at all, coming from a guy’s point of view). Your body is drop dead gorgeous, I mean it.

    You should be so proud of what you’ve accomplished to have such a healthy and sexy body. lol
    Keep having fun. 😉


  22. Santhana lakshmi says:

    Hii Cassey!!!!
    I dont no whether you got time to read my comment.. Can u read my name.. 🙂 Am from South part of India..U r the first Women to inspire me and making me to do workout.. Thanks for that.. I used to think about you in my day often..
    I agree to above comments..
    U r such a wonderfull person..even we are not getting in touch with u personally we all feel dat u are a good friend..
    Love u 🙂

    1. blogilates says:

      haha i am reading ur comment. love u too!

  23. Shana says:

    Hey Cassey, I am a new follower, and so hooked already! I love your videos and your personality. Thanks for sharing! I’ve just gotta say – I totally identified with this post – my competition was in theater – and I totally thought I rocked my auditions – and then didn’t even get a part as an extra in the show. And I’ve gotta say, your attitude after not winning was so much better than mine! 🙂 Thanks for being an inspiration. And I agree with so many other comments – you looked fabulous. I would have picked you, for sure. More upper body would have just been gross, imo.

  24. Austin says:

    Personally, I think all the women in the competition look gross. I can see their ribs and they have the same body types as most men I know except for the breasts. I am not sucking up, but you had the best body. It was the most feminine and “real” to me (except your obvious fake tan). But all in all its nice to see how you did and to know you are back to normal.

  25. SgrMomma1974 says:

    Cassey not only are your pics from the competition beautiful, but you are hilarious too…
    Your dedication, hard work and perseverance shows through…Thank you for being an inspiration to us all…

  26. Iroar says:

    Just don’t ever get fake tits.

  27. Hailey says:

    Uhm, I think you look better than all them women standing on that stage honey!

    I just about fainted, you look tremendously fabulous 😀

    And PLEASE you don’t need no extra nothing, you are fine! Take that how you want it momma!


  28. Lisa says:

    I think you look absolutely incredible in your competition pictures! Honestly, that is such a huge accomplishment and you should be so proud of yourself for what you completed! I am so happy to hear you are working on finding your balance, because that is what I am doing right now, I’ve been under-eating and over-exercising and life can’t continue this way, so I’ve vowed to change. Can’t wait to hear more about your journey

  29. MizzFIT says:

    Sorry Cassey,

    But I’m not a fan of these competitions and I’m actually surprised that you did it. I think they devalue what you represent (or what I thought you represented) and I was completely shocked to read this post…even though I do think you look wonderful in the pictures and rocked the poses.

    Perhaps my values are just elsewhere.


  30. Suchitra Malvankar says:

    I was so waiting to read about your competition. So happy to see the pictures and read your blog too. You looked great on that day. I think you deserved to be in the Top 5. I follow all you video’s, tweets and also facebook. I love the way you help push me a little extra in my workouts. I have sent you a friend request on you facebook Id Cassey Ho, Please accept it. Thank you.

  31. Chanee J says:

    and i agree that you did look great there! i have seen some body builders and theyre sooo huge!!! you had that muscle going on but not to the point where you looked like increasing muslce mass is your only purpose in life. you have a good balance going on there

  32. Chanee J says:

    oh my gosh yes!! “So if I have to work SO abnormally hard to maintain a certain physique and sacrifice the precious joys of life, then maybe that is not where my body was meant to be” i agree with that! I can’t recall the movie but I read an actor needed to work out 8 hours a day to get the body the movie wanted. I feel if that’s the case maybe we weren’t meant to look that way. If you can’t enjoy some semblance of a social life or something maybe it is not meant to be. we should try to be healthy and stay active yes but not to the point where we aren’t living, in my opinion

  33. Scarlet says:

    Okay wow! This is so cool! But I must say, that the girl on your right (in the red bikini) had a really bad tan! She was way too dark compared to her face. It kind of creeps me out. But you look fabulouss! All that hard work put up on stage 🙂

  34. Egyptbella2011 says:

    I forgot to say that you DID look amazing and better than alot of the other contestants…and no offense to the winner, but come on, her “upper body” looked ridiculous imo and if that’s what “wins” the competition, who needs it 😛 You are natural and look awesome, and with your personality THAT makes you a winner!!!

  35. Egyptbella2011 says:

    I would never enter a competition, but I feel okay with my weight now. What I struggle with is cellulite, specifically on the back on my legs 😛 I’m eating clean 90% of the time and do workouts 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day, 6 days a week, with HIITs, weights, and other cardio (usually kickboxing). I have to have a life too, so idk what to do about this freaking cellulite lol…it’s getting frustrating, but it seems to be better if I do hamstrings exercises every day. Thanks for sharing your experience-it was really interesting!

  36. Voula says:

    I don’t think that I’m inspired to enter such a competition, mostly because it’s not that popular here in Greece and secondly because I wouldn’t like it. I like working hard for my show jumping cometitions and I live the journey and the preparation and the discipline. But a bikini competition is not my style. However, all this effort of yours reminded me that anyone can achieve anything as long as they put their mind on it. Thank you for that!

  37. celina says:

    You looked so gorgeous and dont get me wrong you still DO! Omg you look like you had a lot of fun. I think yo ufit in really well and looked so great next to the other contestants. Your body shape is perfect! great pictures and thank you for everything that you’re doing for everyone with your blogs and videos truly appreciate it. 😀

  38. Susana Rucker says:

    So, you’re pictures are fabulous! You looked amazing (and still do, of course) and you rocked it!!! I have to agree with what the others are saying: you definitely stole the show and had the best, naturally-worked-for-and-super-hot-amazing-body that they didn’t! No really, fake boobs to win a competition? Please. Lol.

    Anywho, as for me, I have been working out hard every day, and am liking the results. I have always been slender, but it’s nice to see muscle tone and definition! So I definitely want to continue practicing my active lifestyle, and become even stronger and more toned!

    Thanks Cassie, you rock.

  39. Nicole C. says:

    Personally Cassey, I think you had the best body out of those girls! Your body was more feminine which is what I would want out of a bikini competition. Fit but feminine! That is a reason I wouldn’t do one. That and if you need to be tan, I’m a red head so tanning (even spray tanning) is not my cup of tea! I am not where I want to be with my journey yet. I eventually want to be able to look and feel overall healthy. I am definitely further now than I was back in January. And I want to give that thanks to you! Randomly found you on youtube one day and began your videos and now I can’t stop!!! Keep doing what you do best Cassey!

  40. Arial says:

    Actually, I don’t think they were just referring to the breast size. Upper body refers to chest, back, shoulders and arms, and in the photo of Cassey turning back, although she does look great, the other competitors seem to have much more defined back and arm muscles. Having a fake pair is not everyone’s preference, but some people find confidence in them so let them be. Some people like the orange look. I don’t think it looks good either, but in stage competitions, having extremely pale skin makes you look like a ghost. Not sure if that’s what you want if you’re trying to show off your muscle tone.

    As a P.A. and a long-time registered dietician, I have to agree with one of the posts above. I followed Cassey and her videos for a long time, but honestly I feel like the direction of this whole blog has changed. What triggered me to stop taking everything she posted so seriously was when she was blogging about how to resist “food temptation” at parties, and when she constantly posts about eating clean for dramatic weight loss . After years in training and meeting multiple patients with eating disorders, I can easily see how this blog, especially with the targeted demographic, can be a base for eating disorders. From not realizing that Miley Cyrus has been known to make comments about starving in order to look good for certain events, to catering to the thinspo movement with “thigh-gap” work outs, this blog has just become a huge trigger. Realistically, people can lose weight, look great, and cut down fat without the help of zero calorie noodles, and without skipping out on the great food at a birthday party. A well-balanced diet has much more to do with portion sizing, than just trying to get low numbers on everything that is written on a food label.

    Also, as everyone has commented, Cassey’s body looks great now, but it does not seem like her diet has changed much from her last “bikini perfect” body. What did change is even more cardio-intensive sessions, and having the help of a personal trainer. Two cardiovascular sessions a day? It’s good to get your heart running, but now this blog seems to focus more on losing weight and staying skinny, rather than actually being healthy. Cassey is a personal trainer, not someone training for the Olympics. I have worked with many professional athletes, and many of them do not eat like this all year. People who read this blog regularly need to realize that nutrition deficits are not worth that extra five pounds being off, and what looks good now will most likely give you a myriad of health problems in the future. I love how this post is about being happy and enjoying life, but unless you are a seasoned athlete (in which I am sure you would already have your own diet plan that works for you), followers should not take everything written here as a bible for health; it is far from that. Don’t believe people do this? Look through websites such as Tumblr, and see how many young girls use Cassey’s work-out print outs as “thinspo.”

  41. Joana says:

    Cassie you rocked it!!!!! The hardest part of bikini competition is actually standing in front of everyone and flaunting what you got—and showing off your hard work. I really admire anyone who does especially the first time. I have been following competitions for some time now. They are definitely dominated by silicone tops but what makes you different if your stage appearance being flirty is definitely a plus in the bikini competition. As for your body….you look great however I would defintely work on your upper back (rear delts). Please don’t kill me either but your butt need a little more lifting (glute and ham tie issue) which can be helped out too by chosing a different suit. Cassie you are true inspiration coodooos to you.

  42. Matti says:

    Cassey, you are so inspirational. I love what you said about finding a balance because life is not only about having a rocking bod (although it’s nice 🙂 ), but that you can enjoy time out of the gym and eating out once in a while. I appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
    Anyway, you look fabulous and thanks for all that you do for us POPsters!

  43. melanie says:

    oh shoot! HEre I should posted my comment hahahaha! Anyways, you are the bestiest body, Cassey. I love the BOOTY CHECK, I was really laughing reading that. I want to say THANK YOU, my body is getting sexy doing your videos.

  44. Haley says:

    I look at these pics and I can honestly say you had the most beautiful body up there! I look at your pics for motivation all the time and that gets me going when I have no get up and go! Thanks Cassie for sharing your life with us, your workouts and well just everything! <3

  45. Kim says:

    A bikini competition has been in the back of my mind for awhile now, I have a LOT more work to do before I’d consider it, but perhaps one day, when I can afford an in person trainer! Right now I honestly have no clue how much I weigh(as part of my recovery from an ED I find it beneficial to not have a scale around), but I’ve been making my focus gaining strength and muscle, so I’ve been doing lots of lifting and HIIT and Plyo workouts, and am starting to see some awesome results!

    You look so amazing in these photos, and I’m so inspired by you! Props on setting a difficult goal and accomplishing it, keep up the amazing work 🙂

  46. Sara says:

    You always inspire me and make me happy, actually you are the reason why I try to be happy all the time and forget all about the bad stuff! Right now I am deff. in my weight on season because of finals!! I hate it. But I am sure I will get back to my clean eating and pop pilates starting July .. Luv u loads cass <3

  47. Carcar says:

    Your body definitely looked the most naturally beautiful. I don’t think their idea of a perfect bikini is beautiful even if it may be the most perfect.

    As for your doing it again next year, I think it is cool that you tried, but there has to be a contest that (from what little I know about you) seems more like you. It is extreme for you and your body. There has to be something that is more Cassey-ish — fun, fashionable, funny, and strong.

    1. Carcar says:

      BTW, could you make that body as a vegan?! I would be UBER interested in seeing you take that challenge as vegan.

  48. Robyn says:

    Congrats on your results for bikini comp! I just discovered your blog and will be prepping for my 1st bikini comp July 1st. How long did you prep for this competition? Do you have a before/after photo posted to document your results? You looked great! Any extra advise is appreciated!!

  49. Linda says:


    I thought you were the most natural looking person there. Anyways, you gave it your best and enjoyed it too.

  50. Drea says:

    Cassey! You’ve ispired me to do this kind of diet and workout! I weigh 155 lbs and hope to be 135 by next month! You’re so good at putting diets together to lose weight fast!

  51. CourtStar says:

    An amazing post! You looked FABULOUS! You have inspired me to maybe try next year as its always been in the back of my mind!

  52. Mick says:

    I find it kind of sad that the blonde who won had the biggest fake rack and the worst man-like midsection.

  53. katerina says:

    Great post. I couldn’t agree more. “Pan metron ariston” is ancient Greek for “moderation is best” and I think this applies here as well. We need to enjoy it, not do it as a chore and miss out on everything else!

  54. Wow, I think you looked amazing and, personal preference but, I think you had one of the nicest bodies Cassey! It was really motivating to watch you go through the competition and I want to push harder too! You were able to change so much only within a short period of time and it shows that anyone can do it too ^^ Of course, we aren’t doing it the same way as you had to for the competition 😛

  55. Mana Nelson says:

    Yay! More pictures! In the first line-up, you were the first person my eyes went to, actually! Your stance really drew my eye straight to you! Aside from that, I’m so glad to hear you’re doing so well afterwards! It is really hard to be that strict in both diet and exercise for a time and then getting back to ‘normal’, so to speak, or going back to a healthy balance. Hearing that you’re back to your healthy balance makes me very happy! I remember reading about the struggles with that.

    I’m definitely not at my ideal weight/shape/balance, but I’ve learned not to be too harsh on myself for it. I call that major progress! I still don’t remember how I stumbled upon your Youtube Channel and thus this website, but it’s really been the only community that has helped me. There’s still a long way to go for me, so it’s definitely still a journey, but one that doesn’t have to be a struggle. 🙂 Not with communities like this and people like you!

    And … I’m highly intrigued by the bikini competition, but I am kinda afraid of them, now! If only for the tanning. Oh goodness, that ordeal of the pealing afterwards and tanning sounds worse than the pressure on stage!

    1. blogilates says:

      ya the tanning was harder than the workout! i swear!

  56. Mary says:

    OMG you looked and still look amazing!! I noticed in your BACK SIDE picks you have a slight indent in the lower part of your glutes. I have the same thing on my butt and have always gone crazy thinking it was a dimple or I was doing something wrong. Do you know what it is from ? Is it just a variation in the muscle? Or is it from being thin?

  57. Mary says:

    I’m still working towards my balanced weight. My diet is not what it should be yet so that is a huge factor. (I’m not buying the groceries.) If I up the amount of time I exercise I could probably get there even with a lacking diet but if I’m being honest with myself I’m not going to do more than 30 – 45 mins of pilates everyday.

    As for bikini comps. Nooo thank you. Not for me. As a woman my body gets judged/commented on enough so I’m not going to pay anyone to judge me on it. Going to the beach in a bikini is as close as I care to be to anything like that.

  58. Tiffany says:

    Hi Cassey! In my opinion, I think your body looked the best. It looked more natural and more appealing to beauty then hard core muscle. Which I am a fan of. But anyways, I wanted to ask you a few questions and I really hope I get a reply. I am slacking on my diet and workouts, I dont really have the money to buy all those special foods that I would like to. So for a poor person like me, what are the best things that I could eat for my diet. I weigh 125 and I look small, but I have that layer of fat hiding all my muscle, so I want that to disapere. I have been doing your video workouts, but my body has a limit to them sadly. I could really use your help, I want this fat gone by July…or early August. Please help me.

    You are one of the most strongest and determined women I have ever seen. You are funny, beautiful, and you know how to work yourself but still have a limit. You actually still enjoy life and when you make your videos, you make sure the person that is doing it is entertained and happy. I really enjoy your videos. Wish you could actually be my trainer.
    Love; Tiffany

  59. Jessica Perez says:

    Hi cassey!! Well, I am still on a journey to my healthy and balanced weight… It’s going to be long and not easy but definitely worth it. I started about two months from now last year, and I remember the first of your videos I did was the serious standing Pilates, hahaha I could barely stay standing up 😀 now I’m much stronger and you’ve helped me loose 40 lbs. thanks so much!!

  60. strainer says:

    I was doing a few of your older vids last week and thought “Wow!Cassey’s really muscled up”.My question is…did they play any music?And if so, what was the mix? Because if they didn’t, OMG!

  61. Ginger says:

    You looked/look great Cassey! You inspire me so much. In fact, your posts from it make me want to try a bikini competition myself. I feel like after that you can work a bikini with confidence anywhere. And I’ve always had a firm belief that anytime you work for something like that you learn from it and gain character.

    I definitely am having a hard time finding a balanced weight for myself. In high school I played multiple sports and for different sports I had a different weight range that I would stay in for that season. But at the end of my senior year I injured myself and as a result gained almost 20 pounds. Finishing up my first year of college I’ve now basically worked back down to my lightest seasonal weight, but the amount of exercise and dieting i’m doing will be difficult (actually near impossible) once I go back to student life.

    At the moment, I’m just happy to see my abs again, thanks for helping me find them. You’re gorgeous, & an inspiration to so many people!

  62. Alejandra says:

    Go ahead and rock out with your bad self!! You continue to look great and definitely pick me up when I’m not motivated to hit the gym.

    I don’t think I would ever participate in a bikini contest mainly because I don’t think my body type allows for it. I’ve been working towards my bikini body and am pretty comfortable for right now. I think I’ve reached my natural weight but my body proportions keep shifting. I gain inches of muscle in one area and lose fat in another. It’s a little bit frustrating because I thought my body would remain consistent. But I just go with it!

  63. Ann says:

    I’m only about 5 pounds over what I think is a healthy weight for me… the only problem is it all seems to go to my stomach! I went about a year without doing much exercising and eating lots of junk food so when I finally realized I was 5 pounds heavier and getting too much fat on my stomach I decided I needed to make some changes before my weight got out of control. (I’m about 5’3 so 5 pounds makes a big difference on my frame!) It’s been about 6 weeks of restricting junk food and exercising 3-4 days a week and I can definitely see I’m going in the right direction.

  64. Aja says:

    You looked stunning, and of course you still do! I can’t believe a whole month has gone by already. Congratulations on even participating! That is a huge accomplishment. I don’t think I could ever do what you did to get to that point.
    I am not at my ideal weight, but it’s also not healthy. I’m anorexic, so body image is a huge issue for me. I’m not as underweight as I used to be, but I’m still underweight.

  65. Janet says:

    Hey Cassie!

    So happy for you for doing your first ever bikini comp! Congratulations on achieving your goal and really attacking it full force, as the photos show! You are an inspiration for so many women out there, including myself 🙂
    I competed in a Figure competition a couple years ago for the first time and can totally relate to the emotions and feelings you’re dealing with post competition. It’s so hard to calm your mind down from that strict thinking of having to eat a certain way or workout a certain amount of hours, etc… I still have trouble reminding myself to be normal and not criticize myself for eating something “off plan,” for example. The program and trainer I went with were very awesome at emphasizing having a healthy lifestyle first, then gradually tweaking nutrition towards competition diet..So I feel greatful for having that basic foundation of making health a lifestyle, just like you seem to have!
    I wish you the best post competition in getting back to life and having a little fun when it comes to eating and doing other things you love that don’t involve chicken and asparagus 😉 hehe.. Best of luck to you. It’s been great to watch your progress and I love love love your workout videos and recipes. Thank you for all you do. Really, you are creating a beautiful community of powerful and strong women here!! YAY!

  66. Dilek says:

    Honestly, you looked amazing 1 month ago, but I think that you look even better now because you got you color back and you look stunning, fit and healthy. I know that the judges gave you feedback on your upper body, but I think that among those girls you were the sexiest. Your body had an aesthetic look to it which the others lacked. Now I know that it was a fitness competition and the more muscle the better, however, I wouldn’t like to see you go to those extremes. I just love, love, LOVE the way you look now.
    I am satisfied with my weight, I am just working to tone up my body. 😀 That’s why I’m doing your videos almost every day and you are right! The harder I work the more results I see. 😀

    Lots of love,

  67. Emily says:

    Cassey, I really feel that it must be said that if a woman is getting to the point where she is grouchy and missing a period or multiple periods, that is EXTREMELY unhealthy. At that point, the woman is doing permanent, irreversible damage to her bones, which can cause early onset osteoporosis. She is also doing permanent damage to her adrenal system, and might find that her metabolism never recovers to a normal point. These are some of the symptoms that come with anorexia, exercise bulimia, and other kinds of over-exertion/excessively restricting one’s diet. It is never ok, not for any period of time, not for an athlete/bikini competitor/ANYONE to miss periods because of how hard she’s training/how much she’s restricting. I think it’s really, really important to make that clear.

    1. Ann says:

      It is actually really common for female athletes to not have period. It is not that they weight too little or are not getting enough nutrition, but that their body fat percentage is lower than what females need in order to have children.

    2. Ann says:

      It is actually really common for female athletes to not have periods. It is not that they weight too little or are not getting enough nutrition, but that their body fat percentage is lower than what females need in order to have children. (Sorry if this posts twice, this website is taking forever to load on my internet.)

    3. Jo says:

      As a medical professional (RN and NP) I agree that loss of menses is a contributor for osteopenia and ultimately osteoporosis. Years ago, I was a former competitive gymnast in my early teens who struggled with the balance of a healthy weight, body image, and health overall. I got down to 8% body fat and stopped menstruating. In class, at practice, my thoughts and actions were consumed with weight. My electrolytes were low and I had stress fractures to my bones. It has taken years to get to the more balanced place I am as an adult and my heart breaks when I see teens in my clinical practice with disordered eating. While Cassie was going through her competition training I honestly had to stop reading because I felt those “unhealthy triggers.” I am very happy to read this post about sustainable lifestyle changes and emphasis in fitness as adding to your life and not having weight control your life.

  68. Molly McCarthy says:

    I haven’t found my natural, balanced, lifestyle yet. I think I’m still kind of in a rut from my previous eating disorder, and trying to find what I really want with my life. I was in this program in high school called Service Learning, and it was an experience of a lifetime. It was incredibly fulfilling, but I think that I was so concerned with helping other people, I lost what I really wanted with myself. I need to do some self discovery and really figure out what I want physically, and what I want emotionally. I think that your videos help me realize what I want without feeling singled out and discouraged by the people around me, And I greatly appreciate it!!!=]

  69. Heather says:

    Your pose is definitely the cutest flaunting those assets. Judging by your recent workouts you look live you’ve maintained pretty well. You are really inspiring. I’m still on my journal to my healthy weight but I actually have thought about working towards something like this after watching your journey! <3

  70. Serendipity says:

    Hey! You did a great job! I have a question for you, because i’m training to get in bikini shape. Which of your legs videos is the best to get smaller thights (especially the inner side)? Hmm maybe it’s a step too far for me, but i mean a kind of victoria’s secret model legs, long and thin. Maybe you can make a video about it, like a MODEL LEG challenge or something? By the way i love your squat challenge! It’s burning, but that’s good haha. Is that also good for smaller inner thights, or just not? I hope you can answer my questions!

    Keep going, i love your videos!

  71. Candice says:

    You still look smashing! SO kudos girl! I used to want to be in a competition like this and then I was prego lol 🙂 so now I am trying to find a balance for my body as a nursing mother – food/working out… it is way harder now! I finally have a workout buddy who has a 4 month baby like me so hopefully we will make each other accountable.

  72. Taylor Ann says:

    I love number 3!!! The combo is so cute and yoga booty shorts are my absolute favorite. They add the best for a work out, sleeping, or just lounging.

  73. Elizabeth says:

    You look(ed) so great Cassey! I was stunned by how good you look in your recent bikini blaster videos. Great job!

    Balance is something I’ve always strived to achieve, especially with my body. Not totally there yet-I think balance is one of the toughest battles in life and once achieved, that is pure happiness (sorry to get so philosophical on you). I think it’s a matter of doing just enough to make you feel good without going overboard and without neglecting yourself. We live by a hierarchy of values and when all are catered to, there is completeness.

    Keep up your awesome work!

  74. Karine says:

    I just wanted to say you look fabulous, at the competition but also after in your videos! Thanks for posting this because I’ve thought for a while that you needed to cut out carbs/fruits/etc in order to stay lean and you just confirm that it’s possible to eat carbs and stay lean, although the abs are kinda harder to get but ah well!… Right now I think I’ve found a balance where I do low carbs 1-2 a week and then I just eat ‘clean’ carbs such as oats, some (!) fruits, ezekiel bread & quinoa mostly. And guess what, I’m still lean! So it seems to be working out 🙂

  75. Elaine Voon says:

    If you ask me, I think you should have won! I think your’s was the best body out there! You have the height and you have the most fantastic figure and your posing really emphasized your beautiful figure!

    Congratulations on achieving your wonderful figure!

  76. Leanne says:

    You’ve done great Cassey! And you have inspired me to maybe do a bikini competition one day 😉 I’ve already looked into it.. who knows..

    At the moment I’m still on my journey to finding my healthy maintenance weight. I’m trying to gain a few pounds of lean muscle mass and I’m trying to incorporate a daily workout routine. You definitely inspire me! I know my previous healthy weight was around 122 pounds, and I’d love to get back to that. I’m 112 lbs at the moment.

    I blog about my weight+health journey on my site 🙂 Everything from anorexia to food allergies to Candida overgrowth to professional dancing and fitness… I’ve lived it all 😉 haha. I’m now trying out different ways to get to a healthy weight by healthy eating and exercise. After my bachelors in Hospitality management I’ve studied to become a nutritionist and I’m now trying to setup an online practice to coach people to become their healthiest selves! I love the health + fitness business and I can’t weight (oops wait ;-)) to continue my own path and helping others to find theirs!

    Love, Leanne (eatandgetmoving.wordpress.com)

  77. poupoune says:

    I can’t believe the yellow bikini won. In the top 5, she wasn’t the best looking to me. She doesn’t even have a waist ! In the comparison picture you look really feminine & sexy whereas the others look like bodybuilder with fake boobs. I don’t understand how the judges could find those plastic dolls better than you.

    I’m really proud of what you accomplished. You look absolutely fabulous, without surgery, only hard work & dedication. That’s a great motivation because if you can look better than the “professional” fitness figures, it means I’m also able to push myself harder & get a leaner figure too. I’ll never compete in a bikini comp’ (hello, I have a serious lack in my upper body. If the judges found you were already lacking, I have 0 chances XD) but I can look good in that bikini on the beach while on vacay.

    I haven’t found balance yet. My student life is pretty messy. There’s days where I can spend 2 hours training & other where I don’t even have 5 min to myself. I haven’t found the right balance in my food yet. But I’m working on it 🙂

    1. Heather says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing about the yellow bikini winning! I’m sure she worked very hard to get her body to look like that, but she definitely didn’t look like the best to me. Not a fan of the fake/body builder look that a lot of the girls had!

    2. Heather says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing about the yellow bikini winning! I’m sure she worked very hard to get her body to look like that, but she definitely didn’t like the best to me. Not a fan of the fake/body builder look that a lot of the girls had!

  78. Liisa says:

    Dear Cassey! thank you so much for sharing your experience! you did so well! personally I wouldnt go to that kind of competition- i dont like comparison and I am not sure i would b able to push myself THAT much,mayb only in workouts but deffo not in food. I like my body and thanks to your blog and your videos i changed my diet and workouts and i can see improvments.My target just to reduce fat %,lose cm and to tone my whole body.Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  79. Sarah says:

    loved this post! You’re pics are amazinggg!!

  80. Mandy says:

    “Life is about enjoying what you do, loving the people around you, and finding happiness. That’s the ultimate goal right?”

    Very inspiring and exactly what I needed to hear for more than just health and fitness 🙂

    You are already a winner in our books, Cassey!!

  81. Becki says:

    These are some awesome pictures!! You did so well, Cassey!:)
    But honestly, i adore the way you look in Bikini Blaster 1,2 and 3. I think you look even better now, a month after the competition.
    You truly own the body of my dreams!
    Keep the videos coming, and i’ll be working my way towards your body. <3

  82. Caroline Frawley says:

    Aw Cassey you really rocked that stage! I don’t know how you weren’t placed! But anyways congratulations, you did so well and you have such a fantastic attitude to the whole experience as you do with life which is why you are so successful now. I take my hat off to you girl!! I too really enjoyed that video recap . I still laugh about ‘Who’s you Terrainnnerrr???’ So funny!
    Well done xx:)

  83. Sarah says:

    Those pictures are awesome!! You should be very proud of yourself. What would you say is the biggest change you made to get ready for the competition? I see a major difference in your muscle tone between the old videos and the new ones. You look good in the old ones, too, but you have become so much leaner since then. I’m stuck at a point where I eat good and I exercise a lot, but I dont lose the fat. I don’t care what the scale says, I only care about the jiggle in places that jiggle should not be!!! It is so frustrating

  84. Liz from Belgium says:

    Interesting to hear about your experience from the bikini competition! I also loved it when you talked about it during the Bikini Booty Thong Workout – I needed the distraction btw, that video is a really hard one for me 😉
    (The “Who’s your trainer” anecdote is hilarious!)

    A bikini comp is nothing for me. My natural build is just not made for it, plus I wouldn’t like being judged on my looks, being compared to other people (my body image is a very sensitive thing, I had anorexia for about 10 years, but am mostly recovered now, phew).
    As for finding a natural, balanced an healthy weight, on paper I have it, but it doesn’t feel like that (like I said, the body image issue), which is the reason why I’m so happy I found your videos. It’s not my number 1 aim to lose weight, just to feel more comfortable with my body by working out. Thus far I think I’ve progressed a teeny tiny bit in that department (thank you!), but still, I have a long way to go…

    1. poupoune says:

      Ho hello ! I’m from Belgium too 🙂 Glad to know I’m not the only one doing pilates with Cassey 🙂

      1. Liz from Belgium says:

        Cool! 🙂

        1. Ana says:

          One more from Belgium 🙂

          1. Liz from Belgium says:

            That makes four! 🙂

    2. Vanessa says:

      Greetings from another Belgian POPster 🙂

      1. Liz from Belgium says:

        Yay, that makes three 🙂

  85. Anna says:

    What do mean”upper body?” As in muscles or bigger breasts? You look amazing! If you did a show in

  86. Anna says:

    What do mean”upper body?” As in muscles or bigger breasts? You look amazing! If you did a show in

  87. Vivien says:

    Sassy Cassey! You flaunted your assets so well and with so much pizazz! I don’t think I could ever be brave enough to enter a competition!
    Haha nooo I am definitely not at my prime weight. I’ve put on some winter weight.. And ugh my mum makes some goddamn good food!

  88. Anna says:

    What do mean”upper body?” As in muscles or bigger breasts? You look amazing!

    1. Kelsey says:

      By who won, I would definitely say the boobies. Cassey’s arms were more toned than the model I saw win the entire beach bod category. Which is ridiculous, because the winners had obviously fake bolt-ons and are NOT flattering (they dont look natural at all). These people work so hard on perfecting their natural form, it seems especially wrong to paste something artificial onto a lean body that is a combo of the person’s natural body plus lots of hard work. Then why not reward people with muscle implants for the same thing? I also dont like the element of having an orangey tan to make you look your best. People’s natural variety of skin tones is wonderful and beautiful and non-orangey flesh should be welcomed on a perfect beach bod.

      Sorry if my post was too negative for this blog/thread, but after seeing several pics of the competition and the winners (those with lotsa sillicon assistance) its very aggravating and is one element of many proporting wrong ideas about what makes a body beautiful.